February 2011 Louisiana Mayhaw Association Do you hear that Melody? Mayhaw’s are playing a new tune! Message from the President Hello Mayhaw Friends! First of all, I would like to thank all the members of the Louisiana Mayhaw Association for helping to make this past year a successful one. This is a wonderful organization with many opportunities to gain knowledge, share knowledge, and develop new friendships with some amazing people and just think of all the new recipes we get to taste every year. I feel like Mayhaw jelly will be as big as the old Hula Hoop fad one day, but will last a lot longer and we’re working towards that now (aren’t we?). With returning members, we keep the “Mayhaw” melody playing and with new members we can even dance a new step or two as we grow the Mayhaw industry together. I want to personally thank the fabulous group of people from LSU Agcenter and some who are even retired but still find the time to contribute. The vast amount of knowledge, experience, training and support that the LSU AgCenter gives to our organization is priceless! My personal goal for 2011 is to build our membership, but this cannot be done alone, I challenge each of you to join me in recruitment efforts. We welcome Mayhaw growers from all states and growers with one tree or a large orchard! Invite folks to join who enjoy Mayhaw jelly, ice cream, pies, cakes, wine or any other mayhaw product. Please keep in mind that the board and I are always looking for a few good members (or several, actually) that are willing to serve on our committees. Committee involvement is a great opportunity for personal growth and development. Much time and energy has been exerted over the last 15 years from many members who have served as board members, officers and committee members. Those efforts will not be wasted if we can continue to look for members who are willing to serve, so come join us at our next board meeting which has been set for this month. Please plan on joining us on February 19th at 9:30 AM at Grant Fruit Processing. This board meeting will be on a Saturday so that everyone may attend. I hope to see you there! Growers from Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida met for our th 15 Annual Mayhaw Conference and Field Day at the Woodmen of the World Lodge in Dry Prong, LA on Saturday, April 10, 2010. Enclosed you will find highlights, cooking contest results and pictures from last year’s Conference. Thanks to Shirley Lord we have lots of pictures! We plan on posting all the pictures as we collect them on to our webpage and face book page. Continue on page 2 Board of Directors: 2010 – 2011 Officers: President Paul McLaughlin curlymc777@gmail.com Vice President James Eaves jeaves010@yahoo.com Secretary John McLure McLure@bayou.com Treasurer Arnold Baham abaham@aol.com 2010 – 2011 Board Members: Bill Jackson jfarms@eastex.net Johnny Smith ssnare27@hughes.net Bubba Hoggatt hoggatt8@hotmail.com Spec Sherrill Charlie Hutchins charles.hutchins@yahoo.com Don Lord mayhaw@bellsouth.net Newsletter Editor/Designer: Jackie Harville jackieharville@gmail.com Louisiana Mayhaw Association Page 2 Continue…….Message from the President Our board meeting was held at Grant Fruit Processing in Pollock, LA on September 24, 2010 and you can also find the minutes of the meeting on our website. After the meeting some of us went to visit with Elmer Langston at his home. I was happy to find him alert and still his feisty self that day but our good friend has gone on to greener pastures on Oct. 24 to be with the Lord. He will be missed by so many as he was one of the pioneers of the LMA and contributed so much in its advancement. We want to (LMA Members at the 2010 Mayhaw keep him and his family in our prayers and also Marie Iverson who had Conference and Field Day) surgery in Sept. and is back home in Baton Rouge under going chemo. “Invite a friend” We have already started planning for our 16th Annual Mayhaw Conference, and it will be held at Dry Prong again on April 16th. I sent April 16, 2011 Dora Hatch everyone’s address so she could get the word out about the 16th Annual Mayhaw Market Maker LSU is sponsoring with a grant from Mississippi State, I Conference and Field Day hope it makes a difference with selling our berries and she has agreed to speak this year at the conference. Also speaking this year will be Ron Couch, editor of Rare Fruit Growers magazine and a very knowledgeable man. The board was very impressed with him. Mark your calendar, invite a friend or two and make your plans to attend our 16th Annual Mayhaw Conference and Field Day in April. I look forward to seeing you there. Paul McLaughlin (pictured above) The Mayhaw Grower Panel, L-R Bubba Hoggatt, Bill Jackson, Billy Craft and Elmer Langston is called to order by moderator Dr. John Pyzner and answered a lot of tough questions from the audience who claimed they really learned a lot last year from the discussion and wanted to do it again. Don Lord-center holding awards– and Paul McLaughlin -right- present past presidents awards to Charlie Hutchins-left-and Spec Sherrill center. We thought that some of you may enjoy a current update for Marie Iverson. She is on Chemo treatment number 7 with the normal side affects. No. 6 was fairly uneventful. She has neuropathy in legs and hands, dry mouth and TIREDNESS. Her latest Lab work on Jan. 31st was normal, so that is a plus. Please keep her in your prayers. Hang in there Marie!! Past President Award MINUTES OF THE LOUISIANA MAYHAW ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 24, 2010 AT GRANT FRUIT PROCESSING, POLLOCK, LOUISIANA IN ATTENDANCE: Paul McLaughlin, Don Lord, Charles Hutchins, Bubba Hoggatt, and Arnold Baham 1. The meeting was opened and called to order by President, Paul McLaughlin, at 10:35 am. Prayer was offered by Don Lord. 2. Paul McLaughlin welcomed the following guests to the meeting: Ron Couch, Editor of “California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc., Nelda Hutchins, CFO of Grant Fruit Processing, and Rhonda Rudder, Botanist and Environmentalist from El Dorado, Arkansas. 3. The group was asked to remember in prayer two long term friends of the Louisiana Mayhaw Association, Mrs. Marie Iverson, who recently underwent surgery and is awaiting lab results, and Mr. Elmer Langston, who is now receiving around the clock nursing care. 4. Mrs. Nelda Hutchins reported to the Board that a State agency is financing an interview at Grant Fruit Processing next week which shall be published soon in a Louisiana magazine to counteract negative publicity about the oil spill. There will also be a segment filmed at Grant Fruit Processing in the near future and aired on the Louisiana Farm Bureau Saturday program statewide. 5. Mr. Charlie Hutchins stated that he expected increased sales of mayhaw juice to Southern Jelly producers. A quart of mayhaw concentrate will be donated to a Hot Springs, Arkansas ice cream shop called “Scoops” for a trail run. Mr. Hutchins will provide the concentrate. He discussed the use of mayhaw pulp. 6. Mr. Ron Couch reported a resurgence of interest by the American public in gardening, fruit production, and home canning, due in part to the declining economy. He recommended two books from the Chicago area: “Jam Lady Cookbook” and “Pickles to Relish.” Mr. Couch expressed an interest in creating a detailed article about mayhaws and the mayhaw industry by next spring. Board Members offered to provide the resources he may need, including unaltered digital photo graphics. 7. Mr. Paul McLaughlin asked for Volunteers to accompany him to Camp Grant Walker in the afternoon to view the new facility there. 8. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Arnold Baham distributed copies of the accounts report. He stated the money earned at the last annual conference had created a larger balance to work with towards the next conference. 9. There being no other business, motion was made, seconded, passed and the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted……… John McLure, Secretary In Memory of Elmer Carl Langston October 21, 1927— October 24, 2010 Elmer was a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Pollock, where he was an Adult Men's Sunday school teacher and a R.A. leader for many years. He was a Master Mason of Forest Hill Lodge #254. He served in the U.S. Navy. He also served as Vice President of the Louisiana Mayhaw Association for several years and founded the Springhill Development Company and was a former co-owner of the Springhill Jelly Company. He owned and operated Little Eden Vineyard in Pollock, a pulp wood hauler for many years and a retired sheet Metal Worker Local #361. Page 4 Highlights from LMA’s 2010 Conference and Field Day OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD Presented to…….. Leonida Altazan-Brown Dr. John Pyzner Jane Jones Jam and Butters 1st Place Marilyn Lyles Any Other Dessert 1st Place Marilyn Lyle Mayhaw Pie Syrup 1st Place Marilyn Lyles 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place Mayhaw Jelly Division Linda Hoggatt (Red) Susan Wilson (Red) Johnny Sanders (Green) Marilyn Lyles (without pectin) Linda Hoggatt (Golden) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Any Other Mayhaw Product 1st Place Johnny Sanders Mayhaw Wine Jelly 2nd Place Marilyn Lyles Mayhaw Dip Punch & Other Beverages 1st Place Johnny Sanders Mayhaw Wine Cake Marilyn Lyles Mayhaw Nectar Johnny Sanders Mayhaw Cajun Cake Irene Jackson Mayhaw Coconut Supreme 1st Place 2nd Place Other Baked Product Johnny Sanders Pecan Tarts Marilyn Lyles Bread Pudding w/ Mayhaw Butter Wh at a t ea w r G ha y ! Ma nch Bu Page 5 Louisiana Mayhaw Association Newsletter Page 6 LOUISIANA MAYHAW COOKING CONTEST Woodmen of the World 3232 Dyson Creek Road, Dry Prong, LA 71423 April 16, 2011 Registration 8:15-9:00 AM RULES FOR CONTEST Purpose To promote and expand the use of mayhaws. Sponsors The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service (LCES), LSU Agricultural Center and the Louisiana Mayhaw Association, Inc. Eligibility All interested persons are invited to participate. If you have a disability which requires special assistance, please contact Quincy Cheek at (318) 767-3966, or qcheek@agcenter.lsu.edu at least two days prior to the contest. Divisions 1. Cakes 2. Other Baking Products 3. Punch and Beverages 4. Jelly 5. 6. 7. 8. Jams and Butters Syrups Any Other Mayhaw Product Any Other Mayhaw Dessert Food Safety Perishable foods, such as meat dishes or dishes containing cream must be prepared and chilled to refrigerator temperature and transported on ice in an ice chest to the contest. Perishable foods not transported in this manner will be disqualified by contest officials. General Requirements 1. No commercial products will be allowed. 2. Every product must contain a minimum of 1 cup of Mayhaw juice, pulp or syrup. 3. Bring two copies of the recipe, one with your name and one without your name, to the contest. Recipes may be used in publicity and printed in publication by the Louisiana Mayhaw Association and the LCES, LSU Agricultural Center. 4. Products must be entered before 9:00 AM on April 10 at the Louisiana Mayhaw Conference center facility. 5. The product will be judged on both taste and appearance. Awards The first place winner in each division will receive a blue ribbon and a gift card. An overall “Best of Show” plaque will be presented to an outstanding dish chosen by the judges. For more information contact Quincy Cheek at (318) 767-3966 or qcheek@agcenter.lsu.edu. Page 7 Louisiana Mayhaw Association REGISTRATION FORM 16th Annual Mayhaw Conference and Field Day Saturday, April 16, 2011 Woodmen of the World Lodge 3232 Dyson Creek Road Dry Prong, LA 71423 Registration Fee including Lunch: A. Members - $25.00 ($15.00 Membership Dues for 2011 and $10.00 Lunch) B. Member's Spouse - $10.00 C. Non-Member - $15.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : LOUISIANA MAYHAW ASSOCIATION MAIL REGISTRATION FEE & FORM TO: LOUISIANA MAYHAW ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 382 JACKSON, LA 70748 Return check and registration form by March 30, 2011 --------------------------------------------cut here and return bottom portion---------------------------------------- Please PRINT PLAINLY Name:_______________________________ Guest or Spouse ____________________________ Address:_____________________________ _____________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________ _____________________________ Business Name:_______________________ _____________________________ Email Address:________________________ _____________________________ Amount Enclosed:_____________________ Please check one: _____Attending Only _____ _____Will Donate_____Door Prizes If you have a disability which requires special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Association Website Facilitator at 225-921-5775 or send email to mayhaw@bellsouth.net. Email: office@mayhaw.org Visit us at: www.mayhaw.org REGION MAP Louisiana Mayhaw Association, Inc P.O. Box 382 Jackson, LA 70748 "We Welcome Mayhaw Growers from all States"
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