Scaling Innovations Peter A Singer Chief Executive Officer @PeterASinger • Funded by Government of Canada $235M. • 700 innovations implemented in 70 countries • In Canada, 230 innovations totaling $42.3 M • 2/3 of funds to developing world; 43% women. • 3.7 M beneficiaries reached, 137,000 lives improved, 8,700 lives saved, 8,000 jobs created / livelihoods improved 2 The Scaling Ladder is missing some rungs! OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM From Bold Ideas to Big Impact: TTS investments are central to achieving impact 4 Scaling thru public health systems. CHX reached 1.2 M newborns in Nepal saving 7,500 lives. Scaling thru social enterprise. Lucky Iron Fish reduces iron deficiency in Cambodia. To date, 11,000 LIF sold providing source of iron to ~ 50,000 people Scaling thru small companies with angel investors. LGT Medical’s phone oximeter ~ potential to reduce by 30% mortality from pneumonia & preeclampsia. Scaling thru large companies & shared value. Odón Device potential to save 200,000 lives / year in Africa OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM From Bold Ideas to Big Impact: TTS investments are central to achieving impact 9 From Stars in Global Health to Transition to Scale Of the 170 projects, 86 have submitted LOIs to date and 12 (7%) have transitioned to scale to date through GCC and 16 (9%) have transitioned to scale through other channels. 7% 9% GCC Other Channels Not scaled to date 84% 10 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM Pipeline sources for the Transition to Scale Program 12 (43%) Stars in Global Health Targeted Challenges 12 (43%) Strategic Partnerships / Canada Direct Entry Program 4 (14%) Of 170 Stars in Global Health, 12 (7%) received funding through the Transition to Scale program. 11 Health Impact Estimated and actual health outcomes (lives saved / lives improved) and beneficiaries with access Social Enterprise Funding Cycle Lives saved (E) Lives improved (E) Access (E) Lives saved (A) Lives improved (A) Access (A) iDE LionsGate MEDA Chipcare ZanaAfrica International Water Management Institute Vision Spring Lucky Iron Fish SOIL Haiti Guyana Help the Kids Weltel Biofilcom Limited Ifakara Health Institute Saving Mothers McGill University Next Gen U International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Jana Care Monash University Basic Needs Makerere Mobile Creches Changamka Leg Works World Wide Hearing Espoir pour la Santé / Aquaculture pour la Santé AYZH HIVSmart >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 >6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 0 0 110 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 430 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,639 300 5,479 498,000 0 20,000 0 150,000 N/A 815,011 21,150 2,025 0 29,765 N/A N/A 300 N/A 0 N/A 10,000 0 5,475 0 5,000 0 4,000 960 625 0 1,500 1,563,811 600,000 0 20,000 0 150,000 N/A 1,630,022 22,500 7,500 14,500 29,765 N/A N/A 300 N/A 0 N/A 10,000 0 7,500 0 5,000 0 4,000 8,960 625 1,855,556 1,500 4,367,728 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,812 0 0 0 3,869 N/A 10,399 23,782 1,485 0 0 13,280 0 0 0 0 0 44,352 0 0 0 5,300 N/A 32,335 25,300 2,250 11,600 0 16,000 500 261 0 0 0 80 89,627 137,898 E = Estimates on lives saved / improved as reported by innovators; A = Actuals reported to-date either through direct measurement or imputation. N/A = info not available. Closed / terminated funding Less than 6 months of funding; and not yet reporting. 12 Ranking Investments by Entrepreneurship and Financial Return on Investment (ROI) Social Enterprise Jana Care iDE Monash University LionsGate MEDA Basic Needs Chipcare Makerere Mobile Creches ZanaAfrica International Water Management Institute Changamka Leg Works Vision Spring World Wide Hearing Lucky Iron Fish Entrepreneur and Financial Espoir pour la Santé / Aquaculture pour la Santé ROI SOIL Haiti Guyana Help the Kids # $ AYZH Most 14% 21% HIVSmart Promise Weltel Biofilcom Limited Potential 70% Ifakara Health Institute 64% Promise Saving Mothers McGill University Major 22% 9% Next Gen U Challenge International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology $23,805,000 28 investments Integrated Innovation Mgmt Team Smart Partner High High High High High High High High High Med Med Med High High High Med High Med Med High High High High Med High Med Med Med Med Med Med Med High Med Med Med Med Med Low Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Low Low Low Low Low Low Med Med Med Med Med Med Low Low Low Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Med Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Entrepreneur and Financial ROI Most promising Most promising Most promising Most promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Potentially promising Major challenges to be resolved Major challenges to be resolved Major challenges to be resolved Major challenges to be resolved Major challenges to be resolved Major challenges to be resolved Most promising (most likely to scale) Potentially promising (recently funded / requires more time) Major challenges to resolve (unlikely to scale) NB: Entrepreneur and Financial ROI: Assessment based on a qualitative assessment of integrated innovation, management team and Smart Partners. This assessment assumes that health outcomes and return on investment are otherwise equal. 13 Investee Legal Status For profits receive over half of funding and make up one third of transactions (36%) Non Profit $11,705,000 18 deals 64% For Profit $12,100,000 10 deals 36% 14 Funding Type Debt, $1,500,000 7% Grant / Convertible Debt, $2,000,000 4% Convertible Debt, $2,100,000 7% Grant / Debt, $4,500,000 11% Grant / Repayable, $2,000,000 7% Grant, $11,705,000 64% 15 Every Woman Every Child Innovation Marketplace Five years ago there was an inadequate pipeline of early innovations. Today, a robust pipeline exists, but only a few of these early innovations are transitioning to scale. Pipeline A key gap is the lack of a smooth pathway for innovations to scale. Purpose of the Innovation Marketplace is to turn the trickle of innovations transitioning to scale into a torrent to increase the overall impact of innovation. Investment Curation Brokering Lessons learned Integrated innovation – combining S&T, social, business, financial innovation needed for sustainability and scale VC principles – fund big pipeline of proof of concept and only most compelling transition to scale. Proof of concept: ‘Is this a cool idea.’ Transition to scale: ‘Is this an entrepreneur who can succeed?’ Scaling models – public and private sector must work together to achieve scale Embrace failure – you cannot innovate w/o failure. But failures should be fast, inexpensive and you should learn from them Partnerships key – smart partners w resources + experience/skills needed for scaling Focus on results – measure the results you care about (e.g. saving and improving lives) on the beneficiaries (e.g. women & children) you care about Potential for reverse innovation Canada can have a significant role in global health innovation 17 18 Nothing can be accomplished without a great team (board, partners & funders)
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