Intra-Union Trade of Porcine Semen
Intra-Union Trade of Porcine Semen
Notes for Guidance of the Certifying Veterinarians
and Exporters
March 2015
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Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Key Documents .................................................................................................................... 1
Scope.................................................................................................................................... 1
Provision of Council Directive 90/429/EEC (as amended) .................................................... 1
Consignment ......................................................................................................................... 1
Certification ........................................................................................................................... 1
Part II of the ITAHC............................................................................................................... 1
Signatories and Conflict of Interest ....................................................................................... 1
Cancellation or Changes to the Consignment Details following Certification ........................ 2
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Key Documents
The following key documents must be read and understood prior to completing and
signing the Intra-trade Animal Health Certificate for porcine semen.
Porcine–Semen–NFG - this document
This Intra trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC) must be used for porcine semen for
export to another Member State.
Provision of Council Directive 90/429/EEC (as
Part I refers; to enable certification in respect of Part II, the Official Veterinarian must be
conversant with the provisions of Council Directive 90/429/EEC (as amended).
A separate certificate must be issued for each consignment of semen.
The original of the certificate must accompany the consignment to the final place of
Part II of the ITAHC
In respect of serological testing for Aujeszky’s disease, compliance with Council Directive
90/429/EEC may be certified if the boars have been tested, with negative results in each
case, using either the serum neutralisation test, gE(g1), gB or gD ELISA.
Signatories and Conflict of Interest
In relation to export certification of semen, there may be circumstances where it is not
appropriate for the Authorised/Approved Veterinary Surgeon (AVS) for the AI Centre to
sign the final export certificate because of potential conflict of interest.
The format of TRACES model certificates does not allow for countersignature. In order
to resolve this issue, there are two alternative methods of certification, a) and b) below,
depending on whether or not any conflict of interest is deemed to exist:
a) Direct certification by AVS for Centre acting as an Official Veterinarian:
In cases where, with the agreement of Animal and Plant Health (APHA), Centre for
International Trade (CIT) Exports, Carlisle it has been deemed there is no
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
unmanageable conflict of interest preventing the AVS from certifying the consignment
directly, the final ITAHC certificate will be issued directly to the AVS for completion
provided that the AVS also holds an Official Veterinarian appointment for Panel
1n. In these cases, the AVS will sign the final ITAHC in their capacity as an Official
Veterinarian. The AVS must have previously submitted a satisfactory “conflict of
interest declaration” to CIT Exports, Carlisle.
b) Final certification by independent Official Veterinarian;
In cases where there may be a conflict of interest for the AVS, the final ITAHC must be
certified by an independent Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed to Panel 1N. The
Official Veterinarian (OV) must not have a conflict of interest.
Cancellation or Changes to the Consignment Details
following Certification
Any amendments to Part I of the ITAHC, e.g. changes in identification numbers of
animals in the consignment, must be clearly indicated so that the necessary changes
can be made by CIT Exports, Carlisle before electronic validation.
If the consignment is
 cancelled, or
 its date/time of departure has changed significantly, or
 a different vehicle is used, or
 amendments to identification of the consignment
the exporter must notify CIT Exports, Carlisle by email or fax, giving details of changes
so that a replacement TRACES message can be sent.