A chapter of the American Institute of Architects Monthly Communiqué CHAPTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS APRIL 2015 Unless otherwise noted, programs and events will be held at the AIA Connecticut offices. Please register online at www.aiact.org for a confirmed registration and where you can also find directions or updates, or use the registration form on the back. ZERO NET ENERGY HOMES: A WORKSHOP Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8:15 am-4:00 pm Registration and light breakfast, 8:15-8:45 am; Lunch served 6.5 HSW hours (please consider for IDP) Sponsored by Energize CT, United Illuminating and Connecticut Light and Power and Menck Windows Zero net energy buildings are no longer a rarity. Marc Rosenbaum P.E. has helped clients all around the northeast reach this objective and shares his experience of living in a Deep Energy Retrofit that is a net energy exporter. Learn the practical methods and get key insights on how to design and build a zero net energy home. The program will cover: How residential energy use breaks down among thermal, hot water, and miscellaneous electrical loads. Key aspects of the thermal envelope leading to a ZNE home. Key considerations in selecting mechanical systems to serve these low load homes. Key aspects of a solar electric system Formerly of Energysmiths, Marc Rosenbaum, P.E. works with South Mountain Company, Martha's Vineyard, a firm specializing in design/build, interiors, and energy. A well-known consultant on zero energy buildings, Passive Houses, Deep Energy Retrofits, and other projects that aim to stretch far beyond typical green buildings, Marc is the recipient of the 2009 NESEA Distinguished Service Award, a founding board member of the Passivehouse Institute of the U.S., and a Certified Passive House Consultant. A.R.E. REVIEW SERIES LECTURE Thursday, April 23, 2015; 5:30-9:00 pm; Supper served 3 CE hours Building Design & Construction Systems Part II: Materials & Technology with Richard Connell, AIA . THE WORLD OF DIMENSIONAL STONE Friday, May 8, 2015; 12:30-1:30 pm; Lunch served 1 CE hour (please consider for IDP) A Lunchtime Learning Program Chris Barnaby from Julian Enterprises will present a program that covers: the features and benefits of the different types of Dimensional Stone; the different processing techniques-from the quarry to the job site; the “best practices” methods of installation; and the most up to date information when creating your architectural specification. No charge for AIA members who preregister. There is a $15 charge for no-shows & walk-ins. AIA Connecticut does not endorse any product lines. THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE: CHAPTER 6 Wednesday, May 13, 2015; 1:00-4:00 pm, Registration, 12:45 pm 3 HSW hours (please consider for IDP) Sponsored by the AIA Connecticut Building Performance and Regulations Committee In this continuation of his January 22, 2015 program, Greg Grew, AIA will discuss Chapter 6 of the 2009 and 2012 International Residential Code, with emphasis on requirements for wall bracing, including selecting braced wall lines, selecting types of bracing, determining required length of bracing, and working out the construction details. AIA Connecticut Chapter Programs & Events, April 2015 AIA CONNECTICUT ROUNDTABLES / COMMITTEE PROGRAMS AIA Connecticut Members Only. There is no charge for these programs, however, registration is requested. Unless otherwise noted, meetings with speakers will earn attendees 1 CE hour. SMALL FIRMS ROUNDTABLE Sponsored by A.W. Hastings/Marvin Windows & Doors and Ring’s End Lumber Wednesday, May 13, 2015; 4:00-5:30 pm Topic: Historic Projects with Moderator Lee Levey, AIA. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ROUNDTABLE Wednesday, May 27 2015; 4:30-6:00 pm Topic: Insurance for Firms AIA CONNECTICUT OUTING Tuesday, May 19, 2015 The Farms Country Club, 180 Cheshire Road, Wallingford, CT AIA Connecticut invites you to a day of GOLF or half-day of TENNIS or half-day of CROQUET. Golf: 11:00 am, Registration 12:00 Noon, Shotgun start Includes lunch, beverages and reception. Tennis: 1:45 pm, Registration 2:00 pm, Play commences Includes beverages, snacks and reception. Contests and Prizes Croquet: 1:45 pm, Registration 2:00 pm, Play commences Includes beverages, snacks and reception. Please wear a festive hat! Awards Reception—5:00 pm AIA CONNECTICUT 2015 AWARDS PROGRAMS Entry forms, when available, may be found on the AIA Connecticut website under Awards on the specific award page. Business Architecture Awards Entry deadline: March 6 (Closed) Submission deadline: March 30 Jury day: April 10 Alice Washburn Awards Entry deadline: April 6 Submission deadline: April 27 Jury day: May 1 Emerging Architect Award Nomination deadline: May 4 Jury day: June 11 Public Service Award Nomination deadline: May 22 Jury day: July 16 AIA Connecticut Design and People’s Choice Awards Entry deadline, both programs: July 27 Submission deadline, Design: September 10 Submission deadline, People’s Choice: August 28 Jury day, Design: September 22 Online voting, People’s Choice: September 14-28 AIA New England Design and People’s Choice Awards Entry deadline, both programs: September 11 Submission deadline, Design: October 1 Submission deadline, People’s Choice: September 25 Online voting, People’s Choice: October 5-16 Jury day: October 14; Dinner: October 30 Emerging Architectural Firm Award Nomination deadline: September 18 Submission deadline: October 26, Jury day: November 12 AIA Connecticut Chapter Programs & Events, April 2015 DESIGNING, DETAILING AND CONSTRUCTING RAIN SCREEN WALL SYSTEMS Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:00 am-2:30 pm; Registration and Exhibitors, 10: 30 am; Lunch served 3 HSW hours (please consider for IDP) Sponsored by AIA Continuing Education, International Masonry Institute, Mason Contractors Association of Connecticut, Connecticut Trowel Trades, Ceramic Tile Contractors Association of Connecticut and the three exhibiting sponsors: Bostik, Inc., Stony Creek Quarry, and ProSpec LLC. In this program, Rick Filloramo, Area Director of Market Development and Technical Services for the International Masonry Institute (IMI) New England Region - Connecticut Office, will discuss: Why rain screen wall systems (ventilated facades) have become popular building enclosures to fulfill contemporary architectural design parameters. The building science and evolution of wall theory from mass walls to drainage and cavity walls and pressurized and non-pressurized rain screen wall systems. Building codes, basic rain screen history and principals, details, various light gauge sub-frame systems, moisture control, energy efficiency, construction guidelines, installation techniques, sustainability and completed project examples. Rain screen claddings such as terra cotta, thin stone, porcelain stone, masonry units, calcium silicate, glass fiber reinforced concrete, composites, laminates and others. Rain Screen project examples such as the Waterbury Career Academy, UCONN Basketball Practice Building, Quinebaug Valley Community College Middle High School, Sacred Heart University Student Center, Annie Fisher School, URI Wellness Center, Bryant University Chapel, and Hawthorn Mall. RESIDENTIAL STEAM SHOWERS: BENEFITS, SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN Friday, June 5, 2015 12:30-1:30 pm; Lunch served 1 CE hour (please consider for IDP) A Lunchtime Learning Program Sponsored by Torrco and Presented by Fred Fedewa, National Training Manager, Steamist Fred has over 16 years of experience as a National Training Manager in the plumbing industry, training specialists in the design, specification and installation of custom shower systems. A program to help answer client questions about the health and welfare benefits and water conservation savings of a residential steam shower. The program will describe bathroom/shower design trends in light of the trend in today’s bathroom design is to create a spa environment. It will describe the elements of steam shower design and show how to calculate the water savings of a steam shower, given the number of shower outlets or tub size. No charge for AIA members who preregister. There is a $15 charge for no-shows & walk-ins. AIA Connecticut does not endorse any product lines. COASTAL DAY Thursday, June 25, 2015 5 HSW hours (please consider for IDP Sponsored by Shade and Shutters, SmartVent, and The Henry Company < SAVE THE DATE > With Jim DeStefano, AIA, PE, DeStefano and Chamberlain, Inc.; Alex Felson, Yale University Schools of Architecture and Forestry; Brian Golembiewski, Office of Long Island Sound Programs, Connecticut State Department of Energy and the Environment; John Roberge, PE, Roberge Associates Coastal Engineers, LLC; and Adam Whelchel, the Nature Conservancy. Topics: FEMA Regulations for Flood Resistant Construction; the Living Shoreline Concept; Shore Protection and Modifications in the Context of Coastal Flooding; Permitting on the Coastline; and the Role of Architects in New Design for Coastal Projects. Registration Please duplicate this form for each individual registrant. AIA membership is individual specific. Registration obligates you to payment and should be prepaid; there is a $15 fee for invoicing and/or walk-ins. For confirmed registration, please register online at www.aiact.org. For refunds, notify AIA Connecticut 48 hours beforehand. For Lunch and Learning programs, if you do not cancel beforehand, there is a $15 charge. You may contact AIA Connecticut to find other members attending events for which you are registered so that you may arrange carpooling. I would like to register for the following programs/events (check all that apply): $ Amount ZERO NET ENERGY HOMES: A WORKSHOP; APRIL 21, 2015 $118 AIA, Sr. Assoc. AIA, Affiliate, or allied organization member; $50 Associate AIA member; $225 non-member; NC Season Ticket Holder $_______ A.R.E. REVIEW SERIES LECTURE; APRIL 23, 2015 $55 AIA, Sr. Associate AIA or Associate AIA member; $110 non-member $_______ THE WORLD OF DIMENSIONAL STONE; MAY 8, 2015 No charge for AIA member; $15 non-member $_______ THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE: CHAPTER 6; MAY 13, 2015 $65 AIA, Sr. Assoc. AIA, Affiliate, or allied organization member; $30 Associate AIA member; $130 non-member; NC Season Ticket Holder $_______ SMALL FIRMS ROUNDTABLE; MAY 13, 2015 AIA Connecticut members only $ NA AIA CONNECTICUT OUTING; MAY 19, 2015 Golf—single golfer @ $200; place me in a foursome. Golf—single golfer @ $200; I am in a foursome including the following players: $_______ $_______ (1)____________________________________ (2)__________________________________ (3)____________________________________ Golf Foursome—I would like to register the following golfers as a foursome @ $800 $_______ (1)____________________________________ (2)__________________________________ (3)____________________________________ (4)__________________________________ Golf Hole Sponsorship (registered foursome required) @ $100 Signage name:____________________________________________________________________________ Tennis—single player @ $50 Croquet—single player @ $50 Reception Only @ $50 per person $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ROUNDTABLE; MAY 27, 2015 AIA Connecticut members only $ NA DESIGNING, DETAILING AND CONSTRUCTING RAIN SCREEN WALL SYSTEMS; MAY 27, 2015 $30 AIA, Sr. Assoc. AIA, Affiliate, or allied organization member; $15 Associate AIA member; $60 non-member; NC Season Ticket Holder $_______ RESIDENTIAL STEAM SHOWERS: BENEFITS, SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN; JUNE 5, 2015 No charge for AIA member; $15 non-member $_______ TOTAL AMOUNT $_______ Name___________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________ Firm____________________________________________________________ Email___________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________ Are you an AIA Connecticut member? Yes / No (circle one) AIA member #: _________________________________ If applicable, name of Allied Organization: ___________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT: Check made payable to AIA Connecticut is enclosed. Charge to Amex, VISA or Master Card #_____________________________________ Expiration date (Mo/Yr) ____/____ Security Code:______ Cardholder Name/Address/Zip ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN TO: AIA Connecticut, 370 James Street Suite 402, New Haven, CT 06513, 203-865-2195, F: 203-562-5378, E: pobrien@aiact.org.
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