Entries may be sent by Draft/Cheque favoring : “KANCHI CHESS ACADEMY” payable at Kanchipuram to: G. NITHYANANDAM, Secretary, KCA, 61/20, Villakkadi Koil Street, Kanchipuram Cell: 9842396332, 9444389832, 7092721978 E-Mail: kanchichessacademy@gmail.com Players also can deposit / NEFT the Entry Fee at the following bank A/c and confirm by E-mail/SMS and bring the challan (Proof of Payment) to the venue Account Name : Bank : Branch : Account No. : Account Type : IFSC CODE : KANCHI CHESS ACADEMY Andhra Bank Kanchipuram 248910100004562 Savings Account ANDB0002489 Entries can also be paid VIA : www.paychessentry.com Lodges near 1. Hotel Tamil Nadu 2. GRT Regency 3. M.M.Hotels 4. Hotel Baboo Soorya 5. Hotal Jaybala 6. Sree Sakthi Residency 7. Hotel Silk City 8. Rajam Lodge 9. Sri Rama Lodge 10. Rajas Lodge 11. K.M. Lodge 12. Hotel Simal Residency 13. AKG Lodging 14. S.S.K. Inn 15. Heritage Inn 16. Hotel Ramco Residency 17. Hotel Hari Residency - by Venue: 044-27222553 044-27225250 044-27227250 044-27222555 044-27224348 044-27233799 044-27227573 044-47201022 044-27222435 044-27222603 Cell: 9502211144 044-27223342 Cell: 9842880019 044-67274433 044-27227817 044-27230314 044-27221322 (AICF APPROVAL: 113984/TN/2015 TNSCA APPROVAL NO. R06/15-16) ORGANISED BY (Affiliated To Kanchipuram District Chess Association) Under the AEGIS OF AICF, TNSCA & KDCA From 12th to 16th August 2015 at Venue : Sri Rajeswari Hall Cultural Centre, Villakkadi Koil Street, Kanchipuram. Prize Money : 1,20,000/1st Rs. 30,000/- 2nd Rs. 20,000/- 3rd Rs. 15,000/4th Rs. 10,000/- 5th Rs. 7,000/- 6th Rs. 5,000/- 7th Rs. 4,000/- 9th Rs. 2,000/- 8th Rs. 2,500/- 10th - 15th Rs. 1,500/- 16th - 20th Rs. 1,000/- Best Women 1st Rs. 1,500/-, 2nd Rs. 1,000/-, 3rd Rs. 1,000/Best Unrated 1st Rs. 1,500/-, 2nd Rs. 1,000/-, 3rd Rs. 1,000/Best Veteran 1st Rs. 1,500/-, 2nd Rs. 1,000/-, 3rd Rs. 1,000/(Above 60 Years) Special Prizes to Top Ten in Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 Boys & Girls each Entry Fee: IM/GM/WIM/WGM FREE Rated Rs.1,000/- Unrated Rs. 1,200/Last date for entry: 07.08.2015. NO SPOT ENTRIES ALLOWED RULES AND REGULATIONS : System of Play ENTRY FORM Name : Date of Birth : Fide ID : : The Latest FIDE Rules in force shall apply and the Swiss system will be followed. Time Control : 90 minutes each plus 30 seconds increment per move from move no 1. Tie break : Buchholz tie-break system will be applied. In case of tie, prizes will not be shared. AICF Registration : All the participants must be registered with AICF. The registration fee is Rs.250/- for the year 2015-2016. Those who are already registered with AICF must show proof thereof. Those who have not registered can get registered by paying a fee of Rs.250/- and filled in registration form along with one passport size photo and a copy of date of Birth certificates. E-mail id of the player is compulsory. TNSCA Registration : The participants of all TN State Chess Championships are required to register themselves with TNSCA by paying Rs.100/- as registration fee for the year 2015-16. The amount should be remitted along with the duly signed TN players Registration form plus one passport size photograph and Date of Birth Certificate copy. Fide Rating if any : (As per latest Rating List) Address Kanchi DCA Registration : Kanchi DCA registration is compulsory for Kanchipuram players. The registration fee Rs.50/ for the year 2015-16 : Telephone : E-mail : Protests : Protests if any, against the decision of the Chief Arbiter shall be made in writing with protest fee of Rs.500/- within 15 minutes of the occurrence of the incident to the appeals committee. The protest fee will be refunded if the appeal is upheld. Appeals Committee : Before the commencement of the Tournament, appeals committee will be formed from the senior participants present at the players meeting.. The appeals committee decisions will be final and binding on all players concerned. Crossed Demand Draft/Cheque No.......................................... for Rs...............................in favour of.................. ..................... ........................................drawn on......................................... Bank is enclosed. TNSCA Registration (for TN players only): Fee enclosed/Already Registered District Players Date : Signature (To qualify for Under - U8, U10, U12, U14 Prizes, Players must produce date of birth certificates) Last date for entry - 7-8-2015 Withdrawals : A player may withdraw at any stage of the event, after informing the chief arbiter in writing Rights of admission : The AICF/TNSCA /Kanchi DCA / organizer Kanchi Chess Academy reserves the right to admit / reject any entry without assigning any reason thereof.The AICF/TNSCA /Kanchi DCA / organizer Kanchi Chess Academy reserves the right of right of admission to the venue and lodging place. Lodging : Only dormitory type of accommodation will be given at venue. Certificate : Participation certificates will be awarded to all participants. Chief Arbiter : M.Muthukumar, International Arbiter. only): Lodging needed at Venue - Yes / No Place : : Players are requested to bring their own International Chess set (and chess clock if, any) (M) AICF Registration : Fee enclosed/Registration proof enclosed. KDCA Registration (for Kanchi Fee enclosed/Already Registered Chess Sets ROUND SCHEDULE 12-8-2015 Wednesday 12-8-2015 Wednesday 13-8-2015 Thursday 14-8-2015 Friday 15-8-2015 Saturday 16-8-2015 Sunday S. MAGESH, President, KCA - Inauguration & Players Meeting 9.30 a.m. Round 1 - 11.00a.m. Round 2 - 4.00 p.m. Round 3 - 9.00a.m. Round 4 - 2.30 p.m. Round 5 - 9.00a.m. Round 6 - 2.30 p.m. Round 7 - 9.00a.m. Round 8 - 2.30 p.m. Round 9 - 9.00a.m. Prize Distribution 3.00 p.m. G. NITHYANANDAM, B. HARIPRIYA Secretary, KCA Treasurer, KCA
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