Australian InstituteInstitute of Commerce and Language Australian of Commerce and Language Level 9,815 George Sydney 2000NSW AUSTRALIA Level 9,815Street, George Street,NSW Sydney 2000 AUSTRALIA Tel: (612) Tel: 8917 68008917 Fax: (612)Fax: 9212 00699212 0069 (612) 6800 (612) E-mail: Website: E-mail: Website: CRICOS Provider Number 02048A Registered Investment Aust.PTY LTDAust.PTY LTD CRICOS Provider Number 02048Aas:Cornerstone Registered as:Cornerstone Investment Enrolment Form 2014 - 2015 Student Details Family Name Gender Given Name Nationality Date of Birth / Day Address / Street Number Email / Street Name Phone / Month / City / Year / Post Code Country / Country of Birth Mobile Course Details For accomodation, airport pick up request, please enclose application For accomodation, pick up request, please enclose application form available form available on airport AICL website. on AICL website. Accommodation Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning Credit Transfer/Recognition Learning : Transfer/ RPL ? of Prior Are you applying for Credit YES NO please providefor certified copies of transcripts ( if yes, Are you applying Credit Transfer/ RPL ?and details of course, YES e.g. syllabus NOdocuments) Credit Transfer/RPL is available on provision of verification at the beginning of a course. (if yes, please provide certified copies of transcripts and details of course, e.g. syllabus documents) Credit Transfer/RPL is available on provision of verification at the beginning of a course. Disability Do you consider yourself to have a disability impairment or long-term condition? Disability NO Do have a disability impairment or long-term condition? Do you consider yourself to have a disability impairment or long-term condition? YES NO Learning Hearing/Deaf Intellectual Vision If yes, then please specify below: Mental Illness Acquired Physical Learning Mental Hearing Brain Intellectual Vision Condition Impairment Mental Illness Acquired Brain Physical Mental Condition Others Impairment English Others Language Proficiency English Test Type: _______________ Score* English Language Proficiency Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC) Family (OSHC) Single Couple Overseas Students Health Cover A complete list of OSHC premiums is available upon request 39 weeks $ 5,250 FNS50210 Diploma of Accounting 39 weeks $ 5,250 FNS60210 Advanced Diploma of Accounting 26 weeks $ 3,500 (CRICOS code 079228E) (CRICOS code 073977E) (CRICOS code 073978D) 104 weeks Aged Care 104 weeks CHC30212 Certificate III in Aged Care 26 weeks (CRICOS code 077455K) H & A Training RTO : 90871 delivers and assesses HLTAID003 Provide First Aid, as part of qualification note that the unit HLTAID003 incorporates the unit HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care (CRICOS code 073875M) $14,000 $ 7,000 $14,000 26 weeks $ 7,000 Note: Practicum and Work Placement /Monitoring Fees: Certificate III - $500 + Certificate IV $500 Business / Management BSB50207 Diploma of Business ** 52 weeks $ 7,000 52 weeks $ 7,000 (CRICOS code 068799E) BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Children's Services CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CRICOS code 081763G) CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CRICOS code 081764G) 52 weeks $10,000 104 weeks $20,000 74 weeks $15,000 Note: Practicum and Work Placement / Monitoring Fees: Certificate III - $400 + Diploma $800 Community Services CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work (CRICOS code 082451E ) Note: Practicum and Work Placement / Monitoring Fees: Total -$1500 ($500 per Semester) Information Technology 4536 weeks $ 5,250 46 ICA40411 Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking 45 46 weeks $ 7,000 46 45 weeks $ 7,000 36 weeks $ 5,250 ICA3011 Certificate III in Information, (CRICOS code 078891D) Educational Background (CRICOS Code 078892C) Country________________________ Year completed _________________ Country _______________________ Year completed _________________ ICA50411 Diploma of Information Technology Networking (CRICOS code 078893B) ICA60211 Advanced Diploma of Network Security (CRICOS code 078931A) Intake Dates 07 Oct 14 27 Jan 15 20 April 15 13 July 15 05 Oct 15 Declaration Relevant Employment Experience Please attach a written statement and evidence of your employment history including: Date of employment : _____________ Full Time: ______ Part Time : ______ Job Title __________ I declare that all information given is current, correct and accurate. I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment at the back of this form and agree to be bound by them. Student’s Signature Verified by AICL Admission Office AICL.QFO/MKTG-MSR.01 FNS40611 Certificate IV in Accounting Digital Media and Technology Family A complete list of OSHC premiums is available upon request Name (Print) ___________________ Fee H & A Training RTO : 90871 delivers and assesses HLTAID004 Provide First Aid and Emergency First Aid Response in an Education & Care setting. Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent Pre-requisites and other entry requirements for some courses may apply. Must be 18 years of age or above Please to Courses Mustrefer submit certifiedoncopies of your valid passport and visa Pre-requisites and other entry requirements for some courses may apply Please refer to Courses on Secondary Studies __________________ School _____________________________ Highest level completed ______________ Tertiary Studies _____________________ Course _____________________________ Institution___________________________ Qualification _________________________ Duration Accounting ** Please Tick the box if you prefer weekend schedule Note: Administration fee of A$125 per three months applies. Admission/Entry Requirements *Please attach evidence of the English language test taken Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent Admission/Entry Requirements Must be 18 years of age or above Couple Enrolment Fee: $200 (non-refundable) (CRICOS code 081765F) ForEnglish English Test Language requirements please refer to Quick links on Type:Proficiency _______________ Score* *Please attach evidence of the English language test taken For English Language Proficiency requirements please refer to Quick links on Single Female Passport No. Accommodation YES Male (must be signed physically by the student and not on his/her behalf) Signature _____________ Date ________ Rev.No32 Date ________ Effective Date: 5th September 2014 Page 1 of 2 Australian Institute of Commerce and Language Level 9,815 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA Tel: (612) 8917 6800 Fax: (612) 9212 0069 E-mail: Website: CRICOS Provider Number 02048A Registered as:Cornerstone Investment Aust.PTY LTD Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Visa Requirements Refund Policy Students must attend at least 80 percent of the scheduled contact hours and achieve satisfactory course progress. 1. All applications for refunds must be made in writing to the Accounts Manager. Please refer to the AICL website for the Attendance Monitoring and Course Progress Policy. Personal and Contact Details Students have an obligation to notify AICL of a change of address while enrolled in a course with AICL as soon as practicable. Personal information about international students studying with AICL may be shared with the Australian Government and designated authorities, including the Tuition Protection Service. This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach of a student’s visa conditions. 2. In the event that AICL is unable to run an advertised course or deliver the course in full, the student will have the right to choose between transferring to another AICL course or receiving 100% of the unexpended amount. The refund will be paid within 14 days on which the course ceased to be provided. 3. If a notice of claim is received on or after the course commencement date, fees paid for the course will not be refunded unless the Finance Manager deems that exceptional circumstances apply. The Institute reserves the right to expel students for any serious breaches of discipline. 4. All refunds are paid within 28 days from the date of the receipt of the written claim by the students as detailed below: - If a student’s visa has been rejected, all course money paid such as course fees, Student Health Cover (OSHC) and material fee will be refunded in full provided certified evidence from DIBP is supplied. - If a notice of claim is received 27 days or less before the course commencement date, 50% of course fees and materials fee will be refunded. - If a notice of claim is received 28 days or more before the course commencement date, 70% of course fees and material fees will be refunded. Courses and Timetables 5. If a student has been reported to DIBP for breach of the Institute’s rules or a breach of visa conditions such as poor attendance or unsatisfactory course progress no refund will be provided. All courses and timetables are subject to change without prior notice. 6. If a student abandons his/her course without formally cancelling their enrolment with AICL the student will not be entitled to a refund of course fees paid. Fees and other Charges 7. Enrolment fees are non refundable. The Institute reserves the right to vary its fees and charges. A complete list of fees for course tuition, non tuition, additional services and other charges are available in the AICL website 8. The refund will be made payable to the student or to an individual authorised by the student. Transfer to another Provider Other AICL Policies pertaining to the following: Expulsion A student must complete the minimum of six months of the principal course of study. The principal course is the highest qualification of multiple courses enrolled in. A cancellation fee* of one term payment will apply upon withdrawal of a succeeding course/s. 9. AICL will not authorise tuition fee transfers to any other institution or to other students. Please refer to the AICL website for the International Student Transfer Policy. Termination of Studies Critical Incident College Disciplinary Policy Online Delivery Course Transition Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation of Studies Management Information Managementof of Personal Personal Information An application for termination of studies must be made in writing two weeks before the start of the next academic calendar or a late application fee applies*. If an application is received after the deadline, the student is required to pay the next semester’s fee. If a student has not maintained satisfactory attendance and/or course progress up to the time of termination, the process of reporting to DIBP will continue, even though the student is no longer with AICL (as per Standard 7 of the National Code). Certification andIssuing Issuingofof Certification and Qualification StatementofofAttainment Attainment Qualification and Statement Missed or Failed Assessment Student Support and Consultation Please refer to the AICL website for further details Please refer to the AICL website for the Termination of Studies Policy. Appeal, Complaint and Grievance Resolution Students are entitled to have a personal representative present at any stage during the grievance procedure. If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the AICL grievance resolution procedure (internal appeal), they can then access an external process through the OVERSEAS STUDENTS OMBUDSMAN to express their concern. Please visit the following website to access the OVERSEAS STUDENTS OMBUDSMAN’s external review process: Please refer to the AICL website for the Appeal, Complaint and Grievance Policy. Credit Transfer / Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Credit Transfer/RPL is available on provision of verification at the beginning of a course. Students may apply for Credit Transfer/RPL if they believe that they already have the skills and knowledge that will be taught and assessed in AICL. Please refer to the AICL website for the Credit Transfer Policy. Payment Policy 1. Course fees are to be paid in accordance with the payment schedule set out in the AICL International Student’s Offer Acceptance. 2. As per the direction of ESOS (Tuition Protection Service), no more than 50% of the total course fees will be collected prior to the commencement of study at AICL. (This does not apply to courses 24 weeks or less, where a provider may collect up to 100% of tuition fees upfront). 3. Current students must take responsibility for ensuring that fees are paid by the due date, otherwise a late payment fee will apply*. 4. Students who have not paid their required course fees by the due date will be sent a nonfinancial status warning letter. Failure to pay the fees within the specified date will result in the student’s name being removed from the class attendance roll and the student may be reported to DIBP for non payment of fees. A nominated debt collection agency will be advised to undertake legal proceedings for the debts incurred. Please note: This agreement and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, do not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws. AICL’s dispute resolution processes do not circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies. If a student has nominated an agent, AICL will honour the agent until the completion of the enrolled course. Indemnity Declaration By signing this declaration, the student agrees that the Australian Institute of Commerce and Language, its officers, teachers, employees, representatives, and agents, shall not be held responsible and/or be under any liability as far as permitted by the laws of Australia and/or will not make any claim against them for the student’s death, bodily injury, disability, loss, damages and/or property damage which may be sustained by the student and/or which may be caused by attendance at any premises owned/leased, operated or controlled by Australian Institute of Commerce and Language, the student attending activities and/or excursions and/ or in any accommodation arranged for the student. Furthermore, the student agrees to pay any direct and/or excursions organised by or on behalf of with the assistance of the Australian Institute of Commerce and Language or which the Institute has knowledge. I declare that all information given is current, correct and accurate. I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment and agree to be bound by them. Verified by Authorised Agent: (if applicable, otherwise please write N/A) Name (Print) ___________________ Rev.No.32 Date ________ Student’s Signature: (must be physically signed by the student and not on his/her behalf) Date ________ *Please refer to the AICL website for additional service fees and charges. AICL.QFO/MKTG-MSR.01 Signature _____________ Effective Date: 5th September 2014 Page 2 of 2
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