MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN-ITALlAN FEDERATION OF THE SOUTHEAST Italian-America Society of Jefferson Auxiliary P. 0. Box 2702 Gretna, LA 70054 APRIL, 2015 Dear Members, OFFICERS Joycelyn Montagnino President Antoinette Hausser Vice-President Mary Zeringue Corresponding Secty. Judy Daigle Recording Secty. Genevieve Harris Treasurer Genevieve Harris Parliamentarian Chaplain Antoinette Hausser Ex-officio Committees Carol Lirette Lynn Greco Maria Taravella Karen DiMarco Lillian Saladino Genevieve Richard Nominating Phyllis Beninate Karen DiMarco Gloria Hebert Federation Delegates Joycelyn Montagnino Genevieve Harris Renaissance Foundation Delegate Genevieve Harris .Our General Meeting is Wednesday, April 8th in the Italian Hall at 7:00P.M. Officers and Board Members will meet at 6:30P.M. Refreshments will be provided by Lillian Saladino, Judy Daigle, and Carol Lirette. WELCOME new members: Sheila Breaux, 1108_ Orchid Dr., Harvey 70058, Ph.# (H) 3414583, (C) 232-0500 and new member, Lori Dawson, 911 Richard St. Gretna, 70053, Ph.# (H) 367-9554, (C) 504-339-3041. Please record them in your Yearbook. Thanks. The American Italian Federation of the Southeast will host its 18th Biennial Convention at The Italian American Hall in Gretna, LA on Aprilll-12/2015. Call Joycelyn Montagnino at 347-2858 as soon as you receive this newsletter, because the deadline is April61h and is before our meeting. Joycelyn will give you a Registration form. The Registration fee is $100.00 for Both days. Registration form and Fees, made payable to American Italian Federation SE, has to be sent to the Federation before Apri161h to the Federation Treasurer, Mr. Joseph Piccione, in Lafayette, LA. Please try to go to the convention since it is in the Italian Hall. Thanks. ST. JOSEPH ALTAR - Thanks to the men for having us at the St. Joseph's Day Dinner. Crawfish Broil-The men have invited us to their crawfish broil, Friday, April 1ib at 7:00P.M. At The Italian Hall. The cost is $10.00 per person for members and spouses only. You may pay at our April meeting, April 81b, or Call Joycelyn at 347-2858 before Aprill01h to order tickets. NO Tickets will be sold after April 13 1h . GET WELL WISHES to Felicia Usner, Doris Guccione, Leah Paternostro, & Genevieve Harris. Please keep them in your prayers. Cook Books are $15.00 for one or two for $25J)O. Call Carol Lirette at 368-3597 for orders. Food bank $20.00 check for April will go to Immaculate Conception Church. Happy Birthday to all members celebrating Birthdays in April!!! Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!! ~ Sincerely, (.J Cv· , \,__d_}f cl~~.\J . J:UVJ/(.0{&(/ l\1~ry P. mgue Correspo dingS retary d PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY AND OUR SERVICEMEN & WOMEN!!!
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