27th Art in Gadsden: Regional Exhibition of Fine Art Gadsden Arts Center, Quincy, Florida If you are an artist living within 200 miles of Quincy, Florida, or a former Gadsden County resident, you are invited to apply to participate in the 27th Art in Gadsden: Regional Exhibition of Fine Art. This exhibition draws visitors and patrons from across the region each year, showcasing and offering art for sale. New and returning, established and emerging artists are welcome to apply. The Gadsden Arts Center, exhibition host, is located on Quincy’s historic courthouse square, just 20 miles northwest of downtown Tallahassee in the fully renovated 1912 Bell and Bates hardware store building and two adjacent buildings. The Center offers museum quality exhibition spaces infused with unique and beautiful historic character. Eligibility To enter, artists 18 years or older must submit images of at least two, but no more than three, original works of art created after January 1, 2013, and not previously exhibited at the Gadsden Arts Center. Video art and jewelry are NOT accepted. A fully completed Art in Gadsden exhibition application must be submitted online, by midnight on July 31, 2015. If you are mailing your application, it must be postmarked by July 31, 2015, including the images, entry fee, and artist's statement. Only complete applications will be accepted. Awards An estimated $3,500 in total cash and awards will be presented. The Gadsden Arts Center Exhibition Committee selects the works accepted into the exhibition; the juror selects the award winners. Notification Letters of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed by August 28, 2015. Artwork Delivery & Pick up Accepted artwork must be delivered to the Gadsden Arts Center on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, between 10am–5pm. Artwork must be picked up Monday December 21, 2015, between 10am–5pm. Artwork may be shipped to the Center but must include a pre-paid return shipping label. Important Dates/Deadlines July 31, 2015 – Applications due August 28, 2015 – Notifications of acceptance mailed September 30, 2015 – Art due at Gadsden Arts Center October 9, 2015 – Opening Reception December 21, 2015 – Art pick up APPLICATIONS DUE July 31, 2015 late entries are not accepted If you have any questions please contact Curator Angie Barry at (850) 627-5021 or angie.barry@gadsdenarts.org 13 N. Madison St. Quincy, FL • (850) 875-4866 • www.gadsdenarts.org 27th Art in Gadsden: Regional Exhibition of Fine Art Exhibition Rules • Artists must submit at least two (but no more than three) digital images representing original artwork (uploaded online or copied onto a CD). No prints, copies, or works that have been previously exhibited at the Center will be accepted. • All accepted two-dimensional work must be submitted properly framed with plexi glass and wire (no sawtooth hangers or glass). Three-dimensional works must be self-supporting, stable, and weigh less than 50 pounds. The Center reserves the right to reject work that is not properly presented for installation. • All artwork in the exhibition must be available for purchase and priced to include the Center’s 40% commission. • All entries must include a maximum one-page artist statement/biography and a nonrefundable entry fee: $25 members ($45 non-members). Artists may pay $50 (total) to include an Individual Membership. • All accepted artists are required to submit an additional $10 handling fee, due at the time of artwork delivery. • Entries must be submitted online by midnight on July 31, 2015. If mailing the application, it must be postmarked by July 31, 2015. Late entries will not be considered. • Visit GAC’s website at www.gadsdenarts.org to complete your application online. Entry Procedure 1. Complete the Art in Gadsden Application Form (incomplete applications will not be considered). 2. Please note that the artwork information written on your application cannot be changed. 3. Only digital image files submitted on CD* or uploaded will be accepted. A work that deviates in appearance from the submitted digital file will be removed from the exhibition. At least two, but no more than three works can be submitted, one image per work. To save and submit files: • Use the following file name format: last name_first initial_corresponding letter (A,B,or C).jpg (For example, Angie Barry’s IMAGE A file should be renamed: Barry_a_A) • Save all works as jpeg (.jpg) files • Save images at 300dpi (no smaller than 4x6inches), no more than 3MB file size *Please note: CDs will not be returned, and will be destroyed after the duration of the show. 4. Include $25 non-refundable jury fee; $45 for nonmembers; or $50 if including an individual membership. Make checks payable to: Gadsden Arts, Inc. 5. Online: complete the application, upload images (following the instructions above) and artist statement/ biography and pay the entry fee by midnight on July 31, 2015. Please visit www.gadsdenarts.org for more information. 6. Mail completed application with images, artist statement/biography and entry fee to: 27th Art in Gadsden Selection Committee Gadsden Arts Center APPLICATIONS DUE July 31, 2015 13 North Madison late entries are not accepted Quincy, FL 32351 If you have any questions please contact Curator Angie Barry at (850) 627-5021 or angie.barry@gadsdenarts.org 13 N. Madison St. Quincy, FL • (850) 875-4866 • www.gadsdenarts.org 27th Art in Gadsden Artist Application Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Email IMAGE A: Title Medium Dimensions of unframed image (w x h x d in.) Year created Price (incl. GAC 40% commission) $ IMAGE B: Title Medium Dimensions of unframed image (w x h x d in.) Year created Price (incl. GAC 40% commission) $ IMAGE C: Title Medium Dimensions of unframed image (w x h x d in.) Year created Price (incl. GAC 40% commission) $ Entry Fee: $25 ($45 nonmember); or Entry Fee + Individual Membership: $50 Payment Amount $____________ Cash Check # (payable to Gadsden Arts, Inc.) Credit Card (Visa or M/C) # Exp. / Application Checklist: 1. Submit Artist Application (online or postmark by July 31) 2. Include one image of each work submitted 3. Include max. 1-page artist statement/biography 4. Include entry fee (cash, check or credit card accepted) GAC use only: AB/S p IM p PP p DB p EM p_______________________ INV#_______________________
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