COMPETITION FOR DESIGNING A MOSQUE IN REYKJAVIK . Competition brief March 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Buyer 1.2 Project 1.3 Background 1.4 Objective 1.5 Selection criteria of the jury 1.6 Type and arrangement of competition 1.7 Awards 1.8 Language 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 2.1 General points 2.2 Competition area 2.3 Soil and climate 2.4 Site, access and environment 2.5 Description of operations 2.6 Description of premises 3 THE COMPETITION 3.1 Eligibility for participation 3.2 Access to documents – participation fee 3.3 Competition documents 3.4 Competition proposals 3.5 Queries 3.6 Submission - deadline, labelling and delivery of proposals 3.7 Jury - the secretary of the jury and the technical advisors. 3.8 The competition officer 3.9 Results 3.10 Exhibition – review meeting 3.11 Retention of competition proposals 3.12 Utilization of competition proposals 3.13 Approval of competition brief description 2 1 - INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Buyer The Association of Muslims in Iceland, from here on called proprietor, is sponsoring a competition for the first purpose built mosque in Iceland in the Sogamyri area of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. The terms of the competition are outlined in this competition brief, as well as the documents listed I item 3.3 and the competition rules of The Association of Icelandic Architects (AI) 1.2 Project The project is to design a mosque, a Muslim place of worship. It will be located on a relatively level site, close to one of the busiest streets in Reykjavik. 1.3 Background Fourteen years have passed since The Association of Muslims in Iceland applied for a building site in Reykjavik for the first time. The association has been operating a mosque in Armuli 38 since 2002, but that locality is not practical and it is long overdue to raise a purpose-built mosque in the northernmost capital of the world. 1.4 Objective The main objectives of the competition are: • • • To seek diverse and ambitious ideas of a mosque that houses the congregational activities of the Muslim community in Reykjavík the capital of Iceland To obtain interesting proposals for a mosque built in harmony with the current local plan for Reykjavík. To promote collective prayers and cultural activity under the banner of Islam. 1.5 The criteria The following points bear much weight in the evaluation of the jury: • • • • • That the overall appearance of the building should reflect high quality architecture. That the building should be in harmony with its environment. That the outer and inner layout harmonizes with the utilization and activities attached to mosques. That the choice of materials is suitable for the planned activities and promotes reasonable building and operating costs. That an eco-friendly solution will be employed. 1.6 Type and arrangement of the competition The competitions is a project design competition and open to everyone that fulfils the requirements of the competition brief, as defined in item 3.1. The proprietor seeks a feasible solution of the project. 3 The proprietor hopes to reach an agreement for a complete architectural design with the winner of the first prize. 1.7 Awards A total of 5,000,000 ISK, will be granted for the three best solutions and the 1. prize will not be less than 2,500,000 ISK. The jury can also purchase proposals for up to 1,000,000 ISK. The proprietor aims on utilizing the result of the competition and implementing the idea that is awarded the first prize, as defined in chapter 1.5. The proprietor reserves the right to utilize ideas from all awarded proposals, within the limits of the Icelandic copy right laws. 1.8 Language The language of this competition is English and all text of submitted proposals shall be in English. 4 2 - DESC CRIPTION N OF THE PROJECT P T 22.1 Generaal points Thhe building shall be fullly integrateed into its su urroundingss as well as practical in n connstruction annd operation n. The buildding and thee site layoutt shall demoonstrate hig gh quality archhitecture, taaking into account the ggreen area that t surroun nds the site oon two sidees. Access for disabled should s be op ptimal, bothh externally y an internally. Thee current loccal plan allo ows for a 2 storey build ding with a maximum w wall height of 8,5 metters. The maximum m height of the cconstruction n is 9,5 metters. In addiition a small tower of 20 m2 is authorized, the to ower can bee 5-10 meterrs above thee mentionedd 9,5 meterss reaching maxximum 19,55 meters abo ove groundd level Thee constructiion site plan ns show the outermost limits l of bu uildings, ballconies inclu uded. A manndatory buiilding line iss defined inn the land usse plan draw wings, and aat least 70% % of the longg sidee of the building must touch this bboundary lin ne. The form m/shape of tthe building g within thee connstruction siite is discrettionary. mation on Isslam can be seen here: Genneral inform httpp:// 22.2 The com mpetition area a Map of Reykjavík - Google G maps Detaail of the map – th he competition arrea Arial pho oto of the areaa The comp petition area covers only the 1600 m2 site that has h been alloccated to the Association of Muslim ms in Icelandd. The site is on the southh side of Su uðurlandsbraaut, the easternmost plot of those shown s on thee effective land use plan below. 5 The overall land use plan may be seen here. The current local plan. The approved local plan can be seen here in its entirety. 2.3 Soil and climate Prevailing winds and precipitation are from the south and the east, and can be quit gusty and cold in this area. This is escalated by the Artunsbrekka hill. Northerly winds are normally calmer in the area. 2.4 Site, approach and environment The site is approximately 1600 m2 in size, relatively level and vegetated. The building plot is 800 m2 in size. Approach is from the north and there should be sixteen public parking spaces two of which are allocated for disabled people. The area is covered with grass, trees and bushes. The city has planned a public park on two sides of the site with a pedestrian path to the south west of it. A dual carriageway, one of the busiest in Reykjavík is situated to the south of the site, in a distance of only 50 m. 6 Photoss of the project area BUSST TOP 1 A ARIAL PH HOTO – AN N OVERVIE EW 3 2 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2.5 Description of activities The primary purpose of a mosque is to be a place for congregational prayers and worship. The five daily prayers obligatory for Muslims are performed there, as well as the weekly Friday-prayers (Juma), In addition there are Eid prayers twice a year and the tarawih prayers (nightly prayers in the month of Ramadan). In Reykjavik attendance to these varies greatly, from 2 or 3 worshipers at morning prayers to hundreds praying together at Eid. Additional to the prayers there are many other activities such as a Sunday school for children, marriages, funeral ceremonies, various cultural events such as forum for foreign visits, meeting of people from same ethnic background, women's meetings, dinner parties and celebrations. Furthermore, a very important function of the mosque is to accommodate visitors who come there to sit and read the Quran, or pray and meditate at any given time. 9 Description of the areas within the premises The proposed activities are divided into two zones. The place of worship with support space and a meeting place and research centre, as well as common areas. Access will be through a common entrance into the collective hall. Worship The hall for worship, with it’s focus on the “qibla” wall and “mihrab” , pointing out the direction to Mecca. By that wall is the “minbar” see definition here: The planning of the worship room must take the direction to Mecca into consideration as all worshipers will face that direction while praying. Assembly and conference hall Assembly space for 100 people with a kitchen and a storage room, a classroom for 20 people and a library. Common areas A common entrance, vestibule, cloakroom, shoe storage, ablution (ritual washing) facilities, office space. The Technical space can be in the basement. 2.6 The general plan of the premises and size requirements The mosque is expected to be a total of 670 net m2. Walls and traffic areas approximately 130 m2 giving a total maximum gross area of 800 m2 as per the approved local plan Worship Worship area This area is an open space with generous free ceiling height with a minimum of 6 m. The focus is on the „qibla“, (direction of Mecca) and mihrab (where the imam stands while leading prayers). This space is the heart of the mosque. The qibla (direction to Mekka) is to the ESE 10 Qibla from Reykjavik Iceland The “mimbar” see definition here: is a spot usually on right side of mihrab and is often elevated or in the shape of a staircase. Some examples of mihrabs and mimbars can be seen here. niv&ei=lRnvVIX_MY31aLylgoAL&ved=0CFQQ7Ak Auditorium and research area The auditorium should have space for 100 people seated at tables. It should be installed in a rather traditional way, with a small, raised stage. It should be possible to connect this room with the worship room, to be utilized as a unit. Storage room connected with the auditorium. Storage for chairs, tables and equipment. Kitchen. A kitchen that serve for the preparation of food for approx. 100 auditorium guests. There should be cabinets and shelves for dishes, pots and pans, tables for food prepare, double kitchen meat\vegetables, stove, steam oven, dish washing machine and other kitchen tools. Storage for kitchen. Storage for food, dry goods, a cooler and a freezer. Classroom. Classroom for 25 people seated, in a traditional classroom setup. The teachers table in one end, with a computer, a blackboard and a projector. It must be easy to darken this room. Library. A library and a research room. The library will be installed with bookshelves and reading facilities for 4 people. There will be a corner for comfortable seating. It must be easy to darken the library. 11 Common areas. Common entrance, vestibule, lobby, restroom, cloakroom, shoe storage and gender divided facilities for ablution (ritual washing) Vestibule The vestibule is a small entrance hall or passage between the outer door and the interior of a house or building with the purpose to protect from the wind. Lobby The lobby is a space where people can gather before entering the worship room, the assembly hall, the classroom or the library. Restrooms. Restroom serving 300 people, 20 closed restrooms, there of 2 for disabled. Cloakroom. The cloakroom should take overcoats of approximately 300 people on pegs rather than hangers. Shoe storage. Shoe storage should be close to the entrance with shelves for 300 pair of shoes. Washing facilities (ablution- ritual washing). Facilities for ablution should be connected with the entrance and should be gender separated. Office. Office and facilities for employees. Embalming (Washing of the deceased). Facilities for washing the deceased. This space should have direct entry from outside, by a door min. 120 cm. wide. Burials are done as soon as possible according to the tradition of Islam. Technical room. Technical room could be placed in the basement with access from inside through stairs. In technical room, ventilation system and other technical and control systems will be placed. 12 Sizes (for reference) Worship Worship space 200 m2 Worship total 200 m2 Assembly and conference hall Assembly room Storage for assembly room Kitchen Storage for kitchen Classroom Library 100 m2 7 m2 20 m2 7 m2 30 m2 45 m2 Assembly and conference hall 209 m2 Service area 6 m2 70 m2 30 m2 40 m2 20 m2 20 m2 20 m2 15 m2 40 m2 Vestibule Reception Restrooms Cloakroom Shoe storage Ablution (Washing) Office Embalming (washing of the deceased) Technical room Collective areas total 261 m2 Total net area 670 m2 Walls and circulation areas 130 m2 13 3 – THE COMPETITION 3.1 Eligibility for participation Anyone may participate apart from the members of the jury, the secretary of the jury, the competition officer and other advisors of the jury, as well as staff working in a graphical workshop with any of the jurors or any closely related parties. Any doubtful cases will be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Association of Icelandic Architects. Participants selected for the first prize of the competition, but who are not certified under Article 25 of the Icelandic Building Code, and therefore not authorised to submit plans to the Planning and Building Department of the Municipality of Reykjavik, should obtain a certified partner. 3.2 Access to documents – participation fee This Competition brief can be accessed on the website of the Association of Icelandic Architects, The Competition documents will only be available to those who register to participate on the website from 3rd of March. Upon registration the participants choose a password to obtain access to a special location where the complete competition data are filed. The Competition brief is provided free of charge, But a fee of 50 euros is required for other competitive data. The fee is non- refundable. 3.3 Competition documents 1. The competition brief. 2. The part of the Reykjavik´s Municipal Master Plan for 2010 – 2030 which covers the competition area. The Municipal Master Plan can be accessed at 3. A map of the competition area showing the location of the planned mosque, contour lines and the limits of the competition area, the principal streets in its neighbourhood etc. 4. An aerial photograph. 5. Photographs from the competition area. 6. Competition Rules of The Association of Icelandic Architects 7. Topographical map and site plat. 14 3.4 Competition proposals Competitors must submit printouts of the documents and on a CD / USB flash drive in PDF format to the competition officer A. DRAWINGS: • Site plan (north uppermost) at a scale of 1:500 showing the area and relationship to the neighbourhood. • Floor plans, sections and elevations to the scale of 1:200. • Three-dimensional images and other explanatory diagrams that the competitors deem necessary. • Net size of spaces must be stated on the drawings. Two proposal sheets shall be submitted, hung horizontally above each other. The size of drawing must be A1 (594x840 mm) in landscape form, printed on non-transparent paper and mounted on stiff board. The drawings must state the order of the cards. All text must be typed. B. EXPLANATORY NOTES: The report must state: • The main substance of the proposal, main criteria, goals and point of focus of the proposal author and the total size of the building. • Description of material selection, finishes and technical arrangement and their nearest environs together with any information than may have an effect on the cost assessment of the panel and its consultants. The notes shall be a maximum of 500 words and submitted in 6 copies in sheet size A4. Reducedsized copies of drawings may be included in the explanatory notes. All material in the explanatory notes must also be included on the cards. 3.5 Queries Queries are to be sent by e-mail to the competition officer who will submit a copy of the queries to the jury. The steward will subsequently send to all registered competitors a copy of all queries together with the jury’s response to the e-mail that was provided when participants registered / obtained the competition documents. There are two query deadlines. The first deadline for submission of queries is Tuesday, 24th of March 2015, at 24:00, and the latter is Tuesday, 28th of April 2015, at 24:00. Responses to queries are expected to be ready within seven days each time. 3.6 Submission - deadline, labelling and delivery of proposals 1. Proposals are to be delivered to the competition officer at the offices of the Icelandic Society of Architects, no later than Tuesday, 26th of May 2015, at 17:00 GMT. The competition officer will accept delivery of the proposals between 15:00 and 17:00. Those wishing to submit their proposals earlier shall consult with the officer. On delivery of the proposal, the competition steward will provide the competitor with a receipt marked with the proposal’s identification number. 15 2. Proposals may be submitted by post or by courier before the deadline. A receipt from the relevant processor should be sent to the competition officer by e-mail. In addition to the above, the competitor shall notify the steward within 4 hours that the proposal has been sent. The notification should include the delivery registration number. Proposals will not be accepted more than four days after the deadline. Submitted proposals should be addressed to the competition steward, see Section 3.8 below. Notification of receipt will be sent by e-mail. 3. All proposal documentation shall be identified with a five-digit number in the field 2 x 5 cm at the right bottom corner. An opaque envelope, marked with the same number and name label, must accompany the proposal. The envelope must contain a note with the name, e-mail and telephone number of the author or authors and partners. Proposals must be delivered unfolded in flat packaging. The packaging of the proposal shall be labelled in the same fashion as the proposal and must state the number of proposal pages. Drawings in frames or on glass will not be accepted. 4. The acceptance and consideration of a proposal is subject to the mandatory requirements that it is submitted at the correct time and that anonymity is assured according to the competition rules of the Icelandic Society of Architects. 3.7 Jury - the secretary of the jury and the technical advisors. Members of the jury: Nominated by the buyer; Sverrir Agnarsson, Chairman of the jury Ólafur Halldórsson, Cashier of the Association of Muslims of Iceland Rúnar Gunnarsson architect, FAÍ Nominated by The Association of the Icelandic Architects: Hans-Olav Andersen, architect MNAL and FAÍ Aðalheiður Atladóttur, architect FAÍ The technical advisors of the jury Nominated by the City of Reykjavík Nikulás Úlfar Másson, skrifstofustjóri USK. Björn Axelsson, skipulagsfulltrúi USK. 16 Björn Ingi Edvardsson, verkefnastjóri á USK Hail Ayhan Belek, engineer. The secretary of the jury Guðjón Magnússon, architect FAÍ 3.8 The competition officer Nominated by The Association of the Icelandic Architects: Haraldur Helgasonon, architect FAÍ – address: Hvassaleiti 74, 103 Reykjavík E-mail: All inquiries and comments should be directed to the competition officer 3.9 Results The jury plans to complete its work by the middle of June 2015. All participants will be notified of the panel’s results as soon as anonymity has been removed. A press release on the results will be published in the media. The decision will state which proposals were awarded prizes and who their authors are. Any purchased or noteworthy proposals will also be mentioned. The Jury intends to issue a comprehensive report about the competition. 3.10 Exhibition – review meeting An exhibition of all the competition proposals that fulfil the competition’s conditions will be held at the earliest opportunity after the panel has completed its work. The proposals will be exhibited with the identity of the authors displayed. The proprietor will issue a printed jury opinion. Following the presentation of the results of the competition and the opening of the exhibition of the proposals, an open review meeting will be held in which the judges will go over their decision. Participants will be particularly invited to this meeting which will be held by The Icelandic Society of Architects. 3.11 Storage of competition proposals The Museum of Design and Applied Art will receive all competition proposals for storage after the end of the exhibition. The owners of the proposals will have access to them in consultation with the staff of the museum. 17
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