June 2015 - AIQuilters

Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
June 2015
Hello AIQ Guild members,
As we welcome summer, we say goodbye to our
AIQ meetings until September. Please remember that the June meeting will be a potluck and
will begin at 6:30pm instead of 7pm. Roz Warren will be officiating the June meeting, as I will
be teaching out of town. I am looking forward to
seeing everyone back again in the fall. I hope
everyone will spend some of their summer quilting, and we will have lots of quilts to Show and
Tell on Tuesday, September 8th. Have a great
Leslie Kiger
June Program: POT LUCK!
In lieu of a program this month we will be having our annual end of year Pot Luck.
Please bring a dish of your choice. New officers will be installed and the 2014-15
finances will be reviewed with membership.
Next year’s program roster is filling with interesting topics, including three national
speakers and three workshops. Speakers are still needed for a few months next
year…September, February and April. If you have a topic that you think would be of
interest, please get with Julie Keith (boatload@comcast.net).
Happy summer!
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Small Groups
Meets every Monday at 2 pm
Kathy Dean’s home
2406 Via Del Rey
• Call Kathy at 261-7189
• Show & tell, sharing, advice, hand sewing
• Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12:30
• Sandi’s home 1716 McArthur St.
• Everyone is welcome.
• Meets every Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am
- noon
• Fernandina Shores Clubhouse 631 Tarpon Avenue, 3rd entrance.
• Bring your sewing supplies. We have 2 sewing
machines, cutting mats, rulers, etc.
• Call Theresa Megna (277-2143) for information
• Drop-ins Welcome - come pick up fabric to
work on at home!
Service Projects
Habitat For Humanity (Pam Wise)—Bed size
quilt for each Habitat home in Nassau County.
Hospice (Kathy Dean & Theresa Megna) - Lapsize quilts (45X 55, 40 X 50) for all ages.
Shands (Sheri Inserra)—Placemat size (18 X
22, up to 30”square) for neonatal unit; laundered
at hospital and sometimes go home with baby or
Kits are available at the meetings, or contact the
coordinators. The Charity Quilt Ladies (see
Small Groups) work on these quilts. People are
needed to help rotary cut the kits.
Quilts of Valor (Gail Niedernhofer) - bed sized
quilts for wounded service men and women; preferred size is 54” X 67”, but they can be from 50”
X 60” to 77” X 87”; masculine quilts are especially in demand; a label, perhaps just saying
thank-you and a pillowcase are helpful.
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
May 12, 2015
President Leslie Kiger called the meeting to order
at 7 PM. Three guests were introduced. April
2015 minutes were approved with motion from
Stuart Vanderbloemen. A thank you note was
received from Habitat for Humanity recipients.
Membership Sherry Cobb-Thompson announced
May birthdays. Membership form can be found in
the newsletter. Roz Warren, Vice President, will
chair the June meeting since Leslie will be
teaching a quilt class in Hattiesburg. Programs
Julie Keith asked members to complete program
feedback form and leave at the door on exiting.
Old Business: Cyndee Brown, Quilt Show CoChair, discussed storage costs for the wood frames
used in previous years. Since a contractor is now
used for quilt frames, storage is needed only to
store two metal racks, storage bins with signs, and
miscellaneous items. Dell Dunman will check on
downsizing storage and fee and Julie Keith will
store the two metal quilt racks for program use.
adding a $5.00 entry fee per quilt, with a max of
three quilts per category. There was discussion on
category limits and entry fee based on the higher
rental fee at the Atlantic Recreation Center site as
well as tent rental to extend the space. The entry
fee could assist in expense containment.
Information on budget was requested. Treasurer
Patsy Troxell reported $14,000 in 2 CDs with
staggered maturity dates and approximately
$6,000 in checking, but exact treasury figures were
not available tonight.
The 2014 Quilt Show final expenses and profit,
review of affiliated rollover annual costs, and
impact of income on nonprofit status were
requested to determine the anticipated 2017 Quilt
Show costs. A Treasurer’s report will be brought to
the June AIQ meeting.
Two motions and one motion withdrawal were
brought to the floor:
Cynthia Janney motioned to have no
charge for entry fee per quilt and no limit on entries
per category.
Leslie reports the 2015-2016 slate of officers will
remain the same as this year, with one change;
Andrea Golding is nominated for Membership. No
nominations were added. The current slate was
accepted. Sherry was thanked for her service.
Mary Williams motioned to table the
discussion until more information can be provided
by the Treasurer’s report.
Other Announcements: Leslie entered a quilt in
the Machine Quilters Showcase in Grand Rapids,
and the same quilt will then be going to the NQA
Show in Little Rock. Leslie asked members to
consider quilt entries for the September
Jacksonville QuiltFest.
Membership accepted the above action. Following
the receipt of Treasurer’s report by the
membership in June, President Leslie Kiger stated
that further discussion will occur at the September
2017 Quilt Show: Cyndee Brown, Co-Chair,
reports the show will be 2/16 (setup) to 2/18 at the
Atlantic Recreation Center. Chairs are still needed
for Raffles and also Basket Raffle. Boutique items
in the $5 to $20 range will be needed. Dell
Dunman listed show categories with new
categories added. One challenge quilt will be
Pirate Legends of Amelia Island, with a fabric
swatch yet to be determined. A second challenge
will be Quilts of Valor, with ribbons to the quilter as
well as the recipient.
Based on the Quilt Show Committee planning
meeting discussion, Dell Dunman recommended
Cynthia Janney withdrew her motion.
Presenter: An Marshall, AIQ member, presented
on “Life Quilt” and composition ideas.
Show and Tell included a vintage handkerchief/
doily quilt, batik quilt, an Atlanta Olympics quilt,
and charity quilts. These can be seen on the AIQ
website link.
Mindy Chabot, Hospitality, thanked members for
snacks. The June pot luck meeting starts at
6:30 PM on Tuesday, June 9. After 50/50 raffle
($32 to one lucky person), meeting was adjourned
at 9:05 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Chen, Secretary
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
AIQ Meetings—Woman’s Club at 201 Jean La Fitte Ave on the 2nd Tuesday
Sign up and ticket time
Meeting Starts
☺Let Sherry Cobb-Thompson know about any address changes
☺Wear your Name Tag
☺ Bring your Show and Tell
Tracy Weiss
and the Totem
she created for
our guild for
the Arts Are
Alive Project
on Centre
AIQ 2014-2015 Board Members
Vice President
Quilt Show
Leslie Kiger
Rozlyn Warren
Jenny Chen
Patsy Troxell
Sherry Cobb-Thompson
Julie Keith
Charlie Russ
Charlie Russ
Mindy Chabot
Mary Lynn Torchia
Debbie Dunman
Pam Wise
Kathy Dean
Theresa Megna
Rozlyn Warren
Janet Sebastian
Diane Keagy
Cyndee Brown
Mindy Chabot
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
2014-2015 Programs
September 9:
New Quilting Tools: Creative Grid Rulers
Laurie Malm & Mary Davis, Lollipops Quilt Shop
October 14:
The Magnificence of Stitchery
Leslie Kiger, President, AIQG
November 5-9:
November 11:
Pathways to Better Quilting - Sally Terry, Internationally
Recognized Expert of Machine Quilting
December 9:
Pot Luck & SAQA Trunk Show
Jayne Gaskins, MBA, BFA, SAQA Representative, FL
My Quilting Journey - Molly Waddell, NQACJ
February 10:
Modern Quilts and Cutting Techniques - Cynthia Janney
March 10:
Keep Your Creativity Flowing - Roz Warren
April 14:
Nature as an Inspiration for Fiber Art - Linda Krause,
MS, An Artist in Residence, Smoky Mt. Nat’l Park 2014
May 12:
Life Quilts - An Marshall, Creator of the Life Quilt Concept
June 9:
Pot Luck & Installation New Officers
June Birthdays
Traute Harris
Charlie Russ
Mary Lynn Torchia
Jenny Chen
Cindy Merritt
7 - Pam Gilles
8 - Dell Dunman
12 - Sandi Neal
19 - Patsy Troxell
20 - Susan Stone
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Quilt Retreat
October 7-11
Check the web site for coming information...
Quilts of
Valor Note:
Talked with Alycia in CO near the Wounded Warrior barracks. She
will be short of QOV quilts in July. That gives us plenty of time to
stitch some red, white and blue treasures for her. Thanks quilters for
making this a priority project!
Thanks, Gail
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
July Birthdays
1 Cyndee Brown
5 Leslie Kiger
7 Sally Winston
9 Dianne Febles
11 Linda Martin
14 Joan Raimondo
16 Jamie Morris
19 Sally Winston
24 Sheri Inserra
27 Gail Niedernhofer
31 Wanda Misino
August Birthdays
50/50 UPDATE!
more chances to win!!
Door Prizes: 1 Ticket when you
sign the attendance roster
&1 Ticket when you wear
your name tag
50/50: $1 = 1 Ticket
OR $5 = 6 Tickets
Charlotte Collins
Alice Krysiak
Deborah Dunman
Frances Barnett
Mary Williams
Doris Holloway
Iverna Walters
Elizabeth Robinson
Stuart Vanderbloemen
Cindy Fox
Sarah Rogers
Maryse O'Brien
Carolyn Murdoch
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Officers for 2015-2016
The following officers will be installed at the June meeting:
President - Leslie Kiger
Vice President - Rozlyn Warren
Programs - Julie Keith
Secretary - Jenny Chen
Treasurer - Patsy Troxell
Membership Chair - Andrea Golding
The following Committee Chairs have agreed to serve
for 2015-2016:
Newsletter and Website: Charlie Russ
Retreat: Janet Sebastian and Diane Keagy
Hospitality: Mindy Chabot and Mary Lynn Torchia
Habitat: Pam Wise
Charity and Community Outreach: Theresa Megna and Kathy Dean
Tickets (Door Prize and 50/50): Rozlyn Warren
Quilt Show: Cyndee Brown and Mindy Chabot
A Note from the Charity Quilts Group:
The Tuesday AM Charity Quilt group will not be meeting due to
vacation for three Tuesdays in June (June 9, 16, and 23). We'll
start up again June 30th. Please come and join us any other
Tuesday 9:30 AM to 12 Noon.
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Quilt Show
1. Hand Quilted: More than 50% pieced; hand quilted.
2. Large Pieced: Made and quilted by one person. More than 50% pieced; total of all sides greater
than 288"; may have some hand quilting.
3. Mid Pieced: Made and quilted by one person. More than 50% pieced; total of all sides 180"-288";
may have some hand quilting.
4. Small Pieced: Made and quilted by one person. More than 50% pieced; total of all sides less than
180"; may have some hand quilting.
5. Miniature: Pieced or appliquéd. Category not determined by size alone. Must be a scaled down
version of a full-sized quilt or wall hanging. Maximum block size is 4" and the longest side of the
quilt must be no more than 24".
6. Large Appliqué: More than 50% appliquéd - total of all sides greater than 180".
7. Small Appliqué: More than 50% appliquéd- total of all sides greater 180" or less.
8. Other Techniques: Whole cloth, yo-yo, embroidered, heavily embellished crazy quilt, cathedral
window and other special techniques. Any size except miniature.
9. Art Quilts: Any quilt that extends beyond traditional disciplines and exercises progress independence and originality in its theory, design, color and/or techniques. The decision to enter this category is left to the entrant.
10. Quilts for Children: Any size or technique. Quilt made for a child.
11. Young Quilters (each quilt receives a ribbon): Quilts made by quilters under the age of 18 or in
grade 12 or under. The entire quilt must be pieced, quilted or tied by the young quilt maker.
12. Collaborative: Made by 3 or more individuals.
13. Large Pieced Duet (2 Ribbons): Made and quilted by two people; more than 50% pieced; total of
all sides greater than 288".
14. Mid Pieced Duet (2 Ribbons): Made and quilted by two people; more than 50% pieced; total of all
sides 180" -288".
15. Small Pieced Duet (2 Ribbons): Made by two people; more than 50% pieced; total of all sides
less than 108”.
16. Holidays: All holidays, Christmas, Hanukah, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, July 4th,
Halloween, Thanksgiving etc. (Any size or technique).
17. Miscellaneous: Quilted items 110" or less; wearable items, purses and dolls, etc.
18. Non Judged (no ribbons): Quilts which are not judged
19. Challenge - Pirate Legends of Amelia Island: Must be 110" or less and represent the pirate lore
of Amelia Island.
20. Modern: Be a modern pattern design and quilted in a modern style. Any size quilt.
21. Quilts of Valor (2 Ribbons): Must meet the QOV guidelines and quilt will be given to QOV.
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Amelia Island Quilt Guild
2015/16 Membership Form
Please fill in all spaces
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Street address/box #:____________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State:_______________ Zip: _____________
Home Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________
Newsletter will only be delivered by Email unless you request otherwise!
Check here if you need a paper copy of the newsletter ___________
Birth date (Month & Day): _________________Spouse: _________________________
Membership is $25 per year and is due on or before the September meeting.
If you are age 80+, check here to exempt from dues payment ____________________
If you are age under 18, check here to exempt from dues payment ________________
Please enclose your check made out to AIQ and mail to:
P. O. Box 6464
Fernandina Beach, FL 32035
Check or cash payment may be given to the treasurer at the meeting.