AIR CYCLODUCT Inline cyclone pre-filtration for the removal of large, heavy particles. DESIGNING CLEAN AIR FOR LIFE 011 472 7420 AIR CYCLODUCT AIR CYCLODUCT Inline cyclone pre-filtration for the removal of large, heavy particles. Inline cyclone pre-filtration for the removal of large, heavy particles. AIR CYCLODUCT prefilter removes large particles prior to them reaching the filter system, for longer filter life. AIR CYCLODUCT plugs directly into the ducting before the filters. Product Information - Fits to all existing or new filter systems Product Information - 70% more compact* • Fits to all inexisting - Horizontal design or new filter systems • 70% more compact* - Equal in effiin ciency (80-90% large particles)* • Horizontal design - 60% • Equalcheaper* in efficiency (80-90% large particles)* • Fits to to all all existing existing ducting ducting - Fits • CYCLODUCT prefi prefilter designed to to remove remove - CYCLODUCT lter isis designed large particles particles prior prior to to them them reaching reaching the the filter large filter system (for longer filter life) system (for longer filter life) • Easy to install and maintain - Easy to install and maintain • Small footprint - Small footprint • Locally manufactured in South Africa • Can bemanufactured exported worldwide - Locally in South Africa - Can be exported worldwide •* when Compared to a traditional cyclone vertical cyclones compared to traditional Environomics Features üüSave filters: Reduce your environmental impact by extending the life of your filters. AIR CYCLODUCT remove large particles prior to them reaching the filter system. üüAIR CYCLODUCT is cheaper than traditional vertical cyclones. üüUpgrade existing systems with AIR CYCLODUCT to reduce costs and wastage AIR CYCLODUCT CYCLODUCT AIR CYCLO DUCT reduces large particles Inlinecyclone cyclonepre-fi pre-filtration ltrationfor forthe theremoval removalofoflarge, large,heavy heavyparticles. particles. Inline 98.5% efficiency at 0,5 µm Secondary pocket filter Fitstotoallallexisting existingorornew newfilter filtersystems systems - -Fits 70%more morecompact* compact* - -70% Two oil-wet fibreglass CYCLO DUCT CYCLO DUCT reduces large particles reduces large particles pad filters Horizontalinindesign design - -Horizontal Equalinineffi effi ciency(80-90% (80-90%large largeparticles)* particles)* - -Equal ciency H10 HEPA filters H10 HEPA filters 60%cheaper* cheaper* - -60% Fitstotoallallexisting existingducting ducting - -Fits 98.5% ciency at 0,5 98.5% effieffi ciency at 0,5 µmµm Secondary pocket Secondary pocket filter filter CYCLODUCTprefi prefi lterisisdesigned designedtotoremove remove - -CYCLODUCT lter largeparticles particlesprior priortotothem themreaching reachingthe thefilter filter large system(for (forlonger longerfilter filterlife) life) system Two oil-wet fibreglass Two oil-wet fibreglass pad filters pad filters Easytotoinstall installand andmaintain maintain - -Easy The TheAIR AIRCYCLO CYCLODUCT DUCTshown shownhere herewith withAIR AIRMOD5 MOD5--the theCYCLODUCT CYCLODUCTdrops dropsout outlarge largeparticles, particles,extending extendingthe thelife lifeof Smallfootprint footprint - -Small of the fi lters in the MOD5. the filters in the AIRAIR MOD5. Locallymanufactured manufacturedininSouth SouthAfrica Africa - -Locally Canbe beexported exportedworldwide worldwide - -Can The AIR CYCLO DUCT shown here with AIR MOD5 - the CYCLODUCT drops large particles, extending The AIR CYCLO DUCT shown here with AIR MOD5 - the CYCLODUCT drops outout large particles, extending thethe lifelife the filters the AIR MOD5. ofof the filters in in the AIR MOD5. whencompared comparedtototraditional traditionalvertical verticalcyclones cyclones * *when Fine Finedust dustremoved removedbybythe theAIR AIRCYCLODUCT CYCLODUCT Fine dust removed the AIR CYCLODUCT during a recent during a arecent AIRCURE presentation. during recent AIRCUREby presentation. AIRCURE presentation. DESIGNING DESIGNINGCLEAN CLEANAIR AIRFOR FORLIFE LIFE Fine dust removed by the AIR CYCLODUCT during a recent AIRCURE presentation. H10 HEPA filters ProductInformation Information Product The principle ofof cyclonic filtration at at work The principle cyclonic filtration work The principle of cyclonic filtration at work. 011 011472 4727420 7420 011 472 7420 The principle of cyclonic filtration at work 011 472 7420
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