AIR DIMENSIONS INCORPORATED 1371 West Newport Center Dr., Suite 101, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Phone 954-428-7333 or 800-423-6464 Fax 954-360-0987 MINI DIA-VAC® with Air Driven Motor InstallaƟon, operaƟon, MAINTENANCE AND DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS A. General informaƟon Qualified personnel must perform all work to assemble, install, operate, maintain and repair the pump/air motor assembly. Using air as the power source, the pump is designed to compress gas products only. The pump is not designed to compress liquids. The pump is designed to create flow of a gaseous product and may generate a vacuum at the inlet and/or pressure at the outlet. Pump maximum opera ng pressure is 2.76 bar gauge. Product use criteria: The pump/air motor can operate in ambient temperatures from 5 C to 121 C. The motor surface temperatures can reach 82 C in a 25 C environment. Store the pump/motor in an area that is protected from inclement weather. B. InstallaƟon and operaƟon: See air motor Opera on and Maintenance manual for proper installa on, opera on, and maintenance of the air motor. This product can be installed in any orienta on. The motor/pump assembly weighs approximately 3 kg. The tube/pipe connec on ports on the pump are 1/4-18 NPT. They are 1/8-27 NPT on the Mini Air Driven motor. 1. A muffler is supplied with each air driven pump but not a ached during shipping. Be sure to install the muffler or exhaust piping before star ng the air motor, otherwise solid or liquid material exi ng air motor can cause eye or skin damage. Be sure to keep away from the air stream. Wear eye protecƟon when installing the air motor connecƟons of the pump/motor assembly. (12/11) "We Pass Your Gas" The Air Driven Mini motor is a Non-Lube motor and does not require any lubrica on. The motor is ready for immediate use from the factory. Please contact ADI with any ques ons on proper motor opera on. 2. Once the pump/motor assembly is installed and fully plumbed, a tachometer should then be used to measure the speed of the motor. Star ng with zero pressure on the inlet of the Air Motor, apply pressure by adjus ng the regulator un l the tachometer reads between 1700-2000 RPM. Set the regulator. If a tachometer is not available, the Air Driven Mini Dia-Vac generally requires approximately 40-50 PSIG and 911 SCFM at the Air motor inlet to func on properly. Do not exceed 90 PSIG or 2000 RPM on the motor. NOTE: The speed (RPM) can be adjusted if desired to achieve be er pump performance. However, do not exceed the maximum recommend speed for the Mini air motor which is 2000 RPM. 4. Refer to the specific performance curve for your given pump to confirm that the unit is func oning correctly. (Available at h p:// ons/Mini.aspx) To check pumping efficiency, employ suitably damped gauges connected so as to dead-end either pressure or vacuum. NOTE: Check each separately; One or the other port must be open during this test. Use a 0-60 PSI pressure gauge and 0-30 inch hg. vacuum gauge, (or mercury manometer.) The Mini Dia-Vac® normally runs quietly, especially when both pressure and vacuum ports are connected into a closed system. An obvious knock or ra le could indicate a problem. Check through Sec on D "Disassembly of Head SecƟon and Diaphragm" with par cular a en on to the ghtness of all screw fasteners. C. Maintenance Procedures Always shut down the air supply and disconnect the air motor from the air source before servicing the pump. Diaphragm Replacement 1. Where cri cal processes may involve the pumping of corrosive or toxic gas media, it is recommended that a monthly check of the diaphragm be part of a scheduled maintenance procedure. 2. For most applica ons, diaphragm replacement will be every 4-6 months for con nuous duty. However many factors contribute to diaphragm life including the type and temperature of the gas, pressure, and corrosive nature of the gas. 3. Diaphragms are considered a consumable part of the pump and are not covered under warranty except for manufacturers defects. 4. Diaphragms require close precision tolerance, therefore only ADI diaphragms should be used as replacements. (12/11) "We Pass Your Gas" D. Disassembly of Head SecƟon and Diaphragm Disassembly: 1. Remove head sec on by unscrewing the four large bolts. A flat-bladed screw driver may be needed to gently pry the head free of the diaphragm. 2. The valve body can then be removed by unscrewing the two smaller screws (located on the top of the head sec on). This part may be freed by gently tapping on these two screws a er they have been loosened about three or four turns. When the valve body is removed, check all internal surfaces for any accumula on of dirt. The two valve discs can be wiped clean and replaced as long as they appear unaffected by usage. The valve gasket can be easily removed and should be inspected. As a ma er of good prac ce, the valve discs and valve gasket should be replaced during any rou ne maintenance check of the head sec on. A once a year rou ne procedure is recommended. 3. The diaphragm is secured by the single screw in its center. Remove this screw with a 5/32" Allen wrench. The diaphragm and its plate should be easily li ed off. Some slight adherence to the metal may occur if the diaphragm has been in use for a long period. Rebuild: 1. Reassemble the head and valvebody with the replacement valve discs and valve gasket. Torque the valvebody screws to 70 in-lbs. 2. To install the new diaphragm and Teflon® Washer, pre-assemble the plate screw, Teflon® Washer, diaphragm plate and diaphragm. Apply Loc te 242® (or equivalent medium strength thread locker) to the plate screw. Once this is done, thread the assembly into the connec ng rod cap screw and ghten to 70 in lbs. At this point, be sure the diaphragm is properly aligned on the housing. 3. A er the diaphragm is installed, replace the head and ghten the head bolts to 110 in lbs. NOTE: When replacing the diaphragm, a Teflon® washer (part# A23001) should be inserted under the head of the diaphragm plate screw. This is added insurance against small gas leaks around the diaphragm screw head and may be essen al in vacuum applica ons where outside air contamina on cannot be tolerated. A er ghtening the screw, the excess Teflon® should be trimmed away. (12/11) "We Pass Your Gas" E. Disassembly and Replacement of the ConnecƟng Rod 1. Remove head sec on and diaphragm as described in (C) above. When this is done and the front screen has been removed, the connec ng rod assembly may be taken out (refer to exploded view drawing). Gently pry up and remove the connec ng rod cap (part# A03301) which is held in place by the diaphragm screw. 2. Loosen but do not remove the counterweight screw. This is accessible from the top of the pump base cas ng and will require a 5/32" hex Allen wrench. The connec ng rod eccentric assembly, including counterweight and fan, will then slide off the motor sha . 3. To replace the connec ng rod assembly, align the flat sec on on the motor sha with the counterweight screw (part #A19309) before sliding the assembly in place. Slide the assembly onto the sha without le ng the connec ng rod and housing come in contact (connec ng rod should be approximately 1/32 inch from housing). Be careful to maintain the alignment of the flat on the sha and the counterweight screw when sliding the assembly in place. Tighten the counterweight screw. NOTE: A er prolonged use, the eccentric assembly may freeze up on the motor sha . A wheel puller may be needed to free the part. When replacing the eccentric assembly, the motor sha should be lightly coated with a graphite or MDS based lubricant. E. Related Torque Values 1. Head bolts - 110 inch pounds. 2. Valve body screws and Diaphragm plate screws - 70 inch pounds F. Air Motor InstallaƟon Guide NOTE: See page 5. Teflon® is a Registered Trademarks of E.I. Du Pont Dia-Vac® is a Registered Trademark of Air Dimensions Inc. Viton® is a Registered Trademark of E.I. Du Pont Loc te® is a Registered Trademark of Henkel Technologies Inc. (12/11) "We Pass Your Gas" Air Motor Installation Guide 12.0 [30 cm] See note 1. Pressure Regulator Filter Pressure Gauge 12.0 [30 cm] See note 1. Emergency Shutoff Valve 3/8" ID minimum ball valve AIR SOURCE Tube 3/8" (10mm) ID minimum See air motor installation instructions for additional details. Note: 1. The tube length from the regulator to the air motor should be no more than 2 feet (61 cm) long. PCO 032
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