Image brochure - AIS Automation Dresden GmbH

Transparency and efficiency
WiTh innovaTive sofTWare
ais auToMaTion dresden
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innovaTive sofTWare soluTions
for various indusTries
Vacuum and Thin film technology,
Semiconductor, Photovoltaics
More than 3000 control systems worldwide
More than 22 years of experience
Factory-wide automation projects in Semiconductor,
Automotive and Photovoltaic industry
More than 70 Mes in semiconductor and photovoltaic
More than 60 line controllers in automotive industry
eQuipMenT and sysTeM conTrol
vacuuM and Thin filM TechnoloGy,
seMiconducTor TechnoloGy, phoTovolTaics
facTory auToMaTion
phoTovolTaics, discreTe parTs ManufacTurinG,
seMiconducTor, auToMoTive, BaTTery ManufacTurinG
18 years of experiences worldwide
System integration and control
for shunting equipment
More than 10 shunting yards
18 years of experiences worldwide
2000 successfully completed plc projects
Transparency and efficiency WiTh innovaTive sofTWare
sysTeM inTeGraTion & railWay TechnoloGy
process TechnoloGy, faciliTy auToMaTion,
pharMaceuTical indusTry, railWay TechnoloGy
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eQuipMenT and sysTeM conTrol
vacuuM and Thin filM TechnoloGy,
seMiconducTor TechnoloGy, phoTovolTaics
control systems
and host interfaces
retrofit – system enhancement
Renewal of equipment control
replacement of existing control systems
integration of state of the art control solutions
Renewal of the electrical engineering
and selected equipment components
replacement of sensors and actuators
power electronics and power supply
including renewal of electrical cabinets
Modification and extension of equipment
for new technologies and products
Transparency and efficiency WiTh innovaTive sofTWare
Vacuum and Thin film technology
Metallizing and sputtering systems
plasma-, ion beam and electron beam technology
Semiconductor industry
cluster Tool controller
process and transport module controller
host interfaces-secs/GeM, 300mm services, interfacea (eda)
Photovoltaic and Solar industry
inline and line controller
host interfaces pv02, XMl, s7, opc
Custom control development
Factory automation
PhotovoltaicS, discrete PARTS MANUFACTURING,
Semiconductor, Automotive, Battery manufacturing
Photovoltaic, semiconductor
industry and others
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Automotive industry and
discrete parts manufacturing
Line controller and production control
Track and trace batches and single parts
Control your production or specific production lines
Manage orders and parts in batch-size 1 production
Collect and store test and measurement results
Quality management
Equipment management for production lines
Collection and analysis of product, process and machine data
as well as alarms
Electronic equipment log book and maintenance management
Visualize KPI’s at the production line
Collect equipment, process & production data
Equipment performance analysis for KPI like uptime, yield, throughput & OEE
Material tracking, traceability
Production and capability planning
SPC, APC, ERP integration
Systems for production and equipment data acquisition
Equipment integration via standardised interface like SECS/GEM, PV02 & OPC
Data acquisition and calculation of KPI
Alarm management and error statistics, process data acquisition
Material and batch data acquisition
Mobile device support
Equipment Performance Analysis
Data and alarm acquisition
Equipment modelling
Components drill-down and Cluster analysis
KPI and OEE calculation
Functionality for rework and inspection units
Process monitoring and online quality management
Transparency and efficiency With innovative software
System integration & Railway technology
Process technology, Facility automation,
Pharmaceutical industry, Railway technology
Control systems and software
solutions for railway technology
Complex system solutions for automation of shunting equipment
Retarder and conveyor control systems
Connection to logistic systems
Process-dynamic calculations/determination of rolling properties
in train formation yards
Scalable shunting procedures for the universal use in train formation yards
Control software for train wash plants
On-board unit for freight waggons (e.g. automatic rail brake test)
Process and plant automation
Process industry, Semiconductor industry (facility),
Chemical industry, Pharmaceutical industry,
Printing industry, Food & Beverage
Equipment control
Process control
Manufacturing automation with line control
Process monitoring with KPI
Retrofit and refurbishment
Transparency and efficiency With innovative software
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ais auToMaTion dresden
innovaTive sofTWare soluTions
for various indusTries
software technologies
and know how
development tools
& Know-how (pc)
siMaTic® pcs 7, Win cc, Win cc fleXiBle,
oracle apeX, c++, ansi-c c# (.neT-plaTforM),
visual Basic, delphi, Java, silverliGhT,
QliKvieW, crysTal reporTs
(aMonGsT oThers)
solutions from process control
to factory automation
We are dedicated to the development and deployment of innovative, flexible and
economical solutions with the best functionality and the highest quality in the
agreed time.
Our solutions and products are setting new standards in
automation and production-related IT combined with a
comprehensive service.
ado, oci, odBc,
XMl, soap, WeB services, Wcf, soa,
MsMQ, TiB/rv, corBa
siMaTic® sTep 5 & 7, pcs 7, Tia porTal,
development tools
& Know-how (controls) BecKhoff, MiTsuBishi, Bosch, oMron
FabEagle MES
oracle, rac, Ms sQl server, sQl eXpress,
FabEagle framework
WindoWs 7, WindoWs 8, WindoWs server
2003, 2008, 2008r2, 2012, Xp
uniX (hp), linuX, rMos, vXWorKs, ios
FabLink suite
operating systems
Transparency and efficiency WiTh innovaTive sofTWare
Mes/ process and
QualiTy ManaGeMenT
FabEagle LC
eQuipMenT and
sysTeM inTeGraTion
FabEagle link
eQuipMenT conTrol
and hosT inTerface
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ais auToMaTion dresden
innovaTive sofTWare soluTions
for various indusTries
ais automation dresden Gmbh has
been iso 9001 certified since 1997
our company
as a system and software company, we offer our customers visions and its competent
implementation as a „full service provider“, from conception to realisation and on-site
installation worldwide, as well as professional service and support.
Innovative solutions, the most efficient functionality and high quality
within the predetermined time are the objectives of our work.
our philosophy
Quality, innovation and professionalism are our claims for all services
offered. We would like to support our customers with our software
competence, target-oriented and with a worldwide service.
ais automation dresden is a system and software provider for control and
automation technology as well as iT solutions
experience and excellence from more than 23 year in the field of automation and
production iT
looking back to a prosperous business starting in 1990 with eight co-workers and
currently engaging more than 150 employees
Global software provider and integrator for manufacturing automation
and equipment control
one-stop-shop for products and services
consulting and requirement analysis
software development
control hardware and iT systems
project management and training
on-site integration and installation
Worldwide service and support
Transparency and efficiency WiTh innovaTive sofTWare
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ais auToMaTion dresden
services WorldWide
More than 150 experienced employees of AIS Automation Dresden
in Germany, China, Taiwan, USA and the complete Meyer Burger
Group worldwide, will help you to optimize your production.
AIS Headquarters Germany
Dresden - Saxony
Sales, Service
& Support in Europe
Meyer Burger USA
Meyer Burger Headquarters
Hillsboro - Oregon
Service & Sales in USA
Sales, Service
& Support in Europe
Meyer Burger Shanghai
AIS Service & Sales
in China
Meyer Burger Taiwan
AIS Service & Sales
in Taiwan
Transparency and efficiency WiTh innovaTive sofTWare
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AIS Automation
Dresden GmbH
otto-Mohr-strasse 6
01237 dresden
phone +49 (351) 21 66 0
+49 (351) 21 66 3000