56 | P age Australian Journal of Information Technology and Communication Volume II Issue I ISSN 2203-2843 Error Rate Performance of LTE Mobile Systemthrough RealisticFading Channel Manorama setia , Jyotessh Malhotra (Corresponding author: Manorama setia) ECE Department, GNDU-RC, (Email:manoramasetia@gmail.com) Abstract-Channel environment is very important parameter of communication and especially for wireless communication which have air as interfacing medium that act as channel .Thus it has different type of powers and delays. Since most of the results are based on ideal channel (AWGN) but for successful implementation of any technology we have to evaluate it in realistic environment.LTE(Long Term Evaluation) is a project Started by 3GPP(Third Generation Partnership Project) for 4G development. This paper makes a number of contributions to evaluate the performance of different realistic channels. Wehad taken certain channel conditions like modulation scheme, bandwidth and HARQto observe its variation effect on different fading channels. The results obtained from this variation helps in determining good and effective parameters for a particular fading channel.With the help of LTE link level simulator by evaluating results in terms of throughput and BLER (block error ratio) Keywords- LTE, BLER, CQI, PedB, VehA, eNodeB , HARQ,3GPP I. Introduction With the rapid development of wireless communication and multi-media applications such as Internet suffering,3D gamming consoles ,VoIP, Live streaming the mobile communication technology needs to meet different high requirements of mobile data, mobile calculations and mobile multi-media operations. In order to accommodate the increasing mobile data usage, the new multimedia applications reliability of the system, LTE is introduced. LTE is a new technology specified by the 3GPP as the emerging mobile communication technologies for the next generation i.e. fourth generation (4G) broadband mobile wireless communication networks [1]. LTE emanates remarkable changes by orignating a novel physical layer and reforming the core network which make it better as compared to previous technologies such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA).[2]Since there are a lot of security vulnerabilities in the UMTS. In LTE multiple access schemes is different for downlink which is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple-Access (OFDMA) and for uplink it is Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple-Access (SCFDMA) [3]. OFDM is preferred not only because it offers , , India high data rate transmission but also because of it flexibility and robustness against multipath fading. The development in physical layer of LTE is rapidly approaching in an extremely fast manner,As the new records has been set in London for the LTE downlink i.e.1Tbps in which the downlink speed has been observed to be 1000 times more of the current speed researched and attained by Samsung 7.5Gbps. The motivation is to provide the quality of service and high availability for user’s demand for higher data rateAnd low complexity as well as to avoid unnecessary fragmentation of technology for paired and unpaired band operation, and rapid growth towards the development of broad-band wireless access technologies. The Multipath model which is a test operating environment also known as reference model. In mobile radio propagation environments, there is multi-path propagation which causes signal fading and channel time dispersion .The characteristics of signal fading varies with the propagation environment and its impact on the communication quality (i.e. bit error patterns) which is directly linked with the speed of users correspond to eNodeB, which helps us to give a model of test environment thatcan be used to evaluate results in realistic conditions so it becomes an important aspect to analyse before implementation.[4]. This paper makes a number of contributions to evaluate the performance of different realistic channel. Wehad taken certain channel condition like modulation scheme, bandwidth and HARQ, and evaluate its variations effect on different fading channels. The results obtained from this variation helps in determining effective value of parameters for a particular fading channel.With the help of LTE link level simulator by calculating throughput and BLER.We will perform simulations for different conditions in LTE environment and compare it for different multipath models. Section II consists of background of parameters which we are going to vary, In Section III detail introduction to multipath models we choose to evaluate environment conditions, Section IV containssimulations results and Section V concludes the paper. II. Background 57 | P age Australian Journal of Information Technology and Communication Volume II Issue I In modern wireless networks, the quality of received signal in wireless channels is calculated by measuring the quality of channel and these results are used to select appropriate modulation and coding scheme, proper B.W, proper spatial diversity, no. of retransmission i.e. HARQ according to the operated environment. As these test operating environments (Multipath models) are an appropriate subset of the IMT-2000 operating environments which is described under ITU-R M.1034.for evaluating the performance of individual radio links we can use simple models ,whereas moreover to evaluate the overall system-level reliability and compatibility of specific technologies we require complex models. As narrowband technologies, may be characterized by its r.m.s value alone for time delay spread whereas for wideband technologies number of parameters like relative time delay and strength of the many signal components become significant. For some technologies (e.g. those employing power controls) these models must include coupling between all co-channel propagation links to achieve maximum accuracy. Also, in some cases, the large-scale (shadow fading) temporal variations of the environment must be modelled. Propagation model would include parameters which describe as follows: • time delay-spread, its structure, and its statistical variability (e.g. probability distribution of time delay spread); • .path loss rule ofR • shadow fading; • Characteristics of multipath fading are Doppler spread, Rayleigh fading. operating radio frequency[4] • and excess path loss; Main function of Link Adaptation (LA) is to reach the target value of BLER.LTE utilises different techniques to adapt the changing environment of LTE, since power in downlink is constant .As LA is used to analyse the feedback from UE and select best MCS for UE based also on the information about the allocation position in the frequency domain. A. Channel Quality Indicator (CQI)is one of the process under LA. It acts as a feedback from UE to e-NodeB which gives information of channel quality. reference signals act a information to evaluate CQI .evaluated interval, evaluated resolution in frequency domain, reporting mechanisms, etc. are all configurable parameters and they have great effect on performance of the system [8].CQI actually contains the information of data rate of UE on the downlink channel basis on which CQI is generated [6].It just not only depends on the noise and interference within wireless channel but also on the quality of receiver .Therefore receiver with best front end and good processing signal deliver good CQI. It is a combination ISSN 2203-2843 of modulation scheme and code rate which is selected to ensure that BLER should be less than 0.1[7] As cqi=1 is the most robust case (modulation scheme=QPSK and code rate=0.076) select for worst channel quality, and with increasing value of cqi the quality of channel increases. CQI values are also used to select the optimum resource block i.e. the optimum sub-carrier and the optimum time slot. [8],[9] B.HARQ: HARQ (Hybrid automatic repeat request) is basically used to detect errors and correct them in order to increase throughput .HARQ consists of error detection, Forward Error Correction (FEC), and the well-known ARQ, By using the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), erroneous packets can be detected and a request for a retransmission is sent to the transmitter. It can be a duplicate packet or just some redundancy bits that are combined with the erroneous packet so that it can easily be corrected by the FEC. C.Bandwidth: As frequency spectra are formed of resource blocks and one resource block contains of 12subcarriers and spacing between two subcarriers is 15Khz and each slot consist 6or7 symbols so transmission bandwidth 180Khz. This enables trans-mission bandwidth configurations from 6 to 110 resource blocks over a single frequency carrier. LTE standard allows for channel band-widths ranging from 1.4 to 20.0MHz in steps of 180 kHz, allowing the required spectrum flexi-ability to be achieved. For bandwidths of 3–20MHz, the totality of resource blocks in the transmission bandwidth occupies around 90% of the channel bandwidth. In the case of 1.4 kHz, the percentage drops to around 77% III. Simulation environment and methodology A. Multipath channel Models Due to interference in the path of propagation environment of mobile radio communication the signal follow multiple paths to reach at target which cause delayed signal to receive at output and cause fading and due to its impact quality of signal degrades and it totally dependent on the speed of user with respect to e-NodeB. All environments are described under ITU-R M.1034. [4] 1. Pedestrian A and B Pedestrian environment consist of small cells and low transmit power. eNodeB with low antenna height are located outdoors while pedestrian users are located on the streets. for Non LOS loss rule of is considered and if path is LOS loss follows. The number of paths in PedA model is 4 and 6 in PedB model. According to ITU multipath environment [4][5] that represent Average powers and relative delays for the taps of multipath channel for pedestrian channel 2. Vehicular A Vehicular environment consist of large cells and higher transmit power. As we have limited spectrum, so capacity is main factor. With path loss the signal power decreases with distance. As path loss exponent is 4 for both urban and suburban areas which will be less for rural areas. In this the 58 | P age Australian Journal of Information Technology and Communication Volume II Issue I vehicle speed is assumed to be 120Km/hr. Table [4][5] shows Average power and relative delay for vehicular channel. 3. Typical Urban: These models are mostly used for GSM and PCM bands. There are two definitions of Typical Urban model which has 12 delay taps and 6 delay taps respectively. Both definitions have the same delay spread value. Commonly typical urban model with 6 delay taps is used. Table [5] shows Power and Relative Delays for Typical Urban Model with 12 delay taps B. Environment values Here we present the environment we choose for our simulations. The values for different parameter that defines the environment aresimulation type, CQI,HARQ, Transmission mode, Data rate, Bandwidth, No. of sub-frames, Receiver type,modulationtype,multipath model and Coderate. TABLE I Case I Decide range of SNR ISSN 2203-2843 For number of retransmissions equal no. of retransmission vector Switch no. of re-tx Case II Decide range of SNR Specification ofthe Values of Parameters Used As Simulating Environment Parameters values CQI Sub-frames HARQ 4,7,10 500,1000 Determine value of Channel Quality Indicator 0,3 Simulation type Normal(SUMIMO) Transmission mode 111(mode=1,tx.Antenna=1,rx.anteena=1) Bandwidth 1.4MHZ,3MHZ,10MHZ,20MHZ Receiver type multipath models SSD(Soft sphere decoder) Case I Case II Single User Multimedia Input Multimedia Output For cqi =cqi to simulate Decide simulation type TU, VehA, PedB C. Methodology Single User Single Input Single Output Start sending sub-frames according to SNR set Initiate program and set global debug level to highest Level Initiate trace for BLER performance and throughput performance Initialize varied parameter i.e. no of sub-frames to simulate and set simulation type. Set CQI configuration and Initialize variable transmission modes to simulatewith the array parameter Calculate transmission modes,MIMO, RXAntennas with the help of above variable Extract the BLER and throughput performance from traced results and plot it Exit Fig. 1 Flow chart IV Result and discussion Here we present the results based on simulations done in LTE link level simulator as changing its parameters and compare them by computing throughput and BLER for different 59 | P age Australian Journal of Information Technology and Communication Volume II Issue I multipath models. In figure 2 and 3 shows the simulation result of changing modulation scheme for different multipath models and comparing in terms of BLER and throughput in table II and III we are showing the values of BLER and throughput w.r.t SNR. TABLE II BLER Results of Simulation of Realistic Channels for Different Modulation Scheme modulation BLER PedB VehA TU 4.5db 5db 4db 10 16QAM 64QAM 12 db 12.5db 11db 17.5 db 18db 17db QPSK 10db 9db 8db 10 16QAM 64QAM 16.5db 16db 14db >21 db >21db >20db -1 10 2 ] 1.5 s p b M [ t u p h g 1 u ro ht 0.5 -5 0 QPSK PedB QPSK TU QPSK VehA 16QAM PedB 16QAM VehA 16QAM TU 64QAM PedB 64QAM VehA 64QAM TU -2 10 -3 -5 10 15 20 QPSK VehA QPSK PedB QPSK TU 16QAM VehA 16QAM PedB 16QAM TU 64QAM VehA 64QAM PedB 64QAM TU 2 0 0 -5 0 5 SNR [dB] 10 15 20 -1 modulation Throughput 0.5 QPSK 16QAM QPSK VehA QPSK PedB QPSK TU 16QAM VehA 16QAM PedB 16QAM TU 64QAM VehA 64QAM PedB 64QAM TU -3 -5 0 15 20 1.5 64QAM QPSK 16QAM 64QAM 5 SNR [dB] 10 15 Fig.2BLER comparison for different modulation scheme for 0 PedB VehA TU (Mbps) 10 -2 10 TABLE III 64QAM 10 SNR [dB] Throughput Result of Realistic Channels for Different Modulation Scheme QPSK R E L B 5 Fig. 3 Throughput comparison for different modulation scheme for 0 and 3 retx 16QAM and 3re-tx SNR [dB] throughput,various modulation scheme,1000 subframes, 3 re-tx 2.5 BLER,various modulation scheme,1000 subframes, 3 re-tx 0 10 10 5 0.5 R E L B 10 QPSK PedB QPSK TU QPSK VehA 16QAM PedB 16QAM VehA 16QAM TU 64QAM PedB 64QAM VehA 64QAM TU s] 1.5 p b [M t u p h g 1 u o r ht BLER,various modulation scheme,1000 subframes, 0 re-tx 0 10 throughput,various modulation scheme,1000 subframes, 0 re-tx 2.5 0 QPSK ISSN 2203-2843 20 2.5 3db 3db 3db 5db 5db 5db 8db 8db 8db - - - - 13 db 13db - - - - 20db 20db 13db 20db For QPSK, Up till SNR=2 all channel behaving same but after that TU behaves well by 2.5db power w.r.t other channels at BLER=10 and at SNR=11 even PedB performs well and VehA require 1db more power, and for throughput it 60 | P age Australian Journal of Information Technology and Communication Volume II Issue I is giving value of max. 0.5-0.7 Mbps but it giving a significant value even at negative SNR For 16QAM, more power is required to reach at low value of BLER around 6-7db power dissipate as compared to QPSK and if we compare multipath models within 16QAM TU perform good by 2-3db power and throughput is max.1.3-1.4 Mbps. For 64QAM, In BLER for this requires power dissipation of 13db to reach the value as obtained by QPSK modulation and in this throughput hikes to 2.5Mbps. As we compared for HARQ=0 and 3 we can see that around 5-6 db power dissipation is less in case of HARQ=3. For comparison of multipath models for different B.W or data rate we took particular case of cqi=7 to evaluate best of these B.W. we can analyse results from these fig. 4 and 5 10 1.4mhz TU 1.4mhz VehA 1.4MHZ PedB 3mhz TU 3mhz VehA 3mhz PedB 10mhz TU 10mhz VehA 10mhz PedB 10 8 6 4 2 0 BLER,various bandwidths ,500 subframes, 0 re-tx 0 throughput,various bandwidths ,500 subframes, 0 re-tx 12 ] s p b M [ t u p h g u o r ht ISSN 2203-2843 -5 0 5 SNR [dB] 10 15 20 Fig. 5 Throughput comparison of different bandwidth on multipath models TABLE V Throughput Results of Realistic Channels for Different B.W Bandwidth Throughput PedB VehA TU 1.4mhz TU 1.4mhz VehA 1.4MHZ PedB 3mhz TU 3mhz VehA 3mhz PedB 10mhz TU 10mhz VehA 10mhz PedB -1 10 R E L B -2 10 (Mbps) 1.4MHz 8db 8db 8db 5db 5db 5db 10Mhz 3.3 db 3 db 4 db 1.4MHz - - - 11db 12db 10db 10MHz 4 db 5 db 5 db 1.4MHz - - - - - - 10db 11db 9db 3MHz 3MHz 1.5 3.5 -3 10 -5 0 5 SNR [dB] 10 15 20 3MHz Fig. 4 BLER comparison of different bandwidth on multipath models TABLE IV BLER Results of Simulation for Realistic Channels for Different B.W Bandwidth BLER 1.4MHz 3MHz 10MHz 10 1.4MHz 3MHz 10MHz 10 PedB VehA TU 11db 12db 10db 8.6db 11db 8db 9 db 10db 8.5db 17db 16db 15.5db 13 .5db 14.9db 12db 13 db 14db 11 db 10MHz 11 For 1.4MHz, TU performs good in terms of BLER as it is giving 1-1.5 db of target to others channels but till SNR=6 or7 all channels are behaving same irrespective of B.W even in terms of throughput all channels are giving a throughput of 1.5-2 Mbps for this B.W i.e. at 1.4MHz. For 3 MHz, As compared to 1.4 MHz, at this B.W TU channel gives 3-4 db less power dissipation bet. SNR 6-10 it is even performing well than other channels at 10 MHz and in terms of B.W it is giving a value of 3-3.5 Mbps. For 10 MHz, in this TU gives 1-1.5 db power target to PedB and 2-3 db to VehA and at this B.W throughput rises to 12 Mbps. V. Conclusion Fading channels are the operating environment, which consist of average delays and average power.Deployment of any technology in real world ought to be tested under these fading channels for a deep analysis of the results before practically setting up any technology. In this study we have researched and shown it with fully dynamic simulations how modulation scheme, B.W, HARQ affects different fading channels(PedB, VehA, TU) by evaluating results in terms of throughput and error rate. 61 | P age Australian Journal of Information Technology and Communication Volume II Issue I The results shows that with change in modulation scheme, it largely affects its performance where throughput becomes five times by using 64QAM in place of QPSK but for this there is trade-off between BLER and throughput because of more power dissipation as for using higher modulation scheme but its effects can be reduced by using HARQ by sending duplicate data or bits we can reduce this power dissipation and can produce 5-6db power saving and effective results in terms ofrobustness and reliability. By increasing B.W. Throughput increases to 7 times giving good performance even BLER power dissipation can b reduced . Manorama Setia is currently pursuing M.tech in Electronics and Communication with specialisation in communication from Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar. She received her B.Tech degree from Rayat and Bahara College of engineering, Mohali in 2013.Her research areas of interests include Wireless Communication. Dr. Jyoteesh Malhotra received B.Eng., M.Tech, PhD , is involved in teaching and research at Electronics and Commun. Department, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar. His research interests includes LTE, simulation of wireless channels, Fading mitgitaion techniques, and wireless networks. Dr. Malhotra has published more than 90 research papers in the International Journals/ Conferences and authored 02 books. He is in editorial board of many International Journals of repute. References [1] Temitope O. Takpor and Francis E. Idachaba “Analysis and Simulation of LTE Downlink and Uplink Transceiver”, WCE 2014 [2]J. C. Ikuno, M. Wrulich, M. 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