Sykesville Chili Cook Sykesville Chili Cook----Off and Beer Festival

Sykesville Chili CookCook-Off and Beer Festival Rules and Registration
Sunday, September 8th 2013
2013 12noon12noon-4pm;
pm; EW Becks Parking Lot
Call: 410-795-8959
Entry fee is $10 per chili recipe.
A list of chili ingredients (not recipe) is required.
Contestants may arrive at 7am to begin cooking.
Each participant should make at least 5 quarts of chili. All chili must be prepared out in the open from scratch
starting with raw meat (N/A if preparing vegetarian) (no marinating of meat is allowed). No chili mixes permitted.
You may only use meat purchased from a local retail store or meat market. The Health Department prohibits home
kill meat (i.e. deer, rabbit, etc.)
You may enter the contest under three categories: Beef, Green or Vegetarian
You should cook with propane gas. Electricity is minimum and given on a first come, first served basis. Additional
$10 fee for electricity
You should be prepared to decorate your table/space to create an eye-catching and
appealing area.
Your chili will be given to the Judges at 12:00 PM and will be judged on five basic criteria:
Aroma – Chili should smell good.
Color – Chili should look appetizing.
Consistency – Chili must have a good ratio between sauce and meat. It should not be dry, watery, grainy or greasy.
Taste – Taste is the most important factor. The taste should consist of the combination
of all ingredients with no particular ingredient being dominant, but rather a blend of the flavors.
Bite – Bite or aftertaste is the “heat” created by the various types of chili peppers and chili spices.
The Judges will choose winners in each category. Those 3 winners will each receive a cash prize of $100.
Your chili will be offered to the public at 12:00 PM and will be judged by the people for a “People’s Choice”
winner with a prize of $100. “People’s Choice” will be awarded at 3:00pm.
CONTESTANT REGISTRATION FORM – Deadline: August 23, 2013
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________ Email: ______________________________________
Which Category are you cooking?
Beef _____
Name of Chili: ________________________________________________________________
Please mail this form, 2 original signature copies of the two Health Department Forms
Forms, a list of your ingredients
(not recipe) and a $10 check made payable to: Sykesville Main Street Association
Or you can pay online by clicking the DONATE button at:
Mail to: Sykesville Main Street Association , Attn: Chili Cook-off, 7547 Main St, Sykesville, MD 21784
Please print two (2) copies
of the next form!
We need all 4 returned
with original signatures!
This is a Carroll County Health
Department requirement!
290 South Center Street; P.O. Box 845
Westminster, Maryland 21158
410-876-1884 $ 410-857-5009 $ 410-875-3395
Toll-free: 800-966-3877
TTY: 410-876-4779 $ FAX: 410-876-4430
Larry L. Leitch, M.A., M.P.A.
Health Officer, Carroll County
Elizabeth M. Ruff, M.D.
Deputy Health Officer
Vendor Form
Applicant=s Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Applicant=s Home Phone Number _____ - _____ - ________
Do you have a Food Service Facility License in the State of Maryland?
Name of Event: Sykesville Chili Cook-Off and Beer Festival
Date(s) of Event: Sunday, September 8, 2013
Location of Event: Town of Sykesville Sandosky Parking Lot
Sponsoring Organization: Sykesville Main Street Association
I do hereby make application to operate a stall or stand under the temporary Food Service Facility License issued
to the above-noted sponsoring organization. In making this application, I agree to comply with all pertinent
Health Department regulations.
The foods and equipment I intend to use are as follows:
Handwashing facility with soap and disposable towels
3-pan dishwashing set-up with soap and water, rinse water,
and sanitizer water (Separate from handwashing station)
Food Thermometer(s)
Vendor=s Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________
*Food must be prepared and stored at event location or a licensed approved food service facility.
290 South Center Street; P.O. Box 845
Westminster, Maryland 21158
410-876-1884 $ 410-857-5009 $ 410-875-3395
Toll-free: 800-966-3877
TTY: 410-876-4779 $ FAX: 410-876-4430
Larry L. Leitch, M.A., M.P.A.
Health Officer, Carroll County
Elizabeth M. Ruff, M.D.
Deputy Health Officer
The following are minimum requirements, which must be met to qualify for Health Department approval to
operate under A Special Food Service Facility Temporary License. The License is issued to the event
The application must be completed in duplicate and returned to the Health Department with
original signatures.
Hand-wash facilities are required for operations that handle food products, which are not
individually pre-packaged or pre-wrapped. (Example: pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers,
sandwiches, etc.) A non-toxic, easily cleanable water dispenser with potable water must be
used for hand washing with a basin to collect wastewater. (Example: plastic or non-toxic
metal drink dispensing coolers are acceptable.) Soap, paper towels, and a trash receptacle
must be provided. Please note that hand-washing facilities and dishwashing facilities must be
separate. Hand washing must occur before and between glove uses. Hands must be washed
for a minimum of 20 seconds.
Glove use is required by any person handling ready to eat foods. No bare hand contact is
allowed. Gloves must be changed when going from raw food to ready to serve foods; if
gloves become damaged; and after a period of continued use.
Washing facilities for utensils, pots, pans, etc. are required for those operations which handle
food not individually pre-packaged or pre-wrapped and require utensils for serving or
equipment for cooking. Three adequately sized, easily cleanable, containers filled with
potable water are to be used. Example: plastic or non-toxic metal is acceptable. The first
basin is to contain soap and water. The second basin is to contain clear rinse water. The third
basin is to contain clear rinse water with the proper concentration of sanitizing agent poured
into the water (Example: 1/4-oz. of bleach per gallon of water). These basins should be
emptied and replenished as needed.
Each stand must have a cooler or other acceptable means of refrigeration to keep potentially
hazardous foods at 41º Fahrenheit or below. (Example: hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and
sandwiches, etc.) Each cooler or refrigeration unit must be provided with a thermometer to
check the temperature. An adequate supply of ice or ice packs may be used in the coolers.
However, food must not be placed so it can be flooded by melted ice. All raw foods must be
stored separately from ready-to-eat foods.
Any foods requiring heating shall be rapidly heated to these minimum temperatures:
Measure the temperature at center of the food.
Shell Eggs
Roast Beef & Pork
145ºF hold for 15 seconds
145ºF hold for 15 seconds
Stuffed Meat
Ground Beef & Comminuted Meats
All others
Reheat Food Temperature
Hot Hold for All Foods
165ºF hold for 15 seconds
165ºF hold for 15 seconds
155ºF hold for 15 seconds
145ºF hold for 15 seconds
135ºF minimum
All stands preparing food must have a calibrated food thermometer on-site and available at all
All foods are to be wrapped or covered to protect them from contamination by dust, dirt,
sneezing, coughing, unnecessary handling by the consumer, and all other sources of
contamination, during storage, preparation, display, and service.
All food and food contact items must be elevated off the floor or ground.
All food must be prepared and stored at the approved location.
Equipment shall not have cracks or crevices and shall be made of nonporous, non-toxic
material. It shall also be free from dirt, corrosion, chipping paint, and shall be in a general
state of good repair. Equipment shall also be easily cleanable. Plastic, which is cracked,
metal, which is rusted or pitted, and chipped enamelware should not be used.
All stands preparing foods must have overhead protection (tent or canopy) as well as an
approved ground cover. Examples of approved ground cover include concrete, asphalt,
plastic tarps, and other non-porous cleanable surfaces.
All Special Food Service Facility Events are subject to inspection by the Health Department.
Food must be prepared and stored at event location or a licensed approved food service
My signature constitutes my agreement to comply with the Guidelines for a Special Food Service Facility
Temporary License.
Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ___________________________
Name of Event: ____________________________________ Date of Event: ____________________
Updated: 12/29/08