Akij Cement Company Ltd. Product Information Contact Us Corporate Head Quarter Akij Cement Company Ltd., Mofiz Chamber (4th Floor), 75, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Institutional Sales : Contact person: Mr. Zakiur Rahman Chowdhury, Asst. Manager Mobile: 01711-555014 Email : zakiur.accl@akij.net Department Head : Payar Ahmed Tushar Cell : 01711555001 Email : abmtushar@akij.net Web: www.akijcement.com Factory Akij Cement Company Ltd., Nabigonj, Kadomrasul, Bandor, Narayangonj. The Product Features Product : Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 1) 2) 3) 4) Type Strength class Ingredients Standard comply to 5) Typical chemical compositions Uses: • • • • • • • : CEM-I : 52.5 N : Clinker 95-100%, and Gypsum 0-5% : BDS 232:1993, BDS EN 197-1:2003, Comply to ASTM C 15094/BS- 12:96/IS.2269 : 55% (C3S), 19% (C2S), 10% (C3A), 7% (C4AF), 2.8% MgO, 2.9% (SO3), 1.0% Ignition loss, and 1.0% free CaO) Prestressesd concrete structure Heavy structure like bridge and large building Under water construction RCC foundation the vibration pron structure such as culvert, airfield slab heavy mechanical workshop and highway piling and electric poles For Heavy Construction and Industrial uses. If the structure is under continuous vibration with heavy machineries, you are suggested to use OPC cement. Chemical Test Results of Akij Cement OPC at Factory Laboratory Ordinary Portland cement (Type-CEM-I) Test Material Sample collection Date Test of Date : Akij Cement (PC) : 23.01.2015 : 23.01.2015 Chemical Composition Name of ingredient Silicon dioxide (Si2O) Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Calcium Oxide (CaO) Magnesium Oxide(MgO) Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) Dricalcium Silicate (C2S) Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A) Tetracalcium Aluminiferrite (C4AF) Lime Saturation factor (LSF) Free Lime (F/CaO) Loss of Ignition (LOI) Insoluble Residue (IR) Chloride (Cl-) Soundness (Expansion) Test Result (%) 20.31 5.24 3.18 63.27 0.98 1.65 58.76 13.90 8.51 9.68 95.23 1.01 3.17 0.45 0.016 1.44 mm Limits (%) 18.0-22 3.50 Max. < 1.50 Test Method EN-196-2 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 ASTM C114-09 Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated ASTM C114-09 ASTM C114-09 ASTM C114-09 < 10.00 mm Product : Portland Composite Cement (PCC) [ Fly-Ash Free ] Cement 1) Type 2) Strength class : CEM-II : 42.5 N 3) Ingredients : Clinker 72-79%, Brast Furnace Slag, Limestone 21-28%, and Gypsum 0-5% : BDS 232:1993, BDS EN 197-1:2003; Comply to ASTM C 595, : 51% (C3S), 24% (C2S), 6% (C3A), 11% (C4AF), 2.9% MgO, 2.5% (SO3), 0.8% Ignition loss and 1.0% free CaO 4) Standard comply to 5) Typical chemical compositions Uses: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) For Construction up to 25 Storied Building but not for higher vibration in ground floor. You can also use this PCC cement for super structure and Basement with OPC cement. Short span bridges, tunnels, culverts hydraulic & marine structures, river protection works Paving blocks, quarries, airfield surfaces, ballast less track Unreinforced concrete, water treatment plant Chemical Test Results of Akij Cement PCC at Factory Laboratory Portland Composite Cement (Type-CEM-II/B-M) Test Material : Akij Cement Sample collection Date : 19.01.2015 Test of Date : 19.01. 2015 Chemical Composition Name of ingredient Silicon dioxide (Si2O) Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Calcium Oxide (CaO) Magnesium Oxide(MgO) Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) Total Alkali Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) Dricalcium Silicate (C2S) Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A) Tetracalcium Aluminiferrite (C4AF) Lime Saturation factor (LSF) Free Lime (F/CaO) Loss of Ignition (LOI) Insoluble Residue (IR) Chloride (Cl-) Soundness (Expansion) Test Result (%) 20.34 6.59 2.81 57.31 5.06 1.39 Highest Strength Sulfate Resistant Anti-Crack Corrosion Resistant Better Workability Improved Durability Damp Proof Whitish Shade Pollution Resistant’s 3.50 Max. < 0.60 26.42 3780 12.71 8.54 85.94 1.18 6.13 0.51 0.055 0.59mm 9 Unique Benefits of Fly-ash free cement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lim its (%) EN-196-2 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 ASTM C114-09 ASTM C114-09 Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated ASTM C114-09 ASTM C114-09 < 0.1 < 10.00 mm ASTM C114-09 EN-196-2 EN-196-2 (1) Higher Strength Clinker is the basic raw material of cement. When blast furnace slag is used as a part of cementitious material in a concrete mix, it reacts with water and Ca(OH)2 to form more Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) gel. CSH is the glue that provides strength and holds concrete together. The additional CSH densifies the concrete matrix and enhances strength. Usage of 72-79% clinker in Akij Cement and its additional CSH gel of Blast Furnace Slag, increases 15% more strength in 91 days than other cements. The result of test of Change in long-age strength of various kinds of cement by technical Committee of Japan Cement Association is shown below: 60 Change in long-age Strength of various kinds of Cement Blast Furnace Slag Compressive Strength 50 Fly Ash Cement Ordinary portland Cement 40 30 20 10 0 3 days 7 days 28 days 91 days Change in time (days) Fig: 15% more strength in concrete matrix Reference: Slag Cement Association Website, http://www.slagcement.org/Publications/pdf/no15%20Slag%20Cement%20in%20High%20Perform ance%20Concrete.pdf (2) Sulfate Resistant Sulfate attack is a common form of concrete deterioration. It occurs when concrete comes in contact with water containing sulfates (SO4). Sulfates can be found in some soils. According to the ASTM C1012 test , the concrete gain higher sulfate resistance ability [ only 0.05% in 6 month duration] when 18-25% blast furnace slag is mixed with clinker. Because Blast furnace slag cement does not contain C3A and produced more CSH [Calcium Silicate Hydrate] decreases the production of Ca(OH)2 during its hydration process, which protect Ettringite compound formation in concrete and thus there is no chances of tensile stress and sulfate attack in salty environment [Chemical reaction: SO4 + Ca (OH)2 = Ettringite =Concrete Crack] Fig: Sulfate Resistance test of Concrete made with different cement Reference: Slag Cement Association Website, http://www.slagcement.org/Publications/pdf/no7%20Mitigation%20Sulfate%20Attack.pdf http://www.understanding-cement.com/sulfate.html (3) Anti-Crack It is most difficult to control inner temperature of mass concrete between surface temperatures during its hydration process. These unbalanced temperatures may create “Thermal cracks”. The blast furnace slag cement can mitigates this high inner temperature by producing more CSH gel and reduce the possibility of thermal cracks. The result of adiabatic temperature rise test shows the following: Fig: Result of adiabatic temperature rise test Reference: Slag Cement Association Website, http://verio2.slagcement.org/Publications/pdf/no5%20Producing%20and%20Placing%20Slag%20Cement%20Concrete.pdf (4) Corrosion Resistant In hydration process, blast furnace slag cement reacts with water and calcium hydroxide Ca(OH) 2 to form additional CSH gel. CSH is the glue that provides strength and holds concrete together with reinforcement [Rod] and resulting in lower permeability. Lower permeability reduces chloride-ion and other air access to the RCC and thus reduces the corrosion of inner structure. According to the ASTM C1202 of Rapid Chloride Permeability Test, the corrosion of reinforcing bar (rod) is shown below: Fig: Corrosion of reinforcing bar in marine environment Reference: Slag Cement Association Website, http://verio2.slagcement.org/Publications/pdf/no5%20Producing%20and%20Placing%20Slag%20Cement%20Concrete.pdf (5) Better Workability Slag cement improves the workability of concrete due to its fine grind and glassy structure. Enhanced workability benefits placing, compaction and finishing of the concrete. The resulting concrete elements may have fewer surface voids and improved consolidation. Slag cement has also been used effectively in the design of self-consolidating concrete mixtures. By improving the durability of the concrete, the service life of the concrete element increased. Fig: Slump test of Slag Cement Reference: Slag Cement Association Website, http://www.slagcement.org/Publications/pdf/no16%20Producing%20Precast%20and%20Prestressed%20Concrete%20with%20slag% 20Cement.pdf (6) Improved Durability Slag cement mixtures produce more durable precast/pre-stressed concrete. Slag cement can significantly improve the durability of concrete in following ways and consequently extends the life of concrete structures. Reduces permeability: Lowered permeability inhibits the ingress of chloride ions that can contribute to corrosion of reinforcing steel. Additionally, keeping water out of the concrete matrix significantly decreases susceptibility to many durability problems, such as sulfate attack and Alkali-Silica-Reaction (ASR). Chemically: resistance to aggressive sulfate solutions and mitigates deleterious reactions between cement alkalis and reactive silica in aggregates. Physically: reduces the heat of hydration, thus lessening thermal cracking and improves ultimate compressive and flexural strength. During the life of the structure, these strengths normally increase well beyond the 28-day specified strength, significantly more than plain port land cement concrete. A life cycle cost computer model (ACI Life 365)1, based on the initial concrete cost and future repair costs. An example is shown in the below figure: Fig: Life Cycle prediction of Concrete made with different proportion of Slag Reference: Slag Cement Association; P-16, http://verio2.slagcement.org/Publications/pdf/no5%20Producing%20and%20Placing%20Slag%20Cement%20Concrete.pdf (7) Whitish Shade Slag cement is lighter in color than Portland cement. Elements made with slag cement will therefore have a lighter finished color. The higher the percentage of slag cement used, the lighter the color will be. This provides greater visibility of the elements and potentially improved safety. Slag cement will provide lighter concrete with higher reflectivity than plain Portland cement concrete. This type of cement is very much effective for fair-face structure. Product Certification AKIJ CEMENT has the following certifications: 1) 2) 3) 4) ISO-2008 certification BSTI Certification BUET Certification-monthly basis as a continuous process LGED Certification-periodically as a continuous process AKIJ CEMENT has the following certifications: 1) 2) 3) 4) PWD Certification Grameen Phone BDR uses. Except this, we are doing hourly basis test at our own Factory laboratory. Which indicate conformity to all requirements of its consistent technical specification and a presumption of conformity to the essential requirements of the Construction Products Directive. Our Valuable Project Information: 1. Gaforgaon Bridge Length Wide Client Contractor Funded by : 810 Meter : 9.7 Meter : Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) : Mir Akhter Hossain : Government of Bangladesh (GOB) GAFORGAON BRIDGE (OVER BRAMOPUTRA RIVER) 2. Sontala Bridge Length Wide Client Contractor Funded by : 3.47.29 Meter : 7.2 Meter : Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) : Mir Akhter Hossain : Government of Bangladesh (GOB) SONTALA BRIDGE (OVER KAROTOWA RIVER) 3. Gangachara PC Girder Bridge Length Wide Client Contractor Funded by Project Duration Span : 850 Meter (2788 ft) : 9.60 Meter (31.49 ft) : Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) : WMCG-NAVANA JV : Government of Bangladesh (GOB) : 2 years 2 month : 17 (50 Meter Each) Gangachara PC Girder Bridge (Over Tista River) 1. Liberation War Museum (Agargaon, Dhaka) Foundation Duration Contractor Funded by Construction Period : 8 Stored, 03 Basement (27000 SFT Per Floor) : Meter : Mir Akhter Hossain Ltd.- Parisha JV : Liberation War Memorial Trusty Board. : 01/02/2012 to 01/07/2014 Liberation War Museum (Agargaon, Dhaka) 1. Planet SR, Comilla (The 3rd Highest Shopping Mall at Kandirpar) Foundation : 3rd largest shopping mall in Bangladesh. Contractor : Lantus Holding Ltd. Construction Period : Ongoing Planet SR Our Competency (Backward and Forward Linkage) as Cement Company Specific and own arrangement We have ensured product quality by procuring raw materials from appropriate sources & maintaining international standard and grade using own arrangement. Uninterrupted power supply We have maintained uninterrupted power supply of total 10.655 Mega Watt from gas driven captive power plants for smooth production and in-time customer service. Ad*star woven sac plant (bag factory) We have established bio-degradable poly sac plant for our own cement bag consumption with a capacity of 4.2 million bags per month & it protects our users since it is not possible to adulterate cement in this type of bag. Long range equipped distribution system We have ensured cement supply "in-time" to users level by own transport system including lighters, barges, covered vans, open trucks, bulk carriers and transit mixture drums operated by a separate logistic management. The best ready mix concrete in Dhaka We have set up a RMC factory which is using own fly-ash free cement and coarse aggregate from own crushing plant.
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