CALL FOR ENTRIES The Akron Area Arts League presents: th 4 of July Talent Show The Akron Area Arts League is pleased to announce the 2015 Fourth of July Talent Show to be held during the Akron Fourth of July Festival at the Akron Community Center. ELLIGIBILITY: Open to everyone 5 years of age and older. Auditions: Everyone must audition in full costume with all necessary props on one of the following dates: June 29, 2015 – 7 PM or June 30, 2015 – 7 PM at the Akron Community Center. Any talent is welcome, but content must be suitable for all audiences. Entrants must provide their own musical accompaniment either live or recorded. Microphone, CD player and speakers available to use. Each entrant will have 6 minutes to set up, perform, and tear down. All auditions must be live and in person, no recorded auditions will be accepted. PRESENTATION: All content must be suitable for all audiences. Eligibility will be determined at auditions. Categories: 5 years to 12 years, 13 years to 18 years, 19 years and older Groups of mixed ages will be placed in the category of the oldest member of the group. Persons may enter as an individual and also perform in one other group. SHOW HOURS: Check in at 4:30 PM July 4, 2015. The show will be open to the public on Saturday July 4th 5pm to ? , Judging: 3 judges will be scoring each entry and the winners will be announced at the end of all performances. AWARDS: First Place - $100, Runner-up - $50 winners in each of the three categories. LIABILITY: The Akron Area Arts League is not responsible for accidents or damage to instruments, props or costumes. AGREEMENT: The Akron Area Arts League reserves the right to refuse any work deemed by the organization to be offensive or demeaning. Submission of an entry to this contest constitutes agreement by the entrant to all conditions set forth in this prospectus. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAILING ADDRESS: PHYSICAL SHOW ADDRESS: Fourth of July Talent Show The Akron Community Center The Akron Area Arts League 815 E Rural St. PO Box 702 Akron, IN 46910 Akron, IN 46910 PHONE: 574-540-1921 EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Akron Area Arts League Fourth of July Talent Show Entry Form Fill out form and bring with you to audition. Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Cell phone: ______________________ Home phone: _____________________ E-mail address: ________________________________________________________________ (Required to receive the AAAL Newsletter which will include a list of the winners) Entries: (List all members of a group entry.) Title Category 1. _________________________ _______________ ______ 2. _________________________ _______________ ______ 3. _________________________ _______________ _______ 4. _________________________ _______________ ______ 5. _________________________ _______________ _______ 6. _________________________ _______________ _______ 7. _________________________ _______________ _______ 8. _________________________ _______________ _______ 9. _________________________ _______________ Age _______
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