Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Akron Alumnae Chapter 2015

Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc.
Akron Alumnae
Les Belles Perles
Debutante Cotillion
Application Packet
Dear Prospective Debutante,
Thank you for your interest in the Akron Alumnae Chapter of Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., 2015-16 Les Belles Perles Debutante
Cotillion. Young ladies selected as Debutantes come from various
schools across Northeastern Ohio and exemplified poise, leadership,
scholarship and command respect within their schools and community.
If selected to participate, you will be engaged in a series of cultural,
educational, leadership and community service activities that encourage
future success. At the conclusion of the Cotillion process, you will be
presented at a formal affair to celebrate with family, friends and other
invited guests.
Being a Debutante requires time, hard work, and dedication, but will
reap great rewards- including the opportunity to receive monetary
awards to assist with paying for college and a variety of program
incentives. Therefore, you need to be fully committed to the Debutante
experience. As you consider applying, all prospective Debutantes must
meet the following minimum requirements:
Be a rising senior (graduating seniors- Class of 2016).
Possess and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.50
or better on a four point scale.
Exhibit high moral and ethical standards.
Be single (not engaged and never before married).
Childless (not pregnant or ever been pregnant).
Never been arrested or have any convictions.
If selected, pay the $450 entry fee by August 7, 2015.
Commit to raising funds throughout the course of the program.
These include, but are not limited to, soliciting advertisements
for the souvenir booklet and selling tickets for the Cotillion.
Attend monthly program events, workshops, and
cotillion rehearsals.
Select a reliable young male escort (student ages 16-19) and a
presenter (adult male; father, father-figure, relative) for the
Important Dates
Informational Meeting:
May 6, 2015
Application Deadline:
June 5, 2015
Applicant Interviews:
week of June 22nd
Acceptance Letters:
July 3, 2015
1st Payment Due:
July 24, 2015
Last Payment Due:
August 7, 2015
August 15, 2015
February 27, 2016
An informational meeting will be held on May 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Mason Community Center located at 700
E. Exchange Street, Akron, OH 44307. If you are interested in becoming a Debutante and meet the minimum
requirements, please complete and send in the 2015-16 Les Belles Perles Debutante Cotillion Application Packet
with the following:
Two (2) letters of recommendation (one letter must be from a school official on letterhead and the other
from a community member, job supervisor, etc). The second letter cannot be from a relative.
A copy of your eleventh grade report card from the most recent grading period (5th grading period)
A photograph
An official copy of your high school transcript complete through mid-year
High School Guidance Counselor Recommendation form
All materials must be postmarked no later than June 5, 2015. NO EXCEPTIONS! Once the application packets are
reviewed and it has been verified that the minimum requirements have been met, you will be invited to meet with
the Cotillion committee for a candidate assessment interview the week of June 22nd. (Incomplete packets will not be
Return Completed Application, Transcript, Report Card,
Guidance Counselor Recommendation Form, Photograph and Letters of Recommendations To:
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Akron Alumnae Chapter
2016 Debutante Cotillion Committee
c/o Shana M. Lee
P.O. Box 1252, Akron, Ohio 44309-1252
The 2016 Debutante Cotillion participants will be identified by the Cotillion Selection Committee of the Akron
Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In making our determination, the Committee will review the
application, letters of reference, transcripts, and any additional relevant information. The decision of the Cotillion
Selection Committee is final and may not be appealed. All materials submitted in conjunction with this application
will not be returned.
All applicants will receive notification regarding our decision no later than July 10, 2015.
For Additional Information
Please contact call Shana M. Lee at (330) 475-9432
Or Nicole Henry-Mack at (330) 714-5232
You can also email us at
Financial Requirements
A Debutante Cotillion is an expensive undertaking. In order for the Cotillion experience to be a beautiful and
memorable occasion, it is important that applicants understand the obligations necessary for presentation.
There are two (2) monetary requirements for participation in the Akron Alumnae Chapter’s Les Belles Perles
Debutante Cotillion.
The monetary commitments include:
• Entry Fee- $450
• Commitment to raising funds throughout the course of the program. These include, but are not
limited to, soliciting advertisements for the souvenir booklet and selling tickets for the Cotillion.
Ensure the application is complete by verifying that each item on the list below is included. Submit all
elements of the application in the same envelope. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Completed Application
Two (2) letters of recommendation
Report card from the 5th grading period
Official Transcript (showing grades through mid-year)
High School Counselor Recommendation Form
FINAL DEADLINE– June 5, 2015.
Only complete applications will be reviewed.
(NOTE: Qualified recommenders include teachers, community leaders, employers, and mentors.
Relatives are not acceptable.)
In order to participate in the Cotillion, applicants MUST meet and maintain the following requirements throughout
the entire Cotillion:
Must be a resident of Northeastern Ohio.
Must be a high school senior for the 2016-2017 school year.
Must have and maintain at least a cumulative 2.50 g.p.a. on a 4.0 scale (verified by official transcript).
Demonstrate goals, aspirations, and plans to pursue an education beyond high school.
Demonstrate interest and involvement in public service and community related activities.
Show and maintain evidence of good moral character, which includes but is not limited to:
o No record of poor discipline at school or in the community
o No criminal, misdemeanor, or court record of any kind
o Must maintain good moral character when using Social Media Networks (i.e. Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
o No indication or public hint of pregnancy
o Must not be a parent
(If you are currently pregnant or become pregnant during the 2015-2016 Cotillion program
season you will become ineligible and not allowed to continue participating in activities and
Attend all related personal development functions and activities held throughout the program which
includes workshops, rehearsals, retreat and any other planned activities associated with the program. If
you are unable to attend, you must contact one of the co-chairs to obtain an excused absence. (i.e.
Mandatory school activity, illness, death) Each debutante will be allowed 2 excused absences.
Submit all required forms by the deadlines stated.
Must pay the required participation fee, raise the minimum amounts required in sales of ads and tickets.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Akron Alumnae Chapter
2016 Debutante Cotillion Application – 35th Annual Les Belles Perles Debutante Cotillion
Application Deadline: Postmarked no later than June 5, 2015
Each applicant and prospective Debutante must meet the following criteria:
High School Junior Girls (Graduating Seniors – Class of 2015)
High Moral Standards
Minimum Cumulative 2.5 GPA
Single (not engaged and never before married)
Childless (and not pregnant or ever been pregnant)
No arrests or convictions
Full Name of Applicant:
Home Address:
City/State/Zip Code:
Home Telephone Number:
Date of Birth:
Cellular Number of Applicant:
Email Address of Applicant: ________________________________________
Parent/Guardian #1
Please Check
⎕ Father
⎕ Other _________________________
Home Telephone Number: ___________________________ Cellular Number:____________________________________________
Email address:
Parent/Guardian #2
Please Check
⎕ Mother
⎕ Father
⎕ Other__________________________
Home Telephone Number: ___________________________ Cellular Number:____________________________________________
Email address:
School Name
School District (i.e. Akron Public Schools) _______________________________ Current GPA (Chapter Use Only)
Future College/University
College/University City
College/University State
Anticipated Major
Please list only those activities which you participated in 9th-11th grade
Name of Organization
Activities/Offices Held
Years of Participation
Honors/Awards/Special Recognitions
Please list only those honors, awards, special recognitions received 9th-11th grade
Special Recognition
Name of Organization
Presenting Award, etc.
Community/Civic/Volunteer Activities
Please list only those activities which you participated in 9th-11th grade
Name of Organization
Activities/Offices Held
Years of Participation
Church/Religious Affiliation and Activities
Name of Church/Religious Institution:
Offices Held
Years of Participation
Career Goals and Aspirations
Please state your career goals and aspirations.
Please state the reasons you would like to be a debutante
Additional Information You Wish to Share
Signature of Applicant
Signature of Parent/Guardian
The information provided in this application is for the sole purpose of making a selection for participation in the DST Cotillion. The
information is confidential and will only be reviewed by the Leadership and Selection teams. Failure to provide complete and
accurate information will result in elimination as a candidate for participation in the Cotillion. Applications of those not selected will
be shredded upon decision and confirmation of participants.
Date Received: _____________________________
Received by: ____________________________________
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Akron Alumnae Chapter
Les Belles Perles 2016 Cotillion
High School Guidance Counselor Recommendation Form
Applicant’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
I authorize my counselor to provide any information required by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Incorporated, and I release all such persons and organizations from any claims by reason of
furnishing such information for records and the right to review this information.
Applicant Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
The Akron Alumnae Chapter's Les Belles Perles Cotillion is designed to enhance the skills and learning
experiences of the debutantes while providing scholarship opportunities. Please help assess the character
and motivation of this student.
1. Please rate the applicant in each attribute/skill listed below.
Intellectual Ability
Oral Expression
Written Expression
Emotional Maturity
Open Mindedness
Ability to Commit &
Follow Through
Decision Making
College Readiness
Ability to Follow
Overall Behavior
1. Recommendations concerning selection for the Debutante Cotillion:
______ I recommend the applicant with confidence.
______ I recommend the applicant.
______ I recommend the applicant with reservation. (Please explain in item #3)
______ I do not recommend the applicant. (Please explain in item #3)
2. Please provide any additional comments and/or assessments of the applicant. We appreciate your
candid appraisal. (Attach additional sheet if necessary)
Counselor Signature ______________________________________________________
Date: _______________________
Name (print) ___________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________
School: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: (_____) ____________-____________
Address: ______________________________________City: ___________________________ State/Zip: ____________________
Counselors: Please return Recommendation Form to the applicant in a sealed envelope
by no later than May 29, 2015
Please direct all questions to Cotillion Co-Chairpersons:
Shana M. Lee (330) 475-9432
Nicole Mack (330) 714-5232
Or email