.7 it • BROOKLYN EAGLE, THUR., SEPT. 29, 1949 * n o m i c a 1, and time-saving canned meats. Right now, a large variety is available" in ample supply on your grocer's Vienna Sausage For Table Quick Fall Meals ^helvft-s. Now that there's a feeling of Fall in the air, appetites grow h e a r t i e r and heartier. Yet there's no reason to spend hours, in the kitchen when'you can rely on convenient, eco- One of the most popular arid versatile of.these canned meats is Vienna sausage. For dinner, how about some crusty scalloped potatoes t o p p e d with spicy oven browned Vienna sausages? You'll find this recipe ...Appreciation Sale!... quick and easy—the results full ly. Cook, stirring constantly, flavored.and satisfying. .'" until thick and smooth. . ArYirnna'd Scalloped Potatoes range alternate layers of pota4 cups pared and thinly toes and white sauce in greased sliced potatoes individual. casseroles or one 4 cup chopped onion large casserole. Bake in a modi tablespoons butter or erate oven-(350'F.) for -io minmargarine utes. Top with the Vienna saustablespoon flour age during the last 13 minutes 1 teaspoon salt of baking. 6 servings. '* teaspoon pepper While the oven in going, why 2 cups'milk; not make a baked fruit crisp, 2 cans Vienna sausage with canned fruit cocktail, apriBoil potatoes in salted water cots, or sliced peaches? Serve about 10 minutes; drain. Cook it warm too. with a bit of onions in butter or margarine cream. Taking the main course until clear and tender. Add and dessert-right from the oven flour and seasonings, blending surely simplified meal preparathoroughly. Stir in milk siow- tion. Then add a crisp green IMPERIAL MEAT MARKET 6814 3d AVE. o w 68th s».> BROOKLYN A l l our M « o » i tr Poultry ore Graded " A & A A " Quality Only. ju,tcaii: SHORE ROAD 8-4320 * * * •SPECIAL Leo, of SPRING LAMB ib. 55c (All Sixes> Values Beyond Your Fondevt Expectations sh r sha k ° ; SMOKED HAWS Freih K i l l e d — N e a r b y BROILERS & FRYERS (Grade 'A"> Ib. 37c Haiti lb. 5U hon •milk' Boneleij-—Juicy and Tender POT ROAST (Grade "A & A A") ib. 67c I t a l i a n Style V E A L lb. C U T L E T S <Grade " A & A A " O n l y ) 85C Ov&Kwd SUPER V A L U E . . . Top or B o t t o m ROUND ROAST ( C u t • • • RIBS * B«*f) it>. 7 9 c Che f r o m Grade " A A A A ' WHITE BREAD S P E C I A L — Prime C u t Of Choice C u t B E E F (Grads " A & A A " SIRLOIN Genuine Spring LOIN S T E A K L A M B ib. Only) ( G r x U " A & A A " Only) CHOPS 57c Ib. lb. by th 8 ie famous LEVY'S RYE ;ers •/g^sss***' ?/: ^t« M*** s r A *&- m { £T-0'< MM «t Prices; <r»J, Up, v OF- AMU*,. " "*»£ ft^* 1 ^ : * & 3# F>- S£ >~<r <f <&& '.'jxK-'kf 35* -HkoA. i v « - v $ k . v*^. ilw^ '*%r* - — - —-~ * Daf4a DajMsst you always get * £Good Bwy**. at DttBERTS — OOMPARt!! 1« fc. Ta« C « Rwrfs M g W Psm Sacrafflesto A ^ h Wxte, Unptfi«< Tomato Ifefrifiq Im(»cr1*d Kippered Herw^ KMrsbXTt Graiwnlasfli Sardmes *"** Difefo Prime totee Mvffs Apple Juke Giroax Gretwfine Syrap Nabisco S^ar Wafers 45* 25* »o. 2KJ C « 23* N*CK zs^ OCEAN SPRAY DROMEDARY CRAHBERM SAUCE SUNSHINE HYDROX or CLOVER UEAVES IK 2 ^ 27< Peter Pan Pe**d Butter Sa ^ Burton's Ciwcoiate Frosty is e*. M Gold Cup Pure Maple Syrup Wise Potato CWps 5 Ot. CfMv f»* Planter's Salted Cockta^ Peaiwts Cracker Jacks Elmer's Chee Wees •l Ot* 15< Suchard Chocolates " ^ . iljfli.'-.'* in-BfUrtC«i»*. P t | . 0n> or S'l*x Old ITutch Coffee *«*"• 1 U . C»fl Kkt Sleero Boutflon Cubes•*"" °' " Soft Spun ToHet Thsue (Mil Home Maid Saftdwkti frags p%». •< x Fek Naptha Soap Chips p*«. Fels Naptha Soap Clorox J ' 11 V J\4 <*. On Qt Bot. Of. B<X. S 0;. PM. 2 Plcv Crwhf 10 Oi. Pl«. I U . PH. Pt». 12 (tt. C*n 10 Ot, C>» BEECH-NUT 8 Of CJ* M. Snider's CockWI Sa*»c< . A Matched H E I N Z f; K E T C H U P Flavor! We Alone Have The World'4 £X Most-Valued Recipe 4|^^> And / ^ 4 %1 "Aristocrat" ^^^Tomatoe^l' Ask Your Grocer For HEINZ KETCHUP 1 i Use It To Liven Leftovers — Keep A Bottle On The Table, Too! >M — ^-rt) ••"•*^— ' .- •' - i.' - - - " •• ^CHWOOO con** * f»«l 0 o » < ^ " TEA o^» * s V Get An Assortment Of Your Favoritesl I r Serve H E I ^ I E R e a d y SPAGHETTI " " ' ' . . . - . - • " — — ' — " ' •' II'••»•• I I ••»! I- • Tomorrow! It's Drenched PIE CRUST MIX '• Of H E I N Z SOUPgf AJK ? 0 » YOU* lAYOKiii irn FIAKO 83* i*n 11 Ot. M . s. '*^&$!gk< m • Nobody Has Ever finfoy thew excellent table winej produced from gtapej grown in California's famou* | Napa Valley. It Is harvest time across the Nation. In .Massachusetts and N'ew Jersey, the cranberries arc WINES jripo. In California, it is vintage .C. Mondovi & Soni itinie. Celebrating the colorful Si. H«l«no, Colifornfq ! Fall events, October 10. to V> has been decjftfcd National B l i t r i k i N i kr ItVttlAMK WINE CO., I r o . k f y M . Y , :Cranberry Week. Oc'to'oer 8 to < — — — — — i — — — — — i i mil lo. National Wine Week. i .loimly ccieb'ratiftg National FOR SUPERIOR QUALITY USE j Cranberry ahd Wine Week-. Cranl)ei'ry*Orahgc Salad Burgundy was specially created to brighten October mentis, t ranbri ry-OraiiRe Salad BurRun(l> (Serves 5 to 6) 1 orange ' We can t make all the pie crust 1 (I lb.) can Ocean Spi ay mixes so we make only the best. Whole Cranberry Sauce N o other pie crust mix has been %Vt cup California lUirgunrly. Claret or other red table able to equal thcqualityof Flako. wine Just add water, roll and bake. 1 package lemon-flavored ge JOHtO* 10 *. 93* CK |Cranberry Time FOOD smutto to s e r v o Want to turn bakery sponge rake into a Mipriblv different hut ea>.\ -:o-makr de^sei'l? Kokl diced fre-h pear.s and (-rushed peanut brittle into whipped cream and serve, on slices of the cake. [lot coffee is the perfect, accompaniment. V t fti. C»« & i Mi ^ ° •. Don't Read This If You Count Calories 0J. { 2* GRAPEFRUIT — MELON MEDLEY—Want a n e a s y dessert that's delicious a n d pretty a s a picture? Combine juicy sweet melon, balls with t q r i g y c a n n e d Florida g r a p e l m " sections, surround the bowl with c h o p p e d ice a n d serve ice coid. - « - * • • • - ». ;-fe25» / Dutch Haid Bridge Cookies Kksch's Quality Beverages ParamewM Spaghetti EkMer's Roodfes WHsofl's Corned Beef Ciaridge Frankfurters SfaW Meyer Ham Spread Premier Art«r« Sa*ce APPLESAUCE or j '•> 3 **; K I R K M A N FLAKES .Km . Homemade Flavor PINEAPPLE JUICE Ot. . OVEN QUICKIE WITH VIENNA S A U S A G E - H e r e ' s the a n s w e r to a quick oven dinner . . . V i e n n a ' d Scalloped Potatoes. Tender juicy c a n n e d Vienna s a u s a g e s a d d so much Haver a n d variety to this 'family favorite.* DEL MONTE 46 . Now that eggs are high in price, it will be found that using grade A for • poaching and boiling and grades B or C for other purposes will be a help in reducing the food bill. Nutrition value is the .same. • Remember lite old school rhyme, "In 1192 Columbus'sailed the ocean blue 1 " Lost we forget, Oct. 12 is the day marked to honor the adventurous journeys of ihis-igveat explorer who is credited wiih discovering America. No special food* are o < s o - | dated:".with "CoTurnhus. a* arejj»ree.s F.) 25 to .10 minutes; cherries with Ceorge Washing When cool, cut into bars. This iion, or gingerbread and mo recipe makes 16 bars, one by I lasses dessei'ts with Lincoln's ioU> inches. [.birthday: so you can iot your D i t l e Killing |imagination run free. i.', cup hot water Kor October parties we -ug '.. cup sugar i gCcU a.. "Discovery Bar." This 1 cup chpppei date? bar cookie holds a (leiicioudate filling that guests will en - teaspoons lemon juice joy discovering between layer's! Combine- hot water, sugar of the cookie base. Bar cookies.and d a t e s in., saucepan- Cook are easy to make, and after|until thick. Cool. baking, may be cut into. .seif-'j Add lemon juice. decorating shapes as diamonds.-: Q was Q u e e n Isabella- of squares, or rectangles. Discov-jspain who helped Columbus ery bars keep well, but shice tfi'th funds to begin his. jqurthe recipe, makes only Hi. t h i s ' n e v s to the New AVorld. Here number lis u a 11 y disappears; j / s p a n i s h Dowry Cake to serve rapidly. •:"--.••• 'apnropriatelv at Coiumbus Day Nutruionwise...<n.Mov.erybars;ivin(-iieon.ai!d for evervdav deiCombine the important Bvita- S t , r ; > - , I J 0 . -phis dark chocolate nuns and iron of tlievonr-ichedic;ike is moist, fine-textured and flour cookies base with the nuid in flavor. Ire it with a mineral-rich date filling. fro?t-eolore.d seven minute icing and s p r i n k I e the top with JDiseovery B;us 1 cups si nee ennchc •d flour graterj dark chocolate.^ Spani<li :'i)o\vi'v Cake is m a d e ' b y the ' V> cup sugar 'ii. teaspoon baking powder/-onv entional method of mixing. '-.' ciip, shortening ' Spanish Dowry Cake C- teaspoon vanilla extract .2 cups sifted.enriched flour I egg, beaten 4 teaspoon salt U. cup milk , ' 1 teaspoon soda Sift together flour; sugar and V? teaspoon cinnamon i'baking powder; Cut or rub in '•_• cup shortening shortening. Combine, vanilla ex11' a cups sugar . tract, egg and milk. Add to flour - Pggs mixture. Mix well. Spread one2 squai-es bitter chocolate, third of batter into greased melted eight-inch square pan. Cover • 1 cup sour milk evenly with date filling. Spread !s; teaspoon vanilla extract with remaining batter. Hake in I tablespoon lemon juice moderately -hot oven (400 deSift together flour, salt, soda, and cinnamon. Cream together shortening and sugar until fluffy. Add unbeaten eggs, one at. a lime! beating well after each addition. Add melted chocolate. Add flour mixture alternately with milk to creamed mixture. Beat well. Add vanilla extract and lemon juice. Pour into two greased nine-inch layer cake pans and bake in moderate oven .j;i75cdegrees V.) 25 minutes. When 'cool, put together with Seven Minute Icing. Sprinkle top of cake with grated chocolate. Makes:-; 2 nine-ir.cn layers. S k i l l f u l l y Served by Experienced Butcher* Loin, of JERSEY PORK <whoi« or - Columbus Day Desserts ib. 53c Half) . Nutrition Note Baked Fruit Crisp 1 Xo. .2la can fruit cocktail, -apricot halves, or sliced peaches 2 tablespoons lei^on juice ]/'•'> cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed—,. 1 i teaspoon cinnamon V*.-teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butyer. or margarine Drain fruit and arrange in a shallow, baking dish or 9-inch pie plate. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Combine flour.- brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Cut in butter or margarine, making a crumbly mass. Sprinkle flour m i x t u r e over fruit. Bake in a moderate oven (37u*F.) for 30 minutes. Serve warm or cold with cream or custard sauce. 6 made w i t h Rdody t o Eot <who.. or salad-and your favorite beverage. As far as menu planning goes, remember to rely on a well-stocked canned foods shelf for good eating all day long. - In A Sauce Of "Aristocrat" Tomatoes And Nippy Cheese! Your Baby i Deserves The Flavor And • Quality Of H E I N Z B A B Y FOODS! H Pick From Over 30 Kinds! atin Dash of -.d: Quarter ovange and remove seeds; put drangy, finii.and all, *** through food c1ioppci\ hi a p«w« snucepan. mi sbrange, cranberry sa.Vtc'c and wine: heat to «immering. Remove fiom heat, add gelatin and slir untd dissolved; add salt, Pont' [Vidua molds or a large mold ;u\,\ ( iul! until fiim. Cnmold pti • salad greens and serve, with mayonnai>e or any desired dressing. * S4' BROOKLYN & IONS ISLAND 2«<%Uty "pood Stout Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ^ l DOUBLE WAXED BIG VALUE PACKAGE Ftrt« Qualify Food s For 80 Y o a n
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