ALAMANCE STUDIO TOUR 2015 Artist Information Sponsored by the Alamance Artisans Guild, the Alamance County Arts Council, and the NC Arts Council 2015 Alamance Studio Tour Dates 2 Weekends: October 10 and 11 , Saturday 10 AM–5 PM, Sunday noon – 5PM October 17 and 18 , Saturday 10AM – 5 PM, Sunday noon–5 PM Preview exhibit Mebane Arts and Community Center, Corrigidor Rd., Mebane, NC 27302 DROP OFF DATES : Fri. Sept. 18 & Sat. Sept 19, 9–5 pm OPENING RECEPTION : Thursday Sept 24, 6:30-8:30 pm TAKE DOWN DATE : Monday, Oct. 19 from 9am til 5 pm 2015 Alamance Studio Tour Timeline ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ March 17, 7:00 PM: Informational meeting, Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington. April 15, 8:00 PM: Online application opens. May 10, Midnight: Application deadline. The application will be found at . May 14: Committee Assignments made and notified. Sept. 15, 7:00 PM: Mandatory meeting, distribute signs and print publicity, Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington, NC Sept. 19-20 - drop off art for preview exhibit Sept. 24, Thursday - Preview Opening : 6:30 to 8:30 October 10, 10-5 and October 11, noon-5 : first weekend of the Tour October 17, 10-5 and October 18, noon-5 : second weekend of the Tour October 19: Studio Tour survey becomes active; Take down Preview Exhibit – Mebane Arts & Comm. Ctr. 9:00-5:00 October 24, midnight: Studio Tour survey deadline. October 26, 7:00 PM: Mandatory wrap-up meeting, Mebane Arts & Community Center, Mebane. Studio Tour Requirements ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ All applicants must be working (full- or part-time) artists or crafts persons. All work sold on the Studio Tour must be original work by the participant. Participants may not offer resale items or items made by non-members. Participants must be present and the studio must remain open during advertised 2015 Studio Tour hours. Each participant must participate in the preview exhibit and is responsible for delivery and pickup of his or her work. Each participant must be willing to complete the job assigned them by their committee chair. It takes everyone to commit to complete their task to make the tour happen. Participants will be responsible for setting up, removing, and returning their road signs. Participants may be charged for signs that are not returned. All signs must be taken up during the week between the 2 weekends of the tour. 1 Application Form The Alamance Studio Tour application will be available online April 15, 2015 (8:00 pm) through May 10, 2015 (midnight). Artists will be able to fill out the application, submit images, and pay the tour fee online . Cost ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Each participant’s share of the costs of the 2015 Alamance Studio Tour is $160.00 per person. Two family members residing in the same location may exhibit together for a reduced cost of $290.00 for both. Please note on your entry form if you are applying for the family discount. Payment can be made online when filling out the online entry form or via check (see “Contact Information” below for the mailing address). Checks should be made out to Alamance Artisans Guild with “Studio Tour” in the memo line. Please remember that everyone pays to participate in the Studio Tour. You are not buying a service, you are participating in a joint effort that requires time and talent from each of us . The participation fee helps pay for the brochure with map, postcards, road signs for each participant, and media publicity. Studios are encouraged to offer simple refreshments to their visitors, paid for by the artists. Entry Requirements ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Participants of the Studio Tour must be members of the Alamance Artisans Guild (AAG). If you are not presently a member, you can sign up for membership with your application. The 2015 Alamance Studio Tour would like to include participating artist studios in the towns of Gibsonville and Mebane that are located just outside the Alamance county line. Mebane straddles the line between Alamance and Orange counties and Gibsonville between Alamance and Guilford counties. Those studios just outside the county line must have either a Gibsonville or Mebane address to qualify. Applicants must submit a maximum of 3 professional quality digital images. These images must be of work created in the last 2 years and must be representative of work to be exhibited. (See “Image Requirements” section below for details.) The main photo should be in landscape orientation and will be featured in the brochure. Entries are not complete until the Studio Tour Steering Committee has received your Studio Tour fee of $160.00 (or $290 for a family). You can pay with a credit card on the online form, or you can send a check. See instructions in the online form and “Contact Information” below for the mailing address. A completed online entry form and all supporting materials must be submitted by midnight on May 10, 2015. Applicants must be willing to contribute at least 4 service hours toward making the tour happen. Each applicant must provide a brief description of his or her work for the brochure, a short biographical sketch, and an artist statement for publicity use. Applicants must allow AAG to photograph and use images of their studios/venues and artwork for promotional purposes. 2 Image Requirements Images for our Studio Tour brochure require professional quality appearance, i.e.: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ No images with text No images with a logo No images made as a collage of multiple images No blurry images No images with poor lighting No images with a busy background No images from the internet. ✓ Artisans should submit a total of 3 images. ✓ Your number one image needs to be in a landscape orientation (horizontal) and will be the one used in the Studio Tour Brochure. ✓ ALL images must be a high-definition picture meaning that the dpi (dots per inch) is 300 and be a minimum of 5 inches (1500 pixels) on the longest side . Please note: if the dpi is lower than 300, images will not be used because they will print blurry and will have to be retaken and re-submitted for the brochure. ✓ Images can be TIFF, PDF, or JPG format. ✓ Images must be in color and in CMYK mode. ✓ Image files are to be labeled with the artist name like this ( last name_first name_image number.file extension ) For example: doe_joe_1.tiff ✓ You can submit your images either: 1. By Online Application 2. By Mail or Drop-off – either on a flash drive or CD . Mail directly to our Graphic Designer for the Brochure. Send to Donny Bell; 1122 Fieldstone Drive; Mebane, NC 27302. Attn: Brochure Images Your Map Location for Brochure If you are a new artisan to the tour, you will need to provide a map of Alamance County and exactly where you located on that map with an “ X ” marking the spot and add any roads you wish to be included to get to your location. Every effort will be made to locate you correctly. Please email Donny Bell at for a working map to be sent to you. You can either mail your completed map separately to Donny Bell; 1122 Fieldstone Drive; Mebane, NC or email . Review of Brochure via Email to Proof Each participating artisan will be sent the completed version of brochure and map sometime in July 2015 via email. It is there you will need to proof your name, information and location on map and notify Donny ( ) of any correction by the requested date . If no response is made by that date, there will be no changes made and the 3 brochure will go to print as is. Please remember that this will be a short window for reviewing the info when that time comes in July and will only be emailed one time. PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT You will be asked to sign the following participant agreement. I understand that the purpose of the Alamance Studio Tour is to showcase, promote, and market the visual arts in Alamance County and to educate the public on the value of handmade work. I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions. I understand that if I fail to comply with the Studio Tour requirements and conditions listed below, I may be ineligible to participate in subsequent Studio Tour events . ▪ I agree to open my studio from 10 AM to 5 PM , Saturday, October 10, 10-5 and Sunday, October 11, noon-5 AND / OR Saturday, October 17, 10-5 and Sunday, October 18, noon-5. I will be present during those hours at the advertised location. ▪ I agree not to exhibit, display for sale, or host the work of a nonparticipating artist in the space over which I have control. ▪ I understand that if I am hosted by another person, he or she must be an accepted 2015 Studio Tour participant. ▪ I will submit a recent original piece of art for the preview exhibit, and I will deliver and pick up this work. ▪ I agree that the Alamance Studio Tour and Alamance Artisans Guild may use any photographs, videotapes, audiotapes, or other recordings of me or my work without compensation for promotional or other purposes. ▪ I agree to complete a job I am assigned by my committee chair as my service to the Alamance Studio Tour. ▪ I agree to attend a signs and publicity distribution meeting, and a wrap-up meeting. ▪ I agree to complete online the 2015 Studio Tour survey by the deadline, midnight on October 24, 2015 , after the tour and share all requested audience/visitor and sales information to assist in marketing and seeking future funding. ▪ I understand that submissions will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. I also understand that no application is complete until the online form has been completed and all materials and payment have been received by the Studio Tour Steering Committee via either the online form or the US mail. 4 Gallery Policy The objective of the Alamance Studio Tour is to showcase individual artists in their own working spaces (as much as possible). A qualifying artist may exhibit in his or her individual studio or share studio space with another qualifying artist , but may not use a gallery or other art sales venue as his or her tour location , with the exception outlined below. Galleries can become supporters of the tour for the same fee as other businesses ($160.00). A supporter gallery receives a mark identifying its location on the Studio Tour brochure map, mention in the brochure under “Supporters,” mention and a link to the gallery’s website on the Studio Tour website, and copies of the Studio Tour brochure to make available at its place of business. Individuals represented by the gallery are not listed individually. If a gallery is a retail facility only , any member artist of that gallery wishing to be a Studio Tour participant must apply to be a participant as an individual (and pay the associated fee) and show his or her work in his or her studio or in that of another participating artist. If a gallery has an active work studio for at least one artist on the premises and that studio is open to the public , that gallery may be the Studio Tour location for that artist, and that artist may have as his or her guests other participating artists provided all apply individually to participate in the Studio Tour and only artists who are tour participants show work in that gallery during the Studio Tour. All participating artists must be members in good standing of the Alamance Artisans Guild. The gallery will have a supporters listing only if it pays the additional supporters fee. Contact Information: (OUR NEW SEPARATE MAILING ADDRESS FROM THE MAIN AAG ADDRESS) Alamance Studio Tour Steering Committee PO Box 1127 Mebane, NC 27302 website: Alamance Studio Tour 2015 Steering Committee : Our purpose is to facilitate, so please contact us with questions or concerns. Jude Lobe (– Studio Tour Manager - phone (919)260-9889 Nancy Pickens ( – Preview Exhibit and Events - phone (336)270-4385 Ann Hobgood ( Publicity Chair - phone (336)944-3006 Carolyn Bell (carolynbell12@yahoo) – Supporters - phone Beth O’Bryant ( – Signage Sherwood Hill ( ) – Finance and Records Anita Vigorito ( ) – Application & Survey - phone (336)207-1613 Jim & Rita Duxbury ( ) – Distribution - phone (336)227-7168 5
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