Serving the Great Land Your Anchorage Escrow & Business Development Team Kristen Ma rtin Sha ron Elliott President Escrow Manager Stacey Ca tes Escrow Officer Ka ren Goen tzel Sr. Escrow Officer Kimbrou gh Owen Business Development Cristy Nugen t Escrow Officer Tian i Bran dn er Business Dev./Title Officer Stephan ie Kiefer Escrow Officer Cla rk Saun ders Business Development Call us or visit our website today to open your next order. Anchorage Eagle River Wasilla 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Ste. 102 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ph: 907.569.2842 | Fx: 907.569.2843 11823 Old Glenn Highway, Ste. 118 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Ph: 907.622.2842 | Fx: 907.622.2843 865 N Seward Meridian Pkwy., Ste. 101 Wasilla, Alaska 99654 Ph: 907.352.4000 | Fx: 907.352.4001 AK 189191 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE is the bi-monthly publication of the Alaska Association of REALTORS® 4205 Minnesota Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 563-7133 | (800) 478-3763 FAX (907) 561-1779 | AAR OFFICERS PRESIDENT Angie Tallant PRESIDENT-ELECT Dave Somers VICE-PRESIDENT Mike Rasmussen TREASURER Don McKenzie PAST-PRESIDENT Paddy Coan, CRS, GRI AAR DIRECTORS Suellen Appellof, ABR, GRI Randi Carnahan Anneliese Cooper Vickie Gartley, ABR, CRS Eva Loken, ABR, CRS, GRI Mark Masley PeggyAnn McConnochie, GRI Scott Myers Gina Pelaia, GRI Grant Shields, CRS Devon Thomas, ABR, GRI Mark White, CRS, GRI Ava Anderson, GRI By Angie Tallant 2015 AAR President Somers & Associates Fairbanks o you know how to reach a goal? You make continuous steps moving FORWARD. D How is our Association moving forward? Well, in just a few short months, we have made great strides in accomplishing the goals we have put forward to comply with Core Standards. The Alaska Association of REALTORS® (AAR) Board of Directors has approved a new AAR website, a new AAR logo, approved a new policies and procedures manual and completed bylaw changes for membership approval in September. In addition to these items, we are well on our way to a sustained effort in consumer outreach, and have approved an AAR Statewide College Scholarship for high school students. The AAR Board and Legislative chairs completed successful hill visits to our legislature in February and the state board was invited to the Southeast Board of REALTORS® General Membership meeting. Thank you to Kay Parker and the Southeast Board of REALTORS® for a wonderful meeting and dessert auction. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Bob Manwaring Cover photo courtesy of Debra Leisek. Materials reported in this publication are obtained from various sources which the Alaska Association of REALTORS® believes to be reliable. Reasonable effort has been made to insure the accuracy of such material. The Alaska Association of REALTORS® expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility arising directly or indirectly out of any discrepancy, error, mistake or omission in this publication. Opinions expressed in articles by LQGLYLGXDODXWKRUVDQGFRQWULEXWRUVDUHQRWQHFFHVVDULO\WKHRI¿FLDORSLQLRQ of the Alaska Association of REALTORS®. The acceptance of advertising by the Alaska REALTOR® does not indicate approval or endorsement of the advertiser or his product by the Alaska Association of REALTORS®. Region 12 Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho just came to a close. The region includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington. It was inspiring to listen to NAR executive leadership, NAR’s chief economist and chief lobbyist speak about the future of real estate and the National Association of REALTORS®. "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ 2015 AAR ANNUAL CONVENTION By Debra Leisek 2015 Convention Chairperson Bay Realty Homer 2015 AAR Convention September 29- October 3 Land’s End Resort Homer, Alaska Registration is Now Open! knows that people don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it. And YOU are his WHY! Maura Neill is a second-generation REALTOR® who combines her love for the industry with her passion for education. Booking Rooms at the Land’s End A room block at Land’s End has been reserved for the 2015 AAR Convention. The following options are available: The 2015 AAR Convention is sponsored by the Alaska Association of REALTORS® and this year’s host board Kachemak Board of REALTORS®. Starboard Bay Suite - $139.50 plus tax Midship Bay Room - $112.50 plus tax Midship Bay Loft - $112.50 plus tax Midship City Room - $85.50 plus tax This year’s convention theme is “Chart Your Port Bay Room - $85.50 plus tax Port City Room - $76.50 plus tax Cosmic Course.” 2015 Chairperson Debra Leisek, broker of Bay Land’s End Lodges and Lodge Beach Front Realty, is excited about the convention Key- Rooms are available as well. note Speakers that have been lined up for you. To book your room now, please call Land’s Rossi is spinning real estate into the future with End at (800) 478-0400 and remember to men“Class in the Round!” Because “the Edutainer” tion you’re with the 2015 Alaska Association of REALTORS® Convention. Sponsorships We have many generous sponsors that have committed their time and resources to make this convention a success, but there are still sponsorship opportunities available. Please visit to view the available sponsorships. Tradeshow Businesses offering products that may be of interest to you, as a REALTOR®, will be displaying their products and/or services during the Tradeshow scheduled for Thursday, October 1st, from 4pm until 6pm. More information may be found on or by contacting Debra Leisek at (907) 235-6183. Registration Submit your Registration Form before July 15th to save $$$. "MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM 2015 ALASKA CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW REGISTRATION September 29 - October 3, 2015 Homer, Alaska To register, complete this form and submit with payment. Copy form for additional registrations. Incomplete forms, or registration forms without payment, will not be processed. ConÀrmations will be emailed within 10 days for registrations received by September 4, 2015. 3OHDVH&RPSOHWH First Name DVLWZLOODSSHDURQ\RXUQDPHEDGJHLast Name Company City State Daytime Telephone Designations for Badge Email address UHTXLUHGWRUHFHLYHFRQÀUPDWLRQ REGISTRATION FEES Full Convention Package Ticketed Events Only (Includes registration, all meals, education and hosted and ticketed events) Before July 15th After July 15th At The Door Member $325 $350 $395 AfÀliate or Guest $275 $300 $350 Education Classes Only (Does not include meals) Before July 15th After July 15th Member $250 $275 At The Door $300 Past Presidents/ REALTOR® of the Year Lunch $30 per ticket AfÀliate Night Dinner $45 per ticket Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 12:30 pm Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 6:30 pm ARPAC Dinner & Auction $45 per ticket Thursday, October 1, 2015 - 6:30 pm Friday CRS Luncheon $30 per ticket Awards Night Dinner $55 per ticket Friday, October 2, 2015 - 12:00 Noon AfÀliate or Guest $150 $165 $190 Friday, October 2, 2015 - 6:30 pm Day Rate Only/Saturday Only (Does not include meals) Donation to the Dave Feeken Scholarship Foundation $135 $10 RSWLRQDO TOTAL AMOUNT $_______________ Breakfast $20 each day Wednesday - Friday - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast $15 per ticket Saturday - 7:00 am METHOD OF PAYMENT Enclosed is my check for $___________ made payable to Alaska REALTOR® Convention Credit Card Information (Visa or Mastercard) Fax Form 907-561-1779 FUHGLWFDUGSD\PHQWVRQO\ Mail Form Alaska Association of REALTORS® 4205 Minnesota Drive, Anchorage, AK 99503 Register Online Name (as it appears on credit card) Account Number Questions (907) 563-7133 | (800) 478-3763 3 Digit # (from back of card) Exp. Date Card Holder Billing Address Zip Signature I authorize the Alaska Association of Realtors® to bill the above listed credit card in the amount of $________ for the Alaska REALTORS® Convention. I am fully aware that my credit card is being charged for any such purchases. CONVENTION INFORMATION Hotel Information A room block has been reserved at the Land’s End Resort. You can make your room reservation by calling toll free 1-800-4780400. Please reference Alaska Association REALTORS® Convention. Rates & room information is available at THERE WILL BE NO EDUCATION MATERIALS HANDED OUT DURING THE CONVENTION. All registrants will need to download and print their own education materials prior to attending the Convention. NotiÀcation and Instructions will be sent via email. Buy it. Title it. Insure it. Fix it up. You help your clients search, see, and search again. Make sure they’re preapproved for a home loan so they can shop with confidence. Alaska USA has home loan and insurance professionals who can make the process seamless – all under one roof. Tell your clients to start their application at "MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM Home loans are provided by Alaska USA Morgage Company, LLC. *5, Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Pricing, Sales & Marketing &RXUVH(&(FUHGLWV Time: 9am-5pm - Test Instructor: Anita Bates - Dwell Realty Location: VBR Office, 741 E. Susitna Ave, Wasilla Thursday, May 21, 2015 Technology: An App for That &RXUVH(&(FUHGLWV Time: 9am-5pm Instructor: Traci Barickman - CENTURY 21 Realty Solutions Location: VBR Office, 741 E. Susitna Ave, Wasilla Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Real Estate Finance 0D\WKVW Valley Board of REALTORS® Office 0D\WKWK BP Energy Center - Anchorage to use it to best service your clients and JHQHUDWHPRUH EXVLQHVV Newest finance possibilities to get more buyers qualified. %HQHILWVof attending the &RXUVH(&(FUHGLWV Time: 9am-5pm Instructor: Maude Morse - AHFC Location: BP Energy Center, Anchorage Thursday, May 28, 2015 Purchase & Sales Agreements &RXUVH(&(FUHGLWV'&(FUHGLWV Time: 9am-5pm Instructor: Kathleen Kowalczuk, RE/MAX Dynamic Prop. Location: BP Energy Center, Anchorage *5,3URJUDP Approved for Continuing Education credits. Lunch is on your own from 12-1pm each day. This course consists of 4 classes over 4 days. Two are held in Anchorage and two are held in Wasilla. To receive the designation, all four classes must be completed. Network with REALTORS® from throughout Alaska…increase potential for referrals. According to a NAR survey, GRI designees earn approximately PRUHSHU\HDUthan non-GRI designees. GRI 100 is co-sponsored by the Alaska Association of REALTORS, the Anchorage Board of REALTORS and the Valley Board of REALTORS Name_______________________________________________________________________ Company:____________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________ Fax:_____________ Email:_________________________________ 7XLWLRQMake checks payable to the Anchorage Board of REALTORS®. Visa/MC number________________________________________________ Expiration Date________ Signature:____________________________________________________ 3 digit CVC#__________ Address of CC statement:_________________________________________________ Zip___________ Anchorage REALTORS®: Email, fax or mail this portion to register for GRI 100 to:, 3340 Arctic Blvd. #101, Anchorage, AK 99503 FAX: 563-8476 Phone: 561-2338 Valley REALTORS®: Email, fax or mail this portion to register for GRI 100 to:, 741 E Susitna Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654 FAX: 376-5081 Phone: 376-5080 MID-SESSION REPORT FROM JUNEAU By Wendy Chamberlain AAR Lobbyist Legislative Consultants, Juneau The majority of the Legislative session has been focused on the budget, marijuana legalization and Medicaid expansion. With the state facing a $3.5 billion revenue shortfall this current year and $3.6 billion in FY 2016 it is not surprising that budget reduction meetings are a daily occurrence in the Capitol building. Operating Budget Governor Walker introduced a budget representing a 2.4% reduction from the current year’s budget. The House passed their operating budget on March 12 reducing the current year’s budget by $376 million. Of this amount $229 million came directly from agency operations. The non partisan Legislative Finance Division stated this translates to a 10 percent reduction in spending, the largest reduction in state history. tion efforts in the next budget cycle. That will be challenging for the department. Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development The subcommittee made the following cuts in state funding: Illisagvik College $300.0; Bering Seal Fisherman’s Association $187.5; Marine Exchange of Alaska $600.0, The Alaska Native Arts Marketing $300.0. Tourism Marketing was cut $3.1 million leaving $9.3 million in General Funds. Department of Corrections Governor Walker’s budget proposal to the Legislature sought to defund the Community Jails program. That proposal drew quick response from communities around the state as well as the Department of Public Safety, whose budget would VLJQL¿FDQWO\LQFUHDVHDVDUHVXOWDQGWKH$ODVND Court System. The Administration offered an amendment to restore partial funding to the proThe Legislature’s Finance Committee members gram. VWDWHGWKDWLQWKLV¿VFDOFOLPDWHWKHVWDWHVKRXOG The Corrections Department stated it will evenfocus on critical government services and reductually look to releasing low risk inmates on aning its footprint. Among the most notable cuts kle monitors and sending the maximum security are Education, Health and Social Services, Revlong-term prisoners out of state and close facilienue Sharing, Alaska Marine Highway, and DOT ties should the current budget situation persist. maintenance. Department of Education The Administration’s budget proposes to elimiThe House Finance SubCommittee has proposed nate 371 state positions (286 state positions and to reduce the unrestricted General Funds by 19% 85 University positions). Of the 371 positions, or almost $13 million. The cuts are primar174 are currently vacant. ily from pre-kindergarten programs such as Best Beginnings, Parents-as-Teachers, and other proDepartment of Administration The House Finance subcommittee reduced fund- grams like ANSWERS, the Online with Libraring for public broadcasting by $1.7 million. How- ies, Live Homework Help, ever, after much discussion the full Finance comThe SubCommittee did not reduce the Base Stumittee added back $1.5 million of this reduction. dent Allocation (BSA) that was raised last year by The subcommittee also added intent language Legislators and Governor Parnell. GLUHFWLQJ WKH GHSDUWPHQW WR LPSOHPHQW LW¶V ¿YH Ketchikan Gateway Borough Lawsuit on Loyear plan to consolidate the state’s information cal Contribution to Education Funding technology services and save $75 million. The The Borough sued the state claiming that the state subcommittee language directs the department to unfairly discriminated against 1st Class cities and show a $25 million reduction through consolida"MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM organized boroughs by requiring a local contribution to education funding. Last year the state appropriated $1.4 billion to fund education throughout the state, $230 million of that amount came from the local contribution. In January the Superior Court agreed with the Ketchikan Gateway Borough – the state’s required local contribution for public education violates the Alaska Constitution – in essence a dedicated tax precluded by the Alaska Constitution in most cases. Governor Walker appealed the decision to the Supreme Court. The Alaska Supreme Court on Wednesday granted a stay in the Ketchikan education lawsuit, ensuring that municipalities will continue to contribute funds toward public education during the appeals process. Commission (which results in its elimination); $22.7 million to Medicaid Services (representing lapsed balances); and $250.0 in front line social workers in children’s services. Department of Labor The Department of Labor’s operating budget reductions include: WRWKH&RPPLVVLRQHU¶V2I¿FH $300.0 to the Labor Standards and Safety program; $600.000 to the Alaska Construction Academy; Alaska Technical Center in Kotzebue $365,000 Southwest Alaska Vocational and Education Center 79,000 Northwest Alaska Career and Technical Center $173,000 Department of Environmental Conservation 7ZHQW\ ¿YH SRVLWLRQV ZHUH FXW IURP WKH GHSDUWPHQWDVZHOODVIURPWKH¿VKWLVVXHPRQLtoring program. Department of Public Safety With a $3.5 million budget cut to the Alaska State Troopers the Department plans to close the Girdwood trooper post effective January 1, 2016. The Department stated it generally believes that the Department of Fish and Game MOA should provide police services within their The House Finance Subcommittee has cut 15% of boundaries. The Talkeetna post may be next. the department’s unrestricted general funds and (Mid-Session Report from Juneau, continued on page 10) 29 positions. *RYHUQRU¶V2I¿FH 7KH *RYHUQRU¶V RI¿FH EXGJHW KDV EHHQ UHGXFHG by 26.5% representing mostly vacant positions, one-time funding for elections, reductions to contingency funds, and transferring the DVSA Initiative to the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in the Department of Public Safety. Department of Health and Social Services All Medicaid Expansion items have been removed from the budget proposal. Additionally, $1.1 million decrement to the Public Assistance; $892.0 in obesity prevention grants; $4.5 million in support services; $350.0 to the Health Care ALASKA ESCROW AND TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. KETCHIKAN JUNEAU and SITKA New orders or need information email: COMPLETE TITLE INSURANCE AND ESCROW SERVICES FOR SOUTHEAST ALASKA "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ MID-SESSION REPORT FROM JUNEAU (CON’T) The House Finance Subcommittee denied a $2.4 million budget request for the aviation unit. This could result in two search and rescue helicopters and a plane for prisoner transport being grounded. The VPSO program was reduced by $1.6 million Four cold case investigators were eliminated. Knik Arm Bridge: If a federal loan is secured this project can go forward without any additional state general fund money, however $275 million in revenue bonds would be required. While 86% of the right-of-way has been acquired and all privately owned land and a Record of Decision for the Environmental Impact Statement approved, a Department of Revenue newly updated economic analysis estimates trafThe department’s budget was reduced by 9.4% ¿FORDGVPDWFK02$DQG0DW6X%RURXJKWUDI¿F with 11 positions being eliminated. studies. Department of Transportation Ambler Road: AIDEA needs an additional $8.6 The department’s budget was reduced by 11.3% million to complete an Environmental Impact focusing mainly on the department’s general fund Statement to proceed. spending: Legislature The Alaska Marine Highway System received a The Legislature’s budget cuts may involve Legis$8.6 million cut which will result in 20% service ODWLYH,QIRUPDWLRQ2I¿FHFORVXUHV2QHVFHQDULR reduction (72 weeks less, from 394 to 322 weeks proposes to close Cordova, Wrangell, Petersburg, for ferry sailings) representing the lowest annual Unalaska, Glennallen, and Tok. Closures are not operating schedule since 2004. The Kennicott, expected for Juneau, Anchorage, or Fairbanks, 7DNX DQG 0DODVSLQD IHUULHV ZLOO VHH VLJQL¿FDQW KRZHYHU DOO RI¿FHV DURXQG WKH VWDWH ZRXOG JR cutbacks. The Fairweather will only service from being open year round to six months per Southeast four days per week, while the Chenega year. will be tied up leaving only the Aurora to service Issues Prince William Sound. Kodiak may have to go up Marijuana to six weeks without service. Marijuana has sucked all the air out of the CapiIn addition, the Committee recommended not tal. This is an ever changing piece of legislation funding the $5.3 million fuel subsidy due to oil WKDWZLOOOLNHO\QRWEH¿QDOL]HGXQWLOWKHODVWIHZ prices being under the required $70 per barrel. days of the session. With Prop 2 passing in November, personal use The state operates 247 airports with an approxiand possession of 1 oz of marijuana became legal mately $35 million annual budget. The state is on February 24, 2015. The ABC Board is curlooking at adding or increasing landing fees, airrently charged with regulation and enforcement port lease rates, and raising the states general aviand as such adopted emergency regulations to ation fuel tax to increase revenues. Currently, the allow for the use and possession restricting it to state assesses a 4.7-cent per gallon excise tax on non-public places. aviation gasoline. Decriminalization The Department gave an update on the “Mega HB 79 and SB 30 were introduced to decriminalProjects” on February 26th. ize the possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana as Juneau Access: The project needs $800.0 in Gen- approved by voters in November. The Legislature eral Funds to get to a Record of Decision on the had intended to pass the bill prior to February 24th, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact State- however neither bill has passed out of it’s own body. ment. If the state does not move forward it will be Commercial Regulation required to pay back $26 million in federal funds. HB 75 was introduced by the House Com"MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM munity and Regional Affairs Committee to provide more clarity to the role of local communities and municipal control in the regulation of retail or commercial marijuana. Creation of Regulatory Board HB 123 and SB 60 were introduced by the Governor to establish the Marijuana Control Board separately from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to regulate and license commercial marijuana operations. years and older. Although the bill would list marijuana as a controlled substance, it would exempt from controlled-substance crimes uses of marijuana that are within the bounds of a voter initiative passed in November. The committee plans to take public testimony on the bill Wednesday. Medicaid Expansion Medicaid Expansion has been a topic of many presentations before various committees this Session. The Administration’s budget proposal contained budget components to allow for the auHB 133 and SB 62 were introduced to further dethority to expand the Medicaid and accept $145 ¿QH DUHDV RI UHJXODWLRQ IRU FRPPHUFLDO RU UHWDLO million in federal funding while cutting some $6 marijuana such as marketing, licensing, packagmillion in state funding. Medicaid expansion is ing, labeling, testing and serving sizes of products not being received warmly by the Legislature. such as edible marijuana. The Administration submits that approximately HB 59 was introduced by Rep. Seaton to allow for $6.6 million in state savings would be realized by a delay by no more than a year, the promulgation new federal Medicaid funding. Of that savings, of regulations for commercial or retail marijuana. $4 million is expected to come from the DepartTODAY - The Senate Finance Committee dis- ment of Corrections budget for health care costs cussed a new version of the bill intended to de- for inmates. The rest of the savings would come (Mid-Session Report from Juneau, continued on page 15) criminalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 Serving Anchorage, Eagle River & the Mat-Su Valley at these locations: Anchorage Stewart Title of Alaska 480 East 36th Avenue (907) 274-2562 Sherri Bahma Senior Escrow Officer (907) 777-0518 Direct (866) 615-1246 FAX Peggy Looney Business Development Manager 2007 REALTOR® “Affiliate of the Year” (907) 632-1889 Cell Samantha Buchite Escrow Officer (907) 777-0512 Direct (866) 360-2836 FAX Vicky Bryant Customer Service (907) 777-0522 Direct (907) 866-225-3531 FAX Wasilla McKinley Title & Trust 3035 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy #101 (907) 376-2220 Christina Collins Escrow Officer (907) 777-0508 Direct (866) 465-1882 FAX Christy Shilling Business Development Officer (907) 570-8827 Cell "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ Kenai Wasilla Local Soldotna Service Anchorage Alaska USA Title Agency 5years Fairbanks Eagle River "MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM (877) 646-6498 Juneau Celebrating ASSOCIATION NEWS Honorable Mentions REALTOR® -DQHOOH 3ÀHLger, CRS of RE/MAX Dynamic Properties, will be the national SUHVLGHQW RI WKH &56 &HUWL¿HG Residential Specialists) organization in 2016. Janelle currently serves as the president-elect and Chair of the strategic planning committee and is a past RVP for the CRS regions. CRS is the gold standard for education in residential real estate and approximately 3% of the REALTOR® population holds the designation. The organization has 33,000 members and is growing! Janelle is also the current Chair for the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, an exciting year to be the Chair as Anchorage and the Chamber turn 100 years old in 2015! Janelle has sold real estate in Anchorage since 1980. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minor in real estate, she is an associate broker with CRS, GRI, CLHMS, and CDPE designations. Janelle was honored as the 2006 REALTOR® of the Year by the Anchorage Board of REALTORS® and the 2006 Alaska CRS of the Year. In 2007, she was awarded the YWCA Woman of Achievement award and was inducted into the Athena society in 2009. In 2010, she was honored as the Alaska REALTOR® of the Year. Janelle has three great kids and loves Alaska! REALTOR® Eva Loken, of Jack White Real Estate in Eagle River, has been a board member of the American Cancer Society since 1976. Eva is currently one of twenty-four members of the Great West Division board. GRI Offered in 2015 The Alaska Association of REALTORS®, in conjunction with the Anchorage Board of REALTORS® and the Valley Board of REALTORS®, will be sponsoring the entire GRI (Graduate REALTORS® Institute) in 2015. More information may be found on 2016 NAR Committee Recommendation Process is Underway! Are you, or someone you know, interested in serving on a NAR committee in 2016? The online Committee Recommendation Form on REALTOR. org is now open and accepting recommendations. Alaska REALTOR e-NEWS We pay CASH NOW for: t 3FBM&TUBUF/PUFTdeeds of trust or real estate contracts) t Notes secured by mobile homes t Seller Financed Notes from sale of business t Structured settlement annuities or lottery winnings t Inheritances tied up in probate Please put in your email “whitelist,” so our e-NEWS messages will reach you. A “whitelist” is a list of safe senders and most email programs have this option, which allows you to enter valid email addresses. We also make loans for the purchase, sale, rehab or refinance of all types of commercial/income properties and land, including “Non-Bankable” deals. We also do professional appraisals of Real Estate Notes. CASH NOW FINANCIAL CORPORATION Phone (907) 279-8551 Fax (907) 274-7638 Website: E-Mail: "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ Opening Doors for Alaskans Find out everything you need to know to open the door to your new home at Toll Free 1-800-478-2432 | 907-338-6100 | "MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM (Mid-Session Report from Juneau, continued from page 11) from Chronic and Acute Medical Assistance and reductions to the mental health provider grants, approximately $1.5 million, to be replaced with the new federal Medicaid funding. The Legislature requested the Governor introduce a bill to both expand the program as well as offer reform measures to the existing Medicaid program which currently costs approximately $600 million annually. This request is similar to that of the Legislature last year to then-Governor Parnell on the transfer of $3 billion to the State’s Public Employee and Teacher Retirement System’ unfunded liability – debating Medicaid expansion in a stand-alone bill separate from the budget. Senator Pete Kelly will introduce a Medicaid reform bill this week. The Senate plans on implementing reforms before considering expansion. A hearing is scheduled in the Senate Health and Social Services Committee Friday, March 13. Legislation HB 105-AIDEA Interior Energy House Bill 105 and SB 50 would change existing state law to allow the Interior Energy Project to purchase LNG from any region, including Southcentral Alaska, instead of just the North Slope. The bill also expands and updates AIDEA’s limits IRUDOORILWV¶SURMHFWDQGSURJUDP¿QDQFLQJ SB 30-Repeal Film Production Tax Credit 6HQDWRU%LOO6WROW]HLVSURSRVLQJWRUHSHDOWKH¿OP tax credit program. This tax credit program was not funded this year but Stoltze would like to remove the statutory authority for this program. 6% 5HJLRQDO 1RQ3UR¿W +HDOWK 2UJDQL]Dtions The bill authorizes the Alaska Municipal Bond %DQNWR¿QDQFHXSWRPLOOLRQLQSURMHFWVE\ UHJLRQDO QRQ SUR¿W KHDOWK RUJDQL]DWLRQV ZKLFK mostly operate in rural areas. Last year the Legislature authorized the bond bank to participate in University of Alaska facilities. SB 46 would exSDQGWKDWWRQRQSUR¿WKHDOWKIDFLOLWLHV SB 64 – Suspend the School Bond debt reimbursement program Senator Anna MacKinnon introduced a bill to suspend the school construction bond debt reimbursement program for a period of 5 years. The bill (upon passage) will take effect May 1, 2015. Any school bonds authorized before this date will be reimbursed under the existing program. SB 64 also reduces the amount of reimbursement upon reinstatement of the program. The reimbursement amounts are reduced to between 40 and 50 percent. Currently the MOA receives 60 percent school bond debt reimbursement. SB 6-Daylight Savings Time Senate Bill 6, authorizes the governor to petition the U.S. Department of Transportation to hold hearings in Alaska on whether Alaska should return to multiple time zones. If the USDOT does not act and leaves Alaska Standard Time in place, SB 6 would end the switch to daylight saving time for Alaskans as of Jan. 1, 2017. The ELOOSDVVHGWKH6HQDWHÀRRUWRGD\\HDVQD\V Medicaid Expansion Senator Pete Kelly introduced a cost saving MedHB 78-RCA HB 78 was introduced to provide a standard for icaid reform bill today. The bill is a start toward utilities in purchasing power from independent Medicaid reform . We anticipate legislation being introduced by the Governor next week that will producers. include reform and expansion measures. LegislaPurchasing power from independent power tive leaders have stated they need to see Medicaid producers is common in all other states and the reform before considering expansion. These two price is set at the highest “avoided cost.” Alaska issues can go hand in hand but reforms need to be is alone among the states in allowing utilities to included in the package if the bill stands a chance base their offers on the average cost. of passing this session. "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ News Bites From Our Local Boards Anchorage By Kay DuBois, CEO A Broker Forum is scheduled for March 20th including Sharon Walsh of the Alaska Real Estate Commission. The Forum is frequently offered to stay abreast of industry issues. NAR-trained facilitator, Rick Harris, will facilitate ABR’s Strategic Planning session in March. NAR’s on-line courses The Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism, were submitted to AREC for 2 hours CE credit. Two courses – one for new REALTORS® and one for established REALTORS® to meet the Quadrennial requirement. The GRI series, 100, 200, and 300 has been scheduled for 2015. :HDOVRKRVWHGRXU¿UVW*HQHUDO Membership Meeting of the year in February and were happy to have amazing attendance to the event. Thanks to our speakers; Glenda Feeken gave a legislative update from Capital Hill, Febra Hensley inspired us to invest in provide the services of an om- RPAC, and Marti Pepper talked budsman. ABR will utilize as about what was new and changombudsmen, only trained media- ing with Alaska MLS. tors. We look forward to the upcoming months and will be concentrating our time on our non-dues By Melissa Duffy, CEO revenue earner, the Kenai Penin7KH VWDUW RI ÀHZ E\ DQG sula Sport, Rec and Trade Show. things are sure warming up fast This year we have made a few on the Kenai Peninsula. The large changes to the show and Kenai Peninsula Association of we are anxious to see how they REALTORS® currently has 85 impact the event. The show will REALTOR® members and 19 take place May 2nd and 3rd at $I¿OLDWH PHPEHUV 7KLV \HDU the Soldotna Sports Center, and one of our focused efforts will we invite our REALTOR® famEHWRZDUGVJURZLQJRXUDI¿OLDWH ily and friends to come join us. PHPEHUVKLS 2XU $I¿OLDWH /Laison, Barbara Ramondino has With summer right around the done an amazing job at helping corner, we wish everyone a hapXV UHDFK RXW WR SRWHQWLDO DI¿OL- py and successful season!! ates, and we hope to add a few new members this year. By Vickie Gartley, In January, we had a nice sized 2015 President group of members join the Leadership Conference. Thanks to Di- After a very mild winter, spring ane Melton, Dorothy Cunning- is here and the days are getting ham, Mark White, Anna Johns, longer. Stacie Krause, Febra Hensley We had a very successful turn and Natalia Aulenbacher for atout for legislative hill visits tending and representing the Penwhich included AAR Direcinsula. In February, we attended WRUV 2I¿FHUV (2¶V DQG 0HPa very informative Legislative bers from around the State. Session and feel we had a successful time discussing the con- Legislative Luncheon was held cerns of the REALTORS® with at the Goldbelt on the 24th and legislators. Thank you to Mark was sponsored by First AmeriWhite, Anna Johns and Glenda can Title. Everyone enjoyed a Feeken for attending and assist- wonderful prime rib dinner at ing our legislative efforts. AAR Lobbyist Wendy Cham- Kenai Southeast The Governmental Affairs Committee met in January to outline legislative priorities prior to the hill visits in Juneau. The Committee conducted mayoral candidate interviews on March 19th. A RFP was requested from Dr. Lynne Curry to present mediator training both for the Anchorage Board and statewide. Dr. Curry returned the RFP which was forwarded to AAR’s Education Coordinator. Core Standards mandates that by January 1, 2016, each board "MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM News Bites From Our Local Boards berlain’s that evening. A Big ever growing membership. VBR Thank You goes out to her. LVORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRWKH¿UVWDQnual YPN Border Wars between We were joined by our out of the Mat-Su YPN and Anchorage town members on Wednesday for YPN on April 21st. It looks to be the Southeast Alaska Board of a great time for all. Visit Mat-Su REALTORS® General MemFacebook page for more details bership Luncheon meeting ( held at T.K. Maguires. Speakers included an update from Angie Tallant, AAR President. Wendy Chamberlain and Denny Dewitt gave an update on the current legislative session with regard to industry issues. A very successful dessert auction was held to raise money for our scholarship fund which is now fully funded for the 2015-2016 school year. VBR is co-sponsoring GRI 100 with Anchorage once again this We are looking forward to an- year. The dates are: May 20 & other CRS class being held here 21 in the Valley at the VBR ofin April. ¿FHDQG0D\DWWKH%3 Center in Anchorage. Valley By Lizz Rautenkranz, AE The weather is starting to warm up in the Valley and the Valley Board of REALTORS® is gearing up for a busy spring. VBR continues to hold monthly general membership meetings, YPN Wake-Ups, and VBR Tours for an Chair Mike Barth who gave us a presentation about affordable Housing. We had good attendence and the meeting was very informative. We presented the Homer/Anchor Point Food Banks a check for $5,000 and we gave Hospice of Homer a check for $2,500 using the proceeds of our annual auction. We are sponsoring with Alaska USA the CRS 206 class to be held in Homer on April 20th and 21st. Our convention committee is busy making plans for everyone to “Chart Their Cosmic Course” at the State convention which will be held at Lands End Resort beginning Sept. 29th through Oct 3rd. The rooms are available now and you can make a reservation by calling Lands End at 907-235-0400. Online registration begins on April 1st. Kachemak Our next General Membership meeting is in April and we are By Gina Pelaia, fortunate to have Gary Thomas 2015 President giving us a presentation regardAt our General Membership ing Fire safety. Meeting in March, we invited The City of Homer’s Economic Business Development Peggy Real Estate & Relocation Expert 162373 You’ve known me as your Alaskan Realtor for over 13 years! Call me to take advantage of these affordable prices in Arizona and this unique opportunity to purchase a winter home and/or an investment property. D I R E C T : 480.241.1040 P E G G Y @P E G G Y Y O U N G . C O M www.P E G G Y Y O U N G . C O M "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ Alaska Chapter Council of Residential Specialists $UFWLF%OYG6XLWH$QFKRUDJH$ODVND Earn the CRS Designation 7KH&HUWL¿HG5HVLGHQWLDO6SHFLDOLVW&56'HVLJQDWLRQLVWKHSURIHVVLRQDO'HVLJQDWLRQ offered by the Council of Residential Specialists. The CRS Designation is the highest professional designation awarded to REALTORS®LQWKHUHVLGHQWLDOVDOHV¿HOG)HZHU than 5 percent of all REALTORS® hold this designation. By Anita Bates, CRS Alaska CRS Chapter President Dwell Realty Anchorage Changes are Coming: As was mentioned in the last issue, the Council of Residential Specialists is undergoing a change WRDQHZPHPEHUDI¿OLDWLRQPRGel. Under the new structure, individual Chapters will change from independent legal entities to statewide organizations. Alaska CRS will begin the transition on April 1st. Since there is only one Alaska Chapter, this change should be relatively painless. The transition team will be working at the local and national level to effect the change. More details about the process will be provided as they become available. Mark Your Calendars for the Following Events: Anchorage: April 8, 2015, 11:30am-1:30pm, $25 “Property Taxes & You” by Bryant Robbins Petroleum Club of Anchorage, 3301 C Street 7KH ¿UVW &56 FODVV RI LV FRPLQJ \RXU ZD\ LQ April! Mark Porter will present &567HFKQRORgies to Advance Your Business, in the following locations: Juneau: April 13-14, 8:30am-5:00pm Juneau Christian Center, 8001 Glacier Hwy, (907) 586-2021 Anchorage: April 16-17, 8:30am-5:00pm Centerpoint Building, 3801 Centerpoint Drive, (907) 561-2338 Homer: April 21-22, 8:30am-5:00pm Homer City Hall, 491 E Pioneer Avenue (907) 235-8121 Contact your local Board for more details. Chapter With a Heart: Last fall, the board of directors decided to broaden the efforts of Chapter With a Heart by identifying or"MBTLB3&"-503¥t"QSJM ganizations DURXQG WKH 6WDWH WKDW FRXOG EHQH¿W IURP donations. This month we will distribute money FROOHFWHG IURP RXU OXQFKHRQ UDIÀHV DQG RWKHU IXQG raising activities to the following organizations: My House (Mat-Su Valley), KPBSD Students in Transition (Kenai Peninsula-Homer), and Child in Transition (Anchorage) In Appreciation: Many thanks to Alaska Multiple Listing Service for their help in providing Skype access for our monthly board meetings, allowing us to see the various participants around the State. NMLS #403077 HOME LOANS You Belong Here. If you can dream it, Denali Alaskan Home Loans can help you fund it. Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Interim Construction Loans Vacant Land/Recreational Property Loans Contact a Denali Alaskan loan expert today! Debra Whitbeck Jean Lapp AVP Real Estate Loans NMLS #411957 Office: 907-257-9419 Senior Loan Originator NMLS #685975 Office: 907-339-2571 Apply for your loan online: "QSJMt"MBTLB3&"-503¥ PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PERMIT #262 Alaska Association of REALTORS® 4205 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 2I¿FH (907) 561-1779 FAX Your Title and Escrow Resource ANCHORAGE/EAGLE RIVER OFFICE Ann Dale BARNDT PRICE Christina JONES Escrow Manager Sr. Escrow Officer, Commercial Specialist Deb Linda Aimee Sr. Escrow Officer Sr. Escrow Officer Escrow Officer STOUT MAIDL Sr. Escrow Officer BASSEL Laurie DOWNING Sr. Escrow Officer, Commercial Specialist Michael Debbie Kristine Client Services Client Services Client Services ROGERS MIHELICH VANGSTAD ANCHORAGE 561.1844 HOMER 235.5201 JUNEAU 786.5252 SEWARD 224.5272 SITKA 747.7166 SOLDOTNA 262.5708 WASILLA 376.5248 ©2014 First American Financial Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | NYSE: FAF AK - 02/2015
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