1 th 14 TRUE VISIONS INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 th 14 TrueVisions International Junior Golf Championships 2015” from 31 st March -3 rd April 2015 at Siam Country Club Plantation, Cholburi, Thailand. (www.siamcountryclub.com) ENTRY FORM 14th TrueVisions International Junior Golf Championships 2015 at Siam Country Club Plantation ,Pattaya, Cholburi, Thailand 31st March -3rd April 2015 ENTRY FORM Name (Family Name) (First ( Family Name ) ( First Name ) Male ________________ Female________________ Country____________________ Date of Birth _______ / _________ / _________ Age on 31st March 2015 year month Day Month Year Address ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Tel. No. Fax No. E -mail address Home Club ___________________________________ Handicap______________ Signature of Parent / Guardian ________________________ Date __________________ Signature of Club / Association ________________________ Date __________________ Signature of Player __________________________________ Date__________________ Entries Close : 16th March , 2015 Please return completed form to the below address. Mr. Rajiv Talwar, Director Albatross info@albatross.co.in 14th TrueVisions International Junior Golf Championships 2015 at Siam Country Club Plantation, Pattaya , Cholburi, Thailand 31st March -3rd April 2015 ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION Participants registration fees include 1 official practice round, tournament rounds , 5 lunches , 1 Welcome Dinner. Transportation from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Hotel , Hotel to Suvarnabhumi Airport. Hotel to Venue, Venue to Hotel. REGISTRATION FEES (Check one) Thai฿ 9,500.Participant Only (13-17) Thai฿ 8,500.Participant Only (12& Under) TRANSPORTATION Parents, relatives,friends who do not register above mention. TJGF will be provides Transportation from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Hotel , Hotel to Suvarnabhumi Airport. Hotel to Venue, Venue to Hotel, at 2,000 TH ฿ / person Official Hotel Hotel arrangement has been made with the “Royal Twin Palace Hotel’ Pattaya,Cholburi, Thailand”. I/We would like to make reservation For: Hotel Standard : Single/Twin share Th. ฿ 2,000.- /night Total of nights. Total of Single / Twin share Under the name : Name________________________________________________________ ( in block ) Address_____________________________________________________________________ Telephone______________ Fax ____________E – mail___________________________ Date of Arrival Flight No. - Time : - - Time : - - Date of Departure Flight No. - - - To guarantee the rooms , details of my credit / charge card are as follows ; VISA MASTER DINNER Name of Card Holder ___________________________________________________________________________Card Number________________________________Expiry Day_________________________________________ 5 14th TrueVisions International Junior Golf Championships 2015 at Siam Country Club Plantation, Pattaya, Cholburi, Thailand 31st March - 3rd April 2015 Conditions of Competition 1. Administration a. The Thailand Junior Golf Federation (TJGF) will be responsible for the administration of the tournament. b. Play will be governed by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the USGA and the local rules of Siam Country Club. (Plantation Course) Pattaya Cholburi, Thailand. c. The tournament director will adjudicate any protests, claims, questions, or doubts arising from the tournament and his decision shall be final. 2. Conditions of Entries a. The tournament is opened to junior amateur golfers who have not reached their 21 birthday on 31st March , 2015 b. Dead line for the submission of entry is March 16th March , 2015 3. Conditions of Play a. A-B Boys & Girls play at Siam Country Club.(Plantation Course) b. C-D-E Boys & Girls play at Siam Country Club .(Waterside Course) Competition will be conducted over the following age groups. Boys Class A B C D E Age 15-20+ 13 -14 11 -12 9 – 10 8 & Under Yardage (Par 72) 6,900 – 7,100 yards 6,900 – 7,100 yards 5,800 – 6,191 yards 5,300 – 5,400 yards 4,100 – 4,300 yards Girls Yardage (Par 72) 6,200 – 6,424 yards 6,200 – 6,424 yards 5,400 – 5,800 yards 4,500 – 4,700 yards 4,100 – 4,300 yards B. Boy and girl players who are 13 years old and above will play 72 holes. The rest will play 54 holes. 6 C. Team event – Junior Friendship Cup 2014 (54 holes, 72 holes) 1. Each country shall nominate up to four best players, whether boys or girls. In each 18 hole round, the total of three lowest scores shall constitute the team’s score for the round. The total of the team’s score for the 4 or 3 round shall be the team’s score for the championship. The team returning the lowest score for the championship shall be the winner. (There are two teams event, 13 years old and above and 9-12 years old) 2. Team members shall be named before the start of the championship. 3. Disqualification of any player under the rules of golf in round shall not be effective for any subsequent round unless the tournament committee determines otherwise. D. Ties for the first place in the individual, team and the overall best gross position will be settled by a sudden death play off. Ties for all other places shall be decided by TJGF count back system. The decision of the tournament committee shall be final and binding. E. The tournament committee wishes to draw the attention of all participants to the rules regarding slow play and undue delay (Breach of Rule 6-7; Stroke Play – 2 strokes; for repeat offence - DISQUALIFICATION F. Participants must report to the starter ten minutes before their stipulated times. (Participants are reminded of Rule 6-3) If the player arrives at his starting tee, ready to play, within 5 minutes after his scheduled tee time, the penalty for failure to start on time will be 2 strokes. Penalty for more than 5 minutes late – DISQUALIFICATION G. Participants not properly attired will not be allowed to play on the course. Sport shirts with collar, golf shirts, golf skirts, or trousers, golf Bermuda’s, and proper golf shoes must be worn. H. Players shall not exchange conversation with the gallery. Galleries must keep distance from the players. 1st offense – 2 strokes penalty and 2nd offense – DISQUALIFICATION I. Protests: Disputes or protests must be made in writing and be lodged with the tournament committee within ten minutes of the completion of the competitor’s round. J. Caddies: All players are required to avail of the services of a Siam Country Club, ,Pattaya ’s caddie. 4. Prizes A. 72 holes team championship and 54 holes team championship 1st runner up team ( 72 , 54 holes ) 2nd runner up team ( 72 , 54 holes ) B. Individual Championship Flight 1. Overall Best Gross Boy ( 72 holes, 54 holes) 2. Overall Best Gross Girl ( 72 holes, 54 holes) 3. Champion and four runner - ups in boys: A, B, C, D and E 4. Champion and two runner – ups in girls: A, B, C, D and E C. Individual Consolation Flight 1. Winner and four runner - ups in boys: A, B, C, D and E 2. Winner and two runner - ups in girls: A, B, C, D and E 7 10. Itinerary Sunday, March 29th , 2015 05:00 am – 10:00 pm Arrival of participants, Waiting at meeting point gate No.3 (Right hand) Monday, March 30th, 2015 05.0 am – 05.30 am 05.45 am 07.00am – 09.20am 7.0 pm – 11.00 am 11.30 am – 01.30 pm 06.30 pm 07.0 pm Breakfast at Hotel. Buses pick up to Golf Course Practice round for foreign participants (Plantation ) Registration Lunch Welcome dinner at Plantation Course Buses pick up to Hotel Tuesday March 31st _ Wendnesday 1 st April, 2015 Breakfast at Hotel. 04.50 am – 05.20 am Buses pick up 05.30 am T - time 07.0 am A-B Boys & Girls at Plantation C-D-E Boys & Girls at Waterside 11.45 am – 02.30 pm Lunch Buses Pick up 03.0 pm Tournament proper ( A,B,C,D,E ) Thursday 2nd April ,2015 Breakfast at Hotel. 04.50 am – 05.20 am Buses pick up 05.30 am T - time 07.0 am 11.45 am – 02.30 pm Lunch A-B Buses Pick up 03.0 pm C-D-E Prize Presentation 04.00 pm Buses pick up 05.00 pm rd Tournament proper (A,B ) Friday 3 April, 2015 Breakfast at Hotel. 04.50 am – 05.20 am Buses pick up 05.30 am T - time 07.0 am 11.45 am – 02.30 pm Lunch A-B Prize Presentation 04.00 pm Buses pick up 05.00 pm Saturday 4th April , 2015 05.30 am – 08.00 am Breakfast at Hotel Depart to Suvarnabhumi Airport Thailand Junior Golf Federation
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