PUBLIC TARIFF WITH EFFECTIVE FROM 16.02.2015 CHARGES FOR EXPORT & IMPORT OPERATIONS TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGES : EXPORT CYCLE TARIFF PER TEU(in INR) (a) TARIFF PER FEU(in INR) CFS STUFFING Transferring empty container from empty stack in Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. to stuffing point, 4,200.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 4,600.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 5,800.00 3,500.00 5,800.00 100.00 200.00 unloading break - bulk export cargo (handling by labour / 3 tonne forklift only) from shippers transport and stacking it either directly in nominated container under customs supervision or in Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd., arranging customs examination, weighment on weigh scale of Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd., whenever required, stuffing customs cleared cargo, lifting of loaded customs sealed container, transportation and stacking at export pre-stack, lifting of loaded containers from prestack and transportation of loaded containers to rail siding and loading of loaded containers on rail flat / wagon for dispatch to nominated gateway port. (b) FACTORY STUFFING Unloading excise sealed factory stuffed containers from private road trailer, stacking in prestack area, lifting, transportation & loading it on rail wagon after customs sealing. (c) EMPTY EXPORT Transportation from our yard to rail siding and loading it on rail flat / wagon.( Lift On will be charged extra.) TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGES : IMPORT CYCLE (a) CFS DESTUFFING Unloading loaded import container from rail flat / wagon, transportation and grounding in import stack, lifting and transportation to import Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. for customs examination / destuffing, seal cutting, destuffing cargo (to be handed over to labour / 3 tonne forklifts only), arranging customs examination, loading customs cleared cargo in shippers arranged road vehicles and transferring empty container to pre-stack. (b) FACTORY DESTUFFING Unloading loaded import container from rail flat / wagon, transportation and grounding in import stack, lifting, transportation and unloading it in import inspection area for customs examination, arranging customs examination, loading custom cleared container on shippers arranged road trailer for dispatch outside Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. Unloading of empty container from road trailer to stack after factory de-stuffing. Note: - Fuel Surcharge will be applicable on every Loaded Containers. (c) 1,200.00 EMPTY IMPORT 1,500.00 Unloading empty container from the rail flat,& transporting to our yard ( Lift Off will be charged extra) (d) 500.00 Empty offloading / Unloading charges ( Empty Lift Off/ Lift On ) 700.00 HANDLING CHARGES FOR OPERA TIONS NOT COVERED UNDER CYCLES LISTED ABOVE (a) Loading empty container stacked in empty stack of Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. on private road trailer vice-versa TARIFF PER TEU(in INR) TARIFF PER FEU(in INR) 500.00 700.00 700.00 1,200.00 200.00 400.00 765.00 1030.00 165.00 165.00 (d) Destuffing of container 750.00 1,500.00 (e) Stuffing of container 750.00 1,500.00 (b) Loading loaded container stacked in loaded stack of Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. on private road trailer or vice-versa (c) W eighment Charges: (i) W eighing of loaded container on electronic weighbridge installed in Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. (empty & loaded vehicle) (ii) W eighing of loaded container on electronic weighbridge installed in Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. (empty & loaded Albatross vehicle) (iii) W eighing a cargo vehicle with cargo on electronic weighbridge installed in Pvt. Ltd. (empty & loaded vehicle) Albatross Inland Ports (f) Transportation of empty container from stack to warehouse or vice-versa 550.00 700.00 (g) Transportation of loaded container from one place to other within Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. 650.00 1,200.00 700.00 1,400.00 70.00 70.00 On request On request 600.00 1,200.00 complex (h) Shifting of cargo from one place to another in the warehouse (i) Loading / unloading of cargo(Rate per tonne or part thereof) (minimum charges Rs. 100.00 / per document) (j) Palletisation charges (will be quoted as per customer’s request) (k) Using Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. premises for Repacking / labeling(charges per day or part thereof) (l) Segregation of Cargo & providing labour for sticking MRP stickers under CHA’s supervision 5 per piece 5 per piece (minimum charges Rs. 100/ per document) (m) Lashing / choking charges(will be quoted as per customer’s request) On request On request (n) Fumigation charges (will be quoted as per customer’s request) On request On request (o) Customs examination of import/export cargo 700.00 1,400.00 (p) Placement of empty container from stack to ground and back to stack for survey purpose 700.00 1,400.00 (q) Transhipment of loaded container from one trailer to another trailer 600.00 1,200.00 (r) Transhipment of empty container from one trailer to another trailer 500.00 700.00 (s) Placement of empty damaged container from stack to workshop site or vice- versa 800.00 1,500.00 (t) Cleaning / sweeping of containers (on request of shipping line) 75.00 150.00 (u) W ashing of a dry container 1. Normal washing 2. Chemical washing 125.00 350.00 250.00 700.00 20.00 20.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 i) Plug in charges - per container per day (from arrival date till hand over date + One Day) { if railed out within three days of hand over} ii) Plug in charges - per container per day (from arrival date till hand over date + Two Days) { if railed out after three days of hand over} 1,800.00 1,800.00 iii) Monitoring charges - per container iv) Pre trip inspection (PTI) charges - per container v) Additional charges for Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. stuffing/destuffing vi) THC: An additional 20% of the Normal Terminal Handling Charges will be livable. 200.00 600.00 1,000.00 200.00 600.00 2,000.00 (v) Seal charges (per container) (w) Mis-declaration of weight/ hazardous etc.(excluding penalty, if any, levied by CONCOR & customers should declare the weight correctly in forwarding notes at the time of booking of container) (x) Mis-declaration of Gateway port (excluding penalty, if any, levied by CONCOR and after the stuffing job order has been issued to labour will attract a levy) (y) REEFER CONTAINERS: The composite rate for transportation and handling of import/export loaded reefer containers has been notified separately. Additional charges livable are: It may be noted that Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. stuffing /destuffing of reefer cargo will be permitted with prior intimation only. EMPTY REEFER CONTAINERS:- No free days i) THC: An additional 20% of the Normal Terminal Handling Charges will be livable. ii) TSC: Rs. 100 per TEU per day and Rs. 150 per FEU Per day up to 20 days beyond 20 days: Rs. 150 per TEU and Rs. 200 per FEU. (z) GOH CONTAINERS: i) Additional charges for Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. Stuffing 1,000.00 2,000.00 Usage of Trolly ( 150 Pcs) of the GOH in specially designated area in the warehouse ( subject to a minimum rent equivalent to the cost of 3 Trolly's (min 450 pcs) per shipping bill. - Rs. 35 per trolly for for first two days . Thereafter Rs. 25 per trolly per day ii) Rigging charges etc. (will be quoted as per customer’s request) It may be noted that Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. stuffing of GOH stuffing will be permitted with prior intimation only. On Request On Request PLEASE NOTE: The Terminal Handing charges (THC) for all 20’ containers with gross weight between 27-30 tonnes will be pegged at 1.25 times of the normal THC for all categories of work involved in handing of 20’ loaded containers. For 20’containers with gross weight exceeding 30 tonnes, THC’s charged will be double the normal rate. I The THCs for hazardous cargo shall be double the normal rate. II The TSC’s for ODC containers will be three times the normal rate. III The THC for 45’ containers will be counted as a 2.5 TEU for application of per TEU rate. IV Flat Rack & Open Top Out Gauge type of container will carry storage charges 4 times than normal rate. In case of Flat Rack , Open Top (In Gauge) & Tank containers handling charges will be 20% extra. V TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES ON CONTAINERS: GROUND RENT The terminal service charges schedule for detention of loaded / empty containers at Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. shall be as under: CFS STUFFING (A1) EXPORT LOADED CONTAINERS Free time of 3 working days is given to the exporter for booking/ hand over of the export loaded container (excluding the day of issue of stuffing job order). However no TSC will be livable in case the party has taken the stuffing job order but stuffing is delayed on Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. account. Thereafter, following slab rates shall be applicable. (a) 1st to 3rd day Rs.200/-per day per TEU or part thereof (b) 4th to 7th day (c) 8th to 14th day Rs.300/-per day per TEU or part thereof Rs.400/-per day per TEU or part thereof (d) 15th day onwards Rs.500/-per day per TEU or part thereof FACTORY (A2) EXPORT LOADED CONTAINERS For factory stuffed containers, the date of “gate in” plus 5 working days (excluding arrival day) of such containers will be the free time. Thereafter, the same slab rates of terminal service charges as in above case would be applicable. STUFFING (B) IMPORT LOADED CONTAINERS Import loaded containers for which customs clearance is effected at Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd.(Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. / Factory de-stuffing) 3 days including the date of arrival at Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. DADRI will be free. It may be noted that the importer are required to take customs clearance/delivery within the free time of 3 days including the date of unloading at Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. DADRI. In case of failure to do so, loaded ground rent beyond free time of 3 days up to the date of delivery will be payable by importer. The free time will be counted in terms of days including the day of unloading from trailer. Thereafter, terminal service charges will be charged for the entire detention period (inclusive of all Sundays and Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. holidays) Slab Rates: (a) 1st to 3rd day Rs.400/-per day per TEU or part thereof (b) 4th to 7th day Rs.500/-per day per TEU or part thereof (c) 8th to 12th day Rs.700/-per day per TEU or part thereof (d) 13th to 20th day Rs.800/-per day per TEU or part thereof (e) 21st to 30th day Rs.1500/-per day per TEU or part thereof (f) 31st to 45th day (g) 46th to 60th day Rs.2000/-per day per TEU or part thereof (h) 61st to 90th day (i) 91st day onwards Rs.5000/-per day per TEU or part thereof Rs.10000/-per day per TEU or part thereof Rs.4000/-per day per TEU or part thereof Auction Charges: Rs.5000/- per container in addition to charges incurred for shifting, weighment & custom examination . PLEASE NOTE 1 The import loaded containers shall be moved for destuffing after all customs and other formalities have been completed and customs examination arranged by consignee/agent. Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. would reserve the right to decide which import containers and what kind of import commodities are to be destuffed in the Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. warehouse or in the nominated open space. For rest, the cargo will be left in the containers itself till final delivery is taken by the consignee, or customs / Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. disposes off the goods following procedures laid down by Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. and as specified in Indian customs act. 2 Placement of import containers after issue of examination job order will be done on next working day up to 16:00 hours. Any delay in shifting the import container beyond said period will be treated as dies non. 3 In case of any Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. chassis getting detained on special request of consignor/consignee/shipper/CHA, the slab charges would be Rs.400/-, Rs.600/-, Rs.800/- and Rs.1000/- respectively, in addition to the normal terminal service charges of respective slabs. 4 A penal surcharge of Rs.200 per TEU per day or part thereof on respective slab’s terminal service charges will be leviable on all such import containers which have been placed for customs examination but the contents of which have not been removed (either in container itself or in break-bulk) within 7 days from the midnight of the placement date at the examination point*. 5 In case of CFS-destuffing and factory-destuffing containers, validity of Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. gate pass will bemidnight. (C) EMPTY CONTAINERS Free time of 10 days excluding the day of unloading from trailers only. In case of containers received after Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. / destuffing, the destuffing date will be free. In case of containers received by road, gate-in date will be free. Thereafter, ground rent charges as per under mentioned rate slabs shall be livable: (a) 1st to 10th day Rs.30/-per day per TEU (b) 11th to 20th day Rs.40/-per day per TEU (c) 21st to 30th day Rs.50/-per day per TEU (d) 31st day onwards Rs.60/-per day per TEU • The validity of all exit permits issued for removal of empty containers is midnight. • The TSC for 40’ containers will be double the normal rate. • In case of Flat Rack, Open Top (In Gauge ), Tank & Reefer containers handling charges will be 20% extra. * Conditions Applied WHARFAGE CHARGES ON CARGO CFS STUFFING (A1) EXPORT CARGO Reserved space for FCL cargo will be allotted @ Rs. 140.00 per sq. m per month. (Subject to minimum 100 sqm for three months, and for cancellation, notice should be given one month in advance). Free time: A free time of 24 working hours from the mid-night of the day cargo is brought to the Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. is given in general space. Wharfage will be livable after expiry of free time till stuffing job-order is issued (inclusive of all Sundays and Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. holidays). (a) 1st to 3rd day Rs.30/-per tonne or part thereof (b) 4th to 7th day (c) 8th day onwards Rs.50/-per tonne or part thereof Rs.60/-per tonne or part therof FREE TIME: (B) SHUTOUT CARGO Wharfage charges as applicable to export cargo will be livable from the date of booking till the shut out cargo is removed (inclusive of all Sundays and Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. holidays) on the actual cargo weight declared in the shutout notice. NIL (C) PART CARGO FREE TIME: Wharfage in case of part cargo is livable on full cargo from the date of unloading of first part of the cargo to date of consolidation of full cargo. After arrival of full cargo, all normal rules will be applicable. NIL FREE TIME: NIL (D) SHIPMENT CANCELLATION In case of shipment cancellation the wharfage charges are to be collected from the date of unloading of export cargo to its physical removal from Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. without giving any free time and benefit of holidays. FREE TIME: NIL (E) IMPORT CARGO Wharfage is livable from the mid-night of the date of destuffing till the cargo is removed from the Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. (inclusive of all Sundays and Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. holidays) as under: (a) 1st to 3rd day Rs. 30/-per tonne (max. Rs.500/TEU per day & max. Rs.750/FEU per day. (b) 4th to 7th day Rs.50/- per tonne (max. Rs.750/TEU per day & max. Rs. 1000/FEU per day) (c) 8th day onwards Rs.60/-per tonne (max. Rs.800/TEU per day & max. Rs.1200/-per FEU per day) • The TSCs for 40’ containers will be double the normal rate. LCL CARGO HANDLING RATES : EXPORT 1 Reserved space for LCL cargo will be allotted @ Rs. 140.00 per sq. m per month. (subject to minimum 100 sqm for three months, and for cancellation, notice should be given one month in advance) 2 LCL SURCHARGE IN GENERAL SPACE: A LCL surcharge of Rs. 1000.00 per TEU per slot or part thereof will be leviable on all LCL container stuffed in Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. in general space in addition to normal terminal handling charges of FCL containers i.e. Rs. 3000.00 per TEU. 3 FREE TIME FOR CONSOLIDATION OF CARGO IN GENERAL SPACE: Free time of seven days (inclusive of Sundays and holidays) from the receipt of first part of cargo will be given for consolidation of cargo and obtaining the stuffing job order failing which a wharfage charge Rs. 200.00 per day per slot or part thereof will be livable up to the date of issue of stuffing job order 4 FREE TIME FOR BOOKING OF CONTAINER IN RESERVE SPACE / GENERAL SPACE: A free time of 24.00 hrs from mid night of the date of issue of stuffing job order will be given for completion of customs formalities and handing over the documents for booking of export container. (a) 1st to 3rd day Rs. 200.00 per TEU per day or part thereof (b) 4th to 7th day Rs. 300.00 per TEU per day or part thereof (c) 8th day to 14th day Rs. 400.00 per TEU per day or part thereof (d) 15th day onwards Rs. 500.00 per TEU per day or part thereof 5. SHUT OUT CARGO / EXCESS CARGO / SHIPMENT Shut out / excess cargo will be kept in space earmarked in the export warehouse and the wharfage will be leviable as under: • Rs. 80.00 per tonne per day or part thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 200.00 per day or part thereof. (a) In case of shut out cargo, the above wharfage will be leviable from the date of CFN booking till the shut out cargo is merged with some other cargo / removed from Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. (inclusive of all Sundays and Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. holidays). (b) In case of excess cargo the above wharfage charges will be leviable from the date of unloading of cargo till excess cargo is merged with some other cargo / removed from Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. (inclusive of all Sundays and Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. holidays). (c) If the shut out / excess cargo remain in the same slot on the request of the party then the wharfage charges will be leviable at the rate of Rs. 200.00 per day per slot or part thereof. (d) In case the full grid shipment cancellation, the wharfage charges of Rs. 200.00 per day per slot or part thereof will be leviable from the date of the first part of the cargo receipt up to the removal of the cargo on the entire cargo. (e) In case the part grid shipment cancellation, if the part grid shipment is withdrawn, no wharfage charges will be leviable. However the handling charges for cargo handling will be leviable as per para 6 given below. 6 CARGO HANDLING CHARGES FOR SHUT OUT / EXCESS / SHIPMENT CANCELLATION IN GENERAL / RESERVE SPACE: • Loading charges: Rs. 50.00 per tonne or part thereof subject to minimum of Rs. 100.00 per document. • Unloading charges: Rs. 50.00 per tonne or part thereof subject to minimum of Rs. 100.00 per document. .Carting Charges per shipping bill Rs.100/- & per vehicle Rs.200/- whichever is higher . LCL CARGO HANDLING RATES : IMPORT LCL SURCHARGE FOR IMPORT IN GENERAL SPACE ONLY: A LCL surcharge of Rs. 1000.00 per TEU will be leviable on all LCL container / cargo destuffed in Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. in addition to normal terminal charges for FCL container i.e. Rs. 3300.00 per TEU. FREE TIME: . A free time of two working days (including the day of destuffing) will be given free for completion of customs formalities and physical removal of cargo from Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. Thereafter, wharfage charges will be leviable as under: • Rs. 80.00 per tonne per day or part thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 500.00 per day per B.L/BOE or part thereof. CRANE SURCHARGE: • For Break bulk cargo: The scheduled rates for handling do not include any charges for use of sling cranes for handling import / export “break-bulk” cargo at any stage. In case any cranes for handling import/export “break-bulk” cargo at any stage, Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. shall levy an additional charge of Rs.5000/per TEU as the crane surcharge or the actual charges incurred by Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. for handling such consignments, whichever are higher. • For ODC consignments: The crane surcharge for ODC consignments (over dimensional consignments projecting beyond the standard ISO dimensions either in height or breadth or length) would be Rs.1000/-per TEU or the actual charges incurred by Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. for handling such consignments, whichever are higher. DELAYED PAYMENT SURCHARGE: Delayed payment surcharge at the rate of 18 % shall be leviable, in case all total CFS payments due, are not made according to the terms of payment settled. POINTS TO BE NOTED (a) All cheques/ DDs to be drawn favouring “Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd.” Payable at Greater Noida. Outstation cheques will not be accepted. (b) CHA’s / Consignees w ho intend to pay by cheque must obtain prior permission from the CFS management. (c) Service Tax and other levies (like education cess) will be applicable at prevailing rates at the time of billing. (d) It will be presumed that all consignments being received at the CFS (import or export) are adequately insured against all possible risks during storage. (e) In accordance with the trade practice imported stocks are normally insured from warehouse to warehouse including 60 days transit storage time. It will be presumed that the stocks being received at the Albatross Inland Ports Pvt. Ltd. are adequately insured against all possible risks during storage and transit. (f) Payment of charges is not a guarantee for services, which is strictly on completion of all Customs and other statutory formalities. (g) The above rates are subject to change with or without prior notice. (h) Standard Terms and Conditions will be applicable. (i) All payments should be made in advance. (j) In case truck is detained in the yard a parking fees of Rs. 400/- per shift per truck/trailer will be charged. (prior permission to be required) Note:- The above tariff is subject to any change.
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