Alderdice & Associates Institute of Business

Alderdice & Associates
Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Welcome! ................................................................................................................................... 4
Our Mission ............................................................................................................................... 4
Our Values ................................................................................................................................. 4
Application, Pre-Enrolment, Enrolment & Client Selection ..................................................... 5
Application................................................................................................................................. 5
Pre-enrolment ............................................................................................................................. 5
Enrolment ................................................................................................................................... 6
Client selection........................................................................................................................... 6
Unique Student Identifier (USI)................................................................................................. 7
What is a USI? ........................................................................................................................... 7
Do I need to get one? ................................................................................................................. 7
What do I need to do to get one? ............................................................................................... 7
Can Alderdice & Associates do this for me? ............................................................................. 7
How much does it cost? ............................................................................................................. 8
I have a USI. What do I do with it? ........................................................................................... 8
What if I forget my USI? ........................................................................................................... 8
USI Security ............................................................................................................................... 8
Delivery and Assessment Methods ............................................................................................ 9
Delivery methods ....................................................................................................................... 9
Assessment methods .................................................................................................................. 9
Credit Transfer ......................................................................................................................... 10
VET FEE HELP ....................................................................................................................... 11
Census dates – VET FEE-HELP.............................................................................................. 11
Fees and Refunds ..................................................................................................................... 12
Fees and Charges ..................................................................................................................... 12
Publication of fees and charges................................................................................................ 12
Fee payments ........................................................................................................................... 12
Refund Policy for Students Enrolled In Vet Fee-Help Enabled Courses ................................ 12
1. Withdrawal from a unit of study / course ............................................................................ 12
2. Refunds – students who are eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance ................................. 13
3. Refunds – students who are not eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance (Fee for Service)13
4. Payment of Refunds ............................................................................................................. 13
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5. Special circumstances .......................................................................................................... 13
RTO Guarantee ........................................................................................................................ 13
Participant Training Records ................................................................................................... 14
Certificates and Statement of Attainments .............................................................................. 14
Replacement Qualification....................................................................................................... 14
Privacy ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Stakeholder feedback ............................................................................................................... 15
Code of Conduct ...................................................................................................................... 15
Discipline ................................................................................................................................. 16
Academic and Non-Academic Grievance Handling Policy and Procedure............................. 17
1. Policy ................................................................................................................................... 17
2. Definitions............................................................................................................................ 17
3. Policy coverage .................................................................................................................... 18
4. Before an issue becomes a formal grievance ....................................................................... 18
5. Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 18
5.1 Stage one – Formal grievance: ........................................................................................... 19
5.2 Stage two – Internal appeal: ............................................................................................... 19
5.3 Stage three – External appeal:............................................................................................ 20
6. Further action ....................................................................................................................... 20
7. Enrolment status................................................................................................................... 20
8. Record keeping & confidentiality ........................................................................................ 20
Access and Equity .................................................................................................................... 21
Student Support, Welfare and Guidance .................................................................................. 22
Legislative Requirements......................................................................................................... 24
Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S) ................................................................................... 24
Harassment and Discrimination ............................................................................................... 25
Specific principles .................................................................................................................... 26
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Welcome to Alderdice & Associates. Alderdice & Associates is a Registered Training
Organisation with the following qualifications on our scope:
SIT30713 Certificate III in Hospitality
SIT40313 Certificate IV in Hospitality
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
BSB51107 Diploma of Management
BSB50207 Diploma in Business
As a leading learning institution, we focus on inspiring our students to achieve their potential.
As a student you will be investing in your career development. Our courses are designed to
inspire you to achieve your aims. Our goal is to develop the next generation of highly skilled,
highly sought after, informed and creative professionals, able to excel within today’s
competitive business environment.
Our Mission
Alderdice & Associates aspires to produce leading edge, creative and entrepreneurial leaders
for the knowledge-based economy. With commitment to an interactive, participative and
technologically-enabled learning experience, we will provide a rewarding and challenging
environment for faculty and students to kindle and sustain a passion for excellence. All of our
actions will be molded by our set of core values.
Our Values
Leadership: is our courage to shape a better future
Integrity: is our trade mark
Commitment: is the key to our success
Dependability: is our promise
The spirit of smiles: is our growth engine
This Participant Handbook ensures that our students are guided through Alderdice &
Associates policies and procedures. We hope this handbook provides plenty of useful
information. Please feel free to clarify any queries with any of our trainers or staff.
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Application, Pre-Enrolment, Enrolment & Client Selection
Alderdice & Associates has a three stage enrolment process designed to ensure that our
students make an educated and informed decision when selecting us as their training
provider. Our enrolment process allows us to work with prospective students to maximise
their training outcomes and meet their needs.
Information on courses delivered by Alderdice & Associates is available on our website at If you do not have access to the internet please contact our office on 1300
20 65 10 and a member of our Admissions Team will arrange for all relevant information to
be posted to you.
During the application process; prospective students may:
Complete a course application form (online or paper based).
Complete USI (Unique Student Identifier) application (more info in USI section)
Acknowledge that they have read our Student Handbook, Course Brochure and our
Terms and Conditions.
Where RPL or credit transfer could be considered the student will be contacted by one of our
lecturers in that qualification to discuss previous experiences, studies and work that may be
submitted for the review processes. Any price adjustments to be made to the course cost, in
line with the decision, will be forwarded to you via email, using the email address that you
provide to us.
When an application is not made online, Alderdice & Associates will ensure that the
prospective student is emailed this Handbook and that they respond in writing advising that
they have read this Handbook. It is therefore essential that a valid email address is recorded
when the prospective student completes an application and that you have access to a
computer to be able to use the email address provided.
The application process is non-committal and any information received from students at this
point will not be disclosed with a third party. However, should the enrolment progress,
students need to be aware that we have an obligation to supply their information to the
national statistical database (or their State/Commonwealth representatives).
Once an application has been received; Alderdice & Associates staff will contact you to
discuss your application further and to establish your learning needs and to provide additional
Particular emphasis is made on the following areas:
Selecting the right qualification and units; pre-course activity and/or VET fee
program (where applicable).
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Course information, including content and vocational outcomes.
Fees and charges.
How the training is conducted and how assessment is made.
Your rights and obligations as a student.
Support services available to you.
Option of RPL or Credit Transfer and how to access these options throughout the
As part of our enrolment process, to ensure that we can provide the most supportive learning
experience to you, it is a requirement that you complete a ‘Pre-Assessment’ task. This task
consists of 9 questions that allow Alderdice & Associates to assess the level of support you
may need to be successful in your training program.
Occasionally there may need to be the recognition that the accredited qualification that you
have enquired about may not be achievable in one step. Where this is the case, and on the
back of this assessment process, your lecturer will discuss with you the alternative routes and
training pathways that you may take to achieve you goals.
The final stage to this process involves completing official Alderdice & Associates
paperwork and receiving a Welcome Letter confirming your enrolment.
If you have requested RPL, or do we request RPL throughout your program, you will be sent
an application form to complete. The allocated lecturer will discuss your completed RPL
application with you in detail upon receipt (more information about RPL is provided under
the RPL section of this handbook).
Client selection
Alderdice & Associates may assess applicants on their ability to meet the requirements of the
course. Consideration takes into account prerequisite and Training Package assessment
guidelines and will always be made in accordance with our Access and Equity policy.
Prerequisite information for each of our courses is available on
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Unique Student Identifier (USI)
From the 1st of January, 2015 all students enrolled in any form of Vocational Education and
Training are required to have a Unique Student Identifier or ‘USI’.
What is a USI?
A USI is a 10 digit alpha-numeric number that is unique to each student in the Australian
education system. This number allows students to keep a history of their results from all
training they do, from all colleges and institutes, in one central location.
Do I need to get one?
If you don’t provide us with a USI, since it is a legal requirement for all training companies,
we cannot print you a certificate at the end of the course or add your results to the national
When you provide us with your USI, we will validate it and record your training results on
your academic transcript. It’s easy to get a USI and you only have to do it once.
What do I need to do to get one?
It`s quite easy, just follow these 6 simple steps:
STEP 1: Have at least one form of ID ready: Driver's License, Australian Passport, Medicare
Card, Birth Certificate, Visa (with non-Australian Passport), Immigration Card or Citizenship
STEP 2: Have your personal contact details ready: Address, email and/or phone number.
STEP 3: Visit and click on 'Create a USI'.
STEP 4: Agree to the terms and conditions and follow the steps.
STEP 5: Request that your USI number be sent to you via email as postal notifications can
take weeks.
STEP 6: Provide us this number so that we can add it to your student file, without this
number we cannot issue you with a certificate or provide you with an academic transcript of
your grades.
Can Alderdice & Associates do this for me?
Alderdice & Associates can apply for a USI on your behalf. We are obliged under the
legislation to obtain your permission and will not be able to access the USI System without
declaring that we have your permission to do so. You will need to complete the ‘Alderdice &
Associates USI Declaration form’ before we can apply for a USI on your behalf for a copy of
this form please email our admissions team
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How much does it cost?
Getting your USI will not cost you anything. The USI is a free service provided by the
government to make it easier for you to manage and track your training history.
I have a USI. What do I do with it?
Simply provide your USI to us and we will validate it for you and record your course
outcomes against your academic transcript!
What if I forget my USI?
The website provides an option for you to retrieve your USI, if you forget it.
Alderdice & Associates encourages you to get a Unique Student Identifier and provide it to
us as soon as possible so that we have it on file for you.
USI Security
Alderdice & Associates ensures that your personal information is secure at all times and that
only authorised staff can access your records. Where identification is requested (outside of
our enrolment process and for the sole purpose of applying for a USI on the student’s behalf);
Alderdice & Associates has the means to securely destroy copies provided. It is important to
understand that you, as the USI holder, have control over whom you disclose your USI to.
You are entitled to withhold your number from Alderdice & Associates, however; please note
that unless you supply your USI to Alderdice & Associates, we will be unable to issue any
certification for competencies achieved.
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Delivery and Assessment Methods
Alderdice & Associates offers flexibility of learning and assessment methods in order to meet
the differing needs of our clients. Please speak with your Trainer/Assessor or any staff
member of the college if you believe that adjustments need to be made to accommodate your
individual needs.
Alderdice & Associates Trainers and Assessors are experienced industry professionals
committed to providing a high standard of training and assessment. Assessments for all
courses meet the principles of assessment in that they are fair, flexible, valid and reliable.
Your industry expert will assist you in every aspect of your training and assessment program
through regular on line and telephone support.
Delivery methods
Please refer to the courses available on the Alderdice & Associates website
to determine which delivery method is available for your chosen course.
This is a classroom based program led by one of our experienced Trainers with assessments
to complete course requirements.
Study is undertaken through our online Virtual Campus, which includes video lectures,
support tutorials, a catalogue of resources and a vibrant discussion forum to facilitate rich
learning experiences between students and faculty staff. This enables students to complete
their study and assessment at their own pace; but with full support offered through email,
phone and online collaboration, as well as the Alderdice & Associates support team.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Alderdice & Associates recognises that some students may have previously gained skills and
knowledge from a variety of different sources. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) provides
an opportunity for those already skilled or experienced in a specific task or unit of
competency to gain formal recognition for that skill in lieu of completing the training and
assessment. Students who apply for RPL will work closely with an Alderdice & Associates
lecturer to gather evidence supporting their existing skill.
If you believe you already have skills and knowledge that would be covered in a unit or units
offered by Alderdice & Associates, you should let us know as soon as possible. You can
enquire or apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at time of enrolment or at any time
during the program. An RPL application kit will be provided to you by your lecturer.
Assessment methods
As you progress through the units there will be opportunity for you to test your own learning
by completing a number of learning activities. At the end of each unit, you will be formally
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assessed by you lecturer after completion of the formal assessment activities. All evidence
requirements are to be uploaded to the Alderdice & Associates Virtual Campus. This
evidence will form part of your competency assessment. As such, students need to have or
have access to a computer and the internet.
Students are supported throughout their learning experience by a dedicated lecturer and tutor.
The lecturer will make a judgement of competency based on the evidence provided according
to the National Criteria.
Our lecturers will ensure:
The assessment process is valid, reliable, flexible and fair.
All evidence submitted is considered in making their judgement.
Assessment outcomes are recorded appropriately.
Timely and constructive feedback on NYC (not yet competent) assessment outcomes
is given to applicable students.
Recognition of Prior Learning is offered and recorded.
If competency is not awarded (NYC), students will be given the opportunity to resubmit their
As students are assessed for the competencies, skills and knowledge required for the
qualification students will also be reveiwed for other more general skill such as employability
skills and foundation skills. These are the underlying skills that are threaded throughout
completion of any qualification. They include the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy
skills, but also more general skills needed in a modern day business such as:
Communication, skills that contribute to productive and harmonious relations between
employees and customers;
Team work, skills that contribute to productive working relationships and outcomes;
Problem-solving, skills that contribute to productive outcomes;
Initiative and enterprise, skills that contribute to innovative outcomes;
Planning and organising, skills that contribute to long-term and short-term strategic
Self-management, skills that contribute to employee satisfaction and growth;
Learning, skills that contribute to ongoing improvement and expansion in employee
and company operations and outcomes; and
Technology, skills that contribute to effective execution of tasks.
Credit Transfer
Credit transfer is granted when you can demonstrate that your previous course of study is
equivalent to the required outcomes or standards within a unit of competency or qualification.
All AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other Registered Training
Organisations will be fully recognized by Alderdice & Associates upon verification with the
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issuing RTO. These qualifications could be used to reduce the study required in any training
program offered by us.
To apply for Credit Transfer, students need to complete our Credit Transfer Application Form
which is available on request to any Alderdice & Associates staff member or
Alderdice & Associates is approved by the Australian Government to offer VET FEE-HELP
loans to eligible students undertaking higher-level VET qualifications (diploma level
courses). If you are thinking of enrolling into a VET course at the diploma level or above,
you might be eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance to pay your tuition fees.
VET FEE-HELP can be used to fully or partially subsidise tuition fees. Money sought
through VET FEE-HELP cannot be used to pay for other expenses such as text books and
accommodation. Only approved providers, such as Alderdice & Associates, can offer
students VET FEE-HELP as a means to pay for their fees. For more information on VET
FEE HELP, please refer to the Australian Government’s Study Assist website
Census dates – VET FEE-HELP
Census dates for our courses are displayed on our website under ‘studying
with us’ followed by ‘start dates’. You must submit your completed Request for VET FEEHELP Assistance Form to Alderdice & Associates before the census date. If you do not
submit your form on or before the census date, you will not be eligible for a VET FEE-HELP
loan. The census date is also the last day you can withdraw from your enrolment without
incurring the fees or a VET FEE-HELP debt. Students need to apply in writing to withdraw
prior to their first census date to avoid being charged.
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Fees and Refunds
Alderdice & Associates makes every effort to ensure potential clients and students are made
aware of its Fees, Charges and Refund Policy before accepting a student for enrolment. The
policy applies to all fees and charges applicable to the provision of accredited training under
the RTO Scope of Registration.
Irrespective of the availability and receipt of government subsidies by an employer, school,
or student, it is a requirement of Alderdice & Associates that where course fees, or other
charges are applicable, these must be paid by the specified due dates on the tax invoice and
paid in Australian dollars.
All students and clients have the right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection
Fees and Charges
Publication of fees and charges
Full details of the fees and charges for all courses are made available in course promotional
materials and on Alderdice & Associates’ website. Advertised fees will include all charges
associated with the cost of training to the student (or employer).
Fees and charges are always advised to the client/student prior to enrolment through the
appropriate documentation. Any conditions relating to the payment of fees and charges is
notified by a written invoice or in Employer Services Agreement.
Fee payments
Alderdice & Associates will accept the following payment methods:
Credit Card payment
Electronic payment
Personal, Bank or Business Cheque
Refund Policy for Students Enrolled In Vet Fee-Help Enabled Courses
1. Withdrawal from a unit of study / course
Students of Alderdice & Associates who wish to withdraw from a VET unit of study or VET
course of study must do so in writing. Students must include name, course and reason for
All cancellations must be emailed to
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2. Refunds – students who are eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance
This section is applicable to students who are Australian citizens or permanent humanitarian
visa holders (who are a resident in Australia for the duration of the VET unit of study)
enrolled in a VET FEE-HELP enabled course offered by Alderdice & Associates.
In the event of a student withdrawing from a VET unit of study on or before the census date
for that unit of study:
100% of tuition fees paid for that unit will be refunded to the student; and
The student will not incur a VET FEE-HELP debt.
In the event of a student withdrawing from a VET unit of study after census date for that unit
of study:
No refund is applicable; and/or
The student will incur a VET FEE-HELP debt.
3. Refunds – students who are not eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance (Fee for Service)
This section is applicable to students who are permanent residents (who are not permanent
humanitarian visa holders who are residents in Australia for the duration of the VET unit of
study) and New Zealand citizens enrolled in a VET FEE-HELP enabled course offered by
Alderdice & Associates.
In the event of a student withdrawing from a VET unit of study on or before the census date
for that unit of study 100% of tuition fees paid for that unit will be refunded to the student.
In the event of a student withdrawing from a VET unit of study after census date for that unit
of study no refund is applicable.
The notification must include students name, course name and reason for cancellation.
4. Payment of Refunds
Refunds will be paid within 28 days of the census date of the VET unit of study to which the
withdrawal applies.
5. Special circumstances
A student who withdraws after the census date for a VET unit of study may apply for special
consideration in line with the policy for Re-crediting a VET FEE-HELP Balance.
RTO Guarantee
Alderdice & Associates is committed to completing the training and assessment in every
accredited course that it offers. Students that enrol into our courses, have paid their fees and
have commenced training are covered by our RTO guarantee. Our guarantee is that you will
receive the services and training that you require to complete your chosen qualification.
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Participant Training Records
Alderdice & Associates is committed to maintaining and safeguarding the accuracy, integrity,
confidentiality and currency of our records. All hard copy records including individual
participant records will be stored in a secure area.
Our electronic records are stored in our computer system with our training records stored in
our Job Ready RTO database. The computer system is password protected and security is
maintained by appropriate software programs.
Our software and hardcopy systems will retain your record of results for a period of no less
than 30 years.
You can access your own training records by contacting our admissions team at You can also authorise for your training records
to be provided to others by completion of a Student Request for Record Release Form, which
is also available through our admissions team.
Certificates and Statement of Attainments
Alderdice & Associates will only issue the formal qualification or statement of attainment to
a student with a verified USI at the end of a course, unless special circumstances exist. These
circumstances would include situations where a student is leaving the course or requires a
statement for other work related purposes, or where a student is studying over an extended
period of time. Other circumstances may arise, and these would be treated fairly and with due
consideration for the student’s needs.
All Statement of Attainments and Certificates will be issued to a student within 30 calendar
days of the student being assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product if the
training program in which the student is enrolled is complete.
Replacement Qualification
If you require a replacement certificate, please email your request through to our admissions
team at
Identity verification will need to take place to ensure the authenticity of the request, there is a
fee for the replacement certificate of $25, and the certificate will not be re-issued until this
replacement payment is made.
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Alderdice & Associates takes your privacy very seriously and will comply with all legislative
requirements, including the Privacy Act and National Privacy Principles (2001).
In some cases, as required by law and as required by the National VET Regulator, Alderdice
& Associates will need to make your information available to others. In all other cases,
Alderdice & Associates ensures that your written permission is gained by completing the
AA010TA Student Request for Record Release Form before providing your information to a
third party.
Throughout your course, Alderdice & Associates may be required to provide information on
your progress to government departments such as the Australian Skills Quality Authority
(ASQA), who may request to view your participant records when they audit Alderdice &
Stakeholder feedback
You are invited to provide feedback to Alderdice & Associates on your training and
assessment experience, and on client support services that are provided by us.
Alderdice & Associates uses nationally recognised feedback forms to assist us in measuring
the quality of your experience with our organisation and to assist us in improving our
programs for the future.
Feedback forms are provided to you by your lecturer or tutor. Once these forms are
completed, they are to be returned directly your lecturer/tutor or a nominated staff member of
Alderdice & Associates. This feedback will then be sent to Alderdice & Associates
Management who will review your feedback as part of our continuous improvement program.
Feedback may also be gathered in various other forms such as in the form of emails and
verbal discussions. We invite any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve our services.
We also enjoy hearing about your positive experiences and providing that feedback to our
Code of Conduct
It is expected that staff and students will work in a manner which displays respect for others
and for property. It is also expected that they will show diligence in their work, honesty in all
dealings with each other and other parties, and respect for the privacy of others. Staff and
students will conduct themselves in a manner which respects the laws of Australia, including
the states and the regulations of statutory bodies. The policies and procedures of Alderdice &
Associates also form an important part of the code of conduct.
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It is expected that all students will:
Notify Alderdice & Associates of any change in address or personal details.
Maintain a high standard of behaviour whilst undertaking educational activities and
refrain from any activities that may result in unduly interfering with the comfort or
convenience of other participants.
Refrain from behaviour that may disrupt or interfere with the teaching or learning of
Take responsibility to identify and tell staff about any individual learning needs
Keep trainers and coordinators informed of any difficulties that may be interfering
with their learning or where they may need some extra assistance.
Check the assessment requirements for each subject including due dates and number
of assignments.
Be aware of, and meet, the trainers’ individual expectations in relation to submitting
assignments, attendance, communication, negotiation and problem solving strategies.
Be aware of, and comply with, the Alderdice & Associates’ policies that may affect
Ensure arrival on time for any face-to-face teaching, to return by the stated times after
breaks and not to leave early without prior notice and good reason.
Leave training rooms clean and tidy.
Ensure an understanding of the requirements for the assessment of the course or unit.
Check that holidays, business commitments etc. do not clash with examinations.
Observe at all times all safety, health and hygiene requirements, including appropriate
dress, footwear and personal protective equipment.
Conduct themselves appropriately at all times whilst a student with Alderdice &
Breaches of the Code of Conduct shall be dealt with under Alderdice & Associates’
disciplinary policy and procedure.
If a trainer is unhappy or dissatisfied with your behaviour, they have the authority to:
Warn you that your behaviour is unsuitable
Ask you to leave the class, or
Immediately cancel the class
Alderdice & Associates Management will deal with any disciplinary action where a student
has breached the Code of Conduct. Students who wish to express a complaint in relation to
disciplinary action taken have the opportunity to follow our complaints procedure.
We expect that Alderdice & Associates trainers and staff will maintain a professional and
ethical working relationship with all other staff, management and participants. Any breach of
Alderdice & Associates disciplinary standards will be discussed with the trainer and
Alderdice & Associates CEO, and appropriate action will be taken.
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Academic and Non-Academic Grievance Handling Policy and Procedure
1. Policy
Alderdice & Associates is committed to developing and maintaining an effective, timely, fair
and equitable grievance handling system which is easily accessible to all complainants.
Alderdice & Associates aims to:
Develop a culture that views grievances as an opportunity to improve the organisation
and how it works;
Set in place a grievance handling system that is client focused and helps Alderdice &
Associates to prevent grievances from recurring;
Ensure that any grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and
in complete confidentiality;
Ensure that the views of each complainant and respondent are respected and that any
party to a grievance is not discriminated against nor victimised;
Ensure that there is a consistent response to grievances.
A grievance can be defined as a person’s expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of
Alderdice & Associates’ services and activities, including both academic and non-academic
matters, such as:
the enrolment, induction/orientation process;
the quality of education provided;
academic issues, including student progress, assessment, curriculum and awards in a
VET course of study;
handling of personal information and access to personal records;
the way someone has been treated.
These grievance procedures are designed to ensure that Alderdice & Associates responds
effectively to individual cases of dissatisfaction.
2. Definitions
Complainant refers to the person(s) who formally instigates a grievance.
Respondent refers to the person(s) or institution against whom the grievance is
Informal Grievance refers to a range of processes, such as a discussion, a request or a
query lodged with a staff member.
Formal Grievance refers to the formal lodging of a written grievance.
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3. Policy coverage
This policy is designed to cover all complainants including:
Individuals who are, or would be, entitled to VET FEE-HELP assistance (Australian
citizens or permanent humanitarian visa holders who are resident in Australia for the
duration of a VET unit of study);
Individuals who are not eligible for VET FEE-HELP assistance (permanent residents
who are not permanent humanitarian visa holders and New Zealand citizens).
In relation to non-academic grievances, the term “complainant” applies to both current
students of Alderdice & Associates and persons seeking to enroll with Alderdice &
These grievance procedures will be made available to complainants regardless of the location
of the campus at which the grievance has arisen, the mode in which they study or their place
of residence.
4. Before an issue becomes a formal grievance
Complainants are encouraged, wherever possible, to resolve concerns or difficulties
informally with the person(s) concerned. Staff are available to assist in the resolution of
issues at this level. Complainants may raise an informal grievance by contacting Alderdice &
Associates in person or by phoning 1300 20 65 10, and asking to speak to the Training
Operations Manager.
5. Procedure
This procedure can be utilised by complainants to submit a grievance of an academic or nonacademic nature. Grievances of an academic nature include issues related to student progress,
assessment, curriculum and awards in a VET course of study. Grievances of a nonacademic
nature cover all other matters including grievances in relation to personal information that
Alderdice & Associates holds in relation to an individual.
During all stages of this procedure Alderdice & Associates will take all steps to ensure that:
the complainant and any respondent will not be victimised or discriminated against;
the complainant has an opportunity to formally present their case and each party to a
grievance may be accompanied and assisted by a support person at any relevant
a full explanation in writing for decisions and actions taken as part of the process will
be provided if so requested by the complainant or a respondent;
where the internal or external grievance handling or appeal process results in a
decision that supports the complainant, Alderdice & Associates will immediately
implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action required and advise
the complainant of the outcome;
there is no cost to the complainant to utilise this grievance procedure.
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5.1 Stage one – Formal grievance:
Formal grievances must be submitted in writing marked to the attention of the Training
Operations Manager as follows:
Alderdice & Associates
Training Operations Manager
P.O. Box 162
Panania, 2213 NSW
Receipt of the grievance will be acknowledged in writing. The grievance handling process
will commence within ten working days of receipt of the formal grievance and all reasonable
measures will be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable.
The Training Operations Manager, or their nominee, will then, if necessary, seek to clarify
the outcome that the complainant hopes to achieve.
Such clarification may be sought by written or verbal request or by a face-to-face interview
with the complainant. When such clarification occurs in a face-to-face interview the
complainant or respondent may ask another person to accompany them.
The Training Operations Manager, or their nominee, will then endeavour to resolve the
grievance and will provide a written report to the complainant on the steps taken to address
the grievance, including the reasons for the decision, within ten working days. The report will
further advise the complainant of their right to access the internal appeals process if they are
not satisfied with the outcome of their formal grievance.
5.2 Stage two – Internal appeal:
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their formal grievance they may lodge an
appeal within 20 working days of receiving notification of the outcome of their formal
grievance. The Managing Director will appoint a senior authorized officer or a committee to
consult with the complainant and other relevant parties within ten working days.
Where possible such consultations should take the form of face-to-face interviews. The
complainant or the respondent may ask another person to accompany them to these
Following the consultation, the senior authorized officer, or the committee, will provide a
written report to the complainant advising the further steps taken to address the grievance,
including the reasons for the decision, within ten working days. The report will further advise
the complainant of their right to access the external appeals process if they are not satisfied
with the outcome of their internal appeal.
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5.3 Stage three – External appeal:
If the Complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their appeal then an independent
mediator will be sourced by Alderdice & Associates through LEADR, the Association of
Dispute Resolvers.
Costs of such mediation will be shared equally by Alderdice & Associates and the
Alderdice & Associates agrees to be bound by the External Reviewer’s recommendations and
the Chief Executive Officer will ensure that any recommendations made are implemented
within 30 days of receipt of the report from the External Reviewer.
6. Further action
If a grievance still remains unresolved after the external appeal, the complainant may decide
to refer the matter to the National Training Complaints Hotline on 13 38 73.
Nothing in this policy and procedure limits the rights of individuals to take action under
Australia's Consumer Protection laws. These procedures do not circumscribe an individual's
rights to pursue other legal remedies.
7. Enrolment status
Where a current student chooses to access this policy and procedure, Alderdice & Associates
will maintain that person’s enrolment while the grievance handling process is ongoing.
8. Record keeping & confidentiality
A written record of all grievances handled under this procedure and their outcomes shall be
maintained for a period of at least five years to allow all parties to the grievance appropriate
access to these records, upon written request to the Privacy Manager. These records will be
maintained at the Alderdice & Associates Head Office in Sydney.
All records relating to grievances will be treated as confidential and will be covered by
Alderdice & Associates’ Privacy Policy and Procedures.
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Access and Equity
Alderdice & Associates is committed to ensuring that training opportunities are available to
all people on an equal and fair basis. All participants have equal access to training programs
irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, socio-economic background,
disability, age, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or carer’s responsibilities.
Alderdice & Associates will endeavour to meet the needs of individual students through the
integration of access and equity guidelines. We will endeavour to ensure that equity
principles for all people are implemented through the fair allocation of resources and the right
to equality of opportunity without discrimination. Alderdice & Associates will endeavour to
increase opportunities for people to participate in the training programs delivered within the
vocational education and training system.
Alderdice & Associates is committed to the following principles:
Ensuring that the student recruitment and admission process is bias-free and nondiscriminatory,
Ensuring that the learning environment is free from harassment, discrimination and
Ensuring that all curricula developed by Alderdice & Associates are inclusive of a
range of student needs
Providing an assessment process that is fair, valid, reliable and consistent through
Ensuring that grievances are addressed in a fair and equitable manner.
Alderdice & Associates is committed to supporting disadvantaged students, and has
developed strategies and support services aimed at assisting the following disadvantaged
People with a disability
People with Literacy, Numeracy or English Language difficulties
Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders
Jobless Families, Parents and Carers
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Student Support, Welfare and Guidance
Alderdice & Associates will assist all participants in their efforts to complete our training
In the event that you are experiencing any difficulties with your studies, you should discuss
these difficulties with your lecturer, tutor or any Alderdice & Associates staff member.
Alderdice & Associates is committed to the welfare of our students. We are able to provide
mentoring and support services to students to help ensure they have every opportunity to
achieve the required level of competency. To gain access to support and welfare support,
students simply need to advise their lecturer, tutor or any Alderdice & Associates staff and
we will immediately arrange for our Student Mentor to make contact. The Student Mentor
will introduce themself to all students.
Should you be experiencing any personal difficulty, Alderdice & Associates will make every
attempt to accommodate your needs within our limited capacity. Alderdice & Associates has
a compassionate and understanding approach to the difficulties of our students. If your needs
exceed our capacity, Alderdice & Associates will refer you onto an appropriate external
You can seek support immediately by contacting:
Service /Agency
Police fire Ambulance
Police Assistance Line
131 444
Crime Stoppers
Reachout .com
Referral for
under 25’s
School Uni Study/Bullying
1800 333 000
Gambling Help
1300 22 22 22
1800 858 858
1800 633 635
G‐Line (gambling)
Narcotics Anonymous
National Support Line –
Eating disorders
Beyond Blue
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1300 652 820
1300 794 992
1800 33 4673
1300224 636
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Family Planning
1300 658 886
Q Life – Gay Lesbian Trans
1800184 527
Health Direct Australia –
24hr health advice
1800 022 222
131 114
Mental Health Information
1300 764 991
National Sexual Assault,
Violence Counselling
1800 737 732
1300 792 798
Pregnancy Help Australia
1300 655 156
Relationships Australia
1300 364 277
1300 659 467
Australian Council of Adult
03 9469 2950
TIS National - Telephone
Interpreting Services
13 14 50
Suicide Call Back Service
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Legislative Requirements
Alderdice & Associates is subject to a variety of legislation related to training and assessment
as well as general business practice. This legislation is continually being updated and
Alderdice & Associates management is responsible for ensuring all Alderdice & Associates
personnel are made aware of any changes to current legislation.
Current legislation is available online at and
Current legislation that effects our operations includes, but is not limited to, the legislation
listed below:
Commonwealth Legislation:
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
Disability Standards for Education 2005
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Racial Hatred Act 1995
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Privacy Act And National Privacy Principles (2001)
Skilling Australia's Workforce Bill 2005
Skilling Australia's Workforce (Repeal and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005.
State Based Legislation:
Vocational Education and Training Act 2005
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 NSW
NSW Anti-discrimination Act (1977)
Workers Compensation Regulation 2003
Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Regulation 2002
Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act (1986)
WorkCover Legislation Amendment Act (1996 No. 120)
Dangerous Goods (General) Regulation 1999
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (as amended 2002)
Copyright Act, 1879. 42 Vic No 20 (modified 2006)
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001
Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S)
It is our duty of care to provide you with a safe learning environment as per the legislative
standards. Although we do perform regular inspections, we do ask our classroom based
students to report any identified hazards or risks in our facilities. For more information please
speak to your lecturer or an Alderdice & Associates staff member.
In the event of assessment being conducted in a workplace environment, all Alderdice &
Associates personnel will comply with the workplace’s WHS procedures when on site.
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Harassment and Discrimination
Under Australian law, Alderdice & Associates is required to ensure that we provide an
environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination (including
victimisation and bullying), so that staff and participants feel valued, respected and are
treated fairly.
Alderdice & Associates management will ensure that all of our staff and contractors
understand their roles and responsibilities in creating such an environment, by a process of
training, communication, mentoring and by example. We will ensure all of our staff are
aware of the processes and procedures for addressing any form of harassment or
Staff, contractors and participants should be aware of the following definitions:
'Bullying' - is unwelcome and offensive behaviour that intimidates, humiliates and/or
undermines a person or group. Bullying involves a persistent pattern of behaviour over a
period of time and may include verbal abuse, physical assault, unjustified criticism, sarcasm,
insult, spreading false or malicious rumours about someone, isolating or ignoring a person,
putting people under unnecessary pressure with overwork or impossible deadlines, and
sabotaging someone's work or their ability to do their job by not providing them with vital
information and resources.
'Confidentiality' - refers to information kept in trust and divulged only to those who need to
'Discrimination' - is treating someone unfairly or unequally simply because they belong to a
group or category of people. Equal opportunity laws prohibit discrimination on the grounds
of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility, family status, race, religious beliefs,
political conviction, gender history, impairment, age or sexual orientation. Victimisation is
also treated as another ground of discrimination.
'Harassment' - is any unwelcome and uninvited comment or action that results in a person
being intimidated, offended, humiliated or embarrassed. Equal opportunity laws prohibit
harassment on the grounds of sex and race.
'Racial Harassment' - occurs when a person is threatened, abused, insulted or taunted in
relation to their race, descent or nationality, colour, language or ethnic origin, or a racial
characteristic. It may include derogatory remarks, innuendo and slur, intolerance, mimicry or
mockery, displays of material prejudicial to a particular race, racial jokes, allocating least
favourable jobs or singling out for unfair treatment.
'Sexual Harassment' - is any verbal or physical sexual conduct that is unwelcome and
uninvited. It may include kissing, embracing, patting, pinching, touching, leering or gestures,
questions about a person's private or sexual life, requests for sexual favours, smutty jokes,
phone calls, emails, facsimiles or messages, offensive noises or displays of sexually graphic
or suggestive material.
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'Victimisation' - includes any unfavourable treatment of a person as a result of their
involvement in an equal opportunity complaint. Unfavourable treatment could include:
adverse changes to the work environment; denial of access to resources or work.
Specific principles
All staff and participants have a right to work in an environment free of any form of
harassment and discrimination.
All reports of harassment and discrimination will be treated seriously, impartially and
sensitively. Harassment and discrimination, including victimisation and bullying, is
unwelcome, uninvited and unacceptable behaviour that will not be tolerated.
When management is informed of any harassment or discrimination it has the responsibility
to take immediate and appropriate action to address it.
In dealing with all complaints, the rights of all individuals should be respected and
confidentiality maintained.
Whenever possible, all complaints should be resolved by a process of discussion, cooperation
and conciliation. The aim is to achieve an acceptable outcome while minimising any potential
damage to our organisation.
Both the person making the complaint, and the person against whom the complaint has been
made, will receive information, support and assistance in resolving the issue.
Victimisation is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. No person making a complaint, or
assisting in the investigation of a complaint, should be victimized.
Harassment or discrimination should not be confused with legitimate comment and advice
(including feedback) given appropriately by management lecturers, tutors or support staff.
Staff and participants should not make any frivolous or malicious complaints. All staff and
participants are expected to participate in the complaint resolution process in good faith.
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Date of Approval: 24/03/15
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Version 6