Reserved for the Commission Number Date of Postmark SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposals COMENIUS 2.1 Action (Training of School Education Staff ) - -1-2005-1- - - CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION: 1 MARCH 2005 (as per postmark) Applications bearing a postmark after this date will not be considered. Applications must be sent by post. Applications sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. You must send the following: (1) the original application bearing the original signature of the legal representative of the coordinating institution (2) 4 copies of this application (3) A diskette containing: - a copy of this application in MS Word format - the project/network summary in DE, EN or FR. Socrates, Leonardo and Youth Technical Assistance Office Rue Colonel Bourg 139 Kolonel Bourgstraat B-1140 Brussels 1 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Important instructions and information regarding the application and selection procedure Before completing the form, please read the relevant sections in the SOCRATES Guidelines for Applicants and the SOCRATES General Call for Proposals 2005, which contain additional information on closing dates and specific priorities for that year. Please also read the most recent edition of the Administrative and Financial Handbook for Applicants for Transnational Cooperation Projects before completing Section 2 on the budget. All of these documents can be obtained from the Socrates, Leonardo and Youth Technical Assistance Office at the address below. Further information can also be found on the SOCRATES website: The Commission is required - in accordance with Article 176 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (Council Regulation No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002) - to verify the financial capacity of beneficiaries. The verification of financial capacity shall not apply to natural persons in receipt of scholarships, public bodies or international organisations referred to in article 43 of financial Regulation. Public body in that sense means, that it is either guaranteed by the state (for example, public authorities are required to cover any losses it may make) or it is legally incapable of bankruptcy or its income is fixed by law (documentation required). The applying organisation is requested to supply a copy of the following documents: The profit and loss accounts and the balance sheet for the last financial year for which the accounts have been closed. Projects which are awarded grants of 300.000 euros and above will be requested to submit an external audit report produced by an approved auditor, unless the applicant is a public body or a secondary or a higher education establishment,. The external audit report will certify the accounts for the last financial year available and give an assessment of the financial viability of the applicant. The Commission is required to proof the legal status of the applying organisation (legally registered statutes, articles of association, official registration certificate or other document of equal legal value, as applicable) – see Annex 4. The form must be completed in one of the 20 official languages of the European Union. These are marked with an asterisk (*) in Annex 1. Please note that all participating institutions must confirm in writing their agreement to the application as submitted. It is therefore suggested to use as application language a language which is common to the partnership. The application must be typewritten or word-processed using a computer, character size 11 pt minimum. The original of the application must bear the original signature of the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the coordinating institution and the original stamp of this institution, if it has one. A diskette containing two MS Word files – a project/network summary in DE, EN or FR and a copy of the original application – must be provided in the same envelope as the original paper version. A copy of the application must be sent by 1 March 2005 to the appropriate National Agency in each of the countries which are participating in the project (in case of Lingua I, II; Grundtvig I, I.1, I.2; Comenius II.1 and Minerva). The copy must be accompanied by a translation of Section 1 Point 2 and Section 4 of the form, if this is requested by the National Agencies concerned. The list of National Agencies appears in the General Call for Proposals 2005. It is also available from the above-mentioned website and from the Socrates, Leonardo and Youth Technical Assistance Office at the address below. All applications will be acknowledged. Applications will be judged against the eligibility and quality criteria set out in the Guidelines for Applicants and the General Call for Proposals 2005. Applicants will be notified about the outcome of the selection in writing in late July 2005. A copy of the notification letter will be sent to the National Agencies concerned. 2 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal In accordance with standard Commission practice, the information provided in your application may be used for the purposes of evaluating the SOCRATES programme. The relevant data protection regulations will be respected. Any questions relating to this proposal should be addressed to the Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Technical Assistance Office Rue Colonel Bourg 139 Kolonel Bourgstraat B-1140 Brussels Telephone: + 32 2 233 0111 Fax: + 32 2 233 0150 e-mail: 3 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION 1. Project/Network title Please use a maximum of 12 words; start with an acronym or abbreviation, if applicable. EU TRAIN European Training for student teachers in science If necessary, please provide a translation either in EN, FR or DE of the project/nerwork title. 2. Summary of the project/network Please identify clearly, in a maximum of 200 words, the following aspects of your project/network: Objectives, Target groups, Main activities and Expected outputs. If your application is successful, this summary will be used as the description of your project/network and will therefore be part of your contract. The main objective of this project is to present guidelines for unified initial training of science teachers in participating countries. This objective is achieved through elaboration of common, flexible curriculum for periods of teaching practice including mobility of student teachers in partner countries. The second objective is to make the departments of physics, chemistry, teacher education and teacher training schools to work together developing initial training of science teachers and mobility during school practice and so facilitate the mobility of future teachers of physics and chemistry and their access to EU professional market. The direct beneficiaries are future science teachers, university teacher trainers, sending and receiving institutions and schools. The main activity is to compare initial teachers’ training programme in partner institutions, aiming especially at identifying common parts of the contents of school teaching practices and ways to perform them. Students’ mobility in two phases is a tool to find the best practices and to identify common needs of trainees and trainers. The expected outputs are 1. informative web pages are developed. 2. the book of training programme for science teachers will be written and published. 3. reports will be sent to educational authorities in each participating country with recommendations for national programs of science teachers’ training. 4 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal 3. Duration and languages Please indicate the total duration for which you are applying for a grant. The contractual period is likely to start on 1/10/2005. Duration 12 months 24 months 36 months Language in which you would like the grant contract to be issued and in which you will correspond with the Commission DE EN FR Language into which you would like a translation of the contractual package DE EN ES FR IT 4. Financial support from the European Community Please note that according to the new financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, one project/network may not receive more than one grant from the budget of the European Communities to any one beneficiary. In other words, if you are to be selected to receive a Socrates grant for a given project/network, you must not receive a grant from another Community programme for the same project/network and funding period. Has the proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project/network to which it may belong, already been supported in the past by the European Community? No Yes. Please specify the programme, date, type of activity (e.g. preparatory visit) and, if possible, contract number(s): Comenius 2.1 Preparatory visit: 5 – 9. Nov 2003 Contact Seminary in Florence, Italy (N:o 02/125/39) Is this proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project/network to which it may belong, currently being supported under the SOCRATES Programme or some other European Community programme? No Yes. Please specify the programme, date, type of activity (e.g. preparatory visit) and, if possible, contract number(s): Is this proposal, or any aspect thereof or any larger project/network to which it may belong, currently the subject of any other application for support from the European Community? No Yes. Please specify the programme(s) and provide details under Section 2 Table 2. 5 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal 5. Applicant Organisation ( = Participating institution No 1 ) 5.1 Identification of the institution Full legal name of the institution in the Helsingin Yliopisto national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable HY Full name of the institution in English University of Helsinki (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code EDU.4 Erasmus ID code, for Higher SF HELSINK01 Education Institutions only Website Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes No 5.2 Legal representative1 and legal address of the organisation Title (optional)(e.g. Mr, Mrs, Prof., Dr, etc.) Family name : Prof. Makarow First name : Department/Unit Central Administration Official function within the institution Vice-Rector Marja Legal Address of the institution Street Yliopistonkatu street number Postcode 00014 Town / City Country code Finland Region code Telephone (including country (+358 ) 9 / 1911 and area code E-mail 4 University of Helsinki Fax (including country (+358 )9 / 191 23077 and area code) 5.3 Project/network Coordinator This section needs to be filled in ONLY if the coordinator’s organisation is different from the Applicant organisation above Full legal name of the institution in the national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable Full name of the institution in English (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code 1 Erasmus ID code, for Higher Education Institutions only Website http:// Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes No This is the person entitled to sign the grant agreement. 6 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Name and Contact Address of the coordinator2 (this section must be completed in all cases) Title (optional)(e.g. Mr, Mrs, Prof., Dr, etc.) M.Sc. Family name : First name : Seija Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Department of Teacher Education, Teachers’ Training School No 1. (Normaalilyseo) Valtonen Department/Unit Official function within the institution Teacher and Trainer of Physics and Chemistry Street Ratakatu street number Postcode 00014 Town / City Country code Finland Region code Telephone (including country (+358 )9/191 28172 and area code E-mail 6B Helsingin yliopisto FI12 Fax (including country (+358 )9/19128165 and area code) 6. Other participating institutions Participating institution No 2 Full legal name of the institution in the Jyväskylän yliopisto national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable JYU Full name of the institution in English Jyväskylä University (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code EDU.4 Website http:// Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes ( x ) No ( ) Postcode Country code FIN-40014 FI Contact person Family name : Erasmus ID code, for Higher SF JYVASKY01 Education Institutions only Gender Jyväskylä Region code FI14 Male ( ) Female ( x ) Kyyrönen First name : Liisa Department/Unit Faculty of Education/Department of Teacher Education Official function within the institution Senior Assistant (Didactical Physics and Chemistry) Telephone (including country (+)358-14 / 2601913 and area code E-mail 2 Town / City Fax (including country (+)358-14 / 2601701 and area code) All correspondence relating to the project will be addressed to this person. 7 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Participating institution No 3 Full legal name of the institution in the national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable “ ” PU Full name of the institution in English University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code EDU 4 Erasmus ID code, for Higher BG PLOVDIV 04 Education Institutions only Website http:// Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes ( X ) No ( ) Postcode 4000 Town / City PLOVDIV Country code BG Region code BG 3 Contact person Family name : Gender Male ( ) Female (X) Raykova First name : Department/Unit Faculty of Physics Official function within the institution Chief assistant professor Telephone (including country (+) 359 / 32 / 261 270 and area code E-mail Zhelyazka Fax (including country (+) 359 / 32 / 635 049 and area code) Participating institution No 4 Full legal name of the institution in the Tartu Ülikool national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable UT Full name of the institution in English University of Tartu (Tartu University) (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code EDU4 Website Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes (X) No ( ) Erasmus ID code, for Higher Education Institutions only Postcode 51010 Town / City Country code EE Region code Contact person Family name : Gender Tartu Male ( X ) Female ( ) SUSI First name : JAAN Department/Unit FACULTY OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, SCHOOLPHYSICS CENTRE Official function within the institution LECTURER Telephone (including country (+372 7375518) and area code E-mail Fax (including country (+372 7376520) and area code) 8 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Participating institution No 5 Full legal name of the institution in the UNIWERSYTET MIKO AJA KOPERNIKA national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable UMK Full name of the institution in English NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code EDU4 Erasmus ID code, for Higher PL TORUN 01 Education Institutions only Website http:// Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes ( ) No (X) Postcode 87-100 Town / City TORU Country code PL Region code PL02 Contact person Family name : Gender Male ( ) Female ( X ) PRZEGI TKA First name : KATARZYNA Department/Unit EDUCATION OF PHYSICS LABORATORY Official function within the institution TEACHING ASSISTANT Telephone (including country (+4856) and area code (+4856) 6113326 E-mail 6113310 Fax (including country (+4856) 622-53-97 and area code) Participating institution No 6 Full legal name of the institution in the Universitatea din Pite ti national language Acronym of the institution, if applicable UP-RO Full name of the institution in English University of Pite ti (formal or informal translation) Type of institution code EDU.4 Website Is the institution able to recover VAT? Yes ( ) No ( X ) Erasmus ID code, for Higher ROPitesti01 Education Institutions only Postcode 110040 Town / City Pite ti Country code RO Region code RO03 Contact person Family name : Gender Male ( ) Female ( X ) CHIRLE AN First name : Georgeta Department/Unit Department for European Integration Official function within the institution Director Telephone (including country (+)40 248 222 908 and area code E-mail Fax (including country (+)40 248 222 908 and area code) 9 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal SECTION 2 - DECLARATION To be completed by the person legally authorised to sign on behalf of the coordinating institution. "I, the undersigned, certify that the information contained in this application, including Section 4 (description) is correct to the best of my knowledge. The appropriate authorities of all the participating institutions have read and fully understood the application as submitted. They have confirmed in writing their agreement with the application as submitted.3 I declare on my honour that the institution I represent has the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposal as submitted and that it does not fall under any of the exclusion criteria listed in chapter II of the General Call for Proposals 2005. I acknowledge that in case of false declarations, administrative and financial sanctions can be implemented against me or the institution I represent.” By 1 March 2005, I have arranged for each of the other participating institutions to send to the appropriate National Agency, in its country, a copy of the present application, together with a translation of Section 1 Point 2 and Section 4 in the language of the National Agency concerned, if this has been requested by the National Agency concerned. For Lingua I, II, GrundtvigI, I.I, I.2 and Comenius II.I and Minerva applications: I am also sending a copy of the present application to the appropriate National Agency in my country (together with a translation of Section 1 Point 2 and Section 4 in the language of this National Agency, if it is not the same as the language of the present). Place: Date / / (day/month/year) Signature Stamp of the coordinating institution, if applicable Name and position in capitals NAME POSITION 3 The Commission reserves the right to request a copy of these agreements. 10 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Checklist The application is completed in full. All questions have been answered. Each page has been numbered. The budget covers the whole project/network period, is indicated in euros and has been checked for calculation errors. The application has been type-written or word-processed in one of the 20 eligible languages by using the correct application form. The original application has been signed in original by the legal representative of the coordinating institution. The original, 4 copies and a diskette containing MS Word files with the project/network summary in DE, FR or EN and a copy of the original application are being sent to the Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Technical Assistance Office by post and in the same envelope before the closing date. The bank details form (annex 3) has been filled in and duly signed in original.4 The legal entity form (annex 4) has been filled and duly signed in original Documents for verification of financial capacity are attached If the grant requested exceeds 300,000 euros and if the applicant is neither a public body nor a secondary or a higher education establishment, an external audit report produced by an approved auditor will be requested. In case of Lingua I, II; Grundtvig I, I.1, I.2; Comenius II.1 and Minerva, the necessary copies and translations are being sent to the National Agency in the country of each of the other participating institutions before the closing date. 4 If your application was to be selected and your bank details changed before the issue of the contract, you must inform the Commission about this change urgently in writing. In any case, any such change will lead to a delay in your advance payment. 11 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal SECTION 4 - DESCRIPTION COMENIUS 2.1: TRAINING OF SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL STAFF Please describe all the following aspects of your proposal and make sure to answer all the relevant questions. Please provide your answers on numbered sheets, using the same order and numbering as given in the list of questions. Please respect the maximum length of text indicated, excluding supporting documents. 1. Typology 1.1 Indicate the most important thematic area concerned by your proposal (please tick only one box): Basic skills Education for children of specific target groups: (migrants, travellers, gypsies and of children at the risk of exclusion, drop outs) (European) citizenship - Regional identity Gender issues Guidance and counselling - Link between school and the world of work ICT as a pedagogical tool in education Intercultural education - Fight against racism and xenophobia Quality and evaluation of school education The new role of the teacher - the continuum of teacher education, methodology & pedagogy Violence in school - peace education Arts education Cultural heritage Language learning Mathematics Sciences and technology in education School management and autonomy Special needs education Environmental education School management (including involvement of children, involvement of parents, school facilities…) and autonomy 1.2 Indicate whether the proposal concerns: Initial training for teachers and other educational staff In-service training for teachers and other educational staff 1.3 Taking into account the outcomes, choose the specific objective(s) that you will address: The adaptation, development, testing, implementation and dissemination of curricula The adaptation, development, testing, implementation and dissemination of courses (or modules) for the initial or in-service training of teachers or other school education staff The adaptation, development, testing, implementation and dissemination of materials for the initial or in-service training of teachers or other school education staff The adaptation, development, testing, implementation and dissemination of teaching methodologies and pedagogical strategies for use in the classroom including the development of materials for use by pupils A structured framework for the organisation of mobility activities for trainee teachers including the provision of practical training periods and the recognition of these activities by the institutions concerned 12 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 2. Objectives 2.1. The teacher is the real driving force of educational change in schools and in the society, thus to improve the quality and effectiveness of initial training of science teachers in Europe, through elaboration of new and flexible programme (curriculum) for their pedagogical knowledge and school practice (including mobility of student teachers in partner countries) the EU TRAIN project was designed. It’s rational to bring the curricula (= aims and the means to carry out them) of school practice periods in EU in accord as it facilitates the mobility of trainees and exchange of professional teachers. Background to the project: Many recent investigations have shown that ways of science (especially physics) education in schools are not optimal and need improvement. It has been documented that it's common for students to lose interest in and to develop negative attitudes to physics, resulting in declining enrolment in tertiary studies. In order to change this situation the project participants have decided to launch the EU TRAIN project. The training of teachers for reflective teaching must be a part of the initial teacher training, especially strongly connected to the periods of teaching practice in schools. Thus, there is a great need for improvements in initial teacher training in European countries through a determined international project, such as the one proposed here. A lot of arguments can be found in the literature, e.g. [1-7]. References: [1] Black P, Atkin J, (1996), Changing the subject. Innovation in Science, Mathematics and technology Education, London, Routledge/OECD [2] Monk M, Osborne J. (2000), Good practice in science education, What research has to say, Open University Press, Buckingham, Philadelfia, [3] Bloom G, Davis B, (2001), Supporting new teachers. A fundamental responsibility, Univ. of California. [4] Clark F.T, (2001), The best practices of mentors, [5] Turlo J. (2001), Modernisation of two-subject teacher education, Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000, ELSEVIER. [6] Sjoberg S (2003), Science and Technology Education: A High Priority Political Concern in Europe, 211-220, Ed. Kluwer. [7] OECD (2004), Attracting, Developing and retaining Effective Teachers. Preparatory work: The co-ordinator and participants have arranged two preparatory meetings, in Helsinki in October 2003, and in Tartu at the beginning of February 2004. Furthermore, partners of the proposed project have contacted and exchanged information and ideas through e-mail. Current situation in the countries involved; what needs is the project designed to meet Succinct rationales written by the participants are in the attached supporting document. 2.2. The overall aim is to synthesise theoretical, pedagogical knowledge and teaching practice in classrooms into a new programme (curriculum) of science teacher training resulting in reflective science teachers. In this context, reflective teacher is seen as a learner who question his own views as well as views presented by others, draw conclusions, and adapt his way of thinking accordingly. This programme will be tried out in the project partner institutions and adjusted to local requirements on the basis of the project participants experience. The adjusted programme will then be adopted by the institutions, thus enabling a continual exchange of student teachers who can obtain this part of their education in another EU country with full academic recognition from their home country. General (G.Os) and specific (S.Os) objectives: G.O. 1. To find the best practices to adequate combination of theoretical pedagogical research knowledge with school teaching practice in participating countries. S.O.1.1. To observe and analyse the different national available resources concerning the initial training of teachers of physics and chemistry in participating countries. S.O.1.2. To identify in detail the different ways of organising the periods of practical training of teachers. S.O.1.3. To compare and analyse the results of the S.O.1.1. and S.O.1.2. in order to agree on the objectives and content of the initial training of physics and chemistry teachers. G.O.2. To facilitate the mobility of student teachers of physics and chemistry and their future access to the European professional market. S.O.2.1. To structure supervised exchanges to collect experience concerning the ways in which the school practice of future science teachers is organised in the participating countries. 13 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal S.O.2.2. To combine the good practices in teachers’ training, in order to identify common needs among trainees and trainers and to find the ways how to enhance equal opportunities among future science teachers in different countries. S.O.2.3. To design, develop and deliver new and flexible programme with the common core elements relating to practice of science teachers training in school. S.O.2.4. To improve communication and collaboration in team skills at all levels of science teaching, especially to make departments of physics, chemistry, teacher education and teacher training schools to work together to facilitate mobility of future teachers of physics and chemistry and teachers’ access to EU professional market. 2.3. Innovative about the project. 1. We are going to develop a common programme for science teacher training periods – for the fist time in EU. 2. There have been very few projects concerning physics and chemistry 3. The mobility is a tool to find the best European practice used for teacher training. 4. The mobility is arranged by the participating universities where the teacher training departments, teacher training schools and departments of physics and chemistry form a triangle working together to find a new European programme for science teacher training. 5. Web page, CD’s and DVD’s will be used in dissemination. 2.4. Pedagogical and didactical approaches: Several methods will be used for introducing and strengthening valuable, reflective practice of future science teachers. Giving student teachers the theoretical tools (through course work) for understanding the reflective practice. Using log books/portfolios for formulating aims, plans and evaluation of their teaching practice as well as for their reflections on the practice. Using teacher coaching during the practice period. Using peer coaching during the practice period. To function optimally this requires student teachers attending teaching practice in groups of two or more, from different countries. 2.5. Target groups and expected impact on each target group. 1. Student science teachers will develop a positive attitude to the colleagues in EU countries, will be prepared to find training and career opportunities in other project partner countries, will learn languages, even those rarely spoken and studied, will have knowledge about, and openness towards, other European cultures and points of view; they will experience them personally. 2. Sending and receiving institutions will share the best practice in the improvement of quality in science teacher training, especially in physics and chemistry, 3. Teacher trainers: training will be based upon an awareness of good practice in other European countries 4. The schools that will receive student teachers from other EU countries: the project sets physics and chemistry taught at the school in the broader context of a European heritage and European organisational frames. 5. Pupils of those schools: greater interest in studying physics and chemistry under the guidance of better teachers 6. Educational authorities of the partner countries will be better prepared for the collaboration within EU. 2.6. The activities listed here clearly require a minimum of 3 years. The main activities of the project are 1. To create an overview and comparison of science teacher training in the participating institutions, especially aimed at identifying possible common parts of the programme related to the school practice. 2. Based on the research findings and identification of the best practice in the partner countries, specification of desirable science teacher competencies and development of a common part of the programme for achieving them. 3. The common part of the programme of teacher training will be evaluated and disseminated nationally. 4. Agreements on inter-institutional accreditations will be worked out and applications sent for support from Comenius 2.2.A 5. A student exchange phase in two steps, each leading to modification of the training programme, evaluation and dissemination. 6. Completion of the common part of the science teacher training programme. Evaluation of the project. 7. Dissemination of the interim results will take place through WWW page of EU TRAIN project, but the final results, besides this, will be translated to all project partner languages and disseminated in the national booklets, journals as well as reported during international and national conferences, devoted to science teachers’ education. 14 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Attached Supporting document Current situation and the needs the project is designed to meet in the countries involved 1.2. Finland The outstanding success of Finnish students in PISA 2003 and 2000 has been a great joy. Today, Finnish schooling and Finnish school practice are the focus of international attention. This sudden change in role, from a country following the example of others to one serving as a model for others making reforms, has prompted us to recognise and think seriously about the special characteristics and strengths of our teacher training system. In this current project, EU TRAIN, we try to open up some perspectives on the possible reasons underlying the high performance of Finnish students in PISA. Even though there is no single explanation for the successful performance, such factors as the structure of the education system, teacher training, school practice and, finally, Finnish culture, were shown to be essential in trying to explain this role. 3. Bulgaria The future membership of Bulgaria in the EU determines the need to change the training system of physics teachers to meet the requirements of our future work and living conditions. It has to be relevant to the new information environment determined by the Internet society and to the new realities of a multicultural country. Physics teacher training in situations where young people have a reduced interest in science is a challenge for all European countries. The exchange of experience, knowledge and information of these problems will be useful for all countries which take part in this project. 4. Estonia There is a long tradition of training science teachers in Estonia. The contacts between us and the rest of Europe were minimal in Soviet times. Now, at last, we are able to promote the mobility of different specialists. Student teachers are a very useful target group for mobility. The other point of the rationale of this project is that the countries involved will implement a new curriculum (or common parts of it), which will help our future teachers give due emphasis to the new European dimension. 5. Poland The main objective of the Physics Education Laboratory in the Nicolaus Copernicus University is to prepare physics students for secondary school teaching careers. Our science teachers training programme includes a faculty-based courses of workshops, seminars and lectures as well as supervised teaching practice in various types of schools. We hope, that participation in this international project will promote changes in physics teachers training programme at our institution and will enable to compare of our teacher training strategy with the European standards. This project will also enable student teachers to be to acquaint themselves with educational systems and teaching strategies in Partner countries. It is very important that our students could have equal chances at the European labour market. 6. Romania Though there are a lot of higher education institutions delivering study programs for future science teachers in Romania, the students’ interest and motivation to choose such a career is quite low. Paradoxically, there is much demand for science teachers at secondary schools on the Romanian labour market. The present project addresses the need to increase the interest of student science teachers by offering them more attractive and flexible practical training in the country and abroad, and by "endowing" them with new skills at European standards, skills which will be valuable on the labour market. We intend, not only to learn to prepare and train our students better, but also enable them to face the European requirements in their profession and so increase their mobility on the labour market. Romania is making huge efforts to align its education system to EU standards. This is why we need to exchange experience and good practice with developed countries, to share teaching, learning and teacher training methodologies with other advanced systems, to find out new and flexible ways of being in step with the whole of Europe in the Age of Knowledge. 15 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 3. Envisaged outputs (maximum 2 pages) 3.1 Outputs of the project. 1. Web page documents with the aim and objectives of the project, description of participants, drafts and the final programme for the training periods of science teachers, evaluation plans and dissemination, results of the mobility actions. The Web page will be created for the project and will be active at least until the end of the project. Language: EN, links to the sites of participating institutions, where sections may be read in local languages. Target groups: Trainers, trainees, participants, Commission, educational authorities and science teachers Partners’ contribution: Helsinki makes the dissemination plan, Estonian partners the evaluation plan, other parts of the web site bring all the institutions together with the Finnish web master. Printed versions of this document will be sent to local institutions in charge of training of science teachers. 2. Book with the common science teacher training programme. Volume: 200 pages, 500 copies, edited and printed in Bulgaria, translated and printed in Polish in Poland. Also to be published on the web page. Languages: EN. PL Partners’ contribution: Methodology of teaching of physics– Bulgarian group Methodology of teaching of chemistry – Finnish Jyväskylä group Common programme for physics teacher training – Polish group Common programme for chemistry teacher training – Finnish Jyväskylä group International co-operation as a tool to develop education systems – Romanian group Evaluation of the project and mobility – Estonian group The book will be published on the web page – Finnish Helsinki group All chapters will be evaluated by an qualified international group of referees. The book will be distributed to national authorities and institutions for initial training of science teachers. 3. Recommendations for national science teachers’ training programmes will be made and given to educational authorities in charge of initial training of science teachers in special meetings with them. Languages: EN, FI, BG, EE, PL, RO 3.2 A course (or module) for trainee teachers: Before the mobility, a 24 hr intensive course (6 days, 4 hr/day) in English will be arranged for the trainees if they need it. And when the students arrive at the host institutions, a 18 hr orientative course (3 days) will be arranged, including elementary studies in the language of the host country and knowledge of the local history and culture. 3.3 The mobility of trainee teachers for the purpose of teaching practice and class observation in a school linked to a partner institution. In the preparatory meetings in Helsinki, October 2003, and in Tartu, February 2004, it has been assured that the participating institutes recognise properly the activities suggested in this proposal, and visits of trainers in the partner institutions will be arranged if possible. 16 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 3.4 3.5 Sending institution Host institution Approx. starting date Duration (1-10 Number of students weeks) 1 4 and 6 Jan – Apr / 2007 4 weeks 2 and 2 2 3 and 5 Jan – Apr / 2007 4 weeks 2 and 2 3 2 and 5 Jan – Apr / 2007 4 weeks 2 and 2 5 1 Jan – Apr / 2007 3 weeks 2 6 1 and 2 Jan – Apr / 2007 4 weeks 2 and 2 1 3 and 5 Jan – Apr / 2008 4 weeks 2 and 2 2 4 and 6 Jan – Apr / 2008 4 weeks 2 and 2 3 1 and 4 Jan – Apr / 2008 4 weeks 2 and 2 4 2 and 3 Jan – Apr / 2008 4 weeks 2 and 2 5 2 and 6 Jan – Apr / 2008 3 weeks 2 and 2 6 1 and 2 Jan – Apr / 2008 4 weeks 2 and 2 Letters of agreement to fund the proposed mobility activities follow this application. Other results This project prepares for the collaboration of the partner institutions within the European Union. Some of the participating departments of institutions have never before been a partner in an EU project. The project follows the annual horizontal priorities and themes of the year as it results in: involving new EU-members Poland and Estonia, candidate countries Bulgaria and Romania and current EU member Finland. deepening of intercultural dialogue and co-operation better teacher and trainer education increasing interest in physics and chemistry greater language skills of science teachers, languages that are rarely spoken and seldom studied strengthened links between student teachers and working life abroad, thus improving the transition from university to the world of work in the EU a well-prepared framework for the mobility of student teachers and easier opportunities to have practical training periods in other European countries as a recognised part of teacher training. strengthened connections between training schools and universities strengthened resources to know and use information technology in participating institutions when using Comenius Forum, contributing our own innovative web-page and continuous dialogue through e-mail. 17 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 4. Partnership composition and contribution 4.1 Finland The University of Helsinki has the widest range of disciplines in Finland and it was established in 1640. The number of faculties is eleven. There are 38,000 degree students and 7,400 staff. The number of degrees taken each year is 4,200, of which 350 are doctorates. The University concentrates on high-level scientific research and researcher education. Scientific research is also the basis of the teaching provided by the University. The university operations support the development of society, as well as business and industry. The University of Helsinki participates in more than half of the national Centres of Excellence in Research, elected by international scientific panels and the university has been invited to be a member of the League of European Research Universities, a co-operation body for the leading European research universities. According to international expert panels, also the teaching provided by the University of Helsinki is of a high European level. The Faculty of Behavioural Sciences includes students, training teachers, planners, researchers and experts in the whole field of education extending from childhood to old age. Students from other faculties and art universities who want to become teachers in their subject also study at the Faculty. Teacher qualification (with the exception of kindergarten teacher education) is attained by taking a Master's degree combined with pedagogical studies in teacher training. Special studies can also provide the qualifications for being a special education teacher, a special class teacher or a special kindergarten teacher. The Faculty has five departments, three faculty units four other units The Department of Applied Sciences of Education is one of the five Departments of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences and it is one of the largest departments of the University of Helsinki. The department is divided in four different Sections: Class Teacher Education, Subject Teacher Education, Kindergarten Teacher and Early Childhood Education, and Special Needs Education. In addition, the Department has thirteen research centres, which are organised according to different themes. The Department of Applied Sciences of Education carries out teaching as well as basic and applied research in different fields of education. The Department educates teachers for all educational levels from kindergarten to adult education and is engaged in domain specific research and experimental activities. The activities of the Department build on a versatile scientific, practical and societal expertise as well as on an extensive networking and cooperation at both national and international level. Teacher Training School No. 1 of Helsinki University is one of the oldest schools in Finland. Since the beginning of 1900, it has been training future teachers. In 1974 it became part of the teacher training unit of the The Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, and along with that role, the school has also provided further education for in-service teachers. The school consists of a 3-year comprehensive school (ages 13 to 15) or lower secondary school levels, and the upper secondary school (ages 16 to 18). There are approximately 600 pupils, 100 teachers and 100 student teachers operating in the same school building. The Faculty of Science offers a wide range of academic opportunities in the natural sciences. The sheer diversity of its disciplines, including its multidisciplinary programmes, provides a wide choice of options for both research-oriented and practically minded students. One of the departments in this Faculty is the Department of Chemistry. This is Finland's leading teaching and research unit in the field. The Department possesses very good opportunities for basic and postgraduate studies in analytical, inorganic, physical, organic, polymer and radiochemistry, as well as in chemistry teachers' education. The research performed at the Department is of highest international level. The Department produces experts needed by the chemical industry, research and education, but who are also prepared to meet the challenges within environmental research, technical disciplines, medicine and biosciences. Special task in the project: Co-ordinator, Web-master, Financial administrator, Monitoring 18 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 2. University of Jyväskylä, Finland The University of Jyväskylä, located in a rapidly growing and modern city in the lake district of Finland, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in the country with almost 16,000 students, including 660 international students. The total number of staff is over 2,300, including a teaching staff of almost 800. Like all other Finnish institutes of higher education, the University of Jyväskylä is state-run, and under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. The University takes pride in the fact that for several years it has been one of the most popular institutions of higher education among Finnish students. The Faculty of Education offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, Licentiate and Doctoral degrees. The Faculty of Education carries out research and teaching in education, adult education and special education, and provides training for prospective class teachers, subject teachers, study counsellors, kindergarten teachers and special teachers in different fields. There is a strong emphasis on international co-operation in the University of Jyväskylä. We continue to build on close ties within Europe as well as to develop more contacts with other continents. There is a wide selection of courses and programmes offered in foreign languages (mainly English), including modules that are not offered anywhere else in Finland. In addition to high academic standards, we provide comprehensive counselling services for international students. Department of Teacher Education The Department of Teacher Education consists of professionals in teaching, learning, and counselling who will be able to support the students' development in an ethical and co-operative way and strengthen their learning skills. The area of expertise offered by the partner: The goal of internationalisation at the Department of Teacher Education is to give teachers opportunities to develop their expertise in international education in schools and to provide teacher educators with the skills for moving towards a more global view of teacher training. This is possible only by means of extensive links in teaching and research and by maintaining contacts with other teacher education units in Europe and worldwide. International activities include foreign language publications, educational visits and exchanges, participation in international congresses and, not least, visits to Jyväskylä by foreign experts. International research projects: The project of Curriculum Change in Primary Education in England and Finland is carried out with the University of York. Co-operation with the University of Tarto, Estonia centres around the School Readiness project. Research into International Comparison of Educational Innovations (RICEI) has partners from India, China and Vietnam. International networks, e.g. Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe (CICE), Teacher Researcher Network and the UNESCO Associated Schools project (ASP). EU funded projects such as the Comenius project, Euromaths, whose goal was the continuing education of teachers of mathematics. The Scandinavian camp school project enhances the co-operation between Scandinavian countries and develops camp school pedagogy. Other Scandinavian networks arrange courses and meetings. Jyväskylä Teacher Training School has a central role in teacher education and educational research. It is a state-owned teacher training school and it belongs to the Teacher Education unit of the University of Jyväskylä. Nearly 1,000 teacher trainees practise there every year under leadership of nearly one hundred trainees. Jyväskylä Teacher Training School was among the first schools in Finland to move towards a nongraded upper secondary school system. A nongraded and modularised upper secondary school can offer students more freedom of choice and more opportunities to build individual curricula that suit their personal learning needs, interests, strengths and goals. Contribution: Specialists in education of teachers of chemistry 19 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Bulgaria 3. University of Plovdiv Type and legal status: State University, recognised and accredited higher education institution. The Name of the University of Plovdiv is Paisii Hilendarski. It is second among the universities in the country. Location: The University is located in Plovdiv, the second largest centre in Bulgaria, with about 350,000 people and six higher education institutes. Plovdiv is 120 km west of Sofia. Composition of the school: Relevant to the project are the students in the Faculty of Physics. Main areas and types of activity: The University has eight faculties: (Languages and Literature, Chemistry, Economics and Social Sciences, Mathematics and IT, and Biology). The duration of studies at the University of Plovdiv is four years (bachelor) and two years (magister). The areas in which the university develops its activity are linked with education and teacher training. The main activities are connected with: Scientific research, applied research, professional orientation and international cooperation in different fields. Expertise and experience: The University of Plovdiv has around 13,000 students and a well-trained staff of around 900. Of the 550 lecturers, 30 are full professors, 163 associate professors, 230 PhD., and 360 assistant professors. The research is connected with the initial training of future teachers, international projects, publishing of scientific works and books, literature, articles etc. University of Plovdiv is famous for its good reputation in teacher training. About 70% of all teachers in South Bulgaria have graduated from this university. Specific tasks in project: The future membership of my country in the EU determines the need for a change in the physics teacher training system in my country so that it meets the requirements of our future work and living conditions. The physics teacher training process in the EU has to be relevant to the new information environment determined by the Internet society and to the new realities of a multicultural country. Physics teacher training when there is a reduced interest in scientific subjects on the part of young people is a challenge not only for my country but also for all European countries. The exchange of experience, knowledge and information on these problems would be useful for all countries that take part in our project. Special task in the project: Editing and printing of the book Estonia 4. Tartu University Type and legal status: State University, recognised and accredited higher education institution, The Name of the University is the University of Tartu. It is the leading university in Estonia. Composition of the school: Students of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry and Faculty of Education are about to be involved into the Project. Location: The University is located in Tartu, the largest university in Estonia with about 3000 people of staff and about 17000 students in eleven faculties. Main areas and types of activity: Tartu University is a state university with eleven faculties. The faculty concerned with the Project is the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. This faculty carries out bachelor, master and doctoral education in physics and chemistry, also the training of physics, chemistry and science teachers. Master and doctoral studies in the field of science education are also performed. Tartu University is the only institution in Estonia to train physics and chemistry teachers for the gymnasium level. We have ten years of experience in training science teachers for elementary schools. Our institution can validate the results of bachelor, master and doctoral theses in the field of physics and science teaching. The expertise of any project connected with physics and science teacher training can be also validated. 20 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Expertise and experience: Our institution has a long experience in teacher training, but in this field it still has not had close contacts with other European countries. Still, our specialists are experts in the field of teacher training in the field of science and physics, because teaching physics and science has remained independent from the history of our country. Specific tasks in the Project: We are involved in the process of the evaluation of the Project because of our notable experience in the field of physics and science teacher training. During the Project our university is about to send and receive teacher students just any other partner of the Project. Special task in the project: Evaluation Poland 5. Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) The Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) is the biggest university in northern Poland and is outstanding in terms of its scientific potential, courses of study to offer forms of education, and the number of students. In the 2004/5 academic year, more than 40,000 students were studying 102 specialisations in 48 different subject areas and 53 kinds of postgraduate, and 18 Ph.D. studies. The NCU employs a total staff of about 4,000 of whom about 2,000 are academic teachers working in eleven faculties, among them 251 full professors. The Education of Physics Laboratory Group, which is part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics is responsible for pre-service, in-service and postgraduate teacher's training to prepare them for elementary and secondary teaching careers. The original curriculum, consistent with the science teacher training system in Poland, includes a faculty-based programme of workshops, seminars and lectures as well as supervised teaching practice in various types of schools. In 1988, the Teachers' Training College was established to prepare students for two-subject school teaching careers (with the core subjects: mathematics-physics and physics-chemistry) in three-year curricula. Accordingly, a modified course to match the special needs of this group of students has also been designed. At present, the interdisciplinary education of teachers is carried on in the form of Interfaculty Phys-Math Studies which enable qualifications in two teaching subjects (i.e. mathematics and physics or physics and ICT). Area of Expertise: The Education of Physics Laboratory has qualified staff, experienced not only in professional activities, but also in cooperation at local, regional, national and international level. This experience includes: Participation in projects supervised and supported by the Polish Ministry of Education, mostly concerning computer based laboratory (MBL) experiments. Active participation in the preparation of special TV programs within VIDEO-SCHOOL series, exhibitions of aids, and various demonstrations of physical experiments for teachers and students. Organisation of international and national conferences such as: GIREP '91 on "Teaching about reference frames: from Copernicus to Einstein", "Computer aided experiments in physics education", 1993- 1999, "Science and mathematics teaching for the information society", 2000, Polish Association of Science Teacher's annual meetings, 1994-2003. Being an editor of Polish Journal on: “Science Education”, Being the contractor and co-ordinator of JEP-12267 TEMPUS/PHARE, project on: "Modernisation of two-subject science and mathematics teacher education". Being a partner of SOCRATES projects: SOCRATES: STEDE: "Science Teacher Education Development in Europe", co-ordinator: University of Louvain, Belgium, SOKRATES/GRUNDVIG: "Auto-formation et Auto-évaluation: compétences et connaissances pour des études scientifiques supérieures", co-ordinator: Université de Provence, Marseille, France, SOKRATES/COMENIUS: EUCISE: "European Union Co-operation on Integrated Science Education", co-ordinator: Institüt fur die Pedagogik der Naturwissenschaften, Kiel, Germany. SOKRATES/COMENIUS: EXPRESSTRAIN: " Training experimental work in science education for teachers and teacher students ", co-ordinator: Department for Grammar School Education, Klagenfurt, Austria Contribution: Specialists in education of teachers of physics 21 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Romania 6. University of Pite ti [UP-RO] Type and legal status: State university, recognised and accredited higher education institution. Location: The University is located in Pite ti, a medium size city, 120 km north-west of Bucharest – the capital of Romania. Relevant to the project is the target group composed of students performing their studies in the sciences, meaning the students from the Faculty of Sciences ("Chemistry and Physics” and "Physics Engineering” specialisations). - Main areas and types of activity: The University of Pite ti has around 17,000 students and approximately 800 teaching and administrative staff. It co-ordinates and manages nine faculties offering long-term studies of five years (Faculty of Sciences; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences; Faculty of Letters; Faculty of Physical Education and Sports; Faculty of Theology; Faculty of History, Philosophy and Journalism; Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) and five colleges for short-term studies of three years duration (College of Institutors; Technical college; Medical college; Economy college; Computer Science College): In addition to these, the University of Pite ti also has several specialised departments, such as: Department for European Integration, International Relations Office, “Muntenia” Training Center, Department of Didactic Staff Training, Education’s Quality Assurance Department, Publishing House, University Library etc. The areas in which the University of Pite ti develops its activity are strongly linked with the fact that it is a higher education institution. Thus most of its activities focus on education and training. So we can emphasise here the principal areas of activity in which University of Pite ti acts: education and training; scientific research; applicative research; guidance and counselling; professional orientation; international co-operation in different fields; publishing activities. Expertise and experience: The University of Pite ti has a well-trained staff, is working with a large range of experts in education and in other various fields, being able to develop and provide solid expertise. We can mention here: - initial training of future teachers; - compulsory perfectting of the teaching staff with a view to obtaining the title of “definitive teacher” and the didactic grades (I and II); - training courses on demand, re-conversion courses and other special training; - didactic evaluation and assessment; - international projects (pilot, mobility, network projects, etc. under Tempus, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and other community programs); - open and distance courses; - practical stages in enterprises and other socio-economic organisations; - publishing of scientific works and books, literature, articles, leaflets, posters, other types of typified documents, etc. The University of Pite ti participated and it is still involved in a series of transnational co-operation projects, in its role as promoter/co-ordinator or partner (see Role within the national education system: The University of Pite ti is involved in the publicly recognised initial and/or inservice training of teachers or other categories of educational staff, through its specialised Department for Teacher Staff Training. This department manages the training of the teaching staff for the whole Arge county (upgrade courses with the view of obtaining the didactic grades and periodically compulsory perfecting of the teachers). Contribution: Vast experience in EU-projects, adviser and helper of the co-ordinator 4.2 In addition to the formal partner institutions, please list any other institutions that will participate actively in the project without a Socrates grant (name, address, and type of institution, contact person). 22 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 5. Evaluation plan 5.1. Monitoring and evaluating This project will be evaluated by an external expert and by the internal evaluation group. All national project plans and activities are evaluated by co-ordination meetings where national plans or new teacher training curricula, preliminary findings and results will be presented and evaluated. I Principles of internal evaluation The success of the program is mainly determined by the following criteria: 1. There are found out common basic points of teacher training in partner countries and a common working plan for visiting teacher students has been worked out on the basis of obtained information 2. The visiting teacher students have been active observers and motivated learners in the visited institution / country and they have obtained new knowledge about the teacher training in the visited country. 3. The program has given new information to the partners of the project for further development of a standardised teacher training curriculum for EU. II Methods of internal evaluation after each mobility 1. Teacher student’s self-evaluation 2. Mentor’s evaluation of a visiting student 3. Research questionnaire for teacher students, mentors, tutors and other active members of the project. III External evaluation The external evaluator is an expert, not being a member of the project. The external evaluator writes the evaluation according to his own plan. The project leader will have to give the external evaluator any information that is necessary to evaluate the project. It will be carried out and published after every year of the project. 5.2. The means by which the project intends to assess its outputs prior to dissemination To assure the quality of all texts to be published (on the web page or in the book ) the authors will be given a guide: “The argumentation must be clear and easy to follow, and conclusions must follow clearly from the empirical data or arguments that are presented. It is especially important to present a clear formulation of the purpose of the chapter, in which the aims are stated and the text is placed in context with the broader field of research, with references to relevant research literature. Discussion, conclusions and/or implications must be clearly connected with the aims and the results and/or the argumentation presented in the paper. Conclusions must be discussed in light of relevant literature.” Evaluation of the book prior to printing: All chapters will be evaluated by external, qualified international group of evaluators. Only texts of a sufficiently high quality will be published in the book. The referees are asked to look for: 1. Relevance and originality: Does the paper contribute with important and interesting information within its field? 2. Clear formulation of the purpose of the paper, a statement of the research aims and where the study is placed in connection with the broader field of research, with references to relevant research literature. 3. The argumentation must be clear and easy to follow, conclusions must follow clearly from the arguments that are presented. 4. Discussion, conclusions and / or implications must be clearly connected with the aims and results (and / or the argumentation) presented in the study. Results must be discussed in light of relevant literature 23 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal 6. Dissemination 6.1. The arrangements planned for dissemination of results and experiences of the project The project co-ordinator and national co-ordinators will be responsible for the dissemination of the project results. The participating partners will all ensure that they present a paper at a local conference at least by the beginning of the third year of the project. The results of the project will be presented also at least in three international conferences. This will bring the project to the attention of a wider audience of science teacher educators. There are three main products: 1. Product: Web page a) Documents describing student science teachers' training, especially practical training, in each participating country and neighbouring countries. b) The document with the description of new, common and flexible elements of the curriculum for science teachers. A printed version of this document will be sent to trainers of science teachers. c) The book published on the Internet Dissemination: Documents will be published through the web page created for the project. The page will be active at least until the end of the project. Partners participating: All institutions, Finnish web master Language: EN, links to the sites of participating institutions, where sections may be read in local languages. 2. Product: The book with the common science teachers training programme, the outline of the contents, look 3.1. The book will be published and distributed among national authorities and institutions for initial training of science teachers. Also to be published on the Internet. Partners participating: Each institution will contribute results for the production of the text. The book will be edited by the Bulgarian group and printed in Bulgaria in English, translated and printed in Polish in Poland. Languages EN, PL 3. Reports (documents, CD’s, DVD’s) will be given to educational authorities with recommendations for the local / national curricula that take into consideration the results of the project, with the purpose of unifying the European teacher training. These reports will be written in the local languages. 4. Other means of dissemination: - Meetings with local and / or national educational authorities - Meetings with local educators in charge of initial training of science teachers - Dissemination is also expected to occur through the student teachers who have taken part in the mobility actions. 6.2. Long-term exploitation of project results 1. One of the main long-term exploitations is scientific journals which reach a national and international audience. The results of the whole project will be published in national scientific journals and teacher journals as well as in international scientific journals like, for example, the International Journal of Science Education, European Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education and Nordic Journal of Science Education or some such similar journals. Moreover results will be published in journals of national science teacher organisations. Languages: EN, FI, BG, EE, PL, RO Partners participating: All institutions 2. Presentations in pedagogical conferences to disseminate the results of the project among other national teacher training and educational institutions. Languages: EN, FI, BG, EE, PL, RO Partners participating: All institutions 3. Results will be available on the project's web page. A web page for the whole project will be established allowing information regarding the project to be available at all times. The web page will serve as the main channel for disseminating messages to the public domain about the progress of the project. It will allow real time information to be shared with interested colleagues and teachers. The website will carry project details as well as the results of the project. The results obtained from the project can be productively used in the development of teacher training curriculum and teacher education across the participating countries. 24 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal Work Plan Project: EU TRAIN Stage in life of project Outputs / Achievements Start and end date Partners / Persons involved of activities Activities Time input (person / days) 1/web master 1/co-ordinator 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1-6/translators 1/accountant 1-6/working group 1-6/transators 1/web master 1/co-ordinator 2/organisers 2/institution co-ordinator 1-6/representatives 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 4/external evaluator 1-6/working group 1-6/translators 1/web master 1/co-ordinator 3/institution co-ordinator 3/organisers 1-6/representatives 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 1/5 1/5 6/2 contract 1/2 24/1 contract 1/2 1/2 2/3 1/10 12/5 1/10 1/1 contract 24/1 contract 1/2 1/5 1/10 4/6 9/5 1/10 1/2 1 Initialisation Web page Design, arrangements, administrating 1.10.05- 2 Doc: national resources of student teachers training in science Collecting, translations, analysing, comparing Oct – Nov 2005 1st co-ordination meeting in Jyvaskyla, Finland Nov 05 Preparation of curriculum and 1st mobility plan Oct 05 – Mar 06 5 2nd co-ordination meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria Apr 06 6 1st mobility action plan Contacts with NA, hosts, mentors, tutors Preparation of accommodation, language- and culture courses of trainees Information to student teachers Mar – Oct 06 1-6/institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 6/4 1/10 7 Dissemination plan Preparing and publishing the dissemination plan on the web page Apr – Sep 06 1-6/institution co-ordinator 5-6/translator 1/web master 6/1 contract 1/1 3 4 1st draft curriculum for the practice training periods in 1st mobility draft of Running total of working days 25 302 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Work Plan Project: EU TRAIN Stage in life of project Outputs / Achievements Activities Start and end date Partners / Persons involved of activities 8 Evaluation plan Preparing and publishing the draft of evaluation plan on the web page Apr – Sep 06 9 Interim of the first year Preparing the interim report Sep - Oct 06 10 Dissemination Presentations in pedagogical conferences Meetings with national authorities Oct 05 – Sep 06 11 Realisation Report of the 1st year of the project 3rd co-ordination meeting in Pitesti, Romania Oct 06 12 1st mobility action Information meetings Selection of student teacher applicants Application forms to NAs for mobility Oct 06 Intensive courses in English Jan 07 13 4/working group 4/translator 1/web master 1/co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1-6/translators 1/web master 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1/web master 1-6/working group 6/organisers 6/institution co-ordinator 1-6/representatives 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 1,2,3,5,6/working group 1,2,3,5,6/institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator accountant 3/2 contract 1/1 1/1 1/20 1/20 6/3 contract 1/2 6/2 1/2 6/1 2/2 1/10 10/5 1/10 1/2 5/1 5/2 1/5 1/1 Decentralised Comenius 2.2.A 14 1st mobility for training periods in partner countries Jan – Apr 07 1-6/working group 1-6 institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 15 “Survival course” in host countries Jan – Apr 07 1-6/teachers of culture courses Running total of the working days 26 Time input (person / days) 6/5 6/5 1/10 1/1 6/3 action 576 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Work Plan Project: EU TRAIN Stage in life of project Outputs / Achievements Start and end date Partners / Persons involved of activities Activities 16 Results of the 1st mobility action, evaluation and dissemination Collecting, analysing, dissemination evaluation and 17 Results of the 1st mobility action, evaluation and dissemination 4th co-ordination meeting in Torun, Poland May 07 18 2nd draft curriculum for the practice training periods in 2nd mobility Implementation of the results of the 1st mobility action into the curriculum May – Oct 07 19 Dissemination Presentations in pedagogical conferences Meetings with national authorities Oct 06 – Sep 07 20 Interim of the 2nd year Preparing the interim report Sep - Oct 07 21 Report of the 2nd year of the project 5th co-ordination meeting in Tartu, Estonia Oct 07 1-6/working group 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1-6/translators 1/co-ordinator 4/working group for evaluation 1/web master 5/organisers 5/institution co-ordinator 1-6/representatives 1/co-ordinator 3/working group for dissemination 1/accountant 1-6/working group 1-6/translators 1/web master 1/co-ordinator 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/web master 1/accountant 1-6/working group 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1-6/translators 1/webmaster 4/organisers 4/institution co-ordinator 1-6/representatives 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 4/external evaluator May 07 Running total of the working days 27 Time input (person / days) 6/1 6/5 contract 1/10 3/3 1/3 2/3 1/10 8/5 1/10 2/5 1/2 24/1 contract 1/1 1/5 6/5 6/2 1/2 1/2 1/1 6/1 1/20 1/20 6/3 contract 1/2 2/3 1/10 10/5 1/10 1/1 contract 932 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Work Plan Project: EU TRAIN Stage in life of project Outputs / Achievements Activities Start and end date Partners / Persons involved of activities 22 2nd mobility action Information meetings Selection of student teacher applicants Application forms to NAs for mobility Oct 07 23 Intensive courses in English Jan 08 24 2nd mobility for training periods in partner countries 25 “Survival course” in host countries 26 Results of the 2nd mobility action, evaluation and dissemination of them Collecting, analysing, dissemination 27 Report of the mobility stage Book-meeting, preparing book, CD:s and DVD’s 6th co-ordination meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria the evaluation and 1-6/working group 1-6/ institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/accountatnt 6/1 6/2 1/5 1/1 Decentralised Comenius 2.2.A Jan – Apr 08 1-6/working group 1-6/intitution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 6/5 6/5 1/10 1/1 Jan – Apr 08 1-6/teachers of culture courses 6/3 1-6/working group 1-6/institution co-ordinator 1-6/translators 1/co-ordinator 4/working group for evaluation 3/working group for dissemination 1/web master 3/organisers 3/institiuon co-ordinator 1--6/representatives 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 4/external evaluator 6/1 6/2 contract 1/10 2/2 4/5 1/3 4/6 1/10 9/5 1/10 1/ 2 contract May 08 May 08 Running total of the working days 28 Time input (person / days) action 1191 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Work Plan Project: EU TRAIN Stage in life of project Outputs / Achievements Start and end date Partners / Persons involved of activities Activities 28 Book with the common curriculum and other results of the project CD’s and DVD’s Writing, editing, printing Oct 05 – Sep 08 29 Finalisation Recommendations for the European curriculum of student teacher training practice Analysing of the results Jun – Aug 08 30 Evaluation Internal and external evaluation of the project Oct 05 - Sep 08 31 Dissemination Papers published in journals of science education Presentations in pedagogical conferences Meetings with national authorities Dissemination with CD’s and DVD’s The book published in Polish Oct 05 – Sep 08 32 Report of the project 7th (evaluation and closing) meeting in Helsinki, Finland Sep 08 1-6/institiuon co-ordinators 1/Dr. Lampiselkä 5/Dr. Przegietka 3/Dr. Raykova 1/co-ordinator 3/printing house 1/webmaster 1/accountant 1-6/translators 1-6/institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/web master 1-6/translators 1-6/institution co-ordintor 4/evaluation group 4/consultant 5/Dr. Przegietka 1-6/institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/web master 1/accountant 3/working group for dissemination 5/translator 1/organisers 1-6/representatives 1/institution co-ordinator 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 4/evaluation group 4/external evaluator Running total of the working days 29 Time input (person / days) 6/10 1/10 1/20 1/40 1/20 contract 1/5 1/1 contract 6/2 1/10 1/2 contract 6/3 3/5 contract 1/20 6/10 1/20 1/4 1/1 2/5 other costs 2/3 14/5 1/10 1/10 1/1 3/2 contract 1622 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal Work Plan Project: EU TRAIN Stage in life of project Outputs / Achievements 33 Final Report 34 Long-term exploitation Activities Preparing the final report Start and end date Partners / Persons involved of activities Sep - Oct 08 1/co-ordinator 1/accountant 1-6/institution co-ordinator 1-6/translators 1/webmaster 1-6/working group 4/evaluation group 4/external evaluator Continuous All the partners Running total of the working days 30 Time input (person / days) 1/20 1/20 6/5 contract 1/3 24/2 3/3 contract 1752 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application Form for Full Proposal 8. Contribution to transversal policies The project will actively: promote equal opportunities between women and men; The project will try to involve an equal number of men and women working in national teams and student teachers involved in the mobilities promote equal opportunities for disabled persons; contribute to the fight against racism and xenophobia; promote social and economic cohesion; promote ICT in education and eLearning; Web publications are an important part of our output; during the whole lifetime of the project partners and beneficiaries will use the ICT facilities. promote language learning and linguistic diversity; The large and divers partnership of this project involves partners and countries with different languages. The outcomes will be in English but most of them are foreseen to be translated in the languages of the involved countries. promote the recent enlargement of the Union; The project is involving new EU-members Poland and Estonia, candidate countries Bulgaria and Romania and the current member Finland. The project facilitates the enlargement of the EU by permitting the exchange of information and good practices, accelerating thus the achievement of the targeted standards for the countries which want to join the EU. promote sustainable development; promote stability and security; tackle the future challenges to education and training systems and lifelong learning; After taking part in this project the future science teachers will have better opportunities to get a job, to make an educational career, in another EU country, and they will be able to collaborate with their European colleagues on international educational projects as for example within Science Across Europe or Science Learning Network. The main objective of this project is to unify initial training of science teachers in Europe through modifying the national curricula of future teachers and elaborating the new flexible European program of the training periods. We hope that it could promote the future challenges of educational and training systems not only in our countries but in the whole EU. Being a project dealing with educational research and practice and implicitly by observing the SOCRATES Program’s objectives and priorities, the project tackles the future challenges to education and training systems on LLL. 9. Other aspects Curriculum in this proposal means the objectives and content of the training. It doesn’t include the teaching- or course material, but tells the goals of the training and the ways how to achieve them. Science in this proposal means physics and chemistry, not including biology, as there are no teachers of biology in the working groups of the participants Reflective teachers are teachers who question their own views as well as views presented by others, draw conclusions, and adapt their way of thinking accordingly. Reflective teachers are learners, committed to lifelong learning. The Schoolphysics Centre of Tartu University, Estonia, and the Faculty of Physics of Plovdiv University, Bulgaria, have never before been participants in an European project. This project will be a great experience as it is the first one to some of its staff, including co-ordinator Seija Valtonen. We believe, that teacher will be the real driving force of educational change in schools and in the society. Schools will be more efficient if they have better teachers! So, elaboration of the optimal teachers’ training methods as far as their ICT competencies are concern, is of great importance nowadays. The use of multimedia in the learning-teaching process should provide dynamic teacher-student partnership and co-operation. The teacher should be the organiser, guide and adviser of the pupil in his/her development and quest for knowledge and at all of these actives a modern ICT methods and tools can be very useful and effective. 31 SOCRATES PROGRAMME Application form for Full Proposal
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