Recently funded by Algonac Sports Boosters: Two new AED machines (Automatic External Defibrillator)-An AED machine diagnoses potentially life threatening cardiac arrhythmias and is able to treat them. All of our athletic venues are now adequately equipped with life saving equipment. Three are located at the high school (one inside and two outside) and two are located at the middle school (one inside and one outside in the Little League press box). New press box/concession stand with bathrooms at the high school baseball and softball fields SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Senior athletes of Booster members will be eligible for one of four scholarships valued at $500.00. For eligibility, parents are required to be a member for two years and work two events per year. These scholarships will be awarded at the senior awards assembly. They will be given to two girls and two boys. (Applications and criteria are available online in January.) Algonac Sports Boosters Keiser M3 Total Body Trainer for the high school weight room Performance Standards for track (allows spectators to see from a distance what the measurements are for the pole vault and high jump) Algonac Varsity Letters: Athletes will now receive their first varsity letter compliments of the Boosters. Athletes have had to purchase their own letter for the past several years. $2,000 in scholarship money awarded to four graduating seniors The above list highlights our major purchases, but thousands of dollars are raised each and every year that directly benefit our student athletes! If we all do a little, it ends up making a BIG difference!! Helping our athletes, coaches, and schools achieve greatness! Al gon ac Sports Boosters 5200 Taft Road, Algonac, MI 48001 PLEASE BECOME A MEMBER… Email: We need your help! Feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas! Please join Algonac Sports Boosters! Help us to support our athletes, coaches, and schools. WE ARE SEEKING NEW MEMBERS FOR OUR GREAT ORGANIZATION. As we all know, funding for Michigan Schools has become a serious challenge. Our organization works to enhance the athletic programs at Algonquin Middle School and Algonac High School, as well as other sports’ programs in the Algonac area. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE: Attend monthly meetings to share ideas Work concession stand shifts (3 reasons to work) 1. You can allocate the percentage The Boosters work hand-in-hand with the Athletic Director and the coaches to make our athletic program and its teams the best they can be! We have raised thousands of dollars over the years for our athletic program, and in order to continue to do this, we need your help and support! Our athletic programs and facilities would not be what they are today without the help of the funds raised by the Sports Boosters! As a member, you are asked to volunteer your time throughout the school year to help raise the much needed funds for our athletic program. you earn to go to any sport you choose! 2. YOU GET INTO THAT EVENINGS EVENT FOR FREE!! 3. You can schedule a time other than when your child is playing (Example: Work the JV game if your child plays Varsity). Help plan our biggest fundraiser—the Auction Dinner Collect donations (money and/or merchandise) for the auction dinner raffles Sell auction dinner tickets and/ or raffle tickets for the Auction Dinner Work sporting events—sell Spiritwear items or help in any other way Mr. Thiede needs you. The Boosters meet the first Monday of every month. All meetings are at 7:00 p.m. in the Algonac High School library. Membership Form Why wait? Sign up now to become a member! Membership dues are only $5.00 per person. __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City __________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________ __________________________________ Athlete’s Name(s) and Grade __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Sports Check the areas where you can help: Mark your calendars! 2013-2014 Meeting Dates: 9/9, 10/7, 11/4, 12/9 (first Mondayno school), 1/6, 2/3, 3/3, 4/14 (first Monday-no school), 5/5, and 6/2 Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend . Your ideas are always welcome! We hope to see you at an upcoming meeting! Concession Stand Collect Auction Dinner Donations Sell Auction Dinner Tickets Sell Spiritwear at home games Attend Meetings Turn this form in at the next meeting or mail it with your payment to the address on the back.
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