Tiny Tails - All American Miniature Horse Club

Tiny Tails
AAMHC bi-monthly newsletter
Issue #54
AAMHC Officers
President-Dave Robinson
Vice President-Terry Kinney
Secretary-Denise Wiles
Treasurer-Gary Price
March /April 2015
Greetings Members,
Spring is in the air. I hope that everyone has survived the winter. Now let
the show season preparation begin. And to all members who are expecting
babies I hope that everything goes smooth.
AAMHC Directors
Clark Wood
Mindy Meyer
Dale Mcorley
The next meeting will be held Friday evening June 12th at our show at
AAMHC Member Rates:
Classified ads:
$2 per item/ 4 line maximum
$5 per item w/ small picture
4 line maximum
Denise wiles
Tiny Tales Editor
Phone 319-325-2685
Page Advertising (per issue)
Full page $20
¾ page $15
½ page $10
¼ page $5
Business Cards $10 per year
Please submit all advertising, articles, to Tiny Tails editor:
Denise Wiles, 1410 Foster Woods Road Wellman Iowa 52356
E-mail jsph@kctc.net Make your check out to AAMCH
Non-Member Rates:
Page advertising (per issue)
Full page $25
¾ page $20
½ page $15
¼ page $10
Page advertising (per year)
Full page $100
¾ page $70
½ page $50
¼ page $30
Business cards $20 per year
Tiny Tails newsletter is published six
times per year. The 1 day of the
month...Feb, April, June, August,
October & December.
All ads must be submitted 10
days prior to above publication
The AAMHC meeting was held at the home of Maureen Schroeder at 10:35 AM.
President Dave Robinson called the meeting to order
The Treasurer report was read by Gary Price
The secretary’s report was read by Stephanie Kinney-acting secretary for Denise
Amy Price reported that she is waiting to hear back from the West Branch Animal Clinic
about a spring 2015 gelding clinic.
Clark Wood reported on the AAMHC June show that things are going smoothly and
being done in a timely manner by our show manager. AAMHC will be awarding ten
trophies this year at the show. Exhibitors may vote on which class they would like to see
the trophies presented. One vote per horse entry at the show. If you have 4 horses
entered at the show you can vote four times, etc.
It was also discussed and a motion made that AAMHC pays Joel Stohlmann and Deb
Robinson camping fees during the AAMHC show, since they are in the ring all day long
for two days. Motion was made by Edna Wood, motion seconded by Clark Wood.
Motion carried.
Due to an issue at the bank with the club credit card (which is now resolved). Gary
Price had to use his personal credit card to pay for the AMHR show ribbons to meet the
discount deadline with the ribbon company. Gary requested that AAMHC reimburse him
for the cost of the ribbons and $26.65 for club related office supplies.
Stephanie Kinney made a motion for the club to reimburse Gary for the above club
expenses on his personal credit card. Darwin Hopper seconded the motion. Motion
Stephanie Kinney reported on the 2015 Fun Show. The Vinton fairgrounds is reserved
for August 22 & 23, 2015. Stephanie will contact Ron Jackson to check with the same
food vendor to see if they are available for August 23rd to serve breakfast and lunch at
the Fun Show.
It was discussed of having a nutrition clinic held on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the
Vinton Fairgrounds. The nutritionist could also possibly be available to judge the Fun
Show. The club may have to pay for one night of motel fees for the nutritionist/judge.
This will be further discussed at future meetings.
A depsooking clinic was discussed; however there is a minimal selection of dates for
the clinician to hold the clinic. Amy Price will contact the clinician to see when they are
Dave Robinson presented a letter from the ASPC (American Shetland Pony Club)
asking for a donation to support ASPC at the ASPC Congress show. Upon lengthy
discussion, the AAMHC members declined the offer. Members stated they would rather
use club money towards the AMHR National show, as has been done in the past years.
It was discussed about having another fall clinic with Ricky Wardlaw. It would possibly
be scheduled after the AMHA World show. This was tabled for further discussion at
future meetings.
Gary Price asked the members on their thoughts about AAMHC paying the Journal
club farm ad annually vs paying bi-monthly. Maureen Schroeder made a motion for the
club to pay the Journal ad annually. Stephanie Kinney seconded the motion. Motion
Amy Price explained to the members about new AMHR rules. If you have concerns
contact our AMHR director, Renee Bush. Gary Price will send an e-mail to AAMHC
members explaining the new AMHR rules.
Maureen Schroeder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tony Emerson seconded
the motion. Motion carried.
Stephanie Kinney
(acting secretary for Denise Wiles
Denise Wiles
All American Miniature Horse Club
Membership Application
To represent and promote the best interest of the Miniature Horse.
To maintain a club open to new ideas and to encourage cooperation between registries and
other Miniature Horse oriented organizations.
To develop communications and friendship among members of our organization, other breed
organizations and equine groups.
To provide an opportunity for our members to socialize, and share experiences with other
Miniature Horse owners.
City, State, Zip______________________________________________________
E-mail and/or website
Annual membership fee of $25 covers all family members in your
household (18 & older allowed to vote). An Associate member (non-horse owners with no voting
rights) with e-mail newsletter is $15 or a mailed hard copy version is $25 annually. Please list
all family members wishing to participate.
Please make checks payable to AAMHC (All American Miniature Horse Club) and mail to:
Gary Price
14168 Old Cass Road
Anamosa Ia 52205
2015 AAMHC Members
Boldt, Kevin, Connie & Nathan
801 197th Place
Pella, IA 50219
Bornstein, David & Jamee
N9164 Pickeral Jay RD
East Troy WI 53120
Cell 414-916-9700
Borst, Rick, Cindy & Hannah
28958 Prospect Ave.
Adel, IA 50003-4478
Costello Don & Diana
2350 270th st
Grand Mound IA 52751
563-847-7080 home
563-320-1968 cell
No e-mail
Crise, Brian & Pam
1590 334th Road
Madrid, IA 50156
E-mail: Crise@mchsi.com
Cumberland, Kent & Nedra
31511 190th Street
Bonaparte, IA 52620
Email: knwc0910@netins.net
Dalsing, Tom & Amy
1854 160th St.
West Liberty, IA 52776
E-mail: adalsing@walshdoor.com
Edberg, Chad, Stasi, Myah & Sage
3110 56th St. Trail
Center Point, IA 52213
E-mail: oldorchardminis@hotmail.com
Flint, Angie & Steve
3416 380th ave
Ruthven, Ia 51358
Gordon, Tim
Honorary Lifetime Member
Jerald Sulky Company
Waterloo, IA
Herron, Barb & Kenny
*new 3/25/13
PO Box 154
Desoto IA 50069
Email: kbherron@windstream.net
Holt, Ramona & Wayne
24124 485th Ave
Jasper, MN 56144
Email: rcwhorses@wildblue.net
Website www.rcwhorses.com
Hopper, Darwin & Jackie
2287 Taylor Road
Springville, Iowa 52336 319-482-7171
Jackson, Ron & Bev
5331 25TH Ave
Vinton, IA 52349
E-mail: maplehollow@juno.com
Website: www.maplehollowhorsefarm.com
Johnson, Toni
E5347 Ohio Road
Loganville, WI 53943
Email: tonijohnson@wildblue.net
Kinney, Terry (Vice Pres) &Stephanie
4295 Black Hawk Ave SW
Oxford, IA 52322
E-mail: skinney668@aol.com
Website: www.kinneyminiatures.com
Kinney, Tim, Nancy, Melissa & Mallory
P.O. Box 27
Oxford, IA 52322-0027
E-mail: pony-crazy16@hotmail.com
Kreutz, Katie, Cindy & Corey
1583 Juniper Ave
Wellman Iowa 52356
Email: kreutz@netins.net
Morris Tim & Denise,Riley,Morgan
12160 R57 Highway
Indianola Ia 50125
Palas, Greg & Barb & family
321 Y Ave.
Story City, IA 50248
E-mail: gepalas@iastate.edu
Website: www.royalpalas.com
Phelps, Kit, Sandy, Andrew & Chase
3668 Lafayette Road
Center Point, IA 52213
E-mail: skphelp@startlogic.com or
Lynch, Kelly
Price, Gary (Treasurer) & Amy
14168 Old Cass Road
Anamosa, IA 52205
E-mail: SbarPminihorses@msn.com
Maurer, Marty & Tony Emerson
6459 Sundown Road
Peosta, IA 52068
E-mail: kaycee@yousq.net
Robinson, Dave (President) & Deb
1917 200th Ave.
Mechanicsville, IA 52306
E-mail: DRPunkDr@netins.net
McSorley, Dale (Director) & Dawn
2201 270th St.
Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641
E-mail: Dmcsorley@hotmail.com
Website: www.mcsorleyminiatures.com
Ronek, George & Mary
20422 150th St.
Maquoketa, IA 52060
E-mail: fastrack@netins.net
Website: www.gmrminiatures.com
Meyer, Barb & Mindy (Director)
35631 Osterdock Road
Colesburg, IA 52035
E-mail: mmeyer4752@live.com
Schroeder, Maureen
31428 Garber Road
Guttenberg, IA 52052
E-mail: halters@alpinecom.net
Website: www.minihalters.com
Lowe, Larry, Tammy, Kara & Laramie
3060 305TH .
Crawfordsville, IA. 52621
E-mail: tlowe@iowatelecom.net
Selk, Melinda & Justin
1436 64th. St.
Dysart, IA 52224
E-mail: melinda13j@juno.com
Website: www.mapleholowhorsefarm.com
Wood, Edna
6379 Hwy 1
Martelle, IA 52305
E-mail: ednawood@netins.net
Website: www.lakeviewminiatures.com
Simpson, Rebecca & James
*new 3/25/13
Po Box 1863
Iowa City, IA 52244
Email: rfolly@yahoo.com
Wood-Holm, Shauna
2352 Kristian St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
E-mail: Shauna_Holm@hotmail.com
Website: www.lakeviewminiatures.com
Honorary Member
Stohlmann, Jane
2133 N Ave.
Williamsburg, IA 52361
Stohlmann, Joel, Jessica, Elizabeth & Evan
2136 K Ave.
Marengo, IA 52301
E-mail: jnjstohly@hotmail.com
Stork, Jo
1111West Burnham St.
Lincoln, NE. 68522
E-mail: jipsson@windstream.net
Wales, Karen
9810 115th St.
Andalusia, Il 61232
Phone 309-798-2411
Wallace,Jesse & Kevin
2917 Balke Street
Dubuque, IA 52001
Email: kjtwallace99@yahoo.com
Wells, Kathie
1158 26th St. #225
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Wiles, Mason, Scott & Denise (secretary)
1410 Foster Woods Road
Wellman, IA 52356
E-mail: JSPH@kctc.net
Wood, Clark (Director)
Box 61
Martelle, IA 52305
E-mail: cdwood@netins.net
Website: www.lakeviewminiatures.com