“I had no idea how hard 9th grade was going to be. I am so glad I did Ninth Grade Counts. I got to know the school and some of my teachers. That helped out big time.” Funding for Ninth Grade Counts provided by: Helen Scalise helen@allhandsraised.org (503) 234-5404 www.allhandsraised.org Adamariz, 2014 Participant For more information about Ninth Grade Counts, please visit “Ninth Grade Counts was fun! We went on field trips and I got to see my friends a lot. I met some new people too.” 2069 NE Hoyt Street, Portland, OR 97232 Jamisha, 2014 Participant Self Enhancement Inc. Self Enhancement Inc. Summer Program Reynolds School District Ninth Grade Counts Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition PROGRAM MAP Portland Parks and Recreation Jr. GRUNT Open Meadow Step Up Neighborhood House Wilson High School Summer Academy Native American Youth and Family Center NAYA Ninth Grade Leaders Latino Network Conexiones Ninth Grade Counts Summer Program Gresham-Barlow School District & Metropolitan Family Service Gresham SUN Summer L.E.A.P Camp Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program From the Ground UP Ninth Grade Counts Elevate Oregon Ninth Grade Counts David Douglas School District Ninth Grade Counts Centennial School District Ninth Grade Counts Catholic Charities El Programa HispantPuentes (Bridges) Use this grid to determine which programs are right for you. Find more information inside! Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area Leaders in Training (LIT) Program NINTH GRADE COUNTS 2015 PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE 14 21 17 8 12 23 20 11 15 PORTLAND 19 PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICTS SERVED 1 16 18 7 13 Centennial PARKROSE 6 REYNOLDS 2 5 DAVID DOUGLAS 3 10 4 22 9 GRESHAM-BARLOW CENTENNIAL David Douglas Gresham-Barlow Parkrose Portland Reynolds June 15 – August 21 David Douglas HS: June 15 – July 14 Gresham Barlow HS: July 6 – July 30 June 15 – July 9 June 15 – July 14 July 13 – July 24 July 13 – July 24 July 6 – July 31 July 6 – Jul y30 June 22 – July 17 July 6 – July 31 June 29 – July 17 Multiple camps Dates in August July 6 – July 31 Dates in July June 22 – July 24 June 29 – July 31 DATES 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15, 16 17 18, 19, 20, 21 22 23 MAP KEY (see inside back cover for map) 1 Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area Leaders in Training (LIT) Program 2 Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano Puentes (Bridges) (David Douglas HS) 3 Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano Puentes (Bridges) (Gresham HS) 4 Centennial School District Ninth Grade Counts 5 David Douglas School District Ninth Grade Counts 6 Elevate Oregon Ninth Grade Counts (Parkrose HS) 7 From the Ground UP Ninth Grade Counts (Marshall HS) 8 Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program (PCC Cascade) 9 Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program (MHCC Gresham) 10 Gresham-Barlow School District Gresham SUN Summer L.E.A.P Camp 11 Latino Network Conexiones Ninth Grade Counts Summer Program (Madison HS) 12 Native American Youth and Family Center NAYA Ninth Grade Leaders 13 Neighborhood House Wilson High School Summer Academy 14 Open Meadow Step Up (Roosevelt HS) 15 Open Meadow Step Up (Madison HS) 16 Open Meadow Step Up (Franklin HS) 17 Parks & Recreation Jr. GRUNT 18 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Franklin HS) 19 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Madison HS) 20 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Jefferson HS) 21 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Roosevelt HS) 22 Reynolds SD Ninth Grade Counts 23 Self Enhancement Inc. Self Enhancement Inc. Summer Program (Jefferson HS) “I had no idea how hard 9th grade was going to be. I am so glad I did Ninth Grade Counts. I got to know the school and some of my teachers. That helped out big time.” Funding for Ninth Grade Counts provided by: Helen Scalise helen@allhandsraised.org (503) 234-5404 www.allhandsraised.org Adamariz, 2014 Participant For more information about Ninth Grade Counts, please visit “Ninth Grade Counts was fun! We went on field trips and I got to see my friends a lot. I met some new people too.” 2069 NE Hoyt Street, Portland, OR 97232 Jamisha, 2014 Participant Self Enhancement Inc. Self Enhancement Inc. Summer Program Reynolds School District Ninth Grade Counts Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition PROGRAM MAP Portland Parks and Recreation Jr. GRUNT Open Meadow Step Up Neighborhood House Wilson High School Summer Academy Native American Youth and Family Center NAYA Ninth Grade Leaders Latino Network Conexiones Ninth Grade Counts Summer Program Gresham-Barlow School District & Metropolitan Family Service Gresham SUN Summer L.E.A.P Camp Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program From the Ground UP Ninth Grade Counts Elevate Oregon Ninth Grade Counts David Douglas School District Ninth Grade Counts Centennial School District Ninth Grade Counts Catholic Charities El Programa HispantPuentes (Bridges) Use this grid to determine which programs are right for you. Find more information inside! Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area Leaders in Training (LIT) Program NINTH GRADE COUNTS 2015 PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE 14 21 17 8 12 23 20 11 15 PORTLAND 19 PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICTS SERVED 1 16 18 7 13 Centennial PARKROSE 6 REYNOLDS 2 5 DAVID DOUGLAS 3 10 4 22 9 GRESHAM-BARLOW CENTENNIAL David Douglas Gresham-Barlow Parkrose Portland Reynolds June 15 – August 21 David Douglas HS: June 15 – July 14 Gresham Barlow HS: July 6 – July 30 June 15 – July 9 June 15 – July 14 July 13 – July 24 July 13 – July 24 July 6 – July 31 July 6 – Jul y30 June 22 – July 17 July 6 – July 31 June 29 – July 17 Multiple camps Dates in August July 6 – July 31 Dates in July June 22 – July 24 June 29 – July 31 DATES 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15, 16 17 18, 19, 20, 21 22 23 MAP KEY (see inside back cover for map) 1 Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area Leaders in Training (LIT) Program 2 Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano Puentes (Bridges) (David Douglas HS) 3 Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano Puentes (Bridges) (Gresham HS) 4 Centennial School District Ninth Grade Counts 5 David Douglas School District Ninth Grade Counts 6 Elevate Oregon Ninth Grade Counts (Parkrose HS) 7 From the Ground UP Ninth Grade Counts (Marshall HS) 8 Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program (PCC Cascade) 9 Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program (MHCC Gresham) 10 Gresham-Barlow School District Gresham SUN Summer L.E.A.P Camp 11 Latino Network Conexiones Ninth Grade Counts Summer Program (Madison HS) 12 Native American Youth and Family Center NAYA Ninth Grade Leaders 13 Neighborhood House Wilson High School Summer Academy 14 Open Meadow Step Up (Roosevelt HS) 15 Open Meadow Step Up (Madison HS) 16 Open Meadow Step Up (Franklin HS) 17 Parks & Recreation Jr. GRUNT 18 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Franklin HS) 19 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Madison HS) 20 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Jefferson HS) 21 Portland Public Schools Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition (Roosevelt HS) 22 Reynolds SD Ninth Grade Counts 23 Self Enhancement Inc. Self Enhancement Inc. Summer Program (Jefferson HS) Dear Student, When your ninth grade teachers ask you what you did over your summer vacation, what will you say? By participating in Ninth Grade Counts you will have plenty to share, and you’ll start high school on the right track. Ninth Grade Counts programs run throughout Multnomah County, maybe even at your future high school—or a park, college campus, or other site near you. Most programs offer high school credit, many provide free TriMet passes, and the programs are typically all free. The grid to the left will help you find a program that meets your needs. More information on each program is provided in the following pages. To sign up for a program, contact the person listed or visit www.allhandsraised.org/news/ngc2015 Funding for Ninth Grade Counts provided by: Our partners and sponsors Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area Catholic Charities: El Programa Hispano Centennial School District David Douglas School District Education Northwest Elevate Oregon From the Ground UP Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Gresham-Barlow School District “I Have A Dream” Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization Impact Northwest Latino Network Marylhurst University Metropolitan Family Service Multnomah County Library Multnomah Education Service District NAYA Native American Youth and Family Center Neighborhood House Northwest Evaluation Association Open Meadow Alternative Schools Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges and Universities Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Oregon Campus Compact Parkrose School District Portland Parks and Recreation Portland Public Schools Reynolds School District Schoolhouse Supplies Self Enhancement, Inc. Set Up Skate SUN Service System TriMet University of Portland U.S. Bank Worksystems, Inc. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA Leaders in Training (LIT) Program Steve Lynch (503) 232-0186 slynch@bgcportland.org The Leaders in Training program is designed to offer teens exposure to job readiness skill sets, as well as life skills, all while having fun and building relationships within our Club sites! The program offers a variety of teen leadership activities designed to develop or enhance skills like communication, conflict management, time management, youth development, money management, and career preparation. June 15 – August 21 Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area 7119 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland CATHOLIC CHARITIES EL PROGRAMA HISPANO Puentes (Bridges) Melissa Vera-McCoy (503) 504-5896 mvera@catholiccharitiesoregon.org Puentes offers academic support, recreation, and career and college visits to Latino students entering ninth grade. Puentes will help students make new friends, learn about what it takes to be successful in high school, explore college and career opportunities, develop a positive Latino cultural identity, and have some summer fun! June 15 – July 14 David Douglas High School 1001 SE 135th Ave, Portland July 6 – July 30 Gresham High School 1200 N Main Ave, Gresham CENTENNIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Ninth Grade Counts Sarah Walker (503) 762-6132 sarah_walker@centennial.k12.or.us Invited students will have the opportunity to work on skills associated with transitioning to high school including Organization, Math, English (including writing skills), and will also learn about available student resources. The course is designed to accelerate incoming ninth grade students’ reading achievement, engagement, and fluency. Students will also work on skills related to high school transition and success. Collaboration with our SUN program will allow students to access programmatic offerings on-site and provide a chance to earn up to a total of 1.0 elective credit before entering high school. June 15 – July 9 Centennial High School 3505 SE 182nd Ave, Gresham DAVID DOUGLAS SCHOOL DISTRICT Ninth Grade Counts Jason Chatterton (503) 262-4454 jason_chatterton@ddouglas.k12.or.us David Douglas High School provides a program focused on ensuring that students have a successful transition to ninth grade. Students are introduced to high school expectations, study skills and resources, along with introductions to academic studies in writing, math, and reading. Elective courses, field trips, and guest speakers supplement the experience, providing opportunities that help students explore career and college possibilities. June 15 – July 14 David Douglas High School 1001 SE 135th Ave, Portland ELEVATE OREGON Ninth Grade Counts Jennifer Alkezweeny (503) 477-7544 jennifer@elevateoregon.org Elevate Oregon builds relationships with youth to promote education, selfreliance, and leadership. Participants in the summer program will make lifelong friends, become a leader in their schools and communities, participate in field trips, and have fun! This program is open to students currently enrolled in Elevate Oregon. July 13 – July 24 Parkrose High School 12003 NE Shaver St, Portland FROM THE GROUND UP Ninth Grade Counts Katherine Lewis (541) 543-0228 katherineftgu@gmail.com From the Ground UP offers a fourweek intensive arts camp. Students train with professionals exploring a variety of mediums, such as acting, movement, comedy, hip-hop, playwriting, and more. The month will end with a showcase of original student work. July 13 – July 31 Marshall High School 3905 SE 91st Ave, Portland GIRLS INC. OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Girls Inc. Eureka!® Program Karin Malbrough (503) 230-0054 x5 karin@girlsincpnw.org Girls Inc. launched the Eureka!® Program to inspire more girls to consider STEM post-secondary and career pathways. We ask girls to make a five year commitment to summer and school year learning experiences that strengthen their ability to achieve academic success and broaden their future aspirations. We connect girls to the program the summer before eighth grade and support them all the way through high school graduation. In their first two summers, participants explore STEM, personal development and physical development in a four-week summer camp. During the school year, girls attend monthly learning sessions focused on extending their knowledge and confidence. In their third summer, girls are linked with paid STEM focused internships that enable them to practice all the skills they have learned. Their final years include connecting girls with high quality mentoring experiences focused on supporting them with making postsecondary decisions. July 6 – July 31 Portland Community College – Cascade 705 N Killingsworth St, Portland July 6 – July 31 Mt. Hood Community College – Gresham 26000 SE Stark St, Gresham LATINO NETWORK Conexiones Ninth Grade Counts Summer Program Ana Muñoz (503) 283-6881 ana@latnet.org This program is a fun way to prepare for ninth grade. Students will participate in activities that foster teambuilding and leadership. They will also develop skills for studying, writing, communication, and listening. Career exploration and college visits are a big part of our program to help students create a college-going culture. In addition, students will be exposed to the Latino culture through history, art, movies, and literature with bilingual and bicultural instructors. Successful program participants may be eligible to earn 0.5 high school credit. June 22 – July 17 Madison High School 2735 NE 82nd Ave, Portland GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT & METROPOLITAN FAMILY SERVICE Gresham SUN Summer L.E.A.P. Camp Jason Bhear (503) 674-5531 bhear@gresham.k12.or.us NATIVE AMERICAN YOUTH AND FAMILY CENTER NAYA Ninth Grade Leaders Nykke Straws (503) 288-8177 x256 nicholes@nayapdx.org The Gresham High SUN Summer L.E.A.P. (Learning. Enrichment. Academics. Play.) Camp prepares students for ninth grade through academic support, enrichment, and college and career exposure. This is a great opportunity for incoming ninth graders to learn and develop new skills, explore new places, and make new connections. Participants who successfully complete the four-week camp will receive 0.5 high school elective credit for their participation. NAYA Ninth Grade Leaders is a four-week enrichment program that focuses on improving students’ academic skills, connects students to cultural and recreation programming, and prepares them for high school by teaching them high school readiness skills. Our goal is to support students as they transition into high school and help them focus on their future. Students will also participate in a service learning project in partnership with Wisdom of the Elders focusing on understanding climate change and Native Communities. July 6 – July 30 Gresham High School 1200 N Main Ave, Gresham July 6 – July 31 NAYA Family Center 5135 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE Wilson High School Summer Academy Jeff Krem (503) 560-4321 jkrem@nhweb.org The Neighborhood House/Wilson High School Ninth Grade Counts Summer Academy is a three-week program that will stretch students’ minds with math, science, and reading courses, as well as fun activities and field trips! Graduates of the program start freshman year at Wilson with 0.5 elective credit. June 29 – July 17 Wilson High School 1151 SW Vermont St, Portland OPEN MEADOW Step Up Robin Eisenbach (971) 404-8850 robin.e@openmeadow.org PORTLAND PARKS AND RECREATION Jr. GRUNT (Greenspaces Restoration and Urban Naturalist Team) Yoko Silk (503) 823-6461 yoko.silk@portlandoregon.gov Kelly Rosteck (503)823-6378 kelly.rosteck@portlandoregon.gov Jr. GRUNT offers the opportunity to discover plants and animals of Oregon while having fun on adventures like rafting, paddle boarding, and hiking! Students will meet new friends and build strong leadership and teamwork skills that will help in high school. Participants will visit college and career sites and participate in stewardship projects, helping to explore and protect natural areas. Once students graduate from Jr. GRUNT, they can apply for internships and paid summer work with Portland Parks and Recreation! Students who join the Step Up program (at Roosevelt, Madison, and Franklin High Schools) will start making strides towards a bright and successful future! Step Up provides a (free) weeklong summer camp, full yearlong tutoring, mentoring, family support, and social emotional support throughout all of ninth grade. July 6 – July 31 Charles Jordan Community Center 9009 N Foss Ave, Portland Multiple dates, August 1 – August 30 Five-day overnight camps. Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition programs will provide rising ninth graders with academic courses and other enrichment opportunities, including college and career exploration. Students who participate will have the ability to earn high school credit. PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Eighth to Ninth Grade Transition Sheri Afrank (503) 916-3956 safrank@pps.net Will be held in July at Madison, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Franklin High Schools. Specific dates to be determined. REYNOLDS SCHOOL DISTRICT Ninth Grade Counts Renee Ewan (503) 667-3186 x1292 reneee@dreamoregon.org Reynolds Ninth Grade Counts (NGC) is a five-day-a-week, fourhours-per-day program focused on Language Arts, math, and study skills. In addition we offer fun elective activities and take students on meaningful field trips to learn about post-secondary college and career options. We partner with other organizations to offer confidence building activities plus help students better understand the options that are open to them at Reynolds High School. June 22 – July 24 Reynolds High School 1698 SW Cherry Park Rd, Troutdale SELF ENHANCEMENT INC. Self Enhancement Inc. Summer Program Troy Hollis (503) 358-8148 troyh@selfenhancement.org SEI’s program provides a blend of education curriculum and personal growth experiences. In the morning students will enhance their skills in math and English, and in the afternoon we provide life skills and experiences that expose students to different colleges and potential career options. We use the city as a resource, connecting to various aspects of the community while focusing on individual growth and development. June 29 – July 31 Jefferson High School 5210 N Kerby Ave, Portland Ninth Grade Counts is a Collaborative Action Team of the All Hands Raised Partnership, and is a community-wide effort to increase graduation rates. Since 2009, Ninth Grade Counts has brought together non-profit organizations, schools, and other partners to connect more youth with the supports that they need to stay on track to graduate, and it’s working. Academic priority students who participate in Ninth Grade Counts finish ninth grade with better attendance and more credits than their peers, key indicators of on-time graduation. 36 217 Number of partner organizations engaged in Ninth Grade Counts. Number of AmeriCorps/VISTA members deployed since 2009, through a partnership with Oregon Campus Compact, to strengthen Ninth Grade Counts. 5,000 Number of students served through Ninth Grade Counts since 2009. $2.5 m Value of in-kind resources distributed to partner programs since 2009, including TriMet passes, AmeriCorps/VISTA members, Marylhurst MAT students, and career and college exposure activities. The All Hands Raised Partnership Learning doesn’t begin and end in the classroom. Transforming children and youth into educated, independent adults is the job of the entire community. The All Hands Raised Partnership gathers Multnomah County’s diverse efforts and aligns them in ways that strengthen supports for kids—from cradle to career. We are changing the way adults collaborate to help children grow. To do this, we bring together our six school districts with leaders from the county, the city, businesses, nonprofits and higher education to help individuals and organizations understand how they fit together. A set of community-wide Indicators drives this work and helps us to stay focused. We use data to measure everything we do so that we can continuously reflect, redirect and improve. To learn more visit: www.allhandsraised.org “I had no idea how hard 9th grade was going to be. I am so glad I did Ninth Grade Counts. I got to know the school and some of my teachers. That helped out big time.” Funding for Ninth Grade Counts provided by: Helen Scalise helen@allhandsraised.org (503) 234-5404 www.allhandsraised.org Adamariz, 2014 Participant For more information about Ninth Grade Counts, please visit “Ninth Grade Counts was fun! We went on field trips and I got to see my friends a lot. I met some new people too.” 2069 NE Hoyt Street, Portland, OR 97232 Jamisha, 2014 Participant
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