
PRACTITIONER Training ⁄ 19 May 2015 ⁄ Accra, Ghana
Compliance management
How to increase your competitive advantage
National and international legislation, active
risk assessment and compliance management
are becoming more and more important for
small and medium-sized companies. Setting
up strategies and measures for business integrity proves to be a competitive advantage for
Ghanaian companies, especially if they want
to get involved in international supply chains.
This practitioner training gives an overview
of different types of corruption with a focus
on bribery and “grey areas” (e. g. gift regulations and facilitation payments). The goal
of the workshop is to inform participants
about current developments in compliance
as well as to showcase and discuss effective
measures to enhance business integrity.
Case studies and practice-oriented scenarios
ensure a vivid training.
oor Naqschbandi
Program manager of Alliance for Integrity,
a multi-stakeholder initiative whose aim it is
to promote integrity among companies, their
business partners and other relevant actors
in the economic system. He is also responsible
for the topic anti-corruption/10th principle
of the United Nations Global Compact at the
German Global Compact Network.
10.00 – 10.15 W
elcome of the participants by
Global Compact Network Ghana
and Alliance for Integrity
10.15 – 10.30 Introduction
10.30 – 12.30 T ypes of corruption and typical
risk factors
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
elevance of corruption prevention for your
company and your business success on the
basis of practical examples
Solutions and prevention measures for critical
Target Group
nterprises which want to advance their
capability in the area of compliance and
Date / Location
1 9 May 2015, 10.00 - 16.45
hamber of Mines
22 Sir Arku Korsah Road
Airport Residential Area, Accra
13.30 – 15.00 Internal measures to enhance
business integrity
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 – 16.15 E
xternal and collective measures
to enhance business integrity
16.15 – 16.45 Wrap up and farewell
lease register by sending an email with your
name, organization and function to
Kofi Asare Anyemedu
( or
Maja Rotter (
egistration deadline: 15 May 2015 (seats are