Full Name City Country Reason for Signing It's a tragedy to see how anti-‐science ideologues mislead organisations like MST who are supposed to fight for landless farmers into vandalizing important environmentally beneficial research. Against scientists intimidation and destruction of research. Anders _rbom Othon Abrahao Jo_o Abreu Neto W_rzburg Sao Paulo Porto Alegre DE BR BR Carlos Abrunheiro Maria L_cia Acosta Sobral Coimbra Porto Alegre PT BR Tiffany Acu_a Thomas Adams Bogot_ Norwich CO GB Lars Adler Karthik Aghoram Cologne DE US Melissa Aguiar Alfredo Aguilera Ali Ahmed Porto Alegre Valdivia Newnan BR CL US Trees are good, and wood is good, the most ecological material. Stop violence, we support science. Felipe Alarcon Peres Red Alby River Falls Box Elder US US Science is the light of God. Noble are those who works to continue the development of humanity. I am a retired bioscientist. I have had death threats based on the work I have done. This type of behavior is my worst fear. Marius Aleinikovas Zsanine Alexander Kaunas Burbank LT US Zsanine Alexander Isabel Alexandre Burbank Lisboa US PT Bruno Alexandre Oeiras PT Antonio Alfonso Walter Alhassan Adriano Almeida Science City of Munoz Accra Mogi Mirim PH GH BR Ana Paula Almeida Piracicaba BR jose roberto almeida Sabah AlMomin Sabah AlMomin s_o paulo Kuwait Kuwait BR KW KW Gunnar Almqvist britt almqvist Uppsala sundsvall SE SE Malin Almqvist K_ge DK Curt Almqvist Barbara Alonso Uppsala Albany SE US It is not logical to stop science and progress without any justified reason! At all!! Violence against scientific research is never acceptable. Products of modern biotechnology already in the market are proven to be useful and safe through carefully designed scientific studies. Research should continue to develop more of such products and to evaluate their safety and potential contribution in solving current and emerging problems. cadeia aos lideres It is astonishing that at this time and age where much of our lives driven by science, yet we are still at the defensive front. science is the future! This kind of research is important. There's no denying that. Violence and anger is a common response when faced with something you don't understand, but it gets you nowhere. I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities. David Altman Lake Oswego, Oregon US Having worked in Brazil on science projects and helped put in place regulations for safety with scientific research, I am particularly concerned about these types of attacks disrupting essential scientific research. Murilo Alvares Marcio Alves Ferreira Barbara Alves Zolet Passo Fundo Rio de Janeiro Porto Alegre BR BR BR I support brazilian science and rational debates. Reject ignorant actions and violent manifestations. Wagner Amaral Sandra Amarall Campinas Bauru BR BR Niklaus Ammann Neuchatel CH Iara Amorim S_o Paulo BR Barbara Andersen Christeen Anderson Cape Town Crestview ZA US James Anderson-‐Furgeson Jos_ Pedro Andrade Solange Andrade Berkeley Calend_rio Brasilia US PT BR We need safety to keep doi g serious research. what a shame, its a clear case of stigmatizing, and people develop a big case of moral self-‐licensing to feel good with such awful violence, its disgusting Klaus Esse _ o triste resultado da ignorancia: uma imensa arrog_ncia imbecil e destrutiva para todos. Triste que nesta era de informa?_o acessivel poucos se d_o ao trabalho de informarem a si mesmos. I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not give in to violence and intimidation. Condeno o uso da for_a motivado pela ignor_ncia. O ato foi bestial e n_o visa a nenhum tipo de progresso ou prosperidade. Serve apenas a prop_sitos sensacionalistas. I am fully confident on GMO risk assessment as currently made by the official risk assessment agencies. Experiments as well as commercial releases are only allowed if they are safe. Thre is no reason do destroy them on the basis of hypothetical risks. Even less on ideological basis. Guilherme Andrade Marson Sao Paulo BR Paulo Andrde Berenice Annenberg Alex Antonites Recife S_o Paulo -‐Brasil Pretoria BR US ZA luis anunciacao Rio de Janeiro BR I'm a scientist and understand the importance of research and technology development for improve ours lives Francisco Arag_o Sandra arapoudis Rubia Araujo Brasilia rhodos Sao Paulo BR GR BR Reason for signing Welington Araujo S_o Paulo BR Vandalism and development are in oposite way. Estela Araujo Costa Marc Archambault Philipp Arendt Campinas Creston Gent BR CA BE Shira Bella Arinos rehovot IL Jos_ Arruda Cally Arthur Lizete Augustin Campinas Ithaca Passo Fundo BR US BR I'm a biotechnology scientist Against violence as a means to express one's opinion and against disrespect for scientific research and for the serious work carried on by CTNBio. Kori Ault Corvallis US Maria Christina Avellar Maria Eduarda Axambuja Amaral Sao Paulo BR Porto Alegre BR Janneke Aylward Stellenbosch ZA I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not to give in to violence and intimidation. Ricardo Azevedo Maria Luiza Azevedo Watson Azevedo Piracicaba Uberaba BR BR BR We need new tecnologies for our development and stop deflorestation. We need science! Lance Ba_ez Susan Babbitt Manila Philadelphia PH US ALDO BACCARIN SAO PAULO BR Santo Antonio de Posse BR Sao Paulo BR Tiago Bachega Aline Bacurau Vandalism and violence are not mechanisms for discourse, and should not be tolerated by anyone, regardless of politics or beliefs. violence must be stoped Phil Badiz S_o Paulo BR The problem with violence is it reduces all arguments to whoever is the biggest bully... Science, in contrast, seeks to understand the real nature of life, without blind hatred, stupidity or bias. Judicious use of biotechnoligies will virtually always benefit everyone, including the stupid, biased and hateful. #sciencenotviolence Tracy Baker bryn ball Gibsonia Camrose US CA Violence against anyone, or anything is not correct. This is just wrong no matter what side of the issue you are on. Eco terrorist! i agree with what scientists are doing to improve our lives worldwide Janice Banks Center Barnstead US Marco Baracca Milano IT Silvia Barcellos Rosa Passo Fundo BR I am Brazilian, and know how hard is to work with research in Brazil. This vandalism is normally organized by groups that are involved with the government and they are payed for acting like this. They are vandals and should be treated as vandals. Maria Barriga Santiago CL We must respect others, scientific studies are supporting development for the country and its people, environment and knowledge. Mario H Barros Sao Paulo BR Andrew Bartholomaeus Canberra AU Tatiana Basika Porto Alegre BR Tobias Baskin Jarl Bastianen Gabriele Bastilha Amherst Hoboken Santa Maria US BE BR Rita Batista Jeanne Baucher Lisbon Linkebeek PT BE Marie Baucher Donald Baumgartner Penelope Beaton Gosselies Missoula Brisbane BE US AU Tolerance of such ignorance and ideological arrogance is the fastest route to the new dark ages and a consequent impoverishment of the very people these groups falsely claim to support Luiz Bechara S_o Paulo BR Glenn Bechtel David Becker Harrison Chemnitz US DE Arlete Beatriz Becker Ritt Joe bedell Porto Alegre st Louis BR US Sander Beel Andrew Behrens` Leuven Boksburg BE ZA Andrew Behrens` Pavlo Bekhta Gustavo Belchior Boksburg Lviv S_o Paulo ZA UA BR Ariane Beldi Ruth Helena Bellinghini Pedro Bello S_o Paulo Davis CH BR US Marta Bencke Tania Benedetti Rio de Janeiro FLORIANOPOLIS BR BR Alison Bernstein atlanta US Soraya Bertioli Athens US David Bertioli Benjamin Bey Athens Calgary US CA Daniel Bezerra Rio de Janeiro BR Science, not violence, is the way toward a sustainable environment. Rishikesh Bhalerao Isadora Bianchin jeffrey bidstrup Umea Porto Alegre warra SE BR AU This vandalism is against science and research that aims to reduce deforestation. Will Bignell Kenny Billiau hobart Stockholm AU SE This sort of activism is rarely grass root based. It's also a blatant display of elitism. Simon Birnstingl Eneida Bittar Michael blumenthal steyning Sao Paulo Carlisle GB BR US About civilization Robert Boehm Winnenden DE Vandalism is illegal in every respect ! Wout Boerjan Bojin Bojinov Gent Plovdiv BE BG Mary Boote des moines US YES to discussion and exchange of ideas, NO to irrationalism and violence To stop the vandalisation of research trials by ideologically impaired. Violence and destruction brings only more instability. Congratulations and thank you to the scientists who continue to contribute to the important body of research that will help us feed the world. I'm a scientist myself and i'm feeling for the people and the field this was done to Justice, fairness, decency, principles, progress, reasoning, humanity, responsibility, life. Violence and vandalism are simply unacceptable. People are free to express their opposition to an institution or to certain scientific development, but not to destroy other people's work! I hope researchers will not give in to violence and threats! Those people have to answer for this in tribunals There is no evolution without science. Decisions need to be made based on numbers and data not on money driven politics. Scientists need Freedom to do their research. No violence. These women don't know what they are doing, they are being completely manipulated by the extreme Brazilian left wing. This needs to be stopped. Anti transgenic organizations and protestors resort to violence, vandalism and scare mongering because reasoned debate is useless for them. I'm signing because I want to stand up for reason and a civilized society. Need to save the planet-‐ biotech is one very good route Julie Borlaug Dallas US Jonael bosques Gustavo M_rcio Botelho Ocala Lavras US BR I believe that technology & innovation are need to feed 9 billion by 2050. Jonathan Botha Marilda Bottesi Pretoria campinas ZA BR John Bowers Michael Bradfield Athens Pretoria US ZA Supporter and practitioner of science Kent Bradford US Stop vandalizing science! I encourage Brazilian scientists to continue their work. Toby Bradshaw Meire Zulmira Braga Davis Seattle, Washington belo horizonte US BR Anti-‐science terrorism solves nothing. Daniella Braga Anslie Brant Marc Brazeau Sao Paulo Auburn Portland BR US US Because I am pro science and totally against groups like MST. Adriana Brondani S_o Paulo BR Marion Brook Castlemaine AU Jason Brooke Jason Brooke John Brothers Ballymena Ballymena Boston GB GB US Myagaa Brown Ithaca US Patrick Brownell Federal Way US Toby Bruce Kelly Bruch Leicester PORTO ALEGRE GB BR Patricia Brum S_o Paulo BR Bruno Brun Amy Brunner James Brunton Brasilia Blacksburg Tampa BR US US James Buckmaster Petersfield GB Mois_s Burachik Rowland Burdon Buenos Aires Rotorua AR NZ Victor Busov Houghton US Joseph Byrne Saint Louis US We use science to answer our questions. No-‐one has the right to destroy these 'potential' answers. No-‐one has the right to deny us knowledge. I stand with the scientists who are researching ways that can better agricultural practices and promote sustainability. Violence disrupts learning, which will have negative impact on meeting the challenges brought about by a growing population and fixed resources (land). Don't destroy potential solutions I am a brazilian scientist and I am against vandalism in science. We need safety and support to keep doing research without any fear or intimidation. Please add my name. Is anybody making a historical record of all vandalisms being done? I can remember some (Bov_ in France, Wheat in the UK, gloden rice in Phillipines, and so on), but a careful registration of the many incidents will be a relevant argument. This is political eco-‐terrorism, it goes beyond local criminal acts as it involves multi-‐national advocacy organizations which foment this violence through disinformation campaigns. It's using food as a weapon to create politically destabilizing fears and food insecurity. Marilyn Byrne Graziano trofarello IT Glaucia Cabral Caroline Cabreira Brasilia Porto Alegre BR BR Priscila Calyjur Jos_ Camarillo S_o Paulo Morelia BR MX Camila Campos Alessandro Camussi valinhos Firenze BR IT This reaction is a shame NADIA CANALI L_NGARO passo fundo Jorge Canhoto Coimbra Ramses Assul Jess_ Cantelli Tasca Porto Alegre BR PT BR Condeno o vandalismo e o terrorismo praticado por esses movimentos ditos sociais. Deise Capalbo Flavio Capettini Anthony Capobianco Campinas Lacombe Bethel Park BR CA US A impunidade n_o pode continuar! Environmental Terrorists must be stopped! Margareth Capurro Rita Car_ Sao Paulo Lisboa BR PT Lucelena Cardoso Rodrigo Cardoso da Silva Ribeir_o Preto Jacare_ Piracicaba, Sao Maria Lucia Carneiro Vieira Paulo BR BR Science and researches are the only way to have a sustainable future. Tom Carola Thabata Caruzo mauricio carvajal S_o Paulo Santiago US BR CL Maysa Carvalho Brasilia DF US P_mela Carvalho de Lima Jessica Cassey Adriana Casta_o Fayetteville Newcastle bogota US AU CO Support research base on Science and GMO Javuier Castellanos CO Reason for signing stefano castiglione Dano Catherine Bogota Mercato san Severino Paris IT FR Violence must be always rejected in any of its forms Dano Catherine Paris FR Bodenes Catherine Amanda Cattani Cl_udia Cavaglieri cestas POA Campinas FR BR BR BR science is important! We need science and not stupidity and violence! Tha_s Cavalheiro santana de parna_ba BR Andr_ia Caverzan Passo Fundo/RS BR Johnathan Cenedese Karen Century Thunder Bay Chapel Hill CA US Carla Cesa Igor Cesarino Mike Cey Porto Alegre S_o Paulo Saskatoon BR BR CA I support science. Eduardo Cezar Bento Bruce Chaassy Mara Patricia Chacon-‐ Mikahil Mogi Mirim Priest River BR US Against any kind of violence. The use of violence against peaceful research intended to improve the lives of farmers and consumers is deplorable. Campinas BR David Chagne Jay Chamings Palmerston North NZ Footscray AU Acts like this hurt not only the possible opposing views from being considered having a rational claim for opposition but waste resources spent to do such studies and retards scientific inquiry which is all this is. The study is evidence for all possible sides after all. I condemn these violent acts. Condeno el vandalismo contra campos y laboratorios, como una forma de expresar una posici_n contra la biotecnolog_a. Las sociedades democr_ticas deben preservar el derecho a la libre investigaci_n, en la b_squeda de la soluci_n a los problemas humanos. Alejandro Chaparro-‐Giraldo Bogot_ CO Clint Chapple Brbara Charland West Lafayette Toronto US CA In_s Chaves Adriana Cheavegatti Gianotto Oeiras PT Piracicaba BR Bin Chen G.W. Cheney Jorge Chepote Chesterfield Boone US US US Jocelei Chies BR Seniappan Chinnaraj Jonas Jacob Chiradia Porto Alegre Kagithapuram, Karur Nova Odessa IN BR We scientist love science and science is for development and not for distraction Deanna Cintas Thais Cipriano Portland Brazil US US this action was more destructive in so many ways, and did nothing to help anyone or anything. Maria Clara Simon Clark Timothy Clark evora PT Palmerston North NZ Denton US kyle Cleveland David Cohen Boca Raton White Roch US CA I strongly support GMO research and science in general and deplore uninformed, antiscience rhetoric. Without sciences we as human being will have no future. And science is not compatable with violence. Violence is never the way Science is always progress. The misinformation around science and specifically gmo's is so sad and these deceived people need to learn their actions based upon nonsense are totally unacceptable. need for scientific studies especially in controversial areas Jo_o Coimbra Azinhaga PT Doug Cole Rosane Collevatti Boise Goiania US BR Walter Colli Luana Colling S_o Paulo Novo Hamburgo BR BR Biotechnology hold the promise of being able to feed more people more efficiently and sustainably. I I am a firm believer that science must advance no matter what some minority thinks. We must condemn vehemently all actions like the one that happened in Itapetininga. Obviously, there is never a good reason to stop science progress, but in this particular case it was really totally unacceptable and beyond comprehension for us scientists, because it is something sponsored by political parties and motivated by political reasons, in a gross attempt to get political dividends from a serious matter. This was such a sad happening that put the Brazilian Science to mourn and the Brazilian scientists to shame! Jorge Luiz Colodette Vi_osa BR Brad Comstock Lucas Concei?_o St Louis MO Porto Alegre US BR Peter Constabel Ellen Cordeiro de Rezende Victoria S_o Paulo CA BR Sander Corneillie Jonathan Corpus RICARDO CORREA Gent Oxnard LA JOLLA BE US US Maria Cortez Jaime Costa Campinas Madrid BR ES Taliban-‐like actions are not welcome in food production. Jaime Costa Pedro Costa Madrid Barreiro ES PT Taliban-‐like actions are not welcome in food production. I support science. Adam Costanza Deborah Cottrell Justin Couron Chapel Hill Newberry San Jose US US US I support the responsible use of forest biotechnologies, such as the research that was being performed in these greenhouses. Francisco Coutinho S_o Paulo BR Christiane Cralcev S_o Paulo BR Bridget Crampton Pretoria ZA Beth Creary Honolulu US John Csonka tempe US Valerie Cuba Jessica Cuba Karen Cuchet Chesterfield St. Louis cerritos US US US I support scientific advancement to solve today's issues I am fed up of such stupidity I'm against anti-‐science in all its forms. These people are the equivalent of creationist book burners, and climate change deniers. In modern world there are no reasons for attitudes like the ones described. We should fight for a better world and Science has a role to play. I respect the biotechnology in agriculture. I feel sad about the violence and lack of information of this people. Years of research missed. I support the application of science for the advancement of plant biotechnology to feed a growing population. "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out? Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out? Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out? Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me?and there was no one left to speak for me." Pastor Martin Niem_ller the anti-‐GMO group has now become dangerous and violent. Not good there is no debate with people who are so extreme in their views that they will resort to violence to reach their ends. I stand up for science! Science, not violence! Alexia Czeczot canoas BR Jacob D'Lallo Tiago da cunha Jorge martinez Botucatu US BR Jose Maria da Silveira Campinas, P.O Box BR Maria Dagli k danowski Yvette Datt_e Sao Paulo pittsburgh Paris BR US FR Peter Davies Sean Davies Ithaca frazier park US US Clyde Davies Nottingham GB Daniela De Bastiani Sylvie De Buck Brisbane Gent-‐Zwinaarde AU BE Paulo Licio de Geus sjors de groot Campinas sao carlos BR BR Thomas de Groot Geert De Jaeger Glastonbury Ghent US BE Valeria De Marco Bruno De Maria Leandro de Oliveira Maria Am_lia de Oliveira Nogueira Kobie de Ronde s_o paulo new smyrna s_o paulo BR US BR Sao Paulo Pretoria BR ZA barbara de smet ghent BE Lucia de Souza Singapore SG Thomas R. DeGregori Annabelle DEJARDIN Houston, Texas Orl_ans US FR Luiz-‐Eduardo Del-‐Bem Carla Delatorre Boston -‐ MA Porto Alegre US BR Progress has always been fraught with frightened decent. The only way to fight these actions is to rebuild with pride and educate every time until the hate dwindles to a lone voice wrapped in a sandwich board. I am an economista working with innovation in agriculture We need to strongly oppose those who destroy scientific endeavors on the basis if ill-‐founded superstitions. I deplore the destruction of legitimate scientific research intended for the good of humanity. these people are vandals and bigots and should be caught and jailed. In the meantime, we should show our disgust with them Ignorance must not hold us back, especially when science is done to help society Responsible use of GMO organims is key in curing diseases and developing sustainable crops for the future. Stop vandalizing science! Scientists should not be subject to threats of violence and intimidation in conducting their work. I'm a scientist believing in the advantages of many GMO's. Additionally, Scientific work should not be destroyed on believes of some, especially when the material and tests are approved by safety and regulatory agency. Violence and vandalism should never be used to impose ideologies. Science is important for development and well being, it should be supported and not attacked We all need science to be free to advance knowledge just as we need all forms of human inquiry. If you find an idea wrong or even dangerous, you counter it with a better idea not attempts at suppression with coercion. This is going back to medieval times. Science development is extremely important for humankind welfare and survival. The limitation of scientists work and creativity is a very good sensor of secular societies. Every point in history where scientists were oppressed we will probably have a sick society, with low education standards and barbarian practices. The limits of Science must be discussed in scientific and ethical terms, not with machetes in hands. We are tired of ignorance and prejudice ruling the world. Jos_ andre Della giustina neto Odir dellagostin Porto alegre BR Dr. Miguel Dencil Pelotas US Entre Tongoy y los Vilos CL Ann Depicker Maria Derkacheva Gent Versailles BE FR Chris Dervinis Sandrien Desmet Gainesville Zwijnaarde US BE Sheila Desmond silvana destro Upendra Kumar Devisetty Cameron Park, CA US s_o paulo BR Corvallis US Allison Devitre St. Louis US Homero Dewes Porto Alegre BR Jean-‐Fran_ois Dh_te Avon FR Palitha Dharmawardhana Hailey Di Prima Corvallis Shellharbour US AU Renata Dias Ednilza Dias Camila Diehl da Rosa Piracicaba Brasilia Porto Alegre BR BR BR Tim Diels a sobreviv_ncia da humanidade depende do resultado destas pesquisas. condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not to give in to violence and intimidation. Big ideas should never be stopped by small minds Violence and run in other peoples property is not an acceptable way to get policy change within agriculture. Organized groups engaged in Violence against science in Brazil are openly supported by political parties like PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores, and tolerated and protected by the Brazilian federal government. Brazilian society must react against this imoral and unsustainable situation. I condemn all forms of intimidation against science ; the anti-‐GM crops activists try to destroy by violence what they can't forbid by legal actions, this is green jihadism and anti-‐democratic practices. BE Stephen DiFazio Anne DiPrizio Morgantown Prattville US US Pavel Dodonov S_o Carlos BR I don't think violence is justified under any circumstances. Furthermore, the activities of futuragene are rational and justified, and on balance will have positive impacts on the global environment. science not violence love. thank you so much for your efforts. keep inspiring us! I recognize the social issues related to eucalypt plantations, but I do not believe that attacking science facilities and experiments is a way to solve them. Eu reconhe_o as quest_es sociais relacionadas _ silvicultura de eucalipto, mas eu n_o acredito que o ataque a instala?_es e experimentos cient_ficos seja um modo de resolv_-‐las. Karel Dole?al Olomouc CZ Science Not Violence! Michelle Donnelly Andressa Dorneles Carl Douglas Wilfried Dr. Wackernagel Philadelphia Porto Alegre Vancouver Oldenburg US BR CA DE Isso n_o s_o apenas v_ndalos, s_o marginais, criminosos. I support science, rational discussion, biosafety and biodiversity, but am strongly against violence and ecoterrorism. The future requires science within Society! Andrew draper london GB Thales drezza campinas BR Future of science Gurumurthy DS Marius du Plessis Bangalore Pietermaritzburg IN ZA I am against Violence in Science in fact NO violence is acceptable!! If this is such a great issue then have dialogue about it. MDP Esna du Plessis Cintia Helena Duarte Sagawa H. J. Dubin Pretoria ZA Davis Frederick US US Sara Duncan Lucia Dutra Portland Porto alegre US BR Rudraksha Dutta Majumdar Lethbridge CA Destroying any scientific research is shameful and the act of uneducated vandals and fascists. This should not be tolerated at any cost. Vandalism of all sorts should be condemned in equal measure. This includes vandalism committed by anti-‐science advocates with middle class socioeconomic backgrounds. That background does not supersede a criminal act, and those involved should be held responsible accordingly. Elisa Dvorak Minneapolis US Bill Dyck Peter Ebkar Papamoa Beach _rebro NZ SE Sad to see ignorance prevail over science Roger Effertz Johannes Ekelund Kirkwood Lule_ US SE Violence should never be an acceptable option in society to make a point! Sara El Kadri Joel Ellwanger Americana Candel_ria BR BR Catherine Emerson Stephan Engelbrecht Plantation Pretoria US ZA More Education and Less Violence. I am a tree biotechnologist and feel that the actions are unruly. Jon Entine Cincinnati US Norma Constanza Espinel cristiane Esteves Mayara Ferreira Euz_bio Bogota Salvador Campinas CO BR BR Violence is not an appropriate form of protest. La violencia nunca debe utilizarse como m_todo para expresarse o tratar de imponer una idea o posici_n. Se debe respetar el trabajo que los investigadores hacen durante a_os e incluso d_cadas para ofrecer herramientas para una agricultura m_s sostenible. _Respetemos la ciencia! Cornell University brittany evanovich Bryn Evans Ithaca Grafton Marblehead US US US Lena F_reby Uppsala SE Riccardo Fanciola Tao Fang Deborah Faria Peter Farrie Locarno Gent Ilheus Exeter CH BE BR GB I agree with this petition! Stop the violence, yes science! Destroying experiments keeps us from answering the questions to which the very people destroying the experiments claim to want answers. People who think bullying is the way to make a point make me sick. Destroying science is destroying the world Science will never ever give in to violence! Luiz Carlos Federizzi porto alegre BR Nina Fedoroff Diogo Fekete Washington, DC Kitchener US CA Laureana Feldman Rehovot IL Jose Mauricio Fernandes Merari Ferrari Fernanda Ferrari Passo Fundo Sao paulo Campinas BR BR BR Angela Ferrari Campinas BR Hnerique Ferreira Julio Ferreira Porto Alegre, RS sao paulo BR BR Lu_s Carlos FERREIRA Janette Fett OSASCO Porto Alegre BR BR Arthur Fett-‐Neto Porto Alegre BR I belive in science I sign to protest the rise of science vandals. If we cannot use science to make our agriculture more productive and sustainable, we will not be able to keep up with the food and fiber demands of a still growing human population. Science should be the MOST IMPORTANT THING to be protected against ignorance. Im completely agree with no violence and support of new technologies. Better understanding of genetic technologies will be the key for our future. I do not agree with any kind of vandalism Scientisr I am totally against the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. I sincerely hope and expect that scientists will continue with their valuable research efforts. Reason for signing Pedro Fevereiro Paulo Roberto Fidelis Giancotti Antonio Figueira Antonio Martins Figueiredo Neto Oeiras PT It is absolutely unacceptable the use of force to prevent the democratically validated adoption of plant biotechnology. It's inexcusable the attempt to justify vandalism as occurred in Brazil now, with pseudo-‐scientific arguments, objectively false. Note that these events are replicas of what is occurring in the world, like the attempt to prevent the use of t "golden rice" or the destruction of genetically modified wheat trials in Australia . All who value the creation and use of knowledge should speak out against these situations. Monte Alto SP Piracicaba BR BR To support the global science and development and support the future of our children. No to obscurantism! Science should not be driven by ideology! Say no to Lysenkism! S_o Paulo BR Spartaco Filho Manaus BR I am against obscurantism of any kind. Esse _ um comportamento primitivo, algo desse tipo j_ foi feito no Rio Grande do Sul e continua ocorrendo devido a impunidade. Vandalismo equivalente foi a invas_o do Instituto Royal com a soltura de c_es do tipo beagle que faziam parte de testes pr_-‐clinicos para o desenvolvimento de novos e importantes medicamentos. Todos esses(as) v_ndalos(as) devem ser identificados e punidos , inclusive obrigando pagar os preju_zos (se _ que isso seja poss_vel). Flavio Finardi S_o Paulo BR Rivo Fischer S_o Leopoldooo BR Jessica Fisher Kristina Fletcher Brandi Fletcher Ellenbrook Bassaterre Lancaster AU KN US I am a retired university professor and a biologist (geneticss and molecular biology). The people who is doing this bioterrorismm are mainly from the MST (Movimento Sem Terras = Landless Movement). This movement is politically involde, and has tne support of the Brazilian Governement of President Dilma Rousseff and her Partido dos Trabalhdores PT = (Workers' Party). So, I recommend care on dealing with these bioterrorists since, being against them is going against the PT and the current Brazilian government. Never give up! Padraic Flood K_ln DE Farmers & Friends-‐Hawaii Claudia Lucia de Moraes Forjaz Camila Fornezari Kamuela, Hawaii US Ideology should not trump empirical evidence, GMOs are safe. The Left broadly has to come to grips with the fact that its radical populist stand against biotechnology may be a profound disservice to the human prospect. Science advocates, in turn, should pay close heed to the dislocation of Brazilian people in the interior and ongoing rainforest destruction. These two concerns need to proceed hand in hand. S_o Paulo Campinas BR BR Scientific research should not be destroyed, and scientists should be respected. Maria Fernanda Forni Swayze Foster MAIZAR-‐ Argentine Corn and Sorghum Association S_o Paulo Memphis BR US Buenos Aires AR Robert Fraley St Louis US Jos_ Carlos Franco FL_VIA FRANCO Lisbon Piracicaba PT BR S_o Paulo US BR Coronel Bogado PY Gary Frewin Judith Frieh Earl Shilton Marietta GB US nayara fritsch Andrija Frlan Joyce Frohn sao gabriel Kastav Oshkosh BR HR US Felix Fru JHB ZA Kirby Funderburke Pilar Carolina G_mez Paniagua Lewisburg Fernando de la Mora US No violence in science. Biotech research is the future of supplying this planet with crops and forests that help solve hunger and supply needs as the population grows. PY Soy estudiante de Ciencias y me gustar_a que mi trabajo sea respetado. Mucha pena por la ignorancia de las personas Peter G_rtner Paul Gaffikin Mateusz Gajda BR GB PL Being against the vandalizing & worst of all this MST is financed by the Brazilian Government!!! Robert Galan Rio da Janeiro ashford Janowice Lexington Park, MD US Scientific agricultural research can save lives by providing abundant food, while protecting the environment with less pesticides. Gary Galbraith Jenna Gallegos Calgary Davis CA US Unfortunately the activists are only interested in promoting their ideology and have no interest in carefully conducted science studies. Alden Franklin Frederico Franz MARCOS JOSUE FRETES SAMANIEGO the recent attacks in Brazil in addition to destruction of Golden Rice fields in the Phillipines and trial in France are unacceptable. We need to stand up for science. I am aggainst vandalism and I just can't watch how somebodys work is beeing destroyed by a group of fanatics. IARA GALLEGUILLOS S_o Paulo BR Many reasons to sign this petition including the fact that we need to find safe ways to save the natural resources that we still have. Biotechnology will certainly help us to get this. LOUREN_O GALLO , Jr BR To condemn vandalism against research projects for political reasons. A antidemocratic act! Priscilla Gallou Ribeirao Preto Hermanville sur mer FRANCE Iva Galvez Washy Gapare Portland Canberra US AU Anna Garber Hammond Camila Garcia Ouro Preto US BR Leticia Garcia Celso Garcia Andrea Garcia s_o paulo Rio de Janeiro S_o Paulo BR BR BR Aileen Garcia Monica Garcia-‐Alonso Laguna Bracknell PH GB Julio Garighan Kevan MA Gartland Porto Alegre Glasgow BR GB Esther Garvett Ezequiel Gasparin Miami Lavras US BR Rebecca Gates Alison Gauthier Ian Gazard Mesfin Nigussie Gebreselassie Ann Geens Agustina Gentile Napier Calgary New York NZ CA US Orl_ans Leuven Vinhedo, SP FR BE BR ANTONIO GERAGE LONDRINA BR Aline Gerage Godelieve Gheysen L V Giddings Florianopolis Gent Washington DC BR BE US ERIN GILCHRIST Sherri Gillespie VANCOUVER Los Gatos CA US M_Bel_n Gimenez Vald_s Thomas Gleason Isaias Glezer Beat glogger Granada West Yarmouth Sao Paulo Winterthur ES US BR CH FR The opposition to biotechnology is one rooted in fear and misunderstanding. True scientific progress should not halt due to the scientific illiteracy and violence of these terrible people. Para garantir que os trabalhos cient_ficos possam ser realizados. Para mim, isso _ crime! Tem que punir conforme a lei! Science is progress. Scientific research should not be vandalised. Allow scientific research To condemn the violence against research facilities in Brazil. Condeno o vandalismo e encorajo os cientistas a continuarem com as pesquisas. without science no knowledge and no future for humanity. violent and ignorant opposition to the greenest agricultural technologies available cannot be tolerated. Scientific research is the hope for our future Science, not pseudoscience! Researcher and supporter. Kim Goetzke orland park US Bruno Gomes Vanessa Goncalves Patos De Minas Gent BR BE Santiago Gonzalez-‐Martinez Madrid ES Alain Goossens BE Gent I am biotechnology student and believe in using their techniques for better global development. Odete Gourd Geoff Gourd Worthing worthing US GB Pra mim foi violencia, nao protestos, falta de respect aos trabalhadores da Suzano. Minha filha trabalha na empresa.Sou contra este tipo de protesto, eu acho que as pessoas tem o direito de protestar e nao vandalizar da forma que fizeram. Parabens aos colaboradores...Brazileiros com solidariedade. Years of research for the good of the planet gone to waste Claudio Gradilone Magali Grando Sao Paulo Passo Fundo BR BR Against vandals. Against violence. I believe that Biotecnology is a technology that is helping us to produce more food and also protect the environment. Amanda Gray Alessandro Greco Cortland Rio de Janeiro US BR David Green Jamie Greenheck New Orleans, LA US US Brian Gregory Philadelphia Rod Griffin Sandy Bay Jacqueline Grima-‐Pettenati Castanet Tolosan US AU FR Angela Grimes Bethesda US Michael Grosz Ellisville, MO US Aaron Grow Leonor Guerra-‐Guimaraes Claudia Guimar_es Fresno Oeiras Sete Lagias US PT BR L_cio Guimar_es Vicosa BR paulo guimara?s Elizabeth Guthrie sete lagoas Webster BR US Bernardo Gutierrez Quito EC Robert Guy Aglika Gyaourova Traci Habenicht Vancouver Talybont seattle CA GB US Fernanda Hackenhaar Heliatrice Hadlich Blake Hall Porto Alegre Curitiba Swift Current BR BR CA Completely against this outrageous and intolerable violence against scientists and scientific progress! Science represents the quest to understand the world around us. The opposite of that is to live in ignorance. I strongly oppose any artificial restrictions on learning, especially through violence. Bioterrorism No! The destruction of scientific facilities can only be the direct product of irrational fear and ignorance. Scientists need to educate people in the benefits of science in a violence-‐free environment, and with their work being respected by the general population. For the sake of the environment, thoughtful science must preside over brute ignorance. Reason for signing Nothing undermines are ability to improve human quality of life quite like destroying and subverting scientific research. Saturnina Halos ROSEVILLE US Katherine Han Kyung-‐Hwan Han Lawrence Hanbrook Mountain View East Lansing Tucson US US US Jacqueline Hancox Justin Hand Bruno Hanel Vilas Boas Sydney Ellensburg Londrina AU US BR Rebecca Haninger IT IS ABOUT TIME SCIENTISTS UNITE AGAINST VANDALISM AND MISINFORMATION ABOUT BIOTECHNOLOGY.THESE ACTIONS PREVENT PEOPLE FROM ENJOYING THE ECONOMIC, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF THE TECHNOLOGY. Support science not violence! Activists have destroyed GMO reseach crops in Australia too, this is appalling behaviour that contributes nothing except bringing disrepute upon the organisations and people that support this juvenile and pathetic form of 'activism'. By freedom of research! US Only ill informed, irrational people motivated by dogma could possibly object to studies in this field of science. By using violence to do so they only undermine their own case just as bullies in the playground do when they know they have lost the argument. Jonathon Harrington Freya Harris Brecon Atlanta GB US Karin Haselbach Takahisa Hayashi Berlin Tokyo DE JP judith hazelton Ronald Heath bennington Johannesburg US ZA R_my Heim Laurie Hein FR US Goetz Hensel Susan Hepp Hilsenheim Homosassa Stadt Seeland/OT Gatersleben Berkeley Axel Hermansson Gothenburg SE michael herron Jeff Hicks Stewart Higgins englewood Sacramento Kitchener US US CA This ignorance must be eliminated... John Hilliard Miami Beach US Ted Hinton Stanley Hirsch Hiawatha Rechovot US IL We must protect scientific efforts to reduce deforestation . Vandalism of GMO research is a Luddite reaction to scientifically accepted technology. These people should be given the choice of permanent incarceration or sterilization. Democracy should be through the ballot box, not by thhe mob Paulo Ho Sao Paulo BR I agree with this petition. Polly E. Holmberg Helgard Holtzhausen Felipe Honorio dos Santos Ithaca Johanneburg College Park US ZA US If you destroy the science, how we will know the answers? Any violent act made out of ignorance should be shunned and shamed by ALL who did NOT partake. Jane Hope Karina Hornslien Louisville oslo US NO DE US Progression of science must be out of violence for th_ global humanity progress I am a scientist, and this is wrong. I love science and progress. I support science and safe gmo to feed the world Cornell Alliance for Science Dhaka BD Monika Huber Tais Huber Karla Huerta AT US US Vienna Cary Davis I strongly agree with the fact that scientific research and facilities should not be destroyed, and scientists should not be subject to threats of violence and intimidation in conducting their work. I respect the science and the researches nothing justifies the vandalism Barbara HUFNAGEL MACIEL Ithaca David Hurtubise Altoona Steven Hussey Pretoria US US ZA I wholly oppose the vandalism committed by anti-‐GM activists recently in Sao Paulo, Brazil Owen Hynes Patr_cia Ianella brasilia IE BR I am a scientist an d I condemn vandalism against science. Camila Ibarra Susan Ienne NH Jundia_ BR BR Denzel Ignacia Paul Ini the hague Sydney NL AU Dirk Inze Fernando Iost Gent davis BE US This scientific experiment aimed at testing plants with less impact on the environment. How can one be against this? MARK IRLE Ongu Isaac Anthony Iwanowski Nantes Kampala Stevens FR UG US I believe in science for the good of the people. Support science, do not sabotage it.That tool you are using is a science product. Nikolas Iwanus Joe Jackson Erik Jacobs Camperdown Eppur si muove st Louis AU US US Andre Jagendorf Ithaca US Hatred of genetic modification by modern methods is irrational and destructive to our hopes for a sustainable world. Aaron Jakabosky Jerry James Fahimeh Jami Eugene Colorado US US ZA Violence is abhorrent especially against science. Denneal Jamison-‐McClung Davis US Stefan Jansson Ume_ SE Klaus-‐Dieter Jany, Prof. Dr. Neusa Japiassu Reina Jara Linkenheim Itaja_ Lima DE BR PE Anna Jasiukiewicz David Jessurun Ostr_w Wlkp. Enschede PL NL i support science and innovation. Stop the lawless vandalism and impunity. Fear and ignorance are at the root of inhumane and destructive actions throughout history. We need to educate the public and policymakers on new technologies, as well as providing support and protection for scientists and engineers laboring to bring new technologies for the public good to the market. Yingnan Jiang CN Kurt Johnsen John Johnson Anthony Johnson Beijing Research Triangle Park Ravenel Waubay Nicky Jones Devon Jones Hilton Cardiff ZA GB Dan Jones Rebecca Jones Calgary Hobart CA AU Emily jones Tim Jones manchester manchester GB GB BEATRIZ JORDAO Renato Jorge Luiz Jose S_o Paulo Campinas Campinas BR BR BR Marcia Jose Chandrashekhar Joshi Campinas Houghton BR US Philippe Joudrier Chris Kadooka Gustavo Kajitani Montpellier Honolulu s_o paulo FR US BR Joni Kamiya Arnulf Kanzler Michael Karban Kaneohe Hilton Sydney US ZA AU Kristofer Karlsson US US US Violence and vandalism is not the answer to making progress in this debate Research is the only way to feed the world. Science is the key to solve many problems within health and human issues. Science is the base for increasing food production and help to feed billions of people. supporting resolution We cannot let ideology destroy opportunities to make our world cleaner and better. I agree with this statement and condemn this sort of intolerance SE Philip Keat Daniel Keathley Jean Kebere Honolulu East Lansing Ouagadougou US US BF jen keegan seminole US June Kendall Drew Kershen Renee Kester Chicago Norman Kaunakakai Quedas do Igua_u/pr S_o Paulo Owen Sound ON US US US Matheus Kielek Aline Kim Jason Kingshott Edward Kirby Stop the violence to scientists. They are trying to make your life better. Decisions should not be made based on emotions. Regardless of what decisions society makes about GE crops, the best science needs to be considered when making the decision. BR BR CA US Support of scientists, science, and scientific research. Anita Klein Durham US Rhonda Klimt Dagmar Knorr Kamuela Chicago US US globalbiosafety Ottawa CA Lucas Koellen Bianca Kojin Sydney S_o Paulo AU BR Ana Paula Korbes Porto Alegre BR Dirk Korneli Maria Luisa Kover Tomasz Kowaltowski duisburg S_o Paulo Campinas, SP DE BR BR Gil Kressmann FR Goran Kuhar Harry Kuiper Paris Santana de Parna_ba Wageningen Renato Kulakowski Cor_ Sudhindra Kulkarni Porto Alegre -‐ RS Kalaburgi BR IN Suzana Kumed Sigute Kuusiene angele L'Heureux Osaka Kaunas edmonton JP LT CA NORMA LABORIE PERPIGNAN FR Thaisa Lacerda J-‐C Lachance franco Lajolo brasilia s_o paulo BR CA BR Marty Landa Sedona US Marty Landa Marty Landa Amanda Lane Sedona Sedona Athens, GA US US US Verna Lang Victoria Peter Langelueddeke Hofheim Maria Fernanda Laranjeira da Silva College Park BR NL CA DE US The burgeoning human population of the 21st century needs much more food, fuel and fiber. Traditional plant breeding, especially for trees, require decades to produce improved varieties. By contrast, Genetic Engineering rapidly improves plants, in a targeted fashion. The resulting GE improved cultivars are safe, especially when grown with ecological reserves of non-‐modified plants. GE technology is essential to increase food and fiber in the 21st century. I stand by scientists and their right to conduct research without harassment and vandalism or destruction to valuable research. There is no justification for destruction of legal, transparent science research. The disruption of regulatory activities weakens government's ability to uphold safety and compliance. Science is for good and Violence is not Eu condeno o vandalismo dos laborat_rios de pesquisa e a interrup?_o associada _ pesquisa de biosseguran_a no Brasil. N_s encorajamos os cientistas a continuarem seu importante trabalho e n_o cederem _ viol_ncia e intimida?_o. I'm a German Engineer, so Science is my life! I agree with the terms of the petition. Concordo com os termos da peti?_o. I fully support the statement against destroying forest biotech research in Brazil Vandalism against science in XXI century! What did heppen with human mind? reason will overcame violence Frankenstein's creature was not the monster. It was the villagers with pitchforks who were the monsters. These vandals are the modern village mob. I condemn such vandalism. Rob Larrison battle creek US Sebastian Larsen Chuck Lasker Holte Kalaheo DK US Frederic Le Gac Sabine Le Gall Plouray Gent FR BE i support research and science. i condemn destruction. Ricardo Leao Britt Lebbing Ribeirao PReto BR US Contra a manipula?_o das pessoas simples para fins escusos e retrograds I work for Monsanto and this is unacceptable! Science is a solution not the problem Camiel Ledderhof P_tia Ledur Alliance for Science Amsterdam Charlottesville NL US US Gentech is not the enemy. It's part of the solution. Peter leGras Anna Lehrman Sydney Sigtuna AU SE Francisco Leisico Serpa PT Martin Lema Peggy Lemaux City Berkeley AR US To stop science vandalization. As the Secretary of the biosafety Commission of Argentina, we are aware of the good work of CTNBIO on safety assessment of plant biotechnology, and not only the methods used to interfere with the Commission were wrong but also the allegued motivations are not real. Support for the scientific research that is being done Gail Leoniak Robert Lessem Stamford Cape Town US ZA I love science! GABRIELA LEVITUS Aleksandra Lewandowska BUENOS AIRES Gent AR PL Ann Lewis Karin Lewis Morag Lewis Isaura Leybaert Whitby Markham Cambridge Sint-‐Gillis-‐Waas CA CA GB BE Elisa Leyva st Louis US Jingyi Li Karina Lima Michelle Lima San Diego porto alegre Porto Alegre US BR BR Tha_na Lima M_rcia Lin_ Itapetininga Passo Fundo BR BR Richard Lindroth Terri Lipanovic Zongrang Liu Richard Lobinske Madison Whitianga Kenysville Crawfordville US NZ US US Activism is an effort to convince others to a particular position. Violence like this is terrorism, not activism. Pursuing science should not have to be an act of courage. Intimidation tactics can only set humanity back. I'm a plant scientist and I believe that GM crop research is essential for sustainable agriculture Violence and vandalism are never the answer when you protest something. You get dismissed like a toddler having a tantrum. With sadly much more damage. And we all know what happens when we give in to a tantrum... Such a catastrophic setback is bad for everybody, there's not a single explanation worthy of justifying this crime.. In support of Science Science is, essentially, the human capacity for wonder and curiosity structured in a way to improve our understanding of the world. We must never stifle wonder and curiosity. Mark Locy Denver US Sue Loesch-‐Fries Rachel long Maria Longatto West Lafayette Bristol Piracicaba US GB BR Karina Lopes Thais Lopes Piracicaba Porto Alegre BR BR Lucas Lopes Rita Lopes Campinas Lisboa BR PT Pedro I. Lopez caroline lord Monterrey london MX GB I stand up for science in the face of violence. Biotech has the potential to significantly accelerate projects of social progress. Ricardo Louro Fernanda Lovato Hugo Lowenstein PT BR US Estes acontecimentos mostram claramente que a ignor_ncia fica muito mais cara do que a educa?_o. Bras_lia San Mateo Mengzhu Lu Luis Lu_vano Beijing S_o Paulo CN BR Science and new technology should not be perturbed by violence! Claudio Lucchesi baucher lucien-‐jacques Campinas, SP bruxelles BR BE just take a look at the picture, I am (an ashamed) Brazilian Lya luft Juleane Lunardi porto alegre Porto Alegre US BR I am agalinhar this violebcr Eva Luursema gmail gmail Amsterdam Oxford Oxford NL GB GB gmail Oxford GB Backing science. Vandalism is unacceptable. Research work should receive respect and support, not attacks and destruction. Shame on the vandals who did this. strongly against the violence for biotech research in Brazil I do believe in sience. I am against all type of violance. Kristen Ma Cathleen Ma Corvallis US US leila macedo Maria Thereza Macedo Pedroso Carol Maghakian rio de janeito BR Bras_lia Myrtle Beach BR US Allison Makulec Cherry Valley US Maria Antonia Malajovich F_lvia Manchado Gobatto Rio de Janeiro Rio Claro BR BR Arnaldo Mandel S_o Paulo BR Because i'm a scientist. And I work with biotechnology too. I agree with the petition. Defending science! This is so sad. The anti-‐science crowd asks for more testing, but when scientists try, their work is destroyed. Eu condeno o vandalismo dos laborat_rios de pesquisa e a interrup?_o associada _ pesquisa de biosseguran_a no Brasil. N_s encorajamos os cientistas a continuarem seu importante trabalho e n_o cederem _ viol_ncia e intimida?_o. The vandals don't read petitions and governments are afraid of the so called "movimentos sociais". The petition is moot, but I agree with the cerms. Victoria Manny Buenos Aires AR Shawn Mansfield Vancouver CA Debra Mansperger Mkhululi Maphosa Tempe Pretoria US ZA Marina Mar_ola S_o Paulo S_o Jos_ dos Campos Orl_ans BR Paula Marchetti Roberto Marcondes Cesar J_nior Santa Maria BR S_o Paulo BR ROGERIO MARGIS Miriam Markus PORTO ALEGRE S.Paulo BR BR Regina Markus Lucas Marmitt Dias S_o Paulo Porto Alegre BR BR Luiza Marques Joaquim Marques Fernanda Marques da Cunha Carapicuiba Pullman, WA BR US S_o Paulo BR Maria Marquez bogota CO Phill Martin Alexander Martin Charnwood Toowong AU AU Kim Martin Carlos Martinho Maria Rita Martins Calgary Jundiai Botucatu CA BR BR Aurea Martins Bach S_o Paulo BR Clet Wandui Masiga Dawn Mason Kampala Pottsville UG US Rafa? Maszkowski Warszawa PL Luciano Marani Alexandre Marchal Robbyn Mattei Cape Town Im very much concerned in ending hunger while counting with sustainable methods; this can only be reached with science based technology, real knowledge, and responsibility. I find vandalism, most of all, irresponsible, and careless of human needs. Open public dialogue is the appropriate media for demonstrating ones dislike of actions, violence and terrorist acts do nothing for improving working relationships and the advancement of science. BR FR ZA We should not allow that obscure prejudices lead to violence against science, which is one of the most important and beautiful humankind contributions to the cosmos. I also consider an act of vandalism and violence what happened against forest biotech research in Brazil and would expect a positive and effective action of government to protect companies that work in areas of research and development. Scientific Research can not give up in to violence Scientific research is there for the benefit of people and the planets future. Seeing mindless, destructive protests like this in Brasil make me wonder how long we will survive a species without science. Scientific knowledge is a prize for humanity. The purpose of research is to generate information for decision making. Destroying research therefore is denying people access to information which should not be tolerated in the 21st century. Fear of Science and Technology will always exist in those who refuse to understand and acknowledge our achievements... Scientists and Researchers need to unite against violence in our fields and begin to place pressure upon the "authorities" to implement harsher laws against violent behaviour by anti-‐science fundamentalists... Jim Mattsson Burnaby CA Agree fully with the letter I have been working on a project to restore the American chestnut using genetic engineering. I know how I would feel if anti-‐gmo freaks, destroyed my 25 years of research! The future depends on researches Charles Maynard Marcos Maziero Malta Kyron McAllister Syracuse, NY Guaratinguet_ Chicago US BR US Alliance for Science Heather McClurg Spencer St. Louis US US Biotech forestry is the wave of the future. Eucalyptus is an eminently sustainable crop. Vandals should be prosecuted. Susan McCord Cary US John McHugh Mililani US John McHugh Mililani US Vandalism and violence is not a path to civil discourse. This trend is outrageous! In Hawaii papaya farmers have had thousands of their GE Rainbow papaya trees cut down by those who call themselves "Eco Warriors". They have no respect for the time, effort, money, and love that the farmers put in to their crops. This destruction of GE material in Brazil is a sad commentary on the lack of science understanding in the world today. The people who have done this deed have done it out of fear. That fear is born from the fact that they have a lack of understanding of science. Those of us who are scientists need to do a better job of educating those who are not to avoid this type of scenario being played out over and over again! Violence is not the answer to any problem or issue. It gives those opposed to this science of biotechnology a "black eye" and reduces any credibility they might have on the world stage. Alan McHughen Gail McMullen Ernst Mecke Riverside Los Angeles Helsinki/Finland US US FI Alessandra Medeiros Saskia Medeiros Nickel Santos Porto Alegre -‐ RS BR BR Richard Meilan Liliana Mello West Lafayette Indiana s_o paulo US BR Brian Melton Boise US Carlos F M Menck Sao Paulo BR sandra Mendes Sandra Mendes Regina Menezes Videira S_o Jos_ Lisbon BR BR PT Berlis Menossi Cambar_ BR Vanessa Mercer Gabriela Merker Breyer Jayson Merkley Noosa Heads Porto Alegre Salem, OR AU BR US It is perfectly acceptable for people to have varying opinions. However, our differences should be resolved in a civil manner. We cannot let a strident, lawless few dictate the wishes of the majority. Hopefully the ringleaders of these violent acts can be identified and brought to justice. I agree totally in this research Scientists shouldn't have to live in fear of threats of violence and terrorism against them, their families, and the facilities in which they work. Pesquisa cient_fica n_o pode ser um privil_gio de pa_ses ricos. Temos que ter nossas pr_prias ideias, em especial com plantas transg_nicas, para n_o continuar com a postura de col_nia. Os movimentos do MST s_o pouco informados e querem aparecer na m_dia, criando problemas que prejudicam o pr_prio pa_s. I stand for evidence based science, not mob vigilantism based on superstition and fear. Nuno Metello Cascais PT Ritesh Mewalal Martin Michaud Pretoria bois-‐des-‐filion ZA CA Joel Mickelson Joplin US Stephen Midgley Celia Miguel Farrer Oeiras AU PT Bj_rm Mikalsen Heloize Milano B_mlo Piracicaba NO BR Danielle Miles Craig Millard East Lansing Houston US US Euclydes Minella PASSO FONDO, RS BR Beth Minner St Peters US Martha Miranda Brian Misera Passo Fundo Port Coquitlam BR CA Jackie Mitchell Kathryn Mitchell Mission Viejo Wichita US US Hezi Mizrachi Martin Moder DURBAN Vienna ZA AT MARIA MODKOVSKI passo fundo rs BR Luis Molina Robin Molnar Mateus Mondin Guatemala Petrosani Piracicaba GT RO BR Antonio Monforte valencia ES PATRICIA BRANT MONTEIRO SAO PAULO Renato Monteiro Junior Rio de Janeiro BR BR Bonnie Montleon Brockton US Yuri Montorso Daniel Montoya Robyn Moody S_o Paulo Calgary BR CO CA Vicente Moraes Piero Morandini Piracicaba Milan BR IT We can be civil even if we have a difference of opinion. More importantly, sound evidence to prove a cause is necessary. The furthering of agricultural science is vital to meet human and environmental needs. Vandalism does not contribute to Brazilian prosperity. Masked hoodlums do little to foster good science I support continued technological advancement. Scientific research and facilities should not be destroyed, and scientists should not be subject to threats of violence and intimidation in conducting their work. Science is important and scientists should not have to fear violence or the destruction of their research. Against dark age people, that are violent and stupid. Interesting that science is good for them when they sick, injured and enjoy all other technological advancement that stems from scientific research. Science must not give in to violence There is no reason for violence I'm a Brazilian Scientist and I'm working to Food Safety not only for Brazil but for the world; and I'm against any kind of violence. SCIENCE SHOULD BE RESPECTED AND PROTECTED AND ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE SHOULD BE STOPPED. For the Vandals receive adequate punishment and continue not being treated as revolutionary heroes. Violently opposing to a useful technology that can help people, including poor people, means damaging them. I_m a citizen concerned about the future of the environment. Some of us have just arrived to this world, so we still have a lot to live, some people are about to leave, are you gonna leave us in a ruined world? I will defend my right to live against any majority anywhere, anytime Raymundo Moreno Distrito Federal MX jacopo mori Mike Morjoy Amanda Morotti capannori Lovettsville piracicaba IT US BR i agree Howard Morris Mountain Creek AU Jane Morris Jenny Mortimer Richmond Berkeley GB US The violent and or destructive protests by opponents of GM technology needs to be opposed in every way possible. As a scientist who has been involved in the development of the technology I believe in a true science based approach, the vandalism is based on ignorance. ADOLFO MOTA Hans Motte MANAUS Ghent BR BE Scheila Mucha Dianna Mullen Porto Alegre Kearney BR US Veridiana Munford sao Paulo BR Jupiter Israel Muro Abad Fabiola Muro Villanueva San Carlos Lafayette, IN VE US Chandrasekhara Rao N Sanushka Naidoo New Delhi Gauteng IN ZA Rashmi Nair Yucel Nalbantoglu St. Louis, MO Helsinki US FI Sadanandan Nambiar Simone Nardin Weis Canberra Brasilia AU BR Nelson Nardo Junior Rubens Nascimento Vivian Nascimento Maringa Bras_lia S_o Paulo BR BR BR Zander Navarro Bras_lia BR I work with Science and I conden everything violence way. I respect any think different of mine, but The convencimen must be with date and facts. I am distressed by the lack of education regarding GM technology and condemn the vandalism on years of quality research. I was very disappointed to read about this development in Brazil. Brazil has made so much progress on adoption of innovative Agricultural technologies to improve productivity. Everything I have read indicates that there has been significant economic gains from adoption of these technologies and I fail to understand how this violent activity will help. I strongly urge more dialogue to understand the concerns that drove people to take this action. Rashmi Nair Genetic improvements of plants and farm animals have helped humanity in immeasurable ways over our history. Had we not pursued the path of science and technology we would be starving for food today. Science technology on their own do not solve human problems but they are central to our civilization. Science and technology around GM plants offer many opportunities for improving productivity with environmental care. Vandalism of the kind reported in this petition is unacceptable in any society and nation. Brazil is a leader in sustainable forestry and pursuit of of this science is a part of that journey. As a biological scientist I urge the Government of Brazil and it's great people to hold those vandals accountable for this action and take preventive actions against such violent methods and to support progress in Brazilian science. That is not the way they will make a society better. That is insanity. I don_t agree with vandalism IFEOMA NDEFO ABUJA NG Jeff Neilson Honeymoon Bay CA Wolfgang nellen David Nelson Kassel Athens DE US David Nelson Lisa Neste Newborough High Point AU US I TOTALLY CONDEMN ANY FORM OF VANDALISM AGAINST BIOTECH RESEARCH.EVERY SCIENCE SHOULD BE GIVEN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO EITHER SWIM OR SINK. Violence against science is violence against freedom and democracy. If we do not stand up we will abolish education and rational thinking in favor of "gut feeling" and propaganda. The real understanding has to be reach by studing and evaluating the benefits and possible negative or positive impacts of a new tecnology. Let's aim for a better future for our kids, providing them the best tecnology possible, we get have crops ready to face upcoming enviromental changes in a way to provide the basical needs of the growing population. Rodrigo Neves Graca Itapetininga BR Ruth Newby Nottingham GB Livingstone Nganga Faith Nguthi Davis Nairobi US KE I support science. GMOs are not evil. They are based on sound science. Anti-‐GMO activists should first try to understand the science of GMO. Then, they will appreciate the good that GMOs bring to the world. Allow scientists to innovate Antonio Nhani, Jr Martina Nickel Thomas Nickson Passo Fundo Porto Alegre St. Louis BR BR US Such terrorism must end, and governments must do their part to end it. Heiner Niemann Ove Nilsson Mariensee Ume_ DE SE Lindokuhle Nkambule ZA Francisco G Nobrega Michael Noel Pretoria S_o Jos_ dos Campos Sao Jose dos Campos SP12227-‐ 560 Pullman, WA Ana Cl_udia Nogueira Lisbon PT Daniel Norero christiane notte Santiago Merelbeke CL BE Carolina Novaes Goiania BR Evandro Novaes Concepci_n Novillo Carolina Nunes M_nica Nunes Goi_nia Madrid Lisbon Lisboa BR ES PT PT Maria Nunes Lisboa PT Francisco Nobrega BR Always against senseless terrorism BR US This is terrorism and the organization should be punished along with the perpetrators Disruption of science for no reason is unacceptable. Eu condeno o vandalismo dos laborat_rios de pesquisa e a interrup?_o associada _ pesquisa de biosseguran_a no Brasil. N_s encorajamos os cientistas a continuarem seu importante trabalho e n_o cederem _ viol_ncia e intimida?_o. We need science and research and we should condemn any type of vandalism. Because... Science! Carlos Gustavo Nunes Silva Manaus BR jorge Nunez Ferrer Marie nyman Brussels BE SE Matthew O'Mara Nir Oksenberg Washington Davis US US Santo Andr_ US BR Daniel okulitch Thiago Ol_vio We need education and science based decisions, for science and its ability to address challenges for the future. Science is not the enemy. I strongly condemn the act of ignorance performed against science and yet challenges are on an increase.So i see them as losers of this the battles of science in that they lack scientific based facts to explain their hidden intentions, physical destruction was the option. So scientific researchers continue your work and do not give in to intimidation from science haters.They will be fine with time and accept the reign of science. expedito olimi Kampala UG Lucas Oliveira Marcus Oliveira An_polis Bras_lia BR BR M. Margarida Oliveira ANA CHRISTINA DE OLIVEIRA DIAS Susana Olvera Oeiras PT Porto Alegre Mexico BR MX Geraldo oppenheim Mar_a Orjuela Maria Ortega Sao Paulo M_xico Athens, GA BR MX US Camille Ortiz s_o paulo BR Science is the best way for progress. fausto Ortiz Aubrey Owens D P Lilian Padilha Gent Albuquerque F campinas BE US US BR I am totally against any kind of violence and this kind of vandalism can not be tolerated. Danielle Paiva Fort Collins US Jorge Almiro Paiva David Palmer Helen Palmer IBET Bury St Edmunds Largo PT GB US Gabriela Paludo Porto Alegre BR Rommel John Panal Mercedes Panizzi Tula Parada Mandaluyong Passo Fundo Peor es Nada PH BR CL Julien Kaven Parcou Jos_ anibal parody Victoria cali SC CO Violence is never an answer. Science over ignorance. I signed this because I believe GMOs need more testing. Porque la ciencia es quien no a permite permiti_ y permitir_ vivir mejor! It is time to respect science, scientists, and the scientific process. I particularly condemn those who spread the misinformation that incites others to violence. Wayne Parrott Athens US Giancarlo Pasquali Gisele Passaia Porto Alegre, RS Porto Alegre BR BR Diogo Patr_o s_o caetano do sul BR Samantha Pauketat S_rgio Paulino Margaret Payne St. Peters Carnaxide Walla Walla US PT US People who intentionally destroy transgenic plants before their impact can be studied do not understand genetics. Peter Pearson Jonas Pedersen Lydia Pedretti Werneck de Avellar Lydia Pedretti Werneck de Avellar Lydia Pedretti Werneck de Avellar Lydia Pedretti Werneck de Avellar Sao Paulo Aarhus N BR DK This is not just violence but scientific terrorism, the last resort of persons incapable of rational debate. Research in GMOs and crops os vital for a sustainable human civilization. Brasil BR Eu condeno esse vandalismo,precisamos de pesquisas. Brasil BR Brasil BR Brasil BR Javier Pedroza Bustamante Medell_n CO Marie PEGARD betty pelgas Georges PELLETIER Orleans KIGALI Versailles FR RW FR Andre Pelletier Valziria Peloia Fredericton S_o Paulo CA BR Maria isabel Penteado Giana Peranio-‐Paz Eliana Pereira Campinas Hendersonville S_o paulo BR US BR Juliana Biar Pereira Campinas BR Paulo Pereira Rodrigo Pereira Marion Pereira da Rocha Passo Fundo S_o Paulo Santa Cruz do Sul BR BR BR Lara Pereira Garc_a Sebastian Pereyra Barcelona C_rdoba ES AR Jean-‐Claude PERNOLLET Versailles FR Support scientific research and condem vandalism. I believe in science and everything it has done for humanity. I also think that civilized discussi_n rather than violence is the key to the enrichment of both sides of the debate. Science is not the enemy, and humanity should already know that by now. As a scientist and strong science advocate, I find this incredibly disheartening. What is this? The Inquisition? Estoy absolutamente en contra de actos fundamentalistas de vandalismos e intolerancia. GM plants are one of the essentiel tools to help producing enough food for humanity in the near future ; attemps to stop research in this field will have dramatic consequences, principally for developping countries. Raquel Peron Piracicaba BR roberto perroni Gary Peter surrey Gainesville CA US Michael Peter Johannesburg Caity Peterson ZA Do not agree with vandalism on research facilities Research and development is the primary vehicle enabling humanity to meet our infinite needs from our finite resources in a sustainable way. The FAO has been asked to facilitate rational dialogue on the subject of molecular research in forestry so that we avoid the disasters seen in agriculture. This demonstration suggests that the call should have been heeded sooner. US I am an advocate for biotechnology and scientific research, and roundly condemn obstructions to such, particularly when of a violent and ideologically motivated nature. Kyle Phalen Sonia Phillips Fredericksburg Pretoria US ZA Mindy Phypers Bev Pickars Tucson Salmon Arm US CA Patr_cia Picolotto Eric Pierce Porto Alegre Colorado Springs BR US Carla Pimentel Desre Pinard Coimbra Pretoria PT ZA Science should not be held hostage by ignorance. Marcel Pinheiro Waterloo Madrid, Espa_a, Europa Lavras CA Vandalization of science flies in the face of an informed society, instead favouring one based in fear and ignorance. Vila Flor Toronto Helsinki Gent PT CA FI BE Contra a impunidade da viol_ncia obscurantista, o clima de intimida?_o anti-‐democr_tico, e o retrocesso social. Rajesh Ponnusamy Balasubramanian Ponnuswami Lindsay Poppe Lisbon PT Violence is no answer for anything ! Coimbatore Leuven IN BE Science should be dealt with only by science, never by violence. Diogo Porto Petrolina BR William Powell Syracuse US This is outrageous. The anti-‐GMO groups that spread misinformation about genetic engineering are just as much to blame as the misguided people who did this. Channapatna Prakash Chris Preston Auburn Adelaide US AU Violence against science and destruction of research property should be opposed in the strongest possible terms There is no excuse for this sort of vandalism and threats of violence. Frances Prevas Lawndale US Loren Price Kelowna CA Flora Pino Garc_a Jos_ Alvim Pinto Jr Ant_nio Carlos Pinto Oliveira Victoria Pitchford Aileen Pitko Jacob Pollier Science needs to be protected from actions of radicals ES BR This is a great example of the hypocrisy of the anti GMO movement, saying they want more testing while at the same time destroying research. Nick Price Arlington US Rafael Prieto Bruckner vi_osa BR Lizzie Prusaczyk Rebecca Pugh Benton Oakwood US CA Kris Punke MacKenzie Purcell Elizabeth purcell Las Cruces Austin Mililani US US US Maria Quecine Annabel Quinet Piracicaba S_o Paulo BR BR Audrius Radziunas K_benhavn NV DK Ana Rafael Vasu Raghavachari Lisbon Mumbai PT IN Lyle Ralston S_o Paulo Brazil BR Venkatasamy Rama Krishna La Gaulette GMOs need to be thoroughly researched, not destroyed before we can learn anything. The world is changing and science is our only way of keeping up. Those who think going back to the "ways of the past" forget that we no longer live in the past. It's time to discover the future. Logic, not violence, must help move us forward! Unsubstantiated fears about GM/GMOS only work to prompt violence and destruction. We must work to educate people and stop allowing such gross acts of ignorance set us back. I support GM testing (and science!) we need to take care of the technology and those working with it to meet the needs of our future selves Scientists are trying to develop the society we're live today and find new economic and ecological ways of improve nowadays technology. The investigation process is something that can take years, sometime even a life, It's very wrong destroy someone passion and work like that, when they are improving our lives! I give a damn about science.... I am troubled by the apparent growing antipathy toward science globally. I am especially disturbed by the actions against scientists and the destruction of their research. Such actions must be stopped. MU Kandukuri Raman Gerardo Ramirez Andressa Ramos Ithaca Cali Sao Paulo US CO BR R_mulo Augusto Ramos Nahiran Ramos Caruzo Holambra S_o Paulo BR BR Jagresh rana Daniel Rancourt Alfredo Rau St. Louis Gatineau Porto Alegre US CA BR Mariana Rau christianne ravagnani Porto Alegre CUIABA BR BR Monica Ravanello Fairfield US Without research we will not be able to feed the ever growing world population. Law makers all over the hand should join hands with researchers to ensure that people who vandalize scientific trials approved by the government regulatory bodies are condemned and punished. Stop science ignorance, stop the fear. I disagree with all type of violence, mainly when it is pushed by politician reasons. In Brazil, we are facing this kind of sad violence. Violence against to science which will impact the future. scientific research is key for progress of humanity and we must stop extremist stopping scientific research. Junk science and fear mongering will only take our society back. Scientific experiments needs to be done. This non sense need to stop! Violence stops scientific progress. In this case it resulted in the loss of many years of technology development. I condemn this type of vandalism. Jeremy Rawley Lewes, DE US Brad Reddekopp Jesse Redden Hazelton Squamish CA CA Mina Regen David Regen S_o Paulo Nashville US US Juliana Rehfeld Seth Reimer S_o Paulo Sioux City BR US Karen Remnant mario RESENDE Marcio Resende Southampton Lavras Gainesville GB BR US Manuel Rey Melissa Reynolds Vigo Pretoria ES ZA Jorge Rezende Adriana Ribas Piracicaba Santa Maria BR BR Tales ribeiro Cintia Ribeiro curitiba Chesterfield, MO BR US We are open to conversation. Lets talk and be transparent about science. Violence and vandalism are not the answer. Rita Ribeiro BE Reason for signing Marcia Ribeiro Emerson Ribeiro Leuven New Smyrna Beach Bras_lia US BR because I'm against the violence , of any kind!! I believe in sciense and in scientis!! Bianca Ribeiro Rhianna Ricard C_ndido Ricardo Ghent Kenora Oeiras BE CA PT Only through research it is possible to understand the benefits of biotechnology and avoid eventual dangers Lynn Richardson Hilo US As a farmer I can see that all options should be carefully studied as we chart our future. Janice Rickert Mueller Agnes Ricroch Derek Ridsdale Tucson Paris Calgary US FR CA Because Science is one of the most important things ever. Alexandre Rieger Bridget Rigas Santa Cruz do Sul Ithaca BR US Philippe Rigault Jonas Rios Rodrigo Ritter Quebec Vi_psa CA BR BR M_rcia Rizzo Teresina BR I condemn the vandalism of scientific research by MST steven robbens Gent BE Michael Robin Saskatoon CA give science a chance Science must be protected if we are to obtain the knowledge to guide our laws and policies. We cannot let our societies be bullied by activist mobs. To end the war on progress by the ignorant. There are many other ways and forae to combat transgenics, violence is not an option No violence against science!! Marc Robinson-‐Rechavi Lausanne CH Claudio Robredo Lucia Roda Buenos Aires Madrid AR ES Don't let Brazil become like most of Europe, where GMO field studies are impossible for fear of violence. David Roden Brisotl GB Juan Pedro Rodr_guez Mafalda Rodrigues Zaragoza Massam_ ES PT Marcela Rodrigues Dean Rogers S_o Paulo Campbelltown BR AU Isaac Roitman Elisson Romanel Bras_lia Lorena BR BR Joerg Romeis Pamela Ronald Danielle Roodt Regensdorf UC davis Pretoria CH US ZA Margarida Rosa PT Gabriel Rosa Lisboa Santa Maria da Feira PT Because being able to do research without the fear of violence and intimidation is also a form of freedom of expression. Dino Rosati daniele rosellini Jamey Rosen Toronto Perugia Guelph CA IT CA Violence solves nothing. Science solves problems. I am a scientist and I stand against violence an freedom of research carla rosenberg Daniela Rossi Cristiano Rossi S_o Paulo Pomezia (Roma) Porto Alegre BR IT BR Pierre Rouz_ Ghent BE Harry Roy Troy US Paul Rozanski Philippe Rozenberg Mississauga Orleans CA FR Patricia Rozenchan S_o Paulo BR Clara Rubinstein Buenos Aires AR Katia RUEL Le Cheylas FR FEDERICO RUIZ Jenny russinova Cami Ryan Huelva gent ES BE CA Those who do not care about truth or the development of our capacities are a danger both to our civilsation and our planet. In a rapidly altering environment we need to explore all viable technological options while remaining tolerant and open in debate. We are struggling with the same anti-‐science vandalisms here in Europe Whatever the purpose of research, whatever one's belief, Science and public scientific investigations should be respected allover the world. This is among the most essential values for humanity. Should I say that I consider myself as a "green" : no excuses ! Science is the only reliable means we have at finding out what the world is really like. Those who would destroy scientific work are against knowledge, against wisdom, and should be stopped. The only way to prove anything is by conducting research. This prevents any conclusions one way or another from being reached. Also, destruction of property is a criminal act and scientist should not be subject to criminal behaviors. I am a scientist in the biotech field, bust above all, a citizen against all forms of violence I worked on consequences of genetic modifications of plants and I Have been exposed to the same type of vandalism by supposed "ecologists" who destroyed part of our experimental material.I strongly resent this type of violence. I am forestry scientist and I condemn the violence. Jo_o S_ Lisboa PT Juliana Sacilotti Robert Saik Piracicaba Red Deer BR CA Fabiano Salgueiro Jeremy Salmon Rio de Janeiro Portland BR US Luis Salvatierra Ch Guayaquil EC Leon Sampaio Roberta Sampaio Rio de Janeiro BR BR Jan Sandstr_m Iv_n Santandreu V_ster_s Chuchunco City SE CL Izulme Santos Ricardo Santos Rita Santos Bras_lia-‐DF Lisbon Lisboa BR PT PT Tiago Sartor Cristina Sato Winkworth Porto Alegre S_o Paulo BR BR Mohammad Sayari Catia Sazaki Lucas Schappo Pretoria Campinas Florian_polis ZA BR BR Oliver Schauer Charles Scheel J_ssica Scherer Vienna San Jose Porto Alegre AT US BR Jan Schjetne Oslo NO Mike Schmitt christine Schneebeli Marc Schoenberg Virginia Geneva Farmington HIlls US CH US Alliance for Science Evanston US Don't be intimidated! Continue your very important research! Benjamin Schram Alex Schreyer Geoff Schuler Perry Amherst Gympie US US AU Ecoterrorists should not be allowed to disrupt research. Craig Schumacher gina schwartz gina schwartz gina schwartz Tired of Green Blob tactics. Supporter of science development in general, currently studying to become a biotechnologist. Property damage and threats toward innocent people should not be handle in a soft way, lot of time and money had been lost due to this event. This disgusts me Scientifically illiterate people should not use their ignorance as an excuse to spread hate. I'm a microbiologist and strongly think this vandalism that happened on 5th of March in Brazil was a clear violation of all scientific oath. I hope by signing this petition nothing like this happen in future. Science not violence AU US Ny VI US science Scinotvi I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not to give in to violence and intimidation. Ronald Sederoff Raleigh US RICARDO SEDIYAMA Vila Vela BR Danielle Seeger Juan Segura Pretoria Burjasot ZA ES Marisa Sergi Edouard severing Bikash Shakya Ithaca wageningen West Lafayette US NL US I like to support anti-‐violence in science. Owain Shave laura sheppard Highgate staffs AU GB Science benefits all of mankind. shaun sheppard Michael Shintaku virginia beach Hilo US US Dee Shneiderman Tom Sieprath WINSTON-‐SALEM US Ghent BE Adalsteinn Sigurgeirsson Marilia Silva Reykjavik Passo Fundo IS BR Nathalia Cristina Silva Sara Silva Ernesto Silva Piracicaba Oeiras Vi_osa BR PT BR Fernanda Silva Danielle Silva Luciano Silva Warminster Uberl_ndia Fortaleza US BR BR Marcio Silva-‐Filho Piracicaba BR Amanda Silveira Azia Singh Lineu Siqueira Jr Aracaju Rawdon Piracicaba BR GB BR Mick slate townsville AU Gancho Slavov Aberystwyth GB Bernard Slippers Pretoria ZA Jason Smith Creston CA Shaun Smith Hannah Smith Thannya Soares Kirstyn Soderberg Dub Ithaca Goi_nia Puyallup IE US BR US People don't fully understand biotechnology and its applications therefore protest ignorantly. This research is actually fundamental to human well being Science Not Violence!I agree I support the cause. Against vandalism based on terrorism and politics Scientific research and facilities should not be destroyed, and scientists should not be subject to threats of violence and intimidation in conducting their work. I support science Jean Somera General Santos City PH I fully support the science of biotechnology because this is the main tool for us to feed 9B people in 2020 Guo-‐qing Song Emily Sorensen Marcelo Soria East Lansing Edmond Buenos Aires US US AR IN SCIENCE, WE TRUST! Thais Soroka Bruna Sorroche S_o Paulo Assis BR BR Pastor Javier Soto Eduardo Souza Pelotillehue TAMPA CL US Everton Souza noemia souza Guaratinguet_ Piracicaba BR BR I work in P&D and I know how hard is develop a agricultural products Contra o vandalismo!! Nadja Souza Pinto Read Spear Beny Spira S_o Paulo Longmont BR US BR Do not let these simpletons send humanity to the pre-‐science dark ages Antanas Spokevicius Emma Spurgin Hussey Ballarat Truro AU GB Suneet Srivastava Kate St.Onge Toronto edmonton CA CA Simon Stael barbara stamp Ghent bloomington BE US Fabio Stanchi Leuven BE Jesse Starbuck Minneapolis US Dorothy Steane Hobart AU Amanda Steffen Lorenz Steininger Bo Stevens Ben Stone Joinville hohenwart Flagstaff BR DE US US Jim Stone Amanda Stone Joplin, Missouri Theys US FR Sooike Stoops Austin Strauss Ghent NEWTOWN BE US Steven Strauss Corvallis US Reason for signing It is important that this testing continue. It is important that people understand that GM crops are safe and require fewer inputs than similar non-‐GM plants. Testing is an important way to verify and refine these benefits. I oppose vandalism of any kind. There are more constructive ways to express one's dislike of genetic modification. Given the state of the planet, GM may be very useful for sustaining humans in the long term, unless they would like to forego their creature comforts and, more importantly, reduce the human population significantly (i.e., stop having babies). #ScientistsArePeople I support biotechnology. This vandalism is significant far beyond the material value of the plants. The loss of this resource will have greatly extended ramifications. Brazilian officials must prosecute this crime aggressively. Open communication, and demonstrations, are welcome so that all views are considered. But violence that destroys trees and disrupts open deliberation has no place in a democratic society. Alfonso Suarez Bogota CO Golda Summers Lisa Sundin Brooklin Gent US SE No a cualquier tipo de violencia. Jens Sundstr_m Judith Susser Uppsala B'klyn SE US Valerie Suwanseree Ayutthaya TH Steffen Sveegaard Jessica swain Svenstrup J moreheas city DK US Jeremy Sweet Cambridge GB valerie swenson Douglas Swenson park city Minneapolis, MN US US Jussi Tammisola Helsinki FI Kei Marcos Tanaami Philippe Tanguay Sao Paulo Quebec BR CA Viol_ncia e obscurantismo n_o podem prevalecer. Viva a ci_ncia! Viva o conhecimento! Daniel Tanure Ben_cio Marthin Tarigan Belo Horizonte Pekan Baru BR ID Enough of moronic Luddites stalling progress for no reason. That was an act against science and against nature. Reason for signing Barbara Taylor Cesar Tejeda Corvallis Los Angeles US US Bianca Telini Mariana Telles Eric Tergerson Porto Alegre Goi_nia Eugene BR BR US Carlos Termignoni Porto Alegre BR Bob Thomas Carol Thompson Myrtle Creek South Park US US Jordan Thomson Port of Spain TT Cristiane Tibola Casiane Tibola Lianne Todd Itapetininga Passo Fundo Otterville BR BR CA Gianluca Tondi Kuchl AT Libert Brice Tonfack Pretoria ZA The Brazilian National Biosafety Technical Commission was trying to evaluate if the trees were safe. If you want to know if they are a threat, please let the commission do its work The scientific iliteracy has reached a dangerous level -‐ we must not be intimidated by it! People are stalling progress and innovation There is a large underclass of disadvantaged and landless people in Brazil. Turning their anger and frustration against biotech research is exploiting their emotions and will not help them. These people need to be engaged in the process of developing Brazil's economy by supporting innovation and enterprise aimed at improving agricultural and forest productivity with minimal environmental impact. Anti-‐science violence needs to stop! Progress in Life Sciences must be protected from the vandalism of the anti-‐science organizations. That I have teached recurrently for 45 years in my plant breeding lectures in Finnish universities. thats just too absurd. Science is how we test for safety and effectiveness. Don't destroy science, it's for everyone. As an advocate of science, particularly biotechnology, these ideologically-‐driven attacks are appalling. It is time for the scientific community to stand up to these criminals, rather than roll over and submit. Os manifestantes nao tem propositos claros e a pesquisa de longo prazo, nao pode ser comprometida por pessoas sem causa. Research=Evolution. Vandalize it is crazy. Development and Human Well-‐being of tomorrow strictly depend on Science of today. Plant and forest Biotechnology have so far helped to better understand what nourish the world, make live possible and improve well-‐being by creating new products and renewable energy. By destroying one experiment, you kill Science, delay the development and improve hunger and poverty. Jim Tosh Fernie CA Valmor Tricoli ute trowell S_o Paulo kalymnos BR GR Chung-‐Jui Tsai Athens US stefanie tschegg I abhour this behaviour , I hope they are arrested for their criminal actions . I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not to give in to violence and intimidation. Eu condeno o vandalismo dos laborat_rios de pesquisa e a interrup?_o associada _ pesquisa de biosseguran_a no Brasil. N_s encorajamos os cientistas a continuarem seu importante trabalho e n_o cederem _ viol_ncia e intimida?_o. AT Wendy Tucker Hale Tufan Vienna Cambridge, Ontario Ithaca Gian Maria Turi Joe Turk Athens Las Vegas, NV GR US Brett Tyler Corvallis US Ignorance is not bliss. It's just stupid. Anti-‐Science has no right to stop progress. Scientists should be free to conduct responsible research in the national and international interest without fear of violence or intimidation of any kind. MARCO UCHIDA Herbert Ugrinowitsch Campinas Belo horizonte BR BR I do not agree with vandalism. Carlos Ugrinowitsch Adolfo Ulbrich Vinhedo londrina BR BR I trust in Science and I'm totally against to vandalism. Eugenio Ulian Mar_a Andrea Usc_tegui Piracicaba Bogot_ BR CO Patricia V_zquez Mariz Vainzof Marta Valdez Melara Mexico City Sao Paulo San Jose MX BR CR Sofia Valenzuela Rebecca Van Acker Jonas Van Belleghem Gent Gent CL BE BE Frank Van Breusegem Ghent BE Wim Van Camp Martijn van de Mortel simon van den bossche Ghent Ankeny, IA ghent BE US BE Claudine Van den Bossche Tom van den Hove Damme Maastricht BE NL Piet van der Meer Gent BE CA US I am a scientist working in Plant Biotech GM trees have been developed and studied for many years-‐ There is much knowledge regarding the safety of these trees, data has been collected and there are many papers supporting the safety of GM to environment. Violence does not help the debate and does not lead to better decisions. I support development of GM crops to improve lives and protect the planet. ignorance and general stupidity of mankind Do I need more reason than the title? Science and conversation instead of violence please. Science and scientific testing are essential in addressing the many challenges in the production of food, feed and biomass. Destroying such research is immoral. Destroying research facilities that can provide data to address biosafety deliberations is the antithesis of science -‐ let the scientists gather their data without intimidation and evaluate it -‐ that is how science is done. Alison Van Eenennaam Davis US odessa Van Goethem Jelle Van Leene Carlos Van Lierde Tielt-‐Winge Gent Astene BE BE BE Stan Van Praet Micha_l Van Putten Ruddervoorde Antwerp BE BE Tired of anti-‐science and people's "right to be ignorant" Annelies Van Raemdonck Rita Varagona Gent Chesterfield, MO BE US Plant biology work takes so long and the materials are so precious to helping us solve the sustainability issues for the future. Adri Veale Stephanus Venter Pretoria Pretoria ZA ZA Support for scientific research done within the guidelines of the country Yannis Ventouris Glaci Venturini Moro Laurent verdier Athens Porto Alegre Toury GR BR FR Violence shouldn't be use against scientist. Frank Verhoft Kristof Verleye Berchem Gent BE BE Hugo Verli Leslie Verteramo Chiu Porto Alegre Ithaca BR US Alexandre Vessoni Alliance for Science s_o paulo Ithaca BR US Violencia nao, debate sim. Defend science! Alliance for Science Ithaca US Carlos Vicente Alberto Madrid ES Defend scientific research! It's necessary respect science to secure its contribution for sustainable development. Vandalism is a indication of totalitarianism, the path used by those ones that want to impose their ideologies without respecting the development of science and knowledge. Ed Vieira Staten Island US Barbara Vieira Ricardo Vieira Cesar US BR Pamela Villalba Staten Island Rio de Janeiro Moreno, Buenos Aires Clizia Villano Maria Aparecida Visconti Livia Viva Avellino S_o Paulo S_o Paulo IT BR BR Raissa Volpatto Marques Porto Alegre BR Vanessa Voltarelli Wannes Voorend Emil Vulkov S_o Paulo Ghent Sofia BR BE BG labtechnician Biotech research is extremely important for our future. Signing, because of reason, indeed. AR To support science and biotechnology!!! Violence is never the solution, particularly against Science. I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not to give in to violence and intimidation. Without science, no future Norbert Waage Sao Paulo BR Michael Wach Robert Wager Washington Nanaimo US CA Jamison Wagner albuquerque US Jess Wagoner Darlene Waldron Dayton Dannemora US US Hannah33 Walker33 Hannah34 Walker34 Ithaca Ithaca US US Hannah35 Walker35 Hannah36 Walker36 Ithaca Ithaca US US Hannah39 Walker39 Hannah42 Walker42 Hannah45 Walker45 Ithaca Ithaca Ithaca US US US Giovanni Walter Christian Walter S_o Paulo Rotorua BR NZ Sheila Ward Ethan Warshow San Juan Amherst US US Krista Washington Corvallis US Moises Wasserman Melody Watson Bogot_ Berlin CO DE Sebastian Weber Richard Weber Gregg Weintraub Lancaster Plainsboro Hamilton US US US Rachele Weintraub barry werbowsky Jens Sylvester Wesemann Ithaca north york Hamburg US CA DE Calvin Westbrook Mark Whittaker Perth Dryden AU CA Research is critical to our survival. Destruction of legitimate research can never be tolerated. Clara Whyte Marcus Widengren Kimberly Wiley Andy Williams Vancouver Stockholm Rochester Nelson CA SE US NZ Ignorance is no excuse for mindless vandalism Violence is never a good option To deliberately destroy work intended to halt the destruction of the Amazon basin is utterly barbaric and mad. We cannot allow this to to dissuade scientific research and advancement! I am a plant geneticist It is important that scientists show their support for those affected. We need a factual debate about GE crops, not vandalism. I condemn the vandalism of scientific research facilities and the associated disruption of biosafety deliberations in Brazil. We urge scientists to continue their important research and not to give in to violence and intimidation. I want to support science. I believe in science it saved my life. I was going to an abusive church and the enlightenment of science stopped me from committing suicide. Support for science and against violence Science is necessary to allow humans to grow with as little impact on the environment as possible. This research is vital and must continue. What we need the least is another age of ignorance and fear-‐mongering. Giacomo Woo G_ttingen DE Andre Xavier Marina Xavier Itapetininga Porto Alegre BR BR Ricardo Xavier Lisbon PT This kind of acts not only hold back progress but they also undermine the people that take this voilent actions. If someone is against some type of research, the only way to prove that it's somehow a bad subject is by reaserching it!!! Nguyen Xuan Huy Eamy Yaacob Ghent Gent BE BE Stop violence science!!! Science has to be continue and respect for its contribution to our society. Igor Yakovlev Charles Younger As Dushore NO US Biotechnology should be developed to keep and improve forests Kevin Yount Arnaldo Zaha Monheim Porto Alegre DE BR Vanessa Zambelli Mayana Zatz Nils-‐Ole Zib sao paulo S.Paulo Faxe Ladeplads BR BR DK Richard Zopf Torrington US
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