Allison Thongvanh Section B Thursday 12:10 - 3PM Spring EE324 Lab 10 13 Lab 10 Thongvanh 1 Purpose In this lab we learn how to design digital infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters by digital conversion of analog filters. In order to design, we start by plotting the analog filter using the frequency characteristics. Then we discretize the filter and change the parameters to accommodate for frequency warping. Lab Assignment In order to plot the analog filter we the data given, as shown in Table 1. Sampling Frequency Nyquist Frequency Passband Frequency Stopband Frequency Table 1 Frequency Characteristics Hz 300 Passband Ripple 150 Attenuation [80 120] [60 140] dB 2 60 Using the MatLab (code provided in A1) we can plot the filter. The frequency response is shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1 Filter without Pre-Warp Using the cheby1 function, we can find the transfer function for this filter. The transfer function in the Laplace form is shown below. 1294078913137958 s^7 H(s) = ---------------------------------------------------------------------(s^2+6.972s+2.54e05)(s^2+20.46s+2.747e05)(s^2+32.03s+3.168e05) (s^2+39.04s+3.79e05)(s^2+38.32s+4.533e05)(s^2+28.22s+5.228e05) (s^2+10.4s+5.655e05) Lab 10 Thongvanh 2 Now, using the c2d function, we obtain the transfer function for the discrete filter shown below. 2.4343e-07 (z-1)^7 (z+1)^7 H(z) = ---------------------------------------------------------------------(z^2+0.3619z+0.9624)(z^2+0.2232z+0.945)(z^2+0.04982z+0.9386) (z^2+0.441z+0.9866)(z^2-0.124z+0.9448)(z^2-0.2635z+0.9621) (z^2-0.3429z+0.9865) For the next part of the lab we add pre-warping to the filter, so it is closer to the desired specifications. To do so we change the passband and stopband frequencies so that the center 2f f frequency is fC′ = N tan π ⋅ C , or 165.40 Hz. The changes are reflected in Table 2. π 2 fN Table 2 Manual Pre-Warping Characteristics Hz 165.4 New Center Frequency € [145.40 185.40] Passband Frequency [125.40 205.40] Stopband Frequency The frequency response of the discrete filter with manual pre-warping is shown in Figure 2. Fig. 2 Filter with Manual Pre-Warping Now we design a digital filter. This means that MatLab will account for frequency warping automatically. To do so, we normalize the bandpass and stopband frequencies with the Nyquist frequency. Lab 10 Sampling Frequency Nyquist Frequency Passband Frequency Stopband Frequency Thongvanh 3 Table 3 Nyquist Normalized Filter Characteristics Hz 300 Passband Ripple 150 Attenuation [0.08 0.13] [0.06 0.15] dB 2 60 The digital discrete filter (with MatLab pre-warping) is shown in Figure 3. Fig. 3 Filter with MatLab Pre-Warping Conclusion The purpose of this lab was to learn how to design digital infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters by digital conversion of analog filters. In order to design, we started by plotting the analog filter using the frequency characteristics. Then we discretized the filter and changed the parameters to accommodate for frequency warping by using the Nyquist Frequency. Lab 10 Thongvanh 4 Appendix fS=300; %Sampling frequency fN=fS/2; %Nyquist frequency fC=100; %Central frequency Wp=[160*pi 240*pi]; %Passband frequencies, rad/s Ws=[120*pi 280*pi]; %Stopband freuquencies, rad/s Rp=2; %Passband ripple Rs=60; %Attenuation [n,Wp]=cheb1ord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs,'s'); %returns order n = 7 and Wp = [502.65,753.98] [num,den]=cheby1(n,Rp,Wp,'s'); %returns coefficents of continuous tf [Z,P,K]=cheby1(n,Rp,Wp,'s'); %Continuous tf H(s) noPW=zpk(Z,P,K); %Zero-pole-gain form noPW=c2d(noPW,1/fS,'tustin'); %Discrete tf H(z) [noPWNUM,noPWDEN]=tfdata(noPW,'v'); %%Part 2: Manual Pre-Warping---------------------------------------fCpw=(fS/pi)*tan(pi*fC/fS); %Prewarped central frequency = 165.4 Hz Wppw=[(fCpw-20)*2*pi (fCpw+20)*2*pi]; %Prewarped passband frequency Wspw=[(fCpw-40)*2*pi (fCpw+40)*2*pi]; %Prewarped stopband frequency [npw,Wppw]=cheb1ord(Wppw,Wspw,Rp,Rs,'s'); %returns order n = 7 and Wppw = [913.56 1164.89] [num1,den1]=cheby1(npw,Rp,Wppw,'s'); %returns coefficents of continuous tf [Z1,P1,K1]=cheby1(npw,Rp,Wppw,'s'); %Continuous tf H(s) PW=zpk(Z1,P1,K1); %Zero-pole-gain form PW=c2d(PW,1/fS,'tustin'); %Discrete tf H(z) [PWNUM,PWDEN]=tfdata(PW,'v'); %%Part 3: MatLab Pre-Warping---------------------------------------WpN=[80*2*pi 120*2*pi]/(fN*2*pi); WsN=[60*2*pi 140*2*pi]/(fN*2*pi); Lab 10 Thongvanh 5 [nN,WpN]=cheb1ord(WpN,WsN,Rp,Rs); %returns order n = 6 and WpN = [502.65,753.98] [numN,denN]=cheby1(nN,Rp,WpN); %returns coefficents of continuous tf [Z2,P2,K2]=cheby1(nN,Rp,WpN); %Continuous tf H(s) autoPW=zpk(Z2,P2,K2); %Zero-pole-gain form [autoNUM,autoDEN]=tfdata(autoPW,'v'); %%Plots---------------------------------------------------------figure; freqz(noPWNUM,noPWDEN); title('No Pre-Warp'); figure(2); freqz(PWNUM,PWDEN); title('Manual Pre-Warp'); figure(3); freqz(autoNUM,autoDEN); title('MatLab Pre-Warp');
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