All Saints’ Anglican Church Renew Pledge Form NAME(S): (please print) ADDRESS: (home) _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Province:______________ Postal Code: ____________ Place of Work: (optional) ______________________________________________________ Does your employer offer a matching gift program? ☐Yes ☐No Please designate my/our gift(s): All Saints’ Renew Priorities Parish Vitality: ☐ Capital: Reserve Fund and Heating System $ ☐ Endowments $ ☐ Ministry $ ☐ Where the Need is Greatest $ My/Our Payment Schedule A single payment gift of: $ __________________ A total pledged commitment of $ _____________________ in payments of: $ ___________________ Annually for: ☐ 1 yr. ☐ 2 yrs. ☐ 3 yrs. ☐ 4 yrs. ☐ 5 yrs. Or, $ ___________________ Monthly for: ☐ 12 mo. ☐ 24 mo. ☐ 36 mo. ☐ 48 mo. ☐ 60 mo. ☐ I/We would like to be contacted to discuss this further. Form continued on back è My/Our Payment Method Planned Giving ☐ ☐ Cheque enclosed. I/we intend to make an estate or planned gift to All Saints’ Anglican Church. ☐ Direct Debit from my/our bank account: ☐ 10th of the month ☐ 25th of the month Credit Card*: ☐ Visa I/we have finalized the paperwork and a copy is attached for your files. ☐ Please send us additional information to share with our lawyer, insurance representative and/or other. ☐ I/we would like All Saints’ to call us so that we can discuss the opportunities for making a planned gift. Please attach a void cheque. ☐ ☐ ☐ Master Card Credit Card number: ______________________________________________________________ Expiry date: / ☐ Signature: ______________________ Processed on the: ☐ 15th of the month ☐ 28th of the month Special Gifts I/we wish to make a gift of securities. Please contact me/us. * Please note that if you make your donation payment by credit card, related fees charged by the credit card company will be charged to where your gift is designated - e.g. to All Saints. You can help to minimize administrative costs and avoid credit card and bank charges by providing post-dated cheques for your pledged commitments. Third party financial and transactional expenses can be significant and must be charged to the program or project that you support. Recognition (indicate as many as are appropriate) ☐ My/our name can appear on donor listings All Saints’ Anglican Church as noted below: Name(s): ☐ In Memory of: I/We wish our gift to All Saints’ Anglican Church remain anonymous. This means that your name will be held in strictest of confidence and neither shared not posted on donor recognition lists. Donor Signature(s): ________________________________________ Date: ______/______/________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Submitted by: __________________________________________________ Date: ______/______/________ Contact Information Once you have completed this form, you can deliver or mail it to: All Saints’ Anglican Church, 330 City Hall Square W., Windsor, Ontario N9A 1J3 Ph.: +1 (519) 253-8001 Office Hours: 9:00 – 11:30 am Monday-Friday Email: Website:
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