Tables of contents Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents Contents Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 2 1.1. Project Overview .................................................................................................. 2 1.1 Project Overview ...................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Background and Existing System ............................................................................. 2 1.2.1 Problems in Existing System ..................................................................................... 2 1.3 Proposed Solution ..................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Proposed System Components ............................................................................... 4 1.3.2 Proposed System Outcome .................................................................................... 4 1.4 What contribution would the project make? ............................................................. 5 1.4.1 Accurate and Fast Identification ............................................................................ 5 1.4.2 High Usability and Security ................................................................................... 5 1.4.3 User friendly design ............................................................................................... 5 1.5 Face Recognition system setup ................................................................................. 6 1.6 Face Recognition operations ..................................................................................... 6 1.7 Features of Face Recognition based Attendance System ............................................. 7 1.8 Tool and Technology .................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................... 10 2. Requirement Analysis ............................................................................................... 10 2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 10 2.1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Proposed System Modules ...................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Live Streaming ......................................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Face Detection ......................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Face Recognition ..................................................................................................... 11 2.2.4 Attendance Record ................................................................................................... 11 2.2.5 Printing Record ........................................................................................................ 11 2.2.6 Login Form .............................................................................................................. 11 2.2.7 Attendance Management ......................................................................................... 11 2.3 Requirements/Specifications................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Functional Requirements ......................................................................................... 11 2.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................. 12 Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................... 15 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents 3. SOFTWARE DESIGN ............................................................................................. 15 3.1Use Cases ................................................................................................................. 15 3.2 Use Case Diagrams ..................................................................................................... 18 3.2.1 User .................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Activity Diagram ........................................................................................................ 26 3.3.1 User ................................................................................................................. 26 3.4 Sequence Diagram .................................................................................................. 36 3.4.1 User ................................................................................................................. 36 3.5 Collaboration Diagram ........................................................................................... 43 3.5.1 User ................................................................................................................. 43 3.6 Component diagram ................................................................................................ 46 3.7 Deployment Diagram .............................................................................................. 46 3.8 ER Diagram ............................................................................................................ 47 3.9 Relational Diagram ................................................................................................. 47 Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................... 51 4. Risk Management ......................................................................................................... 51 4.1. Mile stone ............................................................................................................... 51 4.2 Risk Management ................................................................................................... 52 4.2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 52 4.2.2 Risk Management Purpose ...................................................................................... 52 4.2.3 Risk Management Roles and responsibilities .......................................................... 53 4.2.3 Risk Analysis Summary........................................................................................... 53 4.2.4 Response Summary.................................................................................................. 54 Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................................... 58 5. Implementation ......................................................................................................... 58 5.1 What is SQL Server? .............................................................................................. 58 5.1.1 Why we use SQL Server? .................................................................................... 58 5.2 What is C#? ............................................................................................................. 59 5.2.1 Why we use c#? ................................................................................................... 60 5.3 Biometric System .................................................................................................... 60 5.3.1 Characteristics of Biometric System .................................................................... 61 Physiological ..................................................................................................... 61 Behavioral ......................................................................................................... 61 5.4 Face Recognition based Attendance System .......................................................... 61 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents 5.4.1 How the systems operate? .................................................................................... 61 Capture .............................................................................................................. 61 Detection ........................................................................................................... 61 Extraction ............................................................................................................ 62 Matching ............................................................................................................. 62 Mark Attendance ................................................................................................. 62 5.4.2 Construction .......................................................................................................... 62 Steps ................................................................................................................... 62 5.4.3 Recognition Procedure ............................................................................................ 63 Chapter 6 ............................................................................................................................ 66 6. Testing ........................................................................................................................... 66 6.1Introduction ............................................................................................................... 66 6.1.1Types of Testing ..................................................................................................... 66 Unit Testing ...................................................................................................... 66 Integration Testing ............................................................................................. 66 Functional Testing ............................................................................................. 66 System Testing .................................................................................................. 66 Stress Testing .................................................................................................... 66 Performance Testing .......................................................................................... 67 Usability Testing ............................................................................................... 67 Acceptance Testing ............................................................................................ 67 Regression Testing ............................................................................................. 67 Beta Testing .................................................................................................... 67 6.2 Login ...................................................................................................................... 67 6.3 Clear Login .............................................................................................................. 68 6.4 View Student Record ................................................................................................. 69 6.5 Edit Student Record .................................................................................................. 69 6.6 Delete Student Record ............................................................................................... 70 6.7 Add Student Record .................................................................................................. 71 6.8 Detect Student Image ................................................................................................ 71 6.9 Add Student Image .................................................................................................... 72 6.10 Detect Face ............................................................................................................. 73 6.11 Recognize Face ....................................................................................................... 74 6.12 Mark Attendance ..................................................................................................... 75 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents 6.13 View Attendance ..................................................................................................... 76 6.14 Edit Attendance ....................................................................................................... 76 6.15 Delete Attendance ................................................................................................... 77 6.16 Print Attendance ...................................................................................................... 78 6.17 Logout .................................................................................................................... 78 6.18 About us ................................................................................................................. 79 6.19 Home ..................................................................................................................... 79 Chapter 7 ............................................................................................................................ 82 7. USER MAUAL .............................................................................................................. 82 7.1 Login Form .............................................................................................................. 82 7.2 Loading Screen ......................................................................................................... 82 7.3 Home Screen ............................................................................................................ 83 7.4 About us page ........................................................................................................... 83 7.5 Student Menu ............................................................................................................ 84 7.6 Student Form ............................................................................................................. 84 7.7 Adding Student Form ................................................................................................ 85 7.8 Attendance Menu ...................................................................................................... 85 7.9 Mark Attendance Form............................................................................................... 86 7.10 Student Attendance Form ......................................................................................... 86 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents List of Figures Figure 1-1Proposed System Architecture ............................................................................ 6 Figure 1-2 Proposed System Operation .............................................................................. 6 Figure 3-1Use Case Diagram for Add Student .................................................................. 19 Figure 3-2 Use Case Diagram for Automated Attendance .................................................. 19 Figure 3-3 Use Case Diagram for Delete Student .............................................................. 20 Figure 3-4 Use Case Diagram for Detect Face .................................................................. 20 Figure 3-5 Use Case Diagram for Edit Student ................................................................. 21 Figure 3-6. Use Case Diagram for Login .......................................................................... 21 Figure 3-7 Use Case Diagram for Logout ......................................................................... 22 Figure 3-8 Use Case Diagram for Manual Attendance ....................................................... 22 Figure 3-9 Use Case Diagram for Print Attendance ........................................................... 23 Figure 3-10 Use Case Diagram for Recognize Face .......................................................... 23 Figure 3-11 Use Case Diagram for Search Attendance ...................................................... 24 Figure 3-12 Use Case Diagram for Take Student Picture ................................................... 24 Figure 3-13 Use Case Diagram for Upload Student Image ................................................. 25 Figure 3-14 Use Case Diagram for View Attendance ........................................................ 25 Figure 3-15 Use Case Diagram for View Student .............................................................. 26 Figure 3-16 Activity Diagram for Add Student ................................................................. 27 Figure 3-17 Activity Diagram for Automated Attendance .................................................. 28 Figure 3-18 Activity Diagram for Delete Student .............................................................. 29 Figure 3-19 Activity Diagram for Delete Face .................................................................. 30 Figure 3-20 Activity Diagram for Edit Student ................................................................. 30 Figure 3-21 Activity Diagram for Login ........................................................................... 31 Figure 3-22 Activity Diagram for Logout ......................................................................... 31 Figure 3-23 Activity Diagram for Manual Attendance ....................................................... 32 Figure 3-24 Activity Diagram for Print Attendance ........................................................... 32 Figure 3-25 Activity Diagram for Recognize Image .......................................................... 33 Figure 3-26 Activity Diagram for Search Attendance ........................................................ 33 Figure 3-27 Activity Diagram for Take Student Picture ..................................................... 34 Figure 3-28 Activity Diagram for Upload Student Image ................................................... 34 Figure 3-29 Activity Diagram for View Attendance ........................................................... 35 Figure 3-30 Activity Diagram for View Student ................................................................ 35 Figure 3-31 Sequence Diagram for Add Student ............................................................... 36 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents Figure 3-32 Sequence Diagram for Delete Student ............................................................ 37 Figure 3-33 Sequence Diagram for Delete face ................................................................. 37 Figure 3-34 Sequence Diagram for Edit Student ............................................................... 38 Figure 3-35 Sequence Diagram for Login ......................................................................... 38 Figure 3-36 Sequence Diagram for Logout ....................................................................... 39 Figure 3-37 Sequence Diagram for Manual Attendance ..................................................... 39 Figure 3-38 Sequence Diagram for Print Attendance ......................................................... 40 Figure 3-39 Sequence Diagram for Recognize face ........................................................... 40 Figure 3-40 Sequence Diagram for Search Attendance ...................................................... 41 Figure 3-41 Sequence Diagram for Take Student Picture ................................................... 41 Figure 3-42 Sequence Diagram for Upload Student Image ................................................ 42 Figure 3-43 Sequence Diagram for View Attendance ........................................................ 42 Figure 3-44 Sequence Diagram for View Student ............................................................. 43 Figure 3-45 Collaboration Diagram for Student Record ..................................................... 44 Figure 3-46 Collaboration Diagram for Attendance Record ............................................... 44 Figure 3-47 Collaboration Diagram for Image Capturing ................................................... 45 Figure 3-48 Collaboration Diagram for Training Images ................................................... 45 Figure 3-49 Component Diagram ..................................................................................... 46 Figure 3-50 Deployment Diagram .................................................................................... 47 Figure 3-51 Student DBMS ............................................................................................. 47 Figure 3-52 Training Face DBMS .................................................................................... 48 Figure 3-53 Relational Diagram ....................................................................................... 48 Figure 7-1 Login Form .................................................................................................... 82 Figure 7-2 Loading Screen .............................................................................................. 82 Figure 7-3 Home Screen ................................................................................................. 83 Figure 7-4 About Us Page ............................................................................................... 83 Figure 7-5 Student Menu ................................................................................................. 84 Figure 7-6 Student Form ................................................................................................. 84 Figure 7-7Adding Student Form ...................................................................................... 85 Figure 7-8 Attendance Menu ........................................................................................... 85 Figure 7-9 Mark Attendance Form ................................................................................... 86 Figure 7-10Student Attendance Form ............................................................................... 86 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents Face Recognition Based Attendance System Tables of contents Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction Chapter 1 1 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction Chapter 1 1. Introduction 1.1. Project Overview 1.1 Project Overview The proposed system will provide an optimized platform that will help users to easily mark attendance, view user data and their related course records. The proposed system will provide secure attendance management via biometric techniques. Face recognition will be the core feature of the proposed system. The proposed system will allow users to print the desired attendance records. Users will be able to have a secured system with authenticated attendance management. 1.2 Background and Existing System There is no such system that uses secure and authenticated attendance marking with face recognition technique. The proposed system will have user friendly GUI and will have interactive interface along with a secure management. 1.2.1 Problems in Existing System Organizations of all sizes use time based attendance systems to record when employees start and stop work and the department where work is performed. In school, colleges and universities attendance system is used to keep record of a student presence and absence. It is also used to keep record of a teacher and all other employees working in an organization. It is usually done on registers. There is a separate register for each class, department etc. Organizations keep record for the sake of: leave management, work-hour management. In short, attendance is something which every organization 2 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction keeps record of and which is essential part of every organization whether these are schools, hospitals, government or private firms or media related organization. The drawbacks in existing system are: These attendance systems are manual There is always a chance of forgery (one person signing the presence of the other one) Since these are manual so there is great risk of error More man-power is required (some person to take attendance) Calculations related to attendance are done manually (total classes attended in month) which is prone to error It is difficult to maintain database or register in manual systems It is more costly (price of register, pen and the salary of person taking attendance) It is difficult to search for particular data from this system (especially if that data we are asking for is of every long ago) 1.3 Proposed Solution To overcome the problems in existing attendance system we shall develop a Biometric based attendance system over simple attendance system. Interactive system over static one Digitized attendance system over file system There are many solutions to automate the attendance management system like thumb based system, simple computerized attendance system but all these systems have limitations over work and security point of view. Our proposed system shall be a “Face 3 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction recognition based attendance system” is used the basic idea of image processing which is used in many secure applications like banks, airports etc. 1.3.1 Proposed System Components Following are the main components of the proposed system Face Detection Face Recognition Attendance Records Printing Records Login Attendance management system It will allow uploading, updating and deletion of the contents of the system. Attendance management will handle: Automated Attendance marking Manual Attendance marking Printing attendance record Attendance details of users. 1.3.2 Proposed System Outcome The proposed system will only allow authenticated user to login to the system and/or make changes to it. The proposed system will allow user to mark attendance of the students via face recognition technique. The proposed system will detect faces from live stream via webcam and then recognize the faces. After recognition it will mark the 4 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction attendance of the recognized student and update the attendance record. The user will be able to print these record details afterward. 1.4 What contribution would the project make? Face recognition is the most natural biological features recognition technology according to the cognitive rule of human beings; its algorithm is ten times more complex than a fingerprint algorithm. Face recognition is featured by the following advantages compared to fingerprint: 1.4.1 Accurate and Fast Identification Industrial Leading Facial Recognition Algorithm, match more data than fingerprint, FAR<0.0001% 1.4.2 High Usability and Security Failure to enroll and acquire rate is less than 0.0001%, fingerprint technology will have problems for enrollment with cold, wet, desquamation, elder, around 5% people cannot get enrolled with fingerprint technology Incident track able for security with photo which captured by camera, there is no evidence with fingerprint technology to track the incident. 1.4.3 User friendly design Contactless authentication for the ultimate in hygienic 5 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction 1.5 Face Recognition system setup Figure 1-1 Proposed System Architecture 1.6 Face Recognition operations Figure 1-2Proposed System Operations 6 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction 1.7 Features of Face Recognition based Attendance System Automatically identify or verify a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. Reduces cost and time This system is digitized It is more secure than manual one (face recognition) It uses biometrics which is even more secure method than simple security systems (password oriented) It uses less man power i.e. it does not require a person to take attendance; either every person can come and mark his own attendance or it can automatically take attendance (if we take into account video streaming; projects future work) It can store more database Search of any particular data is easy It gives calculations more easily and in less time The calculations are error free 1.8 Tool and Technology My SQL Microsoft Visual Studio SQL Server Adobe Photoshop 7 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Introduction Additional DLL libraries related to image and video streaming 8 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Requirement Analysis Chapter 2 9 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Requirement Analysis Chapter 2 2. Requirement Analysis 2.1. Introduction Currently in institutes the attendance system is totally manual where faculty has to take attendance on register or page. This activity takes lot of time and efforts and still is not reliable. Registers and pages can be lost and multiple copies is very hard to keep. But another question that arises is the security of such system, how will the system enter only authorized attendance. The system will provide an optimized and secured platform that can help users to easily mark attendance of students, keep user’s data, record of their attendance, courses they are taking and option to print these records. 2.1.1 Purpose The purpose of the proposed system is to help and facilitate user to manage secure attendance system. Allow users to mark attendance using face recognition technique. Provide user with student records and facility to print the desired records. 2.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM MODULES 2.2.1 Live Streaming System will provide live streaming facility. System will be able to take real time picture of the user either to be kept in record or for the purpose of marking attendance using face recognition technique. 2.2.2 Face Detection Proposed system will detect the human faces from live streaming via webcam and mark the detected faces from the real time streamed video. 10 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Requirement Analysis 2.2.3 Face Recognition System will apply Eigen faces algorithm on the detected faces and try to recognize these faces, if the faces are present in database. Then the respective person’s attendance will be marked and stored in database. 2.2.4 Attendance Record Proposed system will contain attendance record of the student. User will be able to search attendance record via date. User will also be able to manually add attendance record of the specific student. 2.2.5 Printing Record System will be able to print the attendance record of any date. This attendance record will be saved in the form of pdf and can be viewed in future. 2.2.6 Login Form To ensure authenticated and secure system, system will have a login form to ensure that only authorized user can use this system. 2.2.7 Attendance Management System will mark attendance of the student using face recognition technique and update the corresponding attendance records. System will fully manage the attendance of the students. 2.3 Requirements/Specifications 2.3.1 Functional Requirements User must be able to manage student records. User must be able to see details of attendance of students for specified date. 11 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Requirement Analysis Only authorized user must be able to use the system. User must be able to print records. System must be attached to webcam and face recognition should be smooth. The administrator or the person who will be given the access to the system must login into system before using it. The information must be entered properly. The information must be managed properly. 2.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements The GUI of the system will be user friendly. The data that will be showed to the users will be made sure that it is correct and is available for the time being. The system will be flexible to changes. The system will be extensible for changes and to the latest technologies. Efficiency and effectiveness of the system will be made sure. The performance of the system will be made sure. It will be made sure that the result of search must be according to the specifications entered by the user. It will be ensured sure that user must get the correct information for their search. User must get right and related information about the attendance record they are trying to view. The data to be edited will be made sure that the correct data is being edited. The data to be deleted will be confirmed first. 12 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Requirement Analysis The response time of the system will be affective. The system will not allow multiple logins at a time. 13 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Chapter 3 14 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Chapter 3 3. SOFTWARE DESIGN Use Cases USECASE # 1 Login USECASE # View Student Record 2 ACTOR Admin ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must have username and Pre-condition User must login to password Post-condition Description USECASE # 3 User logged in User enters username and system Post- Student record is condition displayed Description User can view student password to login into the system record by clicking on for authenticated entry to system. certain student. Edit Student Record USECASE # Add new student 4 ACTOR Admin ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Pre-condition User must login to system Post-condition Record updated Post- New Record added condition Description User can update existing student record Description User can add new student’s record 15 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design USECASE # 5 Delete Student Record ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Post-condition Record Deleted Description User can delete the student record USECASE # 6 Upload student image ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Post-condition Image uploaded and student record updated Description Admin can upload student image by browsing the computer. USECASE # 7 Take student picture USECASE # 8 Detect Face ACTOR Admin ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Pre-condition User must login to and webcam must be system connected Post-condition Image uploaded and student Post-condition Face detected record updated 16 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Description Admin can take real time Description Admin can select face picture of student via webcam detection option and and save it in student’s record system will start detecting faces from live stream. USECASE # 9 Recognize Face USECASE # 10 Automated Attendance ACTOR Admin ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Pre-condition User must login to system Post-condition Face recognized Post-condition Attendance marked Description Admin can select face Description Admin can select face recognition option and system recognition option and will try to recognize detected system will try to face from live stream. recognize detected face from live stream and mark the attendance of respective person USECASE # 11 View Attendance USECASE #12 Search Attendance ACTOR Admin ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Pre-condition User must login to system Post-condition Attendance record displayed Post-condition Attendance record 17 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design displayed Description Admin can view attendance Description record. Admin can search attendance record for specific date USECASE #13 Manual Attendance USECASE #14 Logout ACTOR Admin ACTOR Admin Pre-condition User must login to system Pre-condition User must login to system Post-condition Attendance marked manually Post-condition Admin logged out Description Admin can search attendance Description Admin can logout of manually the system. 3.2 Use Case Diagrams Use case illustrates a unit of functionality provided by the system. The main purpose of the use-case diagram is to help development teams visualize the functional requirements of a system, including the relationship of "actors" (human beings who will interact with the system) to essential processes, as well as the relationships among different use cases. 3.2.1 User 18 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Add Student Figure 3-1 Use Case Diagram for Add Student Use Case Diagram for Automated Attendance Figure3-2 Use Case Diagram for Automated Attendance 19 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Delete Student Figure 3-3 Use Case Diagram for Delete Student Use Case Diagram for Detect Face Figure 3-4 Use Case Diagram for Detect Face 20 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Edit Student Figure 3-5 Use Case Diagrams for Edit Students Use Case Diagram for Login Figure 3-6 Use Case Diagrams for Login 21 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Logout Figure 3-7 Use Case Diagrams for Logout Use Case Diagram for Manual Attendance Figure 3-8 Use Case Diagrams for Manual Attendance 22 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Print Attendance Figure 3-9 Use Case Diagrams for Print Attendance Use Case Diagram for Recognize Face Figure 3-10 Use Case Diagrams for Recognize Face 23 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Search Attendance Figure 3-11 Use Case Diagrams for Search Attendance Use Case Diagram for Take Student Picture Figure 3-12 Use Case Diagrams for Take Student Picture 24 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for Upload Student Image Figure 3-13 Use Case Diagrams for Upload Student Image Use Case Diagram for View Attendance Figure 3-14 Use Case Diagrams for View Attendance 25 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Use Case Diagram for View Student Figure 3-15 Use Case Diagrams for View Students 3.3 Activity Diagram Activity diagrams show the procedural flow of control between two or more class objects while processing an activity. Activity diagrams can be used to model higher-level business process at the business unit level, or to model low-level internal class actions. In my experience, activity diagrams are best used to model higher-level processes, such as how the company is currently doing business, or how it would like to do business. This is because activity diagrams are "less technical" in appearance, compared to sequence diagrams, and business-minded people tend to understand them more quickly. 3.3.1 User 26 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Add Student Figure 3-16 Activity Diagram for Add Student 27 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Automated Attendance Figure 3-17 Activity Diagram for Automated Attendance 28 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Delete Student Figure 3-18 Activity Diagram for Delete Students 29 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Delete Face Figure 3-19 Activity Diagram for Delete Face Activity Diagram for Edit Student Figure 3-20 Activity Diagram for Edit Students 30 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Login Figure 3-21 Activity Diagram for Login Activity Diagram for Logout Figure 3-22 Activity Diagram for Logout 31 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Manual Attendance Figure 3-23 Activity Diagram for Manual Attendance Activity Diagram for Print Attendance Figure 3-24 Activity Diagram for Print Attendance 32 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Recognize Image Figure 3-25 Activity Diagram for Recognize Image Activity Diagram for Search Attendance Figure 3-26 Activity Diagram for Search Attendance 33 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for Take Student Picture Figure 3-27 Activity Diagram for Take Student Picture Activity Diagram for Upload Student Image Figure 3-28 Activity Diagram for Upload Student Image 34 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Activity Diagram for View Attendance Figure 3-29 Activity Diagram for View Attendance Activity Diagram for View Student Figure 3-30 Activity Diagram for View Students 35 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design 3.4 Sequence Diagram Sequence diagrams show a detailed flow for a specific use case or even just part of a specific use case. They are almost self-explanatory; they show the calls between the different objects in their sequence and can show, at a detailed level, different calls to different objects. A sequence diagram has two dimensions: The vertical dimension shows the sequence of messages/calls in the time order that they occur; the horizontal dimension shows the object instances to which the messages are sent. 3.4.1 User Sequence Diagram for Add Student Figure 3-31 Sequence Diagram for Add Student 36 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for Delete Student Figure 3-32 Sequence Diagram for Delete Students Sequence Diagram for Delete Face Figure 3-33 Sequence Diagram for Delete Face 37 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for Edit Student Figure 3-34 Sequence Diagram for Edit Students Sequence Diagram for Login Figure 3-35 Sequence Diagram for Login 38 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for Logout Figure 3-36 Sequence Diagram for Logout Sequence Diagram for Manual Attendance Figure 3-37 Sequence Diagram for Manual Attendance 39 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for Print Attendance Figure 3-38 Sequence Diagram for Print Attendance Sequence Diagram for Recognize Face Figure 3-39 Sequence Diagram for Recognize Face 40 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for Search Attendance Figure 3-40 Sequence Diagram for Search Attendance Sequence Diagram for Take Student Picture Figure 3-41 Sequence Diagram for Take Student Picture 41 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for Upload Student Image Figure 3-42 Sequence Diagram for Upload Student Image Sequence Diagram for View Attendance Figure 3-43 Sequence Diagram for View Attendance 42 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Sequence Diagram for View Student Figure 3-44 Sequence Diagram for View Students 3.5 Collaboration diagram A collaboration diagram, also called a communication diagram or interaction diagram, is an illustration of the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The concept is more than a decade old although it has been refined as modeling paradigms have evolved. A collaboration diagram is also called communication or interaction diagram. A Communication diagram models the interactions between objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages. 3.5.1 User 43 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Collaboration Diagram for Student Record Figure 3-45 Collaboration Diagram for Student Record Collaboration Diagram for Attendance Record Figure 3-46 Collaboration Diagram for Attendance Record 44 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Collaboration Diagram for Image Capturing Figure 3-47 Collaboration Diagram for Image Capturing Collaboration Diagram for Training Images Figure 3-48 Collaboration Diagram for Training Images 45 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design 3.6 Component diagram Component diagram contains components and dependencies. Components represent the physical packaging of a module of code. The dependencies between the components show how changes made to one component may affect the other components in the system. Component diagrams can also show the interfaces used by the components to communicate to each other. Figure 3-49 Component Diagram 3.7 Deployment Diagram The deployment diagram contains nodes and connections. A node usually represents a piece of hardware in the system 46 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Figure 3-50 Deployment Diagram 3.8 ERD Diagram An entity-relationship diagram is a data modeling technique that creates a graphical representation of the entities, and the relationships between entities, within an information system. Figure 3-51 Student DBMS 47 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design Figure 3-52 Training Face DBMS 3.9 Relational Diagram Figure 3-53 Relational Diagrams 48 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Software Design 49 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Risk Management Chapter 4 50 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Risk Management Chapter 4 4. Risk Management 4.1. Mile stone Mile stones are the stages, schedule or the deliverable of the project. They tell us when one activity starts and ends and when new activity will start after the old one is finished. Following is the schedule of the project. Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Months Month 1 Understand the Planning work taken and Planning and Mockups comprehensive comprehensive analysis analysis and Mockups Month 2 Diagrams Diagrams Sql tables, Design interface procedures Month 3 Design Design Interface Interface, Coding and Coding and Coding and testing testing and testing Month 4 Testing Implementation Support and Support Maintenance and Maintenance 51 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Risk Management 4.2 Risk Management 4.2.1 Introduction Risk Management is the process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of its objectives. Proper risk management will reduce not only the likelihood of an event occurring, but also the magnitude of its impact. Risk Management Systems are designed to do more than just identify the risk. The system must also quantify the risk and predict the impact on the project. The outcome is therefore a risk that is either acceptable or unacceptable. Risk Management should answer these questions What can go wrong? To what extent can something go wrong? What will be the plan when something goes wrong? 4.2.2 Risk Management Purpose The purpose of risk management is to identify potential problems before they occur so that risk-handling activities may be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives. Risk management is a continuous, forward-looking process that is an important part of business and technical management processes. Risk management should address issues that could endanger achievement of critical objectives. A continuous risk management approach is applied to effectively anticipate and mitigate the risks that have critical impact on the project Effective risk management includes early and aggressive risk identification through the collaboration and involvement of relevant stakeholders. Strong leadership 52 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Risk Management across all relevant stakeholders is needed to establish an environment for the free and open disclosure and discussion of risk. Although technical issues are a primary concern both early on and throughout all project phases, risk management must consider both internal and external sources for cost, schedule, and technical risk. Early and aggressive detection of risk is important because it is typically easier, less costly, and less disruptive to make changes and correct work efforts during the earlier, rather than the later, phases of the project. 4.2.3 Risk Management Roles and responsibilities The roles and responsibilities of the risk management are Setting policy for risk management Building a risk aware culture within the organization Establishing internal risk policy and culture Designing and reviewing process for risk management Coordinating the various functional activities which advise on risk management issues Developing risk response process including contingencies plans and preparing reports on risk. 4.2.3 Risk Analysis Summary No Name Responsible person Impact 1 Code error Developer Code error will not allow the system to work properly. 53 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Risk Management 2 Hardware not connected Admin If the attached hardware like webcam connected or is not is not working properly 3 Electricity/power down Service provider The power source is the reason the server is alive. 4 Disaster/short circuit Admin /company/ If there is disaster or short service provider circuit then there will be no live system. 4.2.4 Response Summary No Name Responsible person Response 1 Code error Developer The developer must find out the problem and fix it as soon as possible. 2 Hardware not connected Admin Admin must assure the fixation of hardware devices or buy new one. 3 Electricity/power down Service provider The service provider must have some backup plan if power goes down. The company must ensure the backup plan before asking for service. 54 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Risk Management 4 Disaster/short circuit Admin /company/ The service provider and service provider the company must have the disaster plan. So in case of disaster company must not get unto loss. The company must take back up of its system on regular basis. 55 Face Recognition Based Attendance System [Research Methodology] MS(CS) Research Thesis Modeling Ontology of Folksonomy Over Time 549-FBAS/MSCS/F09 Page 56 Implementation Chapter 5 57 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation Chapter 5 5. Implementation What is SQL Server? Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database, it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network. SQL Server has capability to store and manage large amount of data. 5.1.1 Why we use SQL Server? We are using SQL Server due to following reasons Security SQL Server provides security models including integration with Windows Authentication to provide robust security platform for managing information. Security can be managed across all database objects including tables, views, and stored procedures and at a very granular level, to provide complete information security. Scalability SQL Server is a highly scalable database platform capable of managing terabytes of data while delivery high performance. 58 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation Integration SQL Server provides a robust set of integration tools call SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) which can be used consulate data from multiple heterogeneous data sources for holistic data view and comprehensive data analysis. SSIS can also be used to migrate data from other database formats (Oracle, DBase, Paradox, legacy formats, Microsoft Access) to SQL Server. Reliability With SQL Server the clients do not talk directly with the tables but with an intelligent data manager on the server. This in turn reads and writes data from and to the tables. If a client machine crashes, or the network hiccups, this will not affect the underlying tables; instead the data manager realizes that the transaction has not been completed and does not commit the partially transmitted data to the database. The database therefore continues to run without problem. 5.2 What is C#? Microsoft C# pronounced C sharp is a programming language designed for building a wide range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. An evolution of Microsoft C and Microsoft C++, C# is simple, modern, type safe, and object oriented. C# code is compiled as managed code, which means it benefits from the services of the common language runtime. These services include language interoperability, garbage collection, enhanced security, and improved versioning support. C# is introduced as Visual C# in the Visual Studio .NET suite. Support for C# includes 59 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation project templates, designers, property pages, code wizards, an object model, and other features of the development environment. The library for C# programming is the .NET Framework. 5.2.1 Why we use c#? C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. The curly-brace syntax of C# will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or Java. Developers who know any of these languages are typically able to begin to work productively in C# within a very short time. As an object-oriented language, C# supports the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. All variables and methods, including the Main method, the application's entry point, are encapsulated within class definitions. A class may inherit directly from one parent class, but it may implement any number of interfaces. Methods that override virtual methods in a parent class require the override keyword as a way to avoid accidental redefinition. C# syntax is highly expressive, yet it is also simple and easy to learn. Xml document can be generated from source code in c#. This feature is very useful for dynamic web pages creation. 5.3 Biometric System A biometric system is a technological system that uses information about a person (or other biological organism) to identify that person. Biometric systems rely on specific data about unique biological traits in order to work effectively. 60 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation 5.3.1 Characteristics of Biometric System There are two characteristics of biometric system. Physiological Behavioral Physiological Physiological characteristics are related to the shape of the body .Examples include fingerprint, palm, vein, Face Recognition, hand geometry etc. Behavioral Behavioral characteristics are related to the pattern of behavior of a person. Examples include typing rhythm, gait and voice 5.4 Face Recognition based Attendance System The face recognition based attendance system is used to keep record of student absent and present by using face recognition technology. It provides security to our attendance system and also keep database of a student. 5.4.1 How the systems operate? There are five different stages of processing the system. Capture A physical or behavioral sample is captured by the system during enrollment. Detection In detection, a unique data is extracted from the sample and template is created. 61 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation Extraction In extraction, the template is then compared with a new sample. Matching In matching, the system then decides if the features extracted from the new sample matching or not. Mark Attendance After matching, attendance will be marked. 5.4.2 Construction This section gives step by step instruction along with formulas on how to recognize faces and implemented. Steps 1. The first step is to obtain a set S with M face images. In our example M=25 and each image in transformed into a vector of size N and placed into a set. S= {T1, T2, T3 …. Tm} 2. After you have obtained your set, you will obtain the mean image Ψ. 3. Then you will find the difference, Φ between the input image and mean image. 4. In this step, eigenvectors (eigenface) u and the corresponding eigenvalus should be i calculated. The eigenvectors (eigenface) must be normalized so that they are Eigen vectors, i.e. length of 1. The description of the exact algorithm for determination of 62 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation eigenvectors and eigenvalus is omitted here, as it belongs to the arsenal of most math programming libraries. 5. We obtain the covariance matrix C in the following manner. 6. AT From M eigenvectors (eigenface) u , only M' should be chosen which have the i highest eigenvalus. The higher the eigenvalus, the more characteristic features of a face does the particular eigenvector describe. Eigenface with low eigenvalus can be omitted, as they explain only a small part of characteristic features of the face. After M' eigenface ui are determined, the training phase of algorithm is finished. 5.4.3 Recognition Procedure 1. A new face is transformed into its eigenface components. First we compare our input image with our mean image and multiply their difference with each eigenvector of the L matrix. Each value would represent a weight and would be saved on a vector Ω. 2. We now determine which face class provides the best description for the input image. This is done by minimizing the Euclidean distance. 63 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Implementation 3. The input face is considered to belong to a class if εk is below an established threshold θε. Then the face image is considered to be a known face. If the difference is above the given threshold but below a second threshold, the image can be determined as an unknown face. If the input image is above these two thresholds, the image is determined not to be a face. 64 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing Chapter 6 65 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing Chapter 6 6. Testing 6.1 Introduction In general, testing is finding out how well something works. In computer hardware and software development, testing is used at key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are being met. Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. 6.1.1 Types of testing Different types of testing include Unit Testing Unit testing is the testing of an individual unit or group of related units. Integration Testing Integration testing is testing in which a group of components are combined to produce output. Functional Testing Functional testing is the testing to ensure that the specified functionality required in the system requirements works. System Testing System testing is the testing to ensure that by putting the software in different environments (e.g., Operating Systems) it still works. Stress Testing Stress testing is the testing to evaluate how system behaves under unfavorable conditions. 66 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing Performance Testing Performance testing is the testing to assess the speed and effectiveness of the system and to make sure it is generating results within a specified time as in performance requirements. Usability Testing Usability testing is performed to the perspective of the client, to evaluate how the GUI is user-friendly? Acceptance Testing Acceptance testing is often done by the customer to ensure that the delivered product meets the requirements and works as the customer expected. Regression Testing Regression testing is the testing after modification of a system, component, or a group of related units to ensure that the modification is working correctly and is not damaging or imposing other modules to produce unexpected results. Beta Testing Beta testing is the testing which is done by end users, a team outside development, or publicly releasing full pre-version of the product which is known as beta version. 6.2 Login Test Id: TC1 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Login to system Pre-requisites: Must fill login form Test Data: Username, Password Steps: 1- Start System 2- Login form will be displayed 67 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 3- Click detect and recognize button 4- Webcam will start, if system recognizes you as admin, username will be filled with admin name. 5- Enter password. 6- Click login. 7- If the username and password is correct main form will appear. 8- If the username and password is not correct message box will appear. Status: Pass 6.3 Clear Login Test Id: TC2 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Clear login form Pre-requisites: Login form should be open Steps: 1- Start System 2- Login form will be displayed 3- Click detect and recognize button 4- Webcam will start, if system recognizes you as admin, username will be filled with admin name. 5- Enter password. 6- If you want to clear login form at any stage just click cancel or clear. 68 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 7- The login form will resume its initial stage. Status: Pass 6.4 View Student Record Test Id: TC3 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: To verify that admin can view student record Pre-requisites: User must login 1- Login. Steps: 2- Click on the Student menu. 3- Drop down menu will appear. 4- Click on view student record. 5- Student record will appear. Status Pass 6.5 Edit Student Record Test Id: TC4 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: To verify that admin can edit student record Pre-requisites: User must login 69 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing Steps: 1- Login 2- Click on student menu. 3- Drop down menu will appear. 4- Click edits student record. 5- Student form will appear. 6- Edit existing record and save it. 7- Record will be successfully saved and updated. Status Pass 6.6 Delete Student Record Test Id: TC5 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: To verify that admin can delete student record Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 Steps: 1- Login. 2- Home page will appear 3- Click on Student menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on delete student record 6- Student form will appear 7- Select the student record to be deleted 8- Click on delete button. 9- Record will be deleted and list will be updated Status Pass 70 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 6.7 Add Student Record Test Id: TC6 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: To verify that admin can add student record Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: Name, Contact, Email, Registration no. , father name, student image Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on student menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on add student button 6- Student form will appear 7- Fill all the textboxes with student information and add photo of student. 8- Click save button 9- Students record will be added to existing record Status Pass 6.8 Detect Student Image Test Id: TC7 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Detect student’s face Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 Steps: 1- Login 71 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on student menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on add student button 6- Student form will appear 7- Click on detect image. 8- Webcam will start video streaming. 9- If a system detects human face, it will highlight it with rectangle around the face Status Pass 6.9 Add Student Image Test Id: TC8 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Add student’s image Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: Name, image Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on student menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on add student button 6- Student form will appear 72 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 7- Click on detect image. 8- Webcam will start video streaming. 9- If a system detects human face, it will highlight it with rectangle around the face 10- Add student’s name 11- Click on add face button 12- Student’s image with respective name will be saved in training face’s database. Pass Status 6.10 Detect Face Test Id: TC9 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Detect Face Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: Image Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on mark attendance button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- Click on detect image. 73 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 8- Webcam will start video streaming. 9- If a system detects human face, it will highlight it with rectangle around the face Status Pass 6.11 Recognize Face Test Id: TC10 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Recognize student face Pre-requisites: User must login Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on mark attendance button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- Click on detect and recognize image. 8- Webcam will start video streaming. 9- If a system detects human face, it will highlight it with rectangle around the face 10- If a system recognizes the face it will label it with the respective name of student. Status Pass 74 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 6.12 Mark Attendance Test Id: TC11 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Mark Student’s Attendance Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: Image, student name Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on mark attendance button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- Click on detect and recognize image. 8- Webcam will start video streaming. 9- If a system detects human face, it will highlight it with rectangle around the face 10- If a system recognizes the face it will label it with the respective name of student. 11- Click mark attendance 12- Student’s attendance will be marked. Status Pass 75 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 6.13 View Attendance Test Id: TC12 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: View attendance record Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on view attendance button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- User can view attendance record of student. Status Pass 6.14 Edit Attendance Test Id: TC13 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Edit existing student record Pre-requisites: User must login Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 76 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on edit attendance button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- Select the attendance record you want to modify 8- Edit the attendance and click save 9- Attendance record will be saved and updated Status Pass 6.15 Delete Attendance Test Id: TC14 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Delete attendance Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on delete attendance button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- Select the attendance record you want to delete 8- click delete 9- Attendance record will be deleted Status Pass 77 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing 6.16 Print Records Test Id: TC15 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Print attendance Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click on attendance menu 4- Drop down menu will appear 5- Click on print button 6- Attendance form will appear 7- Click print button 8- Attendance record will be converted to pdf and you can easily print it. Status Pass 6.17 Logout Test Id: TC16 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: Logout Pre-requisites: User must login 78 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- If you want to logout, click on logout 4- User will be logged out and login form will appear Status Pass 6.18 About us Test Id: TC17 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: View about us Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- Click about us menu 4- About us page will appear Status Pass 6.19 Home Test Id: TC18 Tester: Admin Date: 28-2-2015 Purpose: View main page Pre-requisites: User must login Test Data: 28-2-2015 79 Face Recognition Based Attendance System Testing Steps: 1- Login 2- Main page will appear 3- If you are on another page click on home menu or back button 4- Main page will appear Status Pass 80 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual Chapter 7 81 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual Chapter 7 7. USER MAUAL 7.1 Login Form Figure 7.1 Login Foam 7.2 Loading screen Figure 7.2 Loading Screen 82 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual 7.3 Home Screen Figure 7.3 Home Screen 7.4 About us page Figure 7.4 About Us Page 83 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual 7.5 Student Menu Figure 7.5 Student Menu 7.6 Student Form Figure 7.6 Student Form 84 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual 7.7 Adding Student Form Figure 7.7 Adding Student Form 7.8 Attendance Menu Figure 7.8 Attendance Menu 85 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual 7.9Mark Attendance Form Figure 7.9 Mark Attendance Form 7.10 Student Attendance Form Figure 7.10 Student Attendance Form 86 Face Recognition Based Attendance System User Manual 87 Face Recognition Based Attendance System
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