Newsletter - 2015, April

Canandaigua American Legion
Post 256 Newsletter
April 2015 - June 2015
454 North Main Street Canandaigua, New York 14424
Canandaigua VA in The News
The Canandaigua VA was proud
and honored the evening of the
Oscar Awards last month, when a
documentary filmed last year in
Canandaigua about the National
Veterans Crisis Hot Line won an
Academy Award. The 40 minute
film is entitled "Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1".
During her acceptance speech,
director Ellen Goosenberg Kent thanked “the people at the crisis line who
care for veterans as deeply as if their own lives depend on it.”. Dana Perry,
the film’s producer, said in her acceptance “I thank everybody at the hotline the most amazing, dedicated responders and staff, who are reaching out a
hand to veterans across the land.”
That was not the end of the good news, as before the dust could settle from the Oscar win, the Canandaigua VA received a visit on Thursday
March 19 from the Deputy Secretary
of Veteran Affairs in Washington,
Sloan Gibson. Praising the work of
the Canandaigua VA for its lower
than average appointment wait times,
its progressive treatment plans, and
the work of the Crisis Line, the Deputy Secretary announced an immediate initiative to double the capacity of
the Crisis Line and increase provisions for the care and health of the
crisis line call takers. Present at the
meeting with the Deputy Secretary and VA Officials were members of State
and Local legislators and Veteran groups. Also present were Jeremy Marshall, Ontario County Service Officer and 256 Commander, as well as VAVS
Representatives Gabe Cinquegrana and Don Grundke. The Canandaigua
VA receives over 22,000 Crisis Calls a month, and in 2014 provided over
192,000 outpatient appointments to more than 19,000 unique Veterans.
What’s Inside
Spotlight on the Family Support Network, a vital program of the American
Legion to provide Immediate Assistance to Military Families. Pg. 3
Sons of the
Legion member Chase
awarded Pin
for completing the 10
Ideals Project. Pg. 4
New Acting American Legion Auxiliary
President Barb Saar reports on Auxiliary projects and activities. NOTE:
Meeting on April 7 will include the Annual Election of Officers to the Unit
256 Legion Auxiliary. Pg. 5
The Auxiliary’s annual Poppy Distribution Program starts in May. Deanna
McKelvey provides details. Pg. 6
Check the Calendar for upcoming
Meetings and Events this Quarter in
the Post 256 Family. Pg. 7
From the Post Commander, Jeremy Marshall
I hope that everyone is as excited as I am to see a break in the weather. Over the next few
months many exciting things will be happening with the American Legion. At the April membership
meeting I will appoint a committee to submit nominations for our elections that will be held in May. I
would like to encourage you to consider running for a position.
The by-laws state that any member in good standing can run for any position in the American
Legion. Please take the time to learn about what each position’s duties are and decide for yourself if
it is something that interests you. Do not stress over the fact that you may not know everything, as
there are many members that you can turn to for advice and guidance. I have learned that first hand
this year as Commander, and I continue to learn something new each day. The members of the
Post realize that these positions are volunteer positions and many will help you along the way.
The positions that will be elected are:
• Post Commander
• 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice Commander
• Finance Officer
• Adjutant
Further, there are positions that are appointed by the Commander and they are:
• Judge Advocate
• Sergeant-At-Arms
• Chaplin
• Historian
If you are interested in a position that requires election, please indicate your interest to a current Legion Officer or to a member of the Nominating Committee. By the same token, if a member
of our Nominating Committee approaches you about your possible interest in a position, please let
them provide you with details, and promise to seriously consider it. There are many ways to serve
our Veterans and Military in the American Legion, and taking an Officer position is one of those
If you have an interest in any of the appointed positions, I encourage you to let the Commander and/or nominees for Commander know that you are interested in a position.
Lastly, we have not reached the goal of 100% membership. I would love nothing more
than to see our Post be the first in the County to reach this goal. It is doable! Please continue to
keep your eyes and ears open for potential members as they are the lifeblood of this organization!
Jeremy Marshall, Commander
the troops means paying attention to their needs both in the field and
at home. It means understanding their lives both as warriors fighting for our nation,
and as husbands and wives, parents, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters
struggling to take care of their families.”
Senator John Kerry
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Canandaigua American Legion
From the Corporation Board - Richard Milton, President
It appears that spring is finally here. The Board of Directors hopes that all members have
fared the winter well. We continue to work for the betterment of our Post Home. As we enter into
warmer weather, the board of directors is looking for volunteers to mow the back lawn. Please contact President Richard Milton, if you are interested. Mark your calendar for the upcoming Annual
Corporation Meeting, October 15, 2015 at 7:30. We need to have a quorum to be able to conduct
business. Thank you for your support!
Program Service Spotlight - The Family Support Network
The American Legion's Family Support Network is ready to provide immediate assistance to service personnel and families whose lives have been directly affected by Operation Iraqi Freedom and America's war on terror. Since Sept. 11,
2001, the nation's active-duty military has been on high alert, and National Guard
and reserve units are being mobilized in record numbers. As a result, the families of
these men and women often find themselves unable to meet normal monthly expenses, and assistance is needed for a variety of everyday chores. These tasks include grocery
shopping, child care, mowing the grass, fixing the family car and other routine household jobs.
To address these issues, The American Legion has a nationwide toll-free telephone number,
(800) 504-4098, for service members and their family members to call for assistance. Calls are referred to The American Legion department, or state in which the call originated. Departments relay
the collected information to a local American Legion post. The local post then contacts the service
member or family to see how assistance can be provided locally. Since the creation of the Family
Support Network during the first Persian Gulf War, thousands of posts have responded to meet
these families' needs. As our forces pursue the enemies of freedom in Iraq and around the globe,
The American Legion supports our men and women in uniform and their families with the Family
Support Network.
Posts are reminded that families in financial need with minor children are encouraged to call
on the Temporary Financial Assistance program at National Headquarters to assist. Otherwise, it is
up to local posts to provide or develop the resources necessary to meet the need. The Family Support Network works when Legionnaires at the post level respond to the increasing needs of comrades and their families. As the nation's largest veterans organization, our commitment to the men
and women of our armed forces and their families never wavers. Together, we must act to ensure
that no family endures hardships caused by military service. By doing so, we ensure that The
American Legion is "Still Serving America."
When the Family Support Network Worksheet request is received, or the emergency call is
received at the toll-free number, the name, address and telephone number of the caller, as well as
the reason for the call, are collected. The call and pertinent information is then quickly referred to
the Department Headquarters Office.
The Department then refers the call to a local American Legion Post. The local post contacts
the family and provides the assistance, if resources are available, or refers the family to other local
agencies. In case of financial need, the post provides the necessary funds or assists the family in
applying for Temporary Financial Assistance, if minor children are in the home or involved.
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Canandaigua American Legion
From the Sons of the American Legion Commander – Charles L. Tomes
I hope this edition of the Newsletter finally finds us solidly enjoying spring! I’d like to start
by thanking all our members for paying their dues early this year. This not only gives your Post
the funds to complete needed projects and assist local Veterans needs, but also aids the County,
State and National SAL in their projects as well. Please give yourselves a pat on the back!
Due to the weather our March meeting had to be cancelled. As such we didn’t get a
chance to set either our fundraisers or their dates for the coming year. We hope to have these
set at our makeup meeting in April. Please look to support these by either volunteering with us, or
assisting monetarily. Remember, the money from these fundraisers stays local. You make look
to see these posted in the next newsletter and on the SAL board at the Post.
In our May 5th meeting, we will be electing new Officers for the coming year. If you are interested in holding a position, or assisting in the election process please join us. Our meeting will
begin at 6:45 pm. If you have any questions on what the Officers duties are please feel free to
see one of us, and we will be happy to discuss it with you.
I wish congratulate Chase Marshall on completing the Ten Ideals project. Chase did a
great job in his presentation, and I believe we all learned something new about the SAL through
his hard work. I will end by thanking everyone for allowing me to serve this past year as your SAL
Commander, and I still hope to see you at one of the upcoming meetings.
Thank You, Chuck Tomes, Commander
April 17 9am to 6pm
April 18 9am to 12pm
$2.00 per Bag Sale after 12pm on the 18th
American Legion Post 256
454 North Main St.
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sponsor: American Legion Auxiliary Unit 256
Purpose: To Support The Community Service Fund
(Drop-Offs accepted on the 16th, use Rear Entrance
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Canandaigua American Legion
From the Auxiliary, Acting President Barbara Saar
For those who are not aware, our Unit President Marlene Milton passed away unexpectedly on February 5. I want to thank our Members for their help and confidence in me.
I will try my best to make Marlene proud until our next elections.
Barb Saar, Acting President
Legislation: We need to continue to pressure Congress about issues of patriotism and those concerning our veterans, active duty military and retirees. Our local Senate and Congress addresses
are listed to the left. Any answers you receive can be forwarded to me to be sent to Department so
they can tally the results. It’s important that the National ALA be able to show Congress that we are
effective in communicating with our legislators in order to justify continuation of our Charter and our
tax exempt status. Recent good news was that upgrades to our local VAMC continue. Perhaps you
saw the news that the Crisis Hotline will be augmented. It didn’t hurt that a documentary on that
very important program received an Academy Award. National news is not so good as Congress
and the administration continue to attack benefits for both active duty military and retirees. Active
duty raises were capped at below inflation levels, resulting in inequality with private sector compensation that has not been equaled since the Carter administraUS. Senate, Chuck Schumer
tion, and there is a proposed 5 % reduction in housing benefits
and also elimination of commissary benefits. A 21 % cut to both
Medicare and Tricare payments to doctors is looming in the fuUS. Senate, Kristen Gillibrand
ture, which will impact the number of doctors willing to accept
patients under those programs. Also, there is a proposal to
eliminate Tricare all together and shift those beneficiaries to a
23rd District Rep. Tom Reed
federal civilian style health plan, which would mean increased
costs for the military families. But the bigger threat is sequestration, which is still the law of the land, and will result in even big27th District Rep. Chris Collins
ger cuts to benefits and the military manpower pool. Contact
your Legislators to let them know your concerns.
Manufacturer Coupons: Thanks all who continueto support our Coupon program. Since December,30 volunteers have spent 224 hours so that we could send coupons valued at $65,600 to our
military families overseas. GOOD JOB, EVERYONE.REMEMBER!!! Coupons MUST be no older
than threemonths from the current month. Although commissaries honor coupons recently expired, only coupons dated no earlier thanJanuary, 2015, will still be accepted when they reach the
facility overseas.So stop by the Post often with your coupons. If you can cut them,
that would be a big help to my husband and me. We frequently receive notes of
thanks for the coupons and the savings to the military families overseas. The most
recent was from Illesheim, Germany.
Past President’s Parley: The Past Presidents of Unit 256 continue to support all efforts to aid our
veterans and community. We urge all High School Seniors to apply for Scholarships from the Auxiliary, especially those planning to study in the medical field. The Unit also supports Zion House in
Avon, a rehabilitation facility for female veterans. Our current project is to create layettes for female
veterans who are expecting babies in the near future. Donations are welcome. Two past presidents
attended the annual Mid-Winter conference in Albany in January to gather the latest information
from Department. We also attended the Four Chaplains remembrance in Phelps the first Sunday of
February. This is such a beautiful ceremony and well worth the time and effort to attend.
Thanks, Rosemary Luzum
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Canandaigua American Legion
Membership, Barbara Saar: We have 232 paid members or 83% of our Target. If you have not paid 2015
dues, please think about paying and renewing your membership. Send to Barb Saar, 2890 Confier Dr. Apt. 166, Canandaigua NY 14424, or drop off at
the Post. Dues are $25, and I would really like to make it to 100% this year. We also welcome
new members Emily Marshall and Lisa Henderson.
Legion Auxiliary (continued)
Girl’s State, Barbara Saar: I want to thank Jeanne Stahl and Tillie Johnston for helping me with
interviews for the Girl’s State Program. We were unable to get a girl from the High School. So
Teresa Newman from Honeoye Unit 1278 will be representing our 256 Unit. Empire Girl’s State is
June 27-July 3 at Brockport College. All expenses are covered by our Unit.
VA&R, Julie Yacono: If you are an ALA Unit 256 member and you volunteer at the VA or in any
way assist Veterans, please contact Julie Yacono (VA & R Chairperson) with your monthly hours
by the last day of each month at or 585-324-0225. Thank you.
Troop Fan Mail, Rosemary Luzum: If you have a computer, is a website to send a message of support.We continue to receive thank you notes from troops who received the Holiday cards we sent to those units in harm’s way. It means so much to them to know
they are not forgotten even though they are far away.
This year will bring change and new ways for our Poppy Campaign.
Joining me this year are Sandy Counceler and Barb Hill, I’m very happy to
have them aboard. The dates for the Poppy Campaign are May 21, 22,
and 23.
We will NOT BE doing Eastview Mall this year ! But will continue with Wade’s and our
local stores. Sandy is contacting Wades to set the dates. Barb has written letters to our Mayor
asking that May be declared Poppy Month. Sue Beeman will be contacting Farnsworth and the
Racetrack. I have done Wegmans online and our local stores, which are welcoming us again.
Our ALA members are aging (who isn’t) which makes it increasingly difficult to fill all the
time slots at all the locations during the Campaign. Please remember why we do this, and what it
means to our Veterans. They served us now we all need to serve them; Auxiliary, Legion, Sons,
friends, give us a hand. Watch for Sign-up sheets soon in the Lounge and please SIGN-UP.
In closing, please ALA members get us your email address if you have one, so that we can
more effectively communicate with you all in the future. Thank You !
Deonna McKelvey, Sandy C., Barb H.
Tyler Bailey
Richard Martuscello
Joseph Carr
Dakota Orbaker
Donald Kane
Albert Plain
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Lisa Henderson
Emily Marshall
Canandaigua American Legion
Canandaigua Post 256
454 North Main St.
Nonprofit Org.
Permit No. 298
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Rochester, NY
“ For God
Country “
Important Dates and Meetings
April 2015:
June 2015:
4/07: Auxiliary Meeting 2:00pm
6/02: Auxiliary Meeting 2:00pm
4/07: SAL Meeting 6:45pm
6/09: Legion Post Meeting 7:30
4/14: Legion Post Meeting 7:30pm
6/13: District Convention 10:00am
4/16: Corporation Board Meeting 7:30
6/16: Auxiliary Meeting 2:00pm
4/21: Auxiliary Meeting 2:00pm
6/19: Corporation Board Meeting 7:30
Opinions expressed herein
are those of the
editor or columnist, and are not
necessarily those
of the National,
Department, District, County or
our American
Legion Post.
May 2015:
5/05: Auxiliary Meeting 2:00pm
5/05: SAL Meeting 6:45pm
5/12: Legion Post Meeting 7:30pm
5/16: Trail Opening 11:00am
5/19: Auxiliary Meeting 2:00pm
5/21: Corporation Board Meeting 7:30
5/30: Open House/Car Show 9:00am
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget
that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.”
John F. Kennedy
This newsletter
is published
Deadline for the
July - Sept.
issue is
June 20th.