Hawai‘i Statewide Assessment Program: Hawai‘i State Smarter Balanced, HSA Science Assessments, HSA Alternate Assessments, and End-of-Course Exams TIDE User Guide Published May 21, 2015 2014–2015 Prepared by the American Institutes for Research® Table of Contents Overview of the Test Information Distribution Engine .........................................................................................7 Additional Resources .............................................................................................................................. 7 Computer and System Requirements ..................................................................................................... 7 About Microsoft Excel Files..................................................................................................................... 7 Introduction to This User Guide..............................................................................................................................8 Understanding the User Guide ............................................................................................................... 8 Section I. Accessing TIDE .......................................................................................................................................9 Accessing TIDE: First-Time Users ............................................................................................................ 9 Logging into TIDE: Post-Account Activation ......................................................................................... 12 Resetting Your Password .................................................................................................................. 12 Switching Between HSAP Systems........................................................................................................ 13 Section II: Understanding the TIDE Interface ..................................................................................................... 14 Home Page ............................................................................................................................................ 14 TIDE Banner........................................................................................................................................... 15 TIDE Tabs ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Changing the Selected School/Test Administration ......................................................................... 15 My Account ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Updating Your Password............................................................................................................... 16 Section III. TIDE Tasks .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Task: Verify Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 20 Task Group: Student Information ......................................................................................................... 21 Task: View/Edit Students .................................................................................................................. 22 Searching for Student Records ..................................................................................................... 22 Advanced Search Options (New) .............................................................................................. 23 Understanding the Search Results Table ...................................................................................... 23 Sorting Search Results............................................................................................................... 24 Printing PreID Labels ..................................................................................................................... 24 Exporting Student Records (Updated) .......................................................................................... 26 Export All Records ..................................................................................................................... 26 Export Selected Records ........................................................................................................... 26 Viewing a Student’s Complete Record (Including Assessment Attributes) .................................. 27 About Assessment Attributes ................................................................................................... 27 Test Attribute and Accommodation Descriptions .................................................................... 28 View Courtesy Tested Students ........................................................................................................ 31 Searching for Student Records ..................................................................................................... 31 2 View Grade 31 Students ................................................................................................................... 32 Searching for Student Records ..................................................................................................... 32 Task Group: Manage Users ................................................................................................................... 33 Task: View/Edit Users ....................................................................................................................... 34 Searching for User Records ........................................................................................................... 34 Understanding the Search Results Table .................................................................................. 35 Sorting Search Results............................................................................................................... 35 Exporting User Records (Updated) ............................................................................................... 35 Export All Records ..................................................................................................................... 35 Export Selected Records ........................................................................................................... 36 Deleting Users ............................................................................................................................... 36 Viewing and Editing User Details .................................................................................................. 37 Task: Add User .................................................................................................................................. 38 Task: Upload Users............................................................................................................................ 39 Download the Template (Create User Upload File)...................................................................... 39 User File Requirements................................................................................................................. 40 Adding or Editing User Information .......................................................................................... 40 Adding Users to Multiple Complexes or Schools ...................................................................... 41 Updating or Correcting Previously Uploaded User Information .............................................. 41 Uploading the User File................................................................................................................. 42 Task Group: Test Impropriety ............................................................................................................... 44 Available Test Improprieties by Test Result Status .......................................................................... 46 Task: Create Test Impropriety........................................................................................................... 46 Task: View Test Impropriety ............................................................................................................. 49 Export Search Data to Microsoft Excel ......................................................................................... 51 Upload Test Impropriety ................................................................................................................... 52 Download the Template (Create Test Impropriety File)................................................................... 52 Test Impropriety Upload File Requirements ................................................................................ 53 Adding or Editing Test Impropriety Information .......................................................................... 53 Uploading the Test Impropriety File ................................................................................................. 54 Test Impropriety Definitions ......................................................................................................... 56 Test Statuses ............................................................................................................................. 57 Task Group: Rosters .............................................................................................................................. 58 Task: Manage Rosters ....................................................................................................................... 58 Creating rosters............................................................................................................................. 58 3 Modifying rosters .......................................................................................................................... 60 Deleting rosters............................................................................................................................. 61 Printing rosters.............................................................................................................................. 61 Task: Upload Roster .......................................................................................................................... 62 Download the Template (Create Upload Roster File)....................................................................... 62 Upload Roster File Requirements ................................................................................................. 62 Adding or Editing Roster Upload Information .............................................................................. 63 Uploading the Roster File.................................................................................................................. 64 Task Group: Working with Special Codes ............................................................................................. 66 Overview of Special Codes ............................................................................................................ 66 Retrieving Special Codes ............................................................................................................... 67 Task: Download Forms .......................................................................................................................... 68 Task Group: PT Classroom Activities..................................................................................................... 69 Reviewing Classroom Activities ........................................................................................................ 69 Modifying Classroom Activities......................................................................................................... 70 Appendix A. User Support .................................................................................................................................... 71 Appendix B. Complex Area IDs ............................................................................................................................ 72 Appendix C. Opening a CSV File in Excel ........................................................................................................... 73 Appendix D. Common Errors with File Uploads ................................................................................................ 74 Appendix E. Change Log ...................................................................................................................................... 76 4 Table of Contents Figure 1. Single Sign On Login Page ............................................................................................................ 9 Figure 2. Password Reset Screen .............................................................................................................. 10 Figure 3. Password Reset Options Screen ................................................................................................ 10 Figure 4. User Cards on Portal .................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 5. TIDE Card on Portal .................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 6. Single Sign On Login Page .......................................................................................................... 12 Figure 7. System Navigation Drop-Down Menu ....................................................................................... 13 Figure 8. Sample Home Page for Test Coordinators................................................................................. 14 Figure 9. Sample TIDE Banner ................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 10. Change Institution/Test Administration Window.................................................................... 16 Figure 11. My Account Window ............................................................................................................... 16 Figure 12. Verify Contact Information Task .............................................................................................. 20 Figure 13. View/Edit Students Task .......................................................................................................... 22 Figure 14. Advanced Search Options ........................................................................................................ 23 Figure 15. Sample PreID Label .................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 16. Menu from the PreID Labels button ........................................................................................ 25 Figure 17. Label Template (partial view) .................................................................................................. 25 Figure 18. Export Options ......................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 19. View Courtesy Tested Students Task ....................................................................................... 31 Figure 20. View Grade 31 Students Task .................................................................................................. 32 Figure 21. View/Edit Users Task ............................................................................................................... 34 Figure 22. Export Options ......................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 23. Edit User Page .......................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 24. Add User Task .......................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 25. Upload Users Task .................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 26. Upload User Template ............................................................................................................. 40 Figure 27. Sample User File for User Added to Multiple Schools ............................................................. 41 Figure 28. Upload User File, Step 1: Locate File ....................................................................................... 42 Figure 29. Upload User File, Step 2: Preview Records .............................................................................. 42 Figure 30. Upload User File, Step 4: Confirmation ................................................................................... 43 Figure 31. Create Test Impropriety Task................................................................................................... 47 Figure 32. View Test Impropriety Task ..................................................................................................... 49 Figure 33. Upload Test Impropriety Task.................................................................................................. 52 Figure 34. Test Impropriety Template File................................................................................................ 53 Figure 35. Upload Test Impropriety File, Step 1: Locate File .................................................................... 54 Figure 36. Upload Test Impropriety File, Step 2: Preview Records .......................................................... 54 Figure 37. Upload Test Impropriety File, Step 4: Confirmation ................................................................ 55 Figure 38. Manage Rosters Task ............................................................................................................... 58 Figure 39. Example Roster ........................................................................................................................ 59 Figure 40. Printer-Friendly Version of Roster ........................................................................................... 61 Figure 41. Upload Roster File Task............................................................................................................ 62 Figure 42. Upload Roster File Template ................................................................................................... 63 Figure 43. Upload Roster File, Step 1: Locate File .................................................................................... 64 Figure 44. Upload Roster File, Step 2: Preview Records ........................................................................... 64 Figure 45. Upload Roster File, Step 4: Confirmation ................................................................................ 65 Figure 46. Fields in the Page .................................................................................................................... 67 5 Figure 47. Retrieved Students and Special Codes .................................................................................... 67 Figure 48. Download Forms Task .............................................................................................................. 68 Figure 49. Fields in the View Classroom Activities page ........................................................................... 69 Figure 50. Retrieved Classroom Activities ................................................................................................ 69 Figure 51. Sample Record Error Messages ............................................................................................... 74 6 Overview of the Test Information Distribution Engine The Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) system manages online users; student information, including accommodations; test incident reports via the "Test Improprieties" tab; and downloadable parent letters and forms related to the assessments. TIDE uses a role-specific design by test administration to restrict access to certain tools and applications based on the user’s designated role and selected administration. The TIDE system is also your first step to accessing the other HSAP systems and applications. Additional Resources This user guide does not provide information on Hawai‘i Statewide Assessment Program (HSAP) policies and procedures, or how to use the other HSAP applications. Resources for other HSAP applications, as well as general resources about the Smarter Balanced Assessments, HSA Science Assessments, HSA-Alt Assessments, and the EOC Exams are available on the HSAP portal at www.alohahsap.org. Computer and System Requirements This user guide does not provide information on computer or software requirements for TIDE or other HSAP systems. This information is provided in the Technology Requirements document, also available on the HSAP portal. About Microsoft Excel Files TIDE allows authorized users to export/download files in one of two formats: .csv and .xlsx. The file format you select will depend on what version of Excel you are using. Comma-separated values (.csv): If you have Excel 2003 or earlier, AIR recommends that you download exported records in .csv format. These files do not automatically preserve leading zeros (numbers that begin with at least one zero, e.g., “0001234”). Therefore, to ensure that student data, especially State Student Identification numbers (SSIDs), appear in Excel correctly when using the .csv file, follow the instructions in this document’s appendix, Opening a CSV File in Excel. Excel: Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer opens .xlsx files while automatically preserving leading zeros. You must use these versions of Excel to open these files correctly. These files cannot be opened using an earlier version of Excel. Introduction to This User Guide This user guide supports users who manage testing for students participating in the Hawai‘i Statewide Assessment Program. This introduction describes the contents of this document and includes a key for identifying icons and elements found in this guide. Understanding the User Guide This user guide provides information about all tasks available to authorized complex area and school personnel. Each section and appendix begins on a new page, which allows for easy printing. • Section I, Accessing TIDE, includes instructions for accessing TIDE for the first time and activating your account, as well as logging in after your account has been activated. • Section II, Understanding the TIDE Interface, provides an overview of the TIDE design and available features. • Section III, TIDE Tasks, includes an in-depth overview of the tasks, features and functions available in TIDE. Tasks, features and functions apply to all administrations, except where noted. The information presented in those sections will apply only to the specified administration(s). • The appendices provide additional information, including descriptions of user roles, instructions on opening a CSV file in Excel, and common errors that occur when uploading files. Table 1. Key Icons and Elements Icon Description Warning: This symbol accompanies important information regarding actions that may cause errors. Caution: This symbol accompanies important information regarding a task. Note: This symbol accompanies helpful information or reminders. Text that appears in shaded boxes provides instructions relevant to the task described: [Text] • Numbered (ordered) lists provide step-by-step instructions. • Bulleted lists provide instructions that do not need to be performed in a specific order. Text in brackets is used to indicate a link or button that is clickable. 8 Section I. Accessing TIDE This section contains information on how to activate a new TIDE account, how to log in after accessing TIDE for the first time, and how to reset a forgotten password. Do not share your login information with anyone not authorized to access TIDE. TIDE provides access to student information, which must be protected in accordance with federal privacy laws. Accessing TIDE: First-Time Users Users who have been newly added to TIDE will receive an automated email. This email contains the following information: • Your welcome to TIDE • Your user role • The HSAP systems you have access to (e.g., TIDE, the TA Live Site, the Online Reporting System) • A secure, temporary, one-time only link. This link expires three days after the email was sent. You must click the secure link in the email to access the Single Sign On Login page and activate your account. Once you have logged in with your temporary password, you will need to set up a new password and provide an answer to a security question before you can access TIDE. Figure 1. Single Sign On Login Page To login with your temporary password: 1. On the Single Sign On Login page (see Figure 1), enter your username and temporary password. 2. Click [Secure Login]. You will be directed to the Reset Password screen (see Figure 2) where you will need to reset your password. 9 Figure 2. Password Reset Screen To reset your password: 1. In the Old Password field, enter your temporary password. 2. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter your new password. The password must: • be eight (8) characters long, • have three of the following: one lowercase alphabetic character, one uppercase alphabetic character, one number, and one special character, and • not be the same as your current or previous password. 3. Click [Submit]. You will be directed to the Select a Security Question screen where you will need to set up a security question and answer. Figure 3. Password Reset Options Screen 10 To set up your security question and answer: 1. From the questions listed on the Select a Security Question screen, select a security question by checking the checkbox next to the question. 2. Provide your answer to the security question in the corresponding text box provided. 3. Click [Save]. You will be directed to the HSAP Portal from where you can access the required assessment and system. Alert: Important Information Regarding Your Passwords If you are a user who has recently been added to TIDE, you should have received an e-mail from HSAPHelpDesk@air.org that contains a temporary password and a link to sign in to the HSAP systems. You must log in with your temporary password within three days of receiving the email in order to activate your account. The temporary password is valid for three (3) days. You will be prompted to update your password and select and answer a security question. Did your first temporary password expire? If you did not log in within three days of receiving the first password email and activate your account, you must contact the HSAP Help Desk. You can only reset your password after you have selected a security question and answer. The HSAP Help Desk will send you a new email with a different temporary password. You MUST log in within three days to activate your account. Did you forget your password? If you forgot your password, you can reset it. Click the [Forgot Your Password?] button on the Single Sign On page and then enter your email address into the Email Address field. You will receive another email containing a new temporary password, which also expires in three days. (It may take up to 10 minutes to receive the new email.) Did you not receive an email containing a temporary password? Emails from Single Sign On come from HSAPHelpDesk@air.org. Check your spam folder to make sure your email provider did not categorize it as “junk” mail. If you still do not have an email, contact your Test Coordinator to make sure you were added to TIDE. Only users who have been added to TIDE will receive an account email with a temporary password. Additional Help If you are unable to log in, contact the HSAP Help Desk for assistance. You must provide your name and e-mail address. Contact information is available in Appendix A. User Support. 11 Logging into TIDE: Post-Account Activation To log into TIDE, you must have an authorized username and password. If you have not yet received your login information, contact your Test Coordinator because this person will need to add you to TIDE. Do NOT share your login information with anyone not authorized to access TIDE. TIDE provides access to student information, which must be protected in accordance with federal privacy laws. 1. Open your web browser and navigate to the HSAP portal (www.alohahsap.org). Figure 4. User Cards on Portal 2. Click the Smarter Balanced, HSA Science, HSA-Alt, or EOC Exams button. 3. Click either [Teachers] or [Test Coordinators/Administrators] to access TIDE and other applications. 4. Click the [Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)] button. You will be directed to the Single Sign On (SSO) page. Figure 5. TIDE Card on Portal SSO allows you to log into the HSAP systems provided by AIR. After you log in, you can switch between systems without having to log in and out of each system. 5. Type your username and password in the respective text boxes and click [Secure Login]. You will be directed to the TIDE Home page. Figure 6. Single Sign On Login Page 6. If you are a user with multiple roles or are associated with more than one school, you will be prompted to select the complex area and/or school and corresponding user role. Resetting Your Password If your account was locked or if you forgot your password, click the [Forgot Your Password?] link on the login page. You will need to provide your username (email address) that is on file in TIDE. Next, you are prompted to answer your security question. You will receive an automated email that contains a secure, temporary link, just like the email you received when you were first added to TIDE. Click the secure link to modify your password and to submit your answer to your security question. 12 Switching Between HSAP Systems SSO is designed to ease the login process and simplify navigation between the HSAP systems. SSO integrates the following: • Test Information Distribution Engine • TA Training Site • TA Live Site • Online Reporting System Reminder: Access to these systems and their features is dependent on your user role. The top left corner of your browser contains a drop-down menu listing the above applications. From the drop-down menu, select the application you want to switch to. You will be directed to the main page for that application and will not have to log in again. Figure 7. System Navigation Drop-Down Menu Warning: Although navigating to another system is easy, it is important to understand how the system operates in order to avoid unintended consequences of switching systems. If you are using the TA Live Site or TA Training Site and you navigate away from it, your session will stop and all students in the session will be logged out. You cannot resume your session. You will have to create a new session, and your students will have to log in again to resume testing. 13 Section II: Understanding the TIDE Interface Home Page The first screen you will see after you log in is the TIDE Home page. Your user role is displayed on the screen in the top right corner, next to your name. The Home page allows you to view the available tasks based on your user role and the selected administration. Refer to the TIDE Tasks table on page 15 for information regarding what each user role can access within TIDE. Figure 8. Sample Home Page for Test Coordinators Caution: Loss of Data Working with TIDE in more than one tab or browser window may result in changes in one tab overwriting changes made in another tab. Do not have more than one TIDE browser tab or window open at one time. 14 TIDE Banner The TIDE banner, which includes the tabs, is visible at all times and also contains specific links and features. Figure 9. Sample TIDE Banner The upper right corner displays the following information and links: • Your name (User) and user role (Role). • [My Account]—Click to view and/or update your contact information and change your password. • [Contact Us]—Click to view HSAP Help Desk contact information. • [Log Out]—Click to log out of the site. • [Help]—Click to view and download this TIDE User Guide. Your complex area/school name and selected test administration are also visible in the upper right corner of the screen. TIDE Tabs The TIDE interface uses tabs, which resemble file folders, as the primary means of navigating between tasks. Some tasks in the TIDE interface contain multiple sub-tasks, as displayed below. TIDE is automatically configured to show only the tasks and subtasks that are available to you based on your user role. The above image is representative for Test Coordinators. • Tasks that are grayed out cannot be accessed until they become active. • Tasks with a lock icon may be viewed, but changes cannot be made on those pages. Changing the Selected School/Test Administration This feature allows you to view information for another school and/or test administration without logging out and then logging back in again. Note: Depending on your user role, this feature may not be available. User accounts with only one associated institution will not be able to change schools. 15 Figure 10. Change Institution/Test Administration Window 1. Click the [Change Institution/Test Administration] button. 2. Select a test administration. 3. Select a role type. 4. Confirm/select the complex area, complex, and institution. 5. Click [Submit]. My Account This section contains your personal information. You can update your information in the editable (white) text fields. You cannot update your role, email address, or trained user status. If your role or email address needs to be changed, contact your Test Coordinator. Figure 11. My Account Window Note: If you are a Test Coordinator, you also need to update your information on the Contact Info task page. Updating Your Password 1. Enter your current password into the “Old Password” text box. 2. Enter your new password into the “New Password” text box. 16 New passwords must be at least six characters long and contain at least one number. 3. Enter the new password again into the “New Password (again)” text box. 4. Click [Update]. If TIDE validates your new password, a message will appear saying that your account was successfully updated. Password changes take effect immediately and apply to all HSAP systems. 17 Section III. TIDE Tasks TIDE allows authorized users to view and manage user and student information, as well as create and view test impropriety cases, upload rosters, and download forms related to testing. Your user role determines the tasks that you are able to access, and whether you are able to make changes. This information is detailed Table 2 below. Table 2. TIDE Tasks and User Role Access Task Group Tasks CAS CS PR TC TA* TAALT TE Contact Info Verify Contact Information Manage Users Add Users Edit Users Upload Users Set Accommodation Codes Set Print Size Set Background Color Restrict testing in a specific subject Enable EOC Exam eligibility by subject Set TTS Designated Support for Smarter Balanced ELA CAT items, ELA PT stimuli and items, and Mathematics items View Users Student Information View student information Set TTS Accommodation for Smarter Balanced ELA CAT reading passages** Disable TTS Universal Tool for HSA Science and EOC Exams that is preselected in TIDE for all students Set Test Language (assign Hawaiian for Grade 4 HLIP students)*** Select Braille as an accommodation^ Review Classroom Activity^^ Test Create Cases Impropriety^^^ View Cases Upload Rosters Upload Class Rosters Download Forms Download Forms Reasons for NonParticipation Set Special Codes in Reasons for NonParticipation * Only users with a role of Test Administrator (TA) can administer online assessments. 18 ** A Test Coordinator (TC) must submit a student’s Verification of Student Need Form for the Smarter Balanced TTS accommodation for the ELA CAT reading passages to the Department of Education's Assessment Section for review and approval or disapproval. TCs will also need to indicate if a student requires items in addition to passages on the Verification of Student Need Form. TTS for items cannot be later added to TTS passages in TIDE by a TC and must be added by a state-level user when TTS for passages is set. ***The Assessment Section will have each Hawaiian Language Immersion Program (HLIP) student’s language preset to Hawaiian in the TIDE system with AIR’s assistance. ^ TCs must request the Braille accommodation for students by contacting the Assessment Section at 808-7334100. It will then be preset for approved students by the Assessment Section. TCs cannot set this accommodation in TIDE. ^^ Only state-level users can edit classroom activity assignments. TCs must submit a Verification of Student Need Form to the Assessment Section for classroom activity reassignment. ^^^ Only Test Coordinators can create or view requests for test resets, test invalidations, grace period extensions, or the reopening of expired tests using this feature in TIDE. All other testing issues must be reported to the HSAP Help Desk. 19 Task: Verify Contact Information The Contact Information page allows Test Coordinators to verify and update their contact information and the school shipping and mailing information for the current testing year. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Note: If a school has no Test Coordinator, or a new Test Coordinator needs to be added, the principal must add the Test Coordinator via the Add User task. All Test Coordinators added to TIDE will receive online system email communications from AIR. Figure 12. Verify Contact Information Task On this page, Test Coordinators must: 1. Verify your contact information. • Verify your mailing address, phone number, and email address. A second email field is available in case you wish to receive email communications at an alternate email address or to have communications sent to a second person. • Communication regarding HSAP testing information is sent out via email; please ensure that the email addresses entered are correct. 2. Verify the shipping information. Verify the school’s shipping address where printed test-related materials will be delivered. • Your mailing and shipping addresses can be different. • Post Office (P.O.) boxes are not allowed in the shipping address because test materials are shipped via UPS or another commercial carrier. Please enter the school’s street address. 3. When you have finished verifying and/or updating your contact information, click [Done]. If you made changes, but did not save them and you want to reset the information on this screen to the original contact information, click [Reset]. 20 Task Group: Student Information The Student Information section allows users to complete the following tasks: View/Edit Students View/Edit Courtesy Tested Students View/Edit Grade 31 Students This section of TIDE allows authorized users to view students within their complex area or school. Users cannot add or delete students in the TIDE system. Student information is managed using data automatically sent nightly from the Hawai‘i Department of Education to the American Institutes for Research. If student demographic information needs to be updated or students added or deleted, the school’s staff member who is responsible for entering student information into the state’s system must enter this information using the school’s regular procedures for updating student information. The records will be updated in the TIDE system within 48–72 hours. 21 Task: View/Edit Students The View Students page allows authorized users to search for students and view their demographic information, including test accommodations. Users may only view information for students in their school. Test Coordinators and Test Administrators can edit students’ default test accommodations and restrictions in TIDE. Any other settings must be updated by the Assessment Section. CAUTION: Test settings in the TA Live Site. Changing a test setting in TIDE after the test starts does not update the student’s test setting if the same test setting is available in the TA Live Site. In this case, you must change the test setting in the TA Live Site. Figure 13. View/Edit Students Task Searching for Student Records 1. Verify or select a school and grade from the drop-down lists. (If you are affiliated with more than one complex area or complex, you will first need to select a complex area or complex.) 2. Enter or select any search criteria you want to include. • To view all students in a complex area, select “All Schools” from the School drop-down list. • To view all students in your school, select “All Grades” from the Enrolled Grade drop-down list. 3. Click [Search]. The page will display the records associated with the school and grade you selected. 22 Advanced Search Options (New) If your initial search results in a large number of student records, you may narrow your search to locate specific students or groups of students more easily. Figure 14. Advanced Search Options 1. Click [Add Search Criteria]. The section will expand to display the Search Fields drop-down list. 2. Select a search variable. (Depending on the variable you selected, a subject drop-down list may appear. Select a subject.) 3. Select the value(s) you want to limit your search to. (For example, if you want to search only for students with an HSA-Alt flag, then click the checkbox next to “Yes.” If you want to exclude a value, make sure that value’s box is not checked.) 4. Click [Add Criteria]. The selected value(s) will appear above the “Add Search Criteria” text. • Note: To add another search variable (e.g., search for students who have both an HSA-Alt flag and a second rater flag), repeat steps 2, 3, and 4. 5. Click [Search]. The page will display the records associated with the criteria you selected. Understanding the Search Results Table • Each row contains the following information for each student: school Internal Retrieval Number (IRN); SSID number; first name, last name, and middle name; gender; birth date; grade; and test eligibility, with test names listed in the additional columns • Each row also contains a [View] button and a checkbox. o The [View] button allows you to view the complete information for the selected student. o The checkbox allows you to select individual students to export. 23 Sorting Search Results By default, the search results table automatically sorts by last name in ascending order. However, all columns in the table are sortable in both ascending (A–Z, 0–99) and descending (Z–A; 99–0) order. • To sort the table in ascending or descending order by a specific attribute, click on a column header (e.g., First Name). The table will automatically sort by the selected attribute. o An arrow will appear next to the selected attribute: • When the arrow is pointing up, the column is sorted in ascending order. When the arrow is pointing down, the column is sorted in descending order. To sort a selected column in the other direction (descending versus ascending), click the column header again. Printing PreID Labels A PreID label is a label that you affix to a student’s testing materials, such as an answer booklet. Referring to the example in Figure 15, the student’s name, SSID, and identifying bar code appear on the label. The test administrator affixes this label to the student’s answer booklet. Figure 15. Sample PreID Label Complexes and schools can print labels for students not included in the original PreID upload for a given administration, such as students who transferred to a school after the PreID upload. This task requires the 5" × 2" label stock provided in your test materials shipment. You can print on partially used label sheets. For example, if you have a sheet of labels that is missing the first two rows, you can start printing on the third row. TIDE generates the labels as a PDF file that you download with your browser and then print to your printer. To print PreID Labels: 1. Retrieve the students for whom you want to print labels by following the procedure in the section Searching for Student Records. 24 2. Click the column headings to sort the retrieved students in the order you want the labels printed. (For information about sorting, see Sorting Search Results.) 3. Do one of the following: o Mark the checkboxes for the students you want to print. o Mark the checkbox at the top of the table to print labels for all retrieved students. 4. Establish the start position for printing on the first page by doing the following: a. Hover over the PreID Labels button, and click Download PreID Labels Template (see Figure 16). Your browser downloads a PDF indicating the available start positions for printing (see Figure 17). Figure 16. Menu from the PreID Labels button Figure 17. Label Template (partial view) b. Using the downloaded template, identify the starting position. For example, 1 indicates the topleft corner of the label sheet, and 2 indicates the top-right corner. c. Again hover over the PreID Labels button; from the Select start position drop-down list, select the number you determined in step 4.b. This start position applies only to the first page of labels. For all subsequent pages, the printing starts in position 1, the top-left corner. 5. Hover over the PreID Labels button, and click Print PreID Labels. Your browser downloads the generated PDF file. 25 Exporting Student Records (Updated) You can export search results as a .csv file, which can be opened using Microsoft Excel or a notepad application, or as an Excel .xslx file, which must be opened using Excel 2007 or later. Figure 18. Export Options You can export all records or export selected records. Reminder: Federal law (FERPA) prohibits the release of any student’s personally identifiable information. Any saved files or printouts containing student information must be securely stored and then destroyed when no longer needed. Export All Records You can export a data file that contains all students from the search results table. 1. Hover over the [Export] tab and click either the [Export All to Excel] or [Export All to CSV] option. A file dialog box will appear. 2. Save the file to the desired location on your computer and open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible program (for .csv files). Export Selected Records You can export a data file that contains only selected (checked) students from the search results table. 1. Click the checkbox for each student whom you want to include in the file. 2. Hover over the [Export] tab and click either the [Export Selected Data to Excel] or [Export Selected Data to CSV] option. A file dialog box will appear. 3. Save the file to the desired location on your computer and open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible program (for .csv files). 26 Viewing a Student’s Complete Record (Including Assessment Attributes) To view a student’s complete record, including all test settings, accommodations, test eligibility, and restrictions, click the [View] button for that student. The View Student Details page will load. About Assessment Attributes All users can view students’ test attributes. Only Test Coordinators and Test Administrators can select or edit certain test attributes or settings. Students’ demographic information, including the courtesy testing flag, cannot be edited. Table 3 below provides an overview of all the sections on the View Student Details page. Attributes that are read only must be updated by the Assessment Section. Descriptions of each assessment attribute and its requirements are in Table 4 on the next page. All default accommodations and settings must be set in TIDE before students begin testing. Table 3. Test Settings, Attributes, and Accommodations on the View Student Details Page Attributes and Accommodations Assessment Section TC Can Edit TA Can Edit Language Accommodation Codes Color Choices EOC Exam Eligibility HSA-Alt Eligibility Print on Request Print Size Suppress Score Test Restrictions (Blocked Subjects) Text-to-Speech (Smarter Balanced ELA CAT, ELA PT, and Mathematics Items; ELA PT stimuli, HSA Science, and EOC Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology I and U.S. History) Text-to-Speech (Smarter Balanced ELA CAT reading passages) 27 Test Attribute and Accommodation Descriptions Table 4 provides an overview of each accommodation. The default option for each attribute is in boldface type. Table 4. Test Attribute and Accommodation Descriptions Test Attribute Language Options English Hawaiian Braille Accommodation Codes See HSAP Test Administration Manual (or see Appendix) Description The default language for all assessments is English, unless a student requires the Braille accommodation or is a grade 4 student in the Hawaiian Immersion Language Program (HLIP). • Braille is available for the following assessments: Smarter Balanced, HSA Science, and EOC Biology I. • The following assessments are translated into Hawaiian: Grade 4 HSA Science. • The Assessment Section will work with AIR to preset the language for the Grade 4 HSA Science Assessment to Hawaiian for students who are enrolled in HLIP. • When a grade 4 student enters or leaves HLIP during the school year, the Test Coordinator must inform the Assessment Section at 808-733-4100 of the change and provide the student’s SSID. The student’s assessment language will be updated in TIDE within 48 business hours. • About On-Screen Test Instructions: Students who will receive the Hawaiian language version of the HSA Science Assessment will see login instructions in English. This setting is by default. Students who want to view these login instructions in Hawaiian can select the option from the Settings screen. (A cog wheel button is present at the top right corner of the login page. Students can click this button to view login screen settings.) Accommodations must be set using the list of approved accommodations for each ELL, IDEA-eligible, and Section 504 student. These accommodations must be provided to the Test Coordinator by staff members responsible for the student’s instructional program (Individualized Education Program [IEP] or 504 Plan). • Once accommodations are set in TIDE separately for each subject test, they do not need to be set again for future test sessions. • Test Administrators must verify that the accommodations are being provided before approving students for operational testing. Information about accommodation codes is available in the HSAP Test Administration Manual. Color Choices None Yellow This accommodation allows another color choice combination to be selected. If a student requires a color choice accommodation, this must be set for each subject test the student will take. Blue 28 Test Attribute EOC Exam Eligibility Options Description Unchecked (not eligible) Students who are eligible to take an End-of-Course Exam must have the subject checked in TIDE in order to take the online assessment. Checked (eligible) TIDE will load EOC Exam-eligible students prior to the beginning of each test administration window (fall and spring windows only). Refer to the EOC Exams portal for dates (http://alohahsap.org/EOC/resources/?section=5). Test Coordinators can update students’ EOC Exam eligibility prior to and during the testing window. HSA-Alt Eligibility No (not eligible) Yes (eligible) Print on Request None Items Items and Stimuli Stimuli Print Size No default zoom Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Test Coordinators must contact the Assessment Section at 808-7334100 to have the HSA-Alt eligibility status activated for a student in TIDE. This accommodation allows a student to request printing of test items or stimuli (passages) or both, depending on what option is selected. The Verification of Student Need Form must be submitted to the Assessment Section for approval so the option selected can be set by their staff for each subject test before a student begins testing. Students who require a large print size to be set as the default must have this set in TIDE by the Test Coordinator or Test Administrator. Students can still use the Zoom tool in the online assessment to increase or decrease the size of text and images. All other students may use the Zoom tool in the online assessment to increase or decrease the size of text and images. Five levels are available (default and four larger print sizes). • No default zoom applied (12 point font) • Level 1 (default x 1.4 ≈ 17 point font) • Level 2 (default x 1.75 ≈ 21 point font) • Level 3 (default x 2.3 ≈ 28 point font) • Level 4 (default x 2.9 ≈ 35 point font) Students must have a documented organic eye impairment and be receiving the services of a teacher for the visually impaired. Suppress Score Test Restrictions (Blocked Subjects) Display score to student By default, students see their test score when they complete and submit their tests for scoring. Do not display score to student A student’s score may be suppressed by the Test Coordinator or Test Administrator if the staff members who provide services for the student think that displaying the score will be upsetting. Unchecked (not blocked) Students can be blocked from testing in a particular subject by the Test Coordinator. Checked (blocked) Note: Restricting a student from taking assessments in a subject applies as long as the option is checked. To allow students to take assessments in the restricted subject, the checkmark must be removed. 29 Test Attribute Text-to-Speech (TTS) Options None Instructions Items Stimuli Description TTS is a designated support only for Smarter Balanced ELA CAT and PT items, ELA PT stimuli, and Mathematics items. TTS is an accommodation only for Smarter Balanced ELA CAT reading passages and must be set in TIDE before a student begins testing. • A Test Coordinator must submit a student’s Verification of Student Need Form for the Smarter Balanced TTS accommodation for only the ELA CAT reading passages to the Department of Education's Assessment Section for review and approval or disapproval. This form is Appendix O in the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual. If the request is approved, the Test Coordinator will be informed when the student's access to this accommodation has been activated in TIDE. A Test Coordinator is not required to submit a Verification of Student Need Form for a student who will use the Smarter Balanced TTS designated support only for the ELA CAT and PT items, and Mathematics items. For HSA Science, as well as EOC Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology I and U.S. History, TTS for Instructions, Stimuli, and Items is enabled for all students by default. • If a student should NOT have TTS for all three opportunities of HSA Science, or one opportunity of EOC Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology I or U.S. History, then a Test Coordinator must change the TTS setting to None in TIDE before a student begins a test session. TTS is NOT available for the following assessments: • Grades 4 HSA Science Assessment provided in the Hawaiian language to HLIP students. These students may have readaloud accommodation approved by the Department of Education's Assessment Section. Please refer to the HSAP Test Administration Manual for guidelines. • Grades 3-5 Smarter Balanced ELA CAT reading passages 30 View Courtesy Tested Students This task allows all users to view students associated with a school who have a “Courtesy Tested” status. By default, courtesy-tested students are assigned an enrolled grade of “00.” Courtesy-tested students cannot take assessments until they are assigned a valid tested grade. Note: Students who have a courtesy-tested status are typically home schooled. The tested grade for each courtesy-tested student must be set by the Assessment Section. Refer to the HSAP Test Administration Manual for instructions on requesting a tested grade level for courtesytested students in your school. Figure 19. View Courtesy Tested Students Task Searching for Student Records 1. Verify or select a school and grade from the drop-down lists. (If you are affiliated with more than one complex area, you will first need to select a complex area.) 2. Enter or select any search criteria you want to include. • To view all students in a complex area, select “All Schools” from the School drop-down list. • To view all students in your school, select “All Grades” from the Enrolled Grade drop-down list. 3. Click [Search]. The page will display the records associated with the school and grade you selected. 31 View Grade 31 Students This task allows all users to view students in a school who have a “Grade 31” status. By default, Grade 31 students are assigned an enrolled grade of “31.” These students cannot take assessments until they are assigned a valid tested grade. Note: Students who have a Grade 31 designation are special education students who receive services at a school that is not the school where they are enrolled, and this is documented in his or her IEP. This designation is typically given after a student completes a school’s highest enrolled grade level (e.g., grade 5 or 6 for an elementary school or grade 7 or 8 for an intermediate/middle school but continues to receive services at an elementary or intermediate/middle school where the appropriate services can be provided. These students must take the tests for their enrolled grade The enrolled grade for each Grade 31 student must be set in TIDE by the Assessment Section before these students can be tested. Figure 20. View Grade 31 Students Task Searching for Student Records 1. Verify or select a school and grade from the drop-down lists. (If you are affiliated with more than one complex area, you will first need to select a complex area.) 2. Enter or select any search criteria you want to include. • To view all students in a complex area, select “All Schools” from the School drop-down list. • To view all students in your school, select “All Grades” from the Enrolled Grade drop-down list. 3. Click [Search]. The page will display the records associated with the school and grade you selected. 32 Task Group: Manage Users The Manage Users section allows users to complete the following tasks: View/Edit Users Add User Upload Users This section of TIDE allows authorized users to add new users or modify existing users (either individually or through a file upload process). The following users can access the Manage Users tasks: Complex Area Superintendents, Complex Staff, Principals, and Test Coordinators. Only Principals and Test Coordinators can add and edit information for users who are below their role level (e.g., Test Administrator, Test Administrator – Alt, and Teacher users). 33 Task: View/Edit Users The View/Edit Users page allows you to search for users within your complex area and/or school who are below your role level. For example, if you are a Test Coordinator, you can search for Test Administrator, Test Administrator – Alt, or Teacher users, but not other Test Coordinators. After you select and/or enter your search parameters, a table will be displayed listing the users who match those parameters. Figure 21. View/Edit Users Task Searching for User Records 1. Select a role level. 2. Select or verify your complex area, complex, and/or school (you also have the option to select “all schools”). 3. Enter a user’s first name, last name, phone number, and/or email address. You can also search for users who have (or have not) completed the TA Certification Course (select Yes or No from the Trained User drop-down list). (Optional: Enter multiple variables to find a specific user or help narrow your search results.) 4. Click [Search]. The page will display the results that match your search criteria. 34 Understanding the Search Results Table • Each row contains information for each user, including role, complex area, complex, school, first name, last name, phone number, email address, and certified/trained user status. • Each row also contains a [View] button and a checkbox. o The [View] button allows you to view the complete information for the selected user and update his or her information. o The checkbox allows you to select individual users to delete or export. Sorting Search Results By default, the search results table automatically sorts by last name in ascending order. However, all columns in the table are sortable in both ascending (A–Z, 0–99) and descending (Z–A; 99–0) order. • To sort the table in ascending or descending order by a specific attribute, click on a column header (e.g., First Name). The table will automatically sort by the selected attribute. o An arrow will appear next to the selected attribute: • When the arrow is pointing up, the column is sorted in ascending order. When the arrow is pointing down, the column is sorted in descending order. To sort a selected column in the other direction (descending versus ascending), click the column header again. Exporting User Records (Updated) You can export search results as a .csv file, which can be opened using Microsoft Excel or a notepad application, or as an Excel .xslx file, which must be opened using Excel 2007 or later. Figure 22. Export Options You can export all records or export selected records. Export All Records You can export a data file that contains all users from the search results table. 1. Hover over the [Export] tab and click either the [Export All to Excel] or [Export All to CSV] option. A file dialog box will appear. 2. Save the file to the desired location on your computer and open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible program (for .csv files). 35 Export Selected Records You can export a data file that contains only selected (checked) users from the search results table. 1. Click the checkbox for each user whom you want to include in the file. 2. Hover over the [Export] tab and click either the [Export Selected Data to Excel] or [Export Selected Data to CSV] option. A file dialog box will appear. 3. Save the file to the desired location on your computer and open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible program (for .csv files). Deleting Users You may also delete users. 1. Click the checkbox for each user in the search results table that you want to delete. 2. Click [Delete]. 3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to verify that you want to delete the selected user(s). 4. Click [OK] to confirm that you want to delete the selected user(s). Caution: This change takes effect immediately, and the deleted user(s) will no longer be able to log into HSAP systems. 36 Viewing and Editing User Details You can also view a single user’s information on one page. To do so, click [View] next to a user who appears in the search results table. The Edit User page will load. Principals and Test Coordinators may edit information for users below their level. Figure 23. Edit User Page You can update the user’s first name, last name, phone number, and employee ID. You cannot update the user’s email address or certified/trained user status. • When you have finished updating the user’s information, click [Save]. • To return to the search results listing, click [Go Back To Search Results]. Note: If you need to re-associate a user with a different complex area or school or modify the person’s email address, you will need to delete the user and then re-add him or her. You may do this on an individual basis by deleting the user and then re-adding him or her via the Add User page. Alternatively, you can follow the process outlined in the Upload User section. 37 Task: Add User The Add User page is used to add Test Coordinators (TC), Test Administrators (TA and TA-ALT), and Teachers (TE) to the HSAP system. Adding users on this page does not require uploading a file. • Principals can add TC, TA, TA-ALT, and TE users within their school. • Test Coordinators can add TA, TA-ALT, and TE users within their school. Figure 24. Add User Task 1. Verify or select the role level of the user you need to add. The complex area and school options will automatically appear after you select a role. 2. Verify or select the complex area, complex, and school with which the user is associated. 3. Enter the new user’s first name, last name, and email address. You may also enter a phone number where the person can be reached. Ensure that the person’s email address is correct, as you will be unable to simply edit it later. 4. Click [Add User]. The person will be added to TIDE and will also receive an automated email requiring him or her to activate the account. About the User Activation Process: After you add a user to the system, that person will receive an email containing a secure URL (link). This page will require the user to generate a password, and select a security question and answer (in case he or she forgets the password). The user cannot access any other HSAP systems until the password has been entered and the security question/answer selected. Instructions on activating the new account are in the Activate User Account section in Section I of this user guide. 38 Task: Upload Users The Upload Users page allows you to upload a group of users to TIDE or to modify profiles for existing users. TIDE accepts uploads of user information in either Excel 2007 (.xlsx) or CSV (ASCII) format. CSV files can be opened and edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application. • Principals can add and modify TC, TA, TA-ALT, and TE users within their school. • Test Coordinators can add and modify TA, TA-ALT, and TE users within their school. Figure 25. Upload Users Task Warnings: • You can only upload information for users who are below your role level and who are within your complex area and/or school. You cannot upload information for users in a complex area or school with which you are not associated. • If you upload a file that contains information for a user role, complex area or school number, or type that you are not associated with, the upload process will fail Download the Template (Create User Upload File) We strongly encourage you to download the template file in the format that you need rather than create the file from scratch. These templates already have the correctly formatted column headers. Using the template will reduce the risk of errors and ensure that your file upload is successful. 1. Click either [Download Excel Template] or [Download CSV Template]. 2. Save the file to the desired location on your computer. 3. Open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible spreadsheet program (for .csv files). 39 User File Requirements Table 5 provides an overview of the required and optional fields and the acceptable values for each field. Caution: The user file undergoes validation tests after you upload it. If the entire file upload fails, you must make changes to the original file on your computer and then re-upload the file. If you receive errors or warnings for a few records, you can edit the file and re-upload it, or you can proceed with the file upload and then add or edit information for individual users by clicking either [Add Users] or [View/Edit Users]. Table 5. Upload User File Requirements Column Description Complex Area ID This three-digit number identifies the Complex Area to which the user belongs. See Appendix B for a list of Complex Area IDs. Complex ID This three-digit number identifies the Complex within the Complex Area to which the user belongs. School ID The three-digit number for the school that the user belongs to. Your School ID is at the top right corner of the TIDE banner, next to your school name. First Name The first name of the user you are adding, editing or deleting. Last Name The last name of the user you are adding, editing or deleting. Email The email address of the user you are adding, editing or deleting. Role The user role code (e.g., TC, TA, TA-ALT, or TE) assigned to the person you are adding, editing, or deleting. Phone The user’s phone number. Enter this in xxx-xxx-xxxx format. An extension may also be added. Employee ID The eight-digit number associated with the teacher (TE user). This information allows teachers to be associated to class rosters that are automatically created through a class file sent by the state. Action Enter one of the following options: Add: Add new user or edit existing user record. Delete: Remove existing user record from the system. Adding or Editing User Information Do not change or move the column headers in the first row. You can expand the columns to better read the headers and text that you will add. Data must be entered in each column as standard text. (Any formatting such as boldface, italics, or highlighting will be lost during the upload.) Figure 26. Upload User Template 1. Enter each user’s information in each row and respective column. 2. For each record, enter “ADD” as the action. 40 Adding Users to Multiple Complexes or Schools To add users to more than one complex or school, follow the steps below. Figure 27. Sample User File for User Added to Multiple Schools 1. Enter the user’s information on separate lines in the upload file—one line for each complex or school association. 2. For each record, enter “ADD” as the action. Note: When one user is added to multiple institutions in the same upload file, he or she will receive a single email containing a single login and password. (Users who are added to multiple institutions in more than one upload file will receive separate emails [one email per upload file].) In this event, the most recent email contains the correct information to log in to TIDE and other HSAP systems provided by AIR. Updating or Correcting Previously Uploaded User Information Email addresses are used to identify unique individuals in the system and can be corrected only by deleting the incorrect record and adding a new, correct one. Complex area and school affiliations also can only be changed by deleting the person’s current record and adding a new one. To change a user’s email address or complex/school affiliation: 1. Enter the user’s current information with “DELETE” as the action. This will remove the incorrect/outdated record from the system. 2. Enter the user’s new information in a separate row with “ADD” as the action and the corrected email/affiliation entered in the user record. To change any other user attributes, including name or phone number: 1. Upload a user file with the corrected information. Use “ADD” as the action. Note: For users with multiple records in the system (the same email address is used for multiple complex areas/institutions), use “ADD” as the action when uploading a new name or phone number. This will update all records for the user. You do not need to update each individual record for that user. When you have finished updating or creating the file, save the file. 41 Uploading the User File This section outlines the steps required to upload the user file. This process has four main steps: (1) Upload File, (2) Preview File, (3) Validate File, and (4) Confirmation. This process allows you to confirm that the correct file was uploaded and that it contains no errors. Step 1: Upload File Figure 28. Upload User File, Step 1: Locate File 1. Click [Browse] and navigate to the saved file on your computer. 2. Select the file and click [Open]. The file name will appear in the text box on the screen. 3. Click [OK], and then click [Upload File]. Step 2: Preview File Figure 29. Upload User File, Step 2: Preview Records 1. Preview the file you selected to ensure that you uploaded the correct file. (Only a few records are visible on this preview page.) 2. Click [Next] to begin the file validation process. Caution: If your file is large (contains 2,000 records or more), uploading it may take a long time. Do NOT cancel the upload and try again, because TIDE may have already begun processing some of the records. If your file is too large to upload while you are online, TIDE will display a window that contains your name and default email address. You will be prompted to enter your phone number and an alternate email, if desired. When the file is processed, you will receive an email alerting you that you can now view the records in TIDE. Please be aware that if any records contained invalid data, those records were not added to TIDE. 42 Step 3: Validate File If the upload was successful, the users’ information will be displayed on the screen. You will be prompted to review these records for any warnings and/or errors. The “Your file was validated” message indicates that the file was uploaded successfully and verified for any errors. (The file has not yet been committed to TIDE.) • Files that contain records with errors will generate an error message. Depending on the severity of the error, either the entire file will fail or just the records with errors will fail. • Records without errors will be automatically accepted by the system. Understanding Error Types • If your file will fail, note the error(s) and the corresponding record number(s). Click [Cancel]. Update your file, and then restart the upload process, beginning with Step 1: Upload File. • If your file contains record errors, these records will not be committed to the TIDE. The records that passed validation can be committed. You may elect to fix the errors in your file and reupload it, or to add these records using the [Add User] task. • If your file contains record warnings, these records will be committed. However, you are strongly encouraged to review the associated records. You may edit these records using the [View/Edit Users] task. Files with data not in the correct format as shown in the template will generate error messages by row, identifying the error(s) in the file. The “Understanding Error Types” section in the next column provides a brief explanation of the three possible error types: fatal errors, record errors, and record warnings. Refer to Appendix D for information about common errors. If you have no errors and wish to proceed, click [Commit File]. If problems exist for a single record and you are unable to successfully upload that record, please contact the HSAP Help Desk for assistance. Step 4: Confirmation After you click [Commit File], the accepted records will be uploaded to TIDE. You will also receive a confirmation message stating that your file was successfully submitted to the TIDE system. Figure 30. Upload User File, Step 4: Confirmation 43 Task Group: Test Impropriety The Test Impropriety section includes the following tasks: Create Test Impropriety View Test Impropriety Upload Test Impropriety (New) The Test Impropriety task group allows authorized users to submit and view requests regarding the status of students’ tests. Only authorized users have explicit access to these tasks. Test Coordinators can create and view test impropriety requests. Principals can view requests. All test impropriety requests must be approved by the Assessment Section. • The Create Test Impropriety task is used to submit test change requests. • The View Test Impropriety task is used to view requests that have been created. Results can be filtered based on the request type. • The Upload Test Impropriety task allows Test Coordinators to upload batch requests. (New!) About Test Improprieties Test Coordinators (TC) can submit requests to change the status of a student’s test for a specified reason. (Refer to the “Testing Incidents” section in the HSAP Test Administration Manual for policies related to changing a student’s test status.) The Test Impropriety task is used to submit the following requests: Table 6. Test Impropriety Request Types Request Type Description Invalidate a Test Invalidating a student’s test eliminates the test opportunity. The student loses that test opportunity and does not receive a score. Invalidations are often requested due to test improprieties; e.g., a TA sees two students discussing answers to questions during a test session. Reset a Test Resetting a student’s test removes that test from the system and enables the student to start a new test (without losing an opportunity). Scores associated with this test are removed from the system. A test opportunity reset is often requested due to an accommodation not being set properly for that opportunity; e.g., a student realizes after starting his or her Biology I EOC Exam that the required Braille accommodation was not set. st Only the most recent test opportunity may be reset. For example, Mary’s 1 HSA nd Science opportunity cannot be reset if she has already started her 2 HSA Science opportunity. 44 Request Type Description Report Problem with an Item Alert the Hawai‘i Department of Education and AIR to a problem with an item. Scenarios that warrant this request include: • A duplicate item in a test opportunity for a subject • The student believes that an item may not contain a correct answer or may contain more than one correct answer • An item that references a stimulus or graphic that does not display You must know the test’s Result ID and item number (for that student’s test). To locate a student’s Result ID, you can generate a participation report in the Online Reporting System’s Test Management Center (Plan and Manage Testing). Re-open a Test Re-open is for a test that has already been submitted or has expired. • A test may be reopened if a student started a test opportunity and became ill and was unable to resume testing until after the testing opportunity expired. The system will prevent an unsubmitted test from being re-opened if the student has already started the subsequent opportunity for that subject. Restore a test that has been reset Return a test from the “Reset” status to its prior status. This action can only be performed on tests that have been “Reset”. • Grace Period Extension (GPE) A test opportunity can be restored if it was reset in error. For example, if a test reset was incorrectly requested for an HSA Science test opportunity then that HSA Science test opportunity can be restored to its previous status. A Grace Period Extension (GPE) is used in instances where the system’s 20-minute pause rule prevented a student from reviewing previously answered questions on a test. Once applied, a GPE allows the student to review all previously answered questions the next time he or she logs into the test. Loss of Internet access is often the reason for requesting a Grace Period Extension. Notes: • A GPE can only be applied to currently paused tests. If a GPE request is made the student’s test should be paused, and he or she should not be allowed to continue answering further questions. An expired test that includes some questions that have been previously answered by a student will need to be reopened before a GPE may be applied. Tests that have been completed and scored may not be given a GPE. • Once a GPE request is submitted via TIDE the student should not be allowed to proceed to the next test opportunity (where applicable) until the Test Coordinator has been notified of the Assessment Section’s decision regarding the GPE request. For Smarter Balanced CAT and HSA Science, if a student starts a wrong test opportunity by mistake, the student will have 45 calendar days to complete that test opportunity. Smarter Balanced Performance Task items will need to be completed within 10 days. For EOC Exams, the student will have until the close of the testing window to complete that exam. HIDOE will not approve resetting an HSA Science opportunity or an EOC exam for the student in this circumstance • The GPE applies only to the next time the student logs into that test. If a student resumes testing and does not finish the test, and it is paused again for a period of time longer than the pause rule allows (20 minutes), then the student will NOT be able to review previously answered questions. 45 Available Test Improprieties by Test Result Status Table 7 lists the valid combinations of test improprieties and test statuses. For example, you can invalidate a test that is in one of the following statuses: approved, completed, denied, expired, paused, reported, scored, or submitted. Table 7. Available Test Improprieties by Test Result Status Test Result Status Invalidations Resets Reopens Approved Report Problem with Item Completed Denied Expired Paused Pending Processing Reported Restores Review Scored Started Submitted Suspended Invalidated Grade Period Extension Task: Create Test Impropriety This task allows you to submit a test change request for a student’s assessment. For all requests, you must identify the specific student’s test. Note: This task allows you to submit test change requests for students one at a time. You cannot submit multiple requests at the same time. If you need to submit test change requests for multiple students, you may use the new Upload Test Impropriety task. Caution: Test change requests may be created via TIDE at any time; however, only requests submitted in TIDE during the testing window will be accepted for accountability purposes. 46 Figure 31. Create Test Impropriety Task Step 1. Select a request type from the drop-down list. Options include: Invalidate a test, Reset a test, Report problem with item, Re-open a test, Restore a test that has been reset, and Grace Period Extension. Note: The Grace Period Extension option cannot be requested for tests that have already been completed, submitted for scoring, scored, or reported. Step 2. Select the search parameter. You may search by Result ID, SSID, or Session ID. • Searching by Result ID* will retrieve a single test record, if it exists. • Searching by SSID will retrieve all test records associated with the entered SSID for the current school year. • Step 3. Searching by Session ID will retrieve test records for all students in the session. *Note: If you need to obtain a student’s Result ID, navigate to the Online Reporting System > Test Management Center > Plan and Manage Testing and generate a participation report. Participation reports include the Result ID for each test. Enter the information for your search (based on the parameter you selected in Step 2). Notes: • When entering a student’s Result ID or SSID number, you must enter the full number. Partial searches are not allowed. • When entering a Session ID, you must enter the full ID, including the hyphen. • If you selected to report a problem with an item, you must enter the item number. Make sure you enter the correct item number from that student’s test. 47 Step 4. Click [Search Student Results] to search for student tests based on your search parameter(s). Search results are displayed in a table. If the entered value results in a match, a table will display test record information. Locate the record you want to change. Step 5. Enter your reason for the test change request in the text box in the “Reason” column. This information should be specific. You must enter a reason for the request to be accepted by TIDE. Step 6. Click the [Create] button to submit the request. A pop-up message will appear, indicating whether the request was accepted by TIDE. Notification: When an action is taken on a test impropriety request, an email will be sent to the person who created the request. 48 Task: View Test Impropriety This task allows you to view the status of test impropriety requests that have been submitted. Figure 32. View Test Impropriety Task Step 1. Select a request type from the drop-down list. Note: You can select “All” to view all test change requests. Step 2. Specify the status of the request that you want to view, or select “all.” Request statuses are defined in Table 8. Step 3. Set the filter for your search. You may include “All” existing requests that match your criteria (from Steps 1 and 2), or you may filter by a specific category. Categories are defined in Table 9. Note: If you select a specific category, Step 4 will appear. 49 Step 4. Enter the value or date range for the category you selected in Step 3. • If you selected a text-based category such as SSID, enter the student’s SSID number into the text box. • If you selected the “Request Date” category, you will need to select the date range. o Click in the text box next to “Date From” and a calendar will open. Navigate to and select the start date. You can also use the sliders at the bottom to specify a time other than 12:00 am. When you are done, click the [Done] button. o Click in the text box next to “Date To” and the calendar will open. Navigate to and select the end date. (The end date and time cannot occur before the start date and time.) When you are done, click the [Done] button. o Note: If you want to search for all requests on a given date, such as 09/29/2014, then select 09/29/2014 12:00 am as the start date, and 09/29/2014 11:59 pm OR 09/30/2014 12:00 am as the end date. 50 Step 5. Click [Search] to view all requests that match your search criteria. Search results are displayed in a table. • • Search results can be sorted by column by clicking on a column header. Some search results may include a comment. Click the [Show Comment] link to view additional information about the invalidation request. The row will expand vertically to display the information. Export Search Data to Microsoft Excel You can export your search results as a .csv file, which can be opened using Microsoft Excel or a notepad application, or as a or Microsoft Excel .xslx file, which must be opened using Excel 2007 or later. • Click the [Export] button, select “CSV” or “Excel,” and save the file to the location you want. 51 Upload Test Impropriety Test Coordinators can use the Upload Test Impropriety task to submit multiple test change requests. Figure 33. Upload Test Impropriety Task Important Information about Test Impropriety Requests • Students must exist in TIDE. Multiple requests can be made for the same student. • Only request types listed in Table 6 can be included. Download the Template (Create Test Impropriety File) We strongly encourage you to download the template file in the format that you need rather than creating the file from scratch. These templates already have the column headers formatted correctly. Using the template will reduce the risk of errors and ensure that your file upload is successful. 1. Click either [Download Excel Specification File] or [Download CSV Specification File]. 2. Save the file to the desired location on your computer. We recommend using the following file name format: TIDETestImproprietyUploadFile(09-10-2014).xlsx OR TIDETestImproprietyUploadFile(09-10-2014).csv 3. Open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible spreadsheet program (for .csv files). 52 Test Impropriety Upload File Requirements Table 7 provides an overview of the required fields and the acceptable values for each field. The test impropriety upload file contains four column fields. Caution: The file undergoes validation tests after you upload it. If the entire file upload fails, you must make changes to the original file on your computer and then re-upload the file. If you receive errors or warnings for a few records, you can edit the file and re-upload it. Table 8. Upload Test Impropriety File Requirements Column Description TYPE Enter the test impropriety type you are requesting for the test record. The available options must be entered as shown below: SEARCHTYPE SEARCHVALUE REASON • Invalidate a test • Reset a test • Re-open a test • Report problem item • Restore a test that’s been reset • Grace period extension Enter one of the following search field names: • Result ID • Session ID • SSID Enter the corresponding value for the search field • If Result ID – enter the student’s Result ID • If Session ID – enter the most recent Session ID the student joined (e.g., DEMO-123) • SSID – enter the student’s 10-digit SSID Enter the reason for the test change request. Please note that this field is limited to 500 characters. You must enter a reason for each test change request. Adding or Editing Test Impropriety Information Do not change or move the column headers in the first row. You can expand the columns to better read the headers and text that you will add. Data must be entered in each column as standard text. (Any formatting such as boldface, italics, or highlighting will be lost during the upload.) Figure 34. Test Impropriety Template File 1. Enter the required information in each row and respective column. 2. When you have finished entering the information, save the file to your computer. 53 Uploading the Test Impropriety File This section outlines the steps required to upload the test impropriety file. This process is the same as uploading the user file or roster file and also has four main steps: (1) Upload File, (2) Preview File, (3) Validate File, and (4) Confirmation. This process allows you to confirm that the correct file was uploaded and that it contains no errors. Step 1: Upload File Figure 35. Upload Test Impropriety File, Step 1: Locate File 1. Click [Browse] and navigate to the saved file on your computer. 2. Select the file and click [Open]. The file name will appear in the text box on the screen. 3. Click [OK], and then click [Upload File]. Step 2: Preview File Figure 36. Upload Test Impropriety File, Step 2: Preview Records 1. Preview the file you selected to ensure that you uploaded the correct file. (Only a few records are visible on this preview page.) 2. Click [Next] to begin the file validation process. Caution: If your file is large (contains 2,000 records or more), uploading it may take a long time. Do NOT cancel the upload and try again, because TIDE may have already begun processing some of the records. If your file is too large to upload while you are online, TIDE will display a window that contains your name and default email address. You will be prompted to enter your phone number and an alternate email, if desired. When the file is processed, you will receive an email alerting you that you can now view the records in TIDE. Please be aware that if any records contained invalid data, those records were not added to TIDE. 54 Step 3: Validate File If the upload was successful, the test impropriety request information will be displayed on the screen. You will be prompted to review these records for any warnings and/or errors. The “Your file was validated” message indicates that the file was uploaded successfully and verified for any errors. (The file has not yet been committed to TIDE.) • Files that contain records with errors will generate an error message. Depending on the severity of the error, either the entire file will fail or just the records with errors will fail. • Records without errors will be automatically accepted by the system. Files with data not in the correct format as shown in the template will generate error messages by row, identifying the error(s) in the file. The “Understanding Error Types” section in the next column provides a brief explanation of the three possible error types: fatal errors, record errors, and record warnings. Refer to Appendix D for information about common errors. If you have no errors and wish to proceed, click [Commit File]. Understanding Error Types • If your file will fail, note the error(s) and the corresponding record number(s). Click [Cancel]. Update your file, and then restart the upload process, beginning with Step 1: Upload File. • If your file contains record errors, these records will not be committed to TIDE. The records that passed validation can be committed. You may elect to fix the errors in your file and re-upload it. • If your file contains record warnings, these records will be committed. However, you are strongly encouraged to review the associated records. If problems exist for a single record and you are unable to successfully upload that record, please contact the HSAP Help Desk for assistance. Step 4: Confirmation After you click [Commit File], the accepted records will be uploaded to TIDE. You will also receive a confirmation message stating that your file was successfully submitted to the TIDE system. Figure 37. Upload Test Impropriety File, Step 4: Confirmation 55 Test Impropriety Definitions This section provides descriptions of possible request statuses, filter by categories, and test statuses for tests in the Test Delivery System. Table 9. Request Statuses (These statuses are listed in alphabetical order.) Request Status Description of Status Error Occurred An error was encountered while the request was being processed. Item Information Sent Information about the specified item was sent to the technical team. No further action is necessary. Pending State Approval The request has been created, but the Assessment Section needs to approve the request before it can be submitted for processing. Processed The request was successfully processed and the test opportunity has been updated. Rejected by State User The appeal request was rejected by the Assessment Section. Rejected by System The Test Delivery System was unable to process the request. The reason is included in the comments column in the results table on the View Appeals page. Requires Resubmission As a result of a processing error, the request needs to be resubmitted before it can be processed. Authorized users can resubmit requests on the View Invalidations page. Retracted The creator retracted the request before it was processed. Submitted for Processing The request has been submitted to the Test Delivery System for processing. Table 10. Filter By Categories Filter By Category Description Case Number Each request is automatically assigned a case number. Enter the case number to search for that specific request. Last Modified Date Select a date or date range to search for tests that had a status change during that timeframe (e.g., you may want to search for tests that were completed on 12/03/2014 between 12:00am and 11:59pm). SSID The student’s SSID. This will return results only for that student. Request Date Select a date or date range to search for test opportunities for which test change requests were made. Result ID The test opportunity’s unique ID number. This will return a single result for that test opportunity (if a request was submitted for it). To search for a student’s test Result ID, navigate to the Online Reporting System > Test Management Center > Plan and Manage Testing section and generate a test participation report. This report includes the Result ID for each test. Test ID The name of the test as it appears in the Test Delivery System; e.g., HSA_OPScience-8. Test Opp # The number of the test opportunity (e.g., 1, 2, or 3). Test Status Enter a specific test status to search for all tests that are currently in that status. (Test statuses are defined by the Test Delivery System and include the following: paused, expired, completed, scored, invalidated, etc. 56 Test Statuses The Test Status column will show the current status that a student’s test has. If a request was processed successfully, then this column will show the updated test status. The following status types may also appear. These statuses are listed in alphabetical order. Table 11. Test Statuses Status Description Approved The Test Administrator has approved the student for the session, but the student has not yet started or resumed the test. Completed The student has submitted the test. No additional action can be taken by the student. Denied The Test Administrator denied the student entry into the session. If the student attempts to enter the session again, this status will change to “Pending” until the Test Administrator approves or denies the student. Paused The student’s test is currently paused. The following scenarios will result in a paused status: • The student pauses his or her test by clicking the [Pause] button. • The student has been idle longer than the approved time (30 minutes before pause), and the test has been paused. • The Test Administrator pauses the student’s test. • The Test Administrator stops the session. • A technical problem with the student’s computer or browser has resulted in a loss of connection to the Test Delivery System. Pending The student is awaiting Test Administrator approval for a new test opportunity. Reported The test has been validated and scored. For tests with immediate scoring, the test results are then sent to the Online Reporting System. Note: Reported tests will be listed as either completed or scored in TIDE. Review The student has answered all items and is currently reviewing his or her answers before submitting the test for scoring. Note: A test with a review status only occurs at the end of the test. A test is not “completed” until the student submits the test. Scored The Test Delivery System has processed item-level scores on the test. Started The student has started testing. Submitted The test has been submitted for quality assurance review, validation, and overall scoring. Suspended The student is awaiting Test Administrator approval to resume a test opportunity. Note regarding the Reported status: In TIDE, tests that were reported will display a “completed” or “scored” status. This is because the Test Delivery System and TIDE do not “communicate” with the Online Reporting System after tests have been scored. 57 Task Group: Rosters The Rosters section includes the following tasks: Manage Rosters Upload Roster Rosters are groups of students in the same classroom or having a common interest or skill. The rosters you create, modify, or upload in TIDE are visible in the Online Reporting System for reporting purposes. Task: Manage Rosters This task creates, modifies, deletes, and prints rosters. Creating rosters This task is available to State Coordinators, Complex Area Superintendents, Complex Staff, Principals, and Test Coordinators. Figure 38. Manage Rosters Task To create a roster: 1. Click the [Rosters] tab, then [Manage Rosters]. The Manage Rosters screen appears. 2. From the Complex Area, Complex, and School drop-down lists, make selections for where you want to create the roster. 3. From the Roster list, select “- ADD NEW ROSTER -.” 4. Click [Next]. A form appears for creating the roster (see Figure 34). 5. In the Roster Name field, enter a name for the roster. 6. From the Teacher Name drop-down list, select a teacher. The available teachers are those associated with the school you selected in step 2. 7. In the Select Grade section, mark one or more check boxes for the grades from which you want to create the roster. Students in those grades appear in the Available Students list. 8. From the Available Students list, select the students you want to include in the roster, and then click [Move In]. 9. Click [Save]. Figure 39 is an example of a roster with two students from the third grade. These students participate in a roster called Accelerated Reading, taught by Kona Kealoha. Figure 39. Example Roster 59 Modifying rosters You can modify existing rosters by changing the roster’s name, teacher, and adding or removing students from the roster. The modification you make to a roster are reflected in ORS. This task is available to State Coordinators, Complex Area Superintendents, Complex Staff, Principals, and Test Coordinators. To modify a roster: 1. Click the [Rosters] tab, then [Manage Rosters]. The Manage Rosters screen appears. 2. From the Complex Area, Complex, School, and Roster drop-down lists, make selections for the roster you want to modify. 3. Click [Next]. A form appears for modifying the roster (see Figure 34). 4. In the Roster Name field, change the roster’s name as required. 5. From the Teacher Name drop-down list, select a new teacher as required. The available teachers are those associated with the school you selected in step 2. 6. If you want to add students to the roster, do the following: a. In the Select Grade section, mark one or more check boxes for the grades from which you want to add students to the roster. Students in those grades appear in the Available Students list. b. From the Available Students list, select the students you want to include in the roster, and then click [Move In]. 7. To remove students from the roster, select them from the Students in This Roster list, and then click [Move Out]. 8. Click [Save]. 60 Deleting rosters Deleting a roster in TIDE also deletes it from ORS, so ORS users lose visibility into test results for the deleted roster. (However, ORS retains the original test results for the students in the deleted roster.) This task is available to State Coordinators, Complex Area Superintendents, Complex Staff, Principals, and Test Coordinators. To delete a roster: 1. Click the [Rosters] tab, then [Manage Rosters]. The Manage Rosters screen appears. 2. From the Complex Area, Complex, School, and Roster drop-down lists, make selections for the roster you want to delete. 3. Click [Next]. A form for the roster appears (see Figure 34). 4. Click [Delete]. Printing rosters You can print the roster’s teacher as well as its participating students. This task is available to State Coordinators, Complex Area Superintendents, Complex Staff, Principals, and Test Coordinators. To print a roster: 1. Click the [Rosters] tab, then [Manage Rosters]. The Manage Rosters screen appears. 2. From the Complex Area, Complex, School, and Roster drop-down lists, make selections for the roster you want to print. 3. Click [Next]. A form appears for the roster (see Figure 34). 4. Click [Print]. A printer-friendly version of the roster appears. 5. Click [Print]. A dialog box appears for printing the roster. Figure 40. Printer-Friendly Version of Roster 61 Task: Upload Roster Use the Upload Roster File page to upload rosters to group students in rosters. Complex Area Superintendents, Complex Staff, Principals, and Test Coordinators can upload rosters. Figure 41. Upload Roster File Task Important Information about Rosters • Students must exist in TIDE to be added to a roster. Students may be included in multiple rosters. • Rosters can be created only at the school level. Users can create rosters only for schools they have access to and for students who are enrolled in that school. Download the Template (Create Upload Roster File) We strongly encourage you to download the template file in the format that you need rather than creating the file from scratch. These templates already have the column headers formatted correctly. Using the template will reduce the risk of errors and ensure that your file upload is successful. 1. Click either [Download Excel Specification File] or [Download CSV Specification File]. 2. Save the file to the desired location on your computer. We recommend using the following file name format: TIDERosterUploadFile(09-10-2014).xlsx OR TIDERosterUploadFile(09-10-2014).csv 3. Open the file using Microsoft Excel or a compatible spreadsheet program (for .csv files). Upload Roster File Requirements Table 11 provides an overview of the required fields and the acceptable values for each field. The upload roster file contains six column fields. Caution: The roster file undergoes validation tests after you upload it. If the entire file upload fails, you must make changes to the original file on your computer and then re-upload the file. If you receive errors or warnings for a few records, you can edit the file and re-upload it. 62 Table 12. Upload Roster File Requirements Column Description School-ID Enter your three-digit school number (e.g., “999”). USER-EMAIL The email address of the user who will belong to the roster. Note: This user should already be present in the system and have a role that allows access to the Online Reporting System. Please ensure that you enter the user’s email address correctly. ROSTER-NAME Enter the name for the roster (e.g., “Smith Period 4 Reading”). This roster name should be easily identified in the Online Reporting System. Note: A single user should not have duplicate roster names. STUDENT-SSID Enter the student’s 10-digit SSID number. Adding or Editing Roster Upload Information Do not change or move the column headers in the first row. You can expand the columns to better read the headers and text that you will add. Data must be entered in each column as standard text. (Any formatting such as boldface, italics, or highlighting will be lost during the upload.) Figure 42. Upload Roster File Template 1. Enter the required information in each row and respective column. 2. When you have finished entering the information, save the file to your computer. 63 Uploading the Roster File This section outlines the steps required to upload the roster file. This process is the same as uploading the user file and also has four main steps: (1) Upload File, (2) Preview File, (3) Validate File, and (4) Confirmation. This process allows you to confirm that the correct file was uploaded and that it contains no errors. Step 1: Upload File Figure 43. Upload Roster File, Step 1: Locate File 1. Click [Browse] and navigate to the saved file on your computer. 2. Select the file and click [Open]. The file name will appear in the text box on the screen. 3. Click [OK], and then click [Upload File]. Step 2: Preview File Figure 44. Upload Roster File, Step 2: Preview Records 1. Preview the file you selected to ensure that you uploaded the correct file. (Only a few records are visible on this preview page.) 2. Click [Next] to begin the file validation process. Caution: If your file is large (contains 2,000 records or more), uploading it may take a long time. Do NOT cancel the upload and try again, because TIDE may have already begun processing some of the records. If your file is too large to upload while you are online, TIDE will display a window that contains your name and default email address. You will be prompted to enter your phone number and an alternate email, if desired. When the file is processed, you will receive an email alerting you that you can now view the records in TIDE. Please be aware that if any records contained invalid data, those records were not added to TIDE. 64 Step 3: Validate File If the upload was successful, the roster information will be displayed on the screen. You will be prompted to review these records for any warnings and/or errors. The “Your file was validated” message indicates that the file was uploaded successfully and verified for any errors. (The file has not yet been committed to TIDE.) • Files that contain records with errors will generate an error message. Depending on the severity of the error, either the entire file will fail or just the records with errors will fail. • Records without errors will be automatically accepted by the system. Understanding Error Types • If your file will fail, note the error(s) and the corresponding record number(s). Click [Cancel]. Update your file, and then restart the upload process, beginning with Step 1: Upload File. • If your file contains record errors, these records will not be committed to TIDE. The records that passed validation can be committed. You may elect to fix the errors in your file and re-upload it. Please remember that you cannot edit rosters within TIDE. • If your file contains record warnings, these records will be committed. However, you are strongly encouraged to review the associated records. Please remember that you cannot edit rosters within TIDE. Files with data not in the correct format as shown in the template will generate error messages by row, identifying the error(s) in the file. The “Understanding Error Types” section in the next column provides a brief explanation of the three possible error types: fatal errors, record errors, and record warnings. Refer to Appendix D for information about common errors. If you have no errors and wish to proceed, click [Commit File]. If problems exist for a single record and you are unable to successfully upload that record, please contact the HSAP Help Desk for assistance. Step 4: Confirmation After you click [Commit File], the accepted records will be uploaded to TIDE. You will also receive a confirmation message stating that your file was successfully submitted to the TIDE system. Figure 45. Upload Roster File, Step 4: Confirmation 65 Task Group: Working with Special Codes This section describes how to apply special codes when a student does not take an assigned test. Overview of Special Codes Policymakers are often responsible for determining the tests for which students are eligible during a test administration. There are reasons why students do not take tests for which they are eligible. These can range from random causes, such as an illness on test day, to administrative actions, such as the student’s withdrawing from a particular course. The Online Reporting System generates participation reports that indicate the number of students who completed testing. A low participation rate can result in skewed test results, or may impact a school’s accountability in regard to testing. For this reason, schools must assign special codes to any student who was eligible for a test and did not take it. You can set a special code in TIDE before or after testing; when possible, set special codes before testing. Table 13 lists the available special codes and their associated descriptions. Table 13. Special Codes Special Code Description Absent Student was not present during the entire testing window and was not able to take the test. Medical Emergency Student was not present during the entire testing window due to a medical emergency and was not able to take the test. Meets 4140 Requirements Parent submitted Form 4140: Exceptions to Compulsory School Attendance to withdraw his/her child from the Hawaii public school and public charter school system. Out-of-State Residential Program Student participated in an out-of-state residential program during the entire testing window and was not able to take the test. Refusal - Parent Parent refused to have his/her child take the test. Refusal - Student Student refused to answer questions in the test. Test Invalidated Student's test was invalidated due to a Testing Incident. Truant Student was truant throughout the entire testing window. Other This category should be used only in rare cases that do not fall under the stated categories above. A clear description must be provided. 66 Retrieving Special Codes You can retrieve special code information for up to 1,000 students. For a list of user roles that can perform this task, see Table 2. To retrieve special codes: 1. Click the Reasons for Non-Participation tab. The page appears (see Figure 46). Figure 46. Fields in the Page 2. From the drop-down lists, select search criteria. 3. Optional: Click Add Additional Search Criteria, and refine your search to specific special codes. 4. Click Search. TIDE displays the retrieved students at the bottom of the page (see Figure 47). Figure 47. Retrieved Students and Special Codes From the listing of retrieved special codes, you can do the following: • Sort the listing; see Sorting Search Results. • Export the listing; see Exporting Student Records (Updated). 67 Task: Download Forms This task provides access to parent letters and forms related to the online assessments. These Test Administration Forms can also be found in the HSAP Test Administration Manual. Figure 48. Download Forms Task • Parent Letters are available in Word format. • All Test Administration Forms are in PDF format. 68 Task Group: PT Classroom Activities A classroom activity introduces students to the context of a performance task. Students need to participate in the classroom activity within one to three days before completing the corresponding performance task. Reviewing Classroom Activities You can review classroom activities for all grades within a particular school. For a list of user roles that can perform this task, see Table 2. To review classroom activities: 1. Click the PT Classroom Activities tab, then View Classroom Activities. The View Classroom Activities page appears (see Figure 49). Figure 49. Fields in the View Classroom Activities page 6. From the drop-down lists, select search criteria. 7. Click Show Classroom Activities. TIDE displays the found classroom activities at the bottom of the View Classroom Activities page (see Figure 50). Figure 50. Retrieved Classroom Activities 8. To view an individual classroom activity, click the corresponding link. For example, referring to Figure 51, to view the ELA classroom activity for third-graders, click next to G3E-Summative-PerfLandFormations. 69 Modifying Classroom Activities Performance tasks are determined by the classroom activities that are assigned in TIDE and these may vary from school to school for each grade tested (3-8 and 11). When a student changes schools, the assignment of a classroom activity and its paired performance task will automatically change to the school at which he or she is newly enrolled. Regardless of whether a student has completed the classroom activity and partially completed its paired performance task in school A prior to transferring to school B, he or she will be eligible for a new classroom activity and its paired performance task based on the classroom activity that has been assigned to the new school. Only those students who have started and only partially completed their performance task from a previous school will have the option to request a modification to their classroom activity and paired performance task. Test Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Teachers can view a student’s assigned classroom activity in TIDE under student details. The Verification of Student Need Form found in Appendix Z of the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual must be sent to the Assessment Section to request that a student be reassigned a classroom activity and performance task that he or she has already started and partially completed at his or her previous school. If the student has not started and partially completed a performance task at a previous school, he or she will automatically be assigned his or her new school’s classroom activity and its paired performance task and the Appendix Z form does not need to be submitted. 70 Appendix A. User Support The HSAP Help Desk will be open Monday–Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. HST (except holidays). HSAP Help Desk Toll-Free Phone support: 1-866-648-3712 Email Support: HSAPHelpDesk@air.org Emails to the Help Desk will be automatically logged and answered within one working day (typically sooner). Urgent requests will be given priority. If you contact the Help Desk, you will be asked to provide as much detail as possible about the issue(s) you encountered. These details may include the following: • any error messages that appeared • operating system and browser information • information about your network configuration • the steps that you took before the issue occurred 71 Appendix B. Complex Area IDs This table shows the Complex Area ID assigned to each Complex Area. Use the correct Complex Area ID when adding or editing users in a CSV file for upload to TIDE. Complex Area Complex Area ID Aiea-Moanalua-Radford 921 Baldwin-Kekaulike-Maui 961 Campbell-Kapolei 931 Castle-Kahuku 941 Charter Schools 999 Farrington-Kaiser-Kalani 917 Hana-Lahainaluna-Lanai-Molokai 962 Hilo-Laupahoehoe-Waiakea 951 Honokaa-Kealakehe-Kohala-Konawaena 953 Kailua-Kalaheo 942 Kaimuki-McKinley-Roosevelt 919 Kapaa-Kauai-Waimea 971 Kau-Keaau-Pahoa 952 Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua 922 Nanakuli-Waianae 933 Pearl City-Waipahu 932 72 Appendix C. Opening a CSV File in Excel 1. Open Microsoft Excel, and click the Data menu tab. 2. In the Data menu, click the “From Text” icon. The Import Text File dialog window will open. 3. Navigate to the location where you saved the file. Select the file and click [Import]. 4. The Text Import Wizard window will open. You will have to navigate through three steps: a. Step 1: Make sure “Delimited” is selected, and click [Next]. Note: This window also has a preview of the data in the file you selected. This allows you to verify that you selected the correct file. b. Step 2: Click the check box next to “Comma” and click [Next]. c. Step 3: Format numerical data as text. 1. In the Data Preview section, click a column. (The selected column will have a black background.) 2. In the Column Data Format section, click the radio button next to “Text.” 3. Repeat for each column in the file (especially columns containing numbers; e.g., Complex Area ID, Institution ID, SSID, and Birth Date). d. Click [Finish]. The data should populate in separate columns in Excel. 73 Appendix D. Common Errors with File Uploads For upload tasks (Upload Users, Upload Test Impropriety, and Upload Roster File), common errors can prevent records from being added or modified correctly. File Validation TIDE “screens” each file to check for any errors in the file. This section will display any errors in the file you uploaded. If your file has no errors, you will see “Your file has passed validation.” This message indicates that the file was uploaded successfully and has no errors. (The file has not yet been committed to TIDE.) If Your File Has Errors Files with data not in the correct format as shown in the template will generate error messages by row, identifying the error(s) by line (row) record in the file. Some errors will prevent a record from uploading (e.g., invalid SSID or grade). A table of validation messages will appear with information about the errors. Figure 51. Sample Record Error Messages • Record Number: The row in the file in which the error appeared • Field Name: The column name that contains the error • Field Value: The text that you entered in the cell • Validation Message: A brief description of the error Note: A single record can have multiple errors. Depending on the severity of the error(s), one of the following will occur: • The file will fail to upload. • The file will upload, but TIDE will exclude the record(s) that had errors. • The file will upload, and TIDE will accept the record(s) that had warnings. (These records will need to be fixed in TIDE or uploaded in a new file.) Records without errors will be automatically accepted by the system. If your file included errors, you have two options: • Abort the upload. Click [Cancel], and click [OK]. You can then make edits to the file, save it, and begin the upload process again. • Proceed with the upload, and add the information to TIDE. To do so, click [Commit File]. Only records without errors or records with warnings will be uploaded to the system (rows in yellow). 74 These are some common errors: • Having blank rows between records. • Inserting invalid characters (refer to appropriate user guide sections for information about accepted formats). • Uploading a roster file that contains students who do not already exist in TIDE. • Uploading a file for students or users in a school or complex with which you are not associated. If problems exist for a single record and you are unable to successfully upload that record, contact the HSAP Help Desk for assistance. 75 Appendix E. Change Log Change Section Date Added change log table Change Log 4/17/2015 Clarified ELA CAT and PT Text-to-Speech information Table 2. TIDE Tasks and User Role Access 4/21/2015 Table 3. Test Settings, Attributes, and Accommodations on the View Student Details Page Table 4. Test Attribute and Accommodation Descriptions Added new section Printing PreID Labels 5/1/2015 Added Table 7 regarding which test improprieties are available for each test status Table 7. Available Test Improprieties by Test Result Status 5/1/2015 Added new section Task Group: Working with Special Codes 5/14/2015 Task: View/Edit Students Added note about TA Live Site overriding test settings made in TIDE for tests already started. 5/21/2015 76
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