ALPINE EXPLORERS (2 year old-6th grade) CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Please remember-all 3-5 year olds will exit for BASE CAMP worship through the commons and will go with volunteers to worship in the CHAPEL. Parents, please collect the lanyard nametags for your student as they line up. Summit Worship is for all 1st-4th graders will leave through the commons to worship with volunteers in the LOFT. CHILDREN’S CONTRIBUTION The Children’s contribution will begin to bless local ministries, such as Caring & Sharing, this month. Many thanks to all who give! LTC CELEBRATION Alpine is so proud of all the participants and thankful for their coaches! Sign Language: Mallory Porter (Coach-Amber Whitehead) Speech: Landon Ryan (Coach-Miranda Ryan) Art: Max Kelt, Zoe Kelt, Zane Terry Bulletin Board: Mallory Porter, Elle Woods Children’s Book: Mallory Porter, McKayla Terry Daily Devotional: Grayson Corbitt, Noah Sims Leadership: McKayla Terry, Max Kelt Bible Quiz: James Holmes, Lucas Thomas, Noah Sims, Ethan Bohnsack, Kade Kennedy, Ben Thomas, Cameron Thomas, Cole Buzbee, Tyler Holmes, Zoe Kelt, Daryn Ratcliff, Zane Terry, Geoffrey Freeman, Liz Higgins, Max Kelt, Sara Welch (Coaches-Erin & Melissa Higgins, James Kelt, Karol Terry, Cindy Rigsby) 3rd-6th grade Chorus: John Ryan Allums, Claire Buckler, Constance Buckler, Cole Buzbee, Grayson Corbitt, Hank Danielson, Conner Garth, Leslie Henry, Avery Holcomb, James Holmes, Jackson Norton, Mallory Porter, Daryn Ratcliff, Aubrey Silverthorne, Jocelyn Spurlock, Seth Stringer, Olivia Tennison, Cameron Thomas, Lucas Thomas, Mia Thomas, Cooper Thomaston, Elle Woods, Sierra Upchurch (Coaches-Lori Danielson & Kendrah Tennison) 3rd & 4th grade Puppets: Abby Benson, Claire Buckler, Constance Buckler, Grayson Corbitt, Cailey Cox, Conner Garth, James Holmes, Emma Logan, Aubrey Silverthorne, Mia Thomas, Kennedi Cowser, Avery Holcomb, Dylon Jones, Mallory Porter, Lucas Thomas, Cooper Thomaston, Sierra Upchurch, Elle Woods (Coaches-Christy Norton, Amy Porter, Tori Upchurch, Carmen Cox, Max Kelt) 3rd & 4th grade Drama: Abby Benson, Claire Buckler, Constance Buckler, Grayson Corbitt, Cailey Cox, Conner Garth, James Holmes, Emma Logan, Aubrey Silverthorne, Mia Thomas, Kennedi Cowser, Avery Holcomb, Dylon Jones, Mallory Porter, Lucas Thomas, Cooper Thomaston, Sierra Upchurch, Elle Woods (Coaches-Christy Norton, Amy Porter, Tori Upchurch, Carmen Cox, Max Kelt) 5th & 6th grade Puppets: John Ryan alums, Ethan Bohnsack, Daryn Ratcliff, Seth Stringer, Cameron Thomas, Jonathan Tutt, Caleb Bearden, Cole Buzbee, Leslie Henry, Tyler Holmes, Zoe Kelt, Landon Ryan, Zane Terry, Ben Thomas (Coaches-Karol Terry, Cindy Rigsby, McKayla Terry, Nikki Thomas, Kim Stringer) 5th & 6th grade Drama: Caleb Bearden, Cole Buzbee, Zoe Kelt, Landon Ryan, Zane Terry, & Ben Thomas (Coaches-Karol Terry, Cindy Rigsby, & McKayla Terry) 9th-10th grade drama: Max Kelt (Coach-Max Kelt) LTC LUNAR GOLF All LTC participants are invited to a special celebration TODAY at 1 pm at the Lunar Mini-Golf in the Mall. LTC participants will play for free, but all families are invited to join us from 1-2 pm. AYM NEWS & UPDATES April 12, 2015 Alpine Youth Ministry 7th-12th grades TODAY SOFTBALL PRACTICE TODAY @ 2 pm till 4 pm behind the Barn (Weather permitting) PARENTS OF TEENS LIFE GROUP @ 6 pm: Jason’s Deli in the Banquet Room Senior Banquet Ticket’s on sale today in the Commons! $12 for adults $8 for students. Please make every effort to attend this event or volunteer to serve. This is an important milestone in the life of our students. Summer Event Brochures are in the Kiosks! Checkout the early bird due dates! THIS WEEK High School Hangout on Tuesday’s @ 6:30 pm – Chipotle Softball Game: Tues., April 14 – 8:45 pm vs. LCC God Squad@ Hinsley Park, Field #4 (We’re the away team) AYM Meeting for all mothers of teens, Wednesday, April 15 @ 5:30 pm in the Loft WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH WORSHIP SCHEDULE IN THE LOFT Welcome & Announcements: James Kelt Greeter: James Kelt Café: Tami Pool Audio/Visual: Mason Myrick Worship Leader: Christian Reusch Speaker: Lance Logan Theme: Hooked: Coverup THE LOFT CAFÉ @ 6 PM: PIZZA $1 SLICES NEXT WEEK SOFTBALL PRACTICE: Sunday, April 19 @ 2 pm behind the barn. SOFTBALL GAME: Tuesday, April 21 @ 7:45 vs. 1st Baptist, Field #4 (We’re the away team) UPCOMING EVENTS: MOTHER/DAUGHTER TEA: Saturday, April 25 - 10 am till 12 noon. All 7th – 12th grade mothers and daughters are invited to this very special event at the home of Kevin & Dee Anne McCrary. SENIOR RECOGNITION SUNDAY: Sunday, April 26 – Meet & Greet Brunch in the Atrium 9:00 am. Recognition and blessing during worship. SENIOR BANQUET: Sunday, April 26 - 6 pm till 7:30 pm – Come celebrate the milestone achievement of our senior students. This is a time for the church to surround them and encourage them to follow Christ. Alpine Church of Christ 610 East Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605 (903)758-0161 Website: Email: Welcome to Alpine! We are glad you are here and welcome you to join any aspect of our worship time. Our elders, staff, and members stand ready to pray with you or answer any questions you may have. WELCOME & INFO FOR OUR GUESTS Nursery Assistance INFANTS Birth to 36 months are lovingly cared for in our attended nursery Sunday mornings CHILDREN 3-year-olds - 4th grade are invited to a special time of learning during our Sunday morning worship time when dismissed. Today’s Praise Today’s music is available in the Commons for those who desire sheet music. We hope this will enhance your praise today! Prayer Requests It is a privilege for us to pray with and for you. Please fill out a prayer request form located in the back of the pews or at the Welcome Center and place in the box in the Commons. You may also email requests to: Prayers are confidential and not published in our bulletin unless requested. Becoming a Christian If you wish to learn more about becoming a Christ-follower, we are ready and excited to talk to you! Please take the opportunity at the end of our service to meet with one of our elders at the front or back of the Worship Center during the last song. Membership If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alpine family, please note this on your attendance card and plan to join us for one of our monthly membership classes. Sermons You can access Sunday’s sermons online at Alpine Shepherds Harry Hoelzle Bernie Krupa Ron McGregor James Ray John Shafer Brian Hoyle Gary Lovelace Richard Pruitt Gary Sanders Ministerial Staff Rodney Cox Paul Boorman Sandra Boorman Lance Logan Luke Tallon Larry Parker Melissa Kitchens Christy Norton Nansi Lifsey Holly Tallon Please help us! Contact us Email: Web: Phone: 903-758-016 1 (Monday - Thursday , 8:00 - 4 pm, Fridays, 8 am - noon) Our Worship Times: Sunday Bible Class - 9:00 am Sunday Worship - 10 am Wednesday Bible classes - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Concerns: CHARLES TOWNSEND, husband of JoAnn, has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He had a port put in and will begin aggressive chemotherapy tomorrow. HOMER HUMPHREY, husband of Jeanette, is now home after spending several days in the hospital last week with heart valve issues and a blood clot in his lungs. He will meet with doctors in a few weeks to determine if he will require heart surgery. ANN LARY, wife of Elgin, was released from the hospital last Sunday. She is home recuperating from an infection. DEBBIE BARNES, wife of Bill, continues to await oncology reports. She had a bone marrow biopsy and the results will determine whether she needs to have a PET scan or not. She will do rehab for now. She and Bill are hoping to find out soon if she will have rehab in the hospital or in a skilled nursing facility. GEORGE ALEXANDER, husband of Mary, continues to be at Summer Meadows, room 423, for rehab. Afternoon visits are welcome. Cards may be sent to George: Summer Meadows, 301 Hollybrook, room 423, Lgv 75605. JERRY PARK, husband of Ann & brother of Jack Park, had surgery last week to remove the dead tissue on his hand and feet that were the result of complications during his open heart surgery several months ago. DORIS RAMALY, the executive director of LIHN, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Prayers for her and her family are requested. CONTINUED PRAYERS: Lynn Goetz, Melissa Higgins, Darrell Strong, Carsen Shafer, David Wooten, Anna Page, Frank Williams, Brad Wallace, Patsy Burke, Youngie Harris, Frank Williams, Roger Pliler, Gaylan Walton, Jeanette Humphrey, Bob Burke, & Ralph Holcomb. SYMPATHY LONNIE GRIFFIN, husband of Claudine, passed away Wednesday, April 8th. His services were held Friday at Welch’s Funeral Home. 308 Ralph St., Longview, TX, 75605. ROY ANDERSON, husband of Peggy, passed away Thursday, April 9th. His services were held yesterday at Radar Funeral Home. 1306 Inverness St., Longview, TX, 75601. UPCOMING SHOWERS Nickole Glezen will be honored with a baby shower today from 2 - 3:30 pm in the FLC Atrium. Nickole and Sheldon are expecting a girl in May. You can find their baby registry at Target. Meredith Knight, daughter of Jay & Teresa Knight, will be honored with a bridal shower on April 19th from 2 - 3:30 pm in the Worship Center Commons. Meredith and her husband-to-be, Brian Gilchrist, are registered at Target, Bed Bath & Beyond and Crate & Barrel. Kristin Roberts, daughter of Ronnie & Rhonda Saintignan, will be honored with an all-church wedding shower on Saturday, April 25th at 11am at the home of Donna Bogue [760 Acorn Trail, Hallsville, 75650]. You can find she and Tim’s wedding registry at Target and Wal Mart. TASTE OF ALPINE FOOD-FELLOWSHIP-FUN This week’s Taste of Alpine is sponsored by Alan & Melanie Wright to help fund their Summer family mission trip to McAllen in June. THE MENU IS: PULLED PORK SANDWICHES, CHIPS AND DESSERT. Please be sure and mark your attendance card if you plan on coming! MEN’S GOLF TOURNAMENT The Alpine Ironmen will host their annual golf tournament on Saturday, May 23rd at Wood Hollow Golf Course in Longview. Participants will meet at 12 noon for lunch (burgers and chips) and then tee time is scheduled for 1 pm. The cost is $50 per person and includes your cart, green fee and food. If you have a team that you would like to sign up, please contact Ron Fletcher at 512-636-7613. All teams are encouraged to have their fees in before the day of the tournament. FUN BUNCH TRAVELS – TYLER AZALEA TRAIL MONDAY, APRIL 13 Alpine members and guests are invited to join the Fun Bunch for an Azalea Trail tour and lunch. Board the bus at 9 am, Monday, April 13 or follow us by caravan in your car to Tyler. Sign up today in class or call Jerry & Maxine Massey at 903-758-3832 or the church office to RSVP. For more information, contact the Masseys or Rodney Cox ( or 903-918-2272). SENIOR BANQUET 2015 Mark your calendars for April 26th for an evening of encouragement as our Alpine Seniors pass this important milestone! The Banquet will start at 6 pm Dinner will be prepared by our own French chef, Anne Kelt. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for students and are available for purchase today in the Commons and in the Atrium on Wednesday evenings. CONGREGATIONAL SURVEY UPDATE The Alpine Congregational Assessment results from the survey that was taken at the end of 2014 has been compiled and sent to Alpine members with a registered email address. Also included in this email was the Church Profile document that will be sent to potential minister candidates to help them familiarize themselves with who we are as a congregation. If you did not receive this information and would like to have it sent via email or if you would like a hard copy of the Church Profile contact the church office. Due to the large number of pages that were required to record the survey results, only a limited number of paper copies will be reproduced. They will be available for review in the church office. An additional method of obtaining the survey and profile will be by requesting from the church office a compact disk (CD) that will contain both documents. FURNITURE MINISTRY Spring Cleaning Alert! The Alpine Furniture Ministry would like to remind members that we do collect used furniture to place in our storage unit for people and families that are facing a crisis, or getting their life back in order. If you have any items that you would like to donate, please call the church office to arrange a drop off or pick up time. We are happy to assist you! HELP NEEDED PATHSTONES is in desperate need of volunteers to work 2 - 3 hours every other Thursday evening. They are also in need of volunteers to have on an “as needed” basis. This is a growing ministry at Alpine and they need more help to keep up with the needs the community has. If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Denise at 903-248-2480. PANCAKEAPOOLZA: FOOD PANTRY The Alpine Food Pantry is in need of re-stocking. Please bring any of the following items to the church office or FLC Kitchen to help feed families in immediate need: PASTA SAUCE, NOODLES, PEANUT BUTTER, CRACKERS, RAMEN SOUPS, CEREAL, SNACK BARS, TUNA, KID FRIENDLY SOUPS, MAC N CHEESE, CANNED BEANS AND CANNED FRUIT. Friday, April 17th Everyone is welcome to come join ACA for Pancakes and more! Tickets are $5 and include pancakes, bacon, and drinks. There will be raffles, contests, music and games! There are some great raffle items to look at in the ACA hallway, come check them out! The raffle tickets are also $5 each, you do not have to be present to win. We encourage you to come support ACA and enjoy a fun evening with family and friends!
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