The Triple Nickel Published Exclusively for the Members of American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555 Volume 2 - Issue 5 In This Issue Mayor Garry Waters 1 Commander’s Corner 2 Public Relations 3 Judge Advocate Veterans Recognition 4 Post Information 5 April Photos 6 Chaplain Boys State 7 1st Vice Commander 8 State Convention 9 Post 555 Baseball 10 District Meeting Post Family Night 11 Legion Riders May 2015 Post 555 Recognizes Mayor Gary Waters American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555 expressed its appreciation to Mayor Gary Waters and the City of Pelham for their support of the American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555 since its inception in August 2014. a meeting place at the Pelham Senior Center on the first Thursday night of each month. The Mayor has been instrumental in introducing service opportunities that meet the Post’s mission to serve our troops, veterans, community and its youth. Post 555 received its temporary Charter with thirty charter members on September 17, 2014. The City of Pelham has provided the Post with Post 555 looks forward in continuing their relationship with the City in serving the community. 12 Standing Meetings Where: Pelham Senior Center When:1st Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm Next Meeting May 7, 2015 Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 Commander’s Corner Fellow Legionnaire, I want to thank you again for selecting me as your Commander for the coming year. I think the Lord is blessing us in so many ways. As we continue to grow (over 70 members now!) and have the possibility of having an American Legion baseball team, and sending 2 young men to Boy State and 2 young ladies to Girl State this year…this was not something I thought was possible to accomplish in our first year, but the funds have been provided and we are able to us to pass on the blessing to others. If our ambition of hosting a baseball tournament in Pelham this July for the American Baseball League works out, we will need your help to sell tickets at the gates! We will send out information in the next few weeks as the plan firms up on the schedule and what times help will be needed at the gate. This is an excellent opportunity to serve our community with a fun, family supportive program. DD-214 or discharge papers indicating honorable discharge on our members. If you don’t already have one, you can request a copy of your DD-214 or discharge paper through the government. If you need help making the request, we will be happy to help. We need a Copy on file – be sure to mark out your Social Security Number on our copy. Also, please let your family know where your copy is filed should need arise if they (or you) need it to file for benefits with VA. That is the first thing the VA will ask for. We will be adding more programs or services so please step up and ask ‘what can I do’? We have several positions that we need help with! I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting Thursday, 7 May at 7pm. Barry K. Blount Commander This year we plan to begin programs that will identify benefits that you may be entitled to as a veteran. Stay tuned for more information. Next week we should have our 501C19 tax exemption approved. It was made clear that if we are audited, the first thing they look for is a Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 2 Welcome April 2015 New Members Public Relations Don Colvard Rick Mazzone Geoffrey Eggleton Membership Total : 70 American Legion Preamble For god and country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes; To uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America; To maintain law and order; To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the great wars; To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; To make right the master of might; To promote peace and good-will on earth; To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. Two articles were sent to the Shelby County Reporter on April 9th . First article was on the presentation to Mayor Gary Waters and the City of Pelham for their support of the Matthew Blount American Legion Post 555 since its inception in August 2014. The City of Pelham has provided the Post with a meeting place at the Pelham Senior Center on the first Thursday night each month. The mayor has been instrumental in introducing service opportunities that meet the Post mission to serve our troops, veterans, community and its youth. Second article was on the ceremony to be held at Alabama National Cemetery in Montevallo, AL on Memorial Day, 9:00 am, May 25th, 2015. As well as preserving the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, Post 555 will have the opportunity to provide the gun crew to fire a Civil War Artillery piece to honor our fallen heroes. Legionnaire volunteers that will man the gun crew are Don Colvard, Tom McDaniel, Bill Wigginton, Kenneth Paschal, and Richard Kaster. Special thanks to Mr Barry Winn and His daughter, Samantha, for volunteering the use of their Mountain Howitzer, ammunition and training Post 555 members into temporary cannoneers. Tom Mc Daniel Public Relations Officer Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 3 Judge Advocate’s Corner Chuck Kiser Proud to be an American With a membership of military veterans that takes deep pride in the U.S. flag and all it means, The American Legion has always advocated for patriotism, morality and citizenship with its third pillar, Americanism. Americanism Defined Americanism is love of America; loyalty to her institutions as the best yet devised by man to secure life, liberty, individual dignity, and happiness; and the willingness to defend our country and flag against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is a vital, active, living force. Americanism means peace, strength, the will and the courage to live as free men in a free land. It means a friendly hand to people everywhere who respect our institutions and our thinking. It is not a word; it is a cause, a way of life – the best way of life ever known – a challenge and a hope in this world. 2015-2016 Post Officers Installation The process of inducting the 2015-2016 Post 555 Officers will occur at the May 7, 2015 meeting. The Divisional Commander, Earl Hutchinson will be present to perform the ceremony. Officers to be installed are: Barry Blount, Commander, Kenneth Paschal,1st Vice Commander, Quincey Whitehead, 2nd Vice Commander, Ron Koonce, Adjutant, SSG David Lee, Financial Officer, Chuck Kiser, Judge Advocate, David Coram, Jr., Chaplain,Geoffrey Eggleton, Sgt.-At-Arms, Ron Koonce, Historian, Tom McDaniel, Public Relations Officer, and members of the Executive Committee, Bill Wigginton, Richard Kaster and Bill Midlik. Veterans Recognition Committee Americanism is an ideal of loyal patriotism, religious tolerance, righteous freedom, fearless courage, honest integrity, abiding faith in the commanding destiny of the United States, and a fathomless love for the principles that led our forefathers to found this country. The following upcoming activities are on the Blue Star Salute calendar in the upcoming months. Triple Nickel members are encouraged to join the Blue Star Salute Foundation for the $25.00 membership fee and participate in any or all of these activities. It is complete and unqualified loyalty to the ideals of government as set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is respect for, and ready obedience to, duly constituted authority and the laws of the land. It is freedom without license, religion without bigotry, charity without bias, and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty for our nation and for our posterity. TAPS at ALNC 21 May 1030 hours at ALNC AL Veterans Memorial off I-459 24 My 1300 hours Memorial Day at ALNC 25 May 0900 hours (hole punching Friday 1600 hours, Flag placement Saturday 0900) #1SonRun – 10K Memorial Run-Leeds Memorial Park-13June USMC League Convention – Montgomery – 12-14June Let me know what you would like to see in this space in future months. Email me at and let me know your thoughts and ideas. I will try to provide what you want as well as keep you informed on Legion developments in future columns. Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL AMVETS National Convention – Birmingham-15-23August SCALNC & Blue Star Salute Meetings – 29 April-1400 & 12 May-1200 Respectively at Liberty Hall – American Village April 2015 4 Post Officers Dates to Remember Post Commander Barry Blount Sgt. at Arms Geoffrey Eggleton 1st Vice Commander Kenneth Paschal Historian Ron Koonce 2nd Vice Commander Quincey Whitehead Adjudant Ron Koonce Executive Committee Richard Kaster William Wigginton Bill Midlik Judge Advocate Chuck Kiser Finanical Officer SSG. David Lee Chaplain David Coram, Jr. The Triple Nickel is published monthly for members of Matthew Blount Post 555. 50 Racquet Club Parkway Pelham, AL 35124 205-678-1375 Items for publication are accepted on Executive Committee approval and available space. Submit articles prior to the 10th of the month for publication the following month. We reserve the right to edit any submission for the purpose of publication. Letters to the Editor must include name, address & telephone number. Names will be withheld upon request. Post Officer Installation May 7, 2015 ANC Support Committee Meeting May11, 2015 Arm Forces Day USS Alabama May 10, 2015 Memorial Day Alabama National Cemetery May 25,2015 Boy’s State May 31-June 6,2015 2015 Depart. Convention June 19-21, 2015 Huntsville , AL Post Officers Report Due July 1, 2015 Post Consolidation Report July 1, 2015 Boys State Applications Due May 5, 2015 Send email to Ron Koonce: 205-222-4495 Matthew Blount Post 555 Next meeting: May 7, 2015 7:00 pm Copyright 2014 American Legion Post 555 Food provided by Chubbs Grub Station 50 Racquet Club Parkway Pelham, AL 35124 “Family Night” Web: Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 5 April Snapshots Photography by Chic Cecchini Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 6 Chaplain ’s Thoughts Post 555 Sponsors PHS Students Alabama Boys State is one of the highest honors granted to Alabama students. Students from across the state are chosen based on their demonstration of leadership, hard work, strong morals, and motivation in school and community activities. Boys State week is a full and active week held on the campus of The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa May 31,2015June 6, 2015. What Is Your True Purpose 1 Samuel 16:6-13 What do you live for each day? A pay raise? Retirement? Then perhaps you've discovered the reality that basing aspirations on getting ahead in this world typically ends in disappointment. People with a misguided sense of direction often wonder why they feel unfulfilled. Maybe you've already realized a goal of saving for the future or moving up the corporate ladder. You give to charity and volunteer at church, but somehow still feel a sense of insignificance or aimlessness. If so, there is a truth you need to hear: God gives each of us life for a very specific reason: to serve Him. Nobody finds inner peace without reconciling this fact. Our society teaches us that pleasure, prosperity, position, and popularity will make us happy--but living in the service of self always leaves an emptiness no earthly reward can fill. Besides, worldly philosophy won't stand the test of time. Few of us are going to live even 100 years. So whatever we'll become in this life, we're in the process of becoming that right now. Consider David: he was anointed king long before actually assuming the role (1 Sam. 16:12). He spent many years serving the purpose of God in insignificant places while developing into a great man. As his story shows, discovering God's purpose for your life is the surest path to success. Our heavenly Father's purpose for our lives comes from His heart of love--which is perfect. None of us can foretell the great things He has in store for us, but we can trust His plan completely. Surrender to Him today and say, "Not my will, Lord, but Yours be done." For God & Country At Boys State, student delegates will find the opportunity to build new friendships, participate in a mock government, and hear from and meet a diverse array of Alabama leaders such as Congressmen, state elected officials, business leaders, civic leaders, and others. Delegates will have the opportunity to join interest groups that focus on their individual areas of interest and will also have activity time during which they can participate in recreational activities such as basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, academic bowl, etc. Young men chosen to be Boys State participants can look forward to a wonderful and challenging experience. All who attend can acquire a better understanding and regard for two of our nation’s benefits: freedom and democracy. Post 555 is sponsoring Drayton Cullen, son of Jean Roberson and Lon Cullen of Pelham, AL and Aaron Wilkes, son of Patricia and Wesley Wilkes of Pelham, AL. Both young men are juniors at Pelham, High School. The Post will also sponsor two young women for Girls State later in the summer. Final participants have not yet been determined. Post 555 expresses its appreciation to the City of Pelham for their support and contribution to the success of Post 555’s Boys State 2015 Program. Kenneth Paschal Chaplain Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 7 First Vice Commander Report Kenneth Paschal We’re encouraging members be an active Legionnaire recruiter and invite one potential member to our next meeting in May. Membership is everyone’s responsibility. Thanks for being a recruiter for Post 555! Thank You: Special thanks to Donal Colvard and Quincy Whitehead for volunteering to serve on Post 555 Fundraiser committee. Thanks to Alterations, Embroidery, Screen Printing, & Banners By George in Helena is donating the Cannon Crew t-shirts On April 18, 2015, I had the opportunity to present Chubb’s Grub Station Restaurant owner, William (Will) Cholewinski American Legion, Matthew Blount Post 555 Certificate of Appreciation. Chubb’s Grub Station in Alabaster will donate a snack tray to the Post during the May Post 555 meeting. Thanks to Bill Wigginton for volunteering with the logistics. Also on April 18, 2015, I had the opportunity to present Texas Roadhouse event coordinator, Holley Frings and manager, Brian Donegan an American Legion, Matthew Blount Post 555 Legion Certificate of Appreciation. On May 2, 2015, Post 555 expressed it’s appreciation to the Chick-fil-A on Cahaba Valley parkway for their support in providing snack trays for the April Post 555 meeting. Upcoming opportunities the Post has to have a presence in the community: Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL May 15th and each 3rd Friday until October: Opportunity to setup an informational booth at Heart of Dixie HarleyDavidson Motorcycle Dealership in Pelham during their Bike Night. Event from 6-9 pm. 333 Cahaba Valley Pkwy N. Pelham, AL 35124. This is another great opportunity to enhance our membership campaign. If you are interested in volunteering and participating, please email me at May 25th: Memorial Day Observance at 9:00 am – We have 5 man crew to “Fire of a Civil War Artillery” piece to honor our fallen heroes at the Alabama National Cemetery, Montevallo. Volunteers include: Don Colvard, Kenneth Paschal, Bill Wigginton, Richard Kaster, and Tom McDaniel. Volunteers will rehearse the morning prior to 9:00 am ceremony. For additional information, please email me at Barry Winn, Sargent in the Alabama division of reenact-ors will provide the Civil War Artillery piece and serve as the Cannon crew chief. I encourage all Legionnaires to attend Memorial Day Observance and invite one individual to attend with you. American Legion Post 555 will have a "Welcome Veterans" Center at American Village for Memorial Day, and will be located by the Veteran's Building next to the Gift Shop at American Village. American Village will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day. Most all of our projects require volunteers. This is a great opportunity to honor our veterans, serve the local community and youths, and let others veterans know Post 555 exist and active in the communities. If you are interested in volunteering and participating in future events, please email me at Communication – the importance of belonging: We ask all members and their guests to greet each other and share one thing with each other during the next Post meeting. Direct contact with veterans is a guaranteed way to boost membership and find out the concerns and issues that they have, creating a cohesive environment. April 2015 8 Alabama Department State Convention Tentative Department Convention Agenda Thursday June 18, 2015 The Ninety seventh Annual Department Convention of the American Legion, Department of Alabama, Inc., is hereby called, and in conformity with the action of the 97th Annual Convention and the Department Executive Committee, will be held in Huntsville, Alabama, Friday, June 19, 2015 through Sunday, June 21, 2015. 9am-4 pm Post Veteran Service Officer Training – Salon AB 12 pm-4pm Legion Registration - $15.00 1 pm-2 pm My Legion Training – Salon C – Kathy Rowe 2 pm-3 pm Grant Training – Salon C – Mary Day Smith 3 pm-5; pm Commander and Adjutant Training -Salon C– Greg Akers Friday, June 19, 2015 PURPOSE: The Convention is called for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, hearing and considering resolutions, and for the transaction of such other business as may be deemed necessary to come before the Convention. 8:00 am-4:00 pm 8 :00 am-9:40 am Akers 9:45 am-11:30 11:30 am-1:00 pm 1:0 pm -3 :00 pm 3:00 pm-4:00 pm Angela Nation 3:00 pm- 5:00pm Post 555 has five delegate & five alternate slots available for those that are interested in attending the convention. Slots will be filled on a first come basis. Joint Session Lunch Legion Opening Session – Salon ABC Finance Training Session – Enterprise – Legion Riders Meeting – Salon ABC Saturday, June 20, 2015 8:00 am- 9:00 am Legion Finance Meeting – Enterprise 8:00 am-12:00 pm Legion Registration $15.00 9:00 AM Legion Meetings Resume – Salon ABC Ft. Payne National Cemetery Report, Boys State Report, Oratorical Report,VSO Report/VA Director Report, Baseball Report, Children and Youth Report Yearbook Awards 10:45 am Division Caucus 1st Division – Salon ABC Please email Ron Koonce : to submit your request to attend. The cost is $15 per delegate/alternate. Hotel cost is $99 per night if you make reservations by May 22, 2015. Delegates/alternates will be responsible for their registration and travel expenses. Huntsville Marriott - 888-299-5174 2nd Division – Enterprise 3rd Division – Pathfinder Registration fees are payable to : Matthew Blount Post 555 no later than May 28, 2015 to preserve you spot on the list. The Post will write one check to be sent to the Department with the registration form. The delegate/alternate registration form will be submitted on June 1 to assure it is received by the deadline. Your registration fee will have to had been received by the Post prior by May 28, 2015. Legion Registration - $15.00 LIT and Promotional Training – Adjutant Greg 11:30 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Break for Lunch Legion Elections – Salon ABC Joint Installation of Officers – Salon ABC Reception to Honor all Elected Officers Banquet – Salon ABCDEF Second Notice- First email notice submitted 4/29/2015 As of this publication there are 6 slots available. Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 9 Post 555 Begins Baseball Program Matthew Blount Post 555 American Legion Summer baseball is becoming a reality thanks to the leadership of Post 555’s Baseball Chairman, Alan Phillips, Coach Sean Anderson of Pelham High School and Kim Kiel, Athletic Director of Pelham High School. This marks another significant program for our post and invests our ideals into young men in our community. The team plans to play an 18-22 game and tournament schedule. The tentative dates for double-header games would be: The registration link is:<>. This website will allow you to register your player and provides for game reminders and a communication link for the American Legion team. Select on-line registration and follow the directions. We would request that you register in order for us to gauge the interest level. A uniform fitting for the hats and jerseys will be conducted next week for all interested players. For questions, please contact : Sean Anderson (205)281-4347<mailto:sean@pelhambaseba> May 26, 28, 31 June 2, 4, 23, 25 July 14 Tournaments dates are July 8, 9,10,11,17,18. Pelham has been chosen to host the July 8-11 district tournament. This is nearly unprecedented to host a district tournament in the first year of existence. Volunteers will be requested to assist in some manner. July 17-18 is the state tournament held at Troy University. Post 555’s team will need to win the district tournament to be sure to advance. The process of selecting the team and the coaches is underway. All Post members are encouraged to support the team in attendance as much as possible. Go Nickels!! Alan Phillips Chair, Baseball Committee The cost to the players will be in the $400-$500 price range. For God and Country Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL 10 April 2015 Matthew Blount Post 555 Hosts District Meeting May 17th at 2pm: Post 555 will host the district meeting at Nino's Italian Restaurant private dining room. Located at 2698 Pelham Pkwy, Pelham, AL 35124. All members are encouraged to attend. There’s no cost required for the meeting room if individuals from the party purchase food. Family or buffet style dining is available as is your choice to simply order off of our complete menu. Reservations made with the understanding we would order off the menu. Family Night May 7, 2015 The May post meeting will be a special event. All family members of the Post are invited to attend and share in the meal provided by Chubb’s Grub Station in Alabaster. The program will be the 2015-2016 Officer Installation Ceremony conducted by the American Legion Division 2 Commander Earl Hutchinson. Doors will open at 6:30pm and meal will be served at 7:00pm, Pelham Senior Center To assure we will have proper accommodations, we ask each member please RSVP the number that will be attending to : Walter Caron, co-owner is excited Matthew Blount Post 555 selected his restaurant to host the district meeting. He’s excited to support Post 555 in our efforts to serve veterans and community. Walter Caron Eli Gold Owners 11 Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 Legion Riders This is another great opportunity to enhance our membership campaign. If you are interested in volunteering and participating, please email me at Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 12 Mathew Blount Post 555, Pelham, AL April 2015 13
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