GENERAL MEETING (21 and older please) Wednesday, June 10, 2015 6:00 P.M. The Vet’s Club (upstairs) 1626 Willamette St. Eugene P.O. BOX 70528 SPRINGFIELD , OR 97475 6:00 p.m. - Sign up for trips & activities 6:45 p.m. - Orientation for guests & new members 7:00 p.m. - General Meeting (Starts promptly at 7 p.m.) Light hors d’oeuvres will be served at the meeting ALTAIR SKI & SPORTS CLUB NEWSLETTER JUNE, 2015 DO NOT PARK in the lot behind the Vet’s Club. This lot is reserved for restaurant patrons. Please park on the street. GUESTS: Guests are welcome to attend up to three complimentary meetings if they wish to learn about our club before joining or they may join immediately. BOARD MEETING (Open to all members) Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Immediately following the monthly General Meeting PLEASE NOTE CHANGE TO BOARD MEETING DATE & LOCATION NOTE: If you are presenting an event /trip for approval or an item for discussion, please advise the Secretary or the President so the item can be added to the Agenda. Please bring copies of your flyer & Board approval form for each Board member & Newsletter Editor. HIGHLIGHTS June 1st begins the new fiscal year for Altair Ski & Sports Club and the beginning of the 1-year term for the New Board Members: Congratulations to: President Demetri Liontos Vice President Tom Arnold Secretary Jan Ries Treasurer Susan Blane Board at Large Larry See Board at Large Bob Caldwell Senior Board at Large Lynn Bruno And — a BIG THANK YOU to the out-going board members who have done an excellent job. Demetri is trading hats to serve at President, Diane O’Keefe, Ed Stanley, Jack Brandon, Patrice McCaffrey, & Brian Taggart. Thanks to you all. A special thanks to ERICH KAUFMAN who by popular vote served two terms as President of Altair. Erich who is a friend to all, did a wonderful job leading and guiding Altair for the past two years with sincerity and devotion to the Club. This newsletter issue is chock full of new trips, sporting events, golf tournaments…….. Volume 28 No. 6 Sign-ups also begin for the Altair Picnic and for volunteers to help with the August picnic. This is a great way for new members to get involved and meet other Altair members. GENERAL INFORMATION ———— BOARD MEMBERS ———— President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board at Large Senior Board at Large Demetri Liontos Tom Arnold Jan Ries Susan Blane Larry See Bob Caldwell Lynn Bruno 541-345-0207 541-729-2251 541-747-6142 541-520-4216 541-510-3846 541-726-7422 541-870-5879 ———— COMMITTEES & DIRECTORS ———— Biking Bookkeeper Bowling Community Service Dance Lessons Database & Yahoo Mgr Equipment / Inventory Golf Greeters Hiking Members/Guests Newsletter Editor NWSCC Rep. Publicity Skiing Snowshoe/X-Ctry Skiing Social TGIF Walk / Jog Web Director Linda Tharp Annette Tognazzini Lynn Bruno Trina Hayden Sandi Sanders Melissa Finch Ros Goodman Janice Wardan Erich Kaufman Carroll Oakley Sandy Sandhorst Debra Cole Gregg Fuller Stephen McCaffrey Joanna Zamora-Director Betsy Elting– Director Les Crone Peter Ferrero Erich Kaufman Max Liebreich Janice Wardan Janice Wardan Ted Merydith Becki Robinson Rod Robinson Scott Barkhurst Gregg Fuller Tom Arnold Carol Petty Claudia Liontos Diane Kaufman Walt Jacobson Janice Wardan 541-741-2634 541-683-1593 541-870-5879 541-844-9994 541-345-2454 541-343-4865 541-954-2479 541-517-6067 541-556-4211 541-556-2194 541-556-1350 541-654-1186 541-520-6809 541-954-2537 541-686-7181 541 232-3541 541-726-9527 541-746-6263 541-556-4211 541-484-1980 541-517-6067 541-517-6067 541-484-1558 541-514-4911 541-344-7170 541-343-9406 541-520-6809 541-729-2251 541-935-2088 541-345-0207 541-484-4365 541-343-7893 541-517-6067 —————INFORMATION ABOUT ALTAIR ————- The new Altair Membership Glossary & Guidelines is a compilation of all guidelines, policies, and information pertaining to Altair. It is a great reference or “Go-To” source for new or existing members, And is located on the web site. Contains details on the following —and much more: Altair Guidelines Event/Trip Planning Membership Dues Membership Directory-distributed email monthly Newsletter– available on the web site Yahoo! email Group Web site ( And much more…………… Go to . Click on Forms & Documents Click on Altair Membership Glossary & Guidelines If you any questions or have difficulty viewing or printing the Glossary & Guidelines, please contact Janice Wardan: 541-517-6067 ‘NEW YEAR’ GREETINGS FROM YOUR NEW BOARD! No, we’re not nuts, just enthusiastic. The Altair fiscal year runs from June 1 st thru May 31st each year, so here you are with a brand new board of directors to guide the Club. First, copious thanks to Erich Kaufman and the ‘old’ board for the superb job they did while in office. Your wisdom will be sought. Second, thanks to all who voted. The new board you have duly elected (see who on the next page) is eager to do their best to make this a vibrant, interesting year ahead. Look for innovations, some subtle some not, and a streamlining of membership and board meetings. Personally, as a 27-year member, I feel privileged and proud to be your new president. But it’s the team I’ll be working with that excites me most. Please come to the June 10th membership meeting to meet your new board! Also, following the meeting, the board will meet immediately afterwards for its monthly session (a trial innovation) to receive activity proposals and conduct Club business—yes, right there at the Vets’ Club. Please note this change of time/ venue if you are presenting an event for board approval, and bring relevant paperwork! We hope you’re looking forward, as we are, to a great ‘New Year’ ahead. And know that we appreciate your support and event ideas. --Demetri Liontos, your new president Page #2 BOARD MEETING HIGHLIGHTS & UPDATES May 27, 2015 Board Meeting The May 20, 2015 Board Meeting was rescheduled until May 27,2015 due to absence of Board Members to enable a quorum to vote. The Board approved the Diamond Woods Golf Tournament led by Carroll Oakley and Mike Burns on July 26, 2015. The Board approved the Tokatee Golf Tournament led by Jan Ries, Don Tucker, and Sue Jenkins on August 9, 2015. The Board approved the Nine & Dine Golf Tournament led by Susan and Sandy Sandhorst on July 10, 2015. The Board approved the Last Shot Scramble led by Pam & Bill Hirsh on September 13, 2015. The Board approved a Pacific Pub Cycle event led by Linda Tharp & Annette Tognazzini on June 21, 2015. The Board approved the Springwater Overnight Bike Adventure led by Laurie & Keith Steinbruck on August 8 & 9, 2015. The Board approved the introduction to SAMBA, a card game, in a 4 game series led by Rita Lombard beginning June 18, 2015. Janice Wardan presented a comparison of 3 different club management programs for on-line registration & payment of dues which are continuing to be reviewed. Erich Kaufman announced the results of the Board of Directors Election: President Demetri Liontos Vice President Tom Arnold Secretary Jan Ries Treasurer Susan Blane Board at Large Larry See Board at Large Bob Caldwell Senior Board at Large Lynn Bruno The Board ratified a volunteer, non-voting bookkeeper position The Board ratified Lynn Bruno as the Bookkeeper, to assist the Treasurer. The Board ratified Sandy Sandhorst as a Golf Co-Director, along with Carroll Oakley The Board ratified Erich Kaufman for the Membership Committee and as the Orientation Coordinator The Board gave Erich Kaufman authority to donate the portable dance floor, given to the club by Dee Sullen, to club members with a need for it or to a charitable organization such as a ballet club. Janice Wardan reported that the polls regarding music at the annual picnic indicated that there will be no music. The Board has not found a location for the monthly Board Meetings and decided to hold short Board Meetings following the General Meetings to approve trips & events. This will begin June 10, 2015. The Board approved Tom Arnold as Altair’s Representative at the FWSA conference June 5-7th, with the Club funding the amount of $500 toward the trip ( lodging, transportation, sign-up fee, meals, etc.) An Audit Committee to review closed trip files was appointed: Brian Taggart, Janice Wardan, Susan Blane & Lynn Bruno. The Board approved a revised Yahoo’s Group e-mail policy. The Board approved the Altair Membership Glossary & Guidelines to be posted on the web site and given to new members as a “go-to” resource for new and existing members. The Board approved the revised Trip & Event Forms reflecting the new Event Leader Incentive Rewards and the change of language from Trip Captain to Event Leader. The Board approved the revised Membership Application Form due to the new Membership Dues structure effective November 1, 2015. The Board approved the New Member Packet proposed by the Membership Committee. ……..Submitted by Janice Wardan on behalf of vacationing Secretary, Diane O’Keefe Page #3 MEMBERSHIP JUNE BIRTHDAYS March General Meeting Stats Total Membership: Number of guests: Number of members attending: Number of new members: Rita Lombard Alan Reeder Total attending meeting: Raffle Winners: Guest/New Member: Birthday: General Raffle: 182 3 75 2 80 Linda Thompson Sue Jenkins (No regular raffle held due to MS Raffle fundraiser) Greeter Volunteers: Carol D. Kelsch Carroll Oakley Susanne M. Howell Reese D. Miller Don Sundberg Lin Marie Janel Laidman Sandy Sandhorst Susie Nicholson Betsy Henry Dyan Carney Leslie B. Marti Peg Jennette Ed B. King Linda H. Tharp Trina M. Hayden Barbara R. Bakke 06/09 06/10 06/12 06/13 06/14 06/15 06/15 06/17 06/18 06/19 06/20 06/22 06/24 06/24 06/24 06/25 06/29 SAVE THE DATES For these board approved events in the future. Dec. 11, 2015 Feb. 26-19, 2016 Holiday Dinner/Dance Shelter Cove COMMUNITY SERVICES: Co-Directors: Sandi Sanders 541-345-2454 Melissa Finch 541-343-4865 About 20 Altairians took part in the 5 km. (3 mi.) MS Walk (May 9th) to help raise awareness and money to defeat this debilitating disease. Under the gentle guidance and excellent organization of Melissa Finch, participating Club members walked the talk and had a fun time in the bargain--and all on a stunning Saturday morning. Diane Kaufman, herself battling MS, was interviewed by KVAL's Tom Adams and had encouraging words for others also afflicted. There were several hundred participants in all and like all such activities, "it gets the word out", about Multiple Sclerosis in this case. Kudos to Melissa and Diane, and to all the Altair walkers who contributed to a worthy cause--and got their Saturday morning exercise in, in a fun, meaningful way! (Demetri Liontos) Page #4 MEMBERS’ CORNER Season Blast off Ride– led by Linda Tharp May 16, 2015 Oak Hill Loop Winery Tour– led by Dale Champion May 23, 2015 “Great wine, beautiful ride, fun day. Thanks for the Tour, Dale.” "I have a 2 bike platform rack that fits a 1 ¼ inch receiver. I also have a 1 ¼ inch hitch and ball (U-Haul) that I can’t use either Both are in great condition and can be yours for a nominal sum of $40.00 OBO. If you have a 2" receiver on your car or SUV, there are available reducers that can convert it to 1 1/4. Call Brian Taggart at 541-525-5444" Gourmet Coast Hike—Cape Perpetua—May 30, 2015 “Three cheers for Claudia and Demetri! Well done!” “It was a beautiful day on the coast and the appetizers and shrimp were delicious as always!” (Gourmet Coast Hike) Attention skiers and hikers! Mt. Bachelor just announced that they will be hosting a Mountain Clean Up Day on Saturday, July 11. The details are still being worked out, but in the past they have supplied people with garbage bags and ferried them to the top via chairlift so they could hike downhill and collect trash. In return, participants will be awarded a free winter lift ticket for use during the upcoming season. In the past, the mountain has also provided a buffet lunch (hot dogs, beans, coleslaw, soda, etc.) As I receive more information from Mt. Bachelor, I will post it in the newsletter and also on Yahoo! Groups. Anyone interested in carpooling over for the day? Tom Arnold Ski Committee co-director Page #5 RECURRING SOCIAL EVENTS TGIF Every Friday —An opportunity to meet with friends & make new ones! 6:00 p.m. until whenever. Please remember to tip! June 5 Greek Paradise 65 M. Division June 12 6th Street Grill 55 W. 6th Street (in bar) June 19 Planktown 346 Main, Springfield June 26 Angkor Cafe 1810 Chambers July 3 Art in the Vineyard—Alton Baker near the music and wine July 10 Hilton Garden Inn 3528 Gateway—patio PINOCHLE All skill levels welcome to these potluck events. Bring a drink of your choice & a dish to share. Plan on staying for 3 games, which take about 40 minutes each. In consideration of those who are allergic, we ask that you not wear scented products. Play starts at 6:15 pm, come early enough to eat before play. Date: June 11, 2015 Thursday & June 24, 2015 Wednesday Fred Thomas Clairmont Apts. Clubhouse, 1605 Adkins, Eug Host: Place: (There is no need to sign up for Fred’s games. Just show up with a potluck & beverage.) Date: Host: Place: Limit: RSVP: July 14, 2015 Tuesday Kaye Johns 595 River Hills Drive, Springfield Kaye has room for five table (20 players) Marguerite King First come, first served. Altair members are given preference. We ask for a small donation to help offset the hosts’ costs ($1 or $2). Please RSVP to the host except where noted. If the host has limited the number of players, there will be waiting list. . Questions? Contact Marguerite King at 541-554-5514 DROP-IN POOL & TABLE TENNIS Date: June 24, 2015 Time: Place: 6:15 p.m. (or later if you like) Highland’s Pub 390 East 40th, Eugene (corner of E. 40th and Donald St.) Steve Alderson 541 935-4289 Erich Kaufman 541-556-4211 (Special: 4th Wed free pool & table tennis) Contact: MOVIE NIGHTS Monday night movies will be announced via Altair Yahoo email group. Contact: DROP-IN VOLLEYBALL Mike Burns 541-632-2098 DROP-IN CRIBBAGE & RUMMIKUB (The FIRST SUNDAY of each month) Date: Time: Place: Contact: Every Tuesday (weather permitting) 6:00 pm—7:30 pm (or so) then we go for food & drinks after Alton Baker Park (near shelters) (the park is at the north end of the Ferry Street Bridge) Erich Kaufman 541-484-4211 Steve Alderson 541-935-4289 We play for FUN! We don’t keep score; we use the softest ball so it won’t hurt your hands. We go for food and drinks following the “games.” Page #6 Beginners are welcome. Just drop in, no limit on players, nothing to bring —other than your enthusiasm and a cribbage board & Rummikub game if you have them. Nice & Easy & Fun! Date: Time: Place: Contact: Sunday, June 7, 2015 5:30 get a bite to eat & 6:00- 6:30p.m. games start The City Lounge (next to Kowloon’s) 2222 Martin Luther King Blvd., Eugene Roberta Fairchild 541-746-0204 SOCIAL EVENTS BEER & BOAR PAIRING Date: Time: Place: Cost: June 7, 2015 6:30 p.m. Filling Station, 2747 River Road $30.00 per members $35.00 per non-members Members Only until after first signups May 13, 2015—June 2, 2015 Dinner & Beer 25 maximum 20 minimum No refunds after June 1, 2015 Helen Martz 541-345-6229 Claudia Liontos 541-915-6728 Signups: Includes: Limit: Cancel: Leaders: LEARN THE CARD GAME CALLED SAMBA Dates: Time: Place: Cost” Signups: Bring: Limit: Leader: June 18, July 9, July 16, & August 13 6:15—promptly 1283 Little John Lane, Eugene no charge to get this started June 10th—15th BYOB, snacks provided the 1st time 12 MEMBERS only Rita Lombard 541-556-5656 (see flyer on page # 18) (see flyer in May newsletter on page #18) EUGENE BREW PUB TOUR Date: Time: Place: Cost: EOLA HILLS BRUNCH & WINE Date: Time: Place: Cost: Signups: Includes: Limit: Cancel: Leaders: June 21, 2015 8:45 am—3:30 p.m. Catch bus at Shopko to head To Eola Hills Winery $65.00 per members April & May General Meetings Bus, Brunch, 2 glasses of wine 20 minimum $25 non-refundable fee No refunds after May 17th Fred Thomas 541-683-1593 Diane Kaufman 541-484-4365 (see flyer in May newsletter on page #20) Page #7 No host: Signups: Includes: Limit: Cancel: Leaders: June 21, 2015 3:45 p.m.—6:30 p.m. Inn at the 5th $25.00 per members $30 00 per non-member Dinner at Steelhead (no host) June General Meeting Pub cycle, driver, 5 pub hops 14 maximum No refunds unless a waiting list Annette Tognazzini 541-556-8009 Linda Tharp 541-741-2634 (see flyer in on page #19) SOCIAL EVENTS SPRINGWATER OVERNIGHT BIKE ADVENTURE Date: Time: Stay: Includes: Bring: No host: Limit: Cost: Signups: Cancel: Planning Mtg: Leaders: August 8 & 9, 2015 8:30 am leave Eugene (meeting placeTBD) Hampton Inn, Clackamas Lodging (2 beds per room), breakfast Bike, helmet, water, sack lunch (see flyer) Saturday night dinner — no host 10 minimum—20 maximum $82.50 members $93.75 non-members ***If 20 people sign up the prices drop to: $57.00 members $65.00 non-members Begin June meeting July 8, 2015 July 12th, 5:00 pm— BBQ potluck at Steinbrucks’ Laurie Steinbruck 541-914-3698 Keith Steinbruck 541-913-5026 (see flyer on page #20) ANNUAL ALTAIR PICNIC (all participants must be 21 or older) Date: Time: Where: Cost: Limit: Includes: Bring: Volunteers: Signups: Contacts: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 (in lieu of the August General Meeting) 6:00 pm social & appetizers 6:30 pm chicken & potluck dishes served Alton Baker Park (Shelters I & II) Free to members and their guests No limit Chicken Plates, utensils & cups Games: volley ball, bocce ball, & more Beverage of choice (NO glass containers) Potluck dish of one of the following: Last Name: A—K: Salad or Side dish L—Z Appetizer or dessert NEEDED please see signups at meeting June & July General Meetings. Janice Wardan Galen Howard 541-517-6067 541-914-7626 Please sign you and your guests up (who must be 21 years of age) to give us a headcount and to comply with the requirement for signed waivers. Thank you!!!! This is a free event; however, prior registration is required. (see flyer on page #21) TRIPS Lake Billy Chinook 2015 Date: Place: Cost: Includes: Limit: Cancel: Sign-up: Leaders: June 29-July 2, 2015 Houseboat on Lake Billy Chinook $408—$425 Members Only Luxury houseboat, fuel, primary meals, Water toys, hot tub, slide, BBQ) 18 people, with waiting list only with replacement, April 8 to June 28, 2015 Jack Brandon Nancy Gripp 541-953-7700 541-968-2835 There are a few spots left on this houseboat trip… What a great opportunity!!!!! See Jack & Nancy at the General Meeting on June 10th —— or call them now!! Remember first come, first served……. Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!!!!! (see flyer in April newsletter on page #15) FRENCH GLEN 2015 Date: Place: Cost: Includes: Limit: Cancel: Sign-up: Leaders: September 11-14, 2015 French Glen—Eastern Oregon $280—$390 Members $330—$440 Non-Members 3 night’s lodging & meals And a birding adventure 24 people July 30, 2015 ($50 nonrefundable fee at any time) March 11th (Members only in March) Non-members can sign-up at April mtg. Diane Kaufman 541-484-4365 Erich Kaufman (see flyer in March newsletter on page #16) Page #9 GOLF—SPORTS GOLFING: Director: Carroll Oakley 541-556-2194 Check the Altair yahoo email site for additional golf events and updates. TOURNAMENTS: *pending Board approval DATE (* pending Board approval) GOLF EVENT/LOCATION 6/13/15 Guys and Dolls Oakway Golf Course Nine and Dine McKenzie River G.C. Diamond Woods G.C. 7/10/15 7/26/15 TIME 10:00 am 8/9/15 Al Williams Tokatee Classic Tokatee G.C. 9/13/15 Last Shot Scramble Middlefield G.C. 12:00 meet 1:00 tee time 10:00 am Shot Gun 9:06 am FORMAT Alternate stroke scramble mixed scramble mixed scramble mixed scramble 12:30 noon mixed scramble TIME FORMAT CONTACT PHONE Donna &Gordon Waske Susan & Sandy Sandhorst Mike Burns Carroll Oakley Jan Ries, Don Tucker & Sue Jenkins Pam & Bill Hirsh 541-689-1895 CONTACT PHONE 541-521-7394 541-632-2098 541-556-2194 541-521-4428 541-513-0777 541-345-8374 541-345-5822 SHOW & GO GOLF: DATE: GOLF EVENT/LOCATION Check newsletter, website, and yahoo email for updates as several events are in the planning stages. DROP-IN GOLF (9 HOLES) DATE: GOLF EVENT/ LOCATION Sutton Ridge at Every Thursday River Ridge Golf Course Every Thursday (weather permitting) begins May 7, 2015 TIME COST CONTACT PHONE 4:30 meet 1st tee time 4:45 pm $12.00 for ALTAIR MEMBERS Carroll Oakley 541-556-2194 3800 Delta Highway After drop-in golf we meet for a no-host dinner at BJ’s Restaurant to eat, drink and brag about our best golf shots of the evening and to enjoy each other’s company. BEGINNING ALTAIR GOLFERS ARE VERY WELCOME!!! GUYS & DOLLS GOLF TOURNAMENT Place: Date: Time: Costs: Oakway Golf Course Saturday, June 13 2015 10:00 am $7 members; $10 non-members No refunds Green Fees: $20 paid at clubhouse Awards Lunch: Papa’s Pizza Coburg Road. (no host) Limit: Maximum 24 golfers; minimum 16 Sign-ups: Begin April General Meeting Contacts: Donna & Gordon Waske 541-689-1895 (see flyer in April newsletter on page #16) Page #10 WAIVERS Please remember that all members and guests MUST sign the Altair Day Trip/Event Sign-up and Waiver for any Altair activities/events/trips. GOLF—SPORTS NINE & DINE GOLF AND POTLUCK GUYS & DOLLS GOLF TOURNAMENT Place: Date: Time: Costs: Oakway Golf Course Saturday, June 13 2015 10:00 am $7 members; $10 non-members No refunds Green Fees: $20 paid at clubhouse Awards Lunch: Papa’s Pizza Coburg Road. (no host) Limit: Maximum 24 golfers; minimum 16 Sign-ups: Begin April General Meeting Contacts: Donna & Gordon Waske 541-689-1895 (see flyer in April newsletter on page #16) Place: Date: Time: McKenzie River Golf Course, Springfield Friday July 10, 2015 Noon (pre-golf snacks), 1:00 tee time Costs: $22 members $24 non-members (carts not included) Includes: Greens fees, BBQ sandwiches, baked beans & table service Potluck: Hugh Hughes home, 41780 Madrone Lane,, Spfld 541-896-9003 (Parking: old golf course across street from Hugh’s house) Bring: Potluck dish, your own beverage & chair Limit: 24 golfers Cancellation: July 7, 2015 (no refunds after July 7) Sign-ups: June General Meeting Contacts: Susan Sandhorst 541-521-7394 Sandy Sandhorst 541-556-1350 (see flyer on page #22) DIAMOND WOODS GOLF TOURNAMENT Place: Diamond Woods Golf Course Monroe, OR Date: Sunday, July 26, 2015 Time: 10:00 am shotgun start Arrive no later than 9:30 to pay fees Costs: $19 members $22 non-members ($10 non-refundable) Green Fees: $40 $15 carts (required) Awards Lunch: Diamond Woods’ covered Pavilion Includes: Lunch, dessert, gratuity, snacks, prizes Limit: 32 golfers (20 minimum) Cancellation: July 22, 2015 (July Meeting) Sign-ups: Begin June General Meeting Hosted by: Carroll Oakley 541-556-2194 Mike Burns 541-632-2098 (see flyer on page #23) Page #11 GOLF—SPORTS AL WILLIAMS TOKATEE CLASSIC Place: Date: Time: Tokatee Golf Course, Blue River Saturday, August 9, 2015 9:06 am starting tee time (arrive no later than 8:30 am to pay fees) Costs: $13 members $18 non-members Green Fees: $45 $15 cart per person Awards Lunch: Carol Kelsch’ house—downriver Bring: Your choice of BBQ, side dish, BYOB Limit: 32 golfers Cancellation: August 1, 2015 Sign-ups: Begin June General Meeting Contacts: Jan Ries, 541-747-6142 Don Tucker 541-513-0777 Sue Jenkins 541-345-8374 (see flyer on page #24) LAST SHOT SCRAMBLE Place: Middlefield Golf Course Cottage Grove Date: Sunday, September 13, 2015 Time: 12:30 pm start time Arrive no later than 12:00 to pay fees Costs: $19 members $22 non-members Green Fees: $25 Carts: $10 per person You can walk the course Awards Lunch: TBD Mexican Restaurant in Cottage Grove Limit: 28-32 golfers Cancellation: August 28, 2015 Sign-ups: begin June 10th General Meeting Contacts: Pam & Bill Hirsh 541-345-5822 (see flyer on page # 25) Page #12 BIKING—SPORTS BIKING: Co-Directors: Linda Tharp 541 741-2634 Annette Tognazzini 541-556-8009 IMPORTANT BASICS: Please always RSVP to ride leaders except for show and go rides. Rides maybe cancelled due to weather, or changes made to meeting times/locations. Check the Yahoo Email Group for last-minute updates. Bring: HELMETS ARE REQUIRED on all Altair rides, water, snacks, sunscreen, a spare tire and pump may be handy. Length: Based on roundrip Easy: Flat or almost flat Moderate: Some general rolling hills Difficult: Some steep hills BIKING CALENDAR DATE: BIKE (mileage & level) TIIME MEET AT CONTACT PHONE Saturday June 6 Deerhorn Road Ride & Lunch 12 miles/easy 10:00am 42071 Deerhorn Rd Springfield Rolf & Anita 541-896-3736 Sunday June 21 Pacific Pub Cycle Tour Dinner @ Steelhead2 miles 4:00pm 5th Street Market Annette Tognazzini 541-556-8009 Saturday June 27 Row River Trail 34 miles/easy 10:00am Walmart- 901 Row River Rd. Cottage Grove Ted Merydith 541-521-5790 Saturday July 4 Fern Ridge Firecracker Ride 15 miles easy BBQ Swim & Fireworks 2:00pm Silvia Breeden 86827 McMorott Ln. Eugene Sylvia Breeden 541-953-9968 Saturday July 11 Aufderheide Ride 40 miles/difficult 9:30am Shell Station 86623 Franklin Blvd. Bob Thomas 541-935-9559 Sunday July 12 Cottage Grove Lake 20 miles/easy 10:00am Latham School-32112 Latham Rd.Cottage Grove Linda Tharp 541-741-2634 Sunday July 19 Linn County Covered Bridge Ride 30 miles/mod. 9:00am TBA Sylvia Breeden 541-953-9968 Saturday July 25 Peoria Bakery/Powerline Ride 25 miles/moderate 9:30am Life Bible Church-21211 Coburg Rd.Harrisburg Caryl Smartt 541-520-9515 Saturdayugust 1 Walterville Ride to Aunt Ding’s 20 miles/easy 9:00am Yolanda School-2350 Yolanda St.Springfield Rolf Lang Keith Steinbruck 541-896-3736 541-914-3698 Sat. & Sun. August 8-9 Springwater Overnight Adventure-16 miles/easy 11:00am Hampton Inn-9040 SE Adams St.Clackamas Laurie & Keith Steinbruck 541-914-3698 Sunday August 9 Providence Bridge Pedal Portland (organized) Register online: Linda Tharp 541-741-2634 Sunday August 16 River Loop Ride & Luau 8 miles/easy 1168 Risden Pl. Annette Tognazzini 541-556-8009 Sunday August 23 Row River Ride & Tuscan Din- 10:00am ner 32 miles/easy Walmart—901 Row River Rd.Cottage Grove Larry See 541-510-3846 Sunday August 30 Hill Road Pancake Ride 18 miles/moderate 9:30am 3424 Ambleside Springfield Dyan & Dennis Carney 541-914-0286 Saturday Sept. 12 Clearwater Trail & Planktown Brewery-12 miles/moderate 3:00pm Island Park Springfield Tom Arnold 541-729-2251 Saturday Sept. 19 Siuslaw Falls Ride 29 miles/easy 10:00am Lorane Store 80301 Territorial Hwy Erich Kaufman 541-556-4211 Saturday October 3 Fern Ridge Ride & BBQ Potluck—-BYOB & dish 10:00am 1890 Taylor St. Eugene Demetri Liontos 541-345-0207 Page #13 2:00pm HIKING/WALKING—SPORTS Co-Directors: Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 & Walt Jacobson Marian West Stephen McCaffrey 541-954-2537 541-343-7893 (River/Bike Trail Walks) 541-746-6263 (Town Hikes) IMPORTANT!! RSVP THE HIKE LEADER to indicate your interest and find out more details. Be prepared to share in the cost of carpooling; Hiking lengths are round trip. Wear appropriate walking shoes or hiking boots, and bring water. Trekking poles or hiking sticks may be helpful for uneven terrain. Note: Please respect those who are sensitive to fragrances by not wearing scented products on hikes. The addresses for the most common meeting locations (for carpooling) are as follows: Jerry’s Albertson’s Shell Station Shari’s Target Berg’s Ski Hwy 99 Eugene (under the hammer nearest Hwy 99) 58th and Main Springfield- (east side of lot) Shell Station 86611 Franklin Blvd off I-5 exit @ 30th St (instead of LCC Parking lot) Beltline Hwy, Springfield (Gateway area) 4575 W.11th and Beltline, Eugene (meet in parking lot near W.11th Ave) 367 W. 13th, Eugene, Hikes may be cancelled due to weather, or changes made to meeting times. The meeting locations will be identified in the newsletter, the calendar, and CHANGES WILL BE on the ALTAIR YAHOO! GROUP EMAIL site. RECURRING IN TOWN HIKES AND WALKS: Summer schedule starts (Walks begin at 9:00 a m): June 1 Fall/winter schedule starts (Walks begin at 10:00 a m): October 1 DATE: HIKE (mileage & level) TIME MEET AT CONTACT PHONE Every Weds. & Friday City streets 5.5 miles or 3.5 miles , UO campus, gentle uphill Hendricks Park. Meet back at Brails' Espresso for coffee afterwards 9:00 am Brails' Espresso 17th & Willamette Marian West 541-746-6263 9:00 am Café Aroma-VRC Walt Jacobsen 541-343-7893 9:00 am (walk) Brails' Espresso 17th & Willamette Marian West 541-746-6263 11:30 pm Lunch Every Saturday River Bike Trails/ Skinners Butte THIRD Weds. of each month After the regular Wednesday walk, meet for lunch at the following: (PLEASE RSVP) Weds. May 20th Tacovore 530 Blair Street, Eugene, OR 97402 For this lunch, you must call Marion West & RSVP before. 541-746-6263 WAIVERS Please remember that all members and guests MUST sign the Altair Day Trip/Event Sign-up and Waiver for any Altair activities/events/trips. Page #14 HIKING/WALKING—SPORTS (continued) HIKING CALENDAR DATE: June 7 Sun HIKE (mileage & level) TIME MEET AT *** CONTACT Salmon Lake/Salmon Creek Falls- 8:30 am Shell/ 30th Dan Gerg 3 miles in/out (6 round trip) 500 ft Return approx. (recommend carpool conelevation EASY/Moderate 5:00 p.m. tribution of $12 –120 miles rt) Amazon headwaters/ 4 miles, easy 1:00pm Martin/W Amazon Carol Ipsen PHONE 541-485-4464 Tahkenitch Dunes easy/moderate 9:00am Target-4575 W 11th Demetri Liontos 541-345-0207 Albertson’s Thurston Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 Shell/ 30th Stephen McCaffrey 541-246-9232 Jerry’s Hwy 99 Carol Ipsen 541-554-5795 Shell/30th Helen Martz 541-345-6229 Albertson’s Thurston Joanna Zamora 541-686-6181 Shell/ 30th Joanna Zamora 541-686-6181 Albertson’s/ Thurston Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 Albertson’s- Thurston Carol Petty 541-935-2088 TBA Iron Mt- 2 groups; 5.2 mi, moder- 8:30am ate, 1050 elev gain, 7.8 mi, difficult,1900 elev. gain Patterson Mt- 4.6 miles, easy, 600’ 9:00 am elev gain Yaquina Head Lighthouse, easy 8:30 am combination hikes Goodman Creek- 8 miles custom- 9:00am ized hike, moderate Metolius- 5.4 loop, easy, 100’ elev 8:30 am gain Brice Creek- 4.4 miles, easy, 9:00 am 1000elev gain Jefferson Park! Gregg’s favorite! 8:00am 11.6 miles, difficult, 1800’ elev gain Clear Lake- 5.5 miles, easy, 200’ 8:30 am elev gain Tillamook hike Stephen McCaffrey 541-246-9232 TBA Pinnacle Falls Stephen McCaffrey 541-246-9232 TBA Benson Lake Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 TBA A hike you choose! Your name here! June 14 Sun FLAG DAY! June 20 Sat June 28 Sun July 5 Sun July 18 Sat Aug 8 Sat Aug 15 Sat Aug 22 Sat Sept 12 Sat Oct 17 (**see addresses for meeting places on previous page) Page #15 541-554-5795 KAYAKING—SPORTS 2015 SPRING & SUMMER KAYAKING ADVENTURES DATE KAYAK LOCATION: TIME MEET AT CONTACT July 11, 2015 Saturday Clear Lake 8:30am—5:00 pm River House Comm. Center Pat Martin 301 N. Adams Street, Dan Gerg Eugene PHONE 541-686-7379 541-485-4464 SUMMER KAYAK ADVENTURES 20145TENMILE Date: Place: Time: Cost: Cancel: Included: Limit: Sign-ups: Bring: Leaders: Saturday, July 11, 2015 Clear Lake Meet at River House Community Center 301 N Adams Street, Eugene 8:30 a.m—5:00 pm $56 members $63 non-members * (*Members Only-unless event not filled) $10 cancellation fee prior to June 15th. No refunds after. Transportation to & from destination, Kayak, paddles, life jacket & guides. 13 people (minimum of 10) June 11—July 9, 2014 Food, drink, apparel Pat Martin 541-686-7379 Dan Gerg 541-485-4464 (see flyer in May newsletter on page # 18) Please Note: Eugene Parks no longer allows individuals with their own kayaks to accompany the group. You must be signed in and part of the Altair event to join in. WANT TO KAYAK, BUT DON’T HAVE A KAYAK? Altair and the Eugene Parks Outdoor Program can help. Eugene Parks will provide the kayaks, paddles, and life jackets. They also provide expert nature guides and instructions on paddling basics (if needed). The transportation to and from the destination is also included in their vans. You will sign up and pay your fee at an Altair General meeting. Then on the day of the kayak event, everyone will meet at River House Community Center, 301 N. Adams Street, Eugene and the folks at Eugene Parks Outdoor Program will take care of you. You only need to bring food for lunch, water or beverages, and your appropriate apparel. It can’t get much easier than that. And you will enjoy a great outing with your Altair friends. (If you take a water proof camera, you can capture some photos to share in the Altair newsletter and on the Altair Yahoo email group.) Page #16 NorthWest Ski Club Council and Far West Ski Association Trips and Events September 26-October 3 2015 Bonaire Dive Trip See information at: Contact: Randy Lew 530-304-0802 January 30-February 6, 2016 Telluride Ski Resort $100 deposits are now being accepted for this trip. NWSCC will have two nice choices for lodging, both ski in/ski out: condos at Bear Creek Lodge or hotel rooms at The Peaks Resort. The package price for the hotel will be $1,430 pp/do; for 2 bedroom condos the price will be $1,330 pp/do; and for either 3 or 4 bedroom condos the price will be $1,200. These prices are for land only (no air or transfers), include 7 nights’ lodging, Welcome Party, Pub Crawl, Council Night Dinner, Mountain Picnic (not accessible to non-skiers, due to location), Après Ski Party, Races, a Banquet with Dancing, and 6 of 7 day Lift Ticket (No Senior discount). For further info Barbara Bousum or 503-224-3584 OR Chris Ciardi at or 503-297-5351. 5 days TBA between March 19 and April 10, 2016 Far West Mini Ski Week 2016 Crested Butte Mountain Resort More information to come, reserve these dates if interested. Announcing new trips, details to follow: Far West International Trip 2016: Cortina Italy Far West International Trip 2017 Austria Contact: Debbie Stewart, VP International Travel at For more community and the most current NWSCC / FWSA updates and a calendar of the events, log into the Facebook page for “Winter Sports Enthusiasts Altair Ski and Sports Club” and join the group at: Becki and Rod Robinson NWSCC Co-Representatives for Eugene and Altair Ski and Sports Club Attention skiers and hikers! Mt. Bachelor just announced that they will be hosting a Mountain Clean Up Day on Satu3rday, July 11. (see Page #5 for details) Page #17 LEARN THE CARD GAME CALLED “SAMBA” Club Hostess: Rita Lombard….541-556-5656 PLACE: 1283 Little John Lane, Eugene TIME: 6:15 Starts on Time, be Punctual BRING: BYOB, Snacks provided first time LIMIT: LIMITED TO 12 MEMBERS ONLY.....3 Tables SIGNUPS: June 10th, not later than June 15th FIRST 4 GAMES: June 18, July 9, July 16 & August 13 More later if enough interest. MORE INFO: Even numbers with 4 at each table. I will Teach the first two times (June 18 & July 9), So best if you can attend both times. If you Have played Canasta or other Card games, you’ll catch on quickly. FUN, FUN FUN !!! Page #18 EUGENE BREW PUB TOUR Sunday, June 21st, 4:00-6:30pm, starting at the 5th Street Market We will meet the pub cycle and driver at 3:45pm at the Inn at the 5th. From there, we will be pedaling to the following Eugene pubs: · · · · · · Ninkasi Brewing Oakshire Brewing Hop Valley Brewing Tap & Growler Territorial Wine Company Steelhead Brewery- group dinner after the tour (for purchase) Music and snacks are allowed on board the pub cycle, but no alcohol (there will be plenty along the tour!) Waivers are required by the company and will be provided. If you would like to wear a helmet, bring your own. The tour lasts until 6:30pm, and after the tour, we will have dinner at the Steelhead Brewery. Cost for the tour is $25 for members, $30 for nonmembers (drinks and tip for the “driver” not included) There are only 14 seats available (2 are non-pedaling), so be sure to sign up at the June meeting! If you need to cancel, you should find someone to fill your seat. Questions? Contact trip captain Annette T: 541-556-8009, or co-captain Linda Tharp: 541-741-2634, Page #19 SPRINGWATER OVERNIGHT BIKE ADVENTURE SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 2015 Grab your bike, helmet and join your friends on the scenic Springwater corridor bike path. We will stay at the Hampton Inn in Clackamas Saturday night with breakfast included. Riders will ride the path in different directions each day. Ride is west towards Sellwood approx 18 miles round trip on Saturday. Bring a sack lunch. Ride is east, approx 24 miles round trip towards Boring( Portland Bridge ride is also a possibility for Sunday) The path runs from Sellwood to Boring. Saturday night dinner will be an additional charge at a local restaurant. Leave Eugene 8:30 am Saturday morning. Meeting place will be announced at planning meeting. Cost is $82.50. night per person( 2 beds per hotel room) with breakfast included for members $93.75 guest per night. If 20 people sign up price drops to $57.00 ea/member. 65$ guest. \ Min 10 people, Max 20 people Cancellation Date: ‘ Planning meeting: July 8, 2015 Bring: Bike, Helmet, sack lunch for Saturday, can purchase lunch on Sunday, snacks, bathing suit, water bottles, spare tube, Trip Captains: Page #20 Sunday, July 12, Barbecue pot luck at The Steinbrucks’ house 5 pm Laurie Steinbruck 541-914-3698 Keith Steinbruck 541-913-5026 ANNUAL ALTAIR PICNIC (participants must be 21) DATE: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 (in place of the August General Meeting) TIME: 6:00 p.m. social and appetizers 6:30 p.m. chicken and potlucks will be served WHERE: Alton Baker Park (both shelters I & II) INCLUDES: -Chicken -Yard Games: volleyball, bocce ball, etc. (FUN, FUN, FUN!!!) -Plates, utensils, & cups -Recycle bins to help Keep America Beautiful. (If you wish to bring your own plates, cups & utensils, you may. Otherwise, we will have enough for everyone.) BRING: Beverage of choice (NO GLASS BOTTLES, please) Folding chair Flashlight One of the following: (By Last Name) A through K Appetizer or dessert L through Z Salad or side dish PARKING: Park only in paved area. No parking on grass without a permit. VOLUNTEERS CAN SIGN UP FOR: (signups at the general meetings) Setup Cut-up cooked chicken preparation Game coordinators Chicken servers or Cleanup CONTACTS: Janice Wardan Galen Howard 541-517-6067 541-914-7626 PLEASE SIGN YOU & YOUR GUESTS UP (who must be 21 years of age) TO GIVE US A HEADCOUNT AND TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENT FOR SIGNED WAIVERS. THANK YOU!! THIS IS A FREE EVENT; HOWEVER, PRIOR REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Page #21 NINE AND DINE GOLF & POTLUCK FRIDAY, JULY 10th 2015 at 12 NOON The fun starts at Noon at the home of Hugh Hughes, 41780 Madrone Lane, Springfield – across from McKenzie River Golf Course. We will meet at Hugh’s home and have pre-golf snacks, walk to the clubhouse and have a short putting practice before we tee off at 1:00. The format is a scramble, so please note that we encourage novice golfers to join in the fun. After we finish 9 holes we will cheer for everyone else coming in, then we’ll walk back to Hugh’s for a delicious potluck dinner. WHAT TO BRING: GOLF CLUBS! Salad or side dish or dessert Your own beverages (iced coolers will be provided) Your chairs!!! COST: $22.00 members/$24.00 guests (carts not included) PROVIDED: Green fees are included, Snacks, BBQ pork sandwiches, baked beans, table service LIMIT: Maximum of 24 PARKING: Available at the old golf course and across the street from Hugh’s home CANCELLATION DATE: July 7, 2015 (no refunds after July 7) SIGNUPS: June General meeting Co-Captains: Susan Sandhorst Sandy Sandhorst 541-521-7394 541-556-1350 ***If you need to contact us at Hugh Hughes house please call 541-896-9003 Page #22 DIAMOND WOODS GOLF TOURNAMENT Sunday, July 26th, 2015 10:00 am shotgun start (Please arrive no later than 9:30 am to pay green and cart fees) Format: 4 person best ball scramble for 32 players Cost: $19.00 Members $22.00 Non-Members (10.00 non-refundable) Green Fees: $40.00 payable to Diamond Woods Golf Course Carts: $15.00 (carts required for tournament) Lunch: Includes lunch, dessert, snacks, and water. Beer must be purchased at Diamond Woods. You can bring your own wine for them to un-cork. Cancellation Date: July 22, 2015 Hosted by: Page #23 Carroll Oakley 541-556-2194 Michael Burns 541-632-2098 The Al Williams’ Tokatee Classic Sunday, August 9, 2015 Tokatee Golf Course This annual tournament will be held at Tokatee Golf Course and is open to all skill levels. It will be a scramble format. We currently have 7 tee times with the possibility to add an 8 th tee time, if necessary. Signups will begin at the June General Meeting. FORMAT: 4 person best ball scramble (with a waiting list) TEE TIMES: 1st tee time is at 9:06 a.m. (Please arrive no later than 8:30a.m. to pay green and cart fees.) COST: $13.00 for members & $18.00 for non-members No refunds after August 1. Fees payable at the course: $45.00 green fee for 18 holes $30 for electric golf cart/$15 per rider AWARD DINNER/LUNCH: Carol Kelsch has graciously offered to host a BBQ potluck at her house, 3 miles downriver from Tokatee, once we all finish golfing. You need to bring what you would like to BBQ, a side dish (appetizer, salad, vegetable, etc) to share, and your beverage of choice. We will have some coolers with ice at the course to put your food/drink in, if you don't have a cooler for all of it. It's also possible to drop your stuff off at her house before getting to the golf course. CANCELLATION DATE: August 1, 2015 CONTACT: Jan Ries Don Tucker Sue Jenkins Page #24 541-747-6142 541-513-0777 541-345-8374 LAST SHOT SCRAMBLE Sunday September 13, 2015 Middlefield Golf Course-Cottage Grove 12:30pm Start Time Altair’s final golf tournament for 2015…. So give it “One Last Shot” Format: 4 person Scramble Tee Time: 12:30pm - Sunday - September 13th Cost: $19.00 Members and $22.00 Guests Green Fees: $25.00 payable at the course $20.00 – per Cart (can be split with two riders) After Golf: TBD Mexican Restaurant in Cottage Grove Cost includes: Dinner and Prizes!! Day of Golf: You pay for green fees, cart, and beverages @ dinner. Cancellation Date: August 28th Sign-Ups Begin: June 10th @ General Meeting Limit: 28 Golfers (possibly 32, depends on sign-ups) Co-Captains: Pam & Bill Hirsh Ph# 345-5822 or Page #25
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