REUNION WEEKEND 24–26 April 2015 INSIDE Program Schedule Forum Descriptions Event Details First Year Reunion • MBA for Executives • Global MBA for Executives • The Abbott Society (1957-1965) 2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014 24 –26 APRIL 201 CONTENTS Message From Dean Bruner Program Schedule Notes Thank You to Committee Members Additional Information 1 2–10 11 12–13 14 Dear Alumni, It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you back to Darden. Darden enjoys one of the business school world’s most vibrant and active alumni networks. In fact, according to The Economist, Darden has the fourth most effective MBA alumni network in the world. Each year, alumni actively participate in the Darden community by attending admissions and alumni receptions around the globe and returning to Grounds for Reunion and other events. Alumni also demonstrate their loyalty through their generosity — for the past four consecutive years, they have given to the Darden Annual Fund at recordbreaking levels. This Reunion weekend will demonstrate once again the power of the Darden alumni network. As I reflect on my 33 years at Darden and my last year as dean, I have never felt more optimistic about the prospects for the School. We continue to gain national and international recognition as never before. Darden is widely regarded as the “world’s best MBA teaching school” — and for a good reason: Our faculty, students and alumni succeed. I invite you to join me for my last State of the School presentation on Saturday morning in Abbott Auditorium. I will reflect on the year and introduce you to Dean Designate Scott C. Beardsley, as we prepare for an exciting new era for Darden. Best regards, Robert F. Bruner Dean and Charles C. Abbott Professor of Business Administration 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 1 FRIDAY 24 APRIL 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Reunion Registration Saunders Hall, Rosenblum Entrance Please visit the registration area throughout the weekend for concierge services, to learn more about The Armstrong Center for Alumni Career Services and to access the Internet Café and Charging Station sponsored by the Darden Annual Fund. 10 a.m. – Noon School Tour Meet in Registration Area (Saunders Hall, Rosenblum Entrance) Join current students for a guided tour of the beautiful and evolving Darden Grounds. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. First Coffee With International Students PepsiCo Forum Learn about residential MBA international student life, including support services, clubs, activities and current class demographics. Most importantly, enjoy First Coffee and engaging conversation with current international students. This is a special opportunity to share your Darden story — students want to hear it. 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Hickory Club Members Luncheon & Panel Discussion “Darden: 1955 to 2015” (by invitation only) Abbott Center Dining Room Hickory Club members are invited to kick off Reunion weekend with a special luncheon and panel discussion at Darden. Darden has come far — fast — since students first arrived on Grounds in the fall of 1955. Join our panel of Darden faculty for a discussion about how the School has evolved and in what ways the core mission and delivery of the Darden education have remained the same. Panel Moderator: Peter Rodriguez, Senior Associate Dean for Degree Programs, Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Professor of Business Administration The Hickory Club recognizes donors who have given consistently each year to Darden for a minimum of three years. Hickory was Dean Charles C. Abbott’s faithful Labrador retriever and symbolizes the loyalty of Darden alumni. 2 24 –26 APRIL 11:30 a.m. – Noon Grab-and-Go Lunch Outside Classrooms 130 and 140 Lunch will be provided to registered attendees. Pick up your lunch before you join a classroom session at noon. Noon – 1 p.m. Pragmatic Lean Elliott Weiss, Oliver Wight Professor of Business Administration Classroom 130 Lean has been defined as “the relentless pursuit of creating value through the strategic elimination of waste.” Successful lean transformations abound in the private sector. In this session, Professor Weiss will show many examples of how “lean thinking” can be used in one’s personal life in order to save money and make time for the fun stuff. Translate Big Data Into Action Raj Venkatesan, Bank of America Research Professor of Business Administration Classroom 140 The question of how to leverage big data has inspired conferences, university courses and chief marketing officers in sore need of guidance on how to get smarter about what all those numbers are saying. In your organization, how well do you know which data are relevant and how best to analyze? How do you use data to make wise marketing decisions? 1:15 – 2:15 p.m. Planning for the Planning Fallacy Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Assistant Professor of Business Administration Classroom 140 Firms and individuals routinely experience the Planning Fallacy: Projects are delivered late, over budget or with reduced scope. But knowing how poor we are at planning, and exploring some reasons why, could we do a better job at planning for the Planning Fallacy? How to Upgrade Your Job Skills for the Coming Tech Tsunami Ed Hess, Professor of Business Administration and Batten Executive-in-Residence Classroom 50 Artificially intelligent smart machines are on the horizon. They will displace many professionals. What can you do better than a smart machine? Are you sure? 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 3 FRIDAY 24 APRIL 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. The Power of Weirdness Martin Davidson, Professor of Business Administration Classroom 50 Being weird is a liability; at least, that’s what conventional thinkers usually say. But in fact, it is quite often the opposite. By many accounts, Michelangelo was weird — socially awkward with poor personal hygiene. Yet, he was the personification of creative brilliance. His achievement, juxtaposed against his peculiarity, illustrates a powerful insight: Weirdness can look like a problem but actually be a needed solution. Does Impact Investing Require Trade-off Between Impact and Investing? Elena Loutskina, Associate Professor of Business Administration Classroom 140 With the increasing importance of corporate social responsibility and environmental, social and governance investment, “Impact Investing” emerged as an asset class rather than investment philosophy. Do we understand what it takes to participate? We will discuss the experience of a leading private equity fund in this booming investment frontier. What lessons can we draw from its experience? 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. Becoming an Educational Leader Classroom 130 Have you ever considered using your leadership skills to impact public education, perhaps by serving on a school board or mentoring a superintendent? Darden is more engaged than ever in preparing leaders to address this important societal issue. In this interactive session, you will meet students, faculty and fellow alumni who are engaging — or interested in engaging — in education leadership. 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. Women@Darden Update and Reception Sponsored by Darden’s Office of Engagement Strategies Classroom 150 A group of faculty, staff, students and alumnae have been working all academic year to identify and recommend ways Darden can strengthen female student recruitment, the student experience and alumnae engagement. Come to this session to learn about specific recommendations, progress made and how you can get involved. 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. The “B” Case—Making Life and Work Transitions Lili Powell, Assistant Professor of Business Administration Connie Dunlop, Senior Associate Director, Darden Career Development Center Classroom 140 At many points in our lives, we make major work and life transitions such as committing to a life partner, having children, changing jobs, finding a second career, retiring and becoming empty nesters. How do we make these transitions successfully? Professor Lili Powell and Connie Dunlop, senior associate director, Career Development Center, will lead an interactive discussion about the nature of transitions and how to make them mindfully. 4 – 6 p.m. Venture Fair Café 67 Meet and greet current students and community members. Learn about the new ventures developing in the business incubator of the U.Va. i.Lab, housed at Darden. The Venture Fair will showcase the entrepreneurial ideas of the i.Lab Incubator program. Students appreciate the opportunity to promote their ventures and receive constructive feedback from alumni. 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Welcome Cocktail Reception Saunders Hall, South Lounge Before heading out to your class event, stop by Saunders to pick up your registration materials and enjoy a drink with fellow alumni and favorite professors. 7 p.m. (unless otherwise noted below) Class Events Following the Welcome Cocktail Reception, join your classmates for your Friday night class event. Directions to the off-site events are available at the registration table. Buses, unless otherwise noted, will depart at 6:30 p.m. in front of Saunders Hall. 1957–64 Boar’s Head Inn (Bus provided) 1965 The Home of Lucien and Mary Bass (Bus provided) 1970 The Home of Terry and Courtnay Daniels (Bus provided; departs at 5:30 p.m.) 1975 The Colonnade Club (Bus provided) 1980 The Home of Brian and Barbee Kennedy 1985 The Home of Ann and Peter Taylor 1990 The Space Downtown 1995 W.L. Lyons Brown III Innovation Laboratory (i.Lab) (6 p.m. welcome, 7 p.m. dinner) 2000 The Home of Jim and Karen (Kalsi) Chapman 2005 Borrowed & Blue (Adam Healey’s business) 2010 Tent on Flagler Court (7:30 p.m. cocktails, 8:30 p.m. dinner, 9:30 p.m. DJ Party) 2010 EMBA The Home of Paul and Linda Matherne 2014 Abbott Center (7:30 p.m. cocktails, 8:30 p.m. dinner) Tent on Flagler Court (9:30 p.m. DJ Party) 2014 EMBA Sloney’s Pub (Darden Gatehouse Pub) 2014 GEMBA The Whiskey Jar (6:30 p.m.) SATURDAY 25 APRIL 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Reunion Registration Saunders Hall, Rosenblum Entrance 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Yoga Class Abbott Center Auditorium Lobby Alumni of all ages and fitness levels are invited to begin Saturday morning with a yoga class at Darden. Whether you practice yoga regularly or this is your first experience, enjoy a quiet morning among friends. Yoga mats and water will be provided. 7:30 – 9 a.m. Darden Breakfast and Coffee Abbott Center Dining Room Start the day with breakfast before attending the Saturday morning sessions. The Abbott Society (Classes 1957–65) will gather in a private dining room. 8 – 9:45 a.m. Darden Society Champagne Breakfast Hosted by Professor John Colley (by invitation only) Pavilion VIII on the Lawn Buses will depart from the steps of Saunders Hall beginning at 7:30 a.m. Professor Colley welcomes all 2015 Darden Society members to join him in his home, Pavilion VIII on the Lawn. He will offer remarks and reflect on his experiences at the University. The Academical Village is the perfect setting to understand the culture and traditions of Mr. Jefferson’s University and to pay tribute to Jefferson’s belief that learning is a lifelong and shared process. The Darden Society recognizes donors who make leadership gifts of $2,500 or more to Darden each year. Membership also extends to members of the four most recent classes (2011–14) at the $1,000 level. Sponsors’ Circle $50,000 and above Principals $25,000 – $49,999 Leaders $10,000 – $24,999 Fellows $5,000 – $9,999 Dean’s Roundtable $2,500 – $4,999 Abbott Associates (Classes of 2011–14) $1,000 – $2,499 6 24 –26 APRIL 9 – 10 a.m. Inside Look at University of Virginia Undergraduate Admissions Jeannine Lalonde, Senior Assistant Dean of Admission, U.Va. Office of Undergraduate Admission Cindy Garver, Managing Director, Alumni Outreach, U.Va. Alumni Association Classroom 120 Join Jeannine Lalonde and Cindy Garver for an inside look at the University of Virginia undergraduate admission process. Ms. Lalonde will answer many of the frequently asked questions posed by students and parents. She will discuss important guidelines and share potential stumbling blocks to avoid during the application process. Ms. Garver will share insights regarding the Admission Liaison Program offered by the Alumni Association. 9 – 10:15 a.m. Professional Image in the Age of Social Media Connie English (MBA ’91), Director of The Armstrong Center for Alumni Career Services at Darden Classroom 130 Regardless of what stage of your career you are in, your professional image matters. Today’s myriad of online tools, networks and resources can help you build your personal brand. This interactive discussion will introduce you to the concept of personal branding, encourage you to consider the value of a personal marketing plan and explore the online tools that drive market awareness and promote relevancy. Join us for an engaging conversation. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. State of the School Address With Dean Robert F. Bruner and Dean Designate Scott C. Beardsley Abbott Center Auditorium Celebrate Dean Robert F. Bruner, who will return to the faculty after a dynamic decade-long tenure as dean, and meet Darden’s next and ninth dean, Scott C. Beardsley. Charles C. Abbott Award Presentation Each year, the Office of Engagement Strategies recognizes an outstanding graduate for his or her contributions to the world and the Darden community. Abbott Society Ceremony Celebrate the Class of 1965 as the graduates are recognized for their 50 years as alumni and are inducted into the Abbott Society. Reunion Giving Check Presentation Reunions are occasions for alumni to commemorate their place in Darden’s history, reflect on what Darden means to 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 7 SATURDAY 25 APRIL them, and renew and deepen ties to the community. Reunion is also a time when classes focus their fundraising efforts to demonstrate their commitment to the School. 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Foxfield Horse Races For those who have registered for this event, please meet the bus at 11:30 a.m., following the dean’s State of the School address, next to Wilkinson Courtyard. The bus will return to Darden immediately following the final race. Noon – 4 p.m. Wine Tour For those who have registered for this event, please meet the bus at 11:30 a.m., following the dean’s State of the School address, at the bottom of the Saunders Hall steps. Noon – 4 p.m. Darden Barbecue and Field Day Flagler Court This Darden tradition is open to all alumni, faculty, students and guests. Enjoy delicious barbecue and take part in a variety of family activities. Food will be served until 2 p.m. 1:30 – 4 p.m. Monticello Tour Mr. Jefferson’s home and gardens and explore the Visitor Center. For those who have registered for this event, the bus will depart at 1:30 p.m. in front of Saunders Hall. Alumni who drive separately should arrive at Monticello by 2 p.m. 12:30 – 4 p.m. Lakeside Lunch for the Class of 1975 Home of Jim Mixter (MBA ’75) Enjoy a relaxing afternoon renewing acquaintances at Jim Mixter’s lake cottage on Lake Monticello (about 25 minutes east of Darden, near I-64). Simple cookout fare, refreshments, boat rides and kayaks will be available. 6 – 7:30 p.m. All-Class Cocktail Reception Wilkinson Courtyard Join your classmates for cocktails, and don’t miss your class photo on the steps of Saunders Hall. 8 24 –26 APRIL 6:25 – 7:30 p.m. Class Photographs Steps of Saunders Hall (Rain Site: Abbott Center Auditorium) Please wait on the ground level for your time and return to the cocktail reception via the upper (Whisnand) Terrace. The Abbott Society (1957-65) will proceed directly to dinner following their photos. 6:25 p.m. 1970 7:00 p.m. 2000 6:30 p.m. 1975 7:05 p.m. 2005 6:35 p.m. 1980 7:10 p.m. 2010 6:40 p.m. 1985 7:15 p.m. 2010 EMBA 6:45 p.m. 1990 7:20 p.m. Abbott Society (1957-65) 6:55 p.m. 1995 7:25 p.m. 1965 7:30 – 9 p.m. Class Dinners Abbott Society (1957–64) Abbott Center – Second Floor 1965 The Camp Library – Foyer 1970 The Camp Library – Reading Room 1975 The Camp Library – Atelier 1985 South Lounge 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 Abbott Center Dining Room 2010, 2010 EMBA, 2014, 2014 EMBA, 2014 GEMBA Tent on Flagler Court 9 p.m. – Midnight North Grounds Gala Dance Enjoy dessert, dancing and drinks under the tent — a Darden Reunion tradition. 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 9 SUNDAY 26 APRIL 8 a.m. – Noon Farewell Brunch Abbott Center Dining Room Stop by Darden for one last opportunity to visit with friends. Grab a bite to eat on your way out of town. 9 a.m. – Noon Class of 2005 Farewell Brunch Home of Charles Seilheimer (MBA ’05) Enjoy a casual Bodo’s bagel brunch and visit with friends at the home of classmate Charles Seilheimer before departing Charlottesville. 9 a.m. – Noon Class of 2014 Farewell Brunch Home of Professor Yael Grushka-Cockayne Enjoy a casual Bodo’s bagel brunch and visit with classmates at the home of Professor Yael Grushka-Cockayne before departing Charlottesville. 1 – 4 p.m. Lakeside Open House for the Class of 1975 Home of Jim Mixter (MBA ’75) Enjoy additional casual time at Jim Mixter’s lake cottage before heading home. DARDEN EXCHANGE BOOKSTORE Welcome to Alumni Reunion Weekend! Please stop by the store during special Reunion weekend hours. Friday, 24 April: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 25 April: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday, 26 April: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Darden Exchange is located in the C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall wing of the Inn at Darden across the road from the Camp Library Enjoy a 15% discount on clothing and gifts (Discount does not apply to diploma frames, recognition chairs, graduation announcements or books. Discount cannot be combined with other discounts.) 10 24 –26 APRIL NOTES MONDAY – FRIDAY: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. SATURDAY & SUND AY: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. sharkmountaincoffee .com 621 Nash Drive Located in the W.L. Brown III InnovationLyons Laborator y (i.Lab) 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 11 Thank You to Our 2015 1965 Lucien Bass+ Tom Cordlev Frank Ellett* 1970 John Booth Bob Bordogna Don Curtis Terry Daniels+ Gordon Herring Don Hobsonv Carl Howk Greg Robertson Terry Stuart Bill Welsh Jack Young* 1975 Bruce Bowers Glenn Dozier Gordie Grand Peyton Hamrick Mark Howell* Tom Hudson Jim Mixterv John Musgrave Stacy Vermylen 1980 Greg Islan Hal Justice Brian Kennedy+ Frank Kinderv Doug Moore Claire Terry* 1985 Lee Bandlowv Perk Bandlowv Suki Stone Carson Peter Del Presto Cathy Edwards Bob Hugin Lisa Jones Celia Martin Mary McCall Lee Murray Polly O’Brien Tom Paine Bob Reeve Jimmy Rose Joyce Rothenberg Adele Stotler Ann Taylor+ Tom Taylor* Jamie Totten 1990 Dorothy Batten Jane Scott Cantus Giles Fox Scott Gakenheimer Ira Green Reenst Lesemann Sean McGee Sue McGee Heather McGrew* Kristin Nielsen Merlo Noell Michaels Dave Mulhollandv Bill Wilson 1995 Alicia Allen Liz Baystonv Supriya Desai* Ann (Sheehy) Fowler Brand Fowler Barbara Hall* Felicia Kantor Hendrix Jason Kurtz Thank you to our faculty participants for their help in creating such a strong Reunion program. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Darden Annual Fund in honor of your reunion and Dean Bob Bruner’s last term as dean. If you are interested in serving as a class volunteer, please reach out to one of your co-chairs. 12 24 –26 APRIL Reunion Committees Dina (Scamardo) Mackney Richard MacLean Brad Macomber Gina (Northern) Merritt Michelle Montague-Mfuni Jay Mulay Aki Nakano Conan Owen Walt Pickell Emily (O’Neill) Wander Mitch Wander John Pendleton Kyle Power* Tack Richardson Elvis Rodriguez Jacki Thompsonv Meredith Valentine* Rob Walshv 2000 Paul Matherne+ Meghan Welch* Jim Chapman+ Karen Kalsi Chapman+ Chris Duffusv Jen Finn Barbara Kim Serena Matsunaga Erik Thoresenv 2005 Cathy Ackerson Alyssa Franklin Adam Healey+ Neal Hoffman Sheyna Horowitz◊ Cherbury Huntv◊ Fabiano Lopes Lynn Manthy ToTran Nguyen* Charles Seilheimer+ Joel Selzer Katie (Cunningham) Thomas 2010 Jen Andrasko Jacqueline Grace* Ricardo Lopez Zorilla Adriano Maesanov Zach Manis Irene Mastelliv 2010 EMBA Thurman Ballard David Bonenfant* Eric Brunev 2014 Bill Besash Brandon Guichardv Meghan Guinee Genie Ko Margot Sakoian* Amber Sharif Himanshu Singh* Jennifer Souers Alison Stewart Matt Sullivanv Yue Zhu 2014 EMBA Don Auerbach Leo Basola Judy Colev Mark Coster Maury Denton* Kyle Evans Ann Gray Hughes Melton Lauren Tipton Chintan Tripathi 2014 GEMBA Cozy Bailey* Stephanie Scuderiv vClass Agent *Class Secretary ◊Reunion Chair +Class Event Host 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 13 Abbott Society Hospitality Lounge Dean’s Conference Room For those alumni who have reached their 50th reunion milestone (1957–65), we are pleased to offer an exclusive hospitality lounge during registration hours. Relax between sessions, enjoy a complimentary beverage or use the space as a “drop in” location to meet your classmates. Attire For Saturday evening events, we recommend cocktail attire, while at other events we invite you to dress casually. Parking Information Parking is available along Duffy Boulevard (D-9), in the Darden Parking Garage (D-10) and in the Faculty Lot (D-1). PLEASE RECYCLE YOUR NAME BADGE AND LANYARD AT THE END OF THE WEEKEND IN THE PROVIDED BINS. For assistance managing your career, contact the ARMSTRONG CENTER FOR ALUMNI CAREER SERVICES. We review resumes, provide job search strategies and individual career coaching. +1-434-924-4876 14 24 –26 APRIL As Dean Bruner often says, “Great leaders step forward.” During his last term as dean, we ask you to step forward in his honor. THREE WAYS TO CELEBRATE DEAN BRUNER SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION Thank Dean Bruner for his 10 years of service as dean by making your Reunion year gift to the Darden Annual Fund. We want to honor him by achieving 50 percent alumni participation before the fiscal year ends on 30 June. MAKE A GIFT at SHARE YOUR STORY We want to hear your stories and memories of Dean Bruner and the impact he’s had on you and Darden. SHARE at POST VIA SOCIAL MEDIA If you’re active on social media, share your story on Twitter via #deanofthedecade or on our Facebook page. 2015 DARDEN REUNION WEEKEND 15 16 24 –26 APRIL
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