knowledge of the culture, geology, and natural history of this region. They will enlighten you SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO. 260 AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard The Oceanic Discoverer H A RVA RD A LU MNI ASSOCI ATI ON 20 1 5 WORLDWIDE TRAVE L PROGRA M PAID An experienced team of leaders and lecturers will join you on this expedition to share their PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE F E AT URE D LE A DE RS April 24 - May 8, 2015 through fascinating lectures, guided excursions, and daily recaps. As this brochure goes to print, we have not yet confirmed the faculty study leader for this program. We intend, however, that you will be joined by a Harvard lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Shirley Campbell Dr. Shirley Campbell is an anthropologist specializing in the indigenous peoples of Australia and Papua New Guinea. She holds degrees from Stephens College, Missouri and the Australian National University in Canberra, where she is currently a research fellow. As part of her doctoral research, Shirley lived in a tiny native village for 18 months in the remote Trobriand Islands, speaking only the local language. She has described her research in a book titled, The Art of Kula. Shirley has specialized in studying the anthropology of art, convinced that understanding the way people represent their ideas through art and architecture provides valuable insights into our perceptions and relationships with the world around us. Chris Done Chris has lived and worked in Western Australia’s remote Kimberley region for nearly 35 years. As the former regional manager for the state’s Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), he has traveled extensively throughout the area cultivating an in-depth understanding of its flora, fauna, Aboriginal art, and geology as well as its history, culture, and management issues. He has been involved in tourism and expeditions to the region since 1990, including guest lecturing on many of Zegrahm’s Kimberley voyages. In addition to co-writing numerous articles, Chris recently co-authored a book on the rediscovery of the original “Bradshaw” art site in the remote northwest Kimberley. Towering escarpments, undulating woodlands, spectacular waterways, mangrove-covered tidal flats, and forests rich in flora and fauna make Kakadu National Park an Australian natural treasure. A flightseeing trip over Bungle Bungle is one of the extension highlights, soaring over beehive-shaped sandstone domes that feature spectacular horizontal orange and gray bands. Call, or visit our website for details. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 2015 ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/HAA/TRAVEL A P R I L 1 8 - 2 7, 2 0 1 5 CALL 800.422.1636 OR VISIT US AT Pre-voyage Extension BOOK YOUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH THE HAA TODAY! K A KADU NAT IO N A L PA R K & BU N G L E BU N GL E HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 124 MOUNT AUBURN STREET, 6TH FLOOR CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 Book your next journey with the HAA today! Call 800.422.1636 or visit us at AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard the Oceanic Discoverer April 24 - May 8, 2015 THE KIMBERLEY, one of the most remote and captivating regions on earth—a land of towering cliffs, plunging waterfalls, ancient cultures, and exotic wildlife. The 65-guest Oceanic Discoverer easily navigates the mighty rivers and tiny inlets of the region. During numerous excursions, enjoy striking scenery and unusual wildlife—by boat, Zodiac, and helicopter explore the region’s hidden treasures—narrow gorges, shallow tributaries, and cascading waterfalls. Gaze upon the dramatic gorges and pools of Mitchell Falls, search for an astonishing variety of wildlife in the Prince Regent Nature Reserve, discover desertscapes dotted with bizarre boab trees, and photograph the sublimely beautiful isles of the Buccaneer Archipelago. TO BOOK A TRIP CALL 800-422-1636 OR VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 knowledge of the culture, geology, and natural history of this region. They will enlighten you SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO. 260 AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard The Oceanic Discoverer H A RVA RD A LU MNI ASSOCI ATI ON 20 1 5 WORLDWIDE TRAVE L PROGRA M PAID An experienced team of leaders and lecturers will join you on this expedition to share their PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE F E AT URE D LE A DE RS April 24 - May 8, 2015 through fascinating lectures, guided excursions, and daily recaps. As this brochure goes to print, we have not yet confirmed the faculty study leader for this program. We intend, however, that you will be joined by a Harvard lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Shirley Campbell Dr. Shirley Campbell is an anthropologist specializing in the indigenous peoples of Australia and Papua New Guinea. She holds degrees from Stephens College, Missouri and the Australian National University in Canberra, where she is currently a research fellow. As part of her doctoral research, Shirley lived in a tiny native village for 18 months in the remote Trobriand Islands, speaking only the local language. She has described her research in a book titled, The Art of Kula. Shirley has specialized in studying the anthropology of art, convinced that understanding the way people represent their ideas through art and architecture provides valuable insights into our perceptions and relationships with the world around us. Chris Done Chris has lived and worked in Western Australia’s remote Kimberley region for nearly 35 years. As the former regional manager for the state’s Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), he has traveled extensively throughout the area cultivating an in-depth understanding of its flora, fauna, Aboriginal art, and geology as well as its history, culture, and management issues. He has been involved in tourism and expeditions to the region since 1990, including guest lecturing on many of Zegrahm’s Kimberley voyages. In addition to co-writing numerous articles, Chris recently co-authored a book on the rediscovery of the original “Bradshaw” art site in the remote northwest Kimberley. Towering escarpments, undulating woodlands, spectacular waterways, mangrove-covered tidal flats, and forests rich in flora and fauna make Kakadu National Park an Australian natural treasure. A flightseeing trip over Bungle Bungle is one of the extension highlights, soaring over beehive-shaped sandstone domes that feature spectacular horizontal orange and gray bands. Call, or visit our website for details. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 2015 ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/HAA/TRAVEL A P R I L 1 8 - 2 7, 2 0 1 5 CALL 800.422.1636 OR VISIT US AT Pre-voyage Extension BOOK YOUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH THE HAA TODAY! K A KADU NAT IO N A L PA R K & BU N G L E BU N GL E HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 124 MOUNT AUBURN STREET, 6TH FLOOR CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 Book your next journey with the HAA today! Call 800.422.1636 or visit us at AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard the Oceanic Discoverer April 24 - May 8, 2015 THE KIMBERLEY, one of the most remote and captivating regions on earth—a land of towering cliffs, plunging waterfalls, ancient cultures, and exotic wildlife. The 65-guest Oceanic Discoverer easily navigates the mighty rivers and tiny inlets of the region. During numerous excursions, enjoy striking scenery and unusual wildlife—by boat, Zodiac, and helicopter explore the region’s hidden treasures—narrow gorges, shallow tributaries, and cascading waterfalls. Gaze upon the dramatic gorges and pools of Mitchell Falls, search for an astonishing variety of wildlife in the Prince Regent Nature Reserve, discover desertscapes dotted with bizarre boab trees, and photograph the sublimely beautiful isles of the Buccaneer Archipelago. TO BOOK A TRIP CALL 800-422-1636 OR VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 Tiwi Islands SCHE DULE BY DAY King George Falls F R I DAY & S U N DAY, A P R I L 2 4 & 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 USA / Broome, Australia Depart on your independent flight to Broome, Australia via Sydney, losing a day as you cross the International Date Line. Arrive in Broome on Sunday and enjoy an afternoon at leisure. Gather this evening for a welcome dinner and overnight at the Cable Beach Club Resort. at low tide. The reef is home to an incredible number of green sea turtles and sharks are sometimes spotted in the surrounding waters. At Raft Point, join a bush walk to learn the traditions of Worrorra people and view ancient Aboriginal cave paintings of outstanding quality depicting the significance of the marine world to the Aboriginal way of life. F R I DAY & S AT U R DAY, M AY 1 & 2 M O N DAY, A P R I L 2 7 Broome / Embark Oceanic Discoverer Today explore Broome—a popular holiday destination graced with beautiful beaches and a laid-back atmosphere. Join a city tour that reveals Broome’s pearling history and multicultural past, or join a birding tour. This afternoon board the Oceanic Discoverer and set sail. T U E S DAY, A P R I L 2 8 Lacepede Islands The Lacepede Islands are a group of four low, sandy islands lying on a coral reef. The islands are an important nesting site for green sea turtles and several species of seabirds including frigatebirds, brown boobies, crested terns, sandpipers, and ruddy turnstones. Join our naturalists on nature walks along the long, white-sand beaches. Be on deck this evening as the sun sets and the night sky comes alive—far from the city lights, stargazing in the Kimberley is simply spectacular. W E D N E S DAY & T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 2 9 & 3 0 Buccaneer Archipelago / Talbot Bay / Montgomery Reef / Raft Point The Buccaneer Archipelago consists of more than 800 islands. The shorelines of these rarely visited isles are among the most photogenic in the world, and include mangrove estuaries, secluded bays, untouched beaches, cliffs, headlands, reefs, rugged gorges, and whirlpools. This area is known for its extreme tidal conditions—ranging up to 30 feet in places. Your daily activities are planned around the tides—a way of life in the Kimberley. At Talbot Bay visit the Horizontal Waterfalls, one of the most unusual regional attractions. The falls, created by a phenomenon resulting from the mammoth tides, actually reverse as the tide turns. At Montgomery Reef, view the amazing array of marine life exposed OCEANIC DISCOVERER REG ISTRATIO N FO RM 2014-2015 HAA TRIPS TIMOR SEA Prince Regent Nature Reserve / Camp Creek / Careening Bay The Prince Regent Nature Reserve is one of Australia’s most remote areas, and the rugged sandstone and volcanic landscape helps to protect its scenic grandeur. This is pure wilderness, accessible only by air or boat, and you can truly say that you have been to a place seen by few others. The area boasts more than half of the mammal and bird species found in the entire Kimberley region and more than 500 species of plants. With the ship at anchor in St. George Basin, board Zodiacs to cruise up the Prince Regent River. With nearvertical cliffs on either side, make your way to the face of King Cascade, an unusual and picturesque waterfall cascading over terraced rock formations. Tidal conditions permitting, you will also explore nearby Camp Creek in search of local fauna such as estuarine crocodiles, red-tailed black cockatoos, and galahs. At Careening Bay visit a large boab tree with the inscription “H.M.C. Mermaid – 1820” still clearly visible. The Mermaid was a British Navy hydrographic survey ship under the command of Lt. Philip Parke King, who stayed at the bay for six weeks while repairing his ship. S U N DAY, M AY 3 Hunter River / Mitchell Falls From Hunter River, fly via helicopter to the Mitchell Plateau to visit Mitchell Falls, a series of waterfalls and pools culminating in a deep gorge carving its way through the Outback. Explore the surrounding area on foot and enjoy a refreshing swim in the rushing freshwater pools. In the vicinity of our anchorage, you may explore the small tributaries by Zodiac, searching the mangroves and tidal mud flats for crocodiles, mud skippers, and fiddler crabs, as well as the many bird species that make their home within the dense vegetation. Bigge Island/ Low Rocks Hunter River M O N DAY, M AY 4 Bigge Island / Low Rocks A unique experience awaits you on Bigge Island, sacred to Aborigines for more than 20,000 years. Well-preserved Aboriginal paintings grace the walls of caves, depicting mythical figures and offering visual evidence of the European entrance into the Aboriginal way of life. Warabis, or rock wallaby (the smallest of the wallabies), are numerous on this island and can often be seen sprinting from one rock ledge to another. In the afternoon step ashore on a tiny island atoll known as Low Rocks. As Zodiacs approach, the skies fill with the movements and sounds of thousands upon thousands of seabirds, including four species of terns, pied cormorants, white-bellied sea eagles, and osprey. The island is also a nesting site for green and flatback turtles, and has its own resident saltwater crocodile, which is often seen patrolling the waters around the island. T U E S DAY, M AY 5 King George River / King George Falls Cruise through a spectacular canyon where vertical cliffs, gorges, and mangroves line the shores of the mighty King George River. The final destination is King George Falls, a supremely photogenic area of 325-foot cliffs of rust-colored sandstone rising from the tidal waters. W E D N E S DAY, M AY 6 Tiwi Islands Permission pending, go ashore on the Tiwis and join local Aboriginal guides for a tour of the small community of Nguiu, its museum, and the old Mission Precinct. You will also have an opportunity to visit the local arts center, to view and purchase high-quality Tiwi crafts, as well as screen-printed fabric. T H U R S DAY & F R I DAY, M AY 7 & 8 Darwin / Disembark / Brisbane / USA Disembark this morning in Darwin with time for a bit of sightseeing. Transfer to the airport for your flight to Brisbane with dinner and overnight at our airport hotel. Board your independent flight to the USA on Friday, arriving the same day. Raft Point Montgomery Reef Talbot Bay Broome CA MBR IDGE GULF PRINCE REGENT NATURE RESERVE/ CAMP CREEK/ CAREENING BAY LAKE ARGYLE T HE KW IM LEY EB S ER TER N AUSTRALIA MIRIMA NATIONAL PARK BUNGLE BUNGLE OVERALL LENGTH: 207 feet FLAG: Australia SHIP FACILITIES: Lounge, spa pool, observation area, reference library, and open seating restaurant. SANTA FE: ART & LANDSCAPE IN THE CITY OF ENCHANTMENT JUL 23-27, 2014 JOHN STEWART CABIN AMENITIES: Outside views, spacious double- or twinbed(s), sitting area, en suite bathroom, individually controlled heat/air conditioner large closets, and a desk. HIDDEN DOLCE VITA: TUSCANY & UMBRIA SEP 10-18, 2014 LADAKH TO BHUTAN SEP 13-27, 2014 IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. JAMES: CAMINO DE SANTIAGO SEP 26-OCT 8, 2014 MARY GAYLORD JOURNEY THROUGH THE SOUTH CAUCASUS: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, & ARMENIA SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 PETER GALBRAITH DECK PLAN DETAILS Ship size: 68 guests Pricing: Per person, double occupancy. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Single / Cat 2 Single / Cat 4 KATHERINE GORGE LAND & RAIL: YEAR CONSTRUCTION: 2005 MAXIMUM PASSENGERS: 65 $12,980 $13,580 $14,480 $14,980 $15,980 $16,980 $18,580 Limited singles are available at the special single rates listed above. Additional singles may be available at 1.6 times the share rate. Jacuzzi CATEGORY 5: 195 square feet with a large window SUN DECK CATEGORY 4: 195 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 3: 160 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 2: 195 square feet with two small windows A05 A03 A06 A04 Lounge A02 BRIDGE DECK B21 B22 CATEGORY 1: 195 square feet with two portholes B11 B09 B07 B05 B03 B01 B20 B18 B16 B14 B12 B10 B08 B06 B04 B02 B19 B17 B15 B13 PROMENADE DECK C09 C07 C05 C03 Xplorer Boarding C01 Dining Room MAIN DECK •Fly via helicopter to explore the dramatic gorges of Mitchell Plateau and swim in the crystal-clear pools above photogenic Mitchell Falls. CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 5 •View the amazing spectacle of the Horizontal Falls, created by massive tidal currents. DECK STATEROOM INCLUDED: All gratuities; accommodations in hotels and on board Oceanic Discoverer as outlined in the itinerary; all onboard meals; all group meals on land; arrival and departure transfers on group dates; services of the expedition staff, including lectures, briefings, slide/film shows; all group activities and excursions; landing and port fees; $50,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by HAA and $75,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by Zegrahm Expeditions.* NOT INCLUDED: All air transportation; excess baggage charges; airport arrival and departure taxes; transfers for independent arrivals and departures; passport and/or visa fees; baggage/trip cancellation insurance; items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar charges, alcoholic beverages, e-mail/Internet/fax/ telephone charges. RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS, & FINAL PAYMENT: To reserve a space on this program, a $1,000 deposit is required per person. Please either call us at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806 or fill out and mail or fax the registration form found in the back of this brochure. Reservations are acknowledged in order of receipt until the maximum enrollment has been reached. Payment terms will be sent to you with your reservation confirmation from our partner tour operator. CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS: All cancellations must be made in writing to the Harvard Alumni Association. At the time we receive your written cancellation, the following penalties apply: 120 days or more prior to departure: $750 per person 60 through 119 days prior to departure: 50% of the expedition fare 1 through 59 days prior to departure: 100% of the expedition fare Refer to the full terms and conditions at australia-2015 CHANGES IN ITINERARY AND COSTS: The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion of HAA Travels and the tour operator. Deviations from the scheduled itinerary are at the expense of the individual. All prices quoted are based on prevailing fuel prices, airfare and currency exchange rates in effect at the time of brochure printing and are subject to change. While the tour operator will do everything possible to maintain the published trip price, it may be necessary to institute a surcharge. INSURANCE: We highly recommend the purchase of trip cancellation insurance. An application for insurance will be provided by the HAA upon confirmation. RESPONSIBILITY: Certain other provisions apply regarding limitations of liability and rights of HAA and the tour operator. The statement of responsibility is available australia-2015. If you are not able to access the Internet, please call HAA Travels at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806. DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this publication. HAA Travels nor the tour operator is responsible for errors in or damages resulting from use of the information contained herein. Information contained in this brochure is subject to change. All rates are per person, quoted in U.S. dollars, and must be paid in U.S. dollars. Rates and itineraries are subject to change. *These policies will contain reductions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. All coverages may not be available in all states. SAILING THE PANAMA CANAL: COSTA RICA & PANAMA ON SEA CLOUD JAN 4-16, 2015 JOYCE CHAPLIN OPUS MEDITERRANEO: A MUSICAL JOURNEY FROM MALAGA TO NAPLES ON CORINTHIAN APRIL 10–21, 2015 JOHN STEWART AZORES TO PORTUGAL ON SEA CLOUD II APR 16-26, 2015 ANI PATEL & JENNIFER BURTON AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY: A VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK ON OCEANIC DISCOVERER APR 24–MAY 8, 2015 To register, fill out this form and return to HAA Travels with your deposit of $1,000 per person. Please note that for some programs an additional deposit may be requested after you book. Please return this form by mail to: HAA travels, Harvard Alumni Association 124 Mount Auburn Street, 6th floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 Or by FAX: 617.496.4011 Please call with any questions: 800-422-1636 or 617-496-0806 I AM NOT ABLE TO MAKE THIS TRIP, BUT PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST PROGRAM NAME START DATE FIRST PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH HIDDEN INDIA: LANDS OF THE LOST KINGDOMS ON THE GOLDEN CHARIOT JAN 8-23, 2015 TRADE ROUTES OF COASTAL IBERIA ON TERE MOANA MAY 1-9, 2015 EMAIL ADDRESS CENTRAL AMERICAN: CROSSING COSTA RICA, NICARAGUA & EL SALVADOR FEB 2-13, 2015 ALASKA’S GLACIERS & THE INSIDE PASSAGE: JUNEAU TO VANCOUVER JUL 18–25, 2015 STREET ADDRESS WEEKEND IN ICELAND FEB 12-16, 2015 RIVERS & LAKES: ART, ARCHAEOLOGICAL & ARCHITECTURAL TREASURES OF MEXICO CITY FEB 18-23, 2015 A WEEK IN BUENOS AIRES MAR 13-21, 2015 THE ARTS IN AMERICA’S HEARTLAND: KANSAS CITY & CRYSTAL BRIDGES APR 15-19, 2015 ALICE DELANA TURKISH TREASURES APR 17-MAY 1, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION ANTARCTICA ON CORINTHIAN DECEMBER 26, 2014JAN 7, 2015 WARREN ZAPOL ATHENS TO NICE ON ISLAND SKY APR 28–MAY 10, 2015 INDONESIA: MAGICAL ISALNDS OF JAVA & BALI APR 13-28, 2015 THEODORE & VICTORIA BESTOR LOUNGE NEW ZEALAND BY SEA ON CALEDONIAN SKY DEC 29, 2014-JAN 11, 2015 LAWRENCE BUELL SOUTHERN AFRICA ODYSSEY OCT 23-NOV 9, 2014 MARK VAN BAALEN MIDDLE EAST FEATURING SAUDI ARABIA MAR 2015 CATEGORY 3 •Discover Australia’s unique wildlife—dugongs, rock wallabies, flatback turtles, and mighty saltwater crocodiles. •Step ashore on the Tiwi Islands for a guided bush walk that reveals the cultural traditions of the Tiwi people and view well-preserved Aboriginal paintings at Raft Point and Bigge Island. SPAIN & PORTUGAL: PARADORES & POUSADAS SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 DIANA SORENSEN OMAN, THE EMIRATES & QATAR: A MIDDLE EASTERN EXPLORATION MAR 12-22, 2015 C08 C06 C04 C02 EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS •Join an optional pre-voyage extension to Kakadu National Park and Bungle Bungle. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 KAKADU NATIONAL PARK MITCHELL RIVER Buccaneer Archipelago Lacepede Islands Darwin CRUISES: THE BALTIC’S AMBER COAST ON SEA CLOUD II JUN 28-JUL 9, 2014 TIMOTHY COLTON HIDDEN GEMS OF THE AEGEAN SEA ON VARIETY VOYAGER JUL 23-AUG 1, 2014 HARVEY COX & NINA TUMARKIN ICELAND TO GREENLAND: VOYAGE TO THE ARCTIC CIRCLE ON L’AUSTRAL AUG 2-14, 2014 JAMES MCCARTHY BELL ‘ITALIA ROME, SICILY & THE AMALFI COAST ON VARIETY VOYAGER SEP 16-26, 2014 RICHARD THOMAS ISLANDS & RIVIERAS OF FRANCE, SPAIN, & ITALY ON TERE MOANA SEP 19-27, 2014 SUSAN SULEIMAN TAHITI TO EASTER ISLAND: MARQUESAS, TUAMOTUS & PITCAIRNS ON CALEDONIAN SKY: SEP 29-OCT 17, 2014 VOYAGE TO MADAGASCAR ON ISLAND SKY NOV 28-DEC 16, 2014 CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE TOWN & COUNTRY LIFE: PARIS TO PROVENCE ON AMADEUS SYMPHONY SEP 8-16, 2014 ROBERT DARNTON SYMPHONY ON THE BLUE DANUBE: A CLASSICAL MUSIC CRUISE ON AMADEUS DIAMOND SEP 12-26, 2014 THE PRIDE OF SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, BOSTWANA & ZIMBABWE: RIVER SAFARI ON ZAMBEZI QUEEN MAR 11-25, 2015 KAY SHELEMAY HOME TELEPHONE WORK TELEPHONE SECOND PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH EMAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE FAMILY ADVENTURES & SPRING BREAK: VOYAGE TO THE LANDS OF GODS & HEROES ON CORINTHIAN JUL 3-14, 2014 JONATHAN WALTON GALAPAGOS FAMILY ADVENTURE ON SANTA CRUZ JUL 7-15, 2014 SCOTT EDWARDS BAJA FAMILY ADVENTURE DEC 26, 2014-JAN 1, 2015 HOME TELEPHONE METHOD OF DEPOSIT CHECK (please enclose check) MASTERCARD VISA CARD NUMBER FAMILY IRELAND JUNE 28-JULY 6, 2015 EXPIRATION DATE FAMILY CHINA: MOUTAINS AND CLASSICAL HIGHLIGHTS JUN 2015 NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD A FAMILY ADVENTURE IN MACHU PICCHU & THE AMAZON JUL 1-11, 2015 WORK TELEPHONE 3 DIGIT SECURITY CODE I/WE CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE GENERAL INFORMATION FOR THIS TOUR, INCLUDING REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS AND THE RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE AT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ACCOMMODATIONS CATEGORY PREFERENCE DOUBLE ROOM ROOMMATE SINGLE ROOM SHARE A ROOM WITH: Tiwi Islands SCHE DULE BY DAY King George Falls F R I DAY & S U N DAY, A P R I L 2 4 & 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 USA / Broome, Australia Depart on your independent flight to Broome, Australia via Sydney, losing a day as you cross the International Date Line. Arrive in Broome on Sunday and enjoy an afternoon at leisure. Gather this evening for a welcome dinner and overnight at the Cable Beach Club Resort. at low tide. The reef is home to an incredible number of green sea turtles and sharks are sometimes spotted in the surrounding waters. At Raft Point, join a bush walk to learn the traditions of Worrorra people and view ancient Aboriginal cave paintings of outstanding quality depicting the significance of the marine world to the Aboriginal way of life. F R I DAY & S AT U R DAY, M AY 1 & 2 M O N DAY, A P R I L 2 7 Broome / Embark Oceanic Discoverer Today explore Broome—a popular holiday destination graced with beautiful beaches and a laid-back atmosphere. Join a city tour that reveals Broome’s pearling history and multicultural past, or join a birding tour. This afternoon board the Oceanic Discoverer and set sail. T U E S DAY, A P R I L 2 8 Lacepede Islands The Lacepede Islands are a group of four low, sandy islands lying on a coral reef. The islands are an important nesting site for green sea turtles and several species of seabirds including frigatebirds, brown boobies, crested terns, sandpipers, and ruddy turnstones. Join our naturalists on nature walks along the long, white-sand beaches. Be on deck this evening as the sun sets and the night sky comes alive—far from the city lights, stargazing in the Kimberley is simply spectacular. W E D N E S DAY & T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 2 9 & 3 0 Buccaneer Archipelago / Talbot Bay / Montgomery Reef / Raft Point The Buccaneer Archipelago consists of more than 800 islands. The shorelines of these rarely visited isles are among the most photogenic in the world, and include mangrove estuaries, secluded bays, untouched beaches, cliffs, headlands, reefs, rugged gorges, and whirlpools. This area is known for its extreme tidal conditions—ranging up to 30 feet in places. Your daily activities are planned around the tides—a way of life in the Kimberley. At Talbot Bay visit the Horizontal Waterfalls, one of the most unusual regional attractions. The falls, created by a phenomenon resulting from the mammoth tides, actually reverse as the tide turns. At Montgomery Reef, view the amazing array of marine life exposed OCEANIC DISCOVERER REG ISTRATIO N FO RM 2014-2015 HAA TRIPS TIMOR SEA Prince Regent Nature Reserve / Camp Creek / Careening Bay The Prince Regent Nature Reserve is one of Australia’s most remote areas, and the rugged sandstone and volcanic landscape helps to protect its scenic grandeur. This is pure wilderness, accessible only by air or boat, and you can truly say that you have been to a place seen by few others. The area boasts more than half of the mammal and bird species found in the entire Kimberley region and more than 500 species of plants. With the ship at anchor in St. George Basin, board Zodiacs to cruise up the Prince Regent River. With nearvertical cliffs on either side, make your way to the face of King Cascade, an unusual and picturesque waterfall cascading over terraced rock formations. Tidal conditions permitting, you will also explore nearby Camp Creek in search of local fauna such as estuarine crocodiles, red-tailed black cockatoos, and galahs. At Careening Bay visit a large boab tree with the inscription “H.M.C. Mermaid – 1820” still clearly visible. The Mermaid was a British Navy hydrographic survey ship under the command of Lt. Philip Parke King, who stayed at the bay for six weeks while repairing his ship. S U N DAY, M AY 3 Hunter River / Mitchell Falls From Hunter River, fly via helicopter to the Mitchell Plateau to visit Mitchell Falls, a series of waterfalls and pools culminating in a deep gorge carving its way through the Outback. Explore the surrounding area on foot and enjoy a refreshing swim in the rushing freshwater pools. In the vicinity of our anchorage, you may explore the small tributaries by Zodiac, searching the mangroves and tidal mud flats for crocodiles, mud skippers, and fiddler crabs, as well as the many bird species that make their home within the dense vegetation. Bigge Island/ Low Rocks Hunter River M O N DAY, M AY 4 Bigge Island / Low Rocks A unique experience awaits you on Bigge Island, sacred to Aborigines for more than 20,000 years. Well-preserved Aboriginal paintings grace the walls of caves, depicting mythical figures and offering visual evidence of the European entrance into the Aboriginal way of life. Warabis, or rock wallaby (the smallest of the wallabies), are numerous on this island and can often be seen sprinting from one rock ledge to another. In the afternoon step ashore on a tiny island atoll known as Low Rocks. As Zodiacs approach, the skies fill with the movements and sounds of thousands upon thousands of seabirds, including four species of terns, pied cormorants, white-bellied sea eagles, and osprey. The island is also a nesting site for green and flatback turtles, and has its own resident saltwater crocodile, which is often seen patrolling the waters around the island. T U E S DAY, M AY 5 King George River / King George Falls Cruise through a spectacular canyon where vertical cliffs, gorges, and mangroves line the shores of the mighty King George River. The final destination is King George Falls, a supremely photogenic area of 325-foot cliffs of rust-colored sandstone rising from the tidal waters. W E D N E S DAY, M AY 6 Tiwi Islands Permission pending, go ashore on the Tiwis and join local Aboriginal guides for a tour of the small community of Nguiu, its museum, and the old Mission Precinct. You will also have an opportunity to visit the local arts center, to view and purchase high-quality Tiwi crafts, as well as screen-printed fabric. T H U R S DAY & F R I DAY, M AY 7 & 8 Darwin / Disembark / Brisbane / USA Disembark this morning in Darwin with time for a bit of sightseeing. Transfer to the airport for your flight to Brisbane with dinner and overnight at our airport hotel. Board your independent flight to the USA on Friday, arriving the same day. Raft Point Montgomery Reef Talbot Bay Broome CA MBR IDGE GULF PRINCE REGENT NATURE RESERVE/ CAMP CREEK/ CAREENING BAY LAKE ARGYLE T HE KW IM LEY EB S ER TER N AUSTRALIA MIRIMA NATIONAL PARK BUNGLE BUNGLE OVERALL LENGTH: 207 feet FLAG: Australia SHIP FACILITIES: Lounge, spa pool, observation area, reference library, and open seating restaurant. SANTA FE: ART & LANDSCAPE IN THE CITY OF ENCHANTMENT JUL 23-27, 2014 JOHN STEWART CABIN AMENITIES: Outside views, spacious double- or twinbed(s), sitting area, en suite bathroom, individually controlled heat/air conditioner large closets, and a desk. HIDDEN DOLCE VITA: TUSCANY & UMBRIA SEP 10-18, 2014 LADAKH TO BHUTAN SEP 13-27, 2014 IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. JAMES: CAMINO DE SANTIAGO SEP 26-OCT 8, 2014 MARY GAYLORD JOURNEY THROUGH THE SOUTH CAUCASUS: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, & ARMENIA SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 PETER GALBRAITH DECK PLAN DETAILS Ship size: 68 guests Pricing: Per person, double occupancy. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Single / Cat 2 Single / Cat 4 KATHERINE GORGE LAND & RAIL: YEAR CONSTRUCTION: 2005 MAXIMUM PASSENGERS: 65 $12,980 $13,580 $14,480 $14,980 $15,980 $16,980 $18,580 Limited singles are available at the special single rates listed above. Additional singles may be available at 1.6 times the share rate. Jacuzzi CATEGORY 5: 195 square feet with a large window SUN DECK CATEGORY 4: 195 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 3: 160 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 2: 195 square feet with two small windows A05 A03 A06 A04 Lounge A02 BRIDGE DECK B21 B22 CATEGORY 1: 195 square feet with two portholes B11 B09 B07 B05 B03 B01 B20 B18 B16 B14 B12 B10 B08 B06 B04 B02 B19 B17 B15 B13 PROMENADE DECK C09 C07 C05 C03 Xplorer Boarding C01 Dining Room MAIN DECK •Fly via helicopter to explore the dramatic gorges of Mitchell Plateau and swim in the crystal-clear pools above photogenic Mitchell Falls. CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 5 •View the amazing spectacle of the Horizontal Falls, created by massive tidal currents. DECK STATEROOM INCLUDED: All gratuities; accommodations in hotels and on board Oceanic Discoverer as outlined in the itinerary; all onboard meals; all group meals on land; arrival and departure transfers on group dates; services of the expedition staff, including lectures, briefings, slide/film shows; all group activities and excursions; landing and port fees; $50,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by HAA and $75,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by Zegrahm Expeditions.* NOT INCLUDED: All air transportation; excess baggage charges; airport arrival and departure taxes; transfers for independent arrivals and departures; passport and/or visa fees; baggage/trip cancellation insurance; items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar charges, alcoholic beverages, e-mail/Internet/fax/ telephone charges. RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS, & FINAL PAYMENT: To reserve a space on this program, a $1,000 deposit is required per person. Please either call us at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806 or fill out and mail or fax the registration form found in the back of this brochure. Reservations are acknowledged in order of receipt until the maximum enrollment has been reached. Payment terms will be sent to you with your reservation confirmation from our partner tour operator. CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS: All cancellations must be made in writing to the Harvard Alumni Association. At the time we receive your written cancellation, the following penalties apply: 120 days or more prior to departure: $750 per person 60 through 119 days prior to departure: 50% of the expedition fare 1 through 59 days prior to departure: 100% of the expedition fare Refer to the full terms and conditions at australia-2015 CHANGES IN ITINERARY AND COSTS: The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion of HAA Travels and the tour operator. Deviations from the scheduled itinerary are at the expense of the individual. All prices quoted are based on prevailing fuel prices, airfare and currency exchange rates in effect at the time of brochure printing and are subject to change. While the tour operator will do everything possible to maintain the published trip price, it may be necessary to institute a surcharge. INSURANCE: We highly recommend the purchase of trip cancellation insurance. An application for insurance will be provided by the HAA upon confirmation. RESPONSIBILITY: Certain other provisions apply regarding limitations of liability and rights of HAA and the tour operator. The statement of responsibility is available australia-2015. If you are not able to access the Internet, please call HAA Travels at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806. DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this publication. HAA Travels nor the tour operator is responsible for errors in or damages resulting from use of the information contained herein. Information contained in this brochure is subject to change. All rates are per person, quoted in U.S. dollars, and must be paid in U.S. dollars. Rates and itineraries are subject to change. *These policies will contain reductions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. All coverages may not be available in all states. SAILING THE PANAMA CANAL: COSTA RICA & PANAMA ON SEA CLOUD JAN 4-16, 2015 JOYCE CHAPLIN OPUS MEDITERRANEO: A MUSICAL JOURNEY FROM MALAGA TO NAPLES ON CORINTHIAN APRIL 10–21, 2015 JOHN STEWART AZORES TO PORTUGAL ON SEA CLOUD II APR 16-26, 2015 ANI PATEL & JENNIFER BURTON AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY: A VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK ON OCEANIC DISCOVERER APR 24–MAY 8, 2015 To register, fill out this form and return to HAA Travels with your deposit of $1,000 per person. Please note that for some programs an additional deposit may be requested after you book. Please return this form by mail to: HAA travels, Harvard Alumni Association 124 Mount Auburn Street, 6th floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 Or by FAX: 617.496.4011 Please call with any questions: 800-422-1636 or 617-496-0806 I AM NOT ABLE TO MAKE THIS TRIP, BUT PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST PROGRAM NAME START DATE FIRST PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH HIDDEN INDIA: LANDS OF THE LOST KINGDOMS ON THE GOLDEN CHARIOT JAN 8-23, 2015 TRADE ROUTES OF COASTAL IBERIA ON TERE MOANA MAY 1-9, 2015 EMAIL ADDRESS CENTRAL AMERICAN: CROSSING COSTA RICA, NICARAGUA & EL SALVADOR FEB 2-13, 2015 ALASKA’S GLACIERS & THE INSIDE PASSAGE: JUNEAU TO VANCOUVER JUL 18–25, 2015 STREET ADDRESS WEEKEND IN ICELAND FEB 12-16, 2015 RIVERS & LAKES: ART, ARCHAEOLOGICAL & ARCHITECTURAL TREASURES OF MEXICO CITY FEB 18-23, 2015 A WEEK IN BUENOS AIRES MAR 13-21, 2015 THE ARTS IN AMERICA’S HEARTLAND: KANSAS CITY & CRYSTAL BRIDGES APR 15-19, 2015 ALICE DELANA TURKISH TREASURES APR 17-MAY 1, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION ANTARCTICA ON CORINTHIAN DECEMBER 26, 2014JAN 7, 2015 WARREN ZAPOL ATHENS TO NICE ON ISLAND SKY APR 28–MAY 10, 2015 INDONESIA: MAGICAL ISALNDS OF JAVA & BALI APR 13-28, 2015 THEODORE & VICTORIA BESTOR LOUNGE NEW ZEALAND BY SEA ON CALEDONIAN SKY DEC 29, 2014-JAN 11, 2015 LAWRENCE BUELL SOUTHERN AFRICA ODYSSEY OCT 23-NOV 9, 2014 MARK VAN BAALEN MIDDLE EAST FEATURING SAUDI ARABIA MAR 2015 CATEGORY 3 •Discover Australia’s unique wildlife—dugongs, rock wallabies, flatback turtles, and mighty saltwater crocodiles. •Step ashore on the Tiwi Islands for a guided bush walk that reveals the cultural traditions of the Tiwi people and view well-preserved Aboriginal paintings at Raft Point and Bigge Island. SPAIN & PORTUGAL: PARADORES & POUSADAS SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 DIANA SORENSEN OMAN, THE EMIRATES & QATAR: A MIDDLE EASTERN EXPLORATION MAR 12-22, 2015 C08 C06 C04 C02 EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS •Join an optional pre-voyage extension to Kakadu National Park and Bungle Bungle. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 KAKADU NATIONAL PARK MITCHELL RIVER Buccaneer Archipelago Lacepede Islands Darwin CRUISES: THE BALTIC’S AMBER COAST ON SEA CLOUD II JUN 28-JUL 9, 2014 TIMOTHY COLTON HIDDEN GEMS OF THE AEGEAN SEA ON VARIETY VOYAGER JUL 23-AUG 1, 2014 HARVEY COX & NINA TUMARKIN ICELAND TO GREENLAND: VOYAGE TO THE ARCTIC CIRCLE ON L’AUSTRAL AUG 2-14, 2014 JAMES MCCARTHY BELL ‘ITALIA ROME, SICILY & THE AMALFI COAST ON VARIETY VOYAGER SEP 16-26, 2014 RICHARD THOMAS ISLANDS & RIVIERAS OF FRANCE, SPAIN, & ITALY ON TERE MOANA SEP 19-27, 2014 SUSAN SULEIMAN TAHITI TO EASTER ISLAND: MARQUESAS, TUAMOTUS & PITCAIRNS ON CALEDONIAN SKY: SEP 29-OCT 17, 2014 VOYAGE TO MADAGASCAR ON ISLAND SKY NOV 28-DEC 16, 2014 CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE TOWN & COUNTRY LIFE: PARIS TO PROVENCE ON AMADEUS SYMPHONY SEP 8-16, 2014 ROBERT DARNTON SYMPHONY ON THE BLUE DANUBE: A CLASSICAL MUSIC CRUISE ON AMADEUS DIAMOND SEP 12-26, 2014 THE PRIDE OF SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, BOSTWANA & ZIMBABWE: RIVER SAFARI ON ZAMBEZI QUEEN MAR 11-25, 2015 KAY SHELEMAY HOME TELEPHONE WORK TELEPHONE SECOND PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH EMAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE FAMILY ADVENTURES & SPRING BREAK: VOYAGE TO THE LANDS OF GODS & HEROES ON CORINTHIAN JUL 3-14, 2014 JONATHAN WALTON GALAPAGOS FAMILY ADVENTURE ON SANTA CRUZ JUL 7-15, 2014 SCOTT EDWARDS BAJA FAMILY ADVENTURE DEC 26, 2014-JAN 1, 2015 HOME TELEPHONE METHOD OF DEPOSIT CHECK (please enclose check) MASTERCARD VISA CARD NUMBER FAMILY IRELAND JUNE 28-JULY 6, 2015 EXPIRATION DATE FAMILY CHINA: MOUTAINS AND CLASSICAL HIGHLIGHTS JUN 2015 NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD A FAMILY ADVENTURE IN MACHU PICCHU & THE AMAZON JUL 1-11, 2015 WORK TELEPHONE 3 DIGIT SECURITY CODE I/WE CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE GENERAL INFORMATION FOR THIS TOUR, INCLUDING REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS AND THE RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE AT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ACCOMMODATIONS CATEGORY PREFERENCE DOUBLE ROOM ROOMMATE SINGLE ROOM SHARE A ROOM WITH: knowledge of the culture, geology, and natural history of this region. They will enlighten you SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO. 260 AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard The Oceanic Discoverer H A RVA RD A LU MNI ASSOCI ATI ON 20 1 5 WORLDWIDE TRAVE L PROGRA M PAID An experienced team of leaders and lecturers will join you on this expedition to share their PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE F E AT URE D LE A DE RS April 24 - May 8, 2015 through fascinating lectures, guided excursions, and daily recaps. As this brochure goes to print, we have not yet confirmed the faculty study leader for this program. We intend, however, that you will be joined by a Harvard lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Shirley Campbell Dr. Shirley Campbell is an anthropologist specializing in the indigenous peoples of Australia and Papua New Guinea. She holds degrees from Stephens College, Missouri and the Australian National University in Canberra, where she is currently a research fellow. As part of her doctoral research, Shirley lived in a tiny native village for 18 months in the remote Trobriand Islands, speaking only the local language. She has described her research in a book titled, The Art of Kula. Shirley has specialized in studying the anthropology of art, convinced that understanding the way people represent their ideas through art and architecture provides valuable insights into our perceptions and relationships with the world around us. Chris Done Chris has lived and worked in Western Australia’s remote Kimberley region for nearly 35 years. As the former regional manager for the state’s Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), he has traveled extensively throughout the area cultivating an in-depth understanding of its flora, fauna, Aboriginal art, and geology as well as its history, culture, and management issues. He has been involved in tourism and expeditions to the region since 1990, including guest lecturing on many of Zegrahm’s Kimberley voyages. In addition to co-writing numerous articles, Chris recently co-authored a book on the rediscovery of the original “Bradshaw” art site in the remote northwest Kimberley. Towering escarpments, undulating woodlands, spectacular waterways, mangrove-covered tidal flats, and forests rich in flora and fauna make Kakadu National Park an Australian natural treasure. A flightseeing trip over Bungle Bungle is one of the extension highlights, soaring over beehive-shaped sandstone domes that feature spectacular horizontal orange and gray bands. Call, or visit our website for details. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 2015 ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/HAA/TRAVEL A P R I L 1 8 - 2 7, 2 0 1 5 CALL 800.422.1636 OR VISIT US AT Pre-voyage Extension BOOK YOUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH THE HAA TODAY! K A KADU NAT IO N A L PA R K & BU N G L E BU N GL E HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 124 MOUNT AUBURN STREET, 6TH FLOOR CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 Book your next journey with the HAA today! Call 800.422.1636 or visit us at AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard the Oceanic Discoverer April 24 - May 8, 2015 THE KIMBERLEY, one of the most remote and captivating regions on earth—a land of towering cliffs, plunging waterfalls, ancient cultures, and exotic wildlife. The 65-guest Oceanic Discoverer easily navigates the mighty rivers and tiny inlets of the region. During numerous excursions, enjoy striking scenery and unusual wildlife—by boat, Zodiac, and helicopter explore the region’s hidden treasures—narrow gorges, shallow tributaries, and cascading waterfalls. Gaze upon the dramatic gorges and pools of Mitchell Falls, search for an astonishing variety of wildlife in the Prince Regent Nature Reserve, discover desertscapes dotted with bizarre boab trees, and photograph the sublimely beautiful isles of the Buccaneer Archipelago. TO BOOK A TRIP CALL 800-422-1636 OR VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 Tiwi Islands SCHE DULE BY DAY King George Falls F R I DAY & S U N DAY, A P R I L 2 4 & 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 USA / Broome, Australia Depart on your independent flight to Broome, Australia via Sydney, losing a day as you cross the International Date Line. Arrive in Broome on Sunday and enjoy an afternoon at leisure. Gather this evening for a welcome dinner and overnight at the Cable Beach Club Resort. at low tide. The reef is home to an incredible number of green sea turtles and sharks are sometimes spotted in the surrounding waters. At Raft Point, join a bush walk to learn the traditions of Worrorra people and view ancient Aboriginal cave paintings of outstanding quality depicting the significance of the marine world to the Aboriginal way of life. F R I DAY & S AT U R DAY, M AY 1 & 2 M O N DAY, A P R I L 2 7 Broome / Embark Oceanic Discoverer Today explore Broome—a popular holiday destination graced with beautiful beaches and a laid-back atmosphere. Join a city tour that reveals Broome’s pearling history and multicultural past, or join a birding tour. This afternoon board the Oceanic Discoverer and set sail. T U E S DAY, A P R I L 2 8 Lacepede Islands The Lacepede Islands are a group of four low, sandy islands lying on a coral reef. The islands are an important nesting site for green sea turtles and several species of seabirds including frigatebirds, brown boobies, crested terns, sandpipers, and ruddy turnstones. Join our naturalists on nature walks along the long, white-sand beaches. Be on deck this evening as the sun sets and the night sky comes alive—far from the city lights, stargazing in the Kimberley is simply spectacular. W E D N E S DAY & T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 2 9 & 3 0 Buccaneer Archipelago / Talbot Bay / Montgomery Reef / Raft Point The Buccaneer Archipelago consists of more than 800 islands. The shorelines of these rarely visited isles are among the most photogenic in the world, and include mangrove estuaries, secluded bays, untouched beaches, cliffs, headlands, reefs, rugged gorges, and whirlpools. This area is known for its extreme tidal conditions—ranging up to 30 feet in places. Your daily activities are planned around the tides—a way of life in the Kimberley. At Talbot Bay visit the Horizontal Waterfalls, one of the most unusual regional attractions. The falls, created by a phenomenon resulting from the mammoth tides, actually reverse as the tide turns. At Montgomery Reef, view the amazing array of marine life exposed OCEANIC DISCOVERER REG ISTRATIO N FO RM 2014-2015 HAA TRIPS TIMOR SEA Prince Regent Nature Reserve / Camp Creek / Careening Bay The Prince Regent Nature Reserve is one of Australia’s most remote areas, and the rugged sandstone and volcanic landscape helps to protect its scenic grandeur. This is pure wilderness, accessible only by air or boat, and you can truly say that you have been to a place seen by few others. The area boasts more than half of the mammal and bird species found in the entire Kimberley region and more than 500 species of plants. With the ship at anchor in St. George Basin, board Zodiacs to cruise up the Prince Regent River. With nearvertical cliffs on either side, make your way to the face of King Cascade, an unusual and picturesque waterfall cascading over terraced rock formations. Tidal conditions permitting, you will also explore nearby Camp Creek in search of local fauna such as estuarine crocodiles, red-tailed black cockatoos, and galahs. At Careening Bay visit a large boab tree with the inscription “H.M.C. Mermaid – 1820” still clearly visible. The Mermaid was a British Navy hydrographic survey ship under the command of Lt. Philip Parke King, who stayed at the bay for six weeks while repairing his ship. S U N DAY, M AY 3 Hunter River / Mitchell Falls From Hunter River, fly via helicopter to the Mitchell Plateau to visit Mitchell Falls, a series of waterfalls and pools culminating in a deep gorge carving its way through the Outback. Explore the surrounding area on foot and enjoy a refreshing swim in the rushing freshwater pools. In the vicinity of our anchorage, you may explore the small tributaries by Zodiac, searching the mangroves and tidal mud flats for crocodiles, mud skippers, and fiddler crabs, as well as the many bird species that make their home within the dense vegetation. Bigge Island/ Low Rocks Hunter River M O N DAY, M AY 4 Bigge Island / Low Rocks A unique experience awaits you on Bigge Island, sacred to Aborigines for more than 20,000 years. Well-preserved Aboriginal paintings grace the walls of caves, depicting mythical figures and offering visual evidence of the European entrance into the Aboriginal way of life. Warabis, or rock wallaby (the smallest of the wallabies), are numerous on this island and can often be seen sprinting from one rock ledge to another. In the afternoon step ashore on a tiny island atoll known as Low Rocks. As Zodiacs approach, the skies fill with the movements and sounds of thousands upon thousands of seabirds, including four species of terns, pied cormorants, white-bellied sea eagles, and osprey. The island is also a nesting site for green and flatback turtles, and has its own resident saltwater crocodile, which is often seen patrolling the waters around the island. T U E S DAY, M AY 5 King George River / King George Falls Cruise through a spectacular canyon where vertical cliffs, gorges, and mangroves line the shores of the mighty King George River. The final destination is King George Falls, a supremely photogenic area of 325-foot cliffs of rust-colored sandstone rising from the tidal waters. W E D N E S DAY, M AY 6 Tiwi Islands Permission pending, go ashore on the Tiwis and join local Aboriginal guides for a tour of the small community of Nguiu, its museum, and the old Mission Precinct. You will also have an opportunity to visit the local arts center, to view and purchase high-quality Tiwi crafts, as well as screen-printed fabric. T H U R S DAY & F R I DAY, M AY 7 & 8 Darwin / Disembark / Brisbane / USA Disembark this morning in Darwin with time for a bit of sightseeing. Transfer to the airport for your flight to Brisbane with dinner and overnight at our airport hotel. Board your independent flight to the USA on Friday, arriving the same day. Raft Point Montgomery Reef Talbot Bay Broome CA MBR IDGE GULF PRINCE REGENT NATURE RESERVE/ CAMP CREEK/ CAREENING BAY LAKE ARGYLE T HE KW IM LEY EB S ER TER N AUSTRALIA MIRIMA NATIONAL PARK BUNGLE BUNGLE OVERALL LENGTH: 207 feet FLAG: Australia SHIP FACILITIES: Lounge, spa pool, observation area, reference library, and open seating restaurant. SANTA FE: ART & LANDSCAPE IN THE CITY OF ENCHANTMENT JUL 23-27, 2014 JOHN STEWART CABIN AMENITIES: Outside views, spacious double- or twinbed(s), sitting area, en suite bathroom, individually controlled heat/air conditioner large closets, and a desk. HIDDEN DOLCE VITA: TUSCANY & UMBRIA SEP 10-18, 2014 LADAKH TO BHUTAN SEP 13-27, 2014 IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. JAMES: CAMINO DE SANTIAGO SEP 26-OCT 8, 2014 MARY GAYLORD JOURNEY THROUGH THE SOUTH CAUCASUS: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, & ARMENIA SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 PETER GALBRAITH DECK PLAN DETAILS Ship size: 68 guests Pricing: Per person, double occupancy. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Single / Cat 2 Single / Cat 4 KATHERINE GORGE LAND & RAIL: YEAR CONSTRUCTION: 2005 MAXIMUM PASSENGERS: 65 $12,980 $13,580 $14,480 $14,980 $15,980 $16,980 $18,580 Limited singles are available at the special single rates listed above. Additional singles may be available at 1.6 times the share rate. Jacuzzi CATEGORY 5: 195 square feet with a large window SUN DECK CATEGORY 4: 195 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 3: 160 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 2: 195 square feet with two small windows A05 A03 A06 A04 Lounge A02 BRIDGE DECK B21 B22 CATEGORY 1: 195 square feet with two portholes B11 B09 B07 B05 B03 B01 B20 B18 B16 B14 B12 B10 B08 B06 B04 B02 B19 B17 B15 B13 PROMENADE DECK C09 C07 C05 C03 Xplorer Boarding C01 Dining Room MAIN DECK •Fly via helicopter to explore the dramatic gorges of Mitchell Plateau and swim in the crystal-clear pools above photogenic Mitchell Falls. CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 5 •View the amazing spectacle of the Horizontal Falls, created by massive tidal currents. DECK STATEROOM INCLUDED: All gratuities; accommodations in hotels and on board Oceanic Discoverer as outlined in the itinerary; all onboard meals; all group meals on land; arrival and departure transfers on group dates; services of the expedition staff, including lectures, briefings, slide/film shows; all group activities and excursions; landing and port fees; $50,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by HAA and $75,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by Zegrahm Expeditions.* NOT INCLUDED: All air transportation; excess baggage charges; airport arrival and departure taxes; transfers for independent arrivals and departures; passport and/or visa fees; baggage/trip cancellation insurance; items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar charges, alcoholic beverages, e-mail/Internet/fax/ telephone charges. RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS, & FINAL PAYMENT: To reserve a space on this program, a $1,000 deposit is required per person. Please either call us at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806 or fill out and mail or fax the registration form found in the back of this brochure. Reservations are acknowledged in order of receipt until the maximum enrollment has been reached. Payment terms will be sent to you with your reservation confirmation from our partner tour operator. CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS: All cancellations must be made in writing to the Harvard Alumni Association. At the time we receive your written cancellation, the following penalties apply: 120 days or more prior to departure: $750 per person 60 through 119 days prior to departure: 50% of the expedition fare 1 through 59 days prior to departure: 100% of the expedition fare Refer to the full terms and conditions at australia-2015 CHANGES IN ITINERARY AND COSTS: The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion of HAA Travels and the tour operator. Deviations from the scheduled itinerary are at the expense of the individual. All prices quoted are based on prevailing fuel prices, airfare and currency exchange rates in effect at the time of brochure printing and are subject to change. While the tour operator will do everything possible to maintain the published trip price, it may be necessary to institute a surcharge. INSURANCE: We highly recommend the purchase of trip cancellation insurance. An application for insurance will be provided by the HAA upon confirmation. RESPONSIBILITY: Certain other provisions apply regarding limitations of liability and rights of HAA and the tour operator. The statement of responsibility is available australia-2015. If you are not able to access the Internet, please call HAA Travels at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806. DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this publication. HAA Travels nor the tour operator is responsible for errors in or damages resulting from use of the information contained herein. Information contained in this brochure is subject to change. All rates are per person, quoted in U.S. dollars, and must be paid in U.S. dollars. Rates and itineraries are subject to change. *These policies will contain reductions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. All coverages may not be available in all states. SAILING THE PANAMA CANAL: COSTA RICA & PANAMA ON SEA CLOUD JAN 4-16, 2015 JOYCE CHAPLIN OPUS MEDITERRANEO: A MUSICAL JOURNEY FROM MALAGA TO NAPLES ON CORINTHIAN APRIL 10–21, 2015 JOHN STEWART AZORES TO PORTUGAL ON SEA CLOUD II APR 16-26, 2015 ANI PATEL & JENNIFER BURTON AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY: A VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK ON OCEANIC DISCOVERER APR 24–MAY 8, 2015 To register, fill out this form and return to HAA Travels with your deposit of $1,000 per person. Please note that for some programs an additional deposit may be requested after you book. Please return this form by mail to: HAA travels, Harvard Alumni Association 124 Mount Auburn Street, 6th floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 Or by FAX: 617.496.4011 Please call with any questions: 800-422-1636 or 617-496-0806 I AM NOT ABLE TO MAKE THIS TRIP, BUT PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST PROGRAM NAME START DATE FIRST PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH HIDDEN INDIA: LANDS OF THE LOST KINGDOMS ON THE GOLDEN CHARIOT JAN 8-23, 2015 TRADE ROUTES OF COASTAL IBERIA ON TERE MOANA MAY 1-9, 2015 EMAIL ADDRESS CENTRAL AMERICAN: CROSSING COSTA RICA, NICARAGUA & EL SALVADOR FEB 2-13, 2015 ALASKA’S GLACIERS & THE INSIDE PASSAGE: JUNEAU TO VANCOUVER JUL 18–25, 2015 STREET ADDRESS WEEKEND IN ICELAND FEB 12-16, 2015 RIVERS & LAKES: ART, ARCHAEOLOGICAL & ARCHITECTURAL TREASURES OF MEXICO CITY FEB 18-23, 2015 A WEEK IN BUENOS AIRES MAR 13-21, 2015 THE ARTS IN AMERICA’S HEARTLAND: KANSAS CITY & CRYSTAL BRIDGES APR 15-19, 2015 ALICE DELANA TURKISH TREASURES APR 17-MAY 1, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION ANTARCTICA ON CORINTHIAN DECEMBER 26, 2014JAN 7, 2015 WARREN ZAPOL ATHENS TO NICE ON ISLAND SKY APR 28–MAY 10, 2015 INDONESIA: MAGICAL ISALNDS OF JAVA & BALI APR 13-28, 2015 THEODORE & VICTORIA BESTOR LOUNGE NEW ZEALAND BY SEA ON CALEDONIAN SKY DEC 29, 2014-JAN 11, 2015 LAWRENCE BUELL SOUTHERN AFRICA ODYSSEY OCT 23-NOV 9, 2014 MARK VAN BAALEN MIDDLE EAST FEATURING SAUDI ARABIA MAR 2015 CATEGORY 3 •Discover Australia’s unique wildlife—dugongs, rock wallabies, flatback turtles, and mighty saltwater crocodiles. •Step ashore on the Tiwi Islands for a guided bush walk that reveals the cultural traditions of the Tiwi people and view well-preserved Aboriginal paintings at Raft Point and Bigge Island. SPAIN & PORTUGAL: PARADORES & POUSADAS SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 DIANA SORENSEN OMAN, THE EMIRATES & QATAR: A MIDDLE EASTERN EXPLORATION MAR 12-22, 2015 C08 C06 C04 C02 EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS •Join an optional pre-voyage extension to Kakadu National Park and Bungle Bungle. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 KAKADU NATIONAL PARK MITCHELL RIVER Buccaneer Archipelago Lacepede Islands Darwin CRUISES: THE BALTIC’S AMBER COAST ON SEA CLOUD II JUN 28-JUL 9, 2014 TIMOTHY COLTON HIDDEN GEMS OF THE AEGEAN SEA ON VARIETY VOYAGER JUL 23-AUG 1, 2014 HARVEY COX & NINA TUMARKIN ICELAND TO GREENLAND: VOYAGE TO THE ARCTIC CIRCLE ON L’AUSTRAL AUG 2-14, 2014 JAMES MCCARTHY BELL ‘ITALIA ROME, SICILY & THE AMALFI COAST ON VARIETY VOYAGER SEP 16-26, 2014 RICHARD THOMAS ISLANDS & RIVIERAS OF FRANCE, SPAIN, & ITALY ON TERE MOANA SEP 19-27, 2014 SUSAN SULEIMAN TAHITI TO EASTER ISLAND: MARQUESAS, TUAMOTUS & PITCAIRNS ON CALEDONIAN SKY: SEP 29-OCT 17, 2014 VOYAGE TO MADAGASCAR ON ISLAND SKY NOV 28-DEC 16, 2014 CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE TOWN & COUNTRY LIFE: PARIS TO PROVENCE ON AMADEUS SYMPHONY SEP 8-16, 2014 ROBERT DARNTON SYMPHONY ON THE BLUE DANUBE: A CLASSICAL MUSIC CRUISE ON AMADEUS DIAMOND SEP 12-26, 2014 THE PRIDE OF SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, BOSTWANA & ZIMBABWE: RIVER SAFARI ON ZAMBEZI QUEEN MAR 11-25, 2015 KAY SHELEMAY HOME TELEPHONE WORK TELEPHONE SECOND PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH EMAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE FAMILY ADVENTURES & SPRING BREAK: VOYAGE TO THE LANDS OF GODS & HEROES ON CORINTHIAN JUL 3-14, 2014 JONATHAN WALTON GALAPAGOS FAMILY ADVENTURE ON SANTA CRUZ JUL 7-15, 2014 SCOTT EDWARDS BAJA FAMILY ADVENTURE DEC 26, 2014-JAN 1, 2015 HOME TELEPHONE METHOD OF DEPOSIT CHECK (please enclose check) MASTERCARD VISA CARD NUMBER FAMILY IRELAND JUNE 28-JULY 6, 2015 EXPIRATION DATE FAMILY CHINA: MOUTAINS AND CLASSICAL HIGHLIGHTS JUN 2015 NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD A FAMILY ADVENTURE IN MACHU PICCHU & THE AMAZON JUL 1-11, 2015 WORK TELEPHONE 3 DIGIT SECURITY CODE I/WE CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE GENERAL INFORMATION FOR THIS TOUR, INCLUDING REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS AND THE RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE AT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ACCOMMODATIONS CATEGORY PREFERENCE DOUBLE ROOM ROOMMATE SINGLE ROOM SHARE A ROOM WITH: Tiwi Islands SCHE DULE BY DAY King George Falls F R I DAY & S U N DAY, A P R I L 2 4 & 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 USA / Broome, Australia Depart on your independent flight to Broome, Australia via Sydney, losing a day as you cross the International Date Line. Arrive in Broome on Sunday and enjoy an afternoon at leisure. Gather this evening for a welcome dinner and overnight at the Cable Beach Club Resort. at low tide. The reef is home to an incredible number of green sea turtles and sharks are sometimes spotted in the surrounding waters. At Raft Point, join a bush walk to learn the traditions of Worrorra people and view ancient Aboriginal cave paintings of outstanding quality depicting the significance of the marine world to the Aboriginal way of life. F R I DAY & S AT U R DAY, M AY 1 & 2 M O N DAY, A P R I L 2 7 Broome / Embark Oceanic Discoverer Today explore Broome—a popular holiday destination graced with beautiful beaches and a laid-back atmosphere. Join a city tour that reveals Broome’s pearling history and multicultural past, or join a birding tour. This afternoon board the Oceanic Discoverer and set sail. T U E S DAY, A P R I L 2 8 Lacepede Islands The Lacepede Islands are a group of four low, sandy islands lying on a coral reef. The islands are an important nesting site for green sea turtles and several species of seabirds including frigatebirds, brown boobies, crested terns, sandpipers, and ruddy turnstones. Join our naturalists on nature walks along the long, white-sand beaches. Be on deck this evening as the sun sets and the night sky comes alive—far from the city lights, stargazing in the Kimberley is simply spectacular. W E D N E S DAY & T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 2 9 & 3 0 Buccaneer Archipelago / Talbot Bay / Montgomery Reef / Raft Point The Buccaneer Archipelago consists of more than 800 islands. The shorelines of these rarely visited isles are among the most photogenic in the world, and include mangrove estuaries, secluded bays, untouched beaches, cliffs, headlands, reefs, rugged gorges, and whirlpools. This area is known for its extreme tidal conditions—ranging up to 30 feet in places. Your daily activities are planned around the tides—a way of life in the Kimberley. At Talbot Bay visit the Horizontal Waterfalls, one of the most unusual regional attractions. The falls, created by a phenomenon resulting from the mammoth tides, actually reverse as the tide turns. At Montgomery Reef, view the amazing array of marine life exposed OCEANIC DISCOVERER REG ISTRATIO N FO RM 2014-2015 HAA TRIPS TIMOR SEA Prince Regent Nature Reserve / Camp Creek / Careening Bay The Prince Regent Nature Reserve is one of Australia’s most remote areas, and the rugged sandstone and volcanic landscape helps to protect its scenic grandeur. This is pure wilderness, accessible only by air or boat, and you can truly say that you have been to a place seen by few others. The area boasts more than half of the mammal and bird species found in the entire Kimberley region and more than 500 species of plants. With the ship at anchor in St. George Basin, board Zodiacs to cruise up the Prince Regent River. With nearvertical cliffs on either side, make your way to the face of King Cascade, an unusual and picturesque waterfall cascading over terraced rock formations. Tidal conditions permitting, you will also explore nearby Camp Creek in search of local fauna such as estuarine crocodiles, red-tailed black cockatoos, and galahs. At Careening Bay visit a large boab tree with the inscription “H.M.C. Mermaid – 1820” still clearly visible. The Mermaid was a British Navy hydrographic survey ship under the command of Lt. Philip Parke King, who stayed at the bay for six weeks while repairing his ship. S U N DAY, M AY 3 Hunter River / Mitchell Falls From Hunter River, fly via helicopter to the Mitchell Plateau to visit Mitchell Falls, a series of waterfalls and pools culminating in a deep gorge carving its way through the Outback. Explore the surrounding area on foot and enjoy a refreshing swim in the rushing freshwater pools. In the vicinity of our anchorage, you may explore the small tributaries by Zodiac, searching the mangroves and tidal mud flats for crocodiles, mud skippers, and fiddler crabs, as well as the many bird species that make their home within the dense vegetation. Bigge Island/ Low Rocks Hunter River M O N DAY, M AY 4 Bigge Island / Low Rocks A unique experience awaits you on Bigge Island, sacred to Aborigines for more than 20,000 years. Well-preserved Aboriginal paintings grace the walls of caves, depicting mythical figures and offering visual evidence of the European entrance into the Aboriginal way of life. Warabis, or rock wallaby (the smallest of the wallabies), are numerous on this island and can often be seen sprinting from one rock ledge to another. In the afternoon step ashore on a tiny island atoll known as Low Rocks. As Zodiacs approach, the skies fill with the movements and sounds of thousands upon thousands of seabirds, including four species of terns, pied cormorants, white-bellied sea eagles, and osprey. The island is also a nesting site for green and flatback turtles, and has its own resident saltwater crocodile, which is often seen patrolling the waters around the island. T U E S DAY, M AY 5 King George River / King George Falls Cruise through a spectacular canyon where vertical cliffs, gorges, and mangroves line the shores of the mighty King George River. The final destination is King George Falls, a supremely photogenic area of 325-foot cliffs of rust-colored sandstone rising from the tidal waters. W E D N E S DAY, M AY 6 Tiwi Islands Permission pending, go ashore on the Tiwis and join local Aboriginal guides for a tour of the small community of Nguiu, its museum, and the old Mission Precinct. You will also have an opportunity to visit the local arts center, to view and purchase high-quality Tiwi crafts, as well as screen-printed fabric. T H U R S DAY & F R I DAY, M AY 7 & 8 Darwin / Disembark / Brisbane / USA Disembark this morning in Darwin with time for a bit of sightseeing. Transfer to the airport for your flight to Brisbane with dinner and overnight at our airport hotel. Board your independent flight to the USA on Friday, arriving the same day. Raft Point Montgomery Reef Talbot Bay Broome CA MBR IDGE GULF PRINCE REGENT NATURE RESERVE/ CAMP CREEK/ CAREENING BAY LAKE ARGYLE T HE KW IM LEY EB S ER TER N AUSTRALIA MIRIMA NATIONAL PARK BUNGLE BUNGLE OVERALL LENGTH: 207 feet FLAG: Australia SHIP FACILITIES: Lounge, spa pool, observation area, reference library, and open seating restaurant. SANTA FE: ART & LANDSCAPE IN THE CITY OF ENCHANTMENT JUL 23-27, 2014 JOHN STEWART CABIN AMENITIES: Outside views, spacious double- or twinbed(s), sitting area, en suite bathroom, individually controlled heat/air conditioner large closets, and a desk. HIDDEN DOLCE VITA: TUSCANY & UMBRIA SEP 10-18, 2014 LADAKH TO BHUTAN SEP 13-27, 2014 IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. JAMES: CAMINO DE SANTIAGO SEP 26-OCT 8, 2014 MARY GAYLORD JOURNEY THROUGH THE SOUTH CAUCASUS: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT AZERBAIJAN, GEORGIA, & ARMENIA SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 PETER GALBRAITH DECK PLAN DETAILS Ship size: 68 guests Pricing: Per person, double occupancy. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Single / Cat 2 Single / Cat 4 KATHERINE GORGE LAND & RAIL: YEAR CONSTRUCTION: 2005 MAXIMUM PASSENGERS: 65 $12,980 $13,580 $14,480 $14,980 $15,980 $16,980 $18,580 Limited singles are available at the special single rates listed above. Additional singles may be available at 1.6 times the share rate. Jacuzzi CATEGORY 5: 195 square feet with a large window SUN DECK CATEGORY 4: 195 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 3: 160 square feet with a large window CATEGORY 2: 195 square feet with two small windows A05 A03 A06 A04 Lounge A02 BRIDGE DECK B21 B22 CATEGORY 1: 195 square feet with two portholes B11 B09 B07 B05 B03 B01 B20 B18 B16 B14 B12 B10 B08 B06 B04 B02 B19 B17 B15 B13 PROMENADE DECK C09 C07 C05 C03 Xplorer Boarding C01 Dining Room MAIN DECK •Fly via helicopter to explore the dramatic gorges of Mitchell Plateau and swim in the crystal-clear pools above photogenic Mitchell Falls. CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 5 •View the amazing spectacle of the Horizontal Falls, created by massive tidal currents. DECK STATEROOM INCLUDED: All gratuities; accommodations in hotels and on board Oceanic Discoverer as outlined in the itinerary; all onboard meals; all group meals on land; arrival and departure transfers on group dates; services of the expedition staff, including lectures, briefings, slide/film shows; all group activities and excursions; landing and port fees; $50,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by HAA and $75,000 in emergency medical evacuation insurance provided by Zegrahm Expeditions.* NOT INCLUDED: All air transportation; excess baggage charges; airport arrival and departure taxes; transfers for independent arrivals and departures; passport and/or visa fees; baggage/trip cancellation insurance; items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar charges, alcoholic beverages, e-mail/Internet/fax/ telephone charges. RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS, & FINAL PAYMENT: To reserve a space on this program, a $1,000 deposit is required per person. Please either call us at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806 or fill out and mail or fax the registration form found in the back of this brochure. Reservations are acknowledged in order of receipt until the maximum enrollment has been reached. Payment terms will be sent to you with your reservation confirmation from our partner tour operator. CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS: All cancellations must be made in writing to the Harvard Alumni Association. At the time we receive your written cancellation, the following penalties apply: 120 days or more prior to departure: $750 per person 60 through 119 days prior to departure: 50% of the expedition fare 1 through 59 days prior to departure: 100% of the expedition fare Refer to the full terms and conditions at australia-2015 CHANGES IN ITINERARY AND COSTS: The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion of HAA Travels and the tour operator. Deviations from the scheduled itinerary are at the expense of the individual. All prices quoted are based on prevailing fuel prices, airfare and currency exchange rates in effect at the time of brochure printing and are subject to change. While the tour operator will do everything possible to maintain the published trip price, it may be necessary to institute a surcharge. INSURANCE: We highly recommend the purchase of trip cancellation insurance. An application for insurance will be provided by the HAA upon confirmation. RESPONSIBILITY: Certain other provisions apply regarding limitations of liability and rights of HAA and the tour operator. The statement of responsibility is available australia-2015. If you are not able to access the Internet, please call HAA Travels at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806. DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this publication. HAA Travels nor the tour operator is responsible for errors in or damages resulting from use of the information contained herein. Information contained in this brochure is subject to change. All rates are per person, quoted in U.S. dollars, and must be paid in U.S. dollars. Rates and itineraries are subject to change. *These policies will contain reductions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions. All coverages may not be available in all states. SAILING THE PANAMA CANAL: COSTA RICA & PANAMA ON SEA CLOUD JAN 4-16, 2015 JOYCE CHAPLIN OPUS MEDITERRANEO: A MUSICAL JOURNEY FROM MALAGA TO NAPLES ON CORINTHIAN APRIL 10–21, 2015 JOHN STEWART AZORES TO PORTUGAL ON SEA CLOUD II APR 16-26, 2015 ANI PATEL & JENNIFER BURTON AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY: A VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK ON OCEANIC DISCOVERER APR 24–MAY 8, 2015 To register, fill out this form and return to HAA Travels with your deposit of $1,000 per person. Please note that for some programs an additional deposit may be requested after you book. Please return this form by mail to: HAA travels, Harvard Alumni Association 124 Mount Auburn Street, 6th floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 Or by FAX: 617.496.4011 Please call with any questions: 800-422-1636 or 617-496-0806 I AM NOT ABLE TO MAKE THIS TRIP, BUT PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST PROGRAM NAME START DATE FIRST PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH HIDDEN INDIA: LANDS OF THE LOST KINGDOMS ON THE GOLDEN CHARIOT JAN 8-23, 2015 TRADE ROUTES OF COASTAL IBERIA ON TERE MOANA MAY 1-9, 2015 EMAIL ADDRESS CENTRAL AMERICAN: CROSSING COSTA RICA, NICARAGUA & EL SALVADOR FEB 2-13, 2015 ALASKA’S GLACIERS & THE INSIDE PASSAGE: JUNEAU TO VANCOUVER JUL 18–25, 2015 STREET ADDRESS WEEKEND IN ICELAND FEB 12-16, 2015 RIVERS & LAKES: ART, ARCHAEOLOGICAL & ARCHITECTURAL TREASURES OF MEXICO CITY FEB 18-23, 2015 A WEEK IN BUENOS AIRES MAR 13-21, 2015 THE ARTS IN AMERICA’S HEARTLAND: KANSAS CITY & CRYSTAL BRIDGES APR 15-19, 2015 ALICE DELANA TURKISH TREASURES APR 17-MAY 1, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION ANTARCTICA ON CORINTHIAN DECEMBER 26, 2014JAN 7, 2015 WARREN ZAPOL ATHENS TO NICE ON ISLAND SKY APR 28–MAY 10, 2015 INDONESIA: MAGICAL ISALNDS OF JAVA & BALI APR 13-28, 2015 THEODORE & VICTORIA BESTOR LOUNGE NEW ZEALAND BY SEA ON CALEDONIAN SKY DEC 29, 2014-JAN 11, 2015 LAWRENCE BUELL SOUTHERN AFRICA ODYSSEY OCT 23-NOV 9, 2014 MARK VAN BAALEN MIDDLE EAST FEATURING SAUDI ARABIA MAR 2015 CATEGORY 3 •Discover Australia’s unique wildlife—dugongs, rock wallabies, flatback turtles, and mighty saltwater crocodiles. •Step ashore on the Tiwi Islands for a guided bush walk that reveals the cultural traditions of the Tiwi people and view well-preserved Aboriginal paintings at Raft Point and Bigge Island. SPAIN & PORTUGAL: PARADORES & POUSADAS SEP 27-OCT 11, 2014 DIANA SORENSEN OMAN, THE EMIRATES & QATAR: A MIDDLE EASTERN EXPLORATION MAR 12-22, 2015 C08 C06 C04 C02 EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS •Join an optional pre-voyage extension to Kakadu National Park and Bungle Bungle. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 KAKADU NATIONAL PARK MITCHELL RIVER Buccaneer Archipelago Lacepede Islands Darwin CRUISES: THE BALTIC’S AMBER COAST ON SEA CLOUD II JUN 28-JUL 9, 2014 TIMOTHY COLTON HIDDEN GEMS OF THE AEGEAN SEA ON VARIETY VOYAGER JUL 23-AUG 1, 2014 HARVEY COX & NINA TUMARKIN ICELAND TO GREENLAND: VOYAGE TO THE ARCTIC CIRCLE ON L’AUSTRAL AUG 2-14, 2014 JAMES MCCARTHY BELL ‘ITALIA ROME, SICILY & THE AMALFI COAST ON VARIETY VOYAGER SEP 16-26, 2014 RICHARD THOMAS ISLANDS & RIVIERAS OF FRANCE, SPAIN, & ITALY ON TERE MOANA SEP 19-27, 2014 SUSAN SULEIMAN TAHITI TO EASTER ISLAND: MARQUESAS, TUAMOTUS & PITCAIRNS ON CALEDONIAN SKY: SEP 29-OCT 17, 2014 VOYAGE TO MADAGASCAR ON ISLAND SKY NOV 28-DEC 16, 2014 CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE TOWN & COUNTRY LIFE: PARIS TO PROVENCE ON AMADEUS SYMPHONY SEP 8-16, 2014 ROBERT DARNTON SYMPHONY ON THE BLUE DANUBE: A CLASSICAL MUSIC CRUISE ON AMADEUS DIAMOND SEP 12-26, 2014 THE PRIDE OF SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, BOSTWANA & ZIMBABWE: RIVER SAFARI ON ZAMBEZI QUEEN MAR 11-25, 2015 KAY SHELEMAY HOME TELEPHONE WORK TELEPHONE SECOND PERSON NAME ON PASSPORT DATE OF BIRTH EMAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP OR POSTAL CODE FAMILY ADVENTURES & SPRING BREAK: VOYAGE TO THE LANDS OF GODS & HEROES ON CORINTHIAN JUL 3-14, 2014 JONATHAN WALTON GALAPAGOS FAMILY ADVENTURE ON SANTA CRUZ JUL 7-15, 2014 SCOTT EDWARDS BAJA FAMILY ADVENTURE DEC 26, 2014-JAN 1, 2015 HOME TELEPHONE METHOD OF DEPOSIT CHECK (please enclose check) MASTERCARD VISA CARD NUMBER FAMILY IRELAND JUNE 28-JULY 6, 2015 EXPIRATION DATE FAMILY CHINA: MOUTAINS AND CLASSICAL HIGHLIGHTS JUN 2015 NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD A FAMILY ADVENTURE IN MACHU PICCHU & THE AMAZON JUL 1-11, 2015 WORK TELEPHONE 3 DIGIT SECURITY CODE I/WE CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE GENERAL INFORMATION FOR THIS TOUR, INCLUDING REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS AND THE RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE AT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE ACCOMMODATIONS CATEGORY PREFERENCE DOUBLE ROOM ROOMMATE SINGLE ROOM SHARE A ROOM WITH: knowledge of the culture, geology, and natural history of this region. They will enlighten you SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO. 260 AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard The Oceanic Discoverer H A RVA RD A LU MNI ASSOCI ATI ON 20 1 5 WORLDWIDE TRAVE L PROGRA M PAID An experienced team of leaders and lecturers will join you on this expedition to share their PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE F E AT URE D LE A DE RS April 24 - May 8, 2015 through fascinating lectures, guided excursions, and daily recaps. As this brochure goes to print, we have not yet confirmed the faculty study leader for this program. We intend, however, that you will be joined by a Harvard lecturer who will enhance your travel experience. Shirley Campbell Dr. Shirley Campbell is an anthropologist specializing in the indigenous peoples of Australia and Papua New Guinea. She holds degrees from Stephens College, Missouri and the Australian National University in Canberra, where she is currently a research fellow. As part of her doctoral research, Shirley lived in a tiny native village for 18 months in the remote Trobriand Islands, speaking only the local language. She has described her research in a book titled, The Art of Kula. Shirley has specialized in studying the anthropology of art, convinced that understanding the way people represent their ideas through art and architecture provides valuable insights into our perceptions and relationships with the world around us. Chris Done Chris has lived and worked in Western Australia’s remote Kimberley region for nearly 35 years. As the former regional manager for the state’s Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), he has traveled extensively throughout the area cultivating an in-depth understanding of its flora, fauna, Aboriginal art, and geology as well as its history, culture, and management issues. He has been involved in tourism and expeditions to the region since 1990, including guest lecturing on many of Zegrahm’s Kimberley voyages. In addition to co-writing numerous articles, Chris recently co-authored a book on the rediscovery of the original “Bradshaw” art site in the remote northwest Kimberley. Towering escarpments, undulating woodlands, spectacular waterways, mangrove-covered tidal flats, and forests rich in flora and fauna make Kakadu National Park an Australian natural treasure. A flightseeing trip over Bungle Bungle is one of the extension highlights, soaring over beehive-shaped sandstone domes that feature spectacular horizontal orange and gray bands. Call, or visit our website for details. FOR DETAILED ITINERARIES VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015 2015 ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/HAA/TRAVEL A P R I L 1 8 - 2 7, 2 0 1 5 CALL 800.422.1636 OR VISIT US AT Pre-voyage Extension BOOK YOUR NEXT JOURNEY WITH THE HAA TODAY! K A KADU NAT IO N A L PA R K & BU N G L E BU N GL E HARVARD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 124 MOUNT AUBURN STREET, 6TH FLOOR CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 Book your next journey with the HAA today! Call 800.422.1636 or visit us at AUSTRALIA’S KIMBERLEY VOYAGE TO THE OUTBACK Aboard the Oceanic Discoverer April 24 - May 8, 2015 THE KIMBERLEY, one of the most remote and captivating regions on earth—a land of towering cliffs, plunging waterfalls, ancient cultures, and exotic wildlife. The 65-guest Oceanic Discoverer easily navigates the mighty rivers and tiny inlets of the region. During numerous excursions, enjoy striking scenery and unusual wildlife—by boat, Zodiac, and helicopter explore the region’s hidden treasures—narrow gorges, shallow tributaries, and cascading waterfalls. Gaze upon the dramatic gorges and pools of Mitchell Falls, search for an astonishing variety of wildlife in the Prince Regent Nature Reserve, discover desertscapes dotted with bizarre boab trees, and photograph the sublimely beautiful isles of the Buccaneer Archipelago. TO BOOK A TRIP CALL 800-422-1636 OR VISIT ALUMNI.HARVARD.EDU/TRAVEL/TRIPS/AUSTRALIA-2015
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