Contents - Alumni Association of Princeton University

Dear fellow Princetonians,
On behalf of the Alumni Association of Princeton University,
it is my great honor to welcome you back to Old Nassau and
to Reunions 2015. In these pages, you will find a full
weekend of programs and activities, from athletic contests
and community service projects to class and departmental
panels and receptions. Alumni-Faculty Forums will feature
distinguished alumni speaking on a wide range of topics,
including public education, pandemics, and the Voting
Rights Act. If music is your passion, stop by the Reunions
headquarters sites each evening for great entertainment,
stroll over to the arches around campus to hear Princeton’s a
cappella groups perform, spend Friday afternoon listening to
groups from the past compete
in the 8th annual Alumni
Battle of the Bands, and be
sure to attend the Princeton
University Band’s Fred E. Fox
’39 Memorial Concert Saturday
morning on Cannon Green
— my favorite event. Finally,
you won’t want to miss the one
and only P-rade on Saturday
afternoon and the spectacular
lawn concert and fireworks on
Saturday evening.
Going Back is among the greatest and most longstanding of
Princeton traditions. We hope that you will take this time to
reconnect with old friends and meet new ones, engage your
mind, enjoy the beautiful Princeton campus, and rediscover
why Princeton really is “the best old place of all.”
Have a wonderful weekend!
Nancy J. Newman ’78
Alumni Association of Princeton University
A Brief History.................. 2
Exhibits.......................... 38
Thursday Events............... 5
Campus Information...... 41
Friday Events.................... 8
Upcoming Events .......... 47
Saturday Events............. 26
Nightly Entertainment..... 48
Sunday Events............... 37
A Brief History of Princeton
Reunions and the P-rade
All colleges encourage their graduates to maintain and
demonstrate loyalty to their alma mater through return
visits. However, no other institution welcomes all of its
alumni and their families back for reunions on a yearly basis
with the style and fanfare that is uniquely Princeton. Here
is a short history of this ever-evolving annual tradition.
In the College of New Jersey’s early years, alumni regularly
returned to campus to attend Commencement exercises. Its
100th Commencement in June 1847 drew an impressive
700 graduates for a formal dinner, escalating the tradition
into a larger event. Until 1859, all alumni gathered together,
but in that year, Alfred Woodhull, Class of 1856, organized
the first “class” reunion, a triennial. He astutely surmised
reasonable attendance could be expected, because in that
era, anyone who returned to campus for Commencement
three years after graduation qualified for an automatic
master’s degree (a practice lasting until 1892).
In 1861, a regiment bound for battle in the Civil War
passing through Princeton captivated the College’s students
with its “skyrocket” cheer, which imitated the sound of
fireworks — “sis” for the zooming rocket; “boom” for the
explosion; and “ahhhh” as the crowd expressed its pleasure
for the resulting light show. At Princeton, the “sis, boom,
ah” skyrocket cheer evolved into Princeton’s “locomotive,”
where word repetition and increasing speed emulates the
sound of a train pulling out from a station. “Tiger” was
likely added to the cheer in the late 19th century, when athletic uniforms began consistently using orange and black.
The P-rade officially began in the late 1890s but is actually
the merged product of earlier traditions. Beginning
in the Civil War era, alumni formally processed to
Commencement Day dinner meetings. Then in 1888,
Princeton and Yale University began scheduling one of
their baseball games at Princeton on the Saturday before
Commencement. Since this coincided with class dinners,
alumni attendance was high and many classes formally
marched to the game at University Field (located at the
corner of Prospect Avenue and Olden Street). In October
1896, when the newly renamed Princeton University
celebrated its sesquicentennial (150th anniversary), 800
Princeton undergraduates and 2,000 alumni took part
in a mile-long procession through the campus and town;
most carried an orange torch or lantern, and many classes
wore coordinated costumes. Stimulated by the grandeur
and organization of this parade, in 1897 all returning
classes first joined to march in order to the baseball game.
By 1906, a written description of the annual event said,
“The Alumni Pee-rade on Saturday afternoon was quite as
spectacular as usual; the bands, banners, transparencies,
uniforms, and vaudeville features encircling University
Field with color and noise.”
During early P-rades, the sole decoration worn by
returning alumni was a small badge with class numerals
on it. Gradually, classes began to distinguish themselves
with creative hats, balloons, and parasols; before long,
younger classes wore colorful costumes, carried humorous
signs, and often performed comic stunts. In 1912, some of
that year’s graduating class dressed in blue denim overalls
and jackets to protect their regular clothes from spilled
beer stains. One year later, the Class of 1913 adopted
white beer jackets as their costume. By 1920, the jackets
became a tradition with the addition of unique class logos.
To this day, each graduating class designs its own class
jacket, worn for the first time during Reunions weekend.
Classes typically design new costumes for each “major”
quinquennial reunion up until the 25th, when they receive
a class blazer. The Association of Princeton Graduate
Alumni introduced a Reunions Jacket in 2003 and all
graduate alumni, regardless of graduation year, are unified in wearing this jacket each year.
Reunions were cancelled in 1917 and 1918 for World War
I, so the “Victory Commencement” of 1919 featured a
throng of 5,000 alumni for the largest Reunions and P-rade
yet. An even longer “Victory Reunion” P-rade in 1946
following World War II (and the cancelled Reunions of
1943, 1944, and 1945) brought back 7,300 alumni, with
each class carrying service flags showing the number of
classmates who served and were killed in the war.
In 1947, the Class of 1922 held its 25th Reunion in Holder
Hall Courtyard, becoming the first on-campus reunion
site. (Previous reunions were held in private homes and
rented spaces in town.) But it was not until 1952 that liquor
was permitted to be served at the on-campus sites.
Rain has put the occasional damper on the P-rade but
only once — in 1953 — did it force a cancellation. Even
then, some classes insisted on marching anyway! Over
time, P-rades and Reunions increasingly became a family
affair, but it was not until the undergraduate body became
coeducational in 1969 that women were officially welcome
to participate in the P-rade.
From the early- to mid-20th century, the P-rade route
began at Nassau Hall, moved across campus to 1879 Arch,
then down Prospect Avenue and around University Field
to pass the president in his reviewing box. Construction of
the EQuad on the site of University Field in the late 1960s
changed the end of the route to the new Clarke Field south
of Ivy Lane. This era also marked the last Yale-Princeton
Commencement baseball game (1966), so the P-rade
ending changed to an Alumni Association meeting welcoming the graduating seniors into the alumni body. In the
early 1990s, the route was altered again to keep the P-rade
entirely on campus — beginning at FitzRandolph Gate,
going around Nassau Hall and Cannon Green, then down
Elm Drive to finish on Poe Field.
Despite route changes, procession order remains
traditional. At 2:00 PM on Reunions Saturday, the Nassau
Hall bell tolls and the P-rade Grand Marshal and other
dignitaries (including the University president) lead
members of the 25th Reunion Class from front campus
to Poe Field. The classes then process in descending class
order, beginning with the “Old Guard” (classes beyond
the 65th Reunion) who ride in golf carts or occasionally
walk, always drawing the loudest cheers from spectators.
In recognition of his commitment to Reunions, the eldest
returning alumnus from the oldest returning class has
the special privilege of carrying the Class of 1923 Cane
— a black wooden staff topped by a leaping silver tiger.
Beginning in 1975, graduate alumni were invited to march
between the 24th and 26th reunion classes, a tradition that
has continued to this day. Throughout, dedicated alumni
known as Marshals maintain order in their distinctive
orange “Da Vinci” hats and blue blazers. The P-rade ends
when the senior class sprints onto Poe Field, charging past
the Reviewing Stand.
In 1996, in celebration of the University’s bicenquinquagenary (250th anniversary), a spectacular fireworks display
was first held on Saturday night. The thousands of shells,
custom soundtrack, and tailored choreography of the
25-minute display quickly became a highlight and annual
tradition during Reunions.
Increasing student body size and the inclusion of family
members in the P-rade has swelled turnout and lively
participation in the ever-more-colorful spectacle. Today, well
over 20,000 alumni, family, and friends participate in this
annual gathering, and no other university comes close to the
pageantry, magnitude, and ceremony of Princeton Reunions.
This summary was prepared by the Committee on Reunions
and is adapted from the research and writings of Alexander
Leitch ’24, William K. Selden ’34, Daniel N. White ’65,
J. T. Miller ’70, and Liz Greenberg ’02.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
9:00 AM
Princetoniana “Take It or Leave It” Tent
To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University, the Alumni Council Committee on
Princetoniana, and the Alumni Council Committee on
Reunions. East Pyne, South Lawn Tent.
10:00 AM
Annual Meeting, Auxiliary to the Isabella McCosh
Infirmary: New Initiatives in Counseling and Psychological
Calvin Chin, Director, Counseling and Psychological
Services, Princeton University Health Services. To Noon.
Sponsored by the Auxiliary to the Isabella McCosh Infirmary. McCosh Health Center, G20.
Lesbian Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Center Open House
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University
LGBT Center. Frist Campus Center, Room 246 (LGBT
Princeton University Art Museum Store Sales Event
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University
Art Museum. Princeton University Art Museum Tent.
11:00 AM
Introducing the New Center for Digital Humanities
at Princeton
Meredith Martin, Associate Professor of English, and
Director, Center for Digital Humanities; Jean Bauer,
Associate Director, Center for Digital Humanities;
Clifford Wulfman, Coordinator of Library Digital
Initiatives, Director of the Blue Mountain Project, and
Consultant to the Center for Digital Humanities. To Noon.
Sponsored by the Center for Digital Humanities. Green
Hall, Center for Digital Humanities.
Princeton Class Ring Sale
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Ring and Frame
Agency. 48 University Place, Courtyard.
TigerGear Sale
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by TigerGear Student Agency.
48 University Place, Courtyard.
Yearbook Sale
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Yearbook
Agency. 48 University Place, Courtyard.
11:30 AM
Class Officers Lunch and Gathering
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Alumni Affairs.
Chancellor Green Rotunda.
Princeton University Band Barbecue
To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Band.
Poe Field, 1912 Pavilion (Picnic Shelter).
1:00 PM
Career & Life Vision Workshop
Pulin Sanghvi, Executive Director, Career Services. To
4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Career Services.
Frist Campus Center, Multipurpose Rooms A, B, and C.
Murray-Dodge Café: Cookies and Tea
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by Murray-Dodge Café. MurrayDodge Hall Café.
2:00 PM
Fuzzy Dice Improv Comedy Show!
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by Fuzzy Dice Improv Comedy.
U-Store Courtyard Tent.
3:00 PM
eXpressions Dance Company Reunions Performance
To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by eXpressions Dance Company. 185
Nassau Street, Hagan Dance Studio.
4:00 PM
Beer Tasting and Curator-Led Tours of the Princeton
University Art Museum
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Art
Museum. Princeton University Art Museum Tent.
Princeton’s Portrait: Reception and Self-Guided Tour
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Community and
Regional Affairs. Historical Society of Princeton, Bainbridge
House, 158 Nassau Street.
PSC Presents: Complete Works of Shakespeare
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Shakespeare
Company. East Pyne Courtyard.
Social Media 101: Student Tutors Teaching Facebook
and Twitter
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Council Committee
on Alumni Relations and Communications. Friend Center,
Room 007.
4:30 PM
Career Services Open House Reception and Student
Art Exhibition
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Career Services.
36 University Place, Suite 200.
Meditation with the Princeton Buddhist Student Group
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Buddhist
Student Group (PBSG). Murray-Dodge Hall, Third Floor.
5:00 PM
Gary Walters ’67 Princeton Varsity Club Awards Banquet
Contact the Princeton Varsity Club at
or 609-258-6695 for tickets. To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Princeton Varsity Club. Graduate College Tent.
United World Colleges (UWC) Reunion Picnic/Potluck
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the United World Colleges
(UWC) Club. East Pyne, Room 127 (Class of 1949 Room).
7:00 PM
Lobster Club Improv Comedy Reunions Show
Tickets available at the door. To 8:30 PM. Sponsored by
Lobster Club. Butler College, Amphitheater.
8:00 PM
Princeton University Players Presents The Fantasticks
Tickets available at the door. To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Princeton University Players. Frist Campus Center, Film
and Performance Theater, Room 301.
Theatre Intime Presents How the Other Half Loves
Tickets available at the door. To 10:00 PM. Sponsored
by the Princeton University Players. Hamilton Murray
10:00 PM
Koleinu Alumni Arch Sing
To Midnight. Sponsored by Koleinu. 1879 Arch.
11:00 PM
Quipfire! Reunions Show
Tickets available at the door. To Midnight. Sponsored by
Quipfire! Improv Comedy. Hamilton Murray Theater.
FRIDAY, May 29
Friday, May 29, 2015
9:00 AM
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Future of the City
Moderator: Alison Isenberg, Professor of History, and
Co-Director, Program in Urban Studies. Panelists:
Ray Gastil *91, Director, Department of City Planning,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Peter Waldman ’65, William R.
Kenan Professor of Architecture, University of Virginia;
Ellen Dunham-Jones ’80 *83, Professor of Architecture
and Urban Design, Georgia Institute of Technology; Chris
Hand ’95, Chief of Staff, City of Jacksonville, Office of the
Mayor; Waqas Jawaid ’10, Partner, Isometric Studio.
To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association
of Princeton University. Architecture Building, Betts
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Guns in America —
How Did We Get Here?
Moderator: Steven Strauss, Lecturer and John L.
Weinberg/Goldman Sachs & Co. Visiting Professor,
Woodrow Wilson School. Panelists: Henry Kennedy Jr.
’70, United States District Judge (retired); John Chludzinski ’85, Real Estate Broker, Kuker & Kessler Real Estate;
James Greer ’95, President & Founder, CounterPAC;
Jonathan Gerber ’90, Appellate Judge, State of Florida.
To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Whig Hall, Senate Chamber.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Religion in America Today
Moderator: Eric Gregory, Professor of Religion. Panelists:
Obery Hendricks Jr. *95, Visiting Scholar, Department of
Religion, Columbia University; Thomas B. Coburn ’65,
President Emeritus, Naropa University, and Visiting
Scholar, Brown University; James McDonald ’70,
President, San Francisco Theological Seminary; Joshua
Davidson ’90, Rabbi, Congregation Emanu-El of the City
of New York; Hannah Clayson Smith ’95, Senior Counsel,
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. To 10:00 AM.
Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton
University. Frist Campus Center, Room 302.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: The U.S. Approach to
the Middle East
Moderator: Jacob Shapiro, Associate Professor of Politics
and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School.
Panelists: Philip Seib ’70, Vice Dean and Professor,
University of Southern California; Robert Silverman ’80,
President and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the
American Foreign Service Association; Jonathan Cohen
’85, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Baghdad;
Gabriel Legendy ’05, Former Captain, U.S. Army Special
Forces; Sarah Mousa ’10, Consultant, The World Bank.
To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. McCosh Hall, Room 50.
Pace Center for Civic Engagement Open House
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Pace Center for Civic
Engagement. Frist Campus Center, Pace Center Lounge
(Room 201A).
Princetoniana “Take it or Leave it” Tent
To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University, the Alumni Council Committee on
Princetoniana, and the Alumni Council Committee on
Reunions. East Pyne, South Lawn Tent.
Voiceless: Human Trafficking in 2015
Moderator: Noy Thrupkaew, Lecturer and Ferris Professor
of Journalism, The Council of the Humanities. Panelists:
Lori Bishop *06, Senior Advisor, Human Rights, Resiliensea Group; Elaine Pearson *13, Australia Director,
Human Rights Watch; Kay Warren *74, Tillinghast
Professor of International Studies and Professor of Anthropology, Brown University; Jennifer Windsor *91, CEO,
Women for Women International. To 10:15 AM. Sponsored
by the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni. Robertson
Hall, Bowl 016.
Whig-Clio Alumni Video Project: Share Your Memories
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the American Whig-Cliosophic
Society. Whig Hall, James Madison Room.
9:30 AM
Volunteer: Kids Against Hunger Meal Packaging
Community Service Event
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Class of 1990. Dillon Gym,
Main Floor.
Princeton Entrepreneurs’ Network (PEN):
A Startup Odyssey
Moderator: Mayra Ceja ’03, PEN President. Keynote:
Andrew Geant ’05, CEO and Co-Founder of WyzAnt. To
11:00 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton Entrepreneurs’
Network. Friend Center.
10:00 AM
Art Museum Store Tent Sale
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Art
Museum. Art Museum Tent.
Department of Classics Alumni Breakfast
To 11:00 AM. Sponsored by the Department of Classics.
East Pyne, Room 143 (Prentice Memorial Library).
Feeding the Future and the Future of Food:
Panel Discussion and Film Screening
Panelists: Kelly Caylor, Associate Professor of Civil and
Environmental Engineering; Timothy Searchinger,
Research Scholar, Program in Science, Technology, and
Environmental Policy (STEP), Woodrow Wilson School;
R. Gordon Douglas M.D. ’55, Professor Emeritus, Weill
Cornell Medical College; Craig Leon ’85, Director, Modern
Nature. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton Environmental Institute, Program in Environmental Studies,
and Princeton Studies Food. McCosh Hall, Room 46.
FRIDAY, May 29
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Center Open House
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University
LGBT Center. Frist Campus Center, Room 246 (LGBT
Tour the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
No open-toed or high-heeled shoes. Children ages 12
and over, please. A government ID is required. Take Tiger
Transit shuttle available via Forrestal/PPPL line. To
11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton Plasma Physics
Laboratory. PPPL, 100 Stellarator Road, Forrestal Campus,
10:30 AM
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Evolving Immigration Policy
Moderator: John Batchelor ’70, Author/Broadcaster and
Host of John Batchelor Show. Panelists: Douglas Massey
*78, Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology and Public
Affairs; Denny Chin ’75, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals,
Second Circuit; Jo Chen ’00, Board of Directors Member,
Immigration Equality, and Head Trading Counsel, Bain
Capital; Alissa Escarce ’10, Communications Coordinator,
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton University.
Whig Hall, Senate Chamber.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: The Crisis in American Public
Moderator: Christopher Campisano, Director, Program in
Teacher Preparation. Panelists: Alan Safran ’80, President and Chair of the Board, SAGA Innovations; Anne
Herr ’85, Director of School Quality, Friends of Choice in
Urban Schools; Jason Kamras ’95, Chief of Human Capital,
District of Columbia Public Schools; Dan Lips ’00, Vice
President for Policy, Goldwater Institute; Matt Westmoreland ’10, Member, Atlanta Board of Education. To 11:30
AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton
University. McCosh Hall, Room 10.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: What China Stands For
in the New World Order
Moderator: Rory Truex ’07, Assistant Professor, Politics
and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School. Panelists:
Ira Kasoff *82, Senior Counselor, APCO Worldwide;
Owen D. Nee Jr. ’65, Senior Counsel, Greenbert Traurig
LLP; William Fung ’70, Group Chairman of Li & Fung
Limited, and Chairman of Global Brands Group Holding
Limited; Anne-Marie Slaughter ’80, President and CEO,
New America Foundation; Peter Winn ’90, Founder and
CEO, Talent Education Group. To 11:30AM. Sponsored
by the Alumni Association of Princeton University.
McCosh Hall, Room 50.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Whistle Blowers —
Tattletales or Heroes
Moderator: Brandice Canes-Wrone ’93, Donald E. Stokes
Professor of Public and International Affairs, and Professor
of Politics and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School.
Panelists: Mark Biros ’70, Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP;
Jason B. Meyer ’80, Certified Compliance and Ethics
Professional and CEO, LeadGood, LLC; Norm Champ
’85, Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School. To 11:30 AM.
Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton
University. Frist Campus Center, Room 302.
Presidential Politics: The Road to 2016
Moderator: Joel Achenbach ’82, Reporter, The Washington
Post, and Ferris Professor, 2002-03. Panelists: Nancy
Cordes *99, Congressional Correspondent, CBS News;
Marc Fisher ’80, Senior Editor, The Washington Post,
and Ferris Professor, 2004-05; Richard Just ’01, Editor,
National Journal, and Ferris Professor, 2014-15; Kathy
Kiely ’77, Washington News Director, Bloomberg Politics,
and Ferris Professor, 2008-09; Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
’89, Washington Bureau Chief, People; Joe Stephens,
Reporter, The Washington Post, and Ferris Professor in
Residence, 2014-19; Marilyn Thompson, Deputy Editor,
Politico, and Ferris Professor, 2003-04. To Noon.
Sponsored by the Princeton Alumni Weekly and the
Council of the Humanities’ Ferris Journalism Seminars.
McCosh Hall, Room 28.
Medusa’s Head: The Rise and Survival of Joseph Fouché,
Inventor of the Modern Police State
Rand Mirante ’70 h55. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the
Class of 1970. East Pyne, Room 010.
The Famous Walking Tour of Princeton, America’s
Barksdale Maynard ’88, author of Princeton: America’s
Campus. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Class of 1965 and
the Alumni Council Committee on Princetoniana. Nassau
Hall Steps.
The Library of the Future Now at Princeton: Tour of the
High-Density, Automated Remote Storage Library of the
Research Collections and Preservation Consortium
Michael Gibbons, ReCap Facility Supervisor. Take Tiger
Transit shuttle available via Forrestal/PPPL line. To 11:30
AM. Sponsored by the Friends of the Princeton University
Library. Forrestal Campus, 400 Forrestal Road.
Unmanned: A Conversation on the Future of Commercial
Drones in America
Edward W. Felten, Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs, Director, Center for
Information Technology Policy, and Associate Director,
Program in Technology and Society; Michael Huerta *80,
Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration. To 11:45
AM. Sponsored by the Association of Princeton Graduate
Alumni. Robertson Hall, Bowl 016.
11:00 AM
18th Annual Princeton Entrepreneurs’ Network (PEN)
Startup Showcase and Competition
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Entrepreneurs’
Network. Friend Center.
A Short History of Rome’s Pantheon: Rebuilt in Antiquity,
Reused in the Middle Ages, Rediscovered in the
Panelists: Beatrice Kitzinger, Art and Archaeology;
Michael Koortbojian, M. Taylor Pyne Professor of Art and
FRIDAY, May 29
Archaeology and Chair, Department of Art and Archaeology; Carolyn Yerkes, Assistant Professor of Art and
Archaeology. To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Department
of Art and Archaeology. McCormick Hall, Room 106.
All-Service Military Alumni Cookout and Reunion
Lunch tickets available at the tent. To 1:30 PM. Sponsored
by the Alumni & Friends of Princeton ROTC. Whig Hall,
eXpressions Dance Company Open Workshop
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by eXpressions Dance Company.
Wilcox Hall, Dance Studio.
ObamaCare: Can It be Fixed or Should It be Repealed?
Uwe Reinhardt, James Madison Professor of Political
Economy and Professor of Economics and Public Affairs,
Woodrow Wilson School; Avik Roy, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, and Opinion Editor, Forbes. To Noon.
Sponsored by the Griswold Center for Economic Policy
Studies and the Center for Health and Wellbeing.
Robertson Hall, Dodds Auditorium.
Princeton Class Ring Sale
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Ring and Frame
Agency. 48 University Place, Courtyard.
TigerGear Sale
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by TigerGear Student Agency.
48 University Place, Courtyard.
Versailles on Paper Exhibition Tour
To Noon. Sponsored by Rare Books and Special
Collections and the Friends of the Princeton University
Library. Firestone Library, Main Exhibition Gallery.
Yearbook Sale
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Yearbook
Agency. 48 University Place, Courtyard.
11:30 AM
Battle of the Alumni Bands
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. U-Store Courtyard Tent.
Princeton Tigressions Alumnae Brunch
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by Tigressions. Bloomberg Hall,
Room 059 (Tigressions Room).
Program in Teacher Preparation Reception
Remarks by Christopher Campisano, Director, Program
in Teacher Preparation. To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the
Program in Teacher Preparation. 1972 Plaza in front of
McCosh 10.
William C. Campbell ’45 and Betty Donovan Alumni
Golf Tournament
RSVP to Coach Will Green at or
609-306-8966. To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of
Princeton Golf. Springdale Golf Club.
Men’s Basketball: Coaches Conversation
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Men’s
Basketball. Robertson Hall, Bowl 002.
Princeton Football Alumni Game
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Football Association. Princeton Stadium, Powers Field.
Princeton Sailing Team Alumni Barbecue
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Sailing Team.
Lockwood-Pirie ’27 Boathouse.
Princeton University Orchestra Reunion and Open
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University
Orchestra. Woolworth Music Center, Front Lawn.
Triangle Oral History Project: Share Your Memories
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Triangle Club.
McCarter Theatre Center, Matthews Theatre.
12:30 PM
AlumniCorps Picnic
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton AlumniCorps.
Chancellor Green Rotunda.
1:00 PM
How Chocolate Is Made: From Bean to Bar with the
Institute for Chocolate Studies
To 2:00 PM. Sponsored by the Institute for Chocolate
Studies. McCosh Hall, Room 10.
Lobster Club Improv Comedy Open Workshop
Tickets available at the door. To 2:30 PM. Sponsored by
Lobster Club. Butler College, Amphitheater.
Learning About Lyme: Challenges of Diagnosis
and Treatment
Moderator: Hugh Hamilton ’85. Panelists: Jeff Rosalsky ’85,
Executive Director, Pocono Environmental Education
Center, and Member, Pike County Tick Borne Diseases
Task Force, Dingmans Ferry, PA; Christienne F. Coates ’89,
Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon, Ridgefield
Ophthalmology; Doug Fearn, President, Lyme Disease
Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Inc. To 2:45
PM. Sponsored by the Class of 1985. Robertson Hall, Bowl
Murray-Dodge Café: Cookies and Tea
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by Murray-Dodge Café. MurrayDodge Hall Café.
Muslim Friday Prayers and Reunion
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Muslim Life Program.
Murray-Dodge Hall, East Room.
FRIDAY, May 29
1:30 PM
Giving for Change: How to Measure the Good of a Gift
Moderator: Nancy Easton ’88. Panelists: Paul Haaga ’70;
Wendy McWeeny ’92; Rahsaan Harris ’95. To 3:00 PM.
Sponsored by Princeton AlumniCorps and Princeton
Internships in Civic Service. Chancellor Green Rotunda.
Humanistic Studies Reunion Talk
Esther Schor, Professor of English and Inaugural Behrman
Professor in the Council of the Humanities. To 3:00 PM.
Sponsored by the Council of the Humanities. East Pyne,
Room 010.
1:30 PM
Princeton Entrepreneurs’ Network (PEN) Networking
To 2:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Entrepreneurs’
Network and the Keller Center. Friend Center.
Tour the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
No open-toed or high-heeled shoes. Children ages 12 and
over, please. A government ID is required. Take Tiger
Transit shuttle available via Forrestal/PPPL line. To
3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Plasma Physics
Laboratory. PPPL, 100 Stellarator Road, Forrestal Campus,
2:00 PM
A Bird’s Eye View of the Arts and Transit Project
Ron McCoy *80, University Architect, and Jane Curry,
Senior Project Manager, Office of Design and Construction.
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Office of the University
Architect. New South, 7th Floor Training Room.
Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Project Tour
Sam Rozycki, Senior Project Manager. First come, first
served, limit of 20 participants. To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Office of Design and Construction. Bowen Hall Front
Annual Meeting of the Rugby Endowment Board
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Rugby. The Tiger Inn, 1971 Library.
Chemical and Biological Engineering Alumni and Family
Ice Cream Social
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Chemical
and Biological Engineering (formerly Chemical Engineering). Engineering Quadrangle, Room A203.
Chemistry Faculty Talk
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Chemistry.
Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Taylor Auditorium.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Happy Hour
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering. Engineering Quadrangle,
Room E406.
Community House Reception
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by Community House and the
Pace Center for Civic Engagement. Carl A. Fields Center,
3rd Floor.
Department of Religion Reception
To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Religion.
Class of 1879 Hall, Religion Department Lounge.
diSiac Dance Company Reunions Show
Tickets available at the door. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by
diSiac Dance Company. Frist Campus Center, Film and
Performance Theatre, Room 301.
Exhibit and Library Tour: Suits, Soldiers, and Hippies:
The Vietnam War Abroad and at Princeton
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Seeley G. Mudd
Manuscript Library. Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library,
Wiess Lounge.
Mathematics Department Alumni Open House
To 3:30 P.M. Sponsored by the Department of
Mathematics. Fine Hall, 3rd Floor Common Room.
McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning Undergraduate
and Graduate Alumni Reunion
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the McGraw Center for
Teaching and Learning. Frist Campus Center, Room 330.
Music of Mozart: An Afternoon of Arias with the
Princeton Opera Company
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Opera
Company. Fine Hall, Taplin Auditorium.
Navigating the College Admission Process
Featuring Logan Powell, Director, Undergraduate
Admission, and Susan Katzmann Horner ’86, Chair of
the Alumni Council Princeton Schools Committee.
Open to students in 9th through 11th grades and their
families. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Council
Princeton Schools Committee. Architecture Building,
Betts Auditorium.
ORFE Reception
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of
Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE).
Sherrerd Hall, Atrium.
Our Musical Journeys and Partnership:
Songs and Conversation
Featuring Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program; and
Michael Smith, McCosh Professor of Philosophy, and Chair
of the Department of Philosophy. To 4:00 PM. Sponsored
by the James Madison Program in American Ideals and
Institutions. Friend Center, Room 101.
Panel of Military Alumni: Perspectives on What’s Next for
the U.S. Military
To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni & Friends of
Princeton ROTC. McCosh Hall, Room 46.
FRIDAY, May 29
Princeton Entrepreneurship Club Reunion
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Entrepreneurship Club. Computer Science, Banana Gallery.
Princeton University Wind Ensemble Alumni Concert
To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Wind
Ensemble. Class of 1879 Hall Lawn.
Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Briefing
David Lee, Provost; Cynthia Cherrey, Vice President
for Campus Life; Michele Minter, Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity. To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Office of the Provost. Carl A. Fields Center, Room 105.
Wildcats Alumni Reception
To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Wildcats. Mathey College,
Common Room.
Writing Artists’ Lives: A Conversation with
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Authors
Steven Naifeh ’74; Mark Stevens ’73; Annalyn Swan ’73.
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Art
Museum. McCormick Hall, Room 101.
2:30 PM
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Future Directions in Neuroscience
Moderator: Carlos Brody, Professor of Molecular Biology
and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute. Panelists:
Donna Armentano *86, Senior Scientific Director,
Genzyme Corporation; Sanders Williams ’70, President,
Gladstone Institutes; Charles Cobbs ’85, Director, Ben and
Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment, Swedish Neuroscience Institute; Nouhad Husseini
’00, Senior Director, Business Development, Regeneron
Pharmaceuticals; James Jeanne ’05, Postdoctoral Fellow,
Harvard Medical School. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the
Alumni Association of Princeton University. Princeton
Neuroscience Institute, Room A32.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Scandals in Politics, Sports, and
Big Business — Do They Matter Anymore?
Moderator: Joe Stephens, Ferris Professor in Residence.
Panelists: Charles Gibson ’65, Former ABC television
Broadcast Anchor/Journalist; Stuart Taylor Jr. ’70,
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute and
freelance Journalist/Author; Peter Elkind ’80, Editor
at Large, Fortune; Camille Hackney ’90, EVP of Brand
Partnerships/Commercial Licensing, Atlantic Records,
and Head of Global Brand Partnerships Council, Warner
Music Group; Danielle Ivory ’05, Reporter, The New
York Times. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni
Association of Princeton University. McDonnell Hall,
Room A02.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Science Under Attack!
Moderator: Susan Fiske, Eugene Higgins Professor of
Psychology and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs.
Panelists: Seth Shostak ’65, Senior Astronomer and
Director of the Center for SETI Research, SETI Institute;
Peter Brown ’70, Editorial and Website Consultant, and
Former Editor in Chief of The Sciences and Natural History
magazines; Debra Meloy Elmegreen ’75, Maria Mitchell
Professor of Astronomy, Vassar College; Kaiser Fung ’95,
Author and Former Head of Data, Vimeo and Sirius XM
Radio; Zackory Burns ’10, Hellman Fellow in Science and
Technology Policy, American Academy of
Arts and Sciences. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni
Association of Princeton University. McDonnell Hall,
Room A01.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Wealth Imbalance —
What Does It Mean?
Moderator: Patricia Fernandez-Kelly, Senior Lecturer in
Sociology and Research Associate, Office of Population
Research. Panelists: Edward Golding *82, Senior Advisor,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development;
William Janeway ’65, Managing Director and Senior
Advisor, Warburg Pincus, and Visiting Lecturer, Bendheim Center for Finance; Jerome Powell ’75, Member,
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; N.
Gregory Mankiw ’80, Professor of Economics, Harvard
University; Sean Zielenbach ’90, President, SZ Consulting.
To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Frist Campus Center, Room 302.
Outdoor Action Tree Tour of the Princeton Campus
Led by Glenn Morris ’72. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by
Outdoor Action. Whig Hall Steps.
The Library of the Future Now at Princeton: Forum on
Scholarly Communications, Digital Humanities, and
Planning Library Space of the Future
Moderator: Karin Trainer, University Librarian. Panelists:
Anne Langley, Head Librarian, Science and Technology
Libraries, and Director of Scholarly Communications;
James Wallace, Senior Project Manager, Design and
Construction; Clifford Wulfman, Library Digital Initiatives
Coordinator. To 3:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of the
Princeton University Library. McCosh Hall, Room 62.
3:00 PM
Annual Giving Volunteer Reception
To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Annual Giving.
Prospect House, Drawing Room and Patio.
Campus Green Tour
To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability.
Frist Campus Center, South Lawn Tent.
Career & Life Vision Workshop
Pulin Sanghvi, Executive Director, Career Services. To
4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Office of Career Services and
the Alumni Council Careers Committee. Frist Campus
Center, Multipurpose Rooms B and C.
Celebrating Jewish Life at Princeton with
Abby Klionsky ’14
Abby Klionsky ’14, author of Jews in the Tiger’s Lair. To
4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/Hillel.
Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
FRIDAY, May 29
Chemistry Alumni Reception
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Chemistry.
Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Taylor Commons.
Chocolate Sampling Table
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Institute for Chocolate
Studies. 48 University Place, Courtyard.
Department of Geosciences Alumni Reception
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Geosciences.
Guyot Hall, Great Hall.
Driverless Car Demonstration
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering Team. 1972 Plaza in front of
McCosh 10.
Effective Activism at Princeton: A Conversation with
Student Activists of the Present and Past
To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton College Democrats.
Robertson Hall, Bowl 002.
Electrical Engineering Alumni Reception
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Electrical
Engineering. Engineering Quadrangle, Room F110.
Engaged in the Service of All Nations: Sustainable
Development and Creating a Lasting Impact
Moderator: Forrest Meggers, Assistant Professor in
Architecture and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the
Environment. Panelists: Adrienne Clermont ’09, Research
Associate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Health; Rebecca Kaufman ’11, Partnership Associate,
Echoing Green; Kelly Smolar, Senior Project Manager,
Tishman Construction; Gregory van der Vink, Visiting
Lecturer in Geosciences. To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by
Engineers Without Borders. Robertson Hall, Bowl 016.
Faith and Ethics in the Executive Suite: A Conversation
with Marc Allen
Marc Allen ’95, President, Boeing Capital Corporation;
David Miller, Director, Faith & Work Initiative, Center for
the Study of Religion. To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the
Faith & Work Initiative. Frist Campus Center, Multipurpose
Room A.
Global Health Program Reception
To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Program in Global Health
and Health Policy (GHP). Wallace Hall, Room 300.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering. Engineering Quadrangle,
Room J223 (MAE Faculty Lounge).
Bacteria Living In and On the Human Body:
An Unexpected First Line of Defense
Mohamed Donia, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology.
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Molecular
Biology. Schultz Lab, Room 107.
Open House in Honor of Professor Alan Mann’s
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of
Anthropology. Aaron Burr Hall, 1st Floor Lobby.
PICS Alumni and Supporters Reception
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Internships in Civic
Service. Chancellor Green, Lower Hyphen.
Princeton Football Alumni Reception
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Football Association. Princeton Stadium, Powers Field.
Race Relations and Diversity: Then and Now
Moderators: N.L. Akili Buchanan ’76 and Melanie
Lawson ’76. Speakers: Stacey Sinclair, Associate Professor of Psychology and African American Studies;
Marta Tienda, Maurice P. During Professor in Demographic Studies, Professor of Sociology and Public
Affairs, and Director, Program in Latino Studies; Henry
Von Kohorn ’66, Founder of Princeton Prize in Race
Relations. Panelists: Evora Thomas ’74; Larry Adams
’74; Marcia Gonzales-Kimbrough ’75; Julio Rivera ’76;
Michelle Jacobs ’77; Larry Nez ’77; Jeremy Borjon ’10;
Dana McKinney ’11; Blair Storie-Johnson ’13; Ethan
Leman ’13; Estela Diaz ’14; Brandon Holt ’15. Diversity
Exercise Leader: Roberto Gil Jr., Program Director,
Blairstown Campus. To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the
Asian American Alumni Association, Asian American
Students Association, Association of Black Princeton
Alumni, Association of Latino Princeton Alumni,
Black Graduate Caucus, Black Men’s Awareness Group,
Black Student Union, Carl A. Fields Center, Center for
African American Studies, Graduate Women of Color
Caucus, Princeton African Students Association,
Princeton Association of Black Women, Princeton
Blairstown Center (PBC), Princeton Caribbean
Connection, Princeton Latinos y Amigos, Program in
Latino Studies, The Latino Graduate Student Association, The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Center.
Carl A. Fields Center, Large Multipurpose Room.
University Campus Ministry in 2015
Rev. Dr. Craig Barnes, President and Professor of Pastoral
Ministry, Princeton Theological Seminary. To 4:00 PM.
Sponsored by the Princeton Presbyterian On-Campus
Chaplaincy. McCosh Hall, Room 28.
Where Are They Now? Panel with Alums from PIIRS
Global Seminars and OIP Study Abroad Programs
Moderator: Mitchell Duneier, Maurice P. During Professor
of Sociology. To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton
Institute for International and Regional Studies and the
Office of International Programs. Aaron Burr Hall, Room
Woodrow Wilson School Reception
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School
of Public and International Affairs. Robertson Hall, Shultz
Dining Room.
FRIDAY, May 29
3:30 PM
40th Annual Dante Reunion
Robert Hollander ’55, Professor of European Literature
and French and Italian, Emeritus. Texts to be discussed:
Purgatorio 19-22. To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni
Association of Princeton University. East Pyne, Room 010.
Alumni Schools Committee Reception
Join fellow committee members and celebrate this year’s
alumni interviewing success and honor the 2015 winner of
the Spencer J. Reynolds ’61 Award, Maureen Kelly Scott ’75
S75. To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Council
Princeton Schools Committee. Architecture Building, Lobby.
A Welcome Gathering: Persian Food Tasting and Lecture
with Najmieh Batmanglij
Najmieh Batmanglij, award-winning cookbook author. To
5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for
Iran and Persian Gulf Studies. Green Hall, Room 2-C-18.
American Whig-Cliosophic Society and PDP Reunions
Debate and Reception
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the American Whig-Cliosophic
Society and the Princeton Debate Panel. Whig Hall, Senate
Friends of Princeton Men’s Basketball Picnic
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Men’s
Basketball. Jadwin Gym, Hodes Plaza Tent.
Fuzzy Dice Improv Comedy 35th Reunion Show
To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Class of 1980 and Fuzzy
Dice Improv Comedy. Scully Courtyard.
Leadership in Action: Insights from Alumni and Students
Moderator: Rick Curtis ’79, Director, Outdoor Action. To
4:30 PM. Sponsored by Outdoor Action. Robertson Hall,
Bowl 001.
LGBT Civil Rights: Making History Now
Panelists: Robert Falk ’85, General Counsel, Human Rights
Campaign; Hayley Gorenberg ’87, National Deputy Legal
Director, Lambda Legal; Clyde Wadsworth ’80, Attorney,
Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing; Brady Walkinshaw ’06, Washington State House of Representatives. To 5:00 PM.
Sponsored by FFR/Princeton BTGALA. Robertson Hall,
Dodds Auditorium.
Princeton Arts Alumni Reunions Reception
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Lewis Center for the Arts.
Lewis Center for the Arts, Lucas Art Gallery (185 Nassau
Pro-Life Pro-Family Reception
Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence
and Professor of Politics; Maria E. Moreyra Garlock,
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering; William Happer, Cyrus Fogg Brackett
Professor of Physics; Daniel Mark ’03 *13, Assistant
Professor of Political Science, Villanova University; Michael
A. Reynolds, Associate Professor of Near Eastern Studies;
Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering; Salvatore Torquato, Professor of Chemistry.
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Anscombe Society,
Princeton Pro-Life, and Christian Union. Butler College,
Class of 1915 Room.
Reunions Organ Recital in Memory of Dean Ernest
Gordon h70, Robert F. Goheen ’40 h70, and William H.
Scheide ’36 h70
Eric Plutz, University Organist. To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by
the Office of Religious Life, the University Chapel, and the
Class of 1970. University Chapel.
The Library of the Future Now at Princeton: Tour of
Firestone Library Under Renovation
Jeffrey Rowlands, Director of Library Finance and Administration. To 4:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of the
Princeton University Library. Firestone Library Lobby.
3:45 PM
Around the World in ’80 Ways: Stories of Globalization in
the Age of Digitization
Moderator: Jason B. Meyer ’80, CEO, LeadGood, LLC.
Panelists: Stephen Hughes ’80, Owner and General
Manager, Onda Positiva, S.L.; Sharon Keld ’80, returned
Peace Corps volunteer and Board Member, National
Peace Corps Association; Jeffrey H. Levenson ’80,
Founder and President, Levenson Eye Associates and
Lead Physician, Surgical Eye Expeditions, International;
Robert Silverman ’80, President and Chairman of the
Board of Governors, American Foreign Service Association; Anne-Marie Slaughter ’80, President and CEO,
New America Foundation. To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Class of 1980. McCosh Hall, Room 50.
4:00 PM
Learning Service at Princeton
Kimberly de los Santos, Executive Director, Pace Center for
Civic Engagement; Trisha Thorme, Director, CommunityBased Learning Initiative (CBLI). To 5:00 PM. Sponsored
by the Pace Center for Civic Engagement and CommunityBased Learning Initiative (CBLI). McCormick Hall, Room
Physics Demonstrations: What Could Go Wrong?
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Department of Physics.
McDonnell Hall, Room A02.
PIIRS Global Seminars and OIP Study Abroad Programs
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Institute for
International and Regional Studies and the Office of International Programs. Aaron Burr Hall, 2nd Floor Gallery.
Princeton Tennis Social Happy Hour
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Tennis. Lenz Tennis Center, Cordish Family Pavilion.
Princeton Women Happy Hour: She Roars!
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Council Committee
on Alumnae Initiatives. Frist Campus Center, South Lawn
FRIDAY, May 29
PSC Presents: Complete Works of Shakespeare
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Shakespeare Company. East Pyne Courtyard.
School of Engineering and Applied Science Tent
H. Vincent Poor *77, Dean, School of Engineering and
Applied Science and Michael Henry Strater University
Professor of Electrical Engineering. With the Katzenjammers. To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the School of
Engineering and Applied Science. Friend Center, South
Lawn Tent.
Specks of Dust Documentary Film Screening
Directed by Shaina Watrous ’14, Azza Cohen ’16. To 5:30
PM. Sponsored by the Bridge Year Program and the Pace
Center for Civic Engagement. Lewis Library, Bowl 138.
Wrestling Reunion
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Wrestling. The Tiger Inn.
4:30 PM
Glee Club Reunion Sing (‘Spem in Alium’) and ’65
European Tour Reunion
To 5:15 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Glee
Club. Alexander Hall, Richardson Auditorium.
Meditation with the Princeton Buddhist Student Group
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Buddhist Student Group (PBSG). Murray-Dodge Hall, Third Floor.
Newbies! (An Inaugural Improv Show)
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Graduate Improv Club.
Rocky-Mathey Theatre.
Outdoor Action: The Annapurna Sanctuary —
Heart of the Himalayas
Rick Curtis ’79, Director, Outdoor Action. To 5:30 PM.
Sponsored by Outdoor Action. Robertson Hall, Bowl 001.
Petey Greene Program Update and Tutor Volunteers
Jim Farrin ’58, Executive Director, Petey Greene Prisoner
Assistance Program; Walter Fortson, PR and Special
Projects Manager, Petey Greene Prisoner Assistance
Program; Joe Barrett ’14, Regional Field Manager, Petey
Greene Prisoner Assistance Program. To 5:30 PM.
Sponsored by the Class of 1958. McCosh Hall, Room 62.
Princeton Debate Panel Alumni Reception
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Debate Panel.
Whig Hall, Oakes Lounge.
Princeton in Latin America Reception
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton in Latin America.
Aaron Burr Hall, 3rd Floor.
Princeton South Asian Theatrics Variety Show
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton South Asian
Theatrics. Frist Campus Center, Film and Performance
Theater, Room 301.
Social Mixer for Progressive Alumni and Students
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton College Democrats.
Terrace Club, Library.
UK Fellowships Alumni Reception: Rhodes, Marshall,
Sachs Worcester, Gates, Churchill, and Fulbright UK
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by the Fellowships Advising
Program, Office of International Programs. Carl A. Fields
Center, Class of 1985 Meeting Room.
5:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meeting
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University and the Office of Religious Life.
Murray-Dodge Hall, East Room.
Association of Latino Princeton Alumni Annual Reunions
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Association of Latino
Princeton Alumni. West College, Patio.
Chapel Choir Reunions Alumni Sing
Eric Plutz, University Organist; Penna Rose, Director of
Chapel Music. To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by the Chapel Choir.
University Chapel.
Dharma after Princeton: A Hindu Alumni Mixer
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Hindu Life Program/
Princeton Hindu Alumni Network. Murray-Dodge Hall,
West Room.
Friends of Princeton Volleyball Reunions Reception
To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Volleyball. Dillon Gym, Lobby.
Fuzzy Dice Improv Comedy Show!
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by Fuzzy Dice Improv Comedy.
U-Store Courtyard Tent.
High Meadows Fellows Alumni Gathering
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by the Pace Center for Civic
Engagement. Frist Campus Center, Pace Center Lounge
(Room 201A).
Welcome To The Singles Jungle: Tiger Speed
Dating Mixer
Join members of the Classes of 1970–1990 and APGA.
To 6:15 PM. Sponsored by the Class of 1980 and the
Alumni Association of Princeton University, with the
Classes of 1990, 1985, 1975, 1970 and their satellites. Frist
Campus Center, Multipurpose Room A.
5:15 PM
Glee Club Reunion Reception
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Glee
Club. Alexander Beach.
5:30 PM
Friends of Princeton Track and Field Gathering
To 7:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Track
and Field. Princeton Stadium, Concourse near Weaver
FRIDAY, May 29
Intime Reunions Barbecue
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by Theatre Intime. Murray-Dodge
Hall, Class of 1969 Memorial Garden.
6:00 PM
Episcopal Church Annual Cocktail Party
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Episcopal Church at
Princeton. Procter House.
Princeton Women’s Basketball BBQ
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Women’s Basketball. Schultz Lab, Tent.
Friends of Rugby Annual Awards Ceremony and Senior
Recognition Dinner
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Rugby. The Tiger Inn, 1952 Dining Room.
L’Avant-Scène Alumni Reunions Reception
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by L’Avant-Scène, the French
Theater Workshop. Blair Hall, T4.
Princeton Shakespeare Company Alumni Reception
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Shakespeare
Company. East Pyne Courtyard.
6:30 PM
Friends of Rugby Annual Reunions Reception
Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Rugby. The Tiger Inn,
Rugby Porch.
Naacho South Asian Dance Company Performance
To 7:00 PM. Sponsored by Naacho Dance Company.
U-Store Courtyard Tent.
Shabbat Evening Services (Orthodox, Conservative,
and Reform)
To 7:30 PM. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/
Hillel. Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
7:00 PM
AA Haven
To Midnight. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University and the Office of Religious Life. Frist
Campus Center, Class of 1952 Room.
ABPA and Graduate School Meet and Greet Reception
To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by the Association of Black
Princeton Alumni and The Graduate School. Chancellor
Green, Lower Hyphen.
Princeton Perspective Project Open House
To 8:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Perspective
Project. Butler College, Class of 1915 Room.
7:30 PM
Festive Shabbat Dinner
To 8:30 PM. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/
Hillel. Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
Worship and Fellowship
To 10:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Evangelical
Fellowship. Friend Center, Room 101, Upper Atrium, and
Convocation Room.
8:00 PM
13th Annual Shabbat Dinner
To 10:30 PM. Sponsored by the Scharf Family Chabad
House. Scharf Family Chabad House, 15 Edwards Place.
Princeton Triangle Show: An Inconvenient Sleuth
Tickets at and at McCarter
Theatre. To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton
Triangle Club. McCarter Theatre Center, Matthews Theatre.
Princeton University Players Presents The Fantasticks
Tickets available at the door. To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Princeton University Players. Frist Campus Center, Film
and Performance Theatre, Room 301.
Theatre Intime Presents How the Other Half Loves
Tickets available at the door. To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by
Theatre Intime. Hamilton Murray Theater.
9:00 PM
FFR/Princeton BTGALA LGBT Alumni Welcome
Cocktail Reception
To 11:00 PM. Sponsored by FFR/Princeton BTGALA.
Bendheim Center Library.
Nassoons Reunion and Performance
To 10:30 PM. Sponsored by the Nassoons. Colonial Club.
Old NasSoul Arch Sing
To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by Old NasSoul. 1879 Arch.
Tigerlilies Alumnae Arch Sing
To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Tigerlilies.
Blair Arch.
9:30 PM
On The Prowl: Tiger Singles Party
Join members of the Classes of 1970–1990 and APGA. To
11:00 PM. Sponsored by the Class of 1980 and the Alumni
Association of Princeton University, with the Classes of
1990, 1985, 1975, 1970 and their satellites. Butler College,
1915 Room.
10:00 PM
Wildcats Reunions Arch Sing
To 11:00 PM. Sponsored by the Wildcats. 1879 Arch.
10:30 PM
Princeton Triangle Club Alumni Reunion
To 1:00 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton Triangle Club.
McCarter Theatre Center, Matthews Theatre.
FRIDAY, May 29
11:00 PM
Kindred Spirit Reunions Arch Sing
To Midnight. Sponsored by Kindred Spirit. Blair Arch.
Quipfire! Reunions Show
Tickets available at the door. To Midnight. Sponsored by
Quipfire! Improv Comedy. Hamilton Murray Theater.
Roaring 20 Alumni Arch Sing
To 1:00 AM. Sponsored by Roaring 20. 1879 Arch.
Nassoons Alumni Arch Sing
To 1:30 AM. Sponsored by the Nassoons. Blair Arch.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
8:00 AM
Crusaders Annual Gathering: Review of Year, 1912 Liturgy
To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Ambassadors/Crusaders.
Dickinson Hall, Room 211.
8:30 AM
5th Annual Princeton University Reunions Run (PURR)
To 10:30 AM. Sponsored by the Classes of 1985 and 1990.
West Windsor Fields.
9:00 AM
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Changing Landscape in Africa
Moderator: Leonard Wantchekon, Professor of Politics.
Panelists: Kanni Wignaraja *89, Director, United Nations
Development Coordination Office; Joseph Anderson ’65,
President, Capital Research Associates; Shanta Deverajan
’75, Chief Economist, Middle East & North Africa Region,
World Bank; Arlen Hastings ’80, Executive Director,
Science Initiative Group at the Institute for Advanced
Study; John Simon ’90, Founding Partner, Total Impact
Capital; Connie Lewin ’05, Director of Marketing and
Strategic Partnerships, Sustainable Health Enterprises.
To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Whig Hall, Senate Chamber.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Cultural Property and
the Future of Museums
Moderator: James Steward, Director of the Princeton
University Art Museum and Lecturer with the rank of
Professor in Art and Archaeology. Panelists: Jan Stuart
*83, Melvin R. Seiden Curator of Chinese Art, Freer
Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian
Institution; Hugh Davies ’70 *76, The David C. Copley
Director and CEO, Museum of Contemporary Art San
Diego; Lisa A. Banner ’85, Independent Curator and
Visiting Associate Professor, Pratt Institute; Michèle
Morgan ’85, Museum Curator of Osteology and
Palaeoanthropology, Peabody Museum of Archaeology
and Ethnology, Harvard University; Frederick Ilchman ’90,
Chair, Art of Europe, and Curator of Paintings, Museum
of Fine Arts, Boston. To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the
Alumni Association of Princeton University. McCormick
Hall, Room 101.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Federal Government—
Is Dysfunction Endemic?
Moderator: Julian Zelizer, Malcolm Stevenson Forbes,
Class of 1941 Professor of History and Public Affairs,
Woodrow Wilson School. Panelists: Steve Forbes ’70,
Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Forbes Media; Cheryl A.
LaFleur ’75, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission; Beth Cobert ’80, Deputy Director for
Management, Office of Management and Budget; Peter
Bass ’85, Managing Director, Promontory Financial Group;
Ramesh Ponnuru ’95, Senior Editor, National Review,
and Columnist, Bloomberg View; Andrew Bruck ’05,
Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Department
of Justice. To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton University. McCosh Hall, Room 50.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: The Health of Healthcare
Moderator: Heather Howard, Director, State Health
Reform Assistance Network, Woodrow Wilson School,
and Lecturer in Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School.
Panelists: Steven G. Gabbe ’65, Senior Vice President
for Health Sciences, The Ohio State University, and
Emeritus CEO, OSU Wexner Medical Center; Chris
Feudtner ’85, Professor of Pediatric, Medical Ethics &
Health Policy, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
and The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania; Ted Kyi ’90, Senior Vice President, Business
Intelligence & Analytics, Matrix Medical Network; Lauren
(Brinkmeyer) Goebel ’00, Vice President, Transformation
and Organizational Development, Rush Health. To 10:00
AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton
University. Frist Campus Center, Room 302.
Annual Aquinas Breakfast and Open House
To 11:00 AM. Sponsored by the Aquinas Institute
(Roman Catholic Chaplaincy). St. Thomas Aquinas House,
Chaplain’s Residence, 24 Charlton Street.
Breakfast and Exhibition: Suits, Soldiers, and Hippies:
The Vietnam War Abroad and at Princeton
To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript
Library. Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Wiess Lounge.
Friends of Princeton Fencing Reunions Breakfast
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Fencing. Jadwin Gym, Hodes Plaza Tent.
Friends of Princeton Track 5k Fun Run, Reception,
and Award Ceremony
To 10:00 AM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Track & Field. Murray-Dodge Hall Tent.
Friends of Tiger Band Annual Meeting
of the Board of Directors
To 11:00 AM. Sponsored by the Friends of Tiger Band.
Frist Campus Center, Room 309.
Princeton Class Ring Sale
To Noon. Sponsored by the Princeton Ring and Frame
Agency. 48 University Place, Courtyard.
Princeton University Rowing Association Annual
Members’ Meeting
To 10:30 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton University
Rowing Association. C. Bernard Shea ’16 Rowing Center,
Gordon Sikes ’16 Room (2nd floor).
Princetoniana “Take It or Leave It” Tent
To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University, the Alumni Council Committee on
Princetoniana, and the Alumni Council Committee on
Reunions. East Pyne, South Lawn Tent.
Breakfast Discussion –‑ Your Online Legacy:
Estate Planning in the Digital Age
Randy Harris, Esq. ’72, Partner, McLaughlin & Stern, LLP;
Jennifer Jordan McCall ’78, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop
Shaw Pittman LLP; Edward W. Felten, Robert E. Kahn
Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs, Director,
Center for Information Technology Policy, and Associate
Director, Program in Technology and Society. To 10:00 AM.
Sponsored by the Office of Gift Planning. Wallace Hall, The
Oxman Family Room.
9:15 AM
Jewish Orthodox Shabbat Morning Service
To Noon. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/Hillel.
Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
The Identity of Asian American Studies at Princeton
and Beyond
Asian breakfast and talk by Anne Cheng ’85, Professor
of English and African American Studies; Beth
Lew-Williams, Assistant Professor of History. To Noon.
Sponsored by the Asian American Alumni Association of
Princeton (A4P). Chancellor Green Rotunda.
9:30 AM
Alumni Physicians/Healthcare Professionals Reception
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by Health Professions Advising.
36 University Place, Suite 230.
Friends of Princeton Squash Gathering
To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Squash. Jadwin Gym, C Floor Zanfrini Room.
9:45 AM
Jewish Conservative Shabbat Morning Service
To Noon. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/Hillel.
Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
10:00 AM
Alumni Row and Barbecue Lunch
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University
Rowing Association. C. Bernard Shea ’16 Rowing Center.
Alumni Swim Meet
To Noon. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Swimming and Diving. DeNunzio Pool.
Alumni Water Polo Game
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Water Polo. DeNunzio Pool.
10:00 AM
All-Level Yoga
Instructor: Sage Mehta ’07. To 10:45 AM. Sponsored by
the Class of 2007. Lawn behind Spelman (rain location:
Wilcox Hall, Dance Studio).
Beyond Gatsby: The Fabled Gardens of Long Island’s
Gold Coast
CeCe Turner Haydock ’75, Landscape Architect. To 11:00
AM. Sponsored by the Class of 1975. Architecture Building,
Betts Auditorium.
Campus Green Tour
To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability.
Frist Campus Center, South Lawn Tent.
Friends of Men’s Soccer Alumni Game
To Noon. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Men’s
Soccer. Roberts Stadium, Plummer Field.
Friends of Princeton Men’s Lacrosse Social Gathering
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Men’s Lacrosse. Class of 1952 Stadium.
Friends of Princeton Softball Slow Pitch Game
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Softball. 1895 Field (Softball Field).
Friends of Princeton Ultimate Alumni Game
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Ultimate. West Windsor Fields.
Friends of Princeton Women’s Soccer Game and Meet
and Greet with New Coaching Staff
To Noon. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Women’s
Soccer. Roberts Stadium, Plummer Field.
Honor Committee Open House
To 11:00 AM. Sponsored by the Honor Committee. Butler
College, Class of 1915 Room.
Princeton-Blairstown Center Breakfast and Reunion
To Noon. Sponsored by the Princeton-Blairstown Center.
Murray-Dodge Hall, West Room.
Triangle Oral History Project: Share Your Memories
To Noon. Sponsored by the Princeton Triangle Club.
McCarter Theatre Center, Matthews Theatre.
10:30 AM
A Conversation with President Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83
Introductory remarks will be followed by an open forum
for questions. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni
Association of Princeton University. Alexander Hall,
Richardson Auditorium.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: 50 Years since the Voting Rights
Act: One Person, One Vote
Moderator: Tera Hunter, Professor of History and The
Center for African American Studies. Panelists: Morgan
Kousser ’65, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of History and
Social Science, California Institute of Technology; Peter
Baugher ’70, Partner, Schopf & Weiss LLP; Sally Frank
’80, Professor of Law, Drake University; John Lavelle Jr.
’85, Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP; Lucinda
Robb ’90, Community Volunteer; Steven Feldstein ’00,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau for Democracy, Human
Rights and Labor, U.S. Department of State. To 11:30 AM.
Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton University. Whig Hall, Senate Chamber.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Food Obsessed in America?
Moderator: Smitha Haneef, Executive Director, Campus
Dining. Panelists: Roberta Isleib ’75, Author, alias Lucy
Burdette; Jill Baron ’80, Integrative and Functional
Medicine Physician; Beth Quatrano Diamond ’85,
Founder, Cooking for a Change; Lydia Itoi ’90, Food and
Travel Journalist; Kerry Saretsky ’05, Corporate Strategy
Director-Global, HarperCollins Publishers, and Blogger
at; Katie Seaver ’10, Intuitive
Eating Coach. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni
Association of Princeton University. Frist Campus Center,
Room 302.
Alumni-Faculty Forum:
Journalism in the Age of Smart Phones
Moderator: Pam Belluck ’85, Health and Medical Writer,
The New York Times. Panelists: Paul Haaga ’70, Acting
President & CEO of NPR; Marc Fisher ’80, Senior Editor,
The Washington Post; Jennie Thompson ’90, Supervising
Producer, NBC News; Jane Greenway Carr ’00, ACLS
Public Fellow & Contributing Editor, New America; Koda
Mike Wang ’10, Chief Operating Officer, The Huffington
Post. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association
of Princeton University. McCormick Hall, Room 101.
Alumni-Faculty Forum: Pandemic and Public Health
Moderator: Leslie Gerwin, Associate Director, Program
in Law and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School.
Panelists: Keith Hansen *87, Global Practices Vice
President, World Bank; Henri Ford ’80, Vice President
and Surgeon-in-Chief, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles,
and Vice-Dean of Medical Education, Keck School
of Medicine, University of Southern California; Paul
Biddinger ’90, Vice Chairman for Emergency Preparedness, Massachusetts General Hospital Department of
Emergency Medicine; Barbara Saatkamp Taylor ’95,
Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases, University
of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio; Joanna
Gaines ’05, Senior Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, and Lieutenant Commander,
U.S. Public Health Service. To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by
the Alumni Association of Princeton University. McCosh
Hall, Room 50.
Bernstein Gallery Mimosa Reception:
Celebrating All Things Woody Woo
To 11:30 AM. Sponsored by the Association of Princeton
Graduate Alumni. Robertson Hall, Bernstein Gallery.
Celebrating Christian Life at Princeton: Princeton Faith
and Action Annual Brunch
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Faith and Action.
Frist Campus Center, Multipurpose Rooms A, B, and C.
Friends of Princeton Tennis Open House
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Tennis. Lenz Tennis Center, Cordish Family Pavilion.
Friends of Sprint Football Reception
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Sprint
Football. Princeton Stadium, Class of 1956 Room.
Princeton Cycling Annual Reunions Ride
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton University Club
Cycling. Dillon Gym, Parking Lot.
Rugby’s 29th Annual R.U.S.T. Alumnae-Undergraduate
Exhibition Match (Women)
To Noon. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Rugby.
Haaga House and Rickerson Field, West Windsor Fields.
The 2015 Millennial Lecture — Effective Fundraising and
Effective Giving: An Economist’s Perspective
Jonathan Meer ’02; Associate Professor, Texas A&M
University. To Noon. Sponsored by the Class of 2000. Frist
Campus Center, Film and Performance Theatre, Room 301.
Tigerlilies Morning Alumnae Arch Sing
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Tigerlilies.
1879 Arch.
11:00 AM
Environmental Studies Program Alumni Reception
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Environmental
Institute. Guyot Hall, Atrium.
Field Hockey and Women’s Lacrosse Alumnae Gathering
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton
Field Hockey and Friends of Princeton Women’s Lacrosse.
Bedford Field.
Fred E. Fox ’39 Memorial Concert
To Noon. Sponsored by the Princeton University Band.
Cannon Green.
Friends of Princeton Women’s Ice Hockey Gathering
To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Women’s
Ice Hockey. Poe Field, 1912 Pavilion (Picnic Shelter).
How Chocolate Is Made: From Bean to Bar with the
Institute for Chocolate Studies
To Noon. Sponsored by the Institute for Chocolate Studies.
McCosh Hall, Room 10.
Princeton Tiger Alumni Brunch
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by The Princeton Tiger.
48 University Place, Room 402.
Professor Hubert Alyea ’24 *28 Memorial Demonstration
To Noon. Sponsored by the Department of Chemistry. Frick
Chemistry Laboratory, Taylor Auditorium.
Rugby’s 46th Annual “Doc” Whitton Cup Exhibition
Match (Men)
To 12:30 PM. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Rugby.
Haaga House and Rickerson Field, West Windsor Fields.
TigerGear Sale
To 4:00 PM. Sponsored by TigerGear Student Agency.
48 University Place, Courtyard.
Yearbook Sale
To 3:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Yearbook Agency.
48 University Place, Courtyard.
11:30 AM
2 Dickinson Street Co-op Alumni Brunch
Cooking begins at 9:30 AM. To 1:00 PM. Sponsored by
2 Dickinson Street Co-op. 2 Dickinson Street.
Friends of PUP Reunions Brunch
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Players.
Rocky-Mathey Classroom.
Michael Graves: Memories
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the School of Architecture.
Architecture School.
Festive Shabbat Lunch
To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/
Hillel. Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
Princeton Evangelical Fellowship Luncheon
To 7:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Evangelical Fellowship. Friend Center, Convocation Room.
Prospect House Open House
To 2:00 PM. Sponsored by Prospect House. Prospect
Shere Khan Alumni Gathering
To 2:00 PM. Sponsored by Shere Khan. Spelman Lawn
(near Picasso statue).
12:15 PM
University Press Club Alumni Lunch
To 1:45 PM. Sponsored by the University Press Club.
Chancellor Green, Upper Hyphen.
1:00 PM
Murray-Dodge Café: Cookies and Tea
To 5:00 PM. Sponsored by Murray-Dodge Café. MurrayDodge Hall Café.
2:00 PM
The One and Only P-rade!
To 5:45 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni
Association of Princeton University.
FitzRandolph Gate, Front Campus,
Cannon Green, Chapel Drive, Elm Drive,
Poe-Pardee Fields.
4:15 PM
WPRB and Nassau Weekly Alumni Reception with
75th Anniversary Oral History / Station ID Recording
by Alumni
To 6:15 PM. Sponsored by WPRB and the Nassau Weekly.
Bloomberg Hall, WPRB Studios.
4:30 PM
The Daily Princetonian Alumni Barbecue
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by The Daily Princetonian.
48 University Place, Courtyard.
5:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meeting
Alumni and their friends are welcome. To 6:30 PM.
Sponsored by the Alumni Association of Princeton
University and the Office of Religious Life. Murray-Dodge
Hall, East Room.
Fuzzy Dice Reunions Show
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by Fuzzy Dice Improv Comedy.
U-Store Courtyard Tent.
TigerNet Discussion Group Reception
To 6:00 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Frist Campus Center, Multipurpose
Room B.
5:30 PM
Roman Catholic Vigil Mass
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by the Aquinas Institute (Roman
Catholic Chaplaincy). University Chapel.
Post P-rade
ABPA Reunions Awards Ceremony and Annual Meeting
To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by the Association of Black
Princeton Alumni. Carl A. Fields Center.
CJL Post P-rade Reception and Open House
To 5:30 PM. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/Hillel.
Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
FFR/Princeton BTGALA Post-P-rade LGBT Alumni
To 7:00 PM. Sponsored by FFR/Princeton BTGALA. Frist
Campus Center, Room 246 (LGBT Center).
Princeton in Africa Alumni and Friends Post P-rade
To 6:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton in Africa. Butler College,
Class of 1915 Room.
Princeton in Asia Alumni Reunion
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by Princeton in Asia. Bobst Center
for Peace and Justice, Room 101.
Princeton University Band Alumni Reunion
To 7:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Band.
Schultz Lab, Tent.
6:00 PM
Songline’s Spoken Word Poetry Showcase
To 7:00 PM. Sponsored by Songline Slam Poetry. McCosh
Hall, Room 10.
Taekwondo Social Hour
To 7:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Taekwondo. Frist
Campus Center, Multipurpose Room C.
6:30 PM
Naacho South Asian Dance Company Performance
To 7:00 PM. Sponsored by Naacho Dance Company. U-Store
Courtyard Tent.
Princeton University Ballet: Reunions Show
To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Ballet.
Lewis Center for the Arts, Hagan Dance Studio.
PSC Presents: Complete Works of Shakespeare
To 8:30 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Shakespeare Company.
East Pyne Courtyard.
7:00 PM
AA Haven
To Midnight. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Frist Campus Center, Class of 1952
Lobster Club Improv Comedy Show
Tickets available at the door. To 8:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Lobster Club. Butler College, Amphitheater.
Manna Christian Fellowship: Reunions Large Group
To 8:30 PM. Sponsored by Manna Christian Fellowship.
Murray-Dodge Hall, First Floor.
Princeton Triangle Show: An Inconvenient Sleuth
Tickets at and at McCarter
Theatre. To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton
Triangle Club. McCarter Theatre Center, Matthews Theatre.
Princeton University Players Presents The Fantasticks
Tickets available at the door. To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by
the Princeton University Players. Frist Campus Center, Film
and Performance Theatre, Room 301.
Theatre Intime Presents How the Other Half Loves
Tickets available at the door. To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by
Theatre Intime. Hamilton Murray Theater.
8:00 PM
Princeton University Orchestra Lawn Concert
To 9:15 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Finney and Campbell Fields.
Traditional Shabbat Third Meal (Seudah Shlishit)
To 9:00 PM. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/Hillel.
Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
8:30 PM
Shere Khan Alumni Arch Sing
To 10:00 PM. Sponsored by Shere Khan. 1879 Arch.
9:15 PM
To 9:45 PM. Sponsored by the Alumni Association of
Princeton University. Finney and Campbell Fields.
10:00 PM
Campus Club Cookie Night
To Midnight. Sponsored by Koleinu. Campus Club.
Footnotes Alumni Open House
To 11:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Footnotes.
Rockefeller College, Common Room.
Katzenjammers Alumni Arch Sing
To 11:00 PM. Sponsored by the Katzenjammers. Blair Arch.
Tigressions Arch Sing
To 11:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton Tigressions.
1879 Arch.
11:00 PM
FFR/Princeton BTGALA LGBT “After the Tents”
Dance Party
To 3:00 AM. Sponsored by FFR/Princeton BTGALA.
Carl A. Fields Center.
Katzenjammers Alumni Reception
To Midnight. Sponsored by the Katzenjammers.
Rocky-Mathey Classroom.
Quipfire! Reunions Show
Tickets available at the door. To Midnight. Sponsored by
Quipfire! Improv Comedy. Hamilton Murray Theater.
11:30 PM
Princeton Tigertones Arch Sing
To 2:00 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton Tigertones.
Blair Arch.
11:45 PM
The Princeton Footnotes Alumni Arch Sing
To 2:00 AM. Sponsored by the Princeton Footnotes.
1879 Arch.
1:00 AM
Kosher BBQ at Chabad
To 3:00 AM. Sponsored by the Scharf Family Chabad
House. Scharf Family Chabad House, 15 Edwards Place.
SUNDAY, May 31
Sunday, May 31, 2015
8:30 AM
Outdoor Action Leaders and Friends Breakfast
To Noon. Sponsored by Outdoor Action. Chancellor Green
9:30 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting: Beyond the Steps
To 10:30 AM. Sponsored by the Office of Religious Life.
Murray-Dodge Hall Café.
10:00 AM
Chapel Reunions Service
Rev. Dr. Alison L. Boden, Dean of Religious Life and of
the Chapel; Rev. Dr. Richard N. Chrisman ’65, Director
of Religious and Spiritual Life, Skidmore College; Chapel
Choir. To 11:00 AM. Sponsored by the Office of Religious
Life. University Chapel.
Orthodox Divine Liturgy of Pentecost
Fr. Daniel Skvir ’66. To Noon. Sponsored by the Orthodox
Christian Fellowship. Murray-Dodge Hall, First Floor.
11:00 AM
Annual Christian Worship Service Featuring Testimonies
of Reunions Participants
To 12:15 PM. Clif Fenton ’65, Mo Chen ’80, and Dr. Mike
Armstrong ’85. To 12:15 PM. Sponsored by Princeton
Faith and Action and Christian Union. Nassau Christian
Center (corner of Nassau and Chambers Streets).
Class of 1980
Around the World in ’80 Ways: Class of 1980 Photo
Exhibition and Art Auction
In celebration of its 35th reunion, the Class of 1980
presents a photo exhibition of ’80 alumni living and
traveling around the world, as well as an art exhibition
and auction featuring art created by Class of 1980 alumni.
All proceeds of the auction will be donated to the Class
of 1980 Community Service Fund. Thursday, Noon to
5:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM; Saturday,
9:00 AM to Noon. Sponsored by the Class of 1980.
Scully Hall, Courtyard and 1st Floor Commons.
Firestone Library
Versailles on Paper: A Graphic Panorama of the Palace and
Gardens of Louis XIV
This exhibition documents the contemporary representation of Versailles through a multifaceted array of prints,
books, maps, medals, and manuscripts. It highlights
in particular those elements that today survive only on
paper: ephemeral festivals; short-lived creatures (courtiers, animals, flowers); fragile groves and fountains too
costly to maintain; and once celebrated masterpieces of
art and architecture that were irrevocably destroyed or
altered. The “paper Versailles” is quite different from the
one that millions of tourists visit every year and affords
many unusual and surprising glimpses into a largely lost
world. All the books and prints on display were created in
the 17th and 18th centuries. With only a few exceptions,
they were selected from the holdings of Firestone and
Marquand Libraries, acquired over the past 140 years. A
large number of these items came as gifts; therefore, this
exhibition also honors the curators, alumni, and friends
of the Princeton University Library who have built its
remarkable collections. Thursday and Friday, 9:00 AM
to 5:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday, Noon to 5:00 PM.
Sponsored by the Department of Rare Books and Special
Collections and the Friends of the Princeton University
Library. Firestone Library, Main Exhibition Gallery.
Found in Firestone
Whenever a building gets turned inside out, unexpected
mementos of its past inhabitants are sure to emerge.
The renovation of Firestone Library, a project scheduled
to continue to 2018, has involved the demolition of
several areas and the discovery of diverse ephemera.
Found in Firestone, a new exhibition in the main lobby of
the University Library, shows some of the items left behind
by the workers who built the Library and the students who
have studied there. Thursday and Friday, 9:00 AM to
5:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday, Noon to 5:00 PM.
Sponsored by Firestone Library. Firestone Library Lobby.
Frist Campus Center
Beer Jackets and Reunion Jackets on P-rade
The incomparable Tiger Fashion Show! The Bob
Rodgers ’56 Reunion and Beer Jacket Collection archives
almost a century of Princeton history. Highlights from
the collection are on display to commemorate the historic
and ongoing tradition of celebratory jackets at Reunions.
New for 2015 — Reunions buttons from each Class!
Sponsored by the Alumni Council Committee on
Princetoniana. Frist Campus Center, Display Cases,
Level 100.
Lewis Center for the Arts
Program in Visual Arts Senior All-Stars Show
An exhibition of selected work in a variety of media
by graduating seniors in the Program in Visual Arts.
Thursday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Sponsored by the Lewis Center for the Arts. 185 Nassau
Street, Lucas Gallery.
Maclean House
Princeton Postcards from the Golden Age
While postcards had been used in the U.S. since 1848,
shortly after the introduction of the postage stamp
until 1898, the Post Office held a monopoly on printing
postcards. Private enterprises began producing them,
however, and they sold them as “souvenirs” since the term
“postcards” was considered taboo until 1901. Thereafter,
the floodgates opened and the Golden Age of the Postcard
began. While the majority of postcards are of buildings,
Princeton’s photogenic campus has inspired well over
1,000 different postcards over the years. This exhibit
focuses on the iconography and symbolism of Princeton,
including numerous artist-drawn cards. Over 100 years
later, these postcards continue to be sought after by
deltiologists and collectors of Princetoniana, alike.
Sponsored by the Alumni Council Committee on
Princetoniana. Maclean House, Library.
Office of International Programs
7th Annual International Eye Photo Exhibit
Hosted by the Princeton Institute for International and
Regional Studies, the exhibition showcases the experiences
of Princeton undergraduates through photographs taken
while they participated in international study, internships,
service, and research. Thursday to Sunday, 9:00 AM to
5:00 PM. Sponsored by the Office of International Programs. Aaron Burr Hall, 2nd and 3rd floors.
Princeton University Art Museum
The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago,
and Los Angeles, 1960–1980
American cities underwent seismic transformations in the
1960s and 1970s, from shifting demographics and political
protests to reshaping through highways and urban
renewal. Amid this climate of upheaval, photographers,
architects, activists, performance artists, and filmmakers
turned conditions of crisis into sites for civic discourse and
artistic expression. Thursday, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM;
Friday to Sunday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Sponsored
by the Princeton University Art Museum. Princeton
University Art Museum.
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library
Suits, Soldiers, and Hippies: The Vietnam War Abroad and
at Princeton
The Vietnam War was one of America’s longest and most
controversial wars. Suits, Soldiers, and Hippies: The Vietnam
War Abroad and at Princeton is a new exhibition at
Princeton University’s Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library
that highlights the major events of the war such as the
Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Tet Offensive, and the
invasion of Cambodia, and focuses on how these events
affected government policy and American society at large.
More than a mere narrative of events, the exhibition reveals
the perspectives of the individuals involved in the war,
including policy makers, soldiers, and everyday citizens.
Thursday and Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM; Saturday,
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM (with tour at 10:00 AM and free
continental breakfast until 11:00 AM). Sponsored by the
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library and the Friends of the
Princeton University Library. Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript
Library, Wiess Lounge.
Campus Information
Alcohol Policy at Princeton University The University
alcoholic beverage policy is designed to be consistent with
the laws of the state of New Jersey and also reflects the
need for mutual respect and personal responsibility within
a diverse community. The University and the Town of
Princeton prohibit:
• Transport of an open container of alcohol across
common spaces of the University. (Common spaces are
areas such as lounges, open campus, meeting halls, etc.,
outside of Reunions headquarters.)
• Possession of a container of alcohol by persons under
the age of 21.
• Serving of alcohol to persons under the age of 21.
Alcohol: The State of New Jersey New Jersey has very
strict laws concerning driving under the influence of alcohol
and drugs. Persons found guilty of DUI charges are subject
to substantial penalties, including fines and imprisonment.
In addition, the Town of Princeton prohibits the
transporting of open containers of alcohol in public places,
such as streets and sidewalks (including Prospect Avenue).
Finally, please note that golf carts are considered vehicles
for purposes of DUI and open container laws.
Animals With the exception of service animals (or those
in training) for guests with disabilities, attendees are
not permitted to bring animals into academic and
dormitory buildings, major reunion headquarters sites,
or the P-rade.
Athletic Facilities Alumni and their guests are invited to
use the following University athletic facilities.
Dillon Gym
Thursday: 6:30 AM to 8:45 PM
Friday: 6:30 AM to 3:45 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Sunday: Noon to 5:45 PM
Dillon Pool
Thursday: 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM; 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM;
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Friday: 6:45 AM to 9:00 AM; 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Sunday: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Stephens Fitness Center
Thursday: 6:30 AM to 8:45 PM
Friday: 6:30 AM to 3:45 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Sunday: Noon to 5:45 PM
DeNunzio Pool
Thursday: 9:15 AM to 11:15 AM
Friday: 9:15 AM to 11:15 AM
Tennis Courts
The 12 recreational tennis courts adjacent to the Lenz
Tennis Center will be open Thursday through Sunday for
play during daylight hours. In addition, there are three
clay courts available for play (please groom following your
use). Time on the courts works on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Centralized Registration and Wristbanding To improve
customer service for all alumni returning to Reunions, and
to provide more security for wristband distribution, the
Office of Alumni Affairs has created centralized
wristbanding locations for the satellite classes of the 5th
through 65th Reunions.
• 5th Satellite Classes (2009-2014): Baker Rink Tent
Thursday: Noon - Midnight
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - Midnight
• 10th - 35th Satellite Classes (1978-2008): Baker Rink
Thursday: Noon - Midnight
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - Midnight
• 40th - 55th Satellite Classes (1958-1977): Alexander
Thursday: Noon - 9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
• 60th Satellite Classes (1953-1957): Princeton Stadium
with Class of 1955
• 65th Satellite Classes (1951-1952): Forbes College with
Class of 1950
Thursday: Noon - 9:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
• Graduate Alumni and their guests register at the
APGA headquarters site at Cuyler.
• Old Guard Alumni and their guests register at Forbes
Computing Resources During Reunions weekend,
Princeton’s Office of Information Technology (OIT)
provides wireless Internet access to all campus visitors.
The service is free of charge and requires no registration.
Your use of the Visitor Wireless Service constitutes your
agreement to abide by the University’s Acceptable Use
Policy, posted at If you do
not agree to abide by that policy, do not connect to this
Wireless Networking
Wireless networking is available in nearly all of Princeton’s
buildings, and in many outdoor spaces such as Cannon
Green and Reunions headquarters sites. Visitors should
connect to the network called “puvisitor.”
Getting Computer Help While on Campus
The OIT Support and Operations Center (also known as
the “Help Desk”) is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to
help with computing and networking problems. To speak
with a Help Desk consultant on the phone, call 609-258HELP (4357) and press option 1. For online chat, go to the
OIT homepage ( and click on the link on
the right. You can also send email to helpdesk@princeton.
Computing Facilities Available during Reunions
There are several computing facilities (“clusters”) available
for your use during Reunions weekend. These machines
will have a special Reunions configuration and will not
require you to log in. You can simply visit one of the
facilities listed below and gain access to the Internet.
Reunions computer clusters will be located as follows:
• McCosh Hall, Room B59
• Friend Center, Rooms 005, 007, and 009
• All OIT workstations in Frist
Food and Beverage Options For Frist Campus Center and
other café operating hours during Reunions, visit www.
Food Trailers
Friday and Saturday, 10:00 PM to 1:00 AM, U-Store
Refer to the P-rade map for concession stand locations.
Housing Dormitory rooms can only be unlocked by an
individual with a keycard assigned to Reunions campus
housing. All dormitory outside doors will be locked
between the hours of 2:30 AM and 7:00 AM and will only
be accessible with a keycard. Please note: The dormitory
room doors will automatically lock when the door is
closed so remember to bring your keycard when you leave
your room. For lockouts or replacement keycards, please
contact a member of the student crew at the headquarters
site at which you received your keycard or a member of the
student crew located closest to your dormitory. All keycards
and linens must be returned on Sunday by Noon to your
headquarters checkout. Keycards will be deactivated at
Lightning Storms: Emergency Preparedness Individuals
are ultimately responsible for their personal safety and
should take appropriate action when threatened by
lightning. Adults must take responsibility for the safety of
children in their care during severe weather. However,
awareness of certain lightning safety guidelines can greatly
reduce the risk of injury or death.
1. Identify in advance a location (e.g., building, bus, car)
that would be safe during a thunderstorm. Locations that
offer little or no protection from lightning include tents,
golf carts, or open shelters, such as parking garages.
2. Public Safety will attempt to notify your reunion if a bad
storm is expected and if evacuation of the headquarters
site is recommended. However, when you first see lightning or hear thunder, go to the safe location immediately.
3. Avoid standing under Reunions tents during severe
storms; while tents provide protection from the rain, they
do not provide protection from lightning. If lightning is
striking nearby when you are outside, you should:
a. Crouch down and put your feet together. Place your
hands over your ears to minimize hearing damage
from thunder.
b. If part of a group, spread out. You should avoid being
in close proximity (minimum of 15 feet) to other
4. Suspend outdoor activities for at least 30 minutes after
the last observed lightning flash or thunder clap or until
your reunion receives the “All Clear” message from
Public Safety.
5. Persons injured by a lightning strike do not carry an
electrical charge and can be handled safely. Apply
First Aid procedures to a lightning victim if you are
qualified to do so. Call Public Safety Emergency at
Lost and Found If you discover you have lost an item over
the weekend, please check first with the student crew at
your major reunion headquarters. The Office of Alumni
Affairs crew also collects lost and found items, and you
may stop by Maclean House or contact this crew directly
for information (609-258-3468). Shortly after Reunions,
lost and found items will be moved to Public Safety
Medical Services If you or your companions need
assistance, medical help is available for bee stings, cardiac
symptoms, or anything in between. Please program
your cell phone with Public Safety’s Emergency number
609-258-3333, or dial 9-1-1 from any blue light phone or
campus landline. Dialing 9-1-1 on a cell phone routes
to the nearest emergency call center and may slow
emergency response time.
Orange Key Campus Tours Tours will be offered Thursday
and Friday at 11:15 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:30 PM, leaving
from the Admission Reception Area in Clio Hall (top floor).
Parking All entrances to the University will be closed to
vehicles during Reunions. To access the campus shuttle,
park cars in Lots 20/32 or Lot 21, next to Jadwin Gym.
Accessible parking is available in Lot 16 with access to
ADA-compliant shuttles. Reserved parking is available in
Lot 16 for the Old Guard and 65th Reunion. Please refer to
the foldout 2015 Reunions Headquarters and Parking map
for details.
P-rade The P-rade begins at 2:00 PM on Saturday. Alumni
and their families are welcome to march. Be sure to check
the P-rade map in this booklet, in your Reunions issue of the
Princeton Alumni Weekly, or on posters at your major
reunion headquarters site and around campus for the route
and staging area for your class. Orange signs will also be
posted along the route — or you can look for your classmates
in their reunion costumes. Refer to the P-rade map for
concession stand locations. The finale is on Poe-Pardee
fields. Parents of members of the Class of 2015 are
encouraged to sit on the bleachers reserved for them at the
finale for the best views and photos. As always, please help
keep the P-rade moving!
Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is located at 200
Elm Drive, on the southern end of main campus.
DPS operates 24 hours a day. The Communication Center
and Welcome Desk on the first floor at 200 Elm Drive are
staffed 24 hours a day. For non-emergencies dial 609258-1000, and for all immediate emergencies please call
On-Campus Emergencies:
Dialing 9-1-1 from any University landline phone connects
you to the Department of Public Safety’s emergency line.
If you are on campus and dial 9-1-1 from your cell phone
you will automatically be routed through the state approved
9-1-1 Switched Telephone Network and be connected to the
appropriate state approved Public Safety Answering Point
(PSAP), which would, in most situations, be the Princeton
Police Department. If you want to reach DPS quickly
and easily, we suggest you program your cell phone with
There are 23 blue light communication towers throughout
campus and 42 blue light phones. With the push of a
button the user can communicate directly with DPS
Communication Center. This enhanced technology also
allows DPS to send out emergency broadcast alerts (e.g.,
seek shelter due to an impending lightning storm) as
needed. The location of each tower is digitally displayed to
the DPS Communication Center.
Reunions Mobile Throughout Reunions, you can quickly
access helpful information — from event schedules to alerts,
from transportation logistics to P-rade staging sites. Just
navigate to on your
smartphone or other mobile device.
Reunions Rover In addition to providing campus shuttles
and hotel buses, the University coordinates Reunions Rover
– a student-driven golf cart transport service for alumni
and guests with mobility issues. Overseen by University
Services, the rovers will be clearly marked and will make
continuous loops around campus. Please feel free to wave
the student driver down if a ride to your destination would
be helpful.
Transportation — Campus Shuttles The Office of Alumni
Affairs provides a shuttle service to help you move around
the campus and from the main parking lots (see 2015
Headquarters and Parking map foldout).
There are three campus shuttle routes:
• Central Line (Main Campus)
• East Line (Lot 21)
• Forbes Line
Note that because of special events, area construction,
and traffic, shuttles may need to be rerouted and routes
combined. A real-time shuttle tracker is available through
Reunions Mobile,
The shuttle service hours are:
Thursday: 1:00 PM to Midnight
Friday: 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM*
Sunday: 8:00 AM to Noon
*Limited service during the P-rade between 2:00 PM and
5:30 PM
Transportation — Hotel Shuttles The bus stop for hotel
return shuttles will be in Lot 23, and drop off will be at
the West Garage (near Baker Rink). Hotels serviced by
this program are available Thursday afternoon through
Route 1 North of Princeton:
Route A: Doubletree, Sonesta ES Suites, and Hampton
Route B: Marriott, Forrestal
Route C: Westin, Forrestal
Route D: Holiday Inn Express, Crowne Plaza, and Holiday
Route E: Homewood Suites and Courtyard by Marriott
Route F: Best Western and Residence Inn Monmouth
Route K: Westminster Choir College
Route 1 South of Princeton:
Route G: Residence Inn (MarketFair), Hyatt Place, and
Hyatt Regency
Route H: Howard Johnson, Comfort Inn, and Extended
Stay America
Route J: Clarion and Red Roof Inn
Route 95 and 206:
Route I: Springhill Suites and Chauncey Conference
Bus schedules are located in the hotel lobbies, the Frist
Campus Center Welcome Desk, all headquarters sites, and
on the buses. You may also access them through Reunions
Mobile, Please note that
service may be delayed to and from the hotels due to local
traffic and construction.
Upcoming EVENTS
Please note, an online addendum is available on the Office of
Alumni Affairs’ Reunions 2015 website: alumni.princeton.
Save the Date for Upcoming Events
Pre-rade, Barbecue, and Step Sing (Class of 2019)
September 13, 2015
Yale Game and Tiger Tailgate
November 14, 2015
Alumni Day and Service of Remembrance
February 20, 2016
Reunions 2016
May 26–May 29, 2016 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Reunions 2017
June 1–June 4, 2017
Reunions 2018
May 31 – June 3, 2018
Locomotive Cheer
Princeton’s first cheer, “Hooray, hooray, hooray! Tiger
Siss-boom-ah, Princeton!” was adapted from the “skyrocket” cheer of the Seventh Regiment of New York City
as they passed through Princeton on their way to Washington a few days after the outbreak of the Civil War. The
cheer was intended to simulate the launch, explosion, and
reaction to a firework.
Sometime in the 1890s, the skyrocket cheer developed into
the “locomotive,” Princeton’s longest-used and most distinctive cheer, which starts slowly and picks up increasing
speed, suggesting the sound of a locomotive:
Hip! Hip!
Rah, Rah, Rah,
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger,
Sis, Sis, Sis,
Boom, Boom, Boom, Ah!
Princeton! Princeton! Princeton!
Nightly Entertainment
Thursday, May 28, 2015
HQ Class Entertainment Group
5th 2010
5th 2010
10th 2005
15th 2000
20th 1995
25th 1990
30th 1985
35th 1980
35th 1980
40th 1975
45th 1970
55th 1960
60th 1955
Purple Sage
Andy Lowy
Silent Disco with FoPo DJs
Rock Star Karaoke
Ostrich Hat
Side One
The Class of 1980 Jazz All-Stars
THE British Invasion Tribute
Rick Fiori Jazz Quartet
Tom Artin ’60 Jazz Band
James Freund ’56 Trio
Tiger Soundsystem
Friday, May 29, 2015
HQ Class Entertainment Group
5th 2010
5th 2010
10th 2005
10th 2005
15th 2000
15th 2000
20th 1995
25th 1990
30th 1985
35th 1980
40th 1975
45th 1970
50th 1965
55th 1960
60th 1955
Avan Lava
DJ D. Scott
Zac Brown Tribute Band
45 Riots
St. Lucia
Jessie’s Girl
FoPo DJs and Karaoke
The Right Mix Band
Steve Wexler and the Top Shelf
The Alex Donner Sound with DJ Mike
The Fabulous Grease Band
Liquid Pleasure
Ivory Jim Hunter ’62 and the Headhunters
Stan Rubin’s Jazz All Stars
Atomic Funk Project
Saturday, May 30, 2015
HQ Class Entertainment Group
5th 2010
5th 2010
10th 2005
15th 2000
15th 2000
20th 1995
20th 1995
25th 1990
30th 1985
35th 1980
40th 1975
45th 1970
50th 1965
50th 1965
55th 1960
60th 1955
Heartbeat Dance Band
Bayside Tigers
DJ Suga Ray
The Trammps
FoPo DJs
Jessie’s Girl
Right On Band
Stereo Junkies
Steve Wexler and the Top Shelf
Big Ray and the Kool Kats
Masters of Soul
Satisfaction — Rolling Stones
DJ Cool
Blawenberg Occasional Dixieland Band
The Classix