T H E A LW O O D L E Y C O M M U N I T Y A S S O C I AT I O N announcer 60 ACA yrs A l w o o d l e y C o m m u n i t y H a l l , T h e Av e n u e , A l w o o d l e y, L e e d s L S 1 7 7 N Z Te l e p h o n e : 0 11 3 2 6 7 1 3 3 1 Registered Charity No. 523749 Issue: June 2015 w w w. a l w o o d l e y c o m m u n i t y a s s o c i a t i o n . c o . u k Tel: 267 6697 C C ACA President - Mr David Hirst O ACA Chairman - Mr Ian Findleton Tel: 225 0441 O N ACA Secretary - Mr Brian Wilkinson Tel: 267 2627 N T ACA Treasurer - Mr Simon Taylor Tel: 267 9751 T A A Tel: 267 3951 C C ACA Membership Secretary - Mrs Sara Hamilton Mob: 07580 148 832 T T ACA Hall Bookings Secretary - Mrs Alison Taylor Mob: 07581 426 570 S S Social Club Chairman - Mrs Charli Marshall FORTHCOMING EVENTS June 20th - Summer Ball Hall and Lounge - 7:00 pm June 27th - TG Coffee Morning Lounge - 10:30 - 11:45 am June 27th - Bingo Lounge - 8:00 pm July 4th - World Food Festival July 11th - Carpet Bowls Strawberry Tea Afternoon YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOUR SUBS These are now due. £28 for single membership, £14 for Juniors and £17 for students. Remember you can pay 2 half yearly instalments. Cheques payable to the ACA, to be given to Membership Secretary Sara Hamilton, your section treasurer or at the bar. MOT £45 BODYWORK REPAIR & SERVICE MEANWOOD GARAGE 3 MEANWOOD CLOSE LEEDS LS7 2JL 0113 2626267 SAPHERSON CARPETS Bringing Samples To You Tel: 0113 230 1301 Mobile: 07821 176 102 CAROL AND CLIVE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT OVER THE LAST 19 YEARS TENNIS The season has got off to a good start, although rain has got in the way of play on a few occasions. League matches started at the beginning of May. This season we have four senior teams in the Leeds League – two men’s, one ladies and a mixed doubles team. We also have a veterans’ team for those available to play midweek Weather permitting we play social tennis on Wednesdays from 6.30pm. On Fridays we start at 6.15pm with a one hour session of cardio tennis as a warm up followed by social tennis. New members of whatever standard are always welcome. .Adult coaching for beginners and improvers takes place on Sunday mornings at 9.45am - there is a small charge for this and you do not need to be a member to participate. Junior tennis We recently had to say thanks and goodbye to our coach, Ryan Tansley, who has moved on to pastures new after having been with us for several years. We are delighted to welcome new Head Coach, Danny Jones, who runs the Saturday and Sunday coaching sessions. Danny, who has an LTA Level 3 Coaching qualification, is at Leeds Beckett University and has gained coaching experience across a wide spectrum of ages and abilities from mini tennis through junior to adult tennis. This has included cardio, recreational and disability tennis. Junior coaching for children aged 9 and over takes place on Saturdays. There are 4 different sessions based on age and ability between 12.30pm and 4.30pm. Mini tennis for children aged 4 - 8 continues on Friday afternoons at 4.30pm and 5.15pm and on Sundays at 9am. For further information about junior tennis, please contact our j u n i o r c o o r d i n a t o r, D i a n e Corscadden, on 267 5252. For further details about any of the above please check out our website www.alwoodleytennisclub.org.uk or contact the secretary, Elspeth Bottone on 268 9688. TAKE TWO TAKE TWO SIMON TAYLOR Simon is one of the few of us in the ACA who was born outside Yorkshire but like many of us, came here to study and stayed in what ‘Secret Britain’ referred to many times as ‘God’s own county.’ Born in 1968 and brought up in Hampshire he came to Leeds Polytechnic to study European Finance and Accounting, which included a year in Germany. His father was an accountant and Simon feels its something he just drifted into but it’ s certainly a career he’s stayed with. His first job was with Plaxtons coach and bus company in Scarborough as assistant accountant, followed by posts with Astrocast in Birstall, WY Foundries and now George Barker ( fridges for supermarkets ) in Idle as financial controller. He has lived in Winchester, Bremen and then in Leeds, Hyde Park, the Buckstones for five years and in the Quarry since 2000. His wife Alison is also an accountant by trade ( they met at the Poly ) and is currently data manager at Fulneck School. Nineteen year old son James is at Nottingham University studying, yes you guessed it, accounting and finance but seventeen year old Tom might break the mould. He wants to do Drama at university. Simon’s biggest interest is hockey. He has played since he was seven and currently plays for Adel, where he enjoys being in the same team as his son. Tennis became an interest after his sons started playing at the ACA and the whole family joined, with some degree of success. He follows Southampton FC, following the tradition of his parents who are season ticket holders but he is unable to see the team very often. Any other spare time is taken up with walking the dogs. Following on from his role as joint treasurer ( with Alison ) of the tennis section and his involvement in the third court negotiations, he was persuaded to become ACA treasurer four years ago. Certainly getting the grants secured for that third court and seeing it come to fruition he feels has been his greatest achievement within the ACA. He was keen to add that this involved a number of other people as well. O TWWO KE T TA AKE T He likes to be involved and put something in and wishes more people appreciated the ACA. Interestingly he didn’t know it existed when he lived on the Buckstones and only found out about it when his boys started playing tennis. As a footnote he would like to record his thanks to Alison for taxiing him about after breaking his kneecap playing hockey. CHESS Following 16 year old Harry Li representing England at the World Youth Championships last September in Durban,South Africa I am pleased to report we are coming to the end of a very successful season for the Chess Club. On Wednesdays we play in the Leeds Chess League.Our A team has finished 3rd in Division 1, our B team has finished 2nd in Division 2 and our C team has finished 2nd in Division 3.This means that both our B and C teams will be promoted, which means we will have 2 teams in Division 1 next season. On Saturdays we play in the Yorkshire League. Our A team has finished 2nd in Division 2. This means we will be promoted back into Division 1 at the first attempt.This year we introduced a B team into Yorkshire Division 3 to include juniors from Leeds Junior Chess Club as an experiment. We are one of the few clubs in Yorkshire to do this.We won a couple of matches which we did not expect. So all in all, three promotions. I would like to thank all our players and captains for their efforts. Next year will be much tougher but we will continue to recruit. New and experienced players alike please contact Paul Gelder at pagelder@Hotmail.co.uk or tel. 0113 2697111 Regards PG HAPPY HOUR Fancy a drink on the way home from work or after a spot of gardening or a walk? £2.50 a pint. 5 - 7 pm Thursdays and Fridays The Social Club will be open. PARISH COUNCIL I ALWOODLEY PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HELD ON 27TH APRIL 2015 We were pleased to see that, as usual, a good number of residents attended the meeting. Cllr Lyn Buckley, as Chairman of the Parish Council, welcomed everyone and gave her report at this, the seventh Annual Parish Meeting. She reminded the audience that the Parish Council was able to give grants of up to £500 to new and established groups who needed equipment or resources Cllr Buckley spoke about her involvement with the Crime Prevention Panel and her efforts to retain the leafy character of Alwoodley by working with Leeds City Council to replace diseased trees. She mentioned that councillors had to stand for re-election in May but only 8 people put their names forward, therefore all of them were automatically “elected” and there are 3 unfilled places. She invited anyone who was interested in being a Parish Councillor to contact the Clerk and paid tribute to the four councillors who were standing down and thanked them for their hard work in the past. She then handed over to individual Parish Councillors who each spoke for a short time about various projects they had been involved with over the past year. Subjects included planning, festive tree lights, improving and maintaining local footpaths, the now completed World War 1 garden, the production of the annual newsletter, the outdoor fitness equipment, boundary stones, the Yorkshire Local Councils Association, and the proposed allotments. Cllr Buckley introduced the guest speakers, Sergeant Simon Garbutt and his colleague, PSCO Tiff Greensmith, David Burgess (Alwoodley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan), Carol Burns and her colleague, Barbara Bailey from MAECare and Roger Gilbert from Walkabout and the Friends of Adel Woods. Sgt Garbutt spoke about the work of the Neighbourhood Police Team and among other things, explained about a new initiative to kick start the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. David Burgess gave a very interesting update on the progress of our Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan and a display was available for residents to look at after the meeting. th Maecare is celebrating its 20 anniversary this year and have just opened a new activity centre. Carol and Barbara thanked the Parish Council for its recent grant and explained about their work aiming to address isolation, including a new pilot group to try and encourage people to get to know their neighbours and another to start helping people to connect with family and friends using social media. Roger Gilbert spoke firstly about Walkabout, the walking group initially funded by the Parish Council which has now been in existence for five years. Two walks each month of different lengths are organised plus evening walks in the summer. He then spoke about Friends of Adel Woods, which was also initially funded by the Parish Council. They meet once a month and activities include litter-picking, conservation work and also nature walks and talks. Both groups have their own websites and programmes of events are posted on the notice boards. Cllr Dan Cohen thanked the Parish Council for their work to protect and enhance Alwoodley for the future and was pleased to inform the meeting that twenty local residents who ran in the London Marathon thanked the Parish Council for the adult fitness equipment which they had used as part of their training. Full minutes of this meeting are available on request from the Parish Clerk Y o u r P a r i s h www.alwoodleyparishcouncil.org C o u n c i l l o r s BIRKDALE GARAGE DOOR SPECIALISTS ALL TYPES OF GARAGE DOORS MANUAL OR REMOTE NEW DOORS FITTED OLD DOORS REPAIRED EXISTING DOORS SERVICED We can also automate your existing door if you are having trouble lifting it Call James 07599 081 266 0113 2670074 SUPPORT YOUR CLUB ACA Website if any section of the ACA would like an item putting on our website please contact Jackie Brown on 07814005262 or jackieataca@hotmail.co.uk PLEASE NOTE Copy for the next issue should be sent by 10th June: editordave1@gmail.com or David Atkins, 72 Winding Way, Leeds, LS17 7RQ Tel: 01138050281 or 07707632011 PLEASE NOTE @AlwoodleySocial PRINTER OF YOUR Search for the ACA in groups link announcer Airedale Print & Supplies Ltd, Farsley 0113 256 8415 designed by Severley Design severleydesign.co.uk To Book the Hall for Parties or Events, contact: Mrs Alison Taylor acahallbookings@gmail.com or 07580 148 832 Do You Need a Helping Hand ? No Job too Small All types of:- Plumbing, Joinery, Fencing, Decking, Decorating, Gardening, Household Repairs & DIY Jobs. Everything from Putting up Shelves & Curtain Rails, Moving Furniture & Heavy Objects, Fixing Doors & Windows. Honest, Reliable, Hardworking, Odd Job Man with a Van Reasonable Rates, References Available. Contact James 0113 267 0074 or 07729 35 88 40
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