Alz-ID Brochure

About the Results
How long will it take for
my results?
Test results will be available
approximately 2 weeks after your
sample collection.
How do I access my results?
Your healthcare provider should contact
you if the test indicates you might be
at an increased risk for Alzheimer’s
LifeLabs is a Canadian-owned company and is
the country’s largest provider of community
laboratory services with over 50 years of
experience serving the healthcare needs of
Canadians. Our laboratory testing is focused on
helping patients and their healthcare providers
prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor disease.
Are You Concerned
About Alzheimer’s
In addition to routine laboratory tests we offer
numerous specialized tests to investigate health
concerns including but not limited to:
• Gastrointestinal function
• Cardiovascular health
• Wellness in aging
What happens if I have an
increased risk Alz-ID result?
• Component-specific allergies
If the test shows a low result, (below
normal), it means you are at increased
risk. You should be motivated to
decrease your risk, starting with
modifying your lifestyle in a positive
way. This is similar to newly diagnosed
diabetics being told to manage their
lifestyle with likely changes to diet and
exercise and mental stimulation.
• Occupational exposure to harmful substances
A low result (below normal), does not
indicate with certainty that you will
develop Alzheimer’s disease, but it does
predict that you are at an increased risk
based on your current situation. If you
have an increased risk, be prepared to
make changes to your lifestyle to
keep healthy.
• Presence of communicable diseases
• Substance abuse
We care about helping Canadians and we use
our knowledge of laboratory medicine to help
identify the right course of action to improve
healthcare outcomes.
A new health risk assessment
test for Alzheimer’s disease.
BC LifeLabs
Ontario LifeLabs
Ontario CML HealthCare
Kit Ordering Service
The Alz-ID™ test is intended for use in risk assessment and monitoring; it is not a standalone
test, and is not a screening test for Alzheimer’s disease.
Lifelabs and LifeLabs logo are registered trademarks of LifeLabs LP. The Alz-ID™ is a trademark
of Phenomenome Discoveries Inc. and is used by under license LifeLabs LP.
For more information visit
ALZ002 | V1 | MAR 2015
LifeLabs Medical Laboratory
Services offers a convenient and reliable
blood test to determine your risk for
developing Alzheimer’s disease.
About the Disease
What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of
dementia that causes problems with
memory loss, thinking and behaviour.
Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible and
destroys brain cells, causing thinking
ability and memory to deteriorate. If
you are experiencing possible warning
signs or are concerned for someone you
care about, a simple blood test can help
provide the answers and assess
your risk.
What are the warning signs?
Some common warning signs from the
Alzheimer’s Society of Canada include:
• Memory loss affecting day-to-day
• Difficulty performing familiar tasks
• Problems with language
• Disorientation in time and space
• Impaired judgement
• Problems with abstract thinking
• Misplacing things
• Changes in mood and behaviour
Who should be tested?
• Patients typically between 60-75 years
of age. Age is the greatest risk factor for
Alzheimer’s disease.
• Anyone who experiences the warning signs
where Alzheimer’s disease may be the
suspected cause particularly if they:
• Have a family history
• Are carrying genes increasing their risk
• Have diabetes or high cholesterol
• Perform inadequate exercise for the
brain and body
• Are obese
Alz-ID does not diagnose if you have the
disease today.
About the Testing Process
How do I get tested?
Visit your healthcare provider and obtain
an “Alz-ID Test Requisition”. Bring this
requisition with you to a LifeLabs Patient
Service Center where your blood sample
will be collected. To minimize your wait
time, take advantage of our appointment
booking service by visiting
What type of sample is required?
About the Test
Alz-ID Test is done on a blood sample.
What is Alz-ID™?
How do I prepare for the test?
Alz-ID is a simple blood test for
determining risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
The test measures the level of a specific
phospholipid, called a plasmalogen, in the
blood. Plasmalogens are critical for the
proper function of neurons in the brain,
and levels in the blood correlate with levels
in the brain. Therefore, if the Alz-ID test
indicates a low level (below normal), in the
blood, a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease
is increased.
No special preparation is necessary.
Does the Alz-ID Blood Test Diagnose
Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia?
No. There is no pathological or biochemical
test for Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia
can only be diagnosed by your health care
provider by using a mental function test – like
a stress test for your brain. Alz-ID can identify
if you are at risk for developing Alzheimer’s
disease at a certain stage in your life. It will
place you into an increased risk, average risk
or decreased risk category.
Is the test covered by insurance?
This test is not be covered by provincial
health insurance plans, but it may be
covered by your extended private health
insurance plan. Contact us to find out
about the current fee for the test.
How do I pay for the test?
Payment may be made by Visa,
MasterCard, cash or debit card before the
sample collection.