Architecture for Multi-criticality Agile Dependable Evolutionary Open System-of-Systems The goal of AMADEOS is to establish a sound conceptual basis and a generic architectural framework that address the challenges of guaranteed responsiveness, evolvability, dynamicity and emergence in Systems-of-Systems. AMADEOS will provide basic concepts, measurable quality attributes, and propose a design methodology, supported by extended mainstream UML-based tools, for the representation, modelling, development, evolution and validation of Systems-of-Systems. 3 Introducing explicit, global, synchronized time into System-of-Systems models. With such an approach, each constituent system, interface and element has access to a precise, synchronized global time base. Objectives Capturing and formalizing System-of-Systems evolvability and dynamicity. Evolution is necessary for the adaptation to environmental changes such as new business cases, legal requirements, compliance, changing safety regulations, evolving environmental protection rules, etc. On the other hand unforeseen events can occur, such as a disaster or a failure of a constituent system. Managing emerging properties in Systems-of-Systems. Emerging properties and emerging behaviour in a SoS may be either desired or undesired. Understanding the mechanisms of emergence will help in the composition of constituent systems, especially in predicting the effects of composition on dependability, safety, security and availability. Context: Challenges: As a proof of concept of the AMADEOS conceptual model, the SoS AMADEOS will develop a methodology and concrete guidelines for the design methodology and supporting facilities, two case-studies are design of SoS. The focus will be on the following aspects: proposed. Definition of the basic architectural building-blocks of the AMAThe integration of electric vehicles into the Smart Grid repre- 1 sents one of the most attractive scenarios, due to its impact on the power grid. In this case study, several interests come into 1 play; from the charging demands of the drivers, to the energy DEOS architecture, their interfaces and the required governance model, and incorporating these in a generic architectural framework for the modeling, development and evolution of time-sensitive SoS. grid management of Distribution System Operators (DSOs). 2 In the Household scenario, each home may be able to both consume and produce electric energy. Thus, each of these homes 2 is potentially a prosumer. Time Management Dependency on time is increasing in business processes. Networks are becoming increasingly connected; therefore, proper time synchronization is crucial. Development and implementation of specific elements of the AMADEOS architecture, focusing on the monitoring, prediction and controlling mechanisms, strategies for guaranteeing responsiveness. 3 Development of UML modelling profiles and tool-extensions supporting the design methodology, and handling dynamicity, evolvability, emergence. Evolution This requirements are based on the increased usage of both EV charging and smart homes in the future. Dynamicity This is related to the changing of built-in structure. Indeed, the offered services of the SoS considered in our case studies remain constant over its interval of disclosure. Multi-Criticality This is a characteristic of complex SoSs. Each of the systems constituting the SoS provides services, each with its own level of criticality, such as safety or security levels. Current results: 1 A coherent conceptual model for the Systems-of-Systems do- 2 A basis for the AMADEOS architectural framework and its build- 3 main. ing blocks. Two comprehensive case studies in the smart grid domain, and AMADEOS is a collaborative project funded under the European Commission’s FP7 (FP7ICT-2013-610535) how it applies to the main AMADEOS focus-points: Time Man- Start date 01/10/2013 Coordinator Andrea Bondavalli agement, Evolution, Dynamicity, and Multi-criticality. Duration 36 months Contact +39 055 2751481 Budget € 3.4m Copyright: Power lines at sunset (Matthew T Rader:, Solar panel (Marufish:, Electic vehicles parade (Birmingham News Room:, How a smart grid works (Siemens:
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