Vol. LXXXIV Amana, Iowa, Thursday, May 14, 2014 Amana Church news The Combined Baccalaurette Service will be in the Middle Church Sunday, May 17, 2015, starting at 10:00 A.M. with Elder Betsy Momany presiding. Opening Hymn: “Jesus I Will Never Leave” No. 78 Testimony: Ursula Mayer, Ronneburg, March 23, 1715 Scripture: I Corinthians 9:24-27 Psalm 40:1-13 Closing Hymn: “The Head That Once Was Crowned With Thorns” No. 280 We have three church member graduates this year: Lucas Berger, Kylie Demmel and Jonathan Jacobson. The Wednesday evening prayer (Nachtgebet) service will be held at 7:00 P.M. in Middle. Visitors are welcome to join us in worship at all Amana Church Services. Childcare available at the English services. ––––– Congregate Meals: What a picturesque Spring we are having. Take a look around you at the grand colorful flowers and the magnificent flowering trees in full bloom. The lawns are a lush green with lots of yellow flowers (: Take time to enjoy the view!!! Then take some time out to join us for fellowship and lunch at the Amana Church. Our last May menu is: May 18: Lemon Tilapia, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, 5 Veggie Mix, Fresh Orange, Yellow cake w/chocolate frosting. May 25: Closed for Memorial Day Holiday. All meals are served with bread & butter, and choice of beverage. Cost is $5.00. Doors open at 11:00 and lunch is served at 11:30. To make a reservation call Anne Freshour @622-3781 before noon on Friday. Hope to see YOU soon. ––––– Amana Fire District Meeting Notice The monthly meeting of the Amana Fire District will be held on Wednesday, May 20, at 7:00 pm in the Middle Amana fire station. ––––– tyler Hegewald earns eagle Tyler Hegewald, son of Leon and Rhonda Hegewald of Amana, will receive his Eagle Scout award in a Court of Honor ceremony at 2 p.m., Sunday, May 17 at the Amana Elementary Gymnasium in Middle Amana. Hegewald, 17, is a junior at Clear Creek Amana and member of Troop 223 sponsored by Homestead Welfare Association. He has held the office of Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. He has earned 49 merit badges. For his Eagle Scout project, Tyler put up 8 signs around the Amana Colonies Bike Trail in Amana. Hegewald and 22 volunteers enclosed a kiosk, made a bulletin board for the kiosk, pulled weeds, and trimmed trees along the bike trail. Everyone is invited to attend the Court of Honor. A reception will following the ceremony. ––––– Homemade Wine contest As part of the Rhubarb Day celebration the ACCVB will be hosting a homemade wine competition on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Home winemakers are encouraged to enter their homemade wines by bringing 1 bottle of each wine to the Visitors Center in Amana prior to 1 p.m. on June 6th. All types of homemade wines may be entered and the competition is open to any home winemaker. Awards will be given to the top 3 wines. For more information, please contact the Amana Colonies Convention & Visitors Bureau at 319622-7622. No. 11 High Amana residents Weather and construction issues have delayed the completion of the new facility west of West Amana, however completion of the facility should be done within two weeks. Cattle in High Amana will be moved into the new facility at that time. Thank you for your patience. John McGrath Amana Farms ––––– AMANA HERITAGE SOCIETY THANK YOU The board and staff of the Amana Heritage Society express our sincere thank you to all the great Kuchen bakers in our community. We had one of our best Maifest Kuchen sales ever. Thanks also to everyone who came out to buy a potato pancake, sausage, or Kuchen from our Heritage Society food booth. Watch for our potato pancakes during Amana Wurst Festival June 20. Thank you! A M A N A N E WS AND NOT E S Farmers Market Just Around the Corner Melissa Croy Schlesselman is excited. The Amana Colonies Farmer’s Market will open the first Friday in June, that’s June 5, and she’s looking forward to welcoming residents back to the market at Henry’s Village Market in Homestead. Schlesselman and her husband, Jerry, are the new operators of Henry’s Village Market and they have happily taken on the summer farmer’s market with the help of Ellie Hawkins. They are all looking forward to the first market. As Melissa said, “I think it’s a neat event and one that brings the community together,” she said. She’s working with some new venders and will be welcoming back a few of the old ones, though as she told us, “You never quite know who will show up until the day of.” As in year’s past the market will be every Friday 4 to 7 p.m. On stormy days it will move indoors at Henry’s if need by. “I think it will be fun!” she told us. Though she has some dates covered, Melissa is still looking for groups and clubs who might want to offer food for sale on scheduled days at the market. “It doesn’t have to be prepared on a grill at the market . . . if groups want to make money by selling sloppy joes or chili or crock pot dishes, that would be great too.” If your group would like to get involved or if you would like to come and market your wares at the market give the folks at Henry’s a call at 622-3931. Handworks Tools and Traditions at Festhalle This weekend the Festhalle will be the site of one of the most popular woodworking events in the Midwest. Handworks is May 15 and 16 open 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the Festhalle. There is no admission fee. Displays, sales and demonstrations by top tool venders from across the country and craftsmen from Ireland, England and Australia. Special presentations by Roy Underhill of the Woodwright’s Shop and stop by to see the Studley Tool chest, a unique and perfectly crafted tool box once house in the Smithsonian Institute. CC Amana Masters Golf Outing June 19 The annual Clear Creek Amana Masters Golf Outing, a fundraiser for college scholarships, is Saturday, June 19 at the Amana Colonies Golf Course. Hosted by the CCA Foundation Board, the annual event raises money for the CCA scholarship fund for graduating seniors. Sign up to play as a foursome or an individual in this 18-hole best shot tournament, noon shotgun start, with a festive social hour and dinner after your round. There are awards, door prizes and contests too. To learn more contact Brad Fox at 319-330-3619 or bradfox@ccaschools. org To download a registration form go to the CCA website and look for the CCA Masters Golf outing or www.cca.k12.ia.us/masters/index.html On-line readers may move their curser over items to use links or e-mail to most of those items in the Bulletin. Page Two AMANA SOCIETY BULLETIN Please Join Us as we Celebrate Lilo’s 90th Birthday! May 14, 2015 Ronneburg Restaurant •Homemade Hearty Soups • Friday Night Special -Catfish- Have you had Breakfast with your friends at the Ronneburg lately? Come try our Amana Colonies style Plate Sized Pancakes!! •Phone: 319-622-3641 Please call ahead to reserve your table! Veterans’ Ecke Saturday, May 16 3PM-5PM in the RV Park Office building Amana Woolen Salesroom Part-Time Summer Help Part time seasonal sales positions are available at the Amana Woolen Salesroom. Flexable scheduling and pleasant working enviroment. Includes weekend hours. Enthusiastic, self-motivated candidates may apply in person at the Amana Woolen Salesroom. Please ask for Stephanie Van’t Sant or call 319-622-7732 Red Cross Group Swimming Lessons at the Amana Pool in Middle Amana Again this year we are planning on having two swimming sessions. Session 1 will be from Wednesday, June 3 through Tuesday, June 16. Session 2 will run from Wednesday, June 17 through Tuesday, June 30. You may register your child for either or both sessions. Each session has 10 scheduled lessons. The first session will have more time slots available. The cost for either session will be $50 per student. The price has not changed because of the generosity of the Amana Community Chest. If a parent cannot afford to pay, write or call T.J. Croco at 319-430-9181 or 319-227-7531. For Session 1 we have planned 4 class times. An 11:15 AM time could be added if warranted. Session 2 will have 2 and possibly 3 planned class times. Again, a 9:45 AM time could potentially be added for Session 2. We will be using the 2014, updated Red Cross performance-based classification system (Levels 1-6). We may have some minor adjustments in classes (i.e. Your student might be asked to attend a class that begins later or earlier.). The first day is always organized chaos. If there is enough interest we will be offering Junior Lifesaving. You may send in your registration to TJ Croco, Amana Pool, 3023 220th Trail, Amana, IA 52203 or to tjcroco@southslope.net. You may call 622-3792 before Wednesday, June 3 and leave a message with your child’s name, phone number, class time, and specific level. You may also register the first day of each session. We encourage you to pre-register. Again, we may have to adjust class times on the 1st or 2nd day. Make checks out to CCA Pool. A printable regestration form may be found online at amanacoloniestoday.com Wood & Metal Designs & Restoration has openings for remodeling, carpentry, Historic Restoration & handyman jobs. Local References Available Call Steve at 319-640-6250 The Mental Health 1st Aid course scheduled for May 12th & May 19th has been postponed to tentatively Tuesday July 21st and Tuesday July 28th, from 10am-4pm (pending scheduling approval). We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused. If you are still intending on attending the free Mental Health 1st Aid course and have submitted your registration form please message me and I will place you on the registered list for the upcoming course. Again, this class is free to the public. It is a fantastic course that covers, not only Mental Health 1st Aid for those suffering PTSD, but covers many other disorders and how to approach someone in need of assistance more successfully. If you would like a registration form, please contact me at 319642-3925 or e-mail iowacova@gmail.com . Jennifer Olson, Director, Iowa Co. Veteran Affairs 970 Court Ave Marengo, Iowa 52301 www.oxyokeinn.com Change a life! Be a Casa! visit: www.casaiowa.org Iowa County currently does not have a single CASA, the need is real. Find all your favorite Amana Products at: http://www.amanashops.com amanashops.com Page Three AMANA SOCIETY BULLETIN Feathers in the wind I know I have written about this, but I think it bears repeating. It concerns those “little acts of kindness” that people do when you least expect it. The other day the town Constable and I were at “Wal-Mart” and had just finished unloading our purchases. A woman came by and simply said she would take our shopping carts back into the store with her. She was not a store employee. I think she might have seen that we could use the help. The Constable, had a problem with her leg and was sort of worn out because my back. I think we relieved that someone would do this, yet we also felt old and feeble which is not a good thing to feel especially when you KNOW that you are really young and vibrant (only the rest of the world does not know this). This community has some really special people in it that just make the day better. I am sure we can say that of most communities, but since I live here I can only relate to this place. Once upon a time my beloved Charlemagne was without work for a really long period of time because of the closing of the woolen mill. That period of time was one of the roughest times in our marriage to date, but we also found friends that helped us out. WE might have a large house, but trust me the savings flew out of it. There was one man at the meat market who handed Charlemagne a large package of hot dogs. We ended up using it for a birthday party for our one son. This man certainly was not one of the leaders of the community…he was just a very kind man whom I hope in enjoying himself in heaven. There were a number of people that place that always had a smile, a joke, or just a kind word that made work there better. Another man asked me to do some writing for him of little pamphlets. It certainly was not the money, but the fact that he “believed” in me. To this day I want to thank him again and again because he would always be there to give me a push when I needed it the most. He also did this for the rest of the family, but if I go further you will guess who he is and he will become embarrassed. Twice I was one the church literally sobbing. Two people, at different times, came and just listened. They said very little, but told me that they loved me and understood. The other day I had a real meltdown so I called one of our elders (not the Contessa for a change) and we had a long talk. I know how silly it sounds, but this elder and I have had locked horns over many things, but we do have respect for each other. I cried because this year I was going to get through the “bad months” of March and April and not wallow in self-pity or, in my case depression. May 14, 2015 Trust me, when I say that if you ever have experienced a little bit of depression this is not easy.) I got a letter from a very well meaning school group asking me to do a tour for them (I had done tours for them every year for over a decade). The anxiety I felt was really terrible. The thought of having to repeat myself yet again and again made my doubt my self worth. I just needed someone to tell me that what I did was of worth. I told my elder friend that I just did not understand how the elders were able to talk in front of their peers without being anxious. He laughed and said that they would all get anxious, but then they would pray for help. Things slowly got better and then, weeks later, my granddaughter brought me the nicest Mother’s Day card a five year old could give. Those two acts of kindness (the elder understanding and praying and a little child who loves me unconditionally… well is there anymore to say?) Little WORDS means so much when spoken in love. I compare them to the example of Christ who would speak to literally thousands of people (without a microphone) and show His love by telling of how God loves us despite our faults. I guess what I am saying is that it is the little things you do from day to day…a call, something you make for a shut in, a pat on the back…they are all worth so much more than any gold or silver as long as they are given in love. So…LOVE is the greatest gift you can give someone. Even if you are angry with someone and know that THEY are wrong. Pray for forgiveness for them and what is in your heart Then smile and go on thanking God that you were given a new day “filled with silver and gold… live that the sunset will find you worthy its gifts to hold.” B.S.H. www.southslope.com info@southslope.com Find all your favorite Amana Products at: http://www.amanashops.com amanashops.com Page Four AMANA SOCIETY BULLETIN LakeviewVillage Assisted Living Apartments v Meals Provided v Housekeeping Services v Wellness checks - Medication management v Activities Units Available Call Tanya Powell for a tour 622-3131 “Experience the Comfort and Security of Retirement Living in the Amanas” Register for Colonies in Bloom “Colonies in Bloom” is a community wide effort to fill the Colonies with flowers. It is sponsored by the Amana Colonies Convention and Visitors Bureau (ACCVB) to promote the beauty of the Colonies to our visitors this summer. The ACCVB will be sponsoring a contest for residents and will be awarding $200 to the home that is the People’s Choice for Best Drive By Florals and $300 to a Judge’s Selection of Best Overall Florals. To enter the contest you must register with the ACCVB. Your home will be put on a visitor’s guide map with a brief description of what will be seen. You may enter both competitions. The Drive By Florals will be viewed from the street or side walk and the Overall Florals will allow visitors into the back yards at designated times. If you would like to be included on the map but do not want to enter the contest simply let us know. For complete details and to register e-mail director@amanacolonies.com or pick-up a registration form at Visitors Center in Amana Northern Ridge Farmers Market Now Open: Mon.-Fri. 3-6; Sat. & Sun. 10-6 asparagus and rhubarb Call Bonnie at 319-530-0201 or David at 319-331-4816 Turn North at the big flag on Hwy 6, Oxford Enjoy Phat Daddy’s Open Herth Pizza now at the Brick Haus in Amana! May 07, 2015 Water Babies Swim Classes May 18 - 22, 2014 Amana Pool, Middle Amana Classes will be held Monday thru Friday The cost is $50 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 6 mo. - 18 mo. 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. 19 mo. - 2 yrs Call Margret Trumpold at 622-3299 ________________________________________ Services ________________________________________ Drywall & plaster repair. Call Justen at 319-9367065. ________________________________________ Wanted: Painting jobs, interior or exterior. Call Brad Muhlenbruck at 319-325-9432 ________________________________________ For sale _________________________________________ Farm Fresh eggs $2.50 per dozen in West Amana. Call 319-573-7483 _________________________________________ 1,272 shares of New Class “A” Amana Society stock for sale. Call Mark at 319-365-0437. _________________________________________ Bike Rack – 2” or 1 ¼” hitch, Yakima Doubledown, holds 4 bikes, new 2012, $150. Contact Bill Leichsenring, bill@oxyokeinn.com or 319-551-4165. _________________________________________ Wanted to buy _________________________________________ BUYING All ANTIQUES; Toys, Furniture, Crocks, Paintings and Weird Items “any condition”. Please call 319-270-1251 or 319-538-8668. ____________________________________ Help Wanted _________________________________________ Part time experienced office assistant & bookkeeper. Call the Colony Inn Restaurant, ask for Dennis Roemig. _________________________________________ Very part time gardener/housekeeper. $18/hr. Call Larry Hertel evenings at 622-3424 _________________________________________ Looking for a young person interested in a summertime apprenticeship that could lead to a rewarding career in historic masonry. Call 622-3240 before 10 AM _________________________________________ For rent ________________________________________ Large one bedroom apartment Available for rent in West Amana Please contact 319-430-3373 ________________________________________ South Amana, 2 bedroom up-stairs Apt. A/C Refrigerator, No pets. Call 319-389-5689 or 319-846-2436 ________________________________________ Available now! Retail and/or office space. Contact Jim or Terry Roemig 622-3916 or 622-3227 _________________________________________ debfrese@iowarealty.com Find all your favorite Amana Products at: http://www.amanashops.com amanashops.com
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