Project Folk Art Hearts Candle Mat Add traditional, textural elements of crewelwork to a candle mat with the ease of your embroidery machine. These handwork inspired hearts and accents are specially digitized for use with 12 wt. Madeira Lana Wool Thread for the decorative stitches and 30 wt. Madeira Cotona Cotton Thread for the applique process. Using these threads together creates dimensional, thick embroidery with a beautiful matte finish that imitates the look of hand stitching. Plus, the applique process is simple— the easy automatic applique designs stitch fabric in place, and then cover the raw edges with stitching for a beautiful finish. Everyone will fall in love with your folksy table centerpiece. Skill Level: Intermediate Required Software: $PD]LQJ'HVLJQV)RON$UW+HDUWV(PEURLGHU\GHVLJQV$'& 'HVLJQVXVHG)$+)$+)$+)$+)$+ )$+)$+ Supplies Needed: Folk Art Hearts 30 Classic Desig ns ë\DUGZKLWHZRROEOHQGIHOWIDEULF ,URQRQFXWDZD\PHVKVWDELOL]HU DESIGNS FOR Folk Art Heart 2QH[UHFWDQJOHRIEOXHZRROEOHQGIHOWIDEULF INCLUDES 30 4" x 4" HOOP S. Free Project included with Collection Recreate the classic look of crewelw ork. Specially digitized for 12 wt. Madeira Lana and 30 wt. Madeira Cotona Thread. FAH127 W: 3.9" H: 1.0" FAH115 W: 1.3" H: 0.4" FAH113 W: 2.2" H: 2.2" 6HOIDGKHVLYHWHDUDZD\VWDELOL]HURUZDWHUDFWLYDWHG DGKHVLYHWHDUDZD\VWDELOL]HU FAH123 W: 1.4" H: 1.3" FAH105 W: 3.9" H: 3.7" FAH116 W: 0.4" H: 0.4" FAH119 W: 1.5" H: 0.8" FAH107 W: 2.9" H: 2.8" FAH109 W: 3.0" H: 2.9" FAH121 W: 1.4" H: 1.3" FAH111 W: 1.3" H: 1.3" FAH110 W: 2.8" H: 2.8" $VVRUWPHQWRI0DGHLUD/DQDDQG&RWRQDHPEURLGHU\ WKUHDGV FAH103 W: 3.8" H: 3.7" INCLUDES: Approximate finished size: 12½” diameter FAH108 W: 3.1" H: 3.0" 2ECOLORs2E SIZEs0REV IEW0RINT 7RSVWLWFKLQJ1HHGOHV6L]H +DQGHPEURLGHU\IORVVRSWLRQDO LQ*DXJH 5XOHU (UDVDEOHIDEULFPDUNLQJSHQRUSHQFLO 7UDQVOXFHQW)RXQGDWLRQ3DSHUIRUSULQWHGWHPSODWHV 6HZHUµV)L[,W7DSH 7HPSRUDU\DGKHVLYHIDEULFVSUD\VXFKDV6XON\®.. Read all instructions before beginning. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Preshrink the fabric, if desired. 2. Print out templates on Translucent Foundation Paper. The semi-transparent paper is ideal for templates because you can “see-through” the template for more accurate positioning. Print one template of each heart design. Print eight templates of design FAH127. 3. Cut one 12” x 12” square of the blue wool felt fabric. Also cut the same size square from the iron-on cut-away mesh stabilizer. Helpful tips for embroidering with Lana and Cotona Thread: -Use the recommended size 100 topstitch needles for the Lana thread. Size 75/11 needles are recommended for the Cotona thread, but we didn’t always remember to switch to a 75 needle and the Cotona stitched fine with the size 100. -Slow the machine’s stitching speed to its slowest setting. -Loosen the upper thread tension slightly, ensuring the bobbin thread doesn’t pull too much Lana thread under the fabric. -If your machine has an automatic thread trimming feature, you may wish to turn it off and “hand-trim”. This keeps Lana thread ends from building up in the trimming mechanism. -At the beginning of each thread stitching, hold the thread tail on top of the hooped fabric; take a few stitches, then trim the tail close to the fabric. This helps keep the underside of the embroidery neat and lessens the chance of thread nests. -Clean out the machine’s bobbin case and surrounding area well and often. We were amazed to find how quickly the lint built up. Any time the thread broke, we made certain to remove the embroidery hoop from the machine and carefully clean the bobbin area. We even found lint built up around the bobbin thread where it draws from the bobbin case. Keep your owner’s manual handy to properly clean your machine. Continued on page 2 4. Fuse the square of stabilizer to the wrong side of the blue wool felt fabric square, following manufacturer’s instructions. On the right side of the blue wool felt square, use a ruler and erasable fabric marking pen or pencil to draw center cross marks. Then draw diagonal cross marks. 5. Draw an 11½" diameter circle with the 5-in-1 Gauge using the drawn intersecting lines as your center point. 6. Position the eight templates for design FAH127 alligned with center and diagonal cross marks 1/8"–1/4" in from the drawn circle; tape in postition using Sewer’s Fix It Tape. Continued on page 3 7. Hoop the self-adhesive tear-away stabilizer or the water activated adhesive tear-away stabilizer in a 4” x 4” or larger hoop. Position the wool/felt fabric over the stabilizer aligning one of the template’s markings with the center markings of the hoop, remove template and embroider. Repeat for seven remaining designs. )RUZDWHUDFWLYDWHGWHDUDZD\VWDELOL]HUKRRSDGKHVLYHVLGHXS8VHDGDPSVSRQJHWRPRLVWHQWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHVWDELOL]HUVRWKDWLW EHFRPHVWDFN\ )RUWKHVHOIDGKHVLYHWHDUDZD\VWDELOL]HUKRRSUHOHDVHOLQHUVLGHXS6FRUHDQGUHPRYHWKHUHOHDVHOLQHUWRH[SRVHWKHDGKHVLYH 8. Position and tape the six heart templates approximately 1/8”–1/4” within the embroidered scalloped border, spacing them close but evenly. 9. Embroider the applique heart designs, using the alignment and stabilizer techniques from step 7. Continued on page 4 10. Remove excess stabilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 11. Completely remove all center and diagonal cross marks following manufacturer’s instructions. 12. Steam press the embroidered square lightly with the right side down on a padded ironing surface. 13. Cut out the candle mat approximately 1/8”–1/4” from the embroidered scalloped edge. 14. Cut out a 13” x 13” square from the white wool felt fabric for the backing. 15. Lightly spray both wrong sides of the candle mat and backing with temporary adhesive spray. Continued on page 5 16. Layer, placing wrong sides together, and pin or thread baste the layers together. 17. Machine or hand stitch a blanket stitch around the outer scalloped edge of the candle mat through both felt layers. Note: It is important that the point of the needle goes over the thread loop that forms. 18. Cut the backing ng approximately 1/4" larger than the candle mat. For other exciting projects like this one, visit our website at
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