af_apr_15_wk14p46_Layout 2 3/26/15 11:37 AM Page 1 CENTRAL TEXAS FIELD TRIAL CLUB RUFFED GROUSE FIELD TRIAL CLUB & HEART O’ TEXAS FIELD TRIAL CLUB APRIL 11-12 SPRING TRIAL Members AFTCA & Region 7 • Blank Ammo & Manufactured Barrel Guns Only! APRIL 25-26 • HUBBARD, TX REGION 7 POINTS TRIAL Grounds: Porter Ranch. From intersection in Hubbard, TX (Hwy. 31 & Hwy. 71), go east on Hwy 31, .7 mile (near bank) and turn north (left) on N. Apple St. at field trial sign. Go north to “T” (one block), turn east (right) and follow signs. Gate is on west (left) side of road (approx. 3.7 miles). Lunches served on grounds. Drawing: Wednesday, April 22, 6:00 P.M., at the home of Mary Ann & Royce Gustafson, 8305 Elroy Rd., Del Valle, TX 78617. Lodging: West World Country Inn, Hubbard, TX—(254) 576-2541. Others in Corsicana or Hillsboro, TX. STAKES AND ORDER OF RUNNING — Saturday, April 25 — CENTRAL TEXAS AMATEUR ALL-AGE (30 Min.) .....................$40.00 CENTRAL TEXAS OPEN SHOOTING DOG DERBY (30 Min.).........$40.00 CENTRAL TEXAS AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG (30 Min.).............$40.00 Awards to winners — Sunday, April 26 — HEART O’TEXAS AMATEUR ALL-AGE (30 Min.) ......................$40.00 HEART O’TEXAS OPEN SHOOTING DOG DERBY (30 Min.) .........$40.00 HEART O’TEXAS AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG (30 Min.) .............$40.00 Awards to winners Judges: Jim Baker, Charlie Collier, Travis Goodner, Ben Kuykendall and Dickie Sorrell Grounds: Gladwin Game Refuge, Meredith, MI. Lunches will be available. TRACKING COLLARS WILL BE ALLOWED in accordance with AFTCA and American Field Guidelines. Club will not provide collars. Drawing: Wednesday, April 8, 6:00 P.M. (EDST), at the Mozey Inn, Morley, MI. JACK SECOR MEMORIAL OPEN SHOOTING DOG (30 Min.) ........$45.00 To start Saturday, April 11, 7:30 A.M. Purse: 40% of entry fees, less fees, split 50-30-20, plus rosettes Rotating Trophy to Winner • Multiple Courses. Judges: To be announced RUTH STUART OPEN PUPPY CLASSIC (25 Min.) ....................$30.00 To start Saturday, 8:00 A.M. Purse: 40% of entry fees, less fees, split 50-30-20, plus rosettes Rotating Trophy to Winner • Single Course. Judges: Ken Kortilla and Chuck Rowling JOHN R. STUART DERBY CLASSIC (30 Min.) ........................$40.00 To start no sooner than noon on Saturday Purse: 40% of entry fees, less fees, split 50-30-20, plus rosettes. Rotating Trophy to Winner • Multiple Courses. Judges: Greg Hilla and one to be announced OPEN SHOOTING DOG (30 Min.) .......................................$40.00 Rosettes • Multiple Courses. Judges: To be announced CRAIG MERLINGTON • Phone: (616) 862-2296 15333 Cedar Springs Ave., Cedar Springs, MI 49139 Entries to: MARY ANN GUSTAFSON Home: (512) 247-3731 • Cell: (512) 560-9196 Email: ATTN: CLUB OFFICIALS Porter Ranch, AFTCA, Region 7, club officers and officials are not responsible for accidents or loss of property while on the ranch. Trial dates that have been scheduled and confirmed for the season may be submitted for inclusion in the Fixtures column to provide an early notice of the club’s trial before the formal announcement appears. To comply with the minimum ad requirements, copy should be submitted to the American Field at least 45 days before the start of a trial. The AMERICAN FIELD is the oldest continuously published sporting dog journal in the United States, dating from 1874 to the present. Each week The AMERICAN FIELD provides its readers with the very latest news on purebred sporting dogs and field trial competition results. START YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! Half Year (24 issues)—$30.00 One Year (50 issues)—$56.00 • Two Years (100 issues)—$100.00 — Foreign & Canadian Subscriptions are an additional $30.00 per year — THE AMERICAN FIELD 542 S. Dearborn St., Suite 650, Chicago, IL 60605 Phone: (312) 663-9797 • Fax: (312) 663-5557 • E-mail: Please send The AMERICAN FIELD to the following address: Name........................................................................................................ Street........................................................................................................ City.........................................State....................Zip................................. Charge My: ❏ Visa ❏ Payment Enclosed ❏ MasterCard ❏ American Express Card Number ........................................................ Exp. Date................... Name (As it appears on the card)............................................................ Signature (Required)................................................................................ Street............................................................................................ City................................State.................Zip................................. Online Advertising—Your club’s trial information (stakes, fees, etc.) can be included on our website for a modest charge. Look for last year’s ad clipping in your mailbox for details, or contact the advertising dept.
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