AMERICA ON WHEELS MUSEUM PRESENTS SLOT CAR SHOW & AMERICA ON WHEELS GRAND PRIX FOR THE EDDIE SACHS MEMORIAL AWARD SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015 HOURS - 10AM to 3PM AT 5 NORTH FRONT STREET ALLENTOWN, PA 18102 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ON OR BEFORE Friday, May 22, 2015 VENDOR REGISTRATION ON OR AFTER May 23, 2015 _____8ft table(s) - $20 ____8ft table(s) - $25 The number of tables in the Long Haul is limited to 22 tables, and when they are booked, no other registrations will be accepted. Your reservation is not official until your payment is received by America On Wheels. VENDOR GUIDELINES • Registration must be mailed along with your check or money order (No refunds) • SET-UP - 7:30am - 9:30am • TEAR-DOWN - 3pm - 4:30pm • CONFIRMATION - Please send a self-address stamped envelope or include your email address • VENDOR ADMITTANCE - List helper's name on registration. Only you and helper may enter during set-up • Up to one helper per table will receive a badge and admission to the museum • VENDOR BADGE - Vendors & helpers must wear AOW Vendor Badge. Badge received upon check-in • TABLE LOCATION - AOW reserves all rights in assigning table locations • DISPLAYING MERCHANDISE - Merchandise will be confined to tables and directly under tables and will not overflow into the walkways • SALES TAX - Vendors are responsible for collection of sales tax when required SMOKING IS PROHIBITED IN MUSEUM VENDORS ARE EXPECTED TO STAY THE FULL LENGTH OF THE SHOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: _____________________________________ Phone #: ________________________________ Address: _________________________ City: _____________ State: ______ Zip: _______________ # of 8 ft. tables: __________ # of Vendor Space(s) ONLY Amount enclosed: $______________ Email: ________________________________ Helper: _____________________________________ Make checks payable and mail with registration form to America On Wheels - 5 North Front Street – Allentown, PA 18102 Vendor accepts full responsibility for loss and/or injury to themselves, staff, family and property while attending the show. Vendor releases AOW from all liability for any loss and/or injury. I have read the rules and regulations and I accept and agree to the terms, provisions, and conditions above. Vendor Signature ________________________________________________ Date _____________________ For additional information please call 610-432-4200 X 10 /email or visit All proceeds benefit America On Wheels Museum’s Education Programs and Changing Exhibit Galleries
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