.E LETTER qF INTENT From ttlte'mOer SecretarY District Child Protection Society. To Dated: Memo No. Subject:- under lntegrated Child Letter of lntent to engage You as a years' Protection Scheme (ICPS) purely on Contract for 3 on you as The District child protection society intends to engage conditions: contract basis under lcPS on the following terms and on consolidated remunerations per month' 10 Casual Leave in 12 You will be entitled to one leave per month subjectto maximum including medical in addition to Months in a calendar year for any personal reason you will not be entitled to any Gazetted Holidays, saturdays and sundays. However, You will be paid @ a a Rs. - pay leave, medical leave' other kind of leave such as earned leave, half and the Your assignment will automatically stand terminated on """/"""12017"" lapse of the contract period or and contract would automatically cease to operate on when the scheme ceases, whichever earlier' paper of Rs. 101 with two You will execute an agreement on a non-judicial stamp time of rePorting for dutY, witnesses and submit the same to the employer at the . agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract knowledge of work and lf your services which include behaviour, commitment to duty' of any misconduct, the employer touring to field are not found satisfactory and in case any time' with the consent of the society can terminate your services regular employment in the The assignment does not confer any right on you to claim SocietY. your academic certificates and full Your contract is further subject t9 the verification of test. compliance of eligibility criterion and the medicalfitness you. The Punjab civil services Rules shall not be applicable to you, you may sign the ln case the above terms and conditions are acceptable to office of the undersigned in next 5 working contract agreement and report your presence in the in waiting' days otl"enruise the offer would be extended to the next Member Secretary District Child Protection Society I I -- I I CONTRACT AGREEMENT rrris agre"ment is made on this..... ..... day of ............ between the Member Secretary, District Child Protection Society ( hereinafter called the first party ) and (hereinafter called the .R/o. S/o or D/O Sh. Ms/Mr second party) under first party intend to engage second party as lntegrated Child Protection Society ( ICPS) purely on contract basis up to 3 years i.e. (after the period of appr.3 years) and second party is ready to render his/her Whereas the for the above mentioned period' services as Now therefore, the second party hereby accepts the offer and signs the agreement on the following terms and conditions:- . That - the second party will be paid a consolidated Ms/Mr. Remuneration of Rs. _per month ( Contract Thousand per month). Besides the aforesaid remuneration the second party shall not be entitled to any other benefit in any form whatsoever. . . The post is non transferable. with the first party purelY That the second party has been engaged as on temporary basis and the assignment will automatically stand terminated on (after the period of appr.3 years) That aftei the expiry of assigned period this the period of bilateral agreement shall automatically come to an end on appr.3 years) without any requirement of notice or compensation etc. to the second party. However the first party reserves the right the period of to extend -(after contract after 15t12t2016 for a period not exceeding beyond 2 years. That the second party will be entitled to one leave per month subject to maximum 10 Casual Leave in 12 Months in a calendar year in addition to Gazetted Holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. However, they shall not be entitled to any other kind of leave such as earned leave, half pay leave, medical leave etc. Any unauthorized wilful absence for more than two consecutive working days would entail the extermination of contract and next person in panel may be offered this assignment. That if in case the second party fails to perform the job work aisigned to him/her and commits mistakes or misconduct] tfre first party shall have the right to terminate their assignment after giving a notice of one month without assigning any reason or by giving one month's contractual pay in lieu of the notice period to the second party. However, if term of an employee is left short of one month, service of that employee may be terminated by giving notice or by payment of contractual pay for that. short period. Furthermore, if at any stage you desire to resign from your post, you will be required to give one month's clear notice or forfeit in lieu thereof your one month's pay or for the p'eriod by which the notice falls short of one month. a No travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance will be paid for joining this post. a Thar rha nresent enoeoement of the second partv, for this work in terms of this Service second party to continue beybnd the aforesaid date nor would confer any vested right to seek any employment in the office of the first party. . That all dhe differences and disputes between the parties shall be referred to the Executive Committee of the Punjab State Child Protection Society and its decision would be binding on both parties. lN WITNESS WHEREOF Member Secretary, District Child Protection Society the first party and Ms/Mr. the second party, after understanding all the terms and conditions of this agreement have signed this service contract agreement at on this day of presence of the following witnesses. (Second Party) WITNESSES:- l. Signature Name: Date: Address: ll. Signature: Name: Date: Address: : Member Secretary District Child Protection Society in the
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