FABRIC LAYOUTS 2 1 1 selvedges This skirt look great at many different hem lengths, so adjust the skirt length to position the hemline to your preference. ALL WIDTHS, ALL SIZES selvedges Choose your skirt by your waist size as the skirt has several inches of ease at your hips. Decide where you want your skirt to hang from on your body and measure your body circumference at that point. The measurements on the back of the pattern are finished. So choose your size by where you want to wear your skirt, the waist or high hip is recommended. IMPORTANT NOTE: FOLD FABRIC WITH BOTH RIGHT SIDES UP. DO NOT CUT WITH RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER OR SOME OF THE PANELS WILL BE BACKWARDS. BE SURE TO CUT THE FABRIC ALONG THE FOLD, THEN TURN OR FLIP BOTH RIGHT SIDES OF THE FABRIC UP. LAY THE TISSUE WITH THE PRINT UP AND CUT BOTH RIGHT SIDES OF THE FABRIC UP. PLACE THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BOTTOM LAYER AGAINST THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TOP LAYER, THEN CUT. 3 2 1 3 Take note! PATTERN PIECES This pattern has 3/8" seam allowances! NICK AND ZOE’S SKIRT This eliminates the need to trim or clip most seam allowances during construction, so don't use 5/8" seams or your skirt won't fit! As are all the following instructions, this is an industrial technique designed to provide faster, better-looking results. 1 2 3 NICK & ZOE’S SKIRT 1. SKIRT FRONT & BACK YOKE 2. SKIRT FRONT & BACK LEFT SIDE BOTTOM 3. SKIRT FRONT & BACK RIGHT SIDE BOTTOM Then transfer those numbers, which will represent your hip shape, onto the tissue pattern to duplicate the shape of you onto the tissue. See below for changing the shape from what it currently is, to what you need it to be to fit you correctly. 2 3 1 Fusible knit interfacing is an option for this pattern. Depending on your choice of fabrics, a knit fusible will reduce wrinkling in raw silks, cottons, and linens, and will improve the drape, stability and body of all but the most heavy-weight fabrics, which you might choose not to interface. I recommend using 60”-wide fusible (available from “Silhouette Patterns,” if you can’t find it locallyCall 1-800-STITCH-5, 1-800-784-8245). Using this wide interfacing will allow you to lay out your fabric directly on top of your interfacing and cut them together. As soon as you’ve cut your fabric, go to the ironing board and fuse each piece. No more stay stitching! Here's how: Lay the fabric RIGHT SIDE DOWN on the ironing board, and then place the interfacing over it, GLUE SIDE DOWN. Dampen the interfacing all over with a water filled spray bottle. (THIS IS IMPORTANT—water preshrinks the interfacing and eliminates any bubbling). With the iron set to a temperature suitable for your fabric, press over the entire piece, section by section, starting at one end, and holding for a full 10 seconds per section. Then press the right side of the fabric to make sure the interfacing is completely adhered. Interfacing shrinks a small amount, but don't worry, this won't affect your outer fabric, or the skirt construction. Each person’s hip shape is unique, yet everyone’s hip shape follows some portion of the french curve. You can lay the french curve down on a garment that you wear, that you feel fits you correctly, then read the numbers on the french curve between the waist and hip. 3 CUTTING AND INTERFACING More unique features! FITTING YOUR HIP SHAPE 2 PATTERN MARKINGS GRAINLINE: Place on straight grain, an even distance from selvage or fold. Place on fold. CUTTING LINE. SEAM ALLOWANCE: 3/8" FROM CUTTING LINE Notches, dots and squares, for matching pieces. BEFORE (Larger waist) AFTER (Smaller waist)
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